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The photosymbiotic ascidian Diplosoma simile is characterized by a wide global distribution. The current study provides the first record of D. simile in the Red Sea, with remarks on its spatial distribution and phylogeny. Partial COI and 18S rDNA sequences of D. simile from the Red Sea revealed high similarity to those from the West Pacific, indicating a much broader range than previously recorded. In the Red Sea D. simile is common on natural coral reefs at depths ranging from 1–35 m. Diplosoma simile colonies were found to overgrow and would appear to suffocate several species of live stony corals, though this does not appear to cause mass coral mortality in the Red Sea, unlike that recorded in other locations.  相似文献   

Predation on urchins by migratory shorebirds was investigated during tidal exposure of the reef flat at Galeta, Panama. Avian predators, primarily ruddy turnstones Arenaria interpres (Linnaeus) reduced the patchiness of Echinometra lucunter (Linnaeus), the most abundant urchin on the reef flat. No mortality of E. lucunter occurred in quadrats protected from avian predation. No mortality occurred when urchin crowding was increased experimentally in protected areas. Stress-induced mortality could not be determined from the condition of tests alone, since turnstones were capable of removing lantern and internal organs without damage to the test. The importance of shorebird predation in reef communities during aerial exposure can be hard to detect because mortality can occur during brief periods, at night, and without damage to urchin tests.  相似文献   

Coral reefs worldwide are threatened by thermal stress caused by climate change. Especially devastating periods of coral loss frequently occur during El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events originating in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP). El Niño‐induced thermal stress is considered the primary threat to ETP coral reefs. An increase in the frequency and intensity of ENSO events predicted in the coming decades threatens a pan‐tropical collapse of coral reefs. During the 1982–1983 El Niño, most reefs in the Galapagos Islands collapsed, and many more in the region were decimated by massive coral bleaching and mortality. However, after repeated thermal stress disturbances, such as those caused by the 1997–1998 El Niño, ETP corals reefs have demonstrated regional persistence and resiliency. Using a 44 year dataset (1970–2014) of live coral cover from the ETP, we assess whether ETP reefs exhibit the same decline as seen globally for other reefs. Also, we compare the ETP live coral cover rate of change with data from the maximum Degree Heating Weeks experienced by these reefs to assess the role of thermal stress on coral reef survival. We find that during the period 1970–2014, ETP coral cover exhibited temporary reductions following major ENSO events, but no overall decline. Further, we find that ETP reef recovery patterns allow coral to persist under these El Niño‐stressed conditions, often recovering from these events in 10–15 years. Accumulative heat stress explains 31% of the overall annual rate of change of living coral cover in the ETP. This suggests that ETP coral reefs have adapted to thermal extremes to date, and may have the ability to adapt to near‐term future climate‐change thermal anomalies. These findings for ETP reef resilience may provide general insights for the future of coral reef survival and recovery elsewhere under intensifying El Niño scenarios.  相似文献   

Trididemnum miniatum is a colonial ascidian harboring the photosymbiotic prokaryote Prochloron sp. These bacterial cells are located in the tunic of the host animal. The present study revealed, by ultrastructural analysis, that the Prochloron cells were exclusively distributed and proliferated in the tunic. They were shown to be embedded in the tunic matrix and to have no direct contact with ascidian cells. Some tunic cells of the ascidians, however, did phagocytize and digest the symbiont. Round cell masses were sometimes found in the tunic and appeared to consist of disintegrating cyanobacterial cells. The thoracic epidermis of ascidian zooids was often digitated, and the epidermal cells extended microvilli into the tunic. Since there were no Prochloron cells in the alimentary tract of the ascidian zooids, the photosymbionts would not be considered part of the typical diet of the host ascidians. Thin layer chromatography showed that the symbionts possessed both chlorophyll a and b, while a 16S rRNA gene phylogeny supported the identification of the photosymbiont of T. miniatum as Prochloron sp.  相似文献   

High-latitude reef communities consisting of typical Caribbean fauna of variable composition and density exist on four parallel ridges at varying depths along the Broward County (Florida, USA) coast. Two of these ridges, at 7–13 and 15–30 m in depth, are drowned early Holocene coral reefs of 5 and 7 ky uncorrected radiocarbon age. In this study, community data were collected on each reef using 50-m, line-intercept transects. Using multivariate non-metric statistics, the data show distinct differences in benthic community structure across several spatial gradients. Diversity indices revealed that while all values were low, species diversity (H) was consistent throughout the county, and species richness (d) and evenness (J) increased along a north-south gradient. Scleractinian coral (27 species) cover was low (<6%) in all areas, and Montastrea cavernosa dominated as the major hermatypic scleractinian. Notably absent was the major Caribbean reef-builder Acropora palmata. A rich alcyonacean fauna was present on all studied reefs, and these were typically the most important faunal group determining community structure. Although during the 2-year period 2000–2002 mean water temperatures never fell below 20 °C, scleractinia were small in size.  相似文献   

A rich and apparently undisturbed fish community (132 species from 52 families) is found in the Parcel Manuel Luiz Marine State Park, Brazil. Comparisons with data obtained in other sites in Brazil and the Caribbean, using the same visual census technique, demonstrate high variation in community structure. The absence of some species found along the Brazilian coast suggests an ecological barrier between the study area and the remaining coastline.  相似文献   

Aim To identify connectivity patterns among coral reefs of the Indo‐West Pacific. Projecting connectivity forward in time provides a framework for studying long‐term source–sink dynamics in the region, and makes it possible to evaluate the manner in which migration shapes population genetic structure at regional scales. This information is essential for addressing critical gaps in knowledge for conservation planning efforts in one of the most biologically diverse regions on earth. Location Coral reefs of the Indo‐West Pacific, ranging from 15° S to 30° N and 95° E to 140° E. Methods Individual‐based biophysical dispersal models were used in conjunction with matrix projection to identify the expected patterns of exchange between coral reefs over time. Results Present‐day oceanographic conditions lead to the transport of larvae from the South China Sea into the Coral Triangle region via the Sulu Sea, and from northern Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands via Halmahera. The directionality of the system leads to the expected accumulation of organisms from outlying areas into the Coral Triangle region over time, particularly in the vicinity of the Maluku Islands and eastern Sulawesi. Coral reefs in Papua New Guinea, the Sulu Archipelago and areas within the Philippines are expected to be areas of high diversity as well. Main conclusions Biophysical dispersal models, used in conjunction with matrix projection, provide an effective means of simulating connectivity structure across the Indo‐West Pacific and thereby evaluating the directionality of genetic diversity. Migration appears to have a significant influence on population genetic structure in the region. Based on present‐day ocean currents, coral reefs in the South China Sea, northern Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands are contributing to high levels of diversity in the Coral Triangle.  相似文献   

Microbial community structure on coral reefs is strongly influenced by coral–algae interactions; however, the extent to which this influence is mediated by fishes is unknown. By excluding fleshy macroalgae, cultivating palatable filamentous algae and engaging in frequent aggression to protect resources, territorial damselfish (f. Pomacentridae), such as Stegastes, mediate macro-benthic dynamics on coral reefs and may significantly influence microbial communities. To elucidate how Stegastes apicalis and Stegastes nigricans may alter benthic microbial assemblages and coral health, we determined the benthic community composition (epilithic algal matrix and prokaryotes) and coral disease prevalence inside and outside of damselfish territories in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. 16S rDNA sequencing revealed distinct bacterial communities associated with turf algae and a two to three times greater relative abundance of phylotypes with high sequence similarity to potential coral pathogens inside Stegastes''s territories. These potentially pathogenic phylotypes (totalling 30.04% of the community) were found to have high sequence similarity to those amplified from black band disease (BBD) and disease affected corals worldwide. Disease surveys further revealed a significantly higher occurrence of BBD inside S. nigricans''s territories. These findings demonstrate the first link between fish behaviour, reservoirs of potential coral disease pathogens and the prevalence of coral disease.  相似文献   

Coral cover has declined rapidly on Caribbean reefs since the early 1980s, reducing carbonate production and reef growth. Using a cross-regional dataset, we show that widespread reductions in bioerosion rates—a key carbonate cycling process—have accompanied carbonate production declines. Bioerosion by parrotfish, urchins, endolithic sponges and microendoliths collectively averages 2 G (where G = kg CaCO3 m−2 yr−1) (range 0.96–3.67 G). This rate is at least 75% lower than that reported from Caribbean reefs prior to their shift towards their present degraded state. Despite chronic overfishing, parrotfish are the dominant bioeroders, but erosion rates are reduced from averages of approximately 4 to 1.6 G. Urchin erosion rates have declined further and are functionally irrelevant to bioerosion on most reefs. These changes demonstrate a fundamental shift in Caribbean reef carbonate budget dynamics. To-date, reduced bioerosion rates have partially offset carbonate production declines, limiting the extent to which more widespread transitions to negative budget states have occurred. However, given the poor prognosis for coral recovery in the Caribbean and reported shifts to coral community states dominated by slower calcifying taxa, a continued transition from production to bioerosion-controlled budget states, which will increasingly threaten reef growth, is predicted.  相似文献   

Changes in the carbonate chemistry of coral reef waters are driven by carbon fluxes from two sources: concentrations of CO2 in the atmospheric and source water, and the primary production/respiration and calcification/dissolution of the benthic community. Recent model analyses have shown that, depending on the composition of the reef community, the air‐sea flux of CO2 driven by benthic community processes can exceed that due to increases in atmospheric CO2 (ocean acidification). We field test this model and examine the role of three key members of benthic reef communities in modifying the chemistry of the ocean source water: corals, macroalgae, and sand. Building on data from previous carbon flux studies along a reef‐flat transect in Moorea (French Polynesia), we illustrate that the drawdown of total dissolved inorganic carbon (CT) due to photosynthesis and calcification of reef communities can exceed the draw down of total alkalinity (AT) due to calcification of corals and calcifying algae, leading to a net increase in aragonite saturation state (Ωa). We use the model to test how changes in atmospheric CO2 forcing and benthic community structure affect the overall calcification rates on the reef flat. Results show that between the preindustrial period and 1992, ocean acidification caused reef flat calcification rates to decline by an estimated 15%, but loss of coral cover caused calcification rates to decline by at least three times that amount. The results also show that the upstream–downstream patterns of carbonate chemistry were affected by the spatial patterns of benthic community structure. Changes in the ratio of photosynthesis to calcification can thus partially compensate for ocean acidification, at least on shallow reef flats. With no change in benthic community structure, however, ocean acidification depressed net calcification of the reef flat consistent with findings of previous studies.  相似文献   

The composition and trophic structure of reef fish communities in two natural and two artificial reefs along the coast of Paraíba State in north‐eastern Brazil were investigated. A total of 114 species of fish belonging to 47 families were recorded during 120 stationary visual surveys, slightly less than half (46·55%) of which were recorded at all four surveyed localities. Most species are widely distributed on the western Atlantic coast, but several are endemic to Brazil. The greatest diversity and equitability indexes were recorded at the reefs of Sapatas and Cabeço dos Cangulos, whereas the greatest richness and abundance were found at the Queimado shipwreck. The Alvarenga shipwreck reef had the least richness, diversity and equitability. The four localities studied had very similar ichthyofaunas, especially in relation to species composition. The reefs along the Paraíba coast are considered priority conservation areas by the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, and the information generated by this study will be useful for comparison with other reefs in the region and can be directly applied to programmes seeking to protect and manage these environments.  相似文献   

Numerous ascidian spicules are reported for the first time from the lower Sarmatian Darabani-Mitoc Clays of Costeşti, north-western Moldova. The biological interpretation of the studied sclerites allows distinguishing at least three morphospecies (Polysyncraton-like, Trididemnum-like, and Didemnum-like) within the Didemnidae family. Eight other morphological types of spicules are classified as indeterminate didemnids. Most of the studied spicules are morphologically similar to those of Recent shallow-water taxa from the Mediterranean Sea. In contrast, some sclerites resemble those of taxa from the Indo-Pacific region. The greater size of the studied spicules, compared to that of present-day didemnids, suggests favorable physicochemical conditions within the Sarmatian Sea. The presence of these stenohaline tunicates that prefer normal salinity seems to confirm latest hypotheses regarding mixo-mesohaline conditions during the early Sarmatian.  相似文献   

The spermatozoa of Phallusia (Ascidia) nigra have an elongated head (approximately 5 m in length) in which a nucleus and a single mitochondrion are located side by side. There is no midpiece. The apex of the head is wedge-shaped. Acrosomal vesicles (approximately 55–65 nm in diameter) and moderately electron-dense material (MEDM) are present between the plasmalemma and the nuclear membranes in the anterior tip of the head. The MEDM occupies a central position and three or four acrosomal vesicles are seen in a line alongside it. The acrosomal vesicles disappear as the sperm makes contact with the surface of the chorion. Gamete fusion most likely occurs between a small process extending from the peripheral margin of the sperm apex and the egg surface, resulting in incorporation of the sperm into the egg from the anterior region of its head.  相似文献   

Trididemnum clinides is a multi-photosymbiotic ascidian that inhabits shallow coral reef lagoons. Three types of cyanobacteria are harboured in the tunic of the ascidian colony; of these, two are unicellular coccoid cyanobacteria and the other is a multicellular filamentous type. They also differ in ultrastructure and distribution patterns within the host tunic. Microspectrophotometric analysis revealed the composition of photosynthetic pigments in each photosymbiont. One of the coccoid types is yellowish-green and is distributed under the colony surface. This photosymbiont cell preferentially absorbs red and blue light, and therefore the dominant colour in the inner tunic is green. The other two types of coexisting photosymbionts contain the green-light-absorbing R-phycoerythrin as the major photosynthetic pigment; they exploit the wavelengths of light not used by the first type of photosymbiont. In T. clinides, the outer and inner photosymbionts in the tunic have different photosynthetic pigments, which adapt to each microhabitat, thereby sharing the incident light resources effectively.  相似文献   

 Characteristics of the pelagic stages of reef fishes have generally been investigated at the family level, which may mask important differences among species. Here the variation in sustained swimming ability of the late pelagic stages is examined among species, within two families (Pomacentridae and Chaetodontidae). The pomacentrids displayed a 7.5-fold difference in sustained swimming ability across 24 species, while the chaetodontids displayed a 2-fold difference across 10 species. The variation within the Pomacentridae was not related to pelagic larval duration, post-settlement habitat or taxonomy. There was, however, a significant correlation between sustained swimming ability and total length (TL) of individuals (r=0.435, P<0.0001). Differences in the mean distance swum by pomacentrid species, however, was most strongly related to differences in mean wet weight (r=0.814, P<0.0001). When the mean distance swum by species was scaled with respect to mean TL there was still a strong correlation with mean wet weight (r=0.644, P<0.005). Among chaetodontid individuals TL and sustained swimming ability were not correlated (r=−0.004, P=0.978). Furthermore, sustained swimming ability was not significantly related to the trans-oceanic distribution of species in either family. The variation in sustained swimming ability, however, may contribute to explanations of the observed levels of gene flow within populations. Accepted: 24 November 1997  相似文献   

Gerald T. Lang 《Zoo biology》1993,12(5):425-433
The coral reef mesocosms designed by the Smithsonian Institution's Dr. Walter Adey, his Marine System Laboratory personnel, and staff members of the Pittsburgh Aqua-Zoo simulate most of the physical, chemical, and biological parameters found in natural Caribbean coral reefs. After developing the mesocosm in Pittsburgh, an evaluation and comparison between natural reef seawater sources and closed mesocosm seawater conditions indicated that an additional parameter should be investigated. It was hypothesized that, given time, the aragonite- and calcite (CaCO3 crystal forms)-producing organisms in the closed mesocosms could deplete the seawater of available Ca2+ and substitutive Sr2+. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was utilized to determine concentrations in the seawater over time. Results showed a substantial reduction in dissolved Ca and Sr in the mesocosm after approximately two years. Dissolved aragonitic Halimeda algae parts were put into the system for replacive purposes. In terms of the biogeochemical cycling of Ca2+ and Sr2+, the coral reef mesocosm organisms behaved similarly to natural reefs, which have a constant supply of dissolved Ca2+ and Sr2+. Further research utilizing radiolabeled sources of Ca2+, Sr2+, and Mg2+, in conjunction with in vivo scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and growth increment studies, are recommended for determining the exact biogeochemical pathways for these elements in coral reefs, and to quantify growth parameters. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Vertical transmission of cyanobacterial symbionts occurs in didemnid ascidians harboring Prochloron as an obligate symbiont; the photosymbionts are transferred from the parental ascidian colony to the offspring in various ways depending on host species. Although several didemnids harbor non-Prochloron cyanobacteria in their tunics, few studies have reported the processes of vertical transmission in these didemnids. Here we describe the histological processes of the transmission of cyanobacteria in two didemnids, Trididemnum nubilum harboring Synechocystis and T. clinides harboring three cyanobacterial species. In both species, the photosymbionts in the tunic of the parent colony were apparently captured by the tunic cells of the host and transferred to the embryos brooded in the tunic. The symbiont cells were then incorporated into the inner tunic of the embryo. This mode of transmission is essentially the same as that of T. miniatum harboring Prochloron in the tunic, although there are some differences among species in the timing of the release of the symbionts from the tunic cells. We suggest that the similar modes of vertical transmission are an example of convergent evolution caused by constraints in the distribution patterns of symbiont cells in the host colony.  相似文献   

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