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Summary Transformations of tumorous-head Drosophila melanogaster were examined in order to investigate whether head structures were replaced by specific abdominal structures. Heads selected for the presence of genital structures were analyzed in detail. Female abnormalities included any combination of vaginal teeth, vulvar papillae, sensilla trichodea, abdominal tergites 6 (T6), 7 (T7), 8 (T8) and anal plate. Anal plate was observed in the prefrons and rostral membrane, while all other genital structures were intimately associated with modified shingle cuticle. Male abnormalities included transformation of antennal structures to penis, clasper teeth, lateral plate, anal plate and eye to T6. The distribution of each type of homeotic structure was confined to general regions of the eye-antenna, with no precise dividing lines between them. However, the spatial sequence of homeotic structures in the eye-antenna was generally the same as the sequence of the same structures in the posterior abdomen.  相似文献   

Human dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is a critical target in cancer chemotherapy. Previous studies showed that an 82-nt RNA fragment within the DHFR mRNA protein-coding region functions as a DHFR cis-acting response element. In this study, we further investigated the key elements contained within this sequence that are required for the DHFR mRNA-DHFR protein interaction. Using enzymatic foot-printing assays and RNA-binding experiments, we isolated a 27-nt sequence (DHFR27, corresponding to nts 407-433), which bound with high affinity and specificity to human DHFR to form a ribonucleoprotein complex. In vivo transient transfection experiments using a luciferase reporter system revealed that DHFR27 RNA could repress the luciferase expression in a DHFR-dependent manner when placed upstream of luciferase mRNA. This work provides new insights into the essential molecular elements that mediate RNA-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Nicholas HR  Brookfield JF 《Genetica》2002,114(3):293-296
Drosophila melanogaster mus309 mutations have been identified as being in the Ku70 gene, encoding one subunit of the DNA-dependent protein kinase. However, recent work has suggested that these mutations are in the Bloom's syndrome homologue. Here, we demonstrate that the coding sequence of Ku70 gene is indeed wild-type in two mus309 mutant lines.  相似文献   

Summary A mouse dihydrofolate reductase gene (DHFR), encoding an enzyme conferring methotrexate (MTX) resistance, under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35 S promoter, was inserted within a maize nonautonomous Ds transposable element. The presence of at least one element (Ds-DHFR) can easily be monitored using methotrexate selection in plants. This chimeric element is able to transpose at a frequency similar to its unmodified progenitor in transgenic tobacco callus containing an autonomous Ac element. The orientation of the selectable marker cassette in the Ds element does not affect relative excision frequencies. Approximately two-thirds of these elements can be detected after excision while the remaining one-third cannot. The Ds-DHFR element is useful in elucidating the mechanism by which Ac/Ds transposition occurs, and allows for a rapid identification of mutants in which methotrexate resistance cosegregates with a mutant phenotype.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the indirect flight muscles was studied by electron microscopy in the following Notch locus mutants of Drosophila melanogaster reared at 18° C or 29° C for 6 days after eclosion: Ax 16172/Ax16172, Ax28/ Ax28, l(1)Nts1/l(1)Nts1,l(1)Nts1/Y and in wild-type controls. The flies were raised up to eclosion at 25° C or 18° C. It was observed that the l(1)Nts1 flies gradually became flightless within a few days if reared at 29° C as adults, and gross changes in the fine structure of the flight muscles were also observed in flies of this genotype. Peripheral myofilaments of myofibrils were disarranged and the mitochondria diminutive. At 18° C the flight muscles remained normal. In all of the Abruptex (Ax) combinations the flight muscles remained similar to the wild-type controls at both 18° C and 29° C, i.e. they were normal. The results suggest that the Notch gene is active in adult flies in addition to its activity during embryonic, larval and pupal stages, and is directly or indirectly involved in the adult development of the muscle tissue.  相似文献   

Dihydrofolate reductases (DHFRs) from Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) and various species of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms have a conserved tryptophan (Trp) at position 48 in the active site. The role in catalysis and binding of inhibitors of the conserved Trp48 of PfDHFR has been analysed by site-specific mutagenesis, enzyme kinetics and use of a bacterial surrogate system. All 19 mutant enzymes showed undetectable or very low specific activities, with the highest value of k(cat)/K(m) from the Tyr48 (W48Y) mutant (0.12 versus 11.94M(-1)s(-1)), of about 1% of the wild-type enzyme. The inhibition constants for pyrimethamine, cycloguanil and WR99210 of the W48Y mutants are 2.5-5.3 times those of the wild-type enzyme. All mutants, except W48Y, failed to support the growth of Escherichia coli transformed with the parasite gene in the presence of trimethoprim, indicating the loss of functional activity of the parasite enzyme. Hence, Trp48 plays a crucial role in catalysis and inhibitor binding of PfDHFR. Interestingly, W48Y with an additional mutation at Asn188Tyr (N188Y) was found to promote bacterial growth and yielded a higher amount of purified enzyme. However, the kinetic parameters of the purified W48Y+N188Y enzyme were comparable with W48Y and the binding affinities for DHFR inhibitors were also similar to the wild-type enzyme. Due to its conserved nature, Trp48 of PfDHFR is a potential site for interaction with antimalarial inhibitors which would not be compromised by its mutations.  相似文献   

The suppressible eye color mutant purple (pr) of Drosophila melanogaster is known to be unable to synthesize a wild-type complement of pteridine eye pigments. This study measures the reduced levels of drosopterins, sepiapterin, and an unidentified presumed pteridine in pr and pr bw. Pteridine analyses in double mutants combining pr with one of three other eye color mutants sepia, Henna-recessive3, and prune2, suggest that the metabolic block in pr occurs prior to sepiapterin biosynthesis. Measurements of GTP and GTP cyclohydrolase in pr showed wild-type levels and indicate the metabolic block in pr to be at one of the steps converting dihydroneopterin triphosphate to sepiapterin. Quantitation of pteridines in suppressed purple [su(s) 2; pr and pr; su(pr) e3] shows restoration of pteridines to wild-type or nearly wild-type levels.T. G. W. is a predoctoral trainee supported by Grant GM 1974 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health.The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration.  相似文献   

In order to produce a more potent replacement for trimethoprim (TMP) used as a therapy for Pneumocystis pneumonia and targets dihydrofolate reductase from Pneumocystis jirovecii (pjDHFR), it is necessary to understand the determinants of potency and selectivity against DHFR from the mammalian host and fungal pathogen cells. To this end, active site residues in human (h) DHFR were replaced with those from pjDHFR. Structural data are reported for two complexes of TMP with the double mutants Gln35Ser/Asn64Phe (Q35S/N64F) and Gln35Lys/Asn64Phe (Q35K/N64F) of hDHFR that unexpectedly show evidence for the binding of two molecules of TMP: one molecule that binds in the normal folate binding site and the second molecule that binds in a novel subpocket site such that the mutated residue Phe64 is involved in van der Waals contacts to the trimethoxyphenyl ring of the second TMP molecule. Kinetic data for the binding of TMP to hDHFR and pjDHFR reveal an 84-fold selectivity of TMP against pjDHFR (Ki 49 nM) compared to hDHFR (Ki 4093 nM). Two mutants that contain one substitution from pj- and one from the closely related Pneumocystis carinii DHFR (pcDHFR) (Q35K/N64F and Q35S/N64F) show Ki values of 593 and 617 nM, respectively; these Ki values are well above both the Ki for pjDHFR and are similar to pcDHFR (Q35K/N64F and Q35S/N64F) (305 nM). These results suggest that active site residues 35 and 64 play key roles in determining selectivity for pneumocystis DHFR, but that other residues contribute to the unique binding of inhibitors to these enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary Drosophila embryos, exposed to ether between 1 and 4 h after oviposition, develop defects ranging from the complete lack of segmentation to isolated gaps in single segments. Between these extremes are varying extents of incomplete and abnormal segmentation. On the basis of both their temporal and spatial characteristics, five major phenotype classes may be distinguished: headless — unsegmented or incompletely segmented anteriorly; gap — interruptions of segmentation not obviously periodic; alternating segment gaps — interruptions with double segment periodicities; fused segments; and short segments — truncations with single segment periodicities. Many defects resemble known mutant phenotypes. The disturbances in segmentation are predominantly global and frequently accompanied by alterations in segment specification, such that the segments obtained show no resemblance to the normal homologues. These features, together with the distinctive spatiotemporal characteristics of the defects, all point to segmentation as a dynamic process. The regular spacing of the segments and the fact that the entire range of defects is inducible by ether are further consistent with the hypothesis that at least part of the segmentation process may consist of physicochemical reactions coordinated over the whole body. The relationship between our data and data from genetic and other analyses are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A temperature-sensitive period during early embryogenesis for three stocks carrying thetuh-3 gene suggests that it is a homoeotic mutation involved in the initial determination of the eye-antennal disc rather in maintenance of the determination.  相似文献   

Glutamine-dependent CPSase, ATCase, and DHOase from Drosophila, the first three enzymes in pyrimidine biosynthesis, show coordinate variation in activity throughout development. The three activities were highest in first instar larvae and decreased as development proceeded. The three activities cosediment in sucrose gradients as a single peak with a relative sedimentation coefficient of approximately 30S. CPSase, ATCase, and DHOase copurify during (NH4) 2SO4 fractionation and during DEAE-cellulose and hydroxylapatite chromatography.This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (No. PCM75-22802). In addition, Stuart I. Tsubota was a NIH Predoctoral Trainee (No. 5T32-GM07 127) and Susan E. Germeraad was a Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow.  相似文献   

The trp is a conditional phototransduction mutant of Drosophila. Direct electrical measurements and shot noise analysis suggest that a prolonged intense light causes in the mutant a reduction in the quantum efficiency for quantum bump production that does not arise from bleaching of the visual pigment. This effect depends on the duration of the light and only weakly on its intensity. In the normal fly, an intense blue light that shifts the visual pigment from rhodopsin to metarhodopsin, induces an excitatory process manifested by a prolonged depolarizing after potential (PDA). In the mutant, the PDA has a small amplitude and bump noise is superimposed on the response. It can thus be shown that the excitatory process underlying the PDA is also present in those trp mutants where the PDA voltage response is small or absent. It is suggested that the absence of the PDA voltage response in the mutant is probably due to a defect in an intermediate process, which links the excitatory process to the membrane conductance change.Presented at the EMBO-Workshop on Transduction Mechanism of Photoreceptors, Jülich, Germany, October 4–8, 1976  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite is a potent reactive oxygen species that is believed to mediate deleterious protein modifications in a wide variety of neurodegenerative disorders. In this study, we have analysed the effects of oxidative damage induced by peroxynitrite on a cysteine-free mutant of dihydrofolate reductase (SE-DHFR), from a functional and a structural point of view. The peroxynitrite-mediated oxidation results in the inhibition, concentration-dependent, of the catalytic activity. This effect is strongly influenced by the HCO(3)(-)/CO(2) buffering system, that we observed to significantly affect the yield of protein oxidation by modulating the peroxynitrite-induced modification of aromatic residues. Because of this effect, in presence of bicarbonate system, we have observed a protection of enzymatic activity of SE-DHFR with regard to peroxynitrite. The thermodynamic stability of the oxidized protein has been studied in comparison with the non-oxidized protein by differential scanning calorimetry. The thermodynamic parameters obtained showed a decrease of stability of SE-DHFR upon oxidation, evaluated in terms of Gibbs free energy of about 1.25 kcal/mol at 25 degrees C, with respect to the non-oxidized protein. Together, these data indicate that structural and functional alterations induced by peroxynitrite may play a direct role in compromising DHFR function in multiple pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract A 1.3 kb Hin III fragment encoding the type VII trimethoprim-resistant dihydrofolate reductase gene was cloned into pBR322. Unidirectional deletion of this cloned fragment with exonuclease III identified the start of the dihydrofolate reductase gene. An internal 300bp Eco RV fragment was identified which could be used as a specific non-radioactive DNA probe to distinguish bacteria carrying the type VII gene from those carrying genes encoding other known dihydrofolate reductase types.  相似文献   

It has been shown that crude extracts of Drosophila melanogaster adults contain three distinctly different enzymes which catalyze the oxidation of d-sorbitol into d-fructose. These include (1) a soluble NAD-dependent sorbitol dehydrogenase (NAD-SoDHs), (2) a mitochondrial NAD-dependent sorbitol dehydrogenase (NAD-SoDHm), and (3) a soluble NADP-dependent sorbitol dehydrogenase (NADP-SoDH). Developmental studies have shown that the activities of all three of these enzymes are lowest during the larval stages while highest levels are seen during or shortly prior to the adult period. With respect to NAD-SoDHs, studies of tissue distribution in adults have shown that highest activity is associated with thoracic musculature in both sexes and with organs of the male reproductive system. The developmental profile of this enzyme reveals a significant increase in activity at between 40 and 60 hr after hatching. This time interval corresponds closely to that during which the paternally derived NAD-SoDHs gene is expressed. An additional increase in activity is seen in male pupae at 160 hr and in female adults at 210 hr. The rapid increase in males takes place immediately following the developmental period during which the testes attach to their respective duct systems. NADP-SoDH activity is concentrated among organs of the thorax and abdomen in both sexes. Males show significantly higher levels of this enzyme during the late pupal and early adult periods. In contrast to the patterns of distribution seen for NAD-SoDHs and NADP-SoDH, 91–92% of the total NAD-SoDHm activity in adults is localized to the thoracic musculature. The developmental profile of this enzyme reveals a significant increase in activity during the late pupal and early adult periods, when flight muscle mitochondria are known to be proliferating and undergoing structural maturation.This work was supported in part by Grant No. GY-10830 from the National Science Foundation and a faculty research fellowship from The University of Toledo Board of Trustees.  相似文献   

Martin F  Kim MS  Gomez-Diaz C  Hovemann B  Alcorta E 《Genetica》2006,128(1-3):359-372
Enhancer trap P-element insertion has become a common method for generating new mutations in Drosophila melanogaster. When this method is used to isolate mutants for quantitative traits, an appropriate control must be established to define normal and mutant phenotypes. Considering that enhancer-trap lines are generated by crossing several strains, usually with no homogeneous genetic background, no clear control strain can be selected. Previous reports tried to overcome this problem by homogenizing the genetic background of the original lines. However, this is not the most common scenario, especially when functional phenotypes are studied in previously generated lines. Without such caution, is it possible to identify functional mutants among P-element insertion lines? We tested this for olfactory preference, a quantitative trait. Using as control measurement the average phenotype of 30 simultaneously generated P-element insertion lines with preferential reporter-gene expression in olfactory reception organs, we found that 25 of the lines exhibited mutant phenotypes in response to one or several of 5 tested odorants. Additional tests showed that the efficiency of the method for detecting olfactory mutations exceeded 60% even for such a small number of tested odorants. According to these results this approach greatly facilitates the identification of putative abnormal phenotypes, which must be extensively confirmed afterwards.  相似文献   

Summary We have screened for dominant enhancers and suppressors of the wing phenotype associated with two Delta alleles: Dl 9P39, an amorphic allele, and Dl FE32, an antimorphic allele. The interactions of some of the modifiers with Delta are due to haplo-insufficient expression of the corresponding genes. Although not explicitly shown for the remaining cases, we assume that haploin-sufficiency is also the basis for the relationships of these genes to Delta, since no allele specific interactions were observed. The modifiers found define 22 genes with pleiotropic expression, which can be classified into two groups: genes required for wing vein pattern formation and for neurogenesis, and genes which are not required for neurogenesis. Among the genes of the first group, Hairless and Star were previously known to participate in neural development. One further modifier was found which may correspond to a new neurogenic gene. The second group of genes is larger and includes already known loci, e.g., Plexate, blistered, plexus, etc, as well as other previously unidentified genes, which function during wing morphogenesis. Correspondence to: J.A. Campos-Ortega  相似文献   

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