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D M Gray  R L Ratliff 《Biopolymers》1975,14(3):487-498
Ultraviolet circular dichroism spectra have been obtained in aqueous solutions in the presence and absence of ethanol for a synthetic DNA, poly[d(AC):d(GT)], a synthetic RNA, poly[r(AC):r(GU)], and two DNA:RNA hybrids, poly[d(AC):r(GU)] and poly[r(AC):d(GT)]. In the absence of ethanol, we find that the RNA and DNA spectra are dissimilar, while the spectra of the hybrids show differing degrees of similarity to that of the RNA. In the presence of 60–80% ethanol by weight, the spectra of the DNA and both hybrids become much closer to the spectrum of the RNA, which remains relatively unchanged. We interpret the results as indicating that DNA can undergo a change to an A-type conformation in the presence of ethanol and that the DNA:RNA hybrids are not wholly restricted to an RNA-like conformation in the absence of ethanol.  相似文献   

Flow linear dichroism is used to measure specific inclinations for each of the four bases in poly[d(AC)]·;poly[d(GT)] and poly[d(AG)]·poly[d(CT)] in both the B and A forms. For the B form in solution the bases are found to have a sizable inclination. Inclination is increased in the A form, as expected. In all cases the pyrimidines are more inclined than the purines. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism spectra are extended into the vacuum UV to about 178 nm for four polydeoxynucleotides of various sequences capable of assuming the left-handed Z form. It is found that each of these polymers, including those with brominated bases and those with the four different bases, have a characteristic negative feature at short wavelengths when in the Z form. In contrast, the B form only has a positive band between 180 and 200 nm. Furthermore, a blue shift of the short wavelength crossover is diagnostic of the B- to Z-form transition for all polymers studied so far. These results confirm that poly[d(A-C).d(G-T)] can assume the Z form in solution at low concentration.  相似文献   

CVI cells were transfected with oversized simian virus 40 (SV40) genomes that could be reduced to packageable size by alternative homologous recombination pathways involving either two polydeoxyguanylic-thymidylic acid X polydeoxycytidylic-adenylic acid (poly[d(GT).d(CA)]; abbreviated hereafter as poly(GT)] tracts or two tracts of homologous SV40 sequence. Plaque-forming viruses rescued by this procedure were found to contain genomes formed by homologous and nonhomologous recombination events. Half of the viable viral DNA molecules recovered were the result of recombination between two tracts of poly(GT). Approximately 20% of the rescued viral genomes were produced by homologous recombination between tracts of SV40 DNA. Nonhomologous recombination involving SV40 sequences was also a major pathway of deletion, producing ca. 30% of the viral plaques. Tracts of poly(GT) generated by recombination were variable in length, suggesting that recombination between poly(GT) tracts was usually unequal. On a per-nucleotide basis, poly(GT) recombination occurred eight times more frequently than did recombination between homologous SV40 DNA. This eightfold difference is the maximum recombinatory enhancement attributable to poly(GT) sequences. Although DNA sequence analysis showed that tracts of poly(GT) generated by recombination retained the alternating G-T repeat motif throughout their length, the contribution of the nonhomologous pathway to poly(GT) recombination cannot be ruled out, and the relative proclivity of a given length of d(GT).d(CA) sequence to undergo homologous recombination is probably less than eight times greater than that of an SV40 sequence of the same length.  相似文献   

Near UV CD spectra, UV absorption spectra and their first derivatives have been recorded on poly d(A-T).poly d(A-T) solutions in presence of high NaCl concentration and various amounts of NiCl2. Comparison of the results presented here with those obtained for poly d(G-C).poly d(G-C) and poly d(A-C).poly d(G-T) in comparable conditions, and the I.R. and Raman data on poly d(A-T).poly d(A-T), allows us to assign the new spectra to the Z conformation of poly d(A-T).poly d(A-T) in solution. The mechanism by which nickel ions induce the B----Z interconversion in the presence of high NaCl concentration is discussed.  相似文献   

Sequencing studies have shown that in somatic cells alternating runs of purines and pyrimidines are frequently associated with recombination crossover points. To test whether such sequences actually promote recombination, we have examined the effects of poly[d(pGpT).d(pApC)] and poly[d(pCpG).d(pCpG)] repeats on a homologous recombination event. The parental molecule used in this study, pSVLD, is capable of generating wild-type simian virus 40 DNA via recombination across two 751-base-pair regions of homology and has been described previously (Miller et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81:7534-7538, 1984). Single inserts of either a poly[d(pGpT).d(pApC)] repeat or a poly[d(pCpG).d(pCpG)] repeat were positioned adjacent to one region of homology in such a way that the recombination product, wild-type simian virus 40 DNA, could be formed only by recombination within the homologies and not by recombination across the alternating purine-pyrimidine repeats. We have found that upon transfection of test DNAs into simian cells, a poly[d(pCpG).d(pCpG)] repeat enhanced homologous recombination 10- to 15-fold, whereas a poly[d(pGpT).d(pApC)] repeat had less effect. These results are discussed in terms of the features of these repeats that might be responsible for promoting homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Interactions between Ni2+, Co2+ and purine bases have been studied by I.R. spectroscopy in the case of double stranded regularly alternating purine-pyrimidine polynucleotides poly d(A-T), poly d(A-C).poly d(G-T) and poly d(G-C). The spectra of polynucleotide films have been recorded in hydration and salt content conditions which correspond to the obtention of the classical right-handed (A,B) and left-handed (Z) helical conformations. Selective deuteration of the 8C site of purines has been obtained and is used to detect interactions between the transition metal ions and the adenine or guanine bases. The spectral region between 1500 and 1250 cm-1 corresponding to base in-plane vibrations and involving also the glycosidic linkage torsion is discussed in detail. The selective interaction between the transition metal ion and the 7N site of the purine base is considered to be partly responsible for the stabilization of the base in a syn conformation, which favours the adoption by the polynucleotide (poly d(G-C), poly d(A-C).poly d(G-T) or poly d(A-T)) of a Z type conformation.  相似文献   

Poly[d(A-T).d(A-T)] and poly[d(G-C).d(G-C)], each dissolved in 0.1 M NaClO4, 5 mM cacodylic acid buffer, pH 6.8, experience inversion of their circular dichroism (CD) spectrum subsequent to the addition of Hg(ClO4)2. Let r identical to [Hg(ClO4)2]added/[DNA-P]. The spectrum of the right-handed form of poly[d(A-T).d(A-T)] turns into that of a seemingly left-handed structure at r greater than or equal to 0.05 while a similar transition is noted with poly[d(G-C).(G-C)] at r greater than or equal to 0.12. The spectral changes are highly cooperative in the long-wavelength region above 250 nm. At r = 1.0, the spectra of the two polymers are more or less mirror images of their CD at r = 0. While most CD bands experience red-shifts upon the addition of Hg(ClO4)2, there are some that are blue-shifted. The CD changes are totally reversible when Hg(II) is removed from the nucleic acids by the addition of a strong complexing agent such as NaCN. This demonstrates that mercury keeps all base pairs in register.  相似文献   

Poly d(A-C).poly d(G-T) structures have been studied in solution by Raman spectroscopy, in presence of Na+, Mn2+ and Ni2+ counterions. Increase of the Na+ concentration or addition of Mn2+ ions up to 1M MnCl2 does not modify the B geometry of the polynucleotide. On the contrary, in conditions of low water activity (4M NaCl), the presence of small amounts of nickel ions (65 mM) induces a left-handed geometry of the DNA. The shift of the guanine line located at 682 cm-1 in B form to 622 cm-1 reflects unambiguously the C2'-endo/anti-greater than C3'-endo/syn reorientation of the deoxyribose-purine entities. Moreover modifications in the phosphate backbone lines indicate that the polymer is in a Z conformation. New or displaced lines corresponding to adenosine vibrations are correlated with the left-handed structure. An interaction of the Ni2+ ions specifically with the N7 site of purines, combined with a low water activity is necessary to promote the B-greater than Z transition.  相似文献   

A 90-base-pair tract of a simple sequence composed of alternating guanosine and thymidine nucleotide residues (poly[d(GT) . d(CA)]) was inserted into the simian virus 40 genome at nucleotide 2666 (0.17 map units). The poly[d(GT) . d(CA)] insertion was stably maintained in the viral genome, but the variant virus grew more slowly than simian virus 40.  相似文献   

On the basis of circular dichroism (CD) data, we have now identified six different conformational states (other than the duplex) of poly[d(A-G).d(C-T)] at pH values between 8 and 2.5 (at 0.01M Na+; 20 degrees C). Three of these structural rearrangements were observed as the pH was lowered from 8 to 2.5, and three additional rearrangements were observed as the pH was raised from 2.5 back to neutral pH. The major components of the six conformational states were defined using appropriate combinations of the CD spectra of the duplex, triplex, and denatured forms of this polymer, as well as the CD spectra of the individual single strands and their respective acid-induced self-complexes. Our results show that the acid-induced rearrangements of poly[d(A-G).d(C-T)] include not only the poly[d(C+-T).d(A-G).d(C-T)] triplex, but also include the poly[d(C-T)] loop-out structure and a self-complexed form of the poly[d(A-G)] strand that is pH-dependent.  相似文献   

RecA independent recombination of poly[d(GT)-d(CA)] in pBR322.   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Short sequence tracts composed of alternating guanosine and thymidine nucleotide residues poly[d(GT)-d(CA)] carried in a derivative of pBR322 were recombinogenic in a recA host. Recombination brought about by poly[d(GT)-d(CA)] tracts displayed two interesting properties: (i) the reaction was quasi-sequence-specific in that while recombination usually occurred between two poly[d(GT)-d(CA)] tracts, recombination also occurred between sequences bordering the dinucleotide repeats. (ii) recombination was enhanced when two poly[d(GT)-d(CA)] tracts were clustered within 250 base pairs of each other, but not when the repeats were separated by 3 kilobase pairs. The mechanism by which poly[d(GT)-d(CA)] stimulated recombination remains to be determined, but the behavior of these sequences is consistent with the idea that general recombination in E. coli may involve formation of Z-DNA.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism and UV absorption data showed that poly[d(A-C).d(G-T)] (at 0.01M Na+ (phosphate), 20 degrees C) underwent two reversible conformational transitions upon lowering of the pH. The first transition was complete at about pH 3.9 and resulted in an acid form of the polymer that was most likely a modified, protonated duplex. The second transition occurred between pH 3.9 and 3.4 and consisted of the denaturation of this protonated duplex to the single strands. UV absorption and CD data also showed that the separated poly[d(A-C)] strand formed two acid-induced self-complexes with pKa values of 6.1 and 4.7 (at 0.01M Na+). However, neither one of these poly[d(A-C)] self-complexes was part of the acid-induced rearrangements of the duplex poly[d(A-C).d(G-T)]. Acid titration of the separated poly[d(G-T)] strand, under similar conditions, did not show the formation of any protonated poly[d(G-T)] self-complexes. In contrast to poly[d(A-C).d(G-T)], poly[d(A-T).d(A-T)] underwent only one acid-induced transition, which consisted of the denaturation of the duplex to the single strands, as the pH was lowered from 7 to 3.  相似文献   

The conformation of poly[d(T-G).d(C-A)] in aqueous solution (0.1 M NaClO4, 5 mM cacodylic acid buffer, pH 6.9) was studied by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy in the ultraviolet. The conformation of the polynucleotide, as reflected by its chiroptical signature, changes in a highly cooperative fashion in the presence of Hg(ClO4)2. The CD changes signal transitions first from the B to a modified B-state (B*), or to a non-B structure termed X, and finally to a form that is presumably Z. The alterations are totally reversible subsequent to the removal of mercury with the help of a suitable complexing agent such as sodium cyanide, indicating that mercuration does not disrupt Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding to any extent.  相似文献   

B C Sang  D M Gray 《Biochemistry》1987,26(23):7210-7214
Circular dichroism (CD) data indicated that fd gene 5 protein (G5P) formed complexes with double-stranded poly(dA.dT) and poly[d(A-T).d(A-T)]. CD spectra of both polymers at wavelengths above 255 nm were altered upon protein binding. These spectral changes differed from those caused by strand separation. In addition, the tyrosyl 228-nm CD band of G5P decreased more than 65% upon binding of the protein to these double-stranded polymers. This reduction was significantly greater than that observed for binding to single-stranded poly(dA), poly(dT), and poly[d(A-T)] but was similar to that observed for binding of the protein to double-stranded RNA [Gray, C.W., Page, G.A., & Gray, D.M. (1984) J. Mol. Biol. 175, 553-559]. The decrease in melting temperature caused by the protein was twice as great for poly[d(A-T).d(A-T)] as for poly(dA.dT) in 5 mM tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride (Tris-HCl), pH 7. Upon heat denaturation of the poly(dA.dT)-G5P complex, CD spectra showed that single-stranded poly(dA) and poly(dT) formed complexes with the protein. The binding of gene 5 protein lowered the melting temperature of poly(dA.dT) by 10 degrees C in 5 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7, but after reducing the binding to the double-stranded form of the polymer by the addition of 0.1 M Na+, the melting temperature was lowered by approximately 30 degrees C. Since increasing the salt concentration decreases the affinity of G5P for the poly(dA) and poly(dT) single strands and increases the stability of the double-stranded polymer, the ability of the gene 5 protein to destabilize poly(dA.dT) appeared to be significantly affected by its binding to the double-stranded form of the polymer.  相似文献   

The binding of propidium to poly(dA).poly(dT) [poly(dA.dT)] and to poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)] [poly[d(A-T)2]] has been compared under a variety of solution conditions by viscometric titrations, binding studies, and kinetic experiments. The binding of propidium to poly[d(A-T)2] is quite similar to its binding to calf thymus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The interaction with poly(dA.dT), however, is quite unusual. The viscosity of a poly(dA.dT) solution first decreases and then increases in a titration with propidium at 18 degrees C. The viscosity of poly[d(A-T)2] shows no decrease in a similar titration. Scatchard plots for the interaction of propidium with poly(dA.dT) show the classical upward curvature for positive cooperativity. The curvature decreases as the temperature is increased in binding experiments. A van't Hoff plot of the observed binding constants yields an apparent positive enthalpy of approximately +6 kcal/mol for the propidium-poly(dA.dT) interaction. Propidium binding to poly[d(A-T)2] shows no evidence for positive cooperativity, and the enthalpy change for the reaction is approximately -9 kcal/mol. Both the magnitude of the dissociation constants and the effects of ionic strength are quite similar for the dissociation of propidium from poly(dA-T)2] and from poly[d(A-T)2], suggesting that the intercalated states are similar for the two complexes. The observed association reactions, under pseudo-first-order conditions, are quite different. Plots of the observed pseudo-first-order association rate constant vs. polymer concentration have much larger slopes for propidium binding to poly[d(A-T)2] than to poly(dA.dT).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

S P Edmondson  W C Johnson 《Biopolymers》1986,25(12):2335-2348
We have measured the CD, isotropic absorption, and linear dichroism (LD) in the vacuum-uv spectral region for the B-conformations of poly[d(G)]-poly[d(C)] and poly[d(GC)]-poly[d(GC)], and for the Z-conformation of poly[d(GC)]-poly[d(GC)] formed in 70% trifluoroethanol. The reduced dichroism (LD divided by isotropic absorption) for all conformations varied with wavelength, indicating that the bases are not perpendicular to the helix axis. Since the directions of the transition dipoles are known, the inclinations and axes of inclination of each base can be determined from the wavelength dependence of the reduced dichroism spectra. The results indicate that the base normals of the (G + C) polymers in the B- and Z-conformations are tilted at angles greater than 19° with respect to the helix axis. The guanine and cytosine bases have different inclinations, and the tilt axes are not parallel. Therefore, the bases for all the (G + C) polymer conformations studied are buckled and propeller twisted.  相似文献   

A F Corin  T M Jovin 《Biochemistry》1986,25(14):3995-4007
The delayed fluorescence properties of proflavin have been exploited in studies of the excited-state binding kinetics of the dye to poly[d(A-T)] and its brominated analogue poly[d(A-br5U)] at room temperature and pH 7. The two analyzed luminescence decay times of the DNA-dye complex are dependent on the total nucleic acid concentration. This dependence is shown to reflect a temporal coupling of the intrinsic delayed emission decay rates with the dynamic chemical kinetic binding processes in the excited state. Temperature-jump kinetic studies conducted on the brominated polymer and corresponding information on poly[d(A-T)] from a previous study [Ramstein, J., Ehrenberg, M., & Rigler, R. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 3938-3948] provide complementary information about the ground state. In the ground state, the poly[d(A-T)]-proflavin complex has one chemical relaxation time, which reaches a plateau at high DNA concentrations. The brominated DNA-dye complex exhibits two relaxation times: a faster relaxation mode that behaves similarly to that for the unhalogenated DNA and a slower relaxation mode that is apparent at high DNA concentrations. The ground-state kinetic data are analyzed in terms of two alternative models incorporating series and parallel reaction schemes. The former consists of two sequential binding steps--a fast bimolecular process followed by a monomolecular step--while the latter consists of two coupled bimolecular steps. A similar analysis for the excited-state data yields reasonable kinetic constants only for the series model, which, in accordance with previous proposals for acridine intercalators, consists of a fast outside binding step followed by intercalation of the dye. A comparison of the ground- and excited-state kinetic parameters reveals that the external binding process is much stronger and the intercalation is much weaker in the excited state. That the excited-state data are only consistent with the series model suggests that delayed luminescence studies may provide a general tool for distinguishing between the two kinetic mechanisms. In particular, we demonstrate the use of delayed luminescence spectroscopy as a tool for probing dynamic DNA-ligand interactions in solution.  相似文献   

The interconversion between the right (R) and left (L) helical forms of poly[d(G-C)] occurs at low concentrations of MgCl2 and EtOH, acting together in a highly synergistic manner. Thus, the cooperative R---L transition is induced by only 0.4 mM and 4 MM MgCl2 in combination with 20% and 10% EtOH, respectively. The L form of poly[d(G-C)] formed under these conditions has the spectroscopic properties (absorption, circular dichroism) previously demonstrated under high salt conditions (Pohl and Jovin, 1972) and thought to correspond to the left-handed Z DNA structures recently established by X-ray crystallography (Wang et al., 1979; Drew et al., 1980). However, L DNA formed in Mg2+-EtOH (which we designate as Z* DNA) has unique properties: a) it can be sedimented readily out of solution at low speed, indicative of condensation and intermolecular aggregation; b) it supports the binding of several intercalating (ethidium bromide, actinomycin D) and non-intercalating (mithramycin) drugs, although these interact preferentially with the R (i.e., B) form of DNA; and c) it functions as a template for Escherichia coli RNA polymerase. B and Z* DNAs can be generated under identical ionic conditions and compared in a number of biochemical systems. Our results suggest that left-handed DNA may form under physiological conditions and serve a biological function.  相似文献   

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