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Detection and repair of DNA damage is essential in all organisms and depends on the ability of proteins recognizing and processing specific DNA substrates. In E. coli, the RecA protein forms a filament on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) produced by DNA damage and induces the SOS response. Previous work has shown that one type of recA mutation (e.g., recA4162 (I298V)) and one type of uvrD mutation (e.g., uvrD303 (D403A, D404A)) can differentially decrease SOS expression depending on the type of inducing treatments (UV damage versus RecA mutants that constitutively express SOS). Here it is tested using other SOS inducing conditions if there is a general feature of ssDNA generated during these treatments that allows recA4162 and uvrD303 to decrease SOS expression. The SOS inducing conditions tested include growing cells containing temperature-sensitive DNA replication mutations (dnaE486, dnaG2903, dnaN159, dnaZ2016 (at 37 °C)), a del(polA)501 mutation and induction of Double-Strand Breaks (DSBs). uvrD303 could decrease SOS expression under all conditions, while recA4162 could decrease SOS expression under all conditions except in the polA strain or when DSBs occur. It is hypothesized that recA4162 suppresses SOS expression best when the ssDNA occurs at a gap and that uvrD303 is able to decrease SOS expression when the ssDNA is either at a gap or when it is generated at a DSB (but does so better at a gap).  相似文献   

RecA plays a central role in recombination, DNA repair and SOS induction through forming a RecA-DNA helical filament. Biochemical observations show that at low ratios to RecA, DinI and RecX stabilize and destabilize RecA-DNA filaments, respectively, and that the C-terminal 17 residues of RecA are important for RecX function. RecA-DNA filament formation was assayed in vivo using RecA-GFP foci formation in log-phase and UV-irradiated cells. In log-phase cells, dinI mutants have fewer foci than wild type and that recX mutants have more foci than wild type. A recADelta17::gfp mutant had more foci like a recX mutant. dinI recX double mutants have the same number of foci as dinI mutants alone, suggesting that dinI is epistatic to recX. After UV treatment, the dinI, recX and dinI recX mutants differed in their ability to form foci. All three mutants had fewer foci than wild type. The dinI mutant's foci persisted longer than wild-type foci. Roles of DinI and RecX after UV treatment differed from those during log-phase growth and may reflect the different DNA substrates, population of proteins or amounts during the SOS response. These experiments give new insight into the roles of these proteins.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the level of expression of the SOS regulon in cells lacking DNA adenine methylase activity (dam -). Mud (Ap, lac) fusions to several SOS operons (recA, lexA, uvrA, uvrB, uvrD, sulA, dinD and dinF) were found to express higher levels of -galactosidase in dam - strains than in isogenic dam + strains. The attempted construction of dam - strains that were also mutant in one of several SOS genes indicated that the viability of methylase-deficient strains correlates with the inactivation of the SOS repressor (LexA protein). Consistent with this, the wild-type functions of two LexA-repressed genes (recA and ruv) appear to be required for dam - strain viability.  相似文献   

Mutations in recA, such as recA801(Srf) (suppressor of RecF) or recA441(Tif) (temperature-induced filamentation) partially suppress the deficiency in postreplication repair of UV damage conferred by recF mutations. We observed that spontaneous recA(Srf) mutants accumulated in cultures of recB recC sbcB sulA::Mu dX(Ap lac) lexA51 recF cells because they grew faster than the parental strain. We show that in a uvrA recB+ recC+ genetic background there are two prerequisites for the suppression by recA(Srf) of the UV-sensitive phenotype of recF mutants. (i) The recA(Srf) protein must be provided in increased amounts either by SOS derepression or by a recA operator-constitutive mutation in a lexA(Ind) (no induction of SOS functions) genetic background. (ii) The gene recJ, which has been shown previously to be involved in the recF pathway of recombination and repair, must be functional. The level of expression of recJ in a lexA(Ind) strain suffices for full suppression. Suppression by recA441 at 30 degrees C also depends on recJ+. The hampered induction by UV of the SOS gene uvrA seen in a recF mutant was improved by a recA(Srf) mutation. This improvement did not require recJ+. We suggest that recA(Srf) and recA(Tif) mutant proteins can operate in postreplication repair independent of recF by using the recJ+ function.  相似文献   

Endonuclease V (deoxyinosine 3′ endonuclease), the product of the nfi gene, has a specificity that encompasses DNAs containing dIMP, abasic sites, base mismatches, uracil, and even untreated single-stranded DNA. To determine its importance in DNA repair pathways, nfi insertion mutants and overproducers (strains bearing nfi plasmids) were constructed. The mutants displayed a twofold increase in spontaneous mutations for several markers and an increased sensitivity to killing by bleomycin and nitrofurantoin. An nfi mutation increased both cellular resistance to and mutability by nitrous acid. This agent should generate potential cleavage sites for the enzyme by deaminating dAMP and dCMP in DNA to dIMP and dUMP, respectively. Relative to that of a wild-type strain, an nfi mutant displayed a 12- to 1,000-fold increase in the frequency of nitrite-induced mutations to streptomycin resistance, which are known to occur in A · T base pairs. An nfi mutation also enhanced the lethality caused by a combined deficiency of exonuclease III and dUTPase, which has been attributed to unrepaired abasic sites. However, neither the deficiency nor the overproduction of endonuclease V affected the growth of the single-stranded DNA phages M13 or X174 nor of Uracil-containing bacteriophage λ. These results suggest that endonuclease V has a significant role in the repair of deaminated deoxyadenosine (deoxyinosine) and abasic sites in DNA, but there was no evidence for its cleavage in vivo of single-stranded or uracil-containing DNA.  相似文献   

Many recombination, DNA repair and DNA replication mutants have high basal levels of SOS expression as determined by a sulAp-lacZ reporter gene system on a population of cells. Two opposing models to explain how the SOS expression is distributed in these cells are: (i) the 'Uniform Expression Model (UEM)' where expression is evenly distributed in all cells or (ii) the 'Two Population Model (TPM)' where some cells are highly induced while others are not at all. To distinguish between these two models, a method to quantify SOS expression in individual bacterial cells was developed by fusing an SOS promoter (sulAp) to the green fluorescent protein (gfp) reporter gene and inserting it at attlambda on the Escherichia coli chromosome. It is shown that the fluorescence in sulAp-gfp cells is regulated by RecA and LexA. This system was then used to distinguish between the two models for several mutants. The patterns displayed by priA, dnaT, recG, uvrD, dam, ftsK, rnhA, polA and xerC mutants were explained best by the TPM while only lexA (def), lexA3 (ind-) and recA defective mutants were explained best by the UEM. These results are discussed in a context of how the processes of DNA replication and recombination may affect cells in a population differentially.  相似文献   

Thymidine-requiring strains of Escherichia coli isolated by trimethoprim selection often simultaneously acquire the ability to suppress bacteriophage T4 nonsense mutations. Suppression is lost in Thy+ revertants and recombinants, but is sometimes retained in thyA plasmid-bearing transformants. Suppression is restricted in Strr derivatives of the Thy- mutants, indicating that suppression occurs at the level of translation.  相似文献   

Sensitivity to UV irradiation conferred by recF143 was partially suppressed by recA441 (also known as tif-1). A temperature-conditional component depended on uvrA function and is thought to involve thermal induction of excision repair enzymes. In a uvrA6 mutant, a temperature-independent component of suppression was seen. This is thought to indicate that recA441 also caused temperature-independent changes in recA activity. Two hypotheses are offered to explain how recA441 produced both thermosensitive and thermoindependent effects.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, expression of the tif-1 mutation (in the recA gene) induces the "SOS response" at 40 degrees C, including massive synthesis of the recA(tif) protein, cell filamentation, appearance of new repair and mutagenic activities, and prophage induction. Expression of the tsl-1 mutation (in the lexA gene) induces massive synthesis of the recA protein and cell filamentation at 42 degrees C, although other SOS functions are not induced. In this paper we show that the septation inhibition induced in tif and tsl strains at 42 degrees C is not due to the presence of a high concentration of recA protein since (i) no recA mutants (相似文献   

RecA is important for recombination, DNA repair, and SOS induction. In Escherichia coli, RecBCD, RecFOR, and RecJQ prepare DNA substrates onto which RecA binds. UvrD is a 3'-to-5' helicase that participates in methyl-directed mismatch repair and nucleotide excision repair. uvrD deletion mutants are sensitive to UV irradiation, hypermutable, and hyper-rec. In vitro, UvrD can dissociate RecA from single-stranded DNA. Other experiments suggest that UvrD removes RecA from DNA where it promotes unproductive reactions. To test if UvrD limits the number and/or the size of RecA-DNA structures in vivo, an uvrD mutation was combined with recA-gfp. This recA allele allows the number of RecA structures and the amount of RecA at these structures to be assayed in living cells. uvrD mutants show a threefold increase in the number of RecA-GFP foci, and these foci are, on average, nearly twofold higher in relative intensity. The increased number of RecA-green fluorescent protein foci in the uvrD mutant is dependent on recF, recO, recR, recJ, and recQ. The increase in average relative intensity is dependent on recO and recQ. These data support an in vivo role for UvrD in removing RecA from the DNA.  相似文献   

In recA718 lexA+ strains of Escherichia coli, induction of the SOS response requires DNA damage. This implies that RecA718 protein, like RecA+ protein, must be converted, by a process initiated by the damage, to an activated form (RecA) to promote cleavage of LexA, the cellular repressor of SOS genes. However, when LexA repressor activity was abolished by a lexA-defective mutation [lexA(Def)], strains carrying the recA718 gene (but not recA+) showed strong SOS mutator activity and were able to undergo stable DNA replication in the absence of DNA damage (two SOS functions known to require RecA activity even when cleavage of LexA is not necessary). lambda lysogens of recA718 lexA(Def) strains exhibited mass induction of prophage, indicative of constitutive ability to cleave lambda repressor. When the cloned recA718 allele was present in a lexA+ strain on a plasmid, SOS mutator activity and beta-galactosidase synthesis under LexA control were expressed in proportion to the plasmid copy number. We conclude that RecA718 is capable of becoming activated without DNA damage for cleavage of LexA and lambda repressor, but only if it is amplified above its base-line level in lexA+ strains. At amplified levels, RecA718 was also constitutively activated for its roles in SOS mutagenesis and stable DNA replication. The nucleotide sequence of recA718 reveals two base substitutions relative to the recA+ sequence. We propose that the first allows the protein to become activated constitutively, whereas the second partially suppresses this capability.  相似文献   

A derivative of Escherichia coli K-12 bearing an ilvC-lac fusion has been studied. beta-Galactosidase formation in this strain is under the control of the ilvC promoter and is therefore induced by the acetohydroxy acids. Derivatives of this fusion strain were isolated that constitutively expressed beta-galactosidase. When an ilvC-containing episome was introduced into these strains, acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase was also constitutively expressed. The lesions are trans dominant and lie in ilvY, the structural gene specifying a positive control element, v, needed for induction of the isomeroreductase. It was concluded from measurements of beta-galactosidase levels in various diploid strains that, although wild-type v requires inducer to act as a positive control element, it does not act as a repressor in the absence of inducer.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which recA (Srf) mutations (recA2020 and recA801) suppress the deficiency in postreplication repair shown by recF mutants of Escherichia coli was studied in UV-irradiated uvrB and uvrA recB recC sbcB cells. The recA (Srf) mutations partially suppressed the UV radiation sensitivity of uvrB recF, uvrB recF recB, and uvrA recB recC sbcB recF cells, and they partially restored the ability of uvrB recF and uvrA recB recC sbcB recF cells to repair DNA daughter-strand gaps. In addition, the recA (Srf) mutations suppressed the recF deficiency in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks in UV-irradiated uvrA recB recC sbcB recF cells. The recA2020 and recA801 mutations do not appear to affect the synthesis of UV radiation-induced proteins, nor do they appear to produce an altered RecA protein, as detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. These results are consistent with the suggestion (M. R. Volkert and M. A. Hartke, J. Bacteriol. 157:498-506, 1984) that the recA (Srf) mutations do not act by affecting the induction of SOS responses; rather, they allow the RecA protein to participate in the recF-dependent postreplication repair processes without the need of the RecF protein.  相似文献   

Survival and induction of the SOS system by 5-azacytidine, an analog of cytidine, were studied in Escherichia coli K-12. This compound did not produce any effect on the viability of dcm and dam dcm mutants. Furthermore, recA430 and lexA1 strains (both mutations interfere with LexA repressor cleavage but not recombination proficiency) were more resistant than the wild-type strain of E. coli K-12. In contrast, recBC and recA13 mutants were more sensitive to 5-azacytidine than the wild type. Transient exposure of E. coli to 5-azacytidine for 60 min induced both recA-dependent inhibition of cell division and induction of lambda prophage in Dcm+ strains but not in Dcm- mutants. Expression of both functions was dependent on recBC exonuclease. On the other hand, 5-azacytidine was unable to trigger the induction of umuCD and mucB genes and no amplification of RecA protein synthesis in either Dcm+ or Dcm- strains was observed. These last results are in agreement with previously reported data suggesting that there is a discrimination in the expression of the several SOS functions and that some SOS genes may be induced without amplification of RecA protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Spontaneous colicin production by Col E1 in a recA- strain of Escherichia coli K-12 is restored nearly to wild-type levels by the presence of tsl- second site mutation.  相似文献   

The recA441 mutant of Escherichia coli, which has been thought to have thermoinducible constitutive RecA protease activity, is known to have two mutations within recA. We show here that the mutation that alters codon 38 actually confers temperature-independent constitutive protease activity; the second mutation in recA441, which is at codon 298, appears to be acting as a temperature-sensitive suppressor of the protease activity.  相似文献   

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