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The structure of the peripheral domains of neurofilaments (NFs) was revealed by rotary shadowing electron microscopy. NFs were isolated from bovine spinal cords by Sepharose CL-4B gel filtration and examined by low angle rotary shadowing. The peripheral domains appeared as thin, flexible, filamentous structures projecting from the intermediate filament core, with a constant density along their entire length. The average length of the projections was approximately 85 nm and the width about 4 nm. These projections appeared from regularly distributed sites, at 22 nm spacing, which seemed to correspond to the typical repeat of the alpha-helix-rich rod domain of the core filament. The density of the projections was found to be 4.1 (+/- 0.6) per 22 nm. We performed reconstitution experiments using purified NF polypeptides to confirm that the projection was indeed the NF peripheral domain. Individual components of the NF triplet, i.e. NF-L, NF-M and NF-H, were purified by DE-52 and Mono-Q anion exchange chromatographies in the presence of 6 M-urea and were assembled in various combinations into filaments. Reassembled filaments were somewhat more slender than the isolated NFs and exhibited a distinct 22 nm axial periodicity. While prominent projections were not observed in the filaments assembled from NF-L alone, reconstructed filaments containing NF-L plus either NF-M or NF-H revealed many projections. The average length of the projections in the filaments reconstructed from NF-L and NF-H was about 63 nm. The projections of reconstructed filaments from NF-L and NF-M were about 55 nm in length. The difference in the lengths of the projections might reflect the difference in the length of the carboxy-terminal tail domain between NF-M and NF-H. The results are interpreted to show that the carboxy-terminal tail domains of NFs project in a regular pattern from the core filament, which is consistent with a half-staggered organization of the tetrameric subunits.  相似文献   

AAA-ATPases have important roles in manifold cellular processes. VAT (valosine-containing protein-like ATPase of Thermoplasma acidophilum), a hexameric archaeal member of this family, has the tripartite domain structure N-D1-D2 that is characteristic of many members of this family. N, the N-terminal domain of 20.5 kDa, has been implicated in substrate binding. We have applied rotary and unidirectional shadowing to VAT and an N-terminally deleted mutant, VAT(Delta N), in order to map the location of this domain. For the analysis of data derived from unidirectionally shadowed samples we used a new approach combining eigenvector analysis with surface relief reconstruction. Averages of rotary shadowed particles as well as relief reconstructions map the N-terminal domains to the periphery of the hexameric complex and reveal their bipartite structure. Thus, this method appears to be well suited to study the conformational changes that occur during the functional cycle of the protein.  相似文献   

Using small angle neutron scattering we have measured the static form factor of two different superhelical DNAs, p1868 (1868 bp) and pUC18 (2686 bp), in dilute aqueous solution at salt concentrations between 0 and 1.5 M Na+ in 10 mM Tris at 0% and 100% D2O. For both DNA molecules, the theoretical static form factor was also calculated from an ensemble of Monte Carlo configurations generated by a previously described model. Simulated and measured form factors of both DNAs showed the same behavior between 10 and 100 mM salt concentration: An undulation in the scattering curve at a momentum transfer q = 0.5 nm-1 present at lower concentration disappears above 100 mM. The position of the undulation corresponds to a distance of approximately 10-20 nm. This indicated a change in the DNA superhelix diameter, as the undulation is not present in the scattering curve of the relaxed DNA. From the measured scattering curves of superhelical DNA we estimated the superhelix diameter as a function of Na+ concentration by a quantitative comparison with the scattering curve of relaxed DNA. The ratio of the scattering curves of superhelical and relaxed DNA is very similar to the form factor of a pair of point scatterers. We concluded that the distance of this pair corresponds to the interstrand separation in the superhelix. The computed superhelix diameter of 16.0 +/- 0.9 nm at 10 mM decreased to 9.0 +/- 0.7 nm at 100 mM salt concentration. Measured and simulated scattering curves agreed almost quantitatively, therefore we also calculated the superhelix diameter from the simulated conformations. It decreased from 18.0 +/- 1.5 nm at 10 mM to 9.4 +/- 1.5 nm at 100 mM salt concentration. This value did not significantly change to lower values at higher Na+ concentration, in agreement with results obtained by electron microscopy, scanning force microscopy imaging in aqueous solution, and recent MC simulations, but in contrast to the observation of a lateral collapse of the DNA superhelix as indicated by cryo-electron microscopy studies.  相似文献   

Photoelectron imaging is a sensitive surface technique in which photons are used to excite electron emission. This novel method has been applied successfully in studies of relatively flat cultured cells, viruses, and protein-DNA complexes. However, rounded-up cell types such as tumor cells frequently are more difficult to image. By comparing photoelectron images of uncoated and metal-coated MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cells, it is shown that the problem is specimen charging rather than a fundamental limitation of the electron imaging process. This is confirmed by emission current measurements on uncoated monolayers of MCF-7 carcinoma cells and flatter, normal Wi-38 fibroblasts. We report here that sample charging in photoelectron microscopy can be eliminated in most specimens by simultaneous use of two light sources--the standard UV excitation source (e.g., 254 nm) and a longer wavelength light source (e.g., 325 nm). The reduction in sample charging results largely from enhanced photoconduction in the bulk sample and greatly extends the range of cells that can be examined by photoelectron imaging. The contributions of photoconductivity, the electric field of the imaging system, and the short escape depths of the photoelectrons combine to make photoelectron imaging a uniquely sensitive technique for the study of biological surfaces.  相似文献   

Virus recognition and induction of interferon (IFN) are critical components of the innate immune system. The Toll-like receptor (TLR) and RIG-I-like receptor families have been characterized as key players in RNA virus detection. Signaling cascades initiated by these receptors are crucial for establishment of an IFN signaling mediated antiviral state in infected and neighboring cells and containment of virus replication as well as initiation of the adaptive immune response. In this review, we focus on the diverse and overlapping functions of these receptors, their physiological importance, and respective viral inducers. We highlight the roles of TRL3, TLR7/8, retinoic acid inducible gene I, melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5, and the RNA molecules responsible for activating these viral sensors.  相似文献   

The ColE2 DNA can be replicated in an in vitro system consisting of a crude extract of Escherichia coli cells. DNA synthesis requires a plasmid-coded protein (Rep) and host DNA polymerase I but not host RNA polymerase. Replication starts at a fixed region containing the origin and proceeds unidirectionally. The leading- and lagging-strand DNA fragments synthesized around the origin were identified from early replicative intermediates. The 5' end of the leading-strand DNA fragment was mapped at a unique position in the minimal origin and carried RNA of a few residues. The results suggested that the initiation of the leading-strand DNA synthesis does not require the host DnaG protein. Thus the Rep protein itself seems to be a primase. Synthesis of the primer RNA at a fixed site in the origin region on a double-stranded DNA template is a unique property of the ColE2 Rep protein among other known primases. The 3' end of the lagging-strand DNA fragment was mapped at a unique position just at the end of the minimal origin region. Termination of the lagging-strand DNA fragment at that position seems to be the mechanism of the unidirectional replication of ColE2 plasmid.  相似文献   

A combination of rapid chemical kinetic (quench-flow) and single-channel current measurements was used to evaluate kinetic parameters governing the opening of acetylcholine-receptor channels in the electric organ (electroplax) of Electrophorus electricus. Chemical kinetic measurements made on membrane vesicles, prepared from the E. electricus electroplax, using carbamoylcholine (200 microM-20 mM) at 12 degrees C, pH 7.0, and in the absence of a transmembrane voltage, yielded values for K1 (dissociation constant for receptor activation), phi (channel closing equilibrium constant), J (specific reaction rate for ion flux), and alpha max (maximum inactivation rate constant) of 1 mM, 3.4, 4 x 10(7) M-1 s-1, and 12 s-1, respectively. The single-channel current recordings were made with cells also from the E. electricus electroplax, at the same temperature and pH as the chemical kinetic measurements, using carbamoylcholine (50 microM-2 mM), acetylcholine (500 nM), or suberyldicholine (20 nM). Single-channel current measurements indicated the presence of a single, unique open-channel state of the E. electricus receptor, in concurrence with previous, less extensive measurements. The rate constant for channel closing (kc) obtained from the mean open time of the receptor channel is 1,100 s-1 for carbamoylcholine, 1,200 s-1 for acetylcholine, and 360 s-1 for suberyldicholine at zero membrane potential; and it decreases e-fold for an 80 mV decrease in transmembrane voltage in each case. The decrease in mean open times of the receptor channel that is associated with increasing the carbamoylcholine concentration is interpreted to be due to carbamoylcholine binding to the regulatory (inhibitory) site on the receptor. An analysis of data obtained with carbamoylcholine showed that the closed times within a burst of channel activity fit a two-exponential distribution, with a concentration-independent time constant considered to be the time constant for carbamoylcholine to dissociate from the regulatory site, and a carbamoylcholine concentration-dependent, but voltage-independent, time constant interpreted to represent the rate constant for channel opening (k0). An analysis of the mean closed time data on the basis of the minimum model gives values for K1 and k0 of 0.6 mM and 440 s-1, respectively, with carbamoylcholine as the activating ligand. The values obtained for K1, phi (= kc/k0), J, and alpha from the single-channel current measurements using electroplax are in good agreement with the values obtained from the chemical kinetic measurements using receptor-rich vesicles prepared from the same cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Porins of Escherichia coli: unidirectional gating by pressure.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
OmpC and PhoE porins of Escherichia coli were examined by the patch-clamp technique following reconstitution in liposomes, and were observed primarily in the open (conducting) state. With application of negative voltage and positive hydrostatic pressure, OmpC exhibited marked gating towards a more closed state whereas PhoE remained largely unaffected by pressure application. Hybrid chimeric OmpC-PhoE proteins showed an increased tendency for pressure-dependent gating as the OmpC proportion in the chimeric molecule increased. In addition, several PhoE mutants with amino acid substitutions and insertions in either the L3 or L4 loop of the monomer exhibited pressure sensitivity comparable with the wild-type OmpC porin. Our data support the structural plasticity model of porins and are consistent with the 'charge-screening-unscreening' hypothesis that describes how these proteins may exist in distinct conformations.  相似文献   

In a model system, consistent transfection of chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF) by DNA from the XC cell line occurred, with recovery of infectious Rous sarcoma virus. The techniques were then applied in attempts to recover possible human tumour viruses. Even with various modifications of the XC technique, DNA from three human malignant melanoma cell lines failed to infect adult or foetal human fibroblasts, although melanoma DNA was taken up into nuclei of target cells. XC DNA did not transfect human foetal fibroblasts and melanoma DNA was ineffective in CEF. DNA from the Raji (Epstein-Barr virus non-producer) and QIMR-WIL (producer) lymphoblastoid cell lines did not transfect human cord blood lymphocytes or amnion cells. These broadly applicable techniques therefore failed to recover EB virus, the putative melanoma retrovirus, or other potential tumour virus.  相似文献   

Orthogonal polarization spectral (OPS) imaging is a new technique that can be used to visualize the microcirculation with reflected light. It uses hemoglobin absorption to visualize the red blood cells (RBCs). Thus the method could fail at low hematocrit (Hct). The aim of this study was to validate OPS imaging for quantitative measurements of diameter and functional capillary density (FCD) under conditions of hemodilution of varying degrees to achieve a wide range of Hcts. The validation was performed in the dorsal skinfold chamber of nine awake Syrian golden hamsters. Measurements of vessel diameter and FCD were performed off-line using Cap-Image on video sequences captured using OPS imaging and standard intravital fluorescence microscopy at baseline, 85, 70, 55, and 40% of the initial Hct. For hemodilution, isovolumic exchange of blood for 6% Dextran 60 was performed. Bland-Altman plots for the vessel diameter and FCD show good agreement between the two methods for both parameters at all studied Hcts. As expected, there was a systematic bias of approximately 4 microm in the diameter measurements since the RBC column was measured and not the intravascular diameter. In conclusion, OPS imaging can be used to measure diameter and FCD at a wide range of Hcts.  相似文献   

Vortex flow filtration (VFF) was used to concentrate viruses and dissolved DNA from freshwater and seawater samples taken in Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Bahamas Bank. Recoveries of T2 phage and calf thymus DNA added to artificial seawater and concentrated by VFF were 72.8 and 80%, respectively. Virus concentrations determined by transmission electron microscopy of VFF-concentrated samples ranged from 3.4 x 10(7)/ml for a eutrophic Tampa Bay sample to 2.4 x 10(5) for an oligotrophic oceanic surface sample from the southeastern Gulf of Mexico. Viruslike particles were also observed in a sample taken from a depth of 1,500 m in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. Filtration of samples through Nuclepore or Durapore filters (pore size, 0.2 micron) prior to VFF reduced phage counts by an average of two-thirds. Measurement of dissolved-DNA content by Hoechst 33258 fluorescence in environmental samples concentrated by VFF yielded values only ca. 35% of those obtained for samples concentrated by ethanol precipitation (the standard dissolved-DNA method). However, ethanol precipitation of VFF-concentrated extracts resulted in an increase in measurable DNA, reaching 80% of the value obtained by the standard method. These results indicate that a portion of the naturally occurring dissolved DNA is in a form inaccessible to nucleases and Hoechst stain, perhaps bound to protein or other polymeric material, and is released upon ethanol precipitation. Viral DNA contents estimated from viral counts averaged only 3.7% (range, 0.9 to 12.3%) of the total dissolved DNA for samples from freshwater, estuarine, and offshore oligotrophic environments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

J H Paul  S C Jiang    J B Rose 《Applied microbiology》1991,57(8):2197-2204
Vortex flow filtration (VFF) was used to concentrate viruses and dissolved DNA from freshwater and seawater samples taken in Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Bahamas Bank. Recoveries of T2 phage and calf thymus DNA added to artificial seawater and concentrated by VFF were 72.8 and 80%, respectively. Virus concentrations determined by transmission electron microscopy of VFF-concentrated samples ranged from 3.4 x 10(7)/ml for a eutrophic Tampa Bay sample to 2.4 x 10(5) for an oligotrophic oceanic surface sample from the southeastern Gulf of Mexico. Viruslike particles were also observed in a sample taken from a depth of 1,500 m in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. Filtration of samples through Nuclepore or Durapore filters (pore size, 0.2 micron) prior to VFF reduced phage counts by an average of two-thirds. Measurement of dissolved-DNA content by Hoechst 33258 fluorescence in environmental samples concentrated by VFF yielded values only ca. 35% of those obtained for samples concentrated by ethanol precipitation (the standard dissolved-DNA method). However, ethanol precipitation of VFF-concentrated extracts resulted in an increase in measurable DNA, reaching 80% of the value obtained by the standard method. These results indicate that a portion of the naturally occurring dissolved DNA is in a form inaccessible to nucleases and Hoechst stain, perhaps bound to protein or other polymeric material, and is released upon ethanol precipitation. Viral DNA contents estimated from viral counts averaged only 3.7% (range, 0.9 to 12.3%) of the total dissolved DNA for samples from freshwater, estuarine, and offshore oligotrophic environments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To characterize the interaction between the homing endonuclease PI-SceI and DNA, we prepared different DNA substrates containing the natural recognition sequence or parts thereof. Depending on the nature of the substrates, efficient cleavage is observed with a DNA containing approximatel 30 bp of the natural recognition sequence using supercoiled plasmids, approximately 40-50 bp using linearized plasmids and > 50 bp using synthetic double-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides. Cleavage of supercoiled plasmids occurs without accumulation of the nicked intermediate. In the presence of Mn2+, DNA cleavage by PI-SceI is more efficient than with Mg2+ and already occurs with substrates containing a shorter part of the recognition sequence. The requirements for strong binding are less stringent: a 35 bp oligodeoxynucleotide which is not cleaved is bound as firmly as other longer oligodeoxynucleotides. PI-SceI binds with high affinity to one of its cleavage products, a finding which may explain why PI-SceI hardly shows enzymatic turnover in vitro. Upon binding, two complexes are formed, which differ in the degree of bending (45 degrees versus 75 degrees). According to a phasing analysis bending is directed into the major groove. Strong binding, not, however, cleavage is also observed with the genetically engineered enzymatically inactive variant comprising amino acids 1-277. Models for binding and cleavage of DNA by PI-SceI are discussed based on these results.  相似文献   

Feulgen nuclear staining with pararosanilin-SO2 was combined with the ninhydrin-Schiff technique. The aldehyde groups converted from primary amino groups are stained with an acriflavine-Schiff reaction. This results in a red nuclear fluorescence and a bright yellow cytoplasmic and nuclear fluorescence. The combined fluorescence staining facilitates cytofluorometric determination of total protein and DNA in the same cell. The ninhydrin-Schiff reaction is affected by the fixation procedure and the duration of the ninhydrin reaction. Investigations with a model system showed that proportionality between the fluorescence intensity of acriflavine and the amount of protein stained by the procedure was obtained after fixation with a fixation mixture suggested by B?hm et al. (1968) and a reaction with ninhydrin at 37 degrees C for 10 h. The ninhydrin-Schiff reaction has no effect on the fluorescence intensity of cells previously treated with pararosanilin-Feulgen staining and it is not affected itself by this previous procedure. Testing this double fluorescence staining on cytology specimens taken from patients with gastric carcinoma and uterine cervial carcinoma, cancer cells were shown to have markedly increased protein and DNA contents compared with those of normal cells.  相似文献   

Much insight into the interactions of DNA and enzymes has been obtained using a number of single-molecule techniques. However, recent results generated using two of these techniques-atomic force microscopy (AFM) and magnetic tweezers (MT)-have produced apparently contradictory results when applied to the action of the ATP-dependent type III restriction endonucleases on DNA. The AFM images show extensive looping of the DNA brought about by the existence of multiple DNA binding sites on each enzyme and enzyme dimerisation. The MT experiments show no evidence for looping being a requirement for DNA cleavage, but instead support a diffusive sliding of the enzyme on the DNA until an enzyme-enzyme collision occurs, leading to cleavage. Not only do these two methods appear to disagree, but also the models derived from them have difficulty explaining some ensemble biochemical results on DNA cleavage. In this 'Survey and Summary', we describe several different models put forward for the action of type III restriction enzymes and their inadequacies. We also attempt to reconcile the different models and indicate areas for further experimentation to elucidate the mechanism of these enzymes.  相似文献   

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