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Flowering of seedlings of Pharbitis nil, strains Violet andTendan, cultured in modified White's medium, was promoted bymedium dilution, the critical dark period being shortened byabout 15 min. Dilution of the N source alone was enough to causethe medium-dilution effect. Dilution of the culture medium duringthe day before and on the day of exposure to the dark-period(a total of two days) caused the maximum dilution effect. TheC and N contents of the cotyledons and of the shoot apices changedrapidly in response to medium dilution. In 1/2-strength White'smedium with 1/1,000 strength NO3 which was most effectivefor flower promotion, the C-N ratio was highest. In 1/2-strengthmodified White's medium, in which flowering was lowest withthe longest critical dark period, the C-N ratio was lowest.Thus, there is a close relation between flowering response andthe C-N ratio in cotyledons or shoot apices of Pharbitis nil. (Received September 14, 1984; Accepted January 26, 1985)  相似文献   

Two basic experiments defined a long-day inhibitory effect on Xanthium flowering: the basal half of a single leaf on long day inhibits response of the tip half to a short day; and a long-day leaf inhibits response of a short-day leaf, providing it is between the short-day leaf and a receptive bud (whether above or below the short-day leaf). Five hypotheses were explored with the conclusions that the tip half can synthesize florigen, and inhibition is not due to prevention of florigen synthesis, translocational effects, or a translocatable long-day inhibitor. Inhibition is localized and may be a condition of the leaf or a relatively immobile substance. Studies of critical dark period, light intensity, and interruption of a dark period show that, when the leaf is not producing florigen, it is actively inhibitory. Immature leaves are more inhibitory than older leaves. The effect was found not to pass dead tissue, and iron-deficient tissue will cause inhibition, though it will not cause promotion.  相似文献   

A daylength extension with incandescent light is more effective in promoting flowering of long-day plants like Hyoscyamus niger than fluorescent light. A low phytochrome photoequilibrium (Pfr/Ptot), attained by a far-red irradiation at the close of long days under fluorescent light, also promotes flowering. Moreover, if flower initiation processes are initiated by several long days, a low phytochrome photoequilibrium at the end of short, postinduction photoperiods also enhances flowering. The initiation phase of flowering requires Pfr to be present whereas the development phase proceeds more rapidly in the absence of Pfr. Spectral dependence studies, therefore, could be misinterpreted if the initiation and development stages are combined into a single audit of flowering.  相似文献   

Flowering and tuber formation in high-mountain potato species Solanum sparsipilum Bitt., S. acaule Bitt., S. punae Juz., S. demissum Lindl., and a tuber crop Ullucus tuberosus Caldas. were investigated. All these species are characterized by absolute requirement of long day-length for flowering and short day-length for tuberization. Plants were grown under the following conditions: natural day-length with a photoperiod of 17 h or longer (treatment 1), short days with a photoperiod of 12 h and warm nights (15–20°C) (treatment 2), and short days with cold nights (5–6°C) (treatment 3). In the first treatment, plants produced flowers but no tubers. In the second treatment, plants produced tubers but no flowers. In the third treatment, plants produced both flowers and tubers. In leaves of S. acaule and U. tuberosus, the levels of gibberellins and ABA were determined. A high activity of gibberellins in the third treatment was similar to that in the first treatment, whereas high ABA activity in the third treatment was similar to that in the second treatment. It is supposed that cold nights retard the destruction of GA in plants during the dark period of diurnal cycle and ensure a permanently high level of gibberellins, which facilitates flowering of long-day species under short-day conditions. The high level of ABA is considered a plant response to short-day conditions, which is favorable for tuberization.  相似文献   

Long-day flowering of Pharbitis nil, dwarf strain Kidachi, at20?C was greatly influenced by the size of the culture vesseland the number of plants per vessel. The smaller the vessel,the greater the flowering response. The volume of nutrient solutionper plant was not decisive for long-day flowering. For instance,plants cultured singly in 200-ml beakers flowered, but thosecultured in 5,000-ml vessels (33?26?11.5 cm, 48 plants per vessel)did not, even though there was only about 100 ml of nutrientsolution per plant. Long-day flowering was always accompaniedby the suppression of root elongation, but not by a decreasein the dry weight of roots or shoots, or in the rate at whichthe leaf primordia appeared (plastochrone). Aeration of thenutrient solution or culture in vermiculite promoted root elongationeven in small vessels, thereby inhibiting long-day flowering.Thus the suppression of root elongation seems to be necessaryfor long-day flowering. Removal of the roots or cotyledons;however, suppressed long-day flowering even when root elongationwas inhibited by culture in small vessels. When plants werecultured at 24?C, suppression of root elongation (culture ina small vessel) did not induce long-day flowering; but, short-daytreatment induced flowering without suppressing root elongation. (Received April 19, 1982; Accepted June 24, 1982)  相似文献   

植物的成花逆转   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
成花逆转是生长发发育过程中的特殊现象,与环境因素、成花决定的程度及遗传因素有关。逆转为我们从另一角度研究开花现象提供了一个枘地。文章主要介绍成花志的类型,研究成花的逆转的体系。引起成花逆转的因素以及逆转九一与成花决定之间的关系。  相似文献   

Isoenzyme Polymorphism in Flowering Plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Esterases, leucine aminopeptidases, catalases and acid phosphatases from pollen of Oenothera organensis were studied electrophoretically. A study was made using several different extraction media to see the effect it had on esterase migration and stainability. It was found that different extraction media resulted in significant changes in migration rates and stainabilities of the esterase isozymes. Anodal esterases and leucine aminopeptidases from 13 inbred lines of maize were studied and are reported. Preliminary genetic studies of two of the esterase isozymes from maize pollen are reported. A survey of anodal esterases and leucine aminopeptidases from the pollen of 11 genera of diverse angiosperms is presented.  相似文献   

When Lemna gibba G3 was grown on E medium, a decrease in thephosphate concentration caused a suppression of flowering andlead to a decrease in the phosphorus concentration in the plants.Addition of salicylic acid reversed this inhibition withoutcausing an increase in the phosphorus concentration, while additionof copper or ammonium to Hoagland-type medium inhibited flowering,also without affecting the phosphorus concentration. Plantsgrown under 8 h or 24 h daylengths exhibited a FL% of 0 or about50, respectively, but showed no difference in their phosphorusconcentrations. These results indicate that a high phosphorusconcentration is not always required for flowering in Lemnagibba G3. When plants were grown on a modified E medium in which 1/50strength Hutner’s medium micronutrients were substitutedfor the normal E medium micronutrients, the suppression of floweringcaused by reduced phosphate was completely eliminated. Addingeach micronutrient individually at the normal concentrationto the modified E medium demonstrated that manganese inhibitedflowering in modified E medium with a low phosphate concentration. (Received January 31, 1986; Accepted July 4, 1986)  相似文献   

A total of 21 esterase, 3 acid phosphatase and 2 leucinc aminopeptidase isoenzymes, in addition to peroxidases and catalases, were demonstrated in onion seedlings by starch-gel electrophoresis. In seedlings two weeks old, the root tip and the differentiated zone show very little enzymatic activity, whereas the secondary roots, hypo-cotyl and cotyledon are enzymatically very active. These differences are correlated with the intensity of cell division. Some esterase isoenzymes are apparently restricted to root, others to shoot tissues. At pH 8.1, anodically moving peroxidases are totally absent from shoot tissues. A developmental study of esterase isoenzyme patterns indicated that no great differences exist between primary root tips from roots 6–18 mm long and seeds germinated for three days, whereas a sudden decrease in enzymatic activity occurs in root tips after seven days' germination when the roots are about 25 mm long. This coincides with the decrease in mitotic Frequency. Actinomycin D and gamma irradiation decreased mitotic frequency almost to zero but did not significantly affect the esterase isoenzyme pattern in root tips. This shows that the activity of these isoenzymes, at least, is not necessarily dependent on cell division but may well be a prerequisite for it.  相似文献   

3′,5′-cAMP stimulates flowering of Lemna gibba G3 under inductive long-day conditions and enhances flower onset. 3′,5′-cAMP has no influence on frond production. 2′,3′-cGMP increases markedly the proliferation of fronds and inhibits flowering. The effect of 2′,3′-cGMP on frond multiplication is photoperiodically independent; under short-day conditions 2′,3′-cGMP replaces in fact the requirement for inductive long-day conditions. 2′,3′-cGMP increases the total amount of DNA per frond. This accumulation of DNA precedes by 2–3 days the 2′,3′-cGMP related increase in frond formation. The results are discussed in the light of the hypothesis that the active cyclic mononucleotides exert their effects on multiplication and flowering at the level of DNA.  相似文献   

开花现象是绿色开花植物所特有的,对其机理的研究一直是生物学学家极为关注的研究领域。成花素假说认为植物叶片在光的诱导下产生一种叫成花素(Flofigen)的分子,成花素可以运输到植物茎顶端诱导花芽的分化,但是成花素的化学本质一直没有被鉴定。最近发现成花素是一种叫做FT的蛋白分子,该分子广泛存在于植物界参与花器官的诱导,至此,成花素假说不再是假说。回顾了成花素假说形成的历史,介绍成花素发现的最新成果。  相似文献   

异型雄蕊的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
就异型雄蕊的概念、在被子植物中的分布、在传粉过程中的作用及其发育进行了概述,并对未来的研究方向作一展望.异型雄蕊指一朵花内的雄蕊在形态、大小、颜色等方面有显著的区别,并存在不同程度分工的现象.异型雄蕊在野牡丹科、茄科、干屈菜科、豆科、雨久花科等多个科中都有分布,但其分化与程度常随类群而异.虽然人们对于这一现象的认识由来已久,但研究尚不深入.对于异型雄蕊的研究可以加深人们对植物与其传粉者之间关系的理解,并为传粉生物学与植物繁育系统研究提供新的视角和启示.  相似文献   

高等植物成花基因的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
杨传平  刘桂丰  魏志刚 《遗传》2002,24(3):379-384
高等植物的成花可分为两个阶段:由茎顶端分生组织转变成花分生组织和花器官的形成。前者主要受成花计时基因的控制,而后一阶段主要由植物的同源(异型)框基因调控。本文综述了近年来对植物成花调控基因的研究,并着重对第一阶段成花基因的功能、它们间的相互作用和特点进行了总结。 Abstract:Plant flower can be divided into two phases——from stem apex meristem tissue into flower meristem tissue and floral apparatus.The flower time genes control the flower development and the homologous genes control flower apparatus identify.This paper summarizes recent studies on plant flower and emphasizes on the first phase flower control genes,theirs interaction and function,characteristic of the homologous genes.  相似文献   

植物开花逆转研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了植物开花逆转的概念,类型,发生条件,综述了在形态发生,生理,分子生物学等方面的研究进展,探讨了将开花逆转应用于植物发育生物学研究的可能性,作者提出,采用“诱导-非诱导-逆转”三位一体的实验系统,可提高植物光周期反应研究试验结果的可靠性,特别是可以提高在研究开花机理时的基因表达时空性方面的可靠性。  相似文献   

The Male Gametophyte of Flowering Plants   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文

吴存祥  韩天富 《植物学报》2002,19(5):523-529
介绍了植物开花逆转的概念、类型、发生条件,综述了在形态发生、生理、分子生物学等方面的研究进展,探讨了将开花逆转应用于植物发育生物学研究的可能性。作者提出,采用“诱导—非诱导—逆转”三位一体的实验系统,可提高植物光周期反应研究试验结果的可靠性,特别是可以提高在研究开花机理时的基因表达时空性方面的可靠性。  相似文献   

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