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We have applied NMR spectroscopy to determine the high-resolution structure of gaegurin 4, a 37-residue antimicrobial peptide from Rana rugosa, under varying hydrophobic conditions. Even in 100% H2O, gaegurin 4 contains a nascent turn near its C-terminal Rana box. Under a more hydrophobic condition it forms two amphipathic helices, one long encompassing residues 2-23 and the other consisting of residues 25-34, similar to what has been observed in cecropin A. Functional implication of the helix-breaking kink at Gly24 in gaegurin 4 was investigated by preparing several analogs. Based upon the current and previous results, we propose a novel seaanemone-like ion pore-forming model for gaegurin 4.  相似文献   

Gaegurin 4 (GGN4) is an antimicrobial peptide of 37 amino acids isolated from the skin of a frog, Rana rugosa. GGN4 has a disulfide bond between the residues 31 and 37, which is highly conserved among the antimicrobial peptides isolated from skin of the genus, Rana. However, the role of this C-terminal heptapeptide motif is not well understood. In this work, we compared the membrane effects of the full-length GGN4 (C37) and GGN4 1-30 (C30), which is devoid of the C-terminal seven amino acids to elucidate the function of the C-terminal motif. C37 induced significantly larger membrane conductance (>10x) in the model lipid bilayers formed with acidic and neutral phospholipids and larger K+ efflux from gram-positive (>30x) and gram-negative bacteria. However, the pores induced by C37 and C30 were not different in their permeability to K+ over Cl- (permeability ratio of K+ to Cl- = 4.8-7.1). In addition, the pore-forming effect of C37 or C30 in acidic membranes was not different from that in neutral membranes. Furthermore, C37-induced K+ efflux was not significantly decreased by the reducing agent, dithiothreitol. The results indicate that C-terminal heptapeptide sequence plays an important role in maintaining the high pore-forming activity of GGN4, but does not participate in forming GGN4-induced pore structure. The disulfide bond in this region does not appear critical for such high ionophoric activity of GGN4.  相似文献   

Mammalian myoglobins contain two tryptophanyl residues at the invariant positions 7 (A-5) and 14 (A-12) in the N-terminal region (A helix) of the protein molecule. The crucial role of tryptophanyl residues has been investigated by site-directed mutagenesis and molecular dynamics simulation. The apomyoglobin mutants with a double W-->F substitution were found to be not correctly folded and therefore not expressed as holoprotein. The introduction of a tyrosyl residue at position 7, that is, W7YW14F, resulted in the expression of a correctly folded myoglobin. Not correctly folded apomyoglobins were found with the following mutants: W7FW14Y, W7EW14F, W7FW14E, W7KW14F, W7FW14K. Moreover, in all these cases, very low levels of expression were observed. The acid-induced denaturation curves of wild-type and folded mutant W7YW14F, obtained following the fluorescence variation of the extrinsic fluorophore 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate, revealed that the stability of the native state of mutant apoprotein is decreased, thus indicating that the replacement W-->Y in position 7 is able to restore a correct folding but not the same stability. Molecular dynamics simulation indicated that both tryptophans are involved in forming favorable, specific tertiary interactions in the native apomyoglobin structure. The lack of some of these interactions caused by tryptophanyl replacement affects the overall protein structure and may provide an explanation for the observed stability decrease. In the case of the double W-->F substitution, the simulated structure shows conclusively the domain formed by helices A, G and H to be not correctly folded. This effect is attenuated if at least one of the two residues is conserved or a tyrosyl residue replaces W7.  相似文献   

Gaegurin 4 (GGN4) is a 37-residue antimicrobial peptide isolated from the skin of a Korean frog, Rana rugosa. This peptide shows a broad range of activity against prokaryotic cells but shows very little hemolytic activity against human red blood cells. The solution structure of GGN4 was studied by using circular dichroism (CD) and NMR spectroscopy. CD investigations revealed that GGN4 adopts mainly an alpha-helical conformation in trifluoroethanol/water solution, in dodecylphosphocholine and in SDS micelles, but adopts random structure in aqueous solution. By using both homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR experiments, complete 1H and 15N resonance assignments were obtained for GGN4 in 50% trifluoroethanol/water solution. The calculated structures of GGN4 consist of two amphipathic alpha-helices extending from residues 2-10 and from residues 16-32. These two helices are connected by a flexible loop spanning between the residues 11 and 15. By using enzyme digestion and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectroscopy, we confirmed that GGN4 contains a disulfide bridge formed between the residues Cys31 and Cys37 in its C-terminus. The effect of disulfide bridge on the structure and the activity of GGN4 was investigated. The reduced form of GGN4 revealed a similar activity and conformation to native GGN4, suggesting that the disulfide bridge does not strongly affect the conformation and the antimicrobial activity of GGN4.  相似文献   

Aberrant production of amyloid-beta peptides by processing of the beta-amyloid precursor protein leads to the formation of characteristic extracellular protein deposits which are thought to be the cause of Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, inhibiting the key enzymes responsible for amyloid-beta peptide generation, beta- and gamma-secretase may offer an opportunity to intervene with the progression of the disease. In human brain and cell culture systems a heterogeneous population of amyloid-beta peptides with various truncations is detected and at present, it is unclear how they are produced. We have used a combination of surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS) and a specific inhibitor of gamma-secretase to investigate whether the production of all amyloid-beta peptide species requires the action of gamma-secretase. Using this approach, we demonstrate that the production of all truncated amyloid-beta peptides except those released by the action of the nonamyloidogenic alpha-secretase enzyme or potentially beta-site betaAPP cleaving enzyme 2 depends on gamma-secretase activity. This indicates that none of these peptides are generated by a separate enzyme entity and a specific inhibitor of the gamma-secretase enzyme should havethe potential to block the generation of all amyloidogenicpeptides. Furthermore in the presence of gamma-secretase inhibitors, the observation of increased cleavage of the membrane-bound betaAPP C-terminal fragment C99 by alpha-secretase suggests that during its trafficking C99 encounters compartments in which alpha-secretase activity resides.  相似文献   

Although it is commonly known as a helix breaker, proline residues have been found in the alpha-helical regions of many peptides and proteins. The antimicrobial peptide gaegurin displays alpha-helical structure and has a central proline residue (P14). The structure and activity of gaegurin and its alanine derivative (P14A) were determined by various spectroscopic methods, restrained molecular dynamics, and biological assays. Both P14 and P14A exhibited cooperative helix formation in solution, but the helical stability of P14 was reduced substantially when compared to that of P14A. Chemical-shift analysis indicated that both of the peptides formed curved helices and that P14 showed diminished stability in the region around the central proline. However, hydrogen-exchange data revealed remarkable differences in the location of stable amide protons. P14 showed a stable region in the concave side of the curved helix, while P14A exhibited a stable region in the central turn of the helix. The model structure of P14 exhibited a pronounced kink, in contrast to the uniform helix of P14A. Both peptides showed comparable binding affinities for negatively charged lipids, while P14 had a considerably reduced affinity for a neutral lipid. With its destabilized alpha-helix, P14 exhibited greater antibacterial activity than did P14A. Hence, electrostatic interaction between helical peptides and lipid membranes is believed to be the dominant factor for antibacterial activity. Moreover, helical stability can modulate peptide binding to membranes that is driven by electrostatic interactions. The observation that P14 is a more potent antibacterial agent than P14A implies that the helical kink of P14 plays an important role in the disruption of bacterial membranes.  相似文献   

The glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) belongs to family B of the G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), and has become a promising target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Here we describe the development and characterization of a fully functional cysteine-deprived and C-terminally truncated GLP-1R. Single cysteines were initially substituted with alanine, and functionally redundant cysteines were subsequently changed simultaneously. Our results indicate that Cys174, Cys226, Cys296 and Cys403 are important for the GLP-1-mediated response, whereas Cys236, Cys329, Cys341, Cys347, Cys438, Cys458 and Cys462 are not. Extensive deletions were made in the C-terminal tail of GLP-1R in order to determine the limit for truncation. As for other family B GPCRs, we observed a direct correlation between the length of the C-terminal tail and specific binding of 125I-GLP-1, indicating that the membrane proximal part of the C-terminal is involved in receptor expression at the cell surface. The results show that seven cysteines and more than half of the C-terminal tail can be removed from GLP-1R without compromising GLP-1 binding or function.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is one of the fastest enzymes approaching the catalytic limit of enzyme activity. The enzyme is involved in the terminal breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, but non-enzymatic roles have also been described for the entire AChE molecule and its isolated C-terminal sequences. These non-cholinergic functions have been attributed to both the developmental and degenerative situation: the major form of AChE present in these conditions is monomeric. Moreover, AChE has been shown to lose its typical characteristic of substrate inhibition in both development and degeneration. This study characterizes a form of AChE truncated after amino acid 548 (T548-AChE), whose truncation site is homologue to that of a physiological form of T-AChE detected in fetal bovine serum that has lost its C-terminal moiety supposedly due to proteolytic cleavage. Peptide sequences covered by this C-terminal sequence have been shown to be crucially involved in both developmental and degenerative mechanisms in vitro. Numerous studies have addressed the structure-function relationship of the AChE C-terminus with T548-AChE representing one of the most frequently studied forms of truncated AChE. In this study, we provide new insight into the understanding of the functional characteristics that T548-AChE acquires in solution: T548-AChE is incubated with agents of varying net charge and molecular weight. Together with kinetic studies and an analysis of different molecular forms and aggregation states of T548-AChE, we show that the enzymatic activity of T548-AChE, an enzyme verging at its catalytic limit is, nonetheless, apparently enhanced by up to 800%. We demonstrate, first, how the activity of T548-AChE can be enhanced through agents that contain highly positive charged moieties. Moreover, the un-competitive mechanism of activity enhancement most likely involves the peripheral anionic site of AChE that is reflected in delayed substrate inhibition being observed for activity enhanced T548-AChE. The data provides evidence towards a mechanistic and functional link between the form of AChE unique to both development and degeneration and a C-terminal peptide of T-AChE acting under those conditions.  相似文献   

The rat somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (SSTR2) is rapidly internalized and phosphorylated in the presence of somatostatin 14 (SST14). Several C-terminal deletion constructs of SSTR2 have been investigated for their ability to undergo agonist-dependent internalization by using biochemical ligand binding assays and confocal microscopic analysis. Whereas mutant receptors lacking either 10 (delta359), 30 (delta339), or 44 (delta325) amino acid residues at the C terminus required SST14 for internalization, a construct lacking the last 20 amino acids (delta349) was detected mostly intracellularly and independently of the presence of the agonist. When internalization was blocked by sucrose, the delta349 receptor remained at the cell surface, strongly indicating that this mutant is internalized in an agonist-independent fashion. An increased affinity for agonists as measured in membrane binding assays and a reduced level of forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in human embryonic kidney cells expressing delta349 are properties that are characteristic of agonist-independent receptor activity. Delta349 is not phosphorylated detectably in the absence of agonist, demonstrating that phosphorylation per se is not a prerequisite for internalization of SSTR2. This observation is in line with data obtained for the delta325 mutant, which was internalized in an agonist-dependent manner, but not phosphorylated in either the presence or absence of SST14. We conclude that truncation of the SSTR2 C terminus at position 349 leads to agonist-independent, constitutive activity and internalization.  相似文献   

Gaegurin 4 (GGN4), a novel peptide isolated from the skin of a Korean frog, Rana rugosa, has broad spectrum antimicrobial activity. A number of amphipathic peptides closely related to GGN4 undergo a coil to helix transition with concomitant oligomerization in lipid membranes or membrane-mimicking environments. Despite intensive study of their secondary structures, the oligomeric states of the peptides before and after the transition are not well understood. To clarify the structural basis of its antibiotic action, we used analytical ultracentrifugation to define the aggregation state of GGN4 in water, ethyl alcohol, and 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP). The maximum size of GGN4 in 15% HFIP corresponded to a decamer, whereas it was monomeric in buffer. The oligomeric transition is accompanied by a cooperative 9 nm blue-shift of maximum fluorescence emission and a large secondary structure change from an almost random coil to an alpha-helical structure. GGN4 induces pores in lipid membranes and, using electrophysiological methods, we estimated the diameter of the pores to be exceed 7.3 A, which suggests that the minimal oligomer structure responsible is a pentamer.  相似文献   

Murine interleukin-6 (IL-6), when expressed in Escherichia coli using the pUC9 vector, accumulated as insoluble aggregates or 'inclusion bodies'. After selective urea washing of the inclusion bodies, to remove extraneous proteins, murine IL-6 was solubilized with 8 M guanidine hydrochloride and then rapidly purified to homogeneity by gel-permeation chromatography followed by reversed-phase HPLC. It was demonstrated that complete disulfide bond formation in murine IL-6 occurred during the early urea washing/guanidine hydrochloride extraction steps, so no refolding step was required. When fully reduced murine IL-6 was dissolved in 8 M guanidine hydrochloride and allowed to air-oxidize, complete disulfide bond formation, monitored by analytical reversed-phase HPLC, was shown to occur within 13 h at 6 degrees C. About 25 mg pure protein was obtained from 37 g wet cells. This recombinant murine IL-6 had a specific activity in the hybridoma growth factor assay of 2 x 10(8) U/mg, which is equivalent to that of native murine IL-6. During the purification procedure, a number of variant forms of murine IL-6 were isolated and partially characterized. Two of these forms, T1 and T3, were C-terminal deletants of murine IL-6 lacking about 60 and 20 amino acids from the C-terminus, respectively, while the other form, T2, was an N-terminal deletant lacking 37 amino acids from the N-terminus. None of these variant forms of murine IL-6 bound to the murine IL-6 receptor and, consequently, all were inactive in the hybridoma growth factor assay.  相似文献   

The tight regulation of extracellular matrix remodeling and degradation is of great importance in physiological processes like development and morphogenesis, as well as in pathological situations like tumor invasion and metastasis. Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are the naturally occuring inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases, which are involved in matrix turnover. In this report we describe the cloning of human TIMP-4 from a human adenocarcinoma and an osteosarcoma cell line and the expression of the inhibitory domain in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. The inhibition of MMP-8, -9, -12, -13 and -14 by the N-terminal domain of TIMP-4 was analysed. Using a fluorescent MCA-peptide, Ki values for each subclass of MMPs were determined. With dissociation constants in the nanomolar range, TIMP-4 seems to be a good inhibitor for all classes of MMPs without remarkable preference for special MMPs.  相似文献   

Fang Y  Gursky O  Atkinson D 《Biochemistry》2003,42(22):6881-6890
Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) plays an important structural and functional role in lipid transport and metabolism. This work is focused on the central region of apoA-I (residues 60-183) that is predicted to contain exclusively amphipathic alpha-helices. Six N- and/or C-terminally truncated mutants, delta(1-41), delta(1-59), delta(198-243), delta(209-243), delta(1-41,185-243), and delta(1-59,185-243), were analyzed in their lipid-free state in solution at pH 4.7-7.8 by far- and near-UV CD spectroscopy. At pH 7.8, all mutants show well-defined secondary structures consisting of 40-52% alpha-helix. Comparison of the alpha-helix content in the wild type and mutants suggests that deletion of either the N- or C-terminal region induces helical unfolding elsewhere in the structure, indicating that the terminal regions are important for the integrity of the solution conformation of apoA-I. Near-UV CD spectra indicate significant tertiary and/or quaternary structural changes resulting from deletion of the N-terminal 41 residues. Reduction in pH from 7.8 to 4.7 leads to an increase in the mutant helical content by 5-20% and to a large increase in thermal unfolding cooperativity. Van't Hoff analysis of the mutants at pH 4.7 indicates melting temperatures T(m) ranging from 51 to 59 degrees C and effective enthalpies deltaH(v)(T(m)) = 35 +/- 5 kcal/mol, similar to the values for plasma apoA-I at pH 7.8 (T(m) = 57 degrees C, deltaH(v) = 32 kcal/mol). Our results provide the first report of the pH effects on the secondary, tertiary, and/or quaternary structure of apoA-I variants and indicate the importance of the electrostatic interactions for the solution conformation of apoA-I.  相似文献   

The biochemical properties of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) truncated with C-terminal 21 amino acids and expressed in insect cells were analyzed. The enzyme carried copy-back and de novo RNA synthesis activity but not terminal nucleotidyl transferase activity. k(pol) and K(m) for de novo RNA synthesis were calculated as 10.0 pmol/microg/h and 2.5 microM under 0.5 mM GTP and 2.0 pmol/microg/h and 3.5 microM under 50 microM GTP, respectively. Those for copy-back RNA synthesis were similar under both conditions (k(pol), 1.8 pmol/microg/h; K(m), 3.0 microM). De novo RNA synthesis was activated by 0.5 mM GTP. However, the ratio of GTP to three other NTPs was important for activation. Our HCV RdRp showed high activity for the complementary sequence of the HCV internal ribosomal entry site and a synergistic effect of Mg(2+) to Mn(2+).  相似文献   

Stromelysin-1 is a member of a tissue metalloproteinase family whose members are all capable of degrading extracellular matrix components. A truncated form of human fibroblast prostromelysin 1 lacking the C-terminal, hemopexin-like domain has been expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. Treatment of this short form of prostromelysin with (aminophenyl)mercuric acetate resulted in activation and loss of the propeptide in a manner identical with the wild-type, full-length protein. Kinetic comparisons using Nle11-substance P as a substrate showed that the wild-type stromelysin and the truncated form of the enzyme had similar kcat and Km values. Likewise, both enzymes displayed similar Ki values for a hydroxamate-containing peptide inhibitor. Taken together, these results indicate that the C-terminal portion of stromelysin is not required for proper folding of the catalytic domain, maintenance of the enzyme in a latent form, activation with an organomercurial, cleavage of a peptide substrate, or interaction with an inhibitor. Moreover, the active short form of stromelysin displayed a reduction in the C-terminal heterogeneity, a characteristic degradation of the full-length stromelysin, and thereby provides a more suitable protein for future structural studies.  相似文献   

Chemokines comprise a class of structurally related proteins that are involved in many aspects of leukocyte migration under basal and inflammatory conditions. In addition to the large number of genes, limited processing of these proteins by a variety of enzymes enhances the complexity of the total spectrum of chemokine variants. We have recently shown that the native chemokine CXCL10 is processed at the C terminus, thereby shedding the last four amino acids. The present study was performed to elucidate the mechanism in vivo and in vitro and to study the biological activity of this novel isoform of CXCL10. Using a combination of protein purification and mass spectrometric techniques, we show that the production of C-terminally truncated CXCL10 by primary keratinocytes is inhibited in vivo by a specific inhibitor of pro-protein convertases (e.g. furin) but not by inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases. Moreover, CXCL10 is processed by furin in vitro, which is abrogated by a mutation in the furin recognition site. Using GTPgammaS binding, Ca(2+) mobilization, and chemotaxis assays, we demonstrate that the C-terminally truncated CXCL10 variant is a potent ligand for CXCR3. Moreover, the inverse agonist activity on the virally encoded receptor ORF74 and the direct antibacterial activity of CXCL10 are fully retained. Hence, we have identified furin as a novel chemokine-modifying enzyme in vitro and most probably also in vivo, generating a C-terminally truncated CXCL10, which fully retains its (inverse) agonistic properties.  相似文献   

Mammalian myoglobins contain two tryptophanyl residues at the invariant positions A-5 (W7) and A-12 (W14) in the N-terminal region (A helix) of the protein molecule. To determine the contribution of each tryptophanyl residue to the structure and stability of myoglobin, recombinant proteins with single indole residue, i.e., W7 or W14, were obtained by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant proteins, expressed in Escherichia coli, were found correctly folded, the far ultraviolet circular dichroism of both mutants as well as the Soret absorption being superimposed to that of wild type protein. The removal of the prosthetic group from mutant proteins determined a loss of helical content much larger than that observed in the case of wild type myoglobin. These results suggest that tryptophanyl residues can play a crucial role on globin folding and structure.  相似文献   

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