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When imbibed at their optimum germination temperature of25°C, achenes of Tagetes minutaL.germinate over a period of 48 h. At a temperature of36°C, the achenes become thermoinhibited and do notgerminate. This elevated temperature does not harm the achenes, however, and assoon as the temperature is reduced below 35°C,germination occurs, but is spread over a reduced period of only 24h. The polypeptide patterns of germinating and thermoinhibitedachenes were compared, to test whether thermoinhibition is the result ofdifferential gene expression or repression. Ten polypeptides which weredifferentially expressed in thermoinhibited achenes were observed. Thesepolypeptides were all extremely specific to thermoinhibited achenes anddeclinedrapidly when the incubation temperature was decreased, in a manner whichcorrelated with the increase in germinability of the achenes. The tightlyregulated nature of the expression of these polypeptides suggests thatthermoinhibition in T. minuta may be under positivecontrol. These proteins may therefore result in the prevention of radicleemergence at unfavourable temperatures.  相似文献   

Endogenous cytokinins were quantified and identified in germinating achenes and developing seedlings of Tagetes minuta L. incubated at 25 °C over a 144 h period. The process of germination (radicle emergence) was completed 38 h after commencement of imbibition. Subsequent growth was considered to cover seedling establishment. Eighteen isoprenoid cytokinins, belonging to the zeatin (9), dihyrozeatin (5) and isopentenyladenine (4) groups and one aromatic cytokinin, benzyladenine, were identified. The total isoprenoid cytokinin concentration increased upon imbibition, reached a peak by 48 h and subsequently decreased with seedling development. The individual cytokinin groups and the respective derivatives within each group did, however, not follow such a consistent trend. During the course of the experiment, the ribotides and ribosides were present in the highest concentrations, reaching a peak at 48 h and decreasing thereafter. The free bases and O-glucoside remained at low levels throughout the experiment. Isopentenyladenine-9-glucoside increased dramatically in the developing seedlings and after 144 h was the predominate cytokinin. Benzyladenine was the only aromatic cytokinin detected throughout the experiment. It was present in high concentrations in the dry achenes and declined rapidly upon imbibition.  相似文献   

Levels of albumins, globulins and starch were measured in dryTagetes minuta L. achenes (seeds) germinating at 25 °C andin those thermo-inhibited at 35 °C. In addition, the compositionof amino acids, fatty acids and free sugars was determined. In germinating seeds, albumins increased, while globulins decreased.At 35 °C, only a delayed decrease in globulins occurred.However, in both, the amino acids serine and glutamate increased.Lipid composition remained constant except for a slight declinein linoleic acid in the germinating seeds. At 25 °C, starchlevels increased with time while at 35 °C, there was onlya transient increase. Sucrose was the major free sugar foundin the seeds at all times, but its levels declined in the germinatingseeds. This was accompanied by an increase in the proportionsof glucose and fructose. No such changes in sugar compositionwere observed in the thermo-inhibited seeds. Tagetes minuta L., seed germination, reserve mobilization, thermo-inhibition  相似文献   

Germination of Tagetes minuta L. I. Temperature Effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Initial studies have indicated that Tagetes minuta achenes haveboth a temperature and a light requirement for germination.Temperatures tested were 10, 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C. Germinationwas optimal at 25 °C under white light conditions. Underthese conditions 100 per cent of achenes germinated within 7days of imbibition. There was no germination at 10 or 35 °Ceither in the light or in the dark. Achenes imbibed and incubatedat 35 °C for 4 days showed no visible signs of germinationbut on transfer to 25 °C, 100 per cent of these achenesgerminated within 24 h. Furthermore, achenes given this hightemperature (35 °C) treatment could be dried at 25 °C,re-imbibed at 25 °C and again 100 per cent of achenes germinatedwithin 24 h of re-imbibition. This rapid germination responsefollowing removal from the high temperature regime could alsobe induced by transfer to temperatures of 20 °C or 20 °C(16 h) alternating with 10 °C (8 h). Tagetes minuta L., weed seeds, germination, temperature, light  相似文献   

The N-substituted phthalimide AC 94377 (1-(3-chlorophthalimido)-cyclohexanecarboxamide) was equally effective as a mixture of the gibberellins A4 and A7 (GA4/7) in breaking dormancy and stimulating germination of celery seeds when either was used in combination with ethephon or daminozide as a seed soak. Whereas seedlings emerging from GA4/7-treated seeds became etiolated in comparison with those from untreated seeds, those from AC 94377-treated seeds showed normal development. Preharvest sprays of gibberellic acid (GA3) increased the height of mature plants in comparison with untreated controls by about 16 per cent whereas AC 94377 was ineffective. The yield from GA3-treated plots was about 10 per cent greater than that from AC 94377-treated plots.  相似文献   

The biosynthetic steps from gibberellin A12-aldehyde (GA12-aldehyde) to C19-GAs were studied by means of a cell-free system from the embryos of immature Phaseolus vulgaris seeds. Stable-isotope-labeled GAs were used as substrates and the products were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Gibberellin A12-aldehyde was converted to GA4 via non-hydroxylated intermediates and to GA1 via 13-hydroxylated intermediates. 13-Hydroxylation took place at the beginning of the pathway by the conversion of GA12-aldehyde to GA53-aldehyde. The conversion of GA20 to GA5 and GA6 was also shown but no 2-hydroxylating activity was found. Endogenous GAs from embryos and testas of 17-dold seeds were re-examined by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring using stable-isotopelabeled GAs as internal standards. Gibberellins A9, A12, A15, A19, A23, A24, and A53 were identified for the first time in P. vulgaris, in addition to GA1, GA4, GA5, GA6, GA8, GA17, GA20, GA29, GA37, GA38 and GA44, which were previously known to occur in this species. The levels of all GAs, except the 2-hydroxylated ones, were greater in the embryos than in the testas. Conversely, the contents of GA8 and GA29, both 2-hydroxylated, were much higher in the testas than in the embryos.Abbreviations GAn gibberellin An - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - GC-SIM gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - TLC thin-layer chromatography - m/z ion of mass  相似文献   

【目的】印加孔雀草为菊科一年生草本植物,原产南美洲,现已在我国多个地区发现,局部呈现生态危害。分析印加孔雀草生态适应性特点,可以有针对地提出其风险指标体系和判断标准,确定其危险级别。【方法】对印加孔雀草的分布、危害情况及生物学特性进行调查,定性分析其生态适应性特点,定量分析评估其生态风险,确定其危险级别。【结果】根据风险指标体系准则层的赋值,其中入侵性R_1为83,适应性R_2为88,扩散性R_3为65,危害性R_4为84,计算得出印加孔雀草风险值(R)=8061,属于具有危害性和侵入性的物种。【结论】印加孔雀草为具有危害性和侵入性的物种,应严格禁止引入。由于该植物已经传入我国,应采取必要的应急措施,开展检疫、监测和灭除,防止其传入其他还未发生的地区。  相似文献   

Seedlings of the red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle L., were subjected to a variety of salinity, light, and plant growth regulator treatments to examine the influence of these factors on early development. Stem, leaf, and root growth were significantly enhanced in both low salinity seawater and under reduced intensities of solar radiation. Semi-quantitative analyses of GAs by enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assays (ELISA) suggest that under these conditions the early 3/13 hydroxylation GA1 biosynthetic pathway is predominant in R. mangle. Concentrations of GA1 and GA19-like substances were highest in propagules exhibiting enhanced development. Attempts to identify the endogenous GAs by GC-MS were unsuccessful, most likely due to undetermined impurities present in mangroves. Exogenous applications of GA3 to R. mangle were moderately successful in alleviating shoot growth inhibitions observed at higher salinities and light levels. The role of gibberellins is discussed in terms of metabolic responses to the external environment and possible impacts upon the distribution of this species.  相似文献   

Crosses were made between four varieties (Mahsuri, Setanjung, MR84 and MR103) of Oryza sativa L. (2n=24, AA) and one accession of O. minuta (2n= 8, BBCC). The seed set obtained ranged between 9.5% and 25.1% depending on the rice variety used. By rescuing 14-day-old embryos and culturing them on 25%-strength MS medium we obtained a total of 414 F1 hybrids. The F1s were vigorous, tillered profusely, were perennial and male-sterile. The hybrids were triploid (ABC) with 36 chromosomes and showed irregular meiosis. The average frequency and range of chromosome associations at metaphase I or early anaphase I pollen mother cells of F1 plants were 29.31(16–36) Is +3.32(0–10) IIs+0.016(0–1) IIIs+0.002(0–1) IVs. Upon backcrossing the original triploid hybrids and colchicine-treated hybrids to their respective recurrent parents, and further embryo rescue, 17 backcross-1 (BC1) plants were obtained. Of all the crosses using MR84, no BC1 plant was obtained even after pollinating 13 894 spikelets of the triploid hybrid. The BC1s were similar in appearence to the F1s and were male-sterile, their chromosome number ranged from 44 to 48. By backcrossing these BC1s and nurturing them through embryo rescue, we obtained 32 BC2 plants. Of these, however, only 18 plants grew vigorously. One of these plants has 24 chromosomes and the other 17 have chromosome numbers ranging between 30 and 37. The 24-chromosome plant was morphologically similar to the O. sativa parent and was partially fertile with a pollen and spikelet fertility of 58.8% and 12.5% respectively. All of the F1 and BC1 plants were found to be resistant to five Malaysian isolates (XO66, XO99, XO100, XO257 and XO319) of Xanthomonas campestris pv oryzae. Amongst the BC2s, the reaction varied from resistant to moderately susceptible. The 24-chromosome BC2 plant was resistant to the four isolates and moderately resistant to isolate XO100 to which the O. sativa parent was susceptible.Part of PhD thesis submitted by first author to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi  相似文献   

The effect of the plant growth retardants ancymidol. mefluidide and uniconazole on germination of two melon accessions differing in their ability to germinate at 14°C was examined. The accessions were the cold sensitive Noy Yizre'el and the cold tolerant Persia 202. The three growth retardants were able to delay the germination of intact Noy Yizre'el seeds, but did not affect that of intact Persia 202 seeds. On the other hand germination of decoated seeds of both accessions was unaffected by these inhibitors at normal oxygen concentration, but was inhibited at 5% oxygen. When gibberellin-like activity was measured by a dwarf rice biological assay following HPLC fractionation, it was found that seeds of Persia 202 contained much more gibberellin-like activity than Noy Yizre'el seeds. Among the extracted compounds several endogenous gibberellins were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). They included GA4, GA20, GA1 and GA3 in Noy Yizre'el and GA34, GA20, GA1 and GA8 in Persia 202. It is suggested that the better germination of intact Persia 202 seeds, compared to Noy Yizre'el seeds at low temperature and low oxygen concentration, is due to a higher endogenous level of GA and a better seed coat permeability to oxygen.  相似文献   

以中国南、北2个主要栽培品种‘玉油二号’和‘秦油二号’油菜种子为供试材料,采用溶液培养方法研究了0~2 000mmol·L-1甲醇溶液处理下,油菜种子萌发、幼苗生长特征及其相关生理生化指标的变化。结果表明:(1)10~1 000mmol·L-1甲醇处理的油菜种子萌发指标(发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数)和幼苗生长指标(幼芽及幼根长度、鲜重、根冠比)均比对照显著增加,而甲醇溶液浓度为2 000mmol·L-1时油菜种子萌发和幼苗生长受到显著抑制;两个油菜品种种子萌发和幼苗生长在甲醇溶液处理下均表现为相同的变化趋势,但也存在品种的差异,‘秦油二号’生长受影响程度低于‘玉油二号’。(2)随着甲醇溶液浓度的增加,油菜种子萌发指标和幼苗生长指标表现出先增加后降低的趋势,并在甲醇溶液浓度为100mmol·L-1时均达到最大值,继续高于此浓度后促进作用即减弱以至消失,甚至产生抑制作用。(3)随着甲醇处理溶液浓度的增加,油菜幼苗叶片的叶绿素含量呈先增后降的趋势,而同期叶片的MDA和过氧化氢含量却呈先降后升的相反趋势,且均在相同的100mmol·L-1浓度下分别达到最大或者最低值。研究认为,适宜浓度的甲醇溶液能够促进油菜种子萌发和幼苗生长。  相似文献   

Relationships between gibberellins and floral initiation were investigated in a conditional non-flowering mutant of red clover, Trifolium pratense. Untreated mutant plants will not flower under long-days, but will do so when certain GAs are applied. Gibberellins, A3, A1, A7, and A5 all resulted in both stem elongation and flowering whilst GA4 produced the elongation only. Applications of GA20, GA8 and GA13 under long-days had no detectable effect. Thus, by combining the use of the mutant with the application of different GAs, the correlation between the processes of stem elongation and floral initiation, which is normally strongly expressed in this species, was broken. Endogenous gibberellins shown to be present in normal plants were also found in the mutant genotype. Gibberellins alone were not sufficient to initiate floral development in the mutant, there being an essential element of interaction with long-days. These results are discussed in relation to the nature of the lesion in the mutant and the signal provided by the applied gibberellin.  相似文献   

Summary. The essential oil extracted by steam distillation from the capitula of Indian Tagetes patula, Asteraceae, was evaluated for its antifungal properties and analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Thirty compounds were identified, representing 89.1% of the total detected. The main components were piperitone (24.74%), piperitenone (22.93%), terpinolene (7.8%), dihydro tagetone (4.91%), cis-tagetone (4.62%), limonene (4.52%), and allo-ocimene (3.66%). The oil exerted a good antifungal activity against two phytopathogenic fungi, Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium digitatum, providing complete growth inhibition at 10 μl/ml and 1.25 μl/ml, respectively. The contribution of the two main compounds, piperitone and piperitenone, to the antifungal efficacy was also evaluated and ultrastructural modifications in mycelia were observed via electron microscopy, evidencing large alterations in hyphal morphology and a multisite mechanism of action. Correspondence and reprints: Dipartimento delle Risorse Naturali e Culturali, Università di Ferrara, Corso Porta di Mare 2, 44100 Ferrara, Italy.  相似文献   

Summary The osmotic effect of Polyethylene glycol (PEG) has been shown to be sufficient to induce the germination of Pistacia vera L. pollen in liquid medium. The prehydration of the pollen in a saturated atmosphere for approximately 10 h was necessary to obtain maximum in vitro germination. Imbibition of the pollen in water resulted in the rapid leakage of solutes into the medium. These solutes consisted of approximately 50% carbohydrates, of which sucrose (0.65 mol/mg), glucose (0.77 mol/mg) and fructose (0.78 mol/mg) were the major sugars; the remaining 50% comprised proteins with the following major molecular weights 63 kDa, 60 kDa, 59 kDa, 40 kDa, 36 kDa, 35.5 kDa, 31 kDa, other organic matter and minerals.  相似文献   

Twenty known gibberellins (GAs) have been identified by combined capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in extracts from less than 10 g fresh weight of maturing seeds of the cucurbit Sechium edule Sw. The GAs are predominantly 3- and-or 13-hydroxylated. This is the first reported identification of non-conjugated 13-hydroxylated GAs in a cucurbit. Gibberellin A8 and gibberellin A8-catabolite are the major GAs in terms of quantity and are largely accumulated in the testa. The catabolites of 2-hydroxylated GAs are ,-unsaturated ketones which no longer possess of a -lactone. They were hitherto known only in legumes. The presence of GA8-catabolite as a major component of Sechium seeds indicates that the distribution of these GA-catabolites may be more widespread than previously envisaged. The localization of known GAs in maturing seeds of the legume Phaseolus coccineus L. was found to resemble closely that in Sechium. Gibberellin A8, a putative conjugate of GA8 and GA8-catabolite are accumulated in the testa. The localization in the testa of end-products of the GA-biosynthetic pathway, which was first observed in maturing seeds of Pisum sativum, and is now described in Phaseolus and Sechium, may be a general feature of seed development.Abbreviations GAn gibberellin An - GC-MS combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry  相似文献   

Gazza dentex (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1835), having been synonymized withG. minuta (Bloch, 1795), is redescribed as a valid species.Gazza dentex differs fromG. minuta in having deeper body (43.6–51.4% of standard length [SL] vs. 28.3–46.5% of SL), a broad anterodorsal extension of subocular silvery region, in contact with orbit proximally and distally (vs. a long narrow anterodorsal extension, proximal contact only with orbit), scaled area of anterior dorsolateral suface of body not beyond a vertical through posterior tip of sensory canal on temporal (vs. beyond), distance from posterior margin of temporal to anterior tip of dorsolateral scaled area equal to length of 3–5 anterior pored lateral line scales (vs. length of 1–2.5 anterior pored lateral line scales), some dark narrow wavy bands dorsolaterally on body (vs. some dark broad wavy bands above lateral line and a row of dark spots along lateral line), first interneural inserted deeply between first and second neural spines (vs. inserted shallowly), anterior expansion of first interneural narrow, its margin concave (vs. anterior expansion broad, its margin broadly convex), antrorse extension of first interhemal short, deep, acutely pointed (vs. long, moderately deep, pointed) first to fourth hypurals forming 2 plates (first+second and third-fourth hypurals) (vs. a single plate). The lectotype and three paralectotypes are designated forG. dentex, andG. minuta is redescribed.  相似文献   

西昌万寿菊花中化学成分的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从万寿菊(Tagetes ereata L.)花中分得8个已知化合物,分别为丁香酸(Syringic acid,1),3,4二羟基苯甲酸(3,4-dihydroxybenzonic acid,2),β-香树脂醇(β-amyrin,3),槲皮万寿菊素(Quercetagetin,4),Quercetagetin 7-methyl(5),β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol,6),豆甾醇(stigmasterol,7),正三十四烷(Tetratriacontane,8)。应用光谱法鉴定了所有化合物的结构。  相似文献   

Enzyme electrophoresis was used to compare the isozyme phenotypes of Oryza sativa, IR31917 (AA genome), and two O. minuta accessions (Om 101089 and Om101141; BBCC genome) for ten enzyme systems. Between the two species, two systems were monomorphic (isocitrate dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase) and eight were polymorphic (shikimate dehydrogenase, phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, phosphoglucose isomerase, malate dehydrogenase, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, esterase, aminopeptidase, and endopeptidase). Polymorphism between O. minuta accessions was detected for shikimate dehydrogenase and glutamate oxaloacetate. As expected, the quaternary structure of the O. minuta isozymes was comparable to that of O. sativa. Possible allelic relationships with known O. sativa alleles and their genomic designation are discussed. Combined with chromosome data, the interspecific variation was exploited to monitor the relative genetic contribution of the two parents in the IR31917/Om101141 F1 hybrids and recurrent (IR31917) backcross progenies. The isozyme content of F1 hybrid reflected its triploid nature (ABC genome composition), while that of the backcross progenies paralleled the duplication of the A genome and the gradual loss of O. minuta chromosomes during the backcrossing process. Evidence is provided for a degree of homoeology between the A, B, and C genomes, and for introgression from O. minuta into O. sativa.  相似文献   

Hairy roots of Tagetes patula were initiated by infecting the seedlings with Agrobacterium rhizogenes. The hairy roots were grown in liquid medium MS (Murashige and Skoog 1962) supplemented with sucrose. The roots were treated with three different elicitors obtained from mycelial culture of Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus oligosporus and Pencillium notatum. Accumulation of biomass and the production of thiophenes were studied over a period of six weeks in culture. The HPLC separation profile of the thiophenes indicated the presence of several structurally different thiophenes. α-terthienyl being predominent. Maximum production of thiophene was recorded at the end of the fourth week in culture with a content of 0.138 % (w/w on dry weight basis). Treatment of hairy roots with mycelial extract of Aspergillus niger (1.5 % v/v) elicited an increase in thiophene content by 1.6 folds over the control.  相似文献   

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