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Recent articles by Bowler [2005. J. Therm. Biol. 30, 125–130] and Loeschcke and Sørensen [2005. J. Therm. Biol. 30, 255–257] have discussed the relationship between acclimation, hardening and heat shock in ectothermic animals, implying that analogous processes occur at low temperatures. We address this implication using the Drosophila literature. Cold tolerance in Drosophila has been measured in response to hardening (usually 1–3 h) or acclimation (usually days–weeks) using at least 27 different duration–intensity combinations. The metrics of response to these treatments include chill coma recovery or onset, survival and measures of reproductive success. However, it is unclear whether the mechanisms underlying the different metrics are the same, or whether the causes of injury are related over duration–intensity exposures ranging from a few minutes to hundreds of days. Furthermore, whilst there is ample evidence for acclimation and cold hardening in Drosophila, there is no clear evidence for a cold-shock response analogous to the well-characterised heat-shock response.  相似文献   

We have conducted a study to analyze monitoring of the cold chain of 674 OPV field samples collected at four different levels of vaccine distribution viz., immunization clinics, district stores, hospitals and Primary Health Centers (PHC) from states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Delhi. The study design included: collection and scoring of vaccine vial monitor (VVM) status of the samples and testing for total oral polio virus concentration (TOPV) by standard WHO protocol. Ten samples each were exposed to 25 degrees C and 37 degrees C, and 10 samples as controls were kept at -20 degrees C. VVM were scored daily till they attained grade 4 and each sample was subsequently subjected to potency testing for individual polio serotypes 1, 2 and 3, and TOPV.Of the 674 samples tested it was observed that: samples from immunization clinics and district stores had an acceptable VVM score of grade 1 and 2; however the probable risk that a sub potent vaccine could have been administered was 2.15%. In 2.5% samples received from district stores vaccine had a VVM score of grade 3 (i.e., discard point), although vaccine when tested was found to be potent (i.e., leading to the vaccine wastage). With exposure to higher temperatures, VVM changed score to grade 2 and 3 when the vaccine was kept at 25 degrees C/37 degrees C, and the titres of individual serotypes 1, 2 and 3 and TOPV were beyond the acceptable limits.Important observations at the different levels of vaccine distribution network and correlation of VVM and potency status of OPV are discussed in the paper which will be of help to the EPI program managers at different transit levels.  相似文献   

Since several years it is known that strains of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo-Crivelli) Vuillemin (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) are able to colonize plants as a true endophyte. However, so far no integrated bioprocess engineering approaches have been published where fermentation and formulation strategies are combined to optimize colonization of oilseed rape plant tissues. We therefore aimed at investigating whether and how blastospore (BS) formation can be shifted to resilient submerged conidiospores (SCS) by introducing osmotic stress in different growth phases.When 50 g/L NaCl was added after 48 h to a culture of B. bassiana a yield of 1.4 ± 0.1 × 1010 SCS/g sucrose in shake flasks and 1.8 ± 0.1 × 1010 SCS/g sucrose in a stirred tank reactor were obtained. In a bioreactor, 24 h after the addition of NaCl, the formation of BS slowed down, the respiratory quotient decreased and a shift from BS to SCS set in.Following these steps, different formulation strategies, namely encapsulation, film coating and liquid formulation were evaluated. B. bassiana grew out of beads as well as on commercial fungicide-coated seeds. Due to the complete suppression of fungal growth on non-sterile soil, the most suitable option was a foliar application. A liquid formulation consisting of 0.1% Triton X-114, 1% molasses, 1% titanium dioxide and 106 spores/mL was applied on leaf tips. After 14 days, the endophyte was detected by PCR and microscopic analysis in the leaves.Further research should focus on formation of SCS and protection of plants colonized by B. bassiana against herbivorous insects.  相似文献   

Oxidation is one of the major chemical degradation pathways for protein pharmaceuticals. Methionine, cysteine, histidine, tryptophan, and tyrosine are the amino acid residues most susceptible to oxidation due to their high reactivity with various reactive oxygen species. Oxidation during protein processing and storage can be induced by contaminating oxidants, catalyzed by the presence of transition metal ions and induced by light. Oxidative modification depends on the structural features of the proteins as well as the particular oxidation mechanisms inherent in various oxidative species, and may also be influenced by pH, temperature, and buffer composition. Protein oxidation may result in loss of biological activity and other undesirable pharmaceutical consequences. Strategies to stabilize proteins against oxidation can be classified into intrinsic methods (site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification), physical methods (solid vs. liquid formulations) and use of chemical additives. The optimum choice of chemical additives needs to be evaluated on the basis of the specific oxidation mechanism. Oxidation induced by the presence of oxidants in the system is referred to as a non-site-specific mechanism. Under such conditions, oxidation can be effectively inhibited by the appropriate addition of antioxidants or free radical scavengers. metal-catalyzed oxidation is a site-specific process, in which the addition of antioxidants may accelerate the oxidation reaction. Careful screening of chelating agents has been shown to be an alternative method for preventing metal-catalyzed oxidation. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Cold-induced mortality is a key factor driving mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae, population dynamics. In this species, the supercooling point (SCP) is representative of mortality induced by acute cold exposure. Mountain pine beetle SCP and associated cold-induced mortality fluctuate throughout a generation, with the highest SCPs prior to and following winter. Using observed SCPs of field-collected D. ponderosae larvae throughout the developmental season and associated phloem temperatures, we developed a mechanistic model that describes the SCP distribution of a population as a function of daily changes in the temperature-dependent processes leading to gain and loss of cold tolerance. It is based on the changing proportion of individuals in three states: (1) a non cold-hardened, feeding state, (2) an intermediate state in which insects have ceased feeding, voided their gut content and eliminated as many ice-nucleating agents as possible from the body, and (3) a fully cold-hardened state where insects have accumulated a maximum concentration of cryoprotectants (e.g. glycerol). Shifts in the proportion of individuals in each state occur in response to the driving variables influencing the opposite rates of gain and loss of cold hardening. The level of cold-induced mortality predicted by the model and its relation to extreme winter temperature is in good agreement with a range of field and laboratory observations. Our model predicts that cold tolerance of D. ponderosae varies within a season, among seasons, and among geographic locations depending on local climate. This variability is an emergent property of the model, and has important implications for understanding the insect's response to seasonal fluctuations in temperature, as well as population response to climate change. Because cold-induced mortality is but one of several major influences of climate on D. ponderosae population dynamics, we suggest that this model be integrated with others simulating the insect's biology.  相似文献   

This introductory overview shows that cold, in particular frost, stresses a plant in manifold ways and that the plant’s response, being injurious or adaptive, must be considered a syndrome rather than a single reaction. In the course of the year perennial plants of the temperate climate zones undergo frost hardening in autumn and dehardening in spring. Using Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) as a model plant the environmental signals inducing frost hardening and dehardening, respectively, were investigated. Over 2 years the changes in frost resistance of Scots pine needles were recorded together with the annual courses of day-length and ambient temperature. Both act as environmental signals for frost hardening and dehardening. Climate chamber experiments showed that short day-length as a signal triggering frost hardening could be replaced by irradiation with far red light, while red light inhibited hardening. The involvement of phytochrome as a signal receptor could be corroborated by respective night-break experiments. More rapid frost hardening than by short day or far red treatment was achieved by applying a short period (6 h) of mild frost which did not exceed the plant’s cold resistance. Both types of signals were independently effective but the rates of frost hardening were not additive. The maximal rate of hardening was − 0.93°C per day and frost tolerance of < − 72°C was achieved. For dehardening, temperature was an even more effective signal than day-length.  相似文献   

Cold stress has adverse effects on plant growth and development. Plants respond and acclimate to cold stress through various biochemical and physiological processes, thereby acquiring stress tolerance. To better understand the basis for tolerance, we carried out a proteomic study in the model moss, Physcomitrella patens, characterizing gametophore proteins with 2‐DE and mass spectroscopy. Following exposure to 0°C for up to 3 days, out of the more than 1000 protein spots reproducibly resolved, only 45 changed in abundance by at least 1.5‐fold. Of these, 35 were identified by tryptic digestion and mass spectroscopy. Photosynthetic proteins decreased, whereas many catabolic proteins increased. In addition, cold stress up‐regulated a variety of signaling, cytoskeleton, and defense proteins and few proteins in these classes were down‐regulated. Up‐regulated proteins include the 14‐3‐3‐like protein, actin, HSP70s, lipoxygenases, and cytochrome P450 proteins. These results point to pathways that are important for the mechanism of cold stress response in P. patens and by extension to the entire plant kingdom.  相似文献   

草菇冷诱导相关基因的克隆及序列分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用差异显示技术分离获得草菇低温特异DNA片段,经与正常草菇和低温诱导草菇cDNA分别southern杂交验证后,得到低温特异性片段。采用PCR标记技术对获得的低温特异性片段进行DIG标记,以此为探针,对低温处理的草菇cDNA文库进行筛选,获得4个阳性克隆,分别进行测序。序列同源性比较分析发现,Cor3基因与s-腺苷-L-高半胱氨酸水解酶有很高的同源性,Cor4基因与40S核糖体蛋白S9有很高的同源性,这两个基因可能与草菇的低温自溶现象有关。Cor1基因与脉孢菌的保守假设蛋白(conservedhypotheticalprotein)有同源性,Cor2基因与辅酶A连接酶有同源性。半定量RT-PCR验证发现Cor1和Cor2基因在正常情况下没有表达,低温处理后有表达,Cor3和Cor4基因在正常情况下有表达,低温处理后表达量增加。  相似文献   

When the two first eigenvalues of correspondence analysis are close to each other, their order can be reversed due to random variation in the data. The first axis can actually be in any direction in the plane defined by the two axes. However, the configuration of the points in the plane can remain unchanged but their projections onto any line in the plane can be very variable. The ordering in the first axis is preserved in detrending. The second axis is detrended with respect to the first one and therefore very variable configurations result when the orientation of the first axis in the plane is changed. This can lead to a situation where the detrended solutions are very unstable under random variation and therefore they can be only casually interpretable.  相似文献   

The development of a vaccine for COVID-19 presented hope for a way out of the global crisis caused by the virus. However, a potential barrier may be vaccine hesitancy, and identifying the factors that affect it is critical, especially concerning a new vaccine technology. The purpose of this research is to identify the factors that effects vaccine hesitancy by using a holistic view. The data were collected from 504 people in December 2020, 3 days before the vaccine operation started in Israel. The analysis included three categories of determinants: (1) contextual influences; (2) health records; and (3) perceived health attitudes. The results indicate that different sets of variables affect willingness to accept the vaccine among the whole spectrum of the vaccine-hesitant and the undecided subsample. In the full sample, gender, age, income, influenza vaccine, perceived trust, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers affected vaccine acceptance. The perceived level of suffering from COVID-19 was associated with willingness to vaccinate, and when religious beliefs increased, the intention to vaccinate decreased. For the undecided subsample, the factors included gender, influenza vaccine, trust in the vaccine company, and perceived vaccine benefits and barriers. The results suggest that efforts of governments and health institutions should focus on women and highlight the vaccine as an opportunity to “go back to normal” without worries. Those results will help implement vaccine strategy in the following cases: if infant vaccination is pursued and if emergency vaccines or new vaccine technologies emerge for another pandemic as well.  相似文献   

Overwintering success is one of the key aspects affecting the development and outbreaks of the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus (L.) populations. This paper brings detailed analysis of cold tolerance, and its influence on overwintering success, in two Central European populations of I. typographus during two cold seasons. Evidence for a supercooling strategy in overwintering adults is provided. The lower lethal temperature corresponds well to the supercooling point that ranges between −20 and −22 °C during winter months. The supercooled state is stabilized by the absence of internal ice nucleators and by seasonal accumulation of a mixture of sugars and polyols up to the sum concentration of 900 mM. The cryoprotective function of accumulated metabolites is probably based on increasing the osmolality and viscosity of supercooled body fluids and decreasing the relative proportion of water molecules available for lethal formation of ice nuclei. No activity of thermal hysteresis factors (stabilizers of supercooled state) was detected in hemolymph. Lethal times for 50% mortality (Lts50) in the supercooled state at −5, −10 or −15 °C are weeks (autumn, spring) or even months (winter), suggesting relatively little mortality caused by chill injury. Lts50 at −15 °C are significantly shorter in moist (6.9 days) than in dry (>42 days) microenvironment because there is higher probability of external ice nucleation and occurrence of lethal freezing in the moist situation.  相似文献   

Thorburn DR  Chow CW  Kirby DM 《Mitochondrion》2004,4(5-6):363-375
Respiratory Chain (RC) enzyme analysis remains the mainstay for diagnosis of children suspected of having a RC disorder. A previous international workshop suggested a set of criteria for the ideal approach to diagnosis but concluded that probably no single centre fulfilled all these criteria. Major practical issues relate to the range of tissues tested, whether frozen tissue biopsies can be used reliably, assay methods, difficulty in defining realistic reference ranges, and the lack of an external quality assurance scheme. We discuss these issues and describe our experience over the last decade with assaying RC enzymes in over 600 skeletal muscle and 300 liver biopsies from patients, a range of different controls (other known inborn errors, end-stage liver disease, post-mortem samples) and single donated normal muscle and liver samples assayed on more than 100 occasions over 5- to 10-year periods. Our experience is that 'sick' tissues have wider 'normal' ranges than 'healthy' tissues. Caution is therefore needed to ensure that secondary RC defects are not misdiagnosed as primary RC defects. We describe diagnostic criteria that integrate the results of RC enzyme assays with clinical, histological, metabolic and molecular investigations to determine whether the overall diagnostic certainty is possible, probable or definite.  相似文献   

The sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata is a new, invasive pest of Platanus trees in China. Although C. ciliata is often subjected to acute low temperatures in early winter and spring in northern and eastern China, the cold tolerance of C. ciliata has not been well studied. The objectives of this study were to determine whether adults of C. ciliata are capable of rapid cold hardening (RCH), and to compare the benefits of RCH vs. cold acclimation (ACC) in the laboratory. When the adult females incubated at 26 °C were transferred directly to the discriminating temperature (−12 °C) for 2 h, survival was only 22%. However, exposure to 0 °C for 4 h before transfer to −12 °C for 2 h induced RCH, i.e., increased survival to 68%. RCH could also be induced by gradual cooling of the insects at rates between 0.1 and 0.25 °C min−1. The protection against cold shock obtained through RCH at 0 °C for 4 h was lost within 1 h if the adults were returned to 26 °C before exposure to −12 °C. Survival at both −12 and −5 °C was greater for RCH-treated than for ACC-treated adults (for ACC, adults were kept at 15 °C for 5 days), and the lethal temperature (2 h exposure) was lower for RCH-treated than for ACC-treated adults. The results suggest that RCH may help C. ciliata survive the acute low temperatures that often occur in early winter and early spring in northern and eastern China.  相似文献   

Apical shoot tips were dissected from donor plants (cultured in several conditions) and cryopreserved using the droplet-vitrification technique. The effect of two preculture treatments (sucrose pretreatment medium or cold-culturing during two weeks) on donor plants of four potato species (Solanum commersonii, S. juzepcukii, S. ajanhuiri, and Solanum tuberosum) was studied. Post-cryopreservation meristem growth and plant recovery were influenced by the treatments, but the effect on the regeneration was strongly genotype-dependent. The highest post-rewarming plant recovery percentage was obtained using meristems dissected from donor plants of S. commersonii cultured on sucrose pretreatment medium or cold-cultured. Both preculture conditions also enhanced plant recovery in S. juzepcukii compared to control cultures. Cold preculture, however, proved to be undesirable for S. tuberosum whereas sucrose pretreatment had a positive impact on the plant regeneration of this species. The determination of changes in the concentration of soluble sugars revealed sugar accumulation, especially of sucrose and the raffinose family of oligosaccharides (RFOs), which can be linked to tolerance towards the cryopreservation. Additionally, a study of the proteome of the donor plantlets after the pretreatments by 2D-fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE) was carried out to identify differentially abundant proteins. Carbon metabolism-related proteins, together with stress-response and oxidative-homeostasis related proteins were the main class of proteins that changed in abundance after the pretreatments. Our results suggest that oxidative homeostasis-related proteins and sugars may be associated with the improved tolerance to cryopreservation and the ability to cold acclimate by S. commersonii in contrast to the other genotypes. The increased accumulation of sucrose and RFOs play a fundamental role in the response to stress in potato and may help to acquire tolerance to cryopreservation.  相似文献   

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