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亲属识别是指生物体对同种其他个体亲属关系加以区分并产生亲属偏向的激素、神经和行为以及心理过程,是社会性动物的重要属性之一,与利亲行为和配偶选择密切相关.对亲属识别的理解,为解释物种间在亲属模式、配偶选择以及近交回避等方面的变异提供重要理论依据.嗅觉通讯是啮齿动物社交识别的重要手段.本文从气味源的种类及功能、信息素的功能、亲属识别能力以及机制4个方面综述了当前的研究进展.  相似文献   

实夜蛾属Heliothis和铃夜蛾属Helicoverpa昆虫的性信息素通讯系统主要包括雌蛾的性信息素合成和雄蛾对性信息素接收两个方面,每方面都有分子、细胞、系统水平上进行协同作用的生物过程。性信息素生物合成激活肽(PBAN)与其受体作用,启动信号转导系统,从而激活合成性信息素的酶系统来合成性信息素,利用化学和生物测定的方法鉴定出具有诱蛾活性的性信息素腺体组分及行为功能;性信息素分子与性信息素结合蛋白(PBP)的复合体同受体相互作用,启动信号转导系统,诱导产生神经信号,从而引起一系列性行为反应。这些生物过程受到各种内部和外部因素的影响。  相似文献   

鱼类嗅觉系统和性信息素受体的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鱼类嗅觉系统包括外部嗅觉器官、嗅神经和嗅球三个部分.嗅觉器官也称为嗅囊,由嗅上皮和髓质组成.气味物质的化学信息主要由嗅上皮上随机分布的嗅觉感受神经元感知,通过嗅神经将嗅觉信息传递到嗅球,嗅球在空间上有不同的功能分区,嗅觉信息经过嗅球各分区整合后分别传入端脑,发挥其生理功能.性信息素在鱼类生殖过程中的作用是通过嗅觉系统来完成的,其中嗅觉感受神经元上的性信息素受体起着重要作用.鱼类性信息素受体的研究主要从两个方面入手,一是从低浓度特异的性信息素引起嗅觉器官电生理反应或行为反应入手,寻找特异的性信息素受体;二是参照哺乳动物嗅觉受体的研究结果,从嗅觉受体基因遗传保守性入手,研究鱼类性信息素受体的结构与功能.  相似文献   

蚊虫搜寻吸血寄主和产卵行为的调节因子及相关嗅觉机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜永均  吴仲南 《昆虫学报》2007,50(10):1060-1069
嗅觉在蚊虫的吸血寄主搜寻、产卵和糖源搜寻行为中起决定作用,而在交配行为中的作用并不清楚。本文系统全面地综述了近20年来蚊虫化学生态学和嗅觉识别的分子机理的研究。蚊虫的触角、下颚须和口喙上的嗅觉感器感觉环境中释放的各种挥发性化合物。气味分子与嗅觉气味结合蛋白和气味受体的结合所启动的一系列生化反应产生神经动作电位。蚊虫嗅觉神经元编码气味中化合物的组成、浓度及其暂时瞬间的浓度变化和空间分布。吸血前后神经元的活性在数量和质量上有变化,反映了蚊虫在搜寻吸血寄主和产卵行为上的调节。在吸血寄主搜寻中,人体和动物释放的二氧化碳、乳酸以及其他气味协同引诱蚊虫向目标气味源定向飞行,最后找到吸血寄主。而成熟产卵雌蚊是利用产卵场所释放的腐烂气味寻找适宜的产卵场所,一些蚊虫卵、幼虫或蛹分泌的产卵信息素引诱和刺激雌蚊产卵,并与产卵生境气味起协同作用。植物气味尤其是花香味引诱蚊虫找到蜜源。驱避剂也是直接或间接通过嗅觉起作用,一些驱蚊剂由于阻断嗅觉反应而抑制蚊虫的定向飞行。从植物、动物或人体以及产卵场所释放的气味中有望找到有效的引诱和驱避化合物。对蚊虫嗅觉识别机理的认识将使我们开发出有效的蚊虫诱捕技术,进而应用于种群监测和控制。  相似文献   

哺乳动物主要嗅觉系统和犁鼻系统信息识别的编码模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
哺乳动物具有两套嗅觉系统, 即主要嗅觉系统和犁鼻系统。前者对环境中的大多数挥发性化学物质进行识别, 后者对同种个体释放的信息素进行识别。本文从嗅觉感受器、嗅球、嗅球以上脑区三个水平综述了这两种嗅觉系统对化学信息识别的编码模式。犁鼻器用较窄的调谐识别信息素成分, 不同于嗅上皮用分类性合并受体的方式识别气味; 副嗅球以接受相同受体输入的肾丝球所在区域为单位整合信息, 而主嗅球通过对肾丝球模块的特异性合并编码信息; 在犁鼻系统, 信息素的信号更多地作用于下丘脑区域, 引起特定的行为和神经内分泌反应。而在主要嗅觉系统, 嗅皮层可能采用时间模式编码神经元群, 对气味的最终感受与脑的不同区域有关。犁鼻系统较主要嗅觉系统的编码简单, 可能与其执行的功能较少有关。  相似文献   

昆虫激素对信息素合成和释放的调节   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
龚和 《昆虫知识》1992,29(5):307-310
<正> 昆虫信息素的产生和释放受各种环境因子和生理因子的影响,这些因子的信号通过神经激素的调节来控制信息素的合成和释放,同样对于接受信息素信号的个体,神经激素可调节对于信息素的反应活动。 一、Barth提出的关于神经内分泌 对于昆虫信息素调控的假设  相似文献   

蚊虫主要依赖嗅觉系统与外界环境进行化学信息交流。蚊虫通过嗅觉感受系统寻找食物、 配偶和产卵场所, 进而做出相应的行为反应。本文综述了近年来蚊虫嗅觉系统对气味信号神经传导机制的研究进展。蚊虫的嗅觉感器主要位于触角和下颚须, 触角上的毛形感器和锥形感器感受氨水、 乳酸、 羧酸类化合物等人体和其他动物释放的微量气味物质, 下颚须上的锥形感器则感受呼出的二氧化碳以及一些其他的挥发性物质; 蚊虫嗅觉感器内部有受体神经细胞, 其上分布有嗅觉受体蛋白, 蚊虫对外界环境的化学感受就是通过气味物质与这些受体蛋白互作而得以实现; 根据对不同气味物质的反应谱差异, 嗅觉神经细胞被分为不同的功能类型; 来自嗅觉神经细胞的神经信号进一步从外周传导至中枢神经中脑触角叶内的神经小球, 在此对信息进行初步的处理, 通过评估嗅觉神经细胞的反应和触角叶内的神经小球相应被激活的区域, 不同小球被分别命名; 最后, 神经信号继续整合, 由投射神经传向前脑, 最终引发一系列昆虫行为反应。这些研究从理论上剖析了气味信号在蚊虫嗅觉系统中的神经转导通路, 对于我们深刻理解蚊虫的嗅觉系统具有重要意义, 同时也有助于进一步理解其他昆虫甚至人类的气味识别机制及进行更深层次神经科学的探索。  相似文献   

为明确桑天牛成虫释放的化学信息素成分及其在两性通讯中的作用,利用气质联用仪(GC-MS)分析了桑天牛整体及其腹末组织提取物的化学成分,采用Y型嗅觉仪测定雌雄成虫对5种主要提取物标准品的嗅觉反应,以及雌雄虫对涂抹标准品的洗脱同性与异性成虫的接触反应。结果表明: 桑天牛雌雄成虫整体及其腹末组织提取物化学成分主要为10个碳以上的烷烃和烯烃,其中顺-9-二十三碳烯含量最高,其次为二十七烷、二十九烷、十九碳烯、二十八烷和9-己基-十七烷等,以及少量醛类和酯类物质。嗅觉行为反应结果显示,二十九烷对雌雄虫的引诱作用显著,二十七烷仅对雌虫有显著的引诱作用,而十九碳烯则对雌成虫产生显著的驱避作用,1-二十二碳烯和顺-9-二十三碳烯对桑天牛雌雄虫作用不明显。接触反应结果显示,雄虫对涂抹1-二十二碳烯、二十七烷和二十九烷的洗脱成虫表现出明显的求偶行为,而雌虫仅对涂抹二十九烷的洗脱成虫表现出明显的求偶行为。综合分析发现,1-二十二碳烯、二十七烷和二十九烷是桑天牛性信息素的重要组分,在两性通讯中起重要作用。  相似文献   

范志勤 《生态学报》1982,2(3):285-290
各种环境刺激是通过机体调节动物繁殖的重要因素。近来研究逐步揭示了化学信息在鼠类繁殖中的刺激作用(范志勤,1981;Bronson,1971;Parkes et al.1961;Whitten,1966)。一般将哺乳动物的化学信息分为信号外激素和诱导外激素。前者指经短时间的刺激,经由中枢神经系统,引起受纳动物直接的行为反应的一类外激素;后者通过神经一激素的调节诱导感受动物产生相对持久的生理状况和机能的变化。信号外激素的特点是作用时间短、行为变化快,反应可逆,即在刺激消失后,行为反应亦形消失。那么诱导外激素则表现  相似文献   

研究感觉基因的进化规律是动物进化领域长期探索的重要问题.哺乳动物通常具有2套嗅觉系统:主要嗅觉系统(MOS)和犁鼻器系统(VNS).其中,VNS主要感知动物个体释放的信息素分子,而信息素在动物的生殖和社会行为中起重要调节作用.为了研究动物信息素嗅觉进化的背后推动力,对海洋哺乳动物的代表物种进行了Trpc2基因(VNS功能的分子标记)的序列测定和进化分析.以前的研究表明,Trpc2基因仅在VNS中表达,其序列完整/缺失与VNS的功能完整/退化完全一致.本研究结果显示,鲸类和海牛类的Trpc2为假基因,鳍脚类的1个分支类群(海豹类)和水獭类的Trpc2也是假基因,提示VNS功能丢失,即信息素嗅觉功能退化;而北极熊和鳍脚类的另一个分支类群(海狮类)保留了1个完整的Trpc2,并且这个基因仍受强烈的净化选择和功能限制,提示信息素嗅觉功能仍然保留.进一步分析表明,信息素嗅觉退化的海兽主要在水中交配,而信息素嗅觉保留的海兽主要在陆地上交配.本研究提出了一个新的科学假说:交配场所的选择可能推动了海洋哺乳动物信息素嗅觉的进化.  相似文献   

In rodents, the nasal cavity contains two separate chemosensory epithelia, the main olfactory epithelium, located in the posterior dorsal aspect of the nasal cavity, and the vomeronasal/accessory olfactory epithelium, located in a capsule in the anterior aspect of the ventral floor of the nasal cavity. Both the main and accessory olfactory systems play a role in detection of biologically relevant odors. The accessory olfactory system has been implicated in response to pheromones, while the main olfactory system is thought to be a general molecular analyzer capable of detecting subtle differences in molecular structure of volatile odorants. However, the role of the two systems in detection of biologically relevant chemical signals appears to be partially overlapping. Thus, while it is clear that the accessory olfactory system is responsive to putative pheromones, the main olfactory system can also respond to some pheromones. Conversely, while the main olfactory system can mediate recognition of differences in genetic makeup by smell, the vomeronasal organ (VNO) also appears to participate in recognition of chemosensory differences between genetically distinct individuals. The most salient feature of our review of the literature is that there are no general rules that allow classification of the accessory olfactory system as a pheromone detector and the main olfactory system as a detector of general odorants. Instead, each behavior must be considered within a specific behavioral context to determine the role of these two chemosensory systems. In each case, one system or the other (or both) participates in a specific behavioral or hormonal response.  相似文献   

Mammalian pheromone sensing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The traditional distinction that the mammalian main olfactory system recognizes general odor molecules and the accessory (vomeronasal) system detects pheromones is no longer valid. The emerging picture is that both systems have considerable overlap in terms of the chemosignals they detect and the effects that they mediate. Recent investigations have discovered large families of pheromonal signals together with a rich variety of specific receptor systems and nasal detection pathways. Selective genetic targeting of these subsystems should help to unravel their biological role in pheromone-mediated behavioral responses.  相似文献   

In mammals, olfactory cues are extensively used in many aspects of maternal care to ensure the coordination of mother-infant interactions and consequently the normal development of the offspring. Outside the period of parturition and lactation, when the young are not a behavioral priority, olfactory cues play an inhibitory role on maternal responsiveness since in most mammalian species studied so far, nonpregnant females find the odor of young aversive. On the contrary at the time of parturition, a shift in the hedonic value of infantile odors occurs so that the young now become a very potent stimulus and this sensorial processing constitutes an important part of the maternal motivational system. Moreover, infants' odors provide a basis for individual recognition by their mothers and some species (ungulates) have developed highly specialized mechanisms for processing of the infant signals. Perception of the smell of the young also regulates various aspects of maternal behavior. Dodecyl propionate, a compound released by of pup's preputial glands, has been shown to influence anogenital licking behavior, a fundamental pattern of maternal behavior in rodents. While there is no functional specificity of either the main or the accessory olfactory systems in the development of maternal behavior amongst species, it appears that only the main olfactory system is implicated when individual odor discrimination of the young is required. Neural structures, such as the main olfactory bulb, undergo profound changes when exposed to offspring odors at parturition. These changes in synaptic circuitry contribute both to maternal responsiveness to these odors, to their memorization, and to effects of long-term maternal experience.  相似文献   

Insect pheromones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The evidence for intraspecies chemical communication in insects is reviewed, with emphasis on those studies where known organic compounds have been implicated. These signal-carrying chemicals are known as pheromones. There are two distinct types of pheromones, releasers and primers. Releaser pheromones initiate immediate behavioral responses in insects upon reception, while primer pheromones cause physiological changes in an animal that ultimately result in a behavior response. Chemically identified releaser pheromones are of three basic types: those which cause sexual attraction, alarm behavior, and recruitment. Sex pheromones release the entire repertoire of sexual behavior. Thus a male insect may be attracted to and attempt to copulate with an inanimate object that has sex pheromone on it. It appears that most insects are rather sensitive and selective for the sex pheromone of their species. Insects show far less sensitivity and chemospecificity for alarm pheromones. Alarm selectivity is based more on volatility than on unique structural features. Recruiting pheromones are used primarily in marking trails to food sources. Terrestrial insects lay continuous odor trails, whereas bees and other airborne insects apply the substances at discrete intervals. It appears that a complex pheromone system is used by the queen bee in the control of worker behavior. One well-established component of this system is a fatty acid, 9-ketodecenoic acid, produced by the queen and distributed among the workers. This compound prevents the development of ovaries in the workers and inhibits their queen-rearing activities. In addition, the same compound is used by virgin queen bees as a sex attractant.  相似文献   

Vickers NJ 《Chemical senses》2006,31(2):155-166
Terrestrial odor plumes have a physical structure that results from turbulence in the fluid environment. The rapidity of insect flight maneuvers within a plume indicates that their responses are dictated by fleeting (<1 s) rather than longer (>1 s) exposures to odor imposed by physical variables that distribute odor molecules in time and space. Even though encounters with pheromone filaments are brief, male moths responding to female-produced pheromones are remarkably able to extract information relating to the biological properties of these olfactory signals. These properties include the types of molecule present and their relative abundances. Thus, peripheral and central olfactory neurons are capable of representing these biological properties of a pheromone plume within the context of a temporally irregular and unpredictable signal. The mechanisms underlying olfactory processing of these signals with respect to their biological and physical properties are discussed in the context of a behavioral framework.  相似文献   

农业昆虫气味受体功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游银伟  张龙 《昆虫学报》2021,64(5):627-644
昆虫主要依靠嗅觉系统寻找食物、发现配偶、控制交配、选择产卵地、逃避天敌等,因此嗅觉系统对昆虫的繁殖和生存至关重要.气味受体(odorant receptor,OR)是嗅觉系统中的关键成分之一,可被信息化合物激活引发特定行为产生.随着测序技术的发展,大量的农业昆虫的基因组和转录组被测序,从测序数据中分析获得了它们的OR家...  相似文献   

We summarize literature from animal and human studies assessing sex differences in the ability of the main olfactory system to detect and process sex‐specific olfactory signals (“pheromones”) that control the expression of psychosexual functions in males and females. A case is made in non primate mammals for an obligatory role of pheromonal signaling via the main olfactory system (in addition to the vomeronasal‐accessory olfactory system) in mate recognition and sexual arousal, with male‐specific as well as female‐specific pheromones subserving these functions in the opposite sex. Although the case for an obligatory role of pheromones in mate recognition and mating among old world primates, including humans, is weaker, we review the current literature assessing the role of putative human pheromones (eg, AND, EST, “copulin”), detected by the main olfactory system, in promoting mate choice and mating in men and women. Based on animal studies, we hypothesize that sexually dimorphic effects of putative human pheromones are mediated via main olfactory inputs to the medial amygdala which, in turn, transmits olfactory information to sites in the hypothalamus that regulate reproduction.  相似文献   

Behavioral analysis is essential to understand how the olfactory system transforms chemosensory signals into information that can be used to guide actions. Recent studies in rodents have begun to address the behavioral relevance of putative olfactory codes and computations including spatial maps, oscillatory synchrony, and evolving temporal codes. To date, these studies have failed to find support for a role of any of these mechanisms in odor discrimination. Progress calls for experiments using precise psychophysical methods in conjunction with neural recording or perturbation, in addition to ethologically minded exploration of more complex forms of odor-guided behavior.  相似文献   

穴居啮齿动物一般生活在黑暗、复杂的地下洞道环境中。营地下生活的特殊栖息环境使其进化出了与环境相适应的震动通讯,用来实现个体或社群间的信息联系。震动通讯是动物界中一种独特的信息传递方式,穴居啮齿动物的震动通讯已成为行为生态学研究的热点之一。了解震动信号发生和接收的部位、特征及其生物学意义,对于完善和发展穴居啮齿动物基础研究具有重大意义。但是,对于穴居啮齿动物来说,其独特的地下栖息生活方式增加了解读震动信号的难度。这些挑战导致穴居啮齿动物震动通讯方面研究进展缓慢、科研文章较少。本文在查阅国内外穴居啮齿动物震动通讯研究文献的基础上,分别从具有震动通讯特征的穴居啮齿动物种类、分布,震动信号发生和接收部位,震动信号的作用以及研究方法等方面进行了概述,并展望了震动信号在鼠害防控、医疗等领域应用的可能性。本文旨在为今后研究穴居啮齿动物震动通讯提供参考。  相似文献   

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