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Two triple helix structures (15-mers containing only T.A-T triplets or containing mixed T.A-T and C.G-C triplets) have been studied by uranyl mediated DNA photocleavage to probe the accessibility of the phosphates of the DNA backbone. Whereas the phosphates of the pyrimidine strand are at least as accessible as in double stranded DNA, in the phosphates of the purine strand are partly shielded and more so at the 5'-end of the strand. With the homo A/T target increased cleavage is observed towards the 3'-end on the pyrimidine strand. These results show that the third strand is asymmetrically positioned along the groove with the tightest triple strand double strand interactions at the 5'-end of the third strand. The results also indicate that homo-A versus mixed A/G 'Hoogsteen-triple helices' have different structures.  相似文献   

The present paper reports that amikhellin, a drug so far used as a coronary vasodilator, binds to double-stranded DNA by an intercalation process which does not depend upon DNA base composition. The binding to DNA was established by spectrophotometry, ultracentrifugation and competition with ethidium bromide. The parameters of the binding equilibrium were calculated by these two latter methods. Evidence for intercalation was obtained from the observation by viscosimetric experiments of the length increase of sonicated calf thymus DNA and of the untwisting of circular PM2 DNA. The unwinding angle was measured to be 6° per bound drug molecule.  相似文献   

Rat liver DNA methylase forms two types of complexes with DNA which are distinguishable on the basis of their sensitivity to ionic strength. A weak complex which is dissociable by 0.2 m-NaCl is formed at 0 °C. A more tightly bound complex which is stable to 0.2 m-NaCl is formed at higher temperatures. On the basis of a comparison of the effects of salt upon tight complex formation and upon enzyme activity, it would appear that formation of the tightly bound complex is required for DNA methylation to occur. With tightly bound enzyme the methylation of high molecular weight DNA is nearly linear for 30 minutes in the presence of salt. Under the same conditions low molecular weight DNA's give non-linear kinetics which demonstrate a sharp reduction in the rate of methylation with time. The lower the molecular weight of the DNA fragments, the more marked is the deviation from linearity. On the basis of these data it is suggested that rat liver DNA cytosine-methylase which is tightly bound to DNA is able to accomplish several methyl group transfers without becoming detached from the DNA and that the enzyme must therefore walk along the DNA helix. We calculate that the walk is probably not random, but linear, and that the rate of walk may be about 1.5 to 3.5 base pairs per second.  相似文献   

The conformation of the DNA helix is supposed to be a critical element in site-specific recognition by ligands both large and small. Groove width is one important measure of the conformation which varies with the local nucleotide composition, perhaps because of the presence of a purine 2-amino group on G.C base pairs. We have probed DNA with G-->inosine (I) and/or A-->diaminopurine (DAP) substitutions to see whether the location of the purine 2-amino group can indeed affect the minor groove width. At acid pH, the reactivity towards uranyl nitrate is modulated in substituted DNA quite differently from natural DNA, consistent with a marked narrowing of the minor groove at sites of G-->I substitution and widening at sites of A-->DAP replacement. The latter exerts the dominant effect. The expected changes in conformation are equally evident in the patterns of susceptibility to DNase I cleavage, but not to hydroxyl radical attack. Nuclease cleavage is maximal in normal and substituted DNA at regions of inferred moderate groove width which are generally little affected by the nucleotide substitutions. Consistent with models of sequence-dependent cutting by DNase I we find that the presence of a purine 2-amino group on the base pair three places upstream of the cutting site has a profound influence on the rate of reaction.  相似文献   

(1) Evidence is presented that cytoplasmic particles, isolated from calfthymus cells, rat-liver cells and rabbit reticulocytes, possess a potential ability to bind DNA at a certain site and to form a cytoplasmic particle-DNA complex which is starch-electrophoretically and centrifugally separable from particles and DNA.(2) Chemical analysis of the complex formed revealed that the number of cytoplasmic particles which are capable of binding to one molecule of DNA is not markedly different from the number of nuclear ribosomal particles.(3) The binding sites appeared to be specific for only DNA and mRNA. However, the relative affinities for DNA and for poly (U) at a particular site differ greatly from those at other sites.(4) The differential affinities for certain classes of informational macromolecules on the particle are discussed. The possibility of a correlation with ribosomal differentiation is considered.  相似文献   

Studies on the mechanism of thrombin. Interaction with fibrin   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Fibrin monomer Sepharose was used to investigate the interactions of thrombin with fibrin. Thrombin binding was found to be reversible and saturable and to depend on the thrombin: fibrin ratio. Scatchard analysis indicated a single class of binding sites with K alpha = 4.9 X 10(5) M-1. Ca2+ ions caused rapid desorption and elution of thrombin from fibrin monomer, and the Ca2+ concentration needed for maximal desorption depended on the fibrin:thrombin ratio. Mg2+, Mn2+, and Sr2+ also released thrombin from fibrin monomer but not as efficiently as Ca2+. These results indicate that divalent metal ions induce a physical change in fibrin monomer which results in desorption of thrombin. Thrombin binding to fibrin in a gel was compared to binding to fibrin monomer. These studies showed that as fibrin monomers polymerize to form the gel network, thrombin is released. Under static conditions the released thrombin remains associated with the gel because diffusion is limited by the gel. However, the thrombin can be readily removed when buffer is allowed to flow through the gel. These results lead to the possibility that thrombin binding to fibrin monomer and its subsequent release, either by Ca2+ or by polymerization, may have important consequences for regulating the effective thrombin concentration in vivo.  相似文献   

Studies on amikhellin. I. Intercalative binding to double-stranded DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M Rucheton  P Jeanteur 《Biochimie》1973,55(11):1415-1420

Interaction of the DNA type I topoisomerases from the murine and human placenta cells with nonspecific oligonucleotides was analyzed. The contributions of strong and week nonspecific electrostatic, van der Waals's, and hydrophobic interactions, and hydrogen bonding of the enzymes to the complex formation with the single- and double-stranded DNAs were determined. The factors that determine the top-priority recognition of the topologically stressed DNA were revealed. The results were interpreted in comparison with the X-ray analysis data for human DNA topoisomerase I.  相似文献   

DN forms a complex with furazolidone producing thereby a quenching and a bathochromic shift of the drug absorption pattern. The binding isotherm was a non-linear one indicating involvement of more than one binding process in the formation of the furazolidone - DNA complex. The furazolidone - DNA complex inhibited digestion of DNA by DNAase and stabilized DNA against thermal strand separation by a significant degree.  相似文献   

Studies were made on the ultraviolet difference-spectra of glucoamylase from Rhizopus niveus [EC] specifically produced by the substrate maltose and the inhibitors, glucose, glucono-1: 5-lactone (gluconolactone), methyl beta-D-glucoside, cellubiose, and cyclohexa-, and cyclohepta-amyloses. Of these, maltose and gluconolactone produced characteristic difference spectra with a trough near 300 nm. Based on studies with a model compound for a tryptophan residue, Ac-Trp, this trough was attributed to the effect of a negative charge upon the tryptophan residue. From the concentration dependency of the difference spectra, the dissociation constants of the complexes between the enzyme and maltose, glucose, and gluconolactone were evaluated to be 1.2 mM, 51 mM, and 1.5 mM, respectively. These values are in good agreement with the values of Km or K1 obtained from the steady-state kinetics. The difference-spectrophotometric data suggested that referring to the values of subsite affinities of glucoamylase, maltose, and gluconolactone occupy mainly Subsite 1, where the non-reducing-end glucose residue of a substrate is bound in a productive form and that a tryptophan residue with shows a trough near 300 nm in difference spectra is located in this subsite.  相似文献   

Sandler (1970) suggested that mutation, abnormal oocyte (abo:2–38), may influence the function of the ribosomal RNA cistrons. We have examined the abo mutation and its interaction with the ribosomal DNA of Drosophila melanogaster. We observed that the expression of the abo phenotype is unstable under the appropriate conditions, a behavior which paralleled changes in the phenotypic expression of bobbed mutations during the magnification of the ribosomal DNA. The change in the expression of the abo phenotype is correlated with an increase in the redundancy of the ribosomal cistrons, further suggesting a functional interaction of the abo and bobbed regions.  相似文献   

The interaction of a fluorescent duplex DNA oligomer with the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I from Escherichia coli has been studied in solution by using time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. An aminonaphthalenesulfonate (dansyl) fluorescent probe was linked by a propyl chain to a C5-modified uridine base located at a specific site in the primer strand of the DNA oligomer. The fluorescent oligomer bound tightly to the Klenow fragment (KD = 7.9 nM), and the probe's position within the DNA-protein complex was varied by stepwise elongation of the primer strand upon addition of the appropriate deoxynucleoside triphosphates. The decay of the total fluorescence intensity and the polarization anisotropy were measured with a picosecond laser and a time-correlated single photon counting system. The fluorescence lifetimes, the correlation time for internal rotation, and the angular range of internal rotation varied according to the probe's position within the DNA-protein complex. These results showed that five or six bases of the primer strand upstream of the 3' terminus were in contact with the protein and that within this contact region there were differences in the degree of solvent accessibility and the closeness of contact. Further, a minor binding mode of the DNA-protein complex was identified, on the basis of heterogeneity of the probe environment observed when the probe was positioned seven bases upstream from the primer 3' terminus, which resulted in a distinctive "dip and rise" in the anisotropy decay. Experiments with an epoxy-terminated DNA oligomer and a site-directed mutant protein established that the labeled DNA was binding at the polymerase active site (major form) and at the spatially distinct 3'----5' exonuclease active site (minor form). The abundance of each of these distinct binding modes of the DNA-protein complex was estimated under solution conditions by analyzing the anisotropy decay of the dansyl probe. About 12% of the labeled DNA was bound at the 3'----5' exonuclease site. This method should be useful for investigating the editing mechanism of this important enzyme.  相似文献   

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