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Our purpose has been to synthesize reactive fluorescent compounds with different excitation and/or emission spectra that can be used for multiple fluorescence analysis in combination with the “natural” cell fluorescence exhibited by reduced coenzyme (NAD(P)H) or flavins. Synthesis of condensation products of p-bis(2-chloroethyl)-amino-benzaldehyde is described. Their absorption spectra range from 360 to 480 nm and their emission spectra lie between 520 and 590 nun. Examples of cytological applications are given.  相似文献   

Six water-soluble free-base porphyrin-Ru(II) conjugates, 1-3, and Zn(II) porphyrin-Ru(II) conjugates, 4-6, with different linkers between the hydrophobic porphyrin moiety and the hydrophilic Ru(II)-polypyridyl complex, have been synthesized. The linear and two-photon-induced photophysical properties of these conjugates were measured and evaluated for their potential application as dual in vitro imaging and photodynamic therapeutic (PDT) agents. Conjugates 1-3, with their high luminescence and singlet oxygen quantum yields, were selected for further study of their cellular uptake, subcellular localization, and cytotoxic and photocytotoxic (under linear and two-photon excitation) properties using HeLa cells. Conjugate 2, with its hydrophobic phenylethynyl linker, was shown to be highly promising for further development as a bifunctional probe for two-photon (NIR) induced PDT and in vitro imaging. Cellular uptake and subcellular localization properties were shown to be crucial to its PDT efficacy.  相似文献   

Membrane potential measurements using voltage-sensitive dyes (VSDs) have made important contributions to our understanding of electrophysiological properties of multi-cellular systems. Here, we report the development of long wavelength VSDs designed to record cardiac action potentials (APs) from deeper layers in the heart. The emission spectrum of styryl VSDs was red-shifted by incorporating a thienyl group in the polymethine bridge to lengthen and retain the rigidity of the chromophore. Seven dyes, Pittsburgh I to IV and VI to VIII (PGH I-VIII) were synthesized and characterized with respect to their spectral properties in organic solvents and heart muscles. PGH VSDs exhibited 2 absorption, 2 excitation and 2 voltage-sensitive emission peaks, with large Stokes shifts (> 100 nm). Hearts (rabbit, guinea pig and Rana pipiens) and neurohypophyses (CD-1 mice) were effectively stained by injecting a bolus (10–50 μl) of stock solution of VSD (2–5 mM) dissolved in in dimethylsulfoxide plus low molecular weight Pluronic (16% of L64). Other preparations were better stained with a bolus of VSD (2–5 mM) Tyrode’s solution at pH 6.0. Action spectra measured with a fast CCD camera showed that PGH I exhibited an increase in fractional fluorescence, ΔF/F = 17.5 % per AP at 720 nm with 550 nm excitation and ΔF/F = − 6% per AP at 830 nm with 670 nm excitation. In frog hearts, PGH1 was stable with ∼30% decrease in fluorescence and AP amplitude during 3 h of intermittent excitation or 1 h of continuous high intensity excitation (300 W Xe-Hg Arc lamp), which was attributed to a combination of dye wash out > photobleaching > dynamic damage > run down of the preparation. The long wavelengths, large Stokes shifts, high ΔF/F and low baseline fluorescence make PGH dyes a valuable tool in optical mapping and for simultaneous mapping of APs and intracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - Rhodamine derivatives are heterocyclic compound, related to the fluorescent probe having a profound application in the field of biotechnology. Herein, we...  相似文献   

Non muscle myosin II (NMII) is a major motor protein present in all cell types. The three known vertebrate NMII isoforms share high sequence homology but play different cellular roles. The main difference in sequence resides in the C-terminal non-helical tailpiece (tailpiece). In this study we demonstrate that the tailpiece is crucial for proper filament size, overcoming the intrinsic properties of the coiled-coil rod. Furthermore, we show that the tailpiece by itself determines the NMII filament structure in an isoform-specific manner, thus providing a possible mechanism by which each NMII isoform carries out its unique cellular functions. We further show that the tailpiece determines the cellular localization of NMII-A and NMII-B and is important for NMII-C role in focal adhesion complexes. We mapped NMII-C sites phosphorylated by protein kinase C and casein kinase II and showed that these phosphorylations affect its solubility properties and cellular localization. Thus phosphorylation fine-tunes the tailpiece effects on the coiled-coil rod, enabling dynamic regulation of NMII-C assembly. We thus show that the small tailpiece of NMII is a distinct domain playing a role in isoform-specific filament assembly and cellular functions.Non muscle myosin II (NMII)2 is a major motor protein present in all cell types participating in crucial processes, including cytokinesis, surface attachment, and cell movement (13). NMII units are hexamers of two long heavy chains with two pairs of light chains attached. NMII heavy chain is composed of a globular head containing the actin binding and force generating ATPase domains, followed by a large coiled-coil rod that terminates with a short non-helical tailpiece (tailpiece). To carry out its cellular functions, NMII assembles into dimers and higher order filaments by interactions of the coiled-coil rod (4). The assembly process is governed by electrostatic interactions between adjacent coiled-coil rods containing alternating charged regions with specific periodicity (59) and is enhanced by activation of the motor domain through regulatory light chain phosphorylation (1012). The charge periodicity also determines the register and orientation of each NMII hexamer in the filament. Additionally the C-terminal region of the coiled-coil rod contains a distinctive positively charged region and the assembly-competence domains that are crucial for proper filament assembly (59, 13).Three isoforms of NMII (termed NMII-A, NMII-B, and NMII-C) have been identified in mammals (1416). Although NMII isoforms share somewhat overlapping roles, each isoform has distinctive tissue distribution and specific functions. NMII-A is important for neural growth cone retraction (17, 18) and is distributed to the front of migrating endothelial cells (19). While NMII-B participates in growth cone advancement (20) and was detected in the retracting tails of migrating endothelial cells (19). Furthermore NMII-A and NMII-B have an opposing effect on motility, since depletion of NMII-A leads to increased motility while NMII-B depletion hinders motility (21, 22). NMII-C plays a role in cytokinesis (23) and has distinct distribution in neuronal cells (24). Furthermore one NMII isoform only partly rescue cells in which siRNA was used to reduce the expression of another isoform (23, 25). This functional diversity is achieved despite a significant amino acid sequence identity between the isoforms (overall 64–80%), and the origin of these differential distributions and functions is not completely understood.Recent studies suggest that the C-terminal portion of NMII-A and NMII-B, particularly the last ∼170 amino acids, is responsible for the differential distribution of these NMII isoforms (26, 27). It was shown that swapping this region between NMII-A and NMII-B resulted in chimeric proteins, which adopted cellular localization according to the C-terminal part (26). This C-terminal ∼170 amino acid coiled-coil region contains the assembly-competence domains and other regions that are critical for filament assembly (59, 13) as well as the non-helical tailpiece. As the small tailpiece is also an important regulator of NMII filament assembly (27, 28) capable of changing NMII filament assembly properties; and phosphorylation of NMII tailpiece was shown to interfere with filament assembly (2933) the tailpiece may be important for allowing NMII to perform its dynamic tasks. Because the coiled-coil regions are highly conserved between NMII isoforms, while the tailpiece is the most divergent, it is therefore a good candidate for mediating NMII isoform-specific functions. However, the exact mechanism by which the tailpiece affects NMII function is not fully understood. Here we show that the tailpiece serves as an isoform-specific control mechanism modulating filament order, assembly, and cellular function.  相似文献   

The major water-soluble polypeptide with molecular weight of approximately 23 kDa (the 23 kDa polypeptide) was identified in the lens of common frog Rana temporaria L. According to the gel filtration data, the peptide is a part of an oligomeric protein with molecular weight over than 300 kDa (-crystallin fraction). A highly pure fraction of the 23 kDa polypeptide was isolated by two-step ion-exchange chromatography and SDS electrophoresis and the specific antibodies were obtained. Immunohistochemistry showed the presence of the 23 kDa polypeptide in the cytoplasm of lens epithelial cells (including its central region) and in the zones neighboring the plasma membranes in the cortical fibers. The 23 kDa polypeptide was not found in the lens central zone (nucleus). It was also present in the retina (in the cells of inner nuclear layers), but not in the other tissues and organs of adult frog. Immunochemical analysis showed that the 23 kDa polypeptide was different from all known crystallins of frogs and other animals (bull, mouse, rat, and chicken). The nature of the 23 kDa polypeptide and the relation of its expression with the lens cell differentiation are discussed.  相似文献   

Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) enhance the damaging absorbance effects of high-energy photons in radiation therapy by increasing the emission of Auger-photoelectrons in the nm-μm range. It has been shown that the incorporation of GNPs has a significant effect on radiosensitivity of cells and their dose-dependent clonogenic survival. One major characteristic of GNPs is also their diameter-dependent cellular uptake and retention. In this article, we show by means of an established embodiment of localization microscopy, spectral position determination microscopy (SPDM), that imaging with nanometer resolution and systematic counting of GNPs becomes feasible, because optical absorption and plasmon resonance effects result in optical blinking of GNPs at a size-dependent wavelength. To quantify cellular uptake and retention or release, SPDM with GNPs that have diameters of 10 and 25 nm was performed after 2 h and after 18 h. The uptake of the GNPs in HeLa cells was either achieved via incubation or transfection via DNA labeling. On average, the uptake by incubation after 2 h was approximately double for 10 nm GNPs as compared to 25 nm GNPs. In contrast, the uptake of 25 nm GNPs by transfection was approximately four times higher after 2 h. The spectral characteristics of the fluorescence of the GNPs seem to be environment-dependent. In contrast to fluorescent dyes that show blinking characteristics due to reversible photobleaching, the blinking of GNPs seems to be stable for long periods of time, and this facilitates their use as an appropriate dye analog for SPDM imaging.  相似文献   

The efficient transport of micron-sized beads into cells, via a non-endocytosis mediated mechanism, has only recently been described. As such there is considerable scope for optimization and exploitation of this procedure to enable imaging and sensing applications to be realized. Herein, we report the design, synthesis and characterization of fluorescent microsphere-based cellular delivery agents that can also carry biological cargoes. These core-shell polymer microspheres possess two distinct chemical environments; the core is hydrophobic and can be labeled with fluorescent dye, to permit visual tracking of the microsphere during and after cellular delivery, whilst the outer shell renders the external surfaces of the microspheres hydrophilic, thus facilitating both bioconjugation and cellular compatibility. Cross-linked core particles were prepared in a dispersion polymerization reaction employing styrene, divinylbenzene and a thiol-functionalized co-monomer. These core particles were then shelled in a seeded emulsion polymerization reaction, employing styrene, divinylbenzene and methacrylic acid, to generate orthogonally functionalized core-shell microspheres which were internally labeled via the core thiol moieties through reaction with a thiol reactive dye (DY630-maleimide). Following internal labeling, bioconjugation of green fluorescent protein (GFP) to their carboxyl-functionalized surfaces was successfully accomplished using standard coupling protocols. The resultant dual-labeled microspheres were visualized by both of the fully resolvable fluorescence emissions of their cores (DY630) and shells (GFP). In vitro cellular uptake of these microspheres by HeLa cells was demonstrated conventionally by fluorescence-based flow cytometry, whilst MTT assays demonstrated that 92% of HeLa cells remained viable after uptake. Due to their size and surface functionalities, these far-red-labeled microspheres are ideal candidates for in vitro, cellular delivery of proteins.  相似文献   


The synthesis of 5-β-D-ribofuranosylselenophene-3-carboxamide (selenophenfurin) is reported. Selenophenfurin was found active as cytotoxic agent and as inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor.  相似文献   

Retrograde labeling of neurons is a standard anatomical method1,2 that has also been used to load calcium and voltage-sensitive dyes into neurons3-6. Generally, the dyes are applied as solid crystals or by local pressure injection using glass pipettes. However, this can result in dilution of the dye and reduced labeling intensity, particularly when several hours are required for dye diffusion. Here we demonstrate a simple and low-cost technique for introducing fluorescent and ion-sensitive dyes into neurons using a polyethylene suction pipette filled with the dye solution. This method offers a reliable way for maintaining a high concentration of the dye in contact with axons throughout the loading procedure.  相似文献   

The synthesis of unsymmetrical polymethine cyanine derivatives of f luorescent dyes is described, and their potential as a component of hybridization probes for the real-time PCR technique is first demonstrated.  相似文献   

Sections of a thickness of 15 β cut from unfixed material by means of a freezing microtome were treated for 1 hr with 0.2% aqueous solutions of a number of fluorochromes. Under normal microscopical conditions no uniform staining pattern could be observed. With the aid of an ultraviolet microscope, however, one type of fluorescence pattern became apparent. In all cases observed the thickened gelatinous secondary cell walls of tension wood showed a remarkable lack of fluorescence; this in marked contrast with a very distinct fluorescence exhibited by the primary cell wall and by both primary and secondary cell walls of normal wood.  相似文献   

We report the solid-phase synthesis by the Fmoc strategy of a peptide containing a cysteamide group at its C-terminus. This peptide was subject to further modifications including the linkage of fluorophores, namely lucifer yellow and coumarin respectively, at the C- and/or N-terminals. After incubation with living cultured cells these two probes were localized and it is concluded that the post-synthesis modifications can strongly modify the localization of the peptide.  相似文献   


The synthesis of a new fluorescently labeled medium-sensitive lipophilic oligonucleotide is reported. A fluorescent chalcone chromophore was introduced between the 5′ end of the nucleic acid and the fatty hydrocarbon chains. A blue shift of both absorption and emission wavelength maxima results from a transfer of the chromophore to a more hydrophobic medium or upon binding of the conjugate to unilamellar vesicles of egg phosphatidyl choline. These conjugates could be used as markers for cell uptake studies of lipophilic nucleic acid derivatives.  相似文献   

The glyoxylate shunt enzymes, isocitrate lyase and malate synthase, were present at high levels in mycelium grown on acetate as sole source of carbon, compared with mycelium grown on sucrose medium. The glyoxylate shunt activities were also elevated in mycelium grown on glutamate or Casamino Acids as sole source of carbon, and in amino acid-requiring auxotrophic mutants grown in sucrose medium containing limiting amounts of their required amino acid. Under conditions of enhanced catabolite repression in mutants grown in sucrose medium but starved of Krebs cycle intermediates, isocitrate lyase and malate synthase levels were derepressed compared with the levels in wild type grown on sucrose medium. This derepression did not occur in related mutants in which Krebs cycle intermediates were limiting growth but catabolite repression was not enhanced. No Krebs cycle intermediate tested produced an efficient repression of isocitrate lyase activity in acetate medium. Of the two forms of isocitrate lyase in Neurospora, isocitrate lyase-1 constituted over 80% of the isocitrate lyase activity in acetate-grown wild type and also in each of the cases already outlined in which the glyoxylate shunt activities were elevated on sucrose medium. On the basis of these results, it is concluded that the synthesis of isocitrate lyase-1 and malate synthase in Neurospora is regulated by a glycolytic intermediate or derivative. Our data suggest that isocitrate lyase-1 and isocitrate lyase-2 are the products of different structural genes. The metabolic roles of the two forms of isocitrate lyase and of the glyoxylate cycle are discussed on the basis of their metabolic control and intracellular localization.  相似文献   


The synthesis of BODIPY conjugated cationic lipids was achieved in three steps from 3-bromopropane-1,2 diol as the starting material. These compounds were evaluated for their ability to enhance cellular uptake of the antisense oligonucleotides.  相似文献   


The efficiency of DNA labeling was assessed for 2'-deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate (dUTP) derivatives containing the Cy7 cyanine dye as a fluorophore. Two fluorescent Cy7-labeled dUTP analogs differed in the chemical structure of the linker between the fluorophore and nucleotide moieties. The efficiency of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and inhibition with modified nucleotides were estimated by real-time PCR. The efficiency of labeled nucleotide incorporation in PCR products was measured by quantitative electrophoresis. The efficiency of target DNA labeling was evaluated by binding the fluorescently labeled PCR products to a microarray of oligonucleotide probes immobilized in hydrogel drops (a biochip). The near-infrared hybridization signal was detected by digital luminescence microscopy. An increase in linker length was found to provide more efficient incorporation of the labeled nucleotide. Both of the compounds provided high sensitivity and high specificity of DNA testing via allele-specific hybridization on a biochip.


单端孢霉烯B族毒素脱氧雪腐镰刀烯醇(deoxinivalenol, DON)是产毒镰刀菌在侵染小麦等作物过程中的一类重要的致病因子,可以帮助产毒镰刀菌在麦穗间扩展。DON会抑制蛋白质合成,对动物、微生物和寄主具有毒性(cytotoxicity and phytotoxicity),然而产毒镰刀菌自身借助何种保护机制免受DON毒害目前研究甚少。DON毒害机制的研究对于镰刀菌毒素的持续防控和粮食安全、人民生命健康保障具有重要意义。综述了产毒镰刀菌DON合成解毒机制的最新研究进展,主要包括DON合成的亚细胞定位、合成基因簇内的外排蛋白和解毒基因作用方式,以期为有针对性地破解其解毒机制,设计研发高效靶向控毒技术的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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