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The Cryptasterina group of asterinid sea stars in Australasia comprises cryptic species with derived life histories. C. pentagona and C. hystera have planktonic and intragonadal larvae, respectively. C. pentagona has the gonochoric, free-spawning mode of reproduction with a planktonic lecithotrophic brachiolaria larva. C. hystera is hermaphroditic with an intragonadal lecithotrophic brachiolaria, and the juveniles emerge through the gonopore. Both species have large lipid-rich buoyant eggs and well-developed brachiolariae. Early juveniles are sustained by maternal nutrients for several weeks while the digestive tract develops. C. hystera was reared in vitro through metamorphosis. Its brachiolariae exhibited the benthic exploration and settlement behavior typical of planktonic larvae, and they attached to the substratum with their brachiolar complex. These behaviors are unlikely to be used in the intragonadal environment. The presence of a buoyant egg and functional brachiolaria larva would not be expected in an intragonadal brooder and indicate the potential for life-history reversal to a planktonic existence. Life-history traits of species in the Cryptasterina group are compared with those of other asterinids in the genus Patiriella with viviparous development. Modifications of life-history traits and pathways associated with evolution of viviparity in the Asterinidae are assessed, and the presence of convergent adaptations and clade-specific features associated with this unusual mode of parental care are examined.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural observations and glyoxilic acid-induced fluorescence of catecholamines indicate that tracts of axons lie at the base of the ciliary bands and run throughout their length in bipinnaria and brachiolaria larvae of Pisaster ochraceus. Two types of nerve cells occur at regular intervals within the ciliary bands. Type I nerve cells are associated with the axonal tracts, and type II nerve cells, which are ciliated, occur along the edge of the ciliary bands. Two prominent ganglia, which appear as accumulations of nerve cells and neuropile, occur on the lower lip of the larval mouth. Smaller ganglia occur irregularly throughout the ciliary band. Synapses were never clearly identified and were assumed to be unspecialized. Nervous tissues were also found associated with the esophageal muscles, the attachment organ, and the larval arms. Organization of the nervous system and its association with effectors suggest it controls swimming and feeding. Several similarities exist between the nervous systems of larval asteroids, larval echinoids, and adult echinoderms.  相似文献   


The hyaline layer (HL) around the embryos and larvae of Patiriella calcar is examined by transmission electron microscopy. P. calcar hatches at the gastrula stage and develops through a lecithotrophic planktonic brachiolaria. The hyaline layer of unhatched P. calcar is poorly developed and is comprised of wispy fibrils scattered among the epithelial microvilli. Fibrils are also occasionally seen associated with the inner surface of the fertilization envelope. By the hatched gastrula stage, the hyaline layer is organized into three strata: the intervillous layer, the supporting layer and the coarse outer meshwork layer. Seven-day-old brachiolaria also have a hyaline layer comprised of three strata. In these larvae the supporting layer elevates away from the epithelial surface due to the tuft-like organization of the underlying microvilli. This results in the formation of local outpockets giving the surface of the HL a lobed appearance. Bacteria are occassionally seen in the intervillous layer, particularly in association with the outpockets. These bacteria are phagocytosed by the epithelial cells and, in larvae that have bacteria, may play an augmentive role in larval nutrition. The structure of the hyaline layer of P. calcar is compared with that of the hyaline layer of other Patiriella species to determine if it is more similar to the external coats around its planktonic (P. regularis) or benthic (P. exigua) developing congeners. The comparison shows that the hyaline layer of P. calcar is virtually identical to that of P. regularis, a similarity that may reflect the pelagic life histories of these species.  相似文献   

Chaetognaths (arrow worms) play an important role as predators in planktonic food webs. Their phylogenetic position is unresolved, and among the numerous hypotheses, affinities to both protostomes and deuterostomes have been suggested. Many aspects of their life history, including ontogenesis, are poorly understood and, though some aspects of their embryonic and postembryonic development have been described, knowledge of early neural development is still limited. This study sets out to provide new insights into neurogenesis of newly hatched Spadella cephaloptera and their development during the following days, with attention to the two main nervous centers, the brain and the ventral nerve center. These were examined with immunohistological methods and confocal laser-scan microscopic analysis, using antibodies against tubulin, FMRFamide, and synapsin to trace the emergence of neuropils and the establishment of specific peptidergic subsystems. At hatching, the neuronal architecture of the ventral nerve center is already well established, whereas the brain and the associated vestibular ganglia are still rudimentary. The development of the brain proceeds rapidly over the next 6 days to a state that resembles the adult pattern. These data are discussed in relation to the larval life style and behaviors such as feeding. In addition, we compare the larval chaetognath nervous system and that of other bilaterian taxa in order to extract information with phylogenetic value. We conclude that larval neurogenesis in chaetognaths does not suggest an especially close relationship to either deuterostomes or protostomes, but instead displays many apomorphic features.  相似文献   

Evolution of lecithotrophic development in sea stars involved a modification in maternal provisioning from the production of yolk-dominated to lipid-dominated eggs. The dynamics of lipid reserves in the embryos of four Patiriella species differing in their lipid provisions were examined. Patiriella regularis had small yolk protein-dominated eggs (150 microm in diameter) and an ancestral mode of development through planktotrophic larvae. Patiriella calcar, Patiriella exigua and Patiriella pseudoexigua had large eggs (390-440 microm in diameter) and lecithotrophic planktonic, benthic and intragonadal larvae, respectively. Patiriella exigua deposited negatively buoyant eggs containing substantial yolk protein and lipid reserves onto the substratum. In contrast, the planktonic eggs of P. calcar and the intragonadal eggs of P. pseudoexigua were dominated by lipid and were neutrally and positively buoyant, respectively. By the blastula stage there was little trace of lipid in P. regularis embryos. Blastulae of the lecithotrophic developers, by contrast, had conspicuous lipid droplets distributed through their cells. In parallel with the change from cuboidal to columnar epithelium during the blastula to gastrula transition, lipid reserves became redistributed into the basal cytoplasm. The extent of lipid transport reflected the amount of lipid reserves. In P. pseudoexigua embryos with the greatest lipid load, basal shunting was followed by secretion of lipid into the blastocoele where it was stored for the perimetamorphic period. Evolution of lecithotrophy in Patiriella appears to reflect selection to provide metamorphic stages with nutrients normally accrued by feeding larvae with the consequence that early development is burdened by voluminous, potentially inert nutritive stores. Lipid redistribution coincident with a major developmental stage transition may be required to facilitate unimpeded morphogenesis. This phenomenon may be characteristic of lecithotrophic development in echinoderms and appears pre-adaptive for extrusion of lipid in species like P. pseudoexigua with particularly extensive lipid reserves.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The origin of marine invertebrate larvae has been an area of controversy in developmental evolution for over a century. Here, we address the question of whether a pelagic "larval" or benthic "adult" morphology originated first in metazoan lineages by testing the hypothesis that particular gene co-option patterns will be associated with the origin of feeding, indirect developing larval forms. Empirical evidence bearing on this hypothesis is derivable from gene expression studies of the sea urchin larval gut of two closely related but differently developing congenerics, Heliocidaris tuberculata (feeding indirect-developing larva) and H. erythrogramma (nonfeeding direct developer), given two subsidiary hypotheses. (1) If larval gut gene expression in H. tuberculata was co-opted from an ancestral adult expression pattern, then the gut expression pattern will remain in adult H. erythrogramma despite its direct development. (2) Genes expressed in the larval gut of H. tuberculata will not have a coordinated expression pattern in H. erythrogramma larvae due to loss of a functional gut. Five structural genes expressed in the invaginating archenteron of H. tuberculata during gastrulation exhibit substantially different expression patterns in H. erythrogramma with only one remaining endoderm specific. Expression of these genes in the adult of H. erythrogramma and larval gut of H. tuberculata , but not in H. erythrogramma larval endoderm, supports the hypothesis that they first played roles in the formation of adult structures and were subsequently recruited into larval ontogeny during the origin and evolution of feeding planktotrophic deuterostome larvae.  相似文献   

Abstract. Antibodies against the echinoderm-specific neuropeptide S1 and against 5HT were used to examine the fate of the larval nervous system during metamorphosis in the ophiuroid Ophiactis resiliens . In contrast to most echinoderms, the onset of peptidergic and serotonergic expression was delayed to the advanced ophiopluteus stage, in particular for 5HT. In advanced ophioplutei, peptidergic immunoreactivity was located in simple fibres associated with the ciliated bands, a stomach nerve ring, and cells along the antero-lateral arms. 5HT immunoreactivity was concentrated in 2 oral ganglia in the adoral projections, located at the posterior rim of the mouth. Clusters of 5HT-positive cells were also found along the antero-lateral arms. The ophiopluteus lacked a serotonergic (or peptidergic) anterior ganglion. In echinoids, holothuroids, and crinoids, anterior ganglia are thought to have a sensory role in settlement and metamorphosis. Given that ophioplutei metamorphose in the plankton and that larval structures degenerate before settlement, the absence of apical ganglia correlates with the lack of a functional role for larval structures in substrate selection and settlement. Although most of the larval nervous system degenerated during metamorphosis, the adoral projections and associated oral ganglia appeared to be incorporated into the juvenile mouth, suggesting a potential role for larval neurons in contributing to oral neuronal structures in the adult. S1-positive neurons and fibres in the rudiment developed de novo and in parallel with development of the epineural canal. This structure gives rise to the primordia of the adult circumoral nerve ring and radial nerves, indicating that differentiation of the adult nervous system begins in the early stages of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Regardless of the morphological divergence among larval forms of marine bryozoans, the larval nervous system and its major effector organs (musculature and ciliary fields) are largely molded on the basis of functional demands of feeding, ciliary propulsion, phototactic behaviors, and substrate exploration. Previously published ultrastructural information and immunohistochemical reconstructions presented here indicate that neuronal pathways are largely ipsilateral, with more complex synaptic connections localized within the nerve nodule. Multiciliated sensory-motor neurons diversify structurally and functionally on the basis of their position along the axis of swimming largely due to the functional demands of photoklinotaxis and substrate exploration. Vesiculariform, buguliform, and ascophoran coronate larvae all have patches of sensory neurons bordering the pyriform organ's ciliated groove (juxtapapillary cells and border cells) that are active during substrate selection. Despite their simplified form, cyclostome larvae maintain swimming and probing behaviors with sensory-motor systems functionally similar to those of some parenchymella and planula larval types. Considering the evolutionary relationships among the morphological grades of marine bryozoans, particular lineages within the gymnolaemates have independently evolved larval traits that convey a greater range of sensory abilities and increased propulsive capacity. The larval nervous system of bryozoans may be evolutionarily derived from the pretrochal region of a trochophore-like larval form.  相似文献   

In the family Asterinidae, development through a planktonic lecithotrophic brachiolaria larva is common and has evolved independently several times. Here, we describe the lecithotrophic development of the asterinid Stegnaster inflatus, a species endemic to New Zealand. Early development through the blastula and gastrula stages is short, with hatching at the brachiolaria stage occurring within 48 hr. After hatching, larvae are negatively buoyant, and without aeration remain near the bottom of the culture containers. The settled benthic juvenile stage was reached in ~2 weeks. The brachiolaria of S. inflatus shares common characteristics with the planktonic brachiolaria of other asterinids in that the brachiolar attachment apparatus comprises three brachia and a central adhesive disc, although the latter is thin and appears to be reduced. Mortensen (1925, Videns kabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Forening i København, 79 (15), 261‐420) had hypothesized that individuals of S. inflatus might brood within the “cave” formed in the interambulacral space between the arms. We found no evidence for brooding, but hypothesize that S. inflatus may have demersal development, on or near the bottom, which has implications for larval dispersal and population structure.  相似文献   

Recent structural analyses of invertebrate nervous systems have supported hypotheses stating that specific developmental and cytological aspects of larval and adult brains are conserved among bilaterian animals. Opposing views argue that structural similarities in larval nervous systems may be the result of convergent evolution and that the developmental diversity of adult brains is more indicative of several independent origins. Here, I use various cytological probes, confocal microscopy, and reconstruction techniques to investigate the cellular diversity within the larval nervous systems of Glottidia pyramidata and Terebratalia transversa (Brachiopoda). Neuronal cell types are compared among the rhynchonelliform, linguliform, and craniiform brachiopods as well as the phoronids. Although the respective larval types of the previously mentioned systematic groups clearly diverge in the neuroarchitecture of their larval apical organs (and nervous systems in general), a ground plan is proposed based on shared, centrally‐located, peptidergic neuronal cell types that can be compared with similar cell types in other lophotrochozoan phyla (bryozoans and spiralians). Assessing hierarchal levels of homology within and among the nervous systems of morphologically disparate phyla is challenging in that many phyla share early developmental signals that induce the specification of the neural ectoderm, clouding our ability to discern divergent larval and juvenile brain structure. Solving these problems will require a combined effort involving both traditional and more recent cytological techniques with a diversity of molecular probes that will better map the neuronal complexity of diverse invertebrate nervous systems. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The size at which feeding structures developed and shifts in head proportions occurred, differed between Atlantic cod Gadus morhua and winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus. The sequence and timing of the development of feeding structures may not be dependent on size, but may occur because they are necessary to meet specific requirements offish larvae feeding in the plankton. In early larval stages development of feeding structures was similar in number and type and was necessary for first-feeding in both species. In later stages, significant differences between species occurred in the timing of the development of feeding structures. In cod differentiation of new structures and changes in head proportions occurred at about two-thirds of the way through larval life, which coincided with an increase in growth. In flounder changes in feeding morphology did not occur during the symmetrical larval stage, but occurred only after metamorphosis to the asymmetrical demersal juvenile stage. Differences between cod and flounder in the size at which feeding structures develop may reflect life history adaptations expressed in the duration of the pelagic larval stage, as well as differences in juvenile habitat and feeding ecology.  相似文献   

The anatomy and cellular organization of serotonergic neurons in the echinoderm apical organ exhibits class-specific features in dipleurula-type (auricularia, bipinnaria) and pluteus-type (ophiopluteus, echinopluteus) larvae. The apical organ forms in association with anterior ciliary structures. Apical organs in dipleurula-type larvae are more similar to each other than to those in either of the pluteus forms. In asteroid bipinnaria and holothuroid auricularia the apical organ spans ciliary band sectors that traverse the anterior-most end of the larvae. The asteroid apical organ also has prominent bilateral ganglia that connect with an apical network of neurites. The simple apical organ of the auricularia is similar to that in the hemichordate tornaria larva. Apical organs in pluteus forms differ markedly. The echinopluteus apical organ is a single structure on the oral hood between the larval arms comprised of two groups of cells joined by a commissure and its cell bodies do not reside in the ciliary band. Ophioplutei have a pair of lateral ganglia associated with the ciliary band of larval arms that may be the ophiuroid apical organ. Comparative anatomy of the serotonergic nervous systems in the dipleurula-type larvae of the Ambulacraria (Echinodermata+Hemichordata) suggests that the apical organ of this deuterostome clade originated as a simple bilaterally symmetric nerve plexus spanning ciliary band sectors at the anterior end of the larva. From this structure, the apical organ has been independently modified in association with the evolution of class-specific larval forms.  相似文献   

Larval development in crabs is characterized by a striking double metamorphosis in the course of which the animals change from a pelagic to a benthic life style. The larval central nervous system has to provide an adequate behavioural repertoire during this transition. Thus, processes of neuronal reorganization and refinement of the early larval nervous system could be expected to occur in the metamorphosing animal. In order to follow identified sets of neurons throughout metamorphosis, whole mount preparations of the brain and ventral nerve cord of laboratory reared spider crab larvae (Hyas araneus) were labelled with an antibody against the neurotransmitter serotonin. The system of serotonin-immunoreactive cell bodies, fibres and neuropils is well-developed in newly hatched larvae. Most immunoreative structures are located in the protocerebrum, with fewer in the suboesophaegeal ganglia, while the thoracic and abdominal ganglia initially comprise only a small number of serotonergic neurons and fibres. However, there are significant alterations in the staining pattern through larval development, some of which are correlated to metamorphic events. Accordingly, new serotonin-immunoreactive cells are added to the early larval set and the system of immunoreactive fibres is refined. These results are compared to the serotonergic innervation in other decapod crustaceans.  相似文献   

The evolution of lecithotrophic (non-feeding) development in sea urchins is associated with reduction or loss of structures found in the planktotrophic (feeding) echinopluteus larvae. Reductions or losses of larval feeding structures include pluteal arms, their supporting skeleton and the ciliated band that borders them. The barrel-shaped lecithotrophic larva of Heliocidaris erythrogramma has, at its posterior end, two or three ciliated band segments comprised of densely packed, elongate cilia. These cilia may be expressions of the epaulettes that would have been present in an ancestral larval form, represented today by the feeding echinopluteus of H. tuberculata . We compared the development and cellular organization of the larval ciliary structures of both Heliocidaris species to assess whether the ciliary bands of H. erythrogramma are expressions of the feeding ciliated band or epaulettes of an echinopluteus. Epaulette development in feeding larvae of H. tuberculata involves separation of specific parts of the ciliated band from the rest of the feeding ciliated band, hyperplastic addition of ciliated cells and hypertrophic growth of the cilia. Like epaulettes, the ciliated bands of H. erythrogramma are composed of long spindle-shaped cells arranged in a cup-shaped collection that bulges into the blastocoel; and these cells have elongated cilia. In their developmental origin and topological arrangement however, the ciliated bands of H. erythrogramma correspond more closely with parts of the pluteal feeding ciliated band than with epaulettes. The larvae of this echinoid appear to develop epaulette-like bands from parts of the original (but reduced) feeding ciliated band. The evolution of development in H. erythrogramma has thus involved both conservation and change in echinopluteal ciliary structures.  相似文献   

Echinoderm larvae share numerous features of neuroanatomy. However, there are substantial differences in specific aspects of neural structure and ontogeny between the dipleurula-like larvae of asteroids and the pluteus larvae of echinoids. To help identify apomorphic features, we have examined the ontogeny of the dipleurula-like auricularia larva of the sea cucumber, Holothuria atra. Neural precursors arise in the apical ectoderm of gastrulae and appear to originate in bilateral clusters of cells. The cells differentiate without extensive migration, and they align with the developing ciliary bands and begin neurogenesis. Neurites project along the ciliary bands and do not appear to extend beneath either the oral or aboral epidermis. Apical serotonergic cells are associated with the preoral loops of the ciliary bands and do not form a substantial commissure. Paired, tripartite connectives form on either side of the larval mouth that connect the pre-oral, post-oral, and lateral ciliary bands. Holothurian larvae share with hemichordates and bipinnariae a similar organization of the apical organ, suggesting that the more highly structured apical organ of the pluteus is a derived feature. However, the auricularia larva shares with the pluteus larva of echinoids several features of neural ontogeny. Both have a bilateral origin of neural precursors in ectoderm adjacent to presumptive ciliary bands, and the presumptive neurons move only a few cell diameters before undergoing neurogenesis. The development of the holothurian nervous systems suggests that the extensive migration of neural precursors in asteroids is a derived feature. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The Drosophila larva is widely used for studies of neuronal development and function, yet little is known about the neuronal basis of locomotion in this model organism. Drosophila larvae crawl over a plain substrate by performing repetitive waves of forward peristalsis alternated by brief episodes of head swinging and turning. To identify sets of central and peripheral neurons required for the spatial or temporal pattern of larval locomotion, we blocked neurotransmitter release from defined populations of neurons by targeted expression of tetanus toxin light chain (TeTxLC) with the GAL4/UAS system. One hundred fifty GAL4 lines were crossed to a UAS-TeTxLC strain and a motion-analysis system was used to identify larvae with abnormal movement patterns. Five lines were selected that show discrete locomotor defects (i.e., increased turning and pausing) and these defects are correlated with diverse sets of central neurons. One line, 4C-GAL4, caused an unusual circling behavior that is correlated with approximately 200 neurons, including dopaminergic and peptidergic interneurons. Expression of TeTxLC in all dopaminergic and serotonergic but not in peptidergic neurons, caused turning deficits that are similar to those of 4C-GAL4/TeTxLC larvae. The results presented here provide a basis for future genetic studies of motor control in the Drosophila larva.  相似文献   

The investigation of neurogenesis in polychaetes not only facilitates insights into the developmental biology of this group, but also provides new data for phylogenetic analyses. This should eventually lead toward a better understanding of metazoan evolution including key issues such as the ontogenetic processes that underlie body segmentation. We here document the development of the larval nervous system in the polychaete Sabellaria alveolata using fluorescence-coupled antibodies directed against serotonin, FMRFamide, and tubulin in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy and 3D reconstruction software. The overall pattern of neurogenesis in S. alveolata resembles the condition found in other planktonic polychaete trochophores where the larval neural body plan including a serotonergic prototroch nerve ring is directly followed by adult features of the nervous system such as circumesophageal connectives and paired ventral nerve cords. However, distinct features are also found in S. alveolata, such as the innervation of the apical organ with ring-shaped neurons, the low number of immunoreactive perikarya, and the lack of a posterior serotonergic cell. Moreover, in the larvae of S. alveolata, two distinct modes of neuronal development are expressed, viz. the simultaneous formation of the first three segmental neurons of the peripheral nervous system on the one hand versus the sequential appearance of the ventral commissures on the other. This highlights the complex mechanisms that underlie annelid body segmentation and indicates divergent developmental pathways within polychaete annelids that lead to the segmented nervous system of the adult.  相似文献   

We investigated the morphology of the central nervous system throughout the larval development ofCarcinus maenas. For that purpose single larvae were reared in the laboratory from hatching through metamorphosis. Complete series of whole mout semithin sections were obtained from individuals of all successive larval stages and analysed with a light microscope. Morphological feature and spatial arrangement of discernable neural cell clusters, fibre tracts and neuropile are described and compared with the adult pattern. We found that most of the morphological features characterizing the adult nervous system are already present in the zoea-1. Nevertheless, there are marked differences with respect to the arrangement of nerve cell bodies, organization of cerebral neuropile, and disposition of ganglia in the ventral nerve cord. It appears that complexity of the central nervous neuropile is selectively altered during postmetamorphotic development, probably reflecting adaptive changes of sensory-motor integration in response to behavioural maturation. In contrast, during larval development there was little change in the overall structural organization of the central nervous system despite some considerable growth. However, the transition from zoea-4 to megalopa brings about multiple fundamental changes in larval morphology and behavioural pattern. Since central nervous integration should properly adapt to the altered behavioural repertoire of the megalopa, it seems necessary to ask in which respect synaptic rearrangement might characterize development of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

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