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I have measured the interaction of T3 with highly soluble, expanded, rat liver chromatin using a new assay for the study of hormone binding to nucleoprotein. Bound hormone and free hormone were rapidly and quantitatively separated by the adsorption of the hormone-nucleoprotein complex onto hydroxylapatite. This procedure satisfies several criteria for a successful binding assay: (1) The binding capacity is stable throughout the time required to reach equilibrium, (2) the ratio of specific to nonspecific binding (signal/noise) is at least 20:1, (3) large numbers of samples can be handled easily, (4) the amount of bound hormone is directly proportional to the quantity of chromatin employed, (5) the hormone and its analogs display a range of affinities for the binding site, and (6) the binding occurs to a limited number of sites, over a free hormone concentration range which is similar to the hormone concentrations found in vivo.  相似文献   

The present method of quantitating soluble asialoglycoprotein (galactosyl) receptor activity relies on the selective precipitation of receptor-ligand complexes to allow separation from free ligand. To provide an alternative to selective precipitation procedures, a simple and rapid method to assay for detergent-solubilized galactosyl receptor activity has been developed which uses permeabilized, fixed cells as a source of immobilized solid-phase receptors. Isolated rat hepatocytes were treated with digitonin to make available the internal as well as the external receptors. The permeable cells were also treated with glutaraldehyde to prevent further protein loss during subsequent exposure to detergents such as Triton X-100. The permeable/fixed cells, which retained about 70% of their total 125I-asialo-orosomucoid (125I-ASOR)-binding activity, with 89% specific binding, were insoluble even in 0.5% Triton X-100 and were easily pelleted. The permeable/fixed cells can be prepared in advance and stored frozen for months. A detergent extract of receptor is mixed with a constant amount of both 125I-ASOR and permeable/fixed cells. Soluble active receptors compete with immobilized receptors on the treated cell for binding of the 125I-ASOR. The assay is reproducible, linear over a broad range of soluble receptor concentration, and can quantitate receptor activity from as few as 10(5) hepatocytes. A modified purification procedure for the rat hepatic galactosyl receptor using this competition assay is also described.  相似文献   

E Hazum 《Biochemistry》1987,26(22):7011-7014
The interaction of 125I-buserelin, a superactive agonist of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), with solubilized GnRH receptor was studied. The highest specific binding of 125I-buserelin to solubilized GnRH receptor is evident at 4 degrees C, and equilibrium is reached after 2 h of incubation. The soluble receptor retained 100% of the original binding activity when kept at 4 or 22 degrees C for 60 min. Mono- and divalent cations inhibited, in a concentration-dependent manner, the binding of 125I-buserelin to solubilized GnRH receptor. Monovalent cations require higher concentrations than divalent cations to inhibit the binding. Since the order of potency within the divalent cations was identical with that of their association constants to dicarboxylic compounds, it is suggested that there are at least two carboxylic groups of the receptor that participate in the binding of the hormone. The carboxyl groups of sialic acid residues are not absolutely required for GnRH binding since the binding of 125I-buserelin to solubilized GnRH receptor was only slightly affected by pretreatment with neuraminidase and wheat germ agglutinin. The finding that polylysines stimulate luteinizing hormone (LH) release from pituitary cell cultures with the same efficacy as GnRH suggests that simple charge interactions can induce LH release. According to these results, we propose that the driving force for the formation of the hormone-receptor complex is an ionic interaction between the positively charged amino acid arginine in position 8 and the carboxyl groups in the binding site.  相似文献   



Thyroid hormone acts via receptor subtypes (TRα1, TRβ1, TRβ2) with differing tissue distributions, encoded by distinct genes (THRA, THRB). THRB mutations cause a disorder with central (hypothalamic–pituitary) resistance to thyroid hormone action with markedly elevated thyroid hormone and normal TSH levels.

Scope of review

This review describes the clinical features, genetic and molecular pathogenesis of a homologous human disorder mediated by defective THRA. Clinical features include growth retardation, skeletal dysplasia and constipation associated with low-normal T4 and high-normal T3 levels and a low T4/T3 ratio, together with subnormal reverse T3 levels. Heterozygous TRa1 mutations in affected individuals generate defective mutant receptors which inhibit wild-type receptor action in a dominant negative manner.

Major conclusions

Mutations in human TRα1 mediate RTH with features of hypothyroidism in particular tissues (e.g. skeleton, gastrointestinal tract), but are not associated with a markedly dysregulated pituitary–thyroid axis.

General significance

Human THRA mutations could be more common but may have eluded discovery due to the absence of overt thyroid dysfunction. Nevertheless, in the appropriate clinical context, a thyroid biochemical signature (low T4/T3 ratio, subnormal reverse T3 levels), may enable future identification of cases.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Thyroid hormone signalling.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormone plays important roles in development, differentiation, and metabolic homeostasis by binding to nuclear thyroid hormone receptors, which regulate target gene expression by interacting with DNA response elements and coregulatory proteins. We show that thyroid hormone receptors also are single-stranded RNA binding proteins and that this binding is functionally significant. By using a series of deletion mutants, a novel RNA-binding domain was localized to a 41-amino acid segment of thyroid hormone receptor alpha1 between the second zinc finger and the ligand-binding domain. This RNA-binding domain was necessary and sufficient for thyroid hormone receptor binding to the steroid receptor RNA activator (SRA). Although SRA does not bind directly to steroid receptors, it has been identified as a steroid receptor coactivator, and was thought not to be a coactivator for thyroid hormone receptors. However, transfection studies revealed that SRA enhances thyroid hormone induction of appropriate reporter genes and that the thyroid hormone receptor RNA-binding domain is important for this enhancement. We conclude that thyroid hormone receptors bind RNA through a novel domain and that the interaction of this domain with SRA, and perhaps other RNAs, enhances thyroid hormone receptor function.  相似文献   

The thyrotropin receptor from bovine thyroid plasma membranes has been solubilized using lithium diiodosalicylate, and an assay to measure thyrotropin binding to the solubilized receptor has been developed. Both the solubilized thyrotropin receptor and the thyrotropin receptor on thyroid plasma membranes have effectively identical nonlinear Scatchard plots and negatively sloped Hill plots, i.e. both preparations have receptors which appear to exhibit a similar negatively cooperative relationship. Although the pH optimum of thyrotropin binding to the solubilized receptor is the same as that of the thyroid plasma membrane receptor, pH 6.0, the pH dependency curve of the solubilized receptor is slightly different in its outline. Thyrotropin binding to the solubilized receptor is less sensitive to salt inhibition than is binding to the thyroid plasma membrane receptor; however, optimal binding remains at 0 degrees. The relative affinities of thyrotropin and two glycoprotein hormones which can be considered structural analogs, luteinizing hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin, are 100:10:5, respectively, toward plasma membrane receptors, but 100:25:40 toward the solubilized receptors. The solubilized receptor preparation is heterogeneous in size in that it has binding components with molecular weights of 286,000, 160,000, 75,000, and 15,000 to 30,000. Tryptic digestion converts all three higher molecular weight components to the 15,000 to 30,000 molecular weight species, and the 15,000 to 30,000 molecular weight receptor component has all of the binding properties of the solubilized receptor preparation before tryptic digestion including an identical nonlinear Scatchard plot. It has the same size as and coelutes from Sephadex G-100 with a 15,000 to 30,000 molecular weight receptor released by tryptic digestion of bovine thyroid plasma membranes or tryptic digestion of bovine or dog thyroid cells in culture. The tryptic fragment of the solubilized receptor or preparations has been purified almost 250-fold by affinity chromatography on thyrotropin-Sepharose columns. The binding activity is lost when the solubilized thyrotropin receptor preparation is exposed to beads of neuraminidase-Sepharose or conconavalin A-Sepharose.  相似文献   

The assembly of the genome into chromatin imposes a poorly understood set of rules and constraints on action by regulatory factors. We investigated the role played by chromatin infrastructure in enabling an acute response of the Xenopus TRbetaA gene to thyroid hormone receptor (TR), an extensively studied member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. We found that in addition to the known TR response element (TRE) in the promoter, full range regulation required an upstream enhancer that contained multiple nonconsensus TREs and augmented ligand action at high receptor levels. An array of translationally positioned nucleosomes formed over the TRbetaA locus in vivo; unliganded TR engaged this array in linker DNA between two nucleosomes and via TREs on the surface of histone octamers. Remarkably, assembly of enhancer DNA into mature chromatin potentiated binding by TR to its target response elements and enabled a greater range of regulation by TR than was observed on immature chromatin templates. Because assembly of enhancer DNA into chromatin increased TR binding to the nonconsensus TREs, we hypothesize that chromatin disruption targeted by liganded TR to the enhancer may lead to receptor release from the template and to an attenuation of response to hormone.  相似文献   

An improved procedure for the assay of pyruvate dehydrogenase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A modified procedure for the determination of the decarboxylation of [1-14C]pyruvate by pyruvate dehydrogenase is described which requires only small amounts of bovine kidney pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. The activity is greatly increased by the addition of high concentrations of ferricyanide.  相似文献   

Selective modulation of thyroid hormone receptor action   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Thyroid hormones have some actions that might be useful therapeutically, but others that are deleterious. Potential therapeutically useful actions include those to induce weight loss and lower plasma cholesterol levels. Potential deleterious actions are those on the heart to induce tachycardia and arrhythmia, on bone to decrease mineral density, and on muscle to induce wasting. There have been successes in selectively modulating the actions of other classes of hormones through various means, including the use of pharmaceuticals that have enhanced affinities for certain receptor isoforms. Thus, there is reason to pursue selective modulation of thyroid hormone receptor (TR) function, and several agents have been shown to have some β-selective, hepatic selective and/or cardiac sparring activities, although development of these was largely not based on detailed understanding of mechanisms for the specificity. The possibility of selectively targeting the TRβ was suggested by the findings that there are - and β-TR forms and that the TR-forms may preferentially regulate the heart rate, whereas many other actions of these hormones are mediated by the TRβ. We determined X-ray crystal structures of the TR and TRβ ligand-binding domains (LBDs) complexed with the thyroid hormone analog 3,5,3′-triiodithyroacetic acid (Triac). The data suggested that a single amino acid difference in the ligand-binding cavities of the two receptors could affect hydrogen bonding in the receptor region, where the ligand's 1-position substituent fits and might be exploited to generate β-selective ligands. The compound GC-1, with oxoacetate in the 1-position instead of acetate as in Triac, exhibited TRβ-selective binding and actions in cultured cells. An X-ray crystal structure of the GC-1-TRβ LBD complex suggests that the oxoacetate does participate in a network of hydrogen bonding in the TR LBD polar pocket. GC-1 displayed actions in tadpoles that were TRβ-selective. When administered to mice, GC-1 was as effective in lowering plasma cholesterol levels as T3, and was more effective than T3 in lowering plasma triglyceride levels. At these doses, GC-1 did not increase the heart rate. GC-1 was also less active than T3 in modulating activities of several other cardiac parameters, and especially a cardiac pacemaker channel such as HCN-2, which may participate in regulation of the heart rate. GC-1 showed intermediate activity in suppressing plasma thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. The tissue/plasma ratio for GC-1 in heart was also less than for the liver. These data suggest that compounds can be generated that are TR-selective and that compounds with this property and/or that exhibit selective uptake, might have clinical utility as selective TR modulators.  相似文献   

High-affinity agonists for the retinoic acid X receptors (RXR) have pleotropic effects when administered to humans. These include induction of hypertriglyceridemia and hypothyroidism. We determined the effect of a novel high-affinity RXR agonist with potent antihyperglycemic effects on thyroid function of female Zucker diabetic rats and nondiabetic littermates and in db/db mice. In both nondiabetic and ZFF rats, AGN194204 causes a 70-80% decrease in thyrotropin (TSH), 3,3',5-triiodothyronine, and thyroxine (T(4)) concentrations. In the db/db mouse, AGN194204 causes a time-dependent decrease in thyroid hormone levels with the fall in TSH that was significant after 1 day of treatment preceding the fall in T(4) levels that was significant at 3 days of treatment. Treatment with AGN194204 caused an initial increase in hepatic 5'-deiodinase mRNA levels which then fell to undetectable levels by 3 days of treatment and continued to be low at 7 days of treatment. After treatment for 5 days with AGN194204, both wild-type and thyroid hormone receptor beta (TR beta(-/-))-deficient mice demonstrated a nearly 50% decrease in serum TSH and T(4) concentrations. The results suggest that a high-affinity RXR agonist with antihyperglycemic activity can cause central hypothyroidism independently of TR beta, the main mediator of hormone-induced TSH suppression.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the cloning and sequencing of both the chicken and human vitamin D3 receptor cDNAs. A comparison of their deduced amino acid sequence with that of the other classic steroid hormone receptors and the receptor for thyroid hormone indicates that there are two regions of conservation between these molecules. The first is a 70 amino acid, cysteine-rich sequence (C1), the second region (C2) is a 62 amino acid region located towards the carboxyl terminus of the proteins. In other systems the former has been identified as a region responsible for DNA binding activity, whereas the latter represents the NH2-terminal boundary of the hormone binding domain. We present here evidence utilizing eucaryotic expression of cDNA encoding the hVDR C1 domain, followed by a DNA cellulose chromatography assay, which confirms that the DNA binding activity resides in this region of the receptor for vitamin D3. Additionally, the vitamin D3 receptor contains a 60 amino acid portion at its carboxyl terminus (C3) which exhibits homology with the receptor for thyroid hormone. Conservation in this region of the molecule is found only between homologous or closely related receptors. This indicates a relationship between the vitamin D3 receptor and the receptor for thyroid hormone and may suggest that they evolved from a single primordial gene.  相似文献   

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