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The effect of lipoic acid supplementation and moderate hypoxia (3?mg/L), followed by re-oxygenation, was analyzed in terms of antioxidant and oxidative damage responses in juvenile shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Lipoic acid (LA)-enriched rations (D1: 76.4?±?6.4; D2: 196.4?±?70.2; and D3: 397.2?±?79.97?mg LA/kg) were offered to shrimps. A control group without LA adding was also run. After 45?days, LA-enriched ration increased the activity of the detoxifying enzyme glutathione-S-transferase in gills. Total antioxidant capacity against peroxy radicals was augmented in gills and hepatopancreas at doses D2 and D3. Doses D1 and D2 of LA reduced the levels of oxidative damage (lipid peroxidation) in gills and hepatopancreas. The results showed that certain LA doses (particularly D2) improved not only antioxidant responses but also weight gain. It can be concluded that LA triggered antioxidant and detoxification protection in L. vannamei, allowing the shrimp to cope with environmental stressful factors.  相似文献   

Sound production during reproductive behaviour, dyadic encounters and distress situations was investigated in the callichthyid catfish Corydoras paleatus. Sounds were broad-band, pulsed, acoustic signals produced during abduction of the pectoral spines. Only males emitted trains of sounds during courting and trains of sounds of shorter duration during dyadic encounters. Several males, which are usually smaller than females, courted one gravid female without obvious cooperation or competition between them. During mating, one previously vocalizing male clasped the female's barbels with one pectoral spine and inseminated the eggs. The number of successful spawnings, days until spawning, and number of eggs laid was not related to the number of males (one, two or three) combined with one female. Males did not behave aggressively towards each other during courting or in dyadic encounters. In distress situations, when fish were hand held, both sexes and juveniles produced single sounds. The dominant frequency was negatively correlated with body size and the sound duration was positively correlated with relative length of pectoral spines (standardized to body length). This acoustical behaviour in C. paleatus differs considerably from Hoplosternum thoracatum, a representative of the callichthyine subfamily, in which vocalization was observed during territorial behaviour in males and aggressive behaviour in both sexes. This is the first report of a major difference in vocalizing behaviour within one teleost family.  相似文献   

We report normal ranges of haematological indices in healthy Corydoras paleatus from an unpolluted area. Haematological parameters studied include: erythrocyte counts (Er), haematocrit (Ht), haemoglobin concentration (Hb), mean cell volume (MCV), mean cell haemoglobin (MCH) and mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC). Normal red blood parameters did not change according to maturation stages, sex or seasons. Then, we compared them with those coming from fish captured in a site polluted by sewage. Fish exposed to pollution presented significantly higher values of Er, Ht, Hb, MCH and MCHC than those captured in an unpolluted area. Discriminant analysis showed that Hb is a key parameter to point out differences between populations exposed to different environmental conditions. We suggest that haematological values of C. paleatus, registered during this study, could be used as biomarkers in future works evaluating the incidence of environmental stress on fish as well as pointing out changes in the water quality.  相似文献   

There has been much uncertainty in the past concerning the identity of the pterygoid bones in Siluroidei (catfishes). This confusion stems from the often increased number of pterygoid elements and their modified development, as compared with other teleosts. The ontogeny of the hyomandibula-pterygoquadrate series in a 20-day developmental sequence of Corydoras paleatus (Jenyns, 1842) embryos is described and supplemented with observations on a clariid and an ageniosid. A historical résumé of previous interpretations of siluroid pterygoid bone homologies is given together with our own which regards the metapterygoid as the central, densely ossified area of the pterygoquadrate, surrounded by the membranodermal ento- and ectopterygoids.  相似文献   

The abilities of dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) to scavenge peroxynitrite (ONOO?), galvinoxyl radical, 2,2′‐azinobis(3‐ethylbenzothiazoline‐6‐sulfonate) cation radical (ABTS+?), and 2,2′‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) were higher than those of lipoic acid (LA). The effectiveness of DHLA to protect methyl linoleate against 2,2′‐azobis(2‐amidinopropane hydrochloride) (AAPH)‐induced oxidation was about 2.2‐fold higher than that of LA, and DHLA can retard the autoxidation of linoleic acid (LH) in the β‐carotene‐bleaching test. DHLA can also trap ~0.6 radicals in AAPH‐induced oxidation of LH. Moreover, DHLA can scavenge ~2.0 radicals in AAPH‐induced oxidation of DNA and AAPH‐induced hemolysis of erythrocytes, whereas LA can scavenge ~1.5 radicals at the same experimental conditions. DHLA can protect erythrocytes against hemin‐induced hemolysis, but accelerate the degradation of DNA in the presence of Cu2+. Therefore, the antioxidant capacity of –SH in DHLA is higher than S‐S in LA. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 25:216–223, 2011; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com . DOI 10.1002/jbt.20378  相似文献   

The Neotropical armoured catfish Corydoras paleatus is a facultative air-breathing teleost commonly exported as ornamental fish. In this species, air breathing enables it to survive and inhabit freshwater environments with low oxygen levels. Therefore, it is important to analyse the gills from a morphological aspect and its dimensions in relation to body mass with reference to aquatic respiration. For that, the gills were analysed using a stereoscopic microscope for morphometric studies, and structural and ultrastructural studies were carried out to compare the four branchial arches. Furthermore, two immunohistochemical techniques were used to locate and identify the presence of a Na+/K+ pump. The characterization of the potential for cell proliferation of this organ was assessed using an anti-PCNA antibody. The results show that gills of C. paleatus present some characteristics related to its diet and lifestyle, such as the limited development of gill rakers and the abundance of taste buds. In addition, other special features associated with the environment and bimodal breathing were observed: scarce and absent mucous cells (MCs) in the gill filaments and branchial lamellae, respectively, and the localization of mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs) covering the basal third of the branchial lamellae, which reduces the gill respiratory area. A peculiar finding in the gill epithelium of this armoured catfish was the presence of mononuclear cells with sarcomeres similar to myoid cells, whose functional importance should be determined in future studies. Finally, in C. paleatus, the interlamellar space of gill filaments is an important site for cell turnover and ionoregulation; the latter function is also performed by the branchial lamellae.  相似文献   

One of the primary functions of animal aggregations is defence against predators. Many social animals enjoy reduced predation risk as a result of grouping, and individuals within groups can benefit from information transferred by their group‐mates about a potential predator. We present evidence that a tactile interaction behaviour we term “nudging” substantially modified group responses to a potential threat in a highly social catfish, Corydoras aeneus. These catfish deployed nudges during flight responses, and these nudges were associated with a greater likelihood of group cohesion following a threat event. Increased nudging behaviour also resulted in longer flight responses, a potentially costly outcome in natural contexts. In addition, individuals that perceived the threat first were more likely to initiate nudges, implying that nudges could be used to alert group‐mates to the presence of a threat. Taken together, our results suggest that tactile communication plays an important role in mediating anti‐predator benefits from sociality in these fish.  相似文献   

Recently, residual fungicides are generally recognized as relevant sources of aquatic environmental pollutants. However, the toxicological effects of these contaminants have not been adequately researched. In this study, the chronic effect of PCZ, a triazole-containing fungicide commonly present in aquatic environment, on GSH-related antioxidant system and oxidative stress indices of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were investigated. Fish were exposed at sub-lethal concentrations of PCZ (0.2, 50 and 500 μg/L) for 7, 20 and 30 days. GSH levels and GSH-related enzyme activities, including GPx, GR and GST, were quantified in three tissues—liver, gill and muscle. The levels of LPO and CP were also measured as makers of oxidative damage. In addition, the correlations of the measured parameters in various tissues were evaluated by using PCA. The results of this study indicate that chronic exposure of PCZ has resulted in different responses in various tissues and the gill was the most sensitive tissue; however, before these parameters are used as potential biomarkers for monitoring residual fungicides in aquatic environment, more detailed experiments in laboratory need to be performed in the future.  相似文献   

Lipoic acid (1,2-dithiolane-pentanoic acid) is a dithiol which is effective in affording protection against oxidative stress by virtue of its two sulphydryl moieties. It is present in all kinds of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. As lipoamide, it functions as a cofactor in the multienzyme complexes that catalyse the oxidative decarboxylation of α-keto acids such as pyruvate, α-ketoglutarate, and branched-chain α-keto acids. The complete enzyme pathway responsible for the de novo synthesis of lipoic acid has not yet been elucidated. Octanoic acid appears to be the precursor for the eight-carbon fatty acid chain, and cysteine the source of sulfur. Lipoic acid is unique, among antioxidants, because it retains powerful antioxidant properties in both its reduced (dihydrolipoic acid) and oxidised (lipoic acid) forms. Both lipoic and dihydrolipoic acids have metal-chelating ability and quench activated oxygen species either in the cytosol or in the hydrophobic domains. Dihydrolipoic acid has more antioxidant properties than lipoic acid, and it plays an important role in the recycling of other oxidised radical scavengers such as glutathione, ascorbate and tocopherol. However, dihydrolipoic acid can also exert pro-oxidant properties both by its iron-reducing ability and by its ability to generate sulfur-containing radicals that can damage proteins. There are few quantitative data on lipoic acid contents in vegetables. It has been found in asparagus, wheat and potatoes, and recently, the presence of both lipoic and dihydrolipoic acids in roots, leaves and in the stroma of wheat has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

N-terminal peptide of proopiomelanocortin (NPP, or pro-gamma-MSH) has shown to exhibit biological activity such as stimulation of adrenal mitogenesis and prolactin release-inhibiting factor activity. Structurally, studies reveal a significant difference between fish NPP from that of tetrapods, as NPPs from carp and salmonid lack gamma-MSH. Thus, fish NPP may exhibit functions different from that of mammals. The activation of phagocytic cells by NPP was analysed using rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and carp Cyprinus carpio. Rainbow trout and carp macrophages incubated with chum salmon NPP significantly enhanced the production of superoxide anion in comparison with control macrophages (without hormones). Both rainbow trout and carp macrophages had shown increased phagocytosis when stimulated administered with NPP. The above results were complemented by in vivo studies where NPP was administered to rainbow trout and carp. NPP significantly increased superoxide anion production as well as phagocytosis in macrophages. These results show that NPP in lower vertebrates activates the function of the phagocytic cells.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of the JAK family of nonreceptor tyrosine kinases have demonstrated clinical efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory disorders; however, the precise mechanisms by which JAK inhibition improves inflammatory immune responses remain unclear. In this study, we examined the mode of action of tofacitinib (CP-690,550) on JAK/STAT signaling pathways involved in adaptive and innate immune responses. To determine the extent of inhibition of specific JAK/STAT-dependent pathways, we analyzed cytokine stimulation of mouse and human T cells in vitro. We also investigated the consequences of CP-690,550 treatment on Th cell differentiation of naive murine CD4(+) T cells. CP-690,550 inhibited IL-4-dependent Th2 cell differentiation and interestingly also interfered with Th17 cell differentiation. Expression of IL-23 receptor and the Th17 cytokines IL-17A, IL-17F, and IL-22 were blocked when naive Th cells were stimulated with IL-6 and IL-23. In contrast, IL-17A production was enhanced when Th17 cells were differentiated in the presence of TGF-β. Moreover, CP-690,550 also prevented the activation of STAT1, induction of T-bet, and subsequent generation of Th1 cells. In a model of established arthritis, CP-690,550 rapidly improved disease by inhibiting the production of inflammatory mediators and suppressing STAT1-dependent genes in joint tissue. Furthermore, efficacy in this disease model correlated with the inhibition of both JAK1 and JAK3 signaling pathways. CP-690,550 also modulated innate responses to LPS in vivo through a mechanism likely involving the inhibition of STAT1 signaling. Thus, CP-690,550 may improve autoimmune diseases and prevent transplant rejection by suppressing the differentiation of pathogenic Th1 and Th17 cells as well as innate immune cell signaling.  相似文献   

The synthesis of a new amphiphilic antioxidant called PBNLP and derived from both alpha-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN) and lipoic acid was described. Grafting a lactobionamide moiety onto the aromatic group of the PBN provided the water solubility of this compound. In vitro preliminary biological evaluations of its antioxidant capacity were performed using the KRL biological test based on free radical-induced hemolysis. The PBNLP induces a protection of erythrocytes against exogenous free radicals higher than that measured with lipoic acid or PBN alone or with lipoic acid or PBN derivatives in admixtures.  相似文献   

dl-[1,6-14C]Lipoic acid was synthesized and administered to rats or incubated in vitro with rat liver systems. The urinary excretion of radioactivity after labeled lipoate was administered intraperitoneally at a level of 0.5 mg/100 g body weight was maximal at 3–6 hr, with 60% of the injected radioactivity recovered within 24 hr. Respiratory 14CO2 from the same animals is maximal at 3 hr, after which it falls off markedly. Approximately 30% of the injected radioactivity was recovered as 14CO2 within 24 hr. The excretion of radioactivity after lipoate was administered by stomach tube was similar to that after intraperitoneal injection. Localization of radioactivity in the body was greatest in liver, intestinal contents, and muscle in all cases. Ionexchange and paper chromatographies of 24-hr pooled urine revealed several watersoluble radioactive metabolites. Incubation of [14C]lipoate with homogenates or mitochondrial preparations in vitro resulted in the production of 14CO2, which was decreased by incubation with unlabeled fatty acids and unaffected by the addition of carnitine or (+)-decanoylcarnitine. The rat, like certain bacteria, metabolizes lipoate via β-oxidation of the valeric acid side chain and by other metabolic reactions on the dithiolane ring, which render the molecule more water soluble.  相似文献   

非洲爪蟾卵母细胞GABAB和GABAc受体介导的电流反应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Yang Q  Li ZW  Wei JB 《生理学报》2001,53(4):311-315
实验应用双电极电压箝技术,在具有滤泡膜的非洲爪蟾(Xenopuslaevis)卵母细胞上记录到γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyricacid,GABA)-激活电流。此GABA-激活电流的特点及有关GABA受体类型的研究和分析如下(1)在35.5%(55/155)的受检细胞外加GABA可引起一慢的浓度依赖性的外向电流。(2)GABAA受体的选择性拮抗剂bicuculline(10  相似文献   

13C NMR studies with aluminum (Al)-stressed Pseudomonas fluorescens revealed that the trivalent metal was secreted in association with oxalate and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). These moieties were observed in the insoluble pellet obtained upon incubation of these resting cells in the presence of either Al-citrate or citrate. This extrusion process was concomitant with the utilization of either of these tricarboxylic acids as a substrate. While only minimal amounts of Al were secreted in the presence of such carbon source as glucose, succinate or oxaloacetate, oxalate did permit the efflux of Al. Neither alpha-ketoglutarate nor ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) was effective in dislocating Al from the cells. The elimination of Al from the cells did not appear to be affected by p-dinitrophenol (DNP) or dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) or azide, but was sensitive to temperature, pH and cerulenin, an inhibitor of lipid synthesis. Thus, it appears that P. fluorescens detoxifies Al via its extrusion in association with oxalate and PE in a process that apparently does not necessitate the direct utilization of energy.  相似文献   

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