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1. Rat liver microsomal preparations incubated in 1% Triton X-100 at 37°C for 1h released about 60% of the membrane-bound UDP-galactose–glycoprotein galactosyltransferase (EC into a high-speed supernatant. The supernatant galactosyltransferase which was solubilized but not purified by this treatment had a higher molecular weight than the serum enzyme as shown by Sephadex G-100 column chromatography. 2. The galactosyltransferase present in the high-speed supernatant was purified 680-fold by an affinity-column-chromatographic technique by using a column of activated Sepharose 4B coupled with α-lactalbumin. The galactosyltransferase ran as a single band on polyacrylamide gels and contained no sialyltransferase, N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase or UDP-galactose pyrophosphatase activities. 3. The purified membrane enzyme had properties similar to serum galactosyltransferase. It had an absolute requirement for Mn2+ that could not be replaced by Ca2+, Mg2+, Zn2+ or Co2+, and was active over a wide pH range (6–8) with a pH optimum of 6.5. The apparent Km for UDP-galactose was 10.8μm. The protein α-lactalbumin modified the enzyme to a lactose synthetase by increasing substrate specificity for glucose in preference to N-acetylglucosamine and fetuin depleted of sialic acid and galactose. 4. The molecular weight of the membrane enzyme was 65000–70000, similar to that of the purified serum enzyme. Amino acid analyses of the two proteins were similar but not identical. 5. Sephadex G-100 column chromatography of the purified membrane enzyme showed a small peak (2–5%) of higher molecular weight than the purified serum enzyme. Inclusion of 1mm-ε-aminohexanoic acid in the isolation procedures increased this peak to as much as 30% of the total enzyme recovered. Increasing the ε-aminohexanoic acid concentration to 100mm resulted in no further increase in this high-molecular-weight fraction.  相似文献   

1. Oestradiol hydroxylase activity, as measured by the formation of water-soluble products, was significantly higher in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of rat liver than in the rough membrane. 2. The isolated membrane fractions retained their activity for at least 6 months if stored at -30 degrees C and were more stable in tris-HCl than in sodium phosphate buffer. 3. The stability of the oestradiol-hydroxylating system was inversely related to lipid peroxidation and was decreased by phospholipases and deoxycholate, which damage the reticular membranes. Ribonuclease had no effect on this system. 4. Added polyribosomes did not influence the metabolism of oestradiol in the smooth membranes but some inhibition in the yield of water-soluble metabolites was produced by corticosterone. 5. The effect of spermine on microsomal hydroxylation was investigated. It is proposed that this polyamine acts either by direct activation of the enzyme complex or by inhibition of the lipid peroxidase pathway in a linked system rather than by stabilization of the reticular membranes.  相似文献   

Golgi apparatus were isolated from untreated rat liver and separated into three fractions. One consisted mainly of vesicles, a second of tubular particles (dictyosomes) and the third was a mixed fraction. Large differences between these fractions could be seen in the electron microscope and by enzyme analysis. The total lipid content of the vesicles was 3.5-times greater than that of the dictyosomes and the neutral lipid value was 7-times greater. The ratio of phospholipids to protein was approximately the same in the three fractions. However, the phospholipid patterns differed between the vesicle and dictyosome fractions.  相似文献   

Galactosyltransferase was purified from rat liver Golgi membranes. The Triton X-100, used to solubilize the enzyme was removed immediately prior to the lipid interaction studies. In lipid vesicles, prepared from a variety of phosphatidylcholines (PCs), including egg PC, DOPC, DMPC, DPPC and DSPC, the ability of the lipids to stimulate the enzyme decreased in the order egg PC greater than DOPC greater than DMPC greater than DPPC greater than DSPC, i.e. the lower the transition temperature (Tc) the greater the stimulation of the enzyme. A second, neutral lipid, phosphatidylethanolamine was used to permit a comparison of the effect of a different head group of the same net charge at neutral pH. The PEs included, egg PE, soy PE, Pl-PE, PE(PC) and DPPE in order of increasing Tc. The effect of the PEs was opposite to that of the PCs, i.e. the higher the Tc, the greater the stimulation of the enzyme. In fact egg PE and soy PE which have the lowest Tc values were inhibitory. Thus the modulation of the Golgi membrane galactosyltransferase by these lipids was different from that reported earlier for the bovine milk galactosyltransferase. The effects of two acidic lipids, egg phosphatidic acid (PA) and egg phosphatidylglycerol (PG) were studied also. Both totally inhibited the enzyme even at low concentrations of lipid, however, the PA was more effective than PG. In mixtures of neutral lipid (PC) and acidic lipid (PA or PG), the effect of the acidic lipid dominated. Even in the presence of excess PC, total inhibition of the enzyme was observed. It was concluded that the enzyme bound the acidic lipid preferentially to itself. The choice of the lipids allowed us to make several direct comparisons concerning the effect of the nature of the lipid head group on the activity of the enzyme. For example PE(PC), egg PA and egg PG would have fatty acid chains identical to egg PC since these three lipids are all prepared by modification of egg PC. As well, DPPE differs from DPPC only by nature of the head group. These comparisons indicated that not only the net charge but also chemical nature of the head group were important in the lipid modulation of Golgi galactosyltransferase.  相似文献   

Glycosyltransferase activities of highly purified fractions of Golgi apparatus, plasma membrane and endoplasmic reticulum, all from the same homogenates, were analyzed and compared. Additionally, Golgi apparatus were unstacked and the individual cisternae separated into fractions enriched in cis, median and trans elements using the technique of preparative free-flow electrophoresis. Golgi apparatus from both liver and hepatomas were enriched in all glycosyltransferases compared to endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membranes. However, Golgi apparatus from hepatomas showed both elevated fucosyltransferase and galactosyltransferase activities but reduced sialyltransferase and dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) activities compared to liver. Activity of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase was approximately the same in both liver and hepatoma Golgi apparatus. With normal liver, sialyl- and galactosyltransferase activities and DPP IV showed a marked cis-to-trans gradient of activity. Fucosyltransferase was concentrated in two regions of the electrophoretic separations, one corresponding to cis cisternae and one corresponding to trans cisternae. N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity was more widely distributed but the endogenous acceptor activity was predominantly cis. With hepatoma Golgi apparatus, the pattern for DPP IV was similar to that for liver but those of sialyl- and galactosyltransferases differed markedly from liver. Instead of activity increasing cis to trans, the activities for sialyl- and galactosyltransferases decreased. For fucosyltransferases, activity dependent on exogenous acceptor was medial whereas with endogenous acceptor, two activity peaks, cis and trans, still were observed. For N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase the pattern for hepatoma was similar to that for liver. The results indicate alterations in the distribution of glycosyltransferase activities within the Golgi apparatus in hepatotumorigenesis that may reflect altered cell surface glycosylation patterns.  相似文献   

UDP-galactose: N-acetylglucosamine galactosyltransferase (GT) and CMP- sialic:desialylated transferrin sialyltransferse (ST) activities of rat liver Golgi apparatus are membrane-bound enzymes that can be released by treatment with Triton X-100. When protein substrates are used to assay these enzymes in freshly prepared Golgi vesicles, both activities are enhanced about eightfold by the addition of Triton X-100. When small molecular weight substrates are used, however, both activities are only enhanced about twofold by the addition of detergent. The enzymes remain inaccessible to large protein substrates even after freezing and storage of the Golgi preparation for 2 mo in liquid nitrogen. Accessibility to small molecular and weight substrates increases significantly after such storage. GT and ST activities in Golgi vesicles are not destroyed by treatment with trypsin, but are destroyed by this treatment if the vesicles are first disrupted with Triton X-100. Treatment of Golgi vesicles with low levels of filipin, a polyene antibiotic known to complex with cholesterol in biological membranes, also results in enhanced trypsin susceptibility of both glycosyltransferases. Maximum destruction of the glycosyltransferase activities by trypsin is obtained at filipin to total cholesterol weight ratios of approximately 1.6 or molar ratios of approximately 1. This level of filipin does not solubilize the enzymes but causes both puckering of Golgi membranes visible by electron microscopy and disruption of the Golgi vesicles as measured by release of serum albumin. When isolated Golgi apparatus is fixed with glutaraldehyde to maintain the three-dimensional orientation of cisternae and secretory vesicles, and then treated with filipin, cisternal membranes on both cis and trans faces of the apparatus as well as secretory granule membranes appear to be affected about equally. These results indicate that liver Golgi vesicles as isolated are largely oriented with GT and ST on the luminal side of the membranes, which corresponds to the cisternal compartment of the Golgi apparatus in the hepatocyte. Cholesterol is an integral part of the membrane of the Golgi apparatus and its distribution throughout the apparatus is similar to that of both transferases.  相似文献   

An inhibitory effect of cycloheximide on the initial rate of galactosyltransferase of rat liver Golgi membranes has been demonstrated. Cycloheximide was effective in inhibiting the activity of the enzyme when added directly to the assay medium or after pre-incubation of the membranes with the drug. The inhibition observed with different concentrations of nucleotide sugar was shown to be competitive at higher concentrations of the nucleotide sugar (0.10-1.0 mumol). The inhibition observed with different concentrations of acceptor, N-acetylglucosamine was complex and could not be analysed further with the present data. Washing the Golgi membranes previously incubated with cycloheximide with water failed to reverse the inhibition. Washing with UDPgalactose partially reversed the inhibition only. These results, together with the observation that serum galactosyltransferase was not inhibited by cycloheximide supported the view that the cycloheximide effect may be primarily on the membrane system.  相似文献   

Liver microsomal subfractions and Golgi membranes free from adsorbed and secretory proteins have a characteristic sugar composition. The ratio of mannose to galactose is largest in rough microsomes, smaller in smooth I microsomes, still smaller in smooth II microsomes, and smallest in Golgi membranes. There is about twice as much glucosamine in Golgi membranes and 3 times as much in smooth II microsomes as in the other microsomal subfractions. Golgi membranes are rich in sialic acid in comparison to rough microsomes and it is present at even higher levels in the two smooth microsomal subfractions. Increasing concentrations of deoxycholate preferentially remove protein-bound mannose and glucosamine, while releasing significantly less galactose. About half of the microsomal mannose and galactose can be liberated from the surface of intact microsomal vesicles by treatment with trypsin. When trypsin is added to permeable vesicles where the inside surface can be also attacked, an additional 20% of the total mannose but no additional galactose is liberated.  相似文献   

The latency of rat liver microsomal protein disulphide-isomerase.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Protein disulphide-isomerase (PDI) activity was not detectable in freshly prepared rat liver microsomes (microsomal fraction), but became detectable after treatments that damage membrane integrity, e.g. sonication, detergent treatment or freezing and thawing. Maximum activity was detectable after sonication. Identical latency was observed in microsomes prepared by gel filtration and in those prepared by high-speed centrifugation. PDI activity was latent in all particulate subcellular fractions, but not latent in the high-speed supernatant. When all fractions were sonicated to expose total PDI activity, PDI was found at highest specific activity in the microsomal fraction and co-distributed with marker enzymes of the endoplasmic reticulum. Washing of microsomes under various conditions that removed peripheral proteins and, in some cases, bound ribosomes did not remove significant quantities of PDI, nor did it affect the latency of PDI activity. Treatment of microsomes with proteinases, under conditions where the permeability barrier of the microsomal vesicles was maintained intact, did not inactivate PDI significantly or affect its latency. PDI was very readily solubilized from microsomal vesicles by low concentrations of detergents, which removed only a fraction of the total microsomal protein. In all these respects, PDI resembled nucleoside diphosphatase, a marker peripheral protein of the luminal surface of the endoplasmic reticulum, and differed from NADPH: cytochrome c reductase, a marker integral protein exposed at the cytoplasmic surface of the membrane. The data are compatible with a model in which PDI is loosely associated with the luminal surface of the endoplasmic reticulum, a location consistent with the proposed physiological role of the enzyme as catalyst of formation of native disulphide bonds in nascent and newly synthesized secretory proteins.  相似文献   

Rough microsomes from rat liver of both control and methylcholanthrene-treated animals were subfractionated on a discontinuous sucrose gradient into three fractions according the their sedimentation velocity. The slowly sedimenting vesicles were enriched in electron transport enzymes, while those in the pellet showed higher phosphatase and ATPase activities. Methylcholanthrene treatment introduced typical changes in enzyme composition, mainly an increase of the cytochrome P-448. The individual phospholipids exhibited an identical distribution pattern in the three subfractions and no change occurred after induction with methylcholanthrene treatment. Nearest neighbour analysis of phosphatidylethanolamine with dinitrodifluorobenzene revealed a similar pattern in the enzymatically different subfraction, that is, no cross-linking with phosphatidylserine occurred. One-third of the phosphatidylethanolamine was in monomer and dimer form and about two-thirds was protein linked. When membrane and enzyme synthesis was induced, cross-linking to proteins were substantially decreased. The experiments indicate that the phospholipids are distributed in a homogenous fashion in the lateral plane of the rough microsomal membrane and do not support the possibility that phosphatidylethanolamine is specifically associated with cytochrome P-450.  相似文献   

Two microsomal subfractions from isolated rat pancreatic acini were produced by centrifugation through a discontinuous sucrose density gradient and characterized by biochemical markers. The denser fraction ( SF2 ) was a highly purified preparation of rough endoplasmic reticulum; the less-dense fraction ( SF1 ) was heterogeneous and contained Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membranes. 45Ca2+ accumulation in the presence of ATP and its rapid release after treatment with the bivalent-cation ionophore A23187 were demonstrated in both fractions. The pH optimum for active 45Ca2+ uptake was approx. 6.8 for the rough endoplasmic reticulum ( SF2 ) and approx. 7.5 for SF1 . Initial rate measurements were used to determine the affinity of the rough-endoplasmic-reticulum uptake system for free Ca2+. An apparent Km of 0.16 +/- 0.06 microM and Vmax. of 21.5 +/- 5.6 nmol of Ca2+/min per mg of protein were obtained. 45Ca2+ uptake by SF1 was less sensitive to Ca2+, half-maximal uptake occurring at 1-2 microM-free Ca2+. When fractions were prepared from isolated acini stimulated with 3 microM-carbamylcholine, 45Ca2+ uptake was increased in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The increased uptake was due to a higher Vmax. with no significant change in Km. No effect was observed on 45Ca2+ uptake by SF1 . In conclusion, two distinct non-mitochondrial, ATP-dependent calcium-uptake systems have been demonstrated in rat pancreatic acini. One of these is located in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, but the precise location of the other has not been determined. We have shown that the Ca2+-transporting activity in the rough endoplasmic reticulum may have an important role in maintaining the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration in resting acinar cells and is involved in Ca2+ movements which occur during stimulation of enzyme secretion.  相似文献   

Liver microsomal subfractions and Golgi membranes free from adsorbed and secretory proteins have a characteristic sugar composition. The ratio of mannose to galactose is largest in rough microsomes, smaller in smooth I microsomes, still smaller in smooth II microsomes, and smallest in Golgi membranes. There is about twice as much glucosamine in Golgi membranes and 3 times as much in smooth II microsomes as in the other microsomal subfractions. Golgi membranes are rich in sialic acid in comparison to rough microsomes and it is present at even higher levels in the two smooth microsomal subfractions. Increasing concentrations of deoxycholate preferentially remove protein-bound mannose and glucosamine, while releasing significantly less galactose. About half of the microsomal mannose and galactose can be liberated from the surface of intact microsomal vesicles by treatment with trypsin. When trypsin is added to permeable vesicles where the inside surface can be also attacked, an additional 20% of the total mannose but no additional galactose is liberated.  相似文献   

1. Rat liver microsomal preparations incubated with 200mM-NaCl at either 0 or 30 degrees C released about 20-30% of the membrane-bound UDP-galactose-glycoprotein galactosyl-transferase (EC into a 'high-speed' supernatant. The 'high-speed' supernatant was designated the 'saline wash' and the galactosyltransferase released into this fraction required Triton X-100 for activation. It was purified sixfold by chromatography on Sephadex G-200, and appeared to have a higher molecular weight than the soluble serum enzyme. 2. Rat serum galactosyltransferase was purified 6000-7000-fold by an affinity-chromatographic technique using a column of activated Sepharose 4B coupled with alpha-lactalbumin. The purified enzyme ran as a single broad band on polacrylamide gels and contained no sialytransferase, N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase and UDP-galactose pyrophosphatase activities. 3. The highly purified enzyme had properties similar to those of both soluble and membrane-bound galactosyltransferase. It required 0.1% Triton X-100 for stabilization, but lost activity on freezing. The enzyme had an absolute requirement for Mn2+, not replaceable by Ca2+, Mg2+, Zn2+ or Co2+. It was active over a wide pH range (6-8) and had a pH optimum of 6.8. The apparent Km for UDP-galactose was 12.5 x 10(-6) M. Alpha-Lactalbumin had no appreciable effect on UDP-galactose-glycoprotein galactosyltransferase, but it increased the specificity for glucose rather than for N-acetylglucosamine, thus modifying the enzyme to a lactose synthetase. 4. The possibility of a conversion of higher-molecular-weight liver enzyme into soluble serum enzyme is discussed, especially in relation to the elevated activities of this and other glycosyltransferases in patients with liver diseases.  相似文献   

Compared with normally fed animals, rats fed on a low-protein diet for 3 days exhibit a considerable delay in DNA synthesis after partial hepatectomy. In the regenerating livers of these animals (a) the timing of the first peak of ornithine decarboxylase activity is not altered and (b) the second peak of enzyme activity is delayed by a few hours, but polyamine concentrations are similar to those of normally fed rats. The results suggest that regardless of the possible effect of polyamines on DNA synthesis, the time course of ornithine decarboxylase activity appears to be independent of the onset of DNA replication in regenerating livers.  相似文献   

J Szkudlarek  W Turski 《Enzyme》1975,19(5-6):329-336
A hypotonic medium and nonionic detergents Triton X-100 and digitonin have no influence on the activity of fumarase in the homogenate or in the mitochondrial fraction either. Ionic detergents of deoxycholate, cholate and sodium dodecyl sulphate exert an inhibiting influence. The activity of enzyme was determined in an L-malate-fumarate system. 1 h of incubation and the original Racker's method gave similar results. The lack of 'latency', found for the mitochondrial fumarase, was discussed basing on the data concerned with the penetration of metabolites through the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

The localization and activity of the enzyme UDP-galactose-hydroxy fatty acid-containing ceramide galactosyltransferase is described in rat brain myelin subfractions during development. Other lipid-synthesizing enzymes, such as cerebroside sulphotransferase, UDP-glucose-ceramide glucosyltransferase and CDP-choline-1,2-diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase, were also studied for comparison in myelin subfractions and microsomal membranes. The purified myelin was subfractionated by isopycnic sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation. Four myelin subfractions, three floating respectively on 0.55 M- (light-myelin fraction), 0.75 M- (heavy-myelin fraction) and 0.85 M-sucrose (membrane fraction), and a pellet, were isolated and purified. At all ages, 70--75% of the total myelin proteins was found in the heavy-myelin fraction, whereas 2--5% of the protein was recovered in the light-myelin fraction, and about 7--12% in the membrane fraction. Most of the galactosyltransferase was associated with the heavy-myelin and membrane fractions. Other lipid-synthesizing enzymes studied appeared not to associate with purified myelin or myelin subfractions, but were enriched in the microsomal-membrane fraction. During development, the specific activity of the microsomal galactosyltransferase reached a maximum when the animals were about 20 days old and then declined. By contrast the specific activity of the galactosyltransferase in the heavy-myelin and membrane fractions was 3--4 times higher than that of the microsomal membranes in 16-day-old animals. The specific activity of the enzyme in the heavy-myelin fraction sharply declined with age. Chemical and enzymic analyses of the heavy-myelin and membrane myelin subfractions at various ages showed that the membrane fraction contained more proteins in relation to lipids than the heavy-myelin fraction. The membrane fraction was also enriched in phospholipids compared with cholesterol and contrined equivalent amounts of 2':3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase compared with heavy- and light-myelin fractions. The membrane fraction was deficient in myelin basic protein and proteolipid protein and enriched in high-molecular-weight proteins. The specific localization of galactosyltransferase in heavy-myelin and membrane fractions at an early age when myelination is just beginning suggests that it may have some role in the myelination process.  相似文献   

M Trinchera  A Fiorilli  R Ghidoni 《Biochemistry》1991,30(10):2719-2724
The presence and subcellular localization of UDP-Gal:glucosylceramide beta 1----4galactosyltransferase (GalT-2) was investigated in rat liver. For this purpose, purified Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, and plasma membrane fractions were prepared from the liver and used as the enzyme source for detecting GalT-2. A pure Golgi apparatus, highly enriched in many glycosyltransferases, was the only fraction where GalT-2 was measurable. The reaction product formation rate under appropriate assay conditions, which requires high detergent concentration and Mn2+, was low but comparable with that of other glycosyltransferases. The product formation was stimulated by exogenously added acceptor GlcCer, donor UDP-Gal, and Golgi protein. The reaction product was a single spot that was identified by chromatographic behavior, sensitivity to beta-galactosidase, and permethylation studies as Gal beta 1----4Glc beta 1----1'Cer (lactosylceramide). A metabolic experiment, performed by determining the glycosphingolipids which became radioactive in the above subcellular fractions prepared from the liver of animals treated with glucose-labeled glucosylceramide, further indicated that the in vivo glycosylation of glucosylceramide takes place in the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

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