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The genome of bacteriophage phi 6 contains three segments of double-stranded RNA. Procapsid structures whose formation was directed by cDNA copies of the large genomic segment are capable of packaging the three viral message sense RNAs in the presence of ATP. Addition of UTP, CTP, and GTP results in the synthesis of minus strands to form double-stranded RNA. In this report, we show that procapsids are capable of taking up any of the three plus-strand single-stranded RNA segments independently of the others. In manganese-containing buffers, synthesis of the corresponding minus strand takes place. In magnesium-containing buffers, individual message sense viral RNA segments were packaged, but minus-strand replication did not take place unless all three viral single-stranded RNA segments were packaged. Since the conditions of packaging in magnesium buffer more closely resemble those in vivo, these results indicated that there is no specific order or dependence in packaging and that replication is regulated so that it does not begin until all segments are in place.  相似文献   

Characterization of segmented double-helical RNA from bacteriophage phi6   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The nucleic acid component of bacteriophage φ6 is characterized as a double stranded RNA molecule with a buoyant density of 1.605 g/cm3 and nucleotide composition of C, 27.3%; A, 21.8%; G, 28.9%; and U, 22.0%. The hyperchromicity profile in 0.1 × SSC (SSC is 0.15 m-NaCl, 0.015 m-sodium citrate) demonstrated a rapid increase with a Tm value of 91 °C. The nucleic acid was resistant to degradation by DNase, spleen phosphodiesterase and pancreatic RNase in 2 × SSC buffer but sensitive to degradation by venom phosphodiesterase, pancreatic RNase in 0.01 × SSC and hydrolysis in KOH. Three distinct double stranded RNA species of 2.2, 2.8 and 4.5 × 106 daltons were observed after rate zonal centrifugation, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy. This communication therefore presents data establishing a new class of double stranded RNA bacteriophage.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi6 has a segmented double-stranded RNA genome. The genomic single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) precursors are packaged into a preformed protein capsid, the polymerase complex, composed of viral proteins P1, P2, P4, and P7. Packaging of the genomic precursors is an energy-dependent process requiring nucleoside triphosphates. Protein P4, a nonspecific nucleoside triphosphatase, has previously been suggested to be the prime candidate for the viral packaging engine, based on its location at the vertices of the viral capsid and its biochemical characteristics. In this study we were able to obtain stable polymerase complex particles that are completely devoid of P4. Such particles were not able to package ssRNA segments and did not display RNA polymerase (either minus- or plus-strand synthesis) activity. Surprisingly, a mutation in P4, S250Q, which reduced the level of P4 in the particles to about 10% of the wild-type level, did not affect RNA packaging activity or change the kinetics of packaging. Moreover, such particles displayed minus-strand synthesis activity. However, no plus-strand synthesis was observed, suggesting that P4 has a role in the plus-strand synthesis reaction also.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi 6 has a segmented genome consisting of three pieces of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). The viral procapsid is the structure that packages plus strands, synthesizes the complementary negative strands to form dsRNA, and then transcribes dsRNA to form plus-strand message. The minus-strand synthesis of a particular genomic segment is dependent on prior packaging of the other segments. The 5' end of the plus strand is necessary and sufficient for packaging, while the normal 3' end is necessary for synthesis of the negative strand. We have now investigated the ability of truncated RNA segments which lack the normal 3' end of the molecules to stimulate the synthesis of minus strands of the other segments. Fragments missing the normal 3' ends were able to stimulate the minus-strand synthesis of intact heterologous segments. Minus-strand synthesis of one intact segment could be stimulated by the presence of two truncated nonreplicating segments. The 5' fragments of each single-stranded genomic segment can compete with homologous full-length single-stranded genomic segments in minus-strand synthesis reactions, suggesting that there is a specific binding site in the procapsid for each segment.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi6 genome consists of three segments of double-stranded RNA. During maturation, single-stranded copies of these segments are packaged into preformed polymerase complex particles. Only phi6 RNA is packaged, and each particle contains only one copy of each segment. An in vitro packaging and replication assay has been developed for phi6, and the packaging signals (pac sites) have been mapped to the 5' ends of the RNA segments. In this study, we propose secondary structure models for the pac sites of phi6 single-stranded RNA segments. Our models accommodate data from structure-specific chemical modifications, free energy minimizations, and phylogenetic comparisons. Previously reported pac site deletion studies are also discussed. Each pac site possesses a unique architecture, that, however, contains common structural elements.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi 6 has a genome of three segments of double-stranded RNA, designated L, M, and S. A 1.2-kbp kanamycin resistance gene was inserted into segment M but was shown to be genetically unstable because of a high recombination rate between segment M and the 3' ends of segments S and L. The high rate of recombination is due to complementary homopolymer tracts bounding the kan gene. Removal of one arm of this potential hairpin stabilizes the insertion. The insertion of a 241- or 427-bp lacZ' gene into segment M leads to a stable Lac+ phage. The insertion of the same genes bounded by complementary homopolymer arms leads to recombinational instability. A stable derivative of this phage was shown to have lost one of the homopolymer arms. Several other conditions foster recombination. The truncation of a genomic segment at the 3' end prevents replication, but such a damaged molecule can be rescued by recombination. Similarly, insertion of the entire 3-kb lacZ gene prevents normal formation of virus, but the viral genes can be rescued by recombination. It appears that conditions leading to the retardation or absence of replication of a particular genomic segment facilitate recombinational rescue.  相似文献   

A Aoyama  M Hayashi 《Cell》1986,47(1):99-106
Replication of a replicative form DNA of bacteriophage phi X174 initiates by rolling-circle synthesis of the viral DNA followed by discontinuous synthesis of the complementary DNA. Gene C protein of phi X174, which is involved in DNA packaging, inhibits the rolling-circle DNA synthesis by binding to the initiation complex in vitro. The gene C protein-associated initiation complex can synthesize and package the viral DNA to produce infectious phage when supplemented with phi X174 gene J protein and the prohead. Multiple rounds of phage synthesis occur without dissociation of the gene C protein from the complex. These results indicate that gene C protein is central in the switch from replication of a replicative form DNA to synthesis and concomitant packaging of viral DNA into phage capsid, which occurs in the late stage of infection.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi6 is an enveloped dsRNA virus with a segmented genome. Phi6 specifically packages one copy of each of its three genome segments into a preassembled polymerase complex. This leads to expansion of the polymerase complex, minus and plus strand RNA synthesis, and assembly of the nucleocapsid. The phi6 in vitro assembly and packaging system is a valuable model for dsRNA virus replication. The structure of the nucleocapsid at 7.5 A resolution presented here reveals the secondary structure of the two major capsid proteins. Asymmetric P1 dimers organize as an inner T = 1 shell, and P8 trimers organize as an outer T = 13 laevo shell. The organization of the P1 molecules in the unexpanded and expanded polymerase complex suggests that the expansion is accomplished by rigid body movements of the P1 monomers. This leads to exposure of new potential RNA binding surfaces to control the sequential packaging of the genome segments.  相似文献   

Raman tensors for localized vibrations of base (A, U, G, and C), ribose and phosphate groups of double-stranded RNA have been determined from polarized Raman measurements on oriented fibers of the genomic RNA of bacteriophage phi6. Polarized Raman intensities for which electric vectors of both the incident and scattered light are polarized either perpendicular (I[bb]) or parallel (I[cc]) to the RNA fiber axis have been obtained by Raman microspectroscopy using 514.5-nm excitation. Similarly, the polarized Raman components, I(bc) and I(cb), for which incident and scattered vectors are mutually perpendicular, have been obtained. Spectra collected from fibers maintained at constant relative humidity in both H2O and D2O environments indicate the effects of hydrogen-isotopic shifts on the Raman polarizations and tensors. Novel findings are the following: 1) the intense Raman band at 813 cm(-1), which is assigned to phosphodiester (OPO) symmetrical stretching and represents the key marker of the A conformation of double-stranded RNA, is characterized by a moderately anisotropic Raman tensor; 2) the prominent RNA band at 1101 cm(-1), which is assigned to phosphodioxy (PO2-) symmetrical stretching, also exhibits a moderately anisotropic Raman tensor. Comparison with results obtained previously on A, B, and Z DNA suggests that tensors for localized vibrations of backbone phosphodiester and phosphodioxy groups are sensitive to helix secondary structure and local phosphate group environment; and 3) highly anisotropic Raman tensors have been found for prominent and well-resolved Raman markers of all four bases of the RNA duplex. These enable the use of polarized Raman spectroscopy for the determination of purine and pyrimidine base residue orientations in ribonucleoprotein assemblies. The present determination of Raman tensors for dsRNA is comprehensive and accurate. Unambiguous tensors have been deduced for virtually all local vibrational modes of the 300-1800 cm(-1) spectral interval. The results provide a reliable basis for future evaluations of the effects of base pairing, base stacking, and sequence context on the polarized Raman spectra of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

In vitro translation of the three bacteriophage phi 6 RNAs.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In vitro translation of the three single-stranded RNAs transcribed in vitro by bacteriophage phi 6 RNA polymerase revealed that the large RNA codes for phage proteins P1, P2, P4, and P7, the medium RNA codes for P3, P6, and P10, and the smaller RNA for P5, P8, and P9.  相似文献   

The binding of the bacteriophage phi X 174-coded A and A* proteins to single-stranded (ssDNA) and double-stranded (dsDNA ) phi X DNA was studied by electron microscopy. The interaction of the A* protein with ssDNA and dsDNA was also studied by sedimentation velocity centrifugation. It was shown that the binding of the A and A* proteins to ssDNA occurs in a non-cooperative manner and requires no or very little sequence specificity under the conditions used here. Both protein-ssDNA complexes have the same compact structure caused by intrastrand cross-linking through the interaction of protein molecules with separate parts of the ssDNA molecule. The A protein does not bind to phi X dsDNA in the absence of divalent cations. The A* protein does bind to dsDNA, although it has a strong preference for binding to ssDNA. The structure of the A* protein-dsDNA complexes is different from that of the A* protein-ssDNA complexes, as the former have a rosette-like structure caused by protein-protein interactions. High ionic strengths favour the formation of large condensed aggregates.  相似文献   

Chao L  Rang CU  Wong LE 《Journal of virology》2002,76(7):3276-3281
When a parent virus replicates inside its host, it must first use its own genome as the template for replication. However, once progeny genomes are produced, the progeny can in turn act as templates. Depending on whether the progeny genomes become templates, the distribution of mutants produced by an infection varies greatly. While information on the distribution is important for many population genetic models, it is also useful for inferring the replication mode of a virus. We have analyzed the distribution of mutants emerging from single bursts in the RNA bacteriophage phi6 and find that the distribution closely matches a Poisson distribution. The match suggests that replication in this bacteriophage is effectively by a stamping machine model in which the parental genome is the main template used for replication. However, because the distribution deviates slightly from a Poisson distribution, the stamping machine is not perfect and some progeny genomes must replicate. By fitting our data to a replication model in which the progeny genomes become replicative at a given rate or probability per round of replication, we estimated the rate to be very low and on the on the order of 10(-4). We discuss whether different replication modes may confer an adaptive advantage to viruses.  相似文献   

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