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Chronic psychosocial stress is increasingly being recognised as a risk factor for sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD). The hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA axis) is the major stress response pathway in the body and tightly regulates the production of cortisol, a glucocorticoid hormone. Dysregulation of the HPA axis and increased levels of cortisol are commonly found in AD patients and make a major contribution to the disease process. The underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. In addition, within the general population there are interindividual differences in sensitivities to glucocorticoid and stress responses, which are thought to be due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. These differences could ultimately impact an individuals’ risk of AD. The purpose of this review is first to summarise the literature describing environmental and genetic factors that can impact an individual's HPA axis reactivity and function and ultimately AD risk. Secondly, we propose a mechanism by which genetic factors that influence HPA axis reactivity may also impact inflammation, a key driver of neurodegeneration. We hypothesize that these factors can mediate glucocorticoid priming of the immune cells of the brain, microglia, to become pro-inflammatory and promote a neurotoxic environment resulting in neurodegeneration. Understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms and identifying these genetic factors has implications for evaluating stress-related risk/progression to neurodegeneration, informing the success of interventions based on stress management and potential risks associated with the common use of glucocorticoids.  相似文献   

Sticholysin I (St I) is a pore-forming toxin (PFT) produced by the Caribbean Sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus belonging to the actinoporin protein family, a unique class of eukaryotic PFT exclusively found in sea anemones. As for actinoporins, it has been proposed that the presence of sphingomyelin (SM) and the coexistence of lipid phases increase binding to the target membrane. However, little is known about the role of membrane structure and dynamics (phase state, fluidity, presence of lipid domains) on actinoporins' activity or which regions of the membrane are the most favorable platforms for protein insertion. To gain insight into the role of SM on the interaction of St I to lipid membranes we studied their binding to monolayers of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and SM in different proportions. Additionally, the effect of acyl chain length and unsaturation, two features related to membrane fluidity, was evaluated on St I binding to monolayers. This study revealed that St I binds and penetrates preferentially and with a faster kinetic to liquid-expanded films with high lateral mobility and moderately enriched in SM. A high content of SM induces a lower lateral diffusion and/or liquid-condensed phases, which hinder St I binding and penetration to the lipid monolayer. Furthermore, the presence of lipid domain borders does not appear as an important factor for St I binding to the lipid monolayer.  相似文献   

Generic features associated with the adsorption of proteins on solid surfaces are reviewed within the framework of the hydrophobic-polar (HP) lattice protein model. The thermodynamic behaviour and structural properties of various HP protein sequences interacting with attractive surfaces have been studied using extensive Wang–Landau sampling with different types of surfaces, each of which attracts either: all monomers, only hydrophobic (H) monomers or only polar (P) monomers, respectively. Consequently, different types of folding behaviour occur for varied surface strengths. Analysis of the combined patterns of various structural observables, e.g. the derivatives of the number of interaction contacts, together with the specific heat, leads to the identification of fundamental categories of folding and transition hierarchies. We also inferred a connection between the transition categories and the relative surface strengths, i.e. the ratios of the surface attractive strengths to the intra-chain attraction among H monomers. Thus, we believe that the folding hierarchies and identification scheme are generic for different HP sequences interacting with attractive surfaces, regardless of the chain length, sequence or surface attraction.  相似文献   

Most imprinted loci have key regulatory elements that are methylated on only one of the parental chromosomes. For several of these 'differentially methylated regions', recent studies establish that the unmethylated chromosome has a specialized chromatin organization that is characterized by nuclease hypersensitivity. The novel data raise the question of whether specific proteins and associated chromatin features regulate the allele-specificity of DNA methylation at these imprinting control elements.  相似文献   

To increase base recognition capability and sensitivity, we propose the separation of a commonly used single-probe system for oligonucleotide analysis into a set of three probes: a fluorophore-labeled probe, a promoter probe, and a short probe. In this study, we found that the probes of only 4 nt in length can selectively bind the corresponding gap site on complexes consisting of the target, fluorophore-labeled probe, and promoter probe, exhibiting a more than 14-fold difference in ligation between the matched and mismatched sequences. Moreover, we demonstrated that the immobilized short probes accurately recognized the sequences of the gap sites.  相似文献   

The DNA ligase IV–Xrcc4 complex is responsible for the ligation of broken DNA ends in the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway of DNA double strand break repair in mammals. Mutations in DNA ligase IV (Lig4) lead to immunodeficiency and radiosensitivity in humans. Only partial structural information for Lig4 and Xrcc4 is available, while the structure of the full-length proteins and their arrangement within the Lig4–Xrcc4 complex is unknown. The C-terminal domain of Xrcc4, whose structure has not been solved, contains phosphorylation sites for DNA-PKcs and is phylogenetically conserved, indicative of a regulatory role in NHEJ. Here, we have purified full length Xrcc4 and the Lig4–Xrcc4 complex, and analysed their structure by single-particle electron microscopy. The three-dimensional structure of Xrcc4 at a resolution of ~37 Å reveals that the C-terminus of Xrcc4 forms a dimeric globular domain connected to the N-terminus by a coiled-coil. The N- and C-terminal domains of Xrcc4 locate at opposite ends of an elongated molecule. The electron microscopy images of the Lig4–Xrcc4 complex were examined by two-dimensional image processing and a double-labelling strategy, identifying the site of the C-terminus of Xrcc4 and the catalytic core of Lig4 within the complex. The catalytic domains of Lig4 were found to be in the vicinity of the N-terminus of Xrcc4. We provide a first sight of the structural organization of the Lig4–Xrcc4 complex, which suggests that the BRCT domains could provide the link of the ligase to Xrcc4 while permitting some movements of the catalytic domains of Lig4. This arrangement may facilitate the ligation of diverse configurations of damaged DNA.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of a gibberellin-regulated wheat -amylase promoter, -Amy2/54, has indicated that three regions were essential for expression. By studying the ability of mutant promoters, containing a randomly inserted 22 bp excision linker, to direct expression in oat aleurone protoplasts we have refined the positions and extents of these three cis elements and also demonstrated the presence of two additional elements. By converting the linker insertions to either single base point mutations or deletions using the class IIS restriction endonuclease Bsm I we have shown that nucleotides –119 and –109 within the GARE –121GTAACAGAGTCTGG–108 and nucleotide –152 within the proposed element –156GATTGACTTGACC–144 are essential for high level expression from this promoter.  相似文献   

Dynamic protein turnover through regulated protein synthesis and degradation ensures cellular growth, proliferation, differentiation and adaptation. Eukaryotic cells utilize two mechanistically distinct but largely complementary systems — the 26S proteasome and the lysosome (or vacuole in yeast and plants) — to effectively target a wide range of proteins for degradation. The concerted action of the ubiquitination machinery and the 26S proteasome ensures the targeted and tightly regulated degradation of a subset of commonly short-lived cellular proteins. Autophagy is a distinct degradation pathway, which transports a highly heterogeneous set of cargos in dedicated vesicles, called autophagosomes, to the lysosome. There the cargo becomes degraded and its molecular building blocks are recycled. While general autophagy randomly engulfs portions of the cytosol, selective autophagy employs dedicated cargo adaptors to specifically enrich the forming autophagosomes for a certain type of cargo as a response to various intra- or extracellular signals. Selective autophagy targets a wide range of cargos including long-lived proteins and protein complexes, organelles, protein aggregates and even intracellular microbes. In this review we summarize available data on cargo recognition mechanisms operating in selective autophagy and the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS), and emphasize their differences and common themes. Moreover, we derive general regulatory principles underlying cargo recognition in selective autophagy, and describe the system-wide crosstalk between these two cellular protein degradation systems. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Ubiquitin–Proteasome System. Guest Editors: Thomas Sommer and Dieter H. Wolf.  相似文献   

Host–parasitoid metapopulation models have typically been deterministic models formulated with population numbers as a continuous variable. Spatial heterogeneity in local population abundance is a typical (and often essential) feature of these models and means that, even when average population density is high, some patches have small population sizes. In addition, large temporal population fluctuations are characteristic of many of these models, and this also results in periodically small local population sizes. Whenever population abundances are small, demographic stochasticity can become important in several ways. To investigate this problem, we have reformulated a deterministic, host–parasitoid metapopulation as an integer-based model in which encounters between hosts and parasitoids, and the fecundity of individuals are modelled as stochastic processes. This has a number of important consequences: (1) stochastic fluctuations at small population sizes tend to be amplified by the dynamics to cause massive population variability, i.e. the demographic stochasticity has a destabilizing effect; (2) the spatial patterns of local abundance observed in the deterministic counterpart are largely maintained (although the area of ''spatial chaos'' is extended); (3) at small population sizes, dispersal by discrete individuals leads to a smaller fraction of new patches being colonized, so that parasitoids with small dispersal rates have a greater tendency for extinction and higher dispersal rates have a larger competitive advantage; and (4) competing parasitoids that could coexist in the deterministic model due to spatial segregation cannot now coexist for any combination of parameters.  相似文献   

Chromosome stability models are usually qualitative models derived from molecular-genetic mechanisms for DNA repair, DNA synthesis, and cell division. While qualitative models are informative, they are also challenging to reformulate as precise quantitative models. In this report we explore how (A) laboratory experiments, (B) quantitative simulation, and (C) seriation algorithms can inform models of chromosome stability. Laboratory experiments were used to identify 19 genes that when over-expressed cause chromosome instability in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To better understand the molecular mechanisms by which these genes act, we explored their genetic interactions with 18 deletion mutations known to cause chromosome instability. Quantitative simulations based on a mathematical model of the cell cycle were used to predict the consequences of several genetic interactions. These simulations lead us to suspect that the chromosome instability genes cause cell-cycle perturbations. Cell-cycle involvement was confirmed using a seriation algorithm, which was used to analyze the genetic interaction matrix to reveal an underlying cyclical pattern. The seriation algorithm searched over 1014 possible arrangements of rows and columns to find one optimal arrangement, which correctly reflects events during cell cycle phases. To conclude, we illustrate how the molecular mechanisms behind these cell cycle events are consistent with established molecular interaction maps.  相似文献   

Yeonkyoung Park  Joori Park 《Autophagy》2018,14(6):1079-1081
Many neurodegenerative disorders feature the presence of misfolded polypeptide-containing intracellular inclusion bodies biochemically and morphologically analogous to cellular aggresomes. However, it is largely unknown how misfolded polypeptides form aggresomes and are eventually cleared by the aggresome-macroautophagy/autophagy pathway, so-called aggrephagy. Our recent study revealed that when the ubiquitin-proteasome system is impaired, the accumulated misfolded polypeptides are selectively recognized and transported to the aggresome by a CED complex. This complex is composed of CTIF, originally identified as a specific factor for nuclear cap-binding protein complex (a heterodimer of NCBP1/CBP80 and NCBP2/CBP20)-dependent translation (CT), and its associated factors EEF1A1 and DCTN1. Aggresomal targeting of a misfolded polypeptide via the CED complex is accompanied by CTIF release from the CT complex and thereby inhibits CT efficiency. Therefore, our study provides new mechanistic insights into the crosstalk between translational inhibition and aggresome formation under the influence of a misfolded polypeptide.  相似文献   

Organometallic complexes conjugated to cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are promising systems for diagnostic imaging and therapeutic applications in human medicine. Recently, we reported on the synthesis of cymantrene(CpMn(CO)3)–CPP conjugates with biological activity on different cancer cell lines. However, the precise mechanism of cytotoxicity remained elusive in these studies. To investigate the role of the metal center and the linker between the CpM(CO)3 moiety and the peptide, a number of derivatives with manganese replaced by rhenium and the keto linker originally used substituted by a methylene group were prepared and fully characterized by 1H NMR spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, and elemental analysis as well as X-ray structure determination. The organometal–peptide conjugates as well as carboxyfluorescein-labeled derivatives thereof were prepared by solid-phase peptide synthesis, purified by high-performance liquid chromatography, and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Fluorescence microscopy studies of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells revealed an efficient cellular uptake and pronounced nuclear localization of the bioconjugates with the methylene linker compared with systems with the keto group. In addition, the latter also showed a higher cytotoxicity. In contrast, the variation of the metal center from manganese to rhenium had a negligible effect. The structure–activity relationships determined in the present work will aid in the further tuning of the biological activity of organometal–peptide conjugates.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-activated potassium channel KCa3.1 is emerging as a therapeutic target for a large variety of health disorders. One distinguishing feature of KCa3.1 is that the channel open probability at saturating Ca2+ concentrations (Pomax) is low, typically 0.1–0.2 for KCa3.1 wild type. This observation argues for the binding of Ca2+ to the calmodulin (CaM)–KCa3.1 complex, promoting the formation of a preopen closed-state configuration leading to channel opening. We have previously shown that the KCa3.1 active gate is most likely located at the level of the selectivity filter. As Ca2+-dependent gating of KCa3.1 originates from the binding of Ca2+ to CaM in the C terminus, the hypothesis of a gate located at the level of the selectivity filter requires that the conformational change initiated in the C terminus be transmitted to the S5 and S6 transmembrane helices, with a resulting effect on the channel pore helix directly connected to the selectivity filter. A study was thus undertaken to determine to what extent the interactions between the channel pore helix with the S5 and S6 transmembrane segments contribute to KCa3.1 gating. Molecular dynamics simulations first revealed that the largest contact area between the pore helix and the S5 plus S6 transmembrane helices involves residue F248 at the C-terminal end of the pore helix. Unitary current recordings next confirmed that modulating aromatic–aromatic interactions between F248 and W216 of the S5 transmembrane helical segment and/or perturbing the interactions between F248 and residues in S6 surrounding the glycine hinge G274 cause important changes in Pomax. This work thus provides the first evidence for a key contribution of the pore helix in setting Pomax by stabilizing the channel closed configuration through aromatic–aromatic interactions involving F248 of the pore helix. We propose that the interface pore helix/S5 constitutes a promising site for designing KCa3.1 potentiators.  相似文献   

The 3,3′-diethylthiacarbocyanine (DiSC2(5)) dye is able to aggregate on full matched PNA–DNA duplexes by changing its absorption properties, which are manifested by an instantaneous colour shift from blue to purple. However the spontaneous aggregation of the dye also on mismatched duplexes and even on free PNA strands makes the test quite aspecific. Here it is demonstrated that the addition of succinyl-β-cyclodextrin (Succ-β-CyD) to the solutions containing PNA–DNA duplexes and the dye strongly enhances the specificity of the colour shift, allowing for a fast, very specific and extremely sensitive visual recognition of mismatches in DNA strands by using PNA probes in combination with the DiSC2(5) dye. The phenomenon has been studied by CD and NMR spectroscopies. The method has been optimized and preliminarily applied for the recognition of an apoE gene mutation in human DNA samples.  相似文献   

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