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GmHSFA1基因克隆及其过量表达提高转基因大豆的耐热性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热激转录因子在调节植物对逆境胁迫应答和热激蛋白基因表达方面起重要作用。采用生物信息学和比较基因组学方法结合RACE技术从大豆基因组中克隆到一个新的热激转录因子基因GmHsfA1, 其cDNA全长1 781 bp, 包含1个1 533 bp的开放阅读框, 编码含有510个氨基酸残基的蛋白质(GenBank登录号为AY458843)。与其他转录因子的分子结构相似,GmHSFA1也含有4个典型的结构功能域—DNA结合域、寡聚域、核定位信号和C端激活域。BLAST分析表明, GmHSFA1与其同源性最高的番茄热激转录因子LpHSFA1之间的氨基酸序列相似性为52.46%。RT-PCR、Northern和遗传转化结果显示: 1)GmHsfA1在大豆的不同组织中呈现组成型表达模式; 2)常温下转基因大豆植株的GmHsfA1表达水平明显高于非转基因对照; 3)GmHsfA1的过量表达激活了转基因大豆植株中热激蛋白基因GmHsp22在非诱导条件下的转录, 并加强了高温胁迫下另2个热激蛋白基因GmHsp23和GmHsp70的表达; 4)转GmHsfA1大豆植株的耐热温度(达52℃)明显高于非转基因植株。上述结果说明, GmHsfA1的过量表达激活或促进其下游3个热激蛋白基因的转录或表达, 明显提高了转基因大豆植株的耐热能力。  相似文献   

Heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) inhibition inhibits cancer cell proliferation through depleting client oncoproteins and shutting down multiple oncogenic pathways. Therefore, it is an attractive strategy for targeting human cancers. Several HSP90 inhibitors, including AUY922 and STA9090, show promising effects in clinical trials. However, the efficacy of HSP90 inhibitors may be limited by heat shock factor 1 (HSF1)-mediated feedback mechanisms. Here, we identify, through an siRNA screen, that the histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferase MLL1 functions as a coactivator of HSF1 in response to HSP90 inhibition. MLL1 is recruited to the promoters of HSF1 target genes and regulates their expression in response to HSP90 inhibition. In addition, a striking combination effect is observed when MLL1 depletion is combined with HSP90 inhibition in various human cancer cell lines and tumor models. Thus, targeting MLL1 may block a HSF1-mediated feedback mechanism induced by HSP90 inhibition and provide a new avenue to enhance HSP90 inhibitor activity in human cancers.  相似文献   

HSPs (heat shock proteins) have been recognized to maintain cellular homoeostasis during changes in microenvironment. The present study aimed to investigate the HSPs expression pattern in hierarchical neural differentiation stages from mouse embryonal carcinoma stem cells (P19) and its role in heat stressed exposed cells. For induction of HSPs, cells were heated at 42°C for 30 min and recovered at 37°C in different time points. For neural differentiation, EBs (embryoid bodies) were formed by plating P19 cells in bacterial dishes in the presence of 1 mM RA (retinoic acid) and 5% FBS (fetal bovine serum). Then, on the sixth day, EBs were trypsinized and plated in differentiation medium containing neurobasal medium, B27, N2 and 5% FBS and for an extra 4 days. The expression of HSPs and neural cell markers were evaluated by Western blot, flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry in different stages. Our results indicate that HSC (heat shock constant)70 and HSP60 expressions decreased following RA treatment, EB formation and in mature neural cells derived from heat-stressed single cells and not heat-treated EBs. While the level of HSP90 increased six times following maturation process, HSP25 was expressed constantly during neural differentiation; however, its level was enhanced with heat stress. Accordingly, heat shock 12 h before the initiation of differentiation did not affect the expression of neuroectodermal and neural markers, nestin and β-tubulin III, respectively. However, both markers increased when heat shock was induced after treatment and when EBs were formed. In conclusion, our results raise the possibility that HSPs could regulate cell differentiation and proliferation under both physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

为探讨核定位信号在热休克蛋白 70 (HSP70) 抑制 H2O2 所致核仁损伤中的作用,采用分子克隆技术分别构建了 4 个真核表达载体, pcDNA3.1(-)-HSP70WT (HSP70 野生型), pcDNA3.1(-)-HSP70ΔNLS (核定位信号缺失突变体 ), pEGFP-N1-HSP70WT, pEGFP-N1- HSP70ΔNLS. 向传代培养的 C2C12肌源细胞培养液中加入终浓度为 1.0 mmol/L 的 H2O2 模拟体外氧化应激 . 甲苯胺蓝染色细胞核仁发现,正常细胞仅有一个位于中央的、浓染致密的核仁颗粒 . 过氧化氢处理后 3 h ,可见明显的核仁分离 . 热休克反应处理的细胞及转 pcDNA3.1( - )-HSP70WT 细胞则能明显抑制氧化应激所致的核仁分离 . 荧光蛋白示踪及核仁蛋白质免疫印迹分析显示, H2O2处理后 1 h , HSP70WT 由正常时的细胞浆定位转为细胞核及核仁定位,而 HSP70ΔNLS 在 H2O2处理后仍定位于细胞浆,同时丧失了抑制核仁分离的作用 . 上述结果提示,野生型 HSP70 能显著抑制氧化应激所致细胞核仁分离,核定位信号通过介导 HSP70 向细胞核及核仁移位而决定 HSP70 对核仁损伤的保护作用 .  相似文献   

Methylglyoxal (MG) is a reactive metabolic intermediate generated during various cellular biochemical reactions, including glycolysis. The accumulation of MG indiscriminately modifies proteins, including important cellular antioxidant machinery, leading to severe oxidative stress, which is implicated in multiple neurodegenerative disorders, aging, and cardiac disorders. Although cells possess efficient glyoxalase systems for detoxification, their functions are largely dependent on the glutathione cofactor, the availability of which is self-limiting under oxidative stress. Thus, higher organisms require alternate modes of reducing the MG-mediated toxicity and maintaining redox balance. In this report, we demonstrate that Hsp31 protein, a member of the ThiJ/DJ-1/PfpI family in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, plays an indispensable role in regulating redox homeostasis. Our results show that Hsp31 possesses robust glutathione-independent methylglyoxalase activity and suppresses MG-mediated toxicity and ROS levels as compared with another paralog, Hsp34. On the other hand, glyoxalase-defective mutants of Hsp31 were found highly compromised in regulating the ROS levels. Additionally, Hsp31 maintains cellular glutathione and NADPH levels, thus conferring protection against oxidative stress, and Hsp31 relocalizes to mitochondria to provide cytoprotection to the organelle under oxidative stress conditions. Importantly, human DJ-1, which is implicated in the familial form of Parkinson disease, complements the function of Hsp31 by suppressing methylglyoxal and oxidative stress, thus signifying the importance of these proteins in the maintenance of ROS homeostasis across phylogeny.  相似文献   

黄琼  胡杰  孙灵  王勤 《昆虫学报》2013,56(5):475-485
为给黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor抗逆机理研究提供理论依据, 本研究采用PCR和RACE法从黄粉虫幼虫中克隆出一个热休克蛋白70基因Tmhsp70, 并运用半定量RT-PCR法检测其在黄粉虫不同发育阶段的mRNA表达水平。结果表明: 克隆出的Tmhsp70 序列全长2 282 bp, 具有一个富含A的115 bp 5′ 非翻译区和一个1 935 bp的开放阅读框及一个富含A、 T的232 bp 3′-非翻译区。5′-非翻译区含有7个热休克元件nGAAn, 3′-非翻译区末端有长22 bp的Poly(A)尾。Tmhsp70编码的黄粉虫热休克蛋白(TmHSP70)具有3个典型的HSP70特征基序(IDLGTTYS, IFDLGGGTFDVSIL和IVLVGGSTRIPKIQQ)和1个胞质HSP70末端特征基序(EEVD), 无信号肽和跨膜区域, 包含2个主要的结构域, 即: N-端42 kDa的高度保守ATPase功能域和C-端18 kDa的保守多肽结合功能域。ATPase功能域的三级结构由2个大球形亚功能域组成, 具有1个核苷酸结合中心; 多肽结合功能域形成1个双层4股β-折叠片样的三明治结构和2个α-螺旋, 内含1个多肽结合通道。此外, 黄粉虫Tmhsp70 mRNA的表达具有热激诱导和发育调控的特征。半定量RT-PCR分析表明, 42℃热激1 h的黄粉虫各发育阶段Tmhsp70 mRNA的表达量上升了1.4~26.9倍。25℃下1日龄黄粉虫蛹中的Tmhsp70 mRNA 表达量要高于其余各发育阶段的累积表达量; 42℃热激1 h 后90日龄幼虫中的Tmhsp70 mRNA 表达量最丰富, 既高于30日龄和60日龄幼虫中的累积表达量, 也高于15日龄和30日龄成虫中的累积表达量。这些结果为进一步研究黄粉虫热休克蛋白的结构、 功能和表达调控及其与抗逆性的关系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

小菜蛾热休克蛋白基因的鉴定及其表达模式分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
热休克蛋白(heat shock protein, HSP)在昆虫应对外界胁迫刺激时起着重要作用。为了系统研究小菜蛾Plutella xylostella HSP基因家族, 根据家蚕的HSP蛋白序列, 采用本地Blast程序对小菜蛾全基因组数据库进行同源序列检索, 从小菜蛾基因组数据库中鉴定了25个HSP基因, 包括2个HSP90、 8个HSP70和15个sHSP(small heat shock protein, sHSP)基因。小菜蛾、 家蚕Bombyx mori、 黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster和赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum的HSP系统进化分析显示, 昆虫的小分子量热休克蛋白sHSP具有很强的种属特异性, HSP70家族的保守性比sHSP强。小菜蛾HSP基因表达模式分析显示, 与敏感品系对比, 抗性品系(抗毒死蜱和抗氟虫氰品系)中HSP基因具有不同的表达模式。小菜蛾1, 2和3龄幼虫HSP基因表达模式较为接近, 而与4龄幼虫中的表达模式相差较大; 4龄幼虫和蛹中的表达模式相近; 雌成虫和雄成虫中的表达模式显著不同, 与果蝇精子形成有关的两个热休克蛋白HSP23和HSP27基因[分别为CCG003980.1 (Px23.5)和CCG005412.2 (Px27.5)], 在小菜蛾雄成虫中的表达量显著高于雌成虫。研究结果表明小菜蛾HSP基因不仅在杀虫剂抗性、 发育分化, 甚至在生殖上均可能起着重要的作用。本研究为深入研究小菜蛾HSP与生长发育、 抗逆行为的相互关系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Immunological memory is a fundamental function of vaccination. The antigenic breakdown products of the vaccine may not persist, and undefined tonic stimulation has been proposed to maintain the specific memory. We have suggested that cellular stress agents to which the immune cells are constantly exposed may be responsible for tonic stimulation. Here we have studied four stress agents: sodium arsenite, an oxidative agent; Gramicidin, eliciting K+ efflux and calcium influx; dithiocarbamate, a metal ionophore; and aluminum hydroxide (alum), an immunological adjuvant. The aims of this study are to extend these investigations to T and B cell responses of unimmunized and ovalbumin (OVA)-immunized BALB/c mice, and furthermore, to ascertain whether stress is involved in optimal expression of memory B cells, as demonstrated in CD4+ T cells. Examination of the homeostatic pathway defined by IL-15/IL-15R (IL-15 receptor) interaction and the inflammasome pathway defined by the IL-1-IL-1R interaction between dendritic cells (DC) and CD4+ T cells suggests that both pathways are involved in the development of optimal expression of CD4+CD45RO+ memory T cells in unimmunized and OVA-immunized BALB/c mice. Furthermore, significant direct correlation was found between CD4+CD44+ memory T cells and both IL-15 of the homeostatic and IL-1β of the inflammasome pathways. However, CD19+CD27+ memory B cells in vivo seem to utilize only the IL-15/IL-15R homeostatic pathway, although the proliferative responses are enhanced by the stress agents. Altogether, stress agents may up-regulate unimmunized and OVA-immunized CD4+CD44+ memory T cells by the homeostatic and inflammasome pathways. However, the CD19+CD27+ memory B cells utilize only the homeostatic pathway.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental functions of molecular chaperone proteins is to selectively conjugate cellular proteins, targeting them directly to lysosome. Some of chaperones, such as the stress-induced Hsp70, also play important roles in autophagosome-forming macroautophagy under various stress conditions. However, the role of their co-chaperones in autophagy regulation has not been well defined. We here show that Tid1, a DnaJ co-chaperone for Hsp70 and the mammalian homologue of the Drosophila tumor suppressor Tid56, is a key mediator of macroautophagy pathway. Ectopic expression of Tid1 induces autophagy by forming LC3+ autophagosome foci, whereas silencing Tid1 leads to drastic impairment of autophagy as induced by nutrient deprivation or rapamycin. In contrast, Hsp70 is dispensable for a role in nutrient deprivation-induced autophagy. The murine Tid1 can be replaced with human Tid1 in murine fibroblast cells for induction of autophagy. We further show that Tid1 increases autophagy flux by interacting with the Beclin1-PI3 kinase class III protein complex in response to autophagy inducing signal and that Tid1 is an essential mediator that connects IκB kinases to the Beclin1-containing autophagy protein complex. Together, these results reveal a crucial role of Tid1 as an evolutionarily conserved and essential mediator of canonical macroautophagy.  相似文献   

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