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Extracellular stimulation of the B cell receptor or mast cell FcεRI receptor activates a cascade of protein kinases, ultimately leading to antigenic or inflammation immune responses, respectively. Syk is a soluble kinase responsible for transmission of the receptor activation signal from the membrane to cytosolic targets. Control of Syk function is, therefore, critical to the human antigenic and inflammation immune response, and an inhibitor of Syk could provide therapy for autoimmune or inflammation diseases. We report here a novel allosteric Syk inhibitor, X1, that is noncompetitive against ATP (K(i) 4 ± 1 μM) and substrate peptide (K(i) 5 ± 1 μM), and competitive against activation of Syk by its upstream regulatory kinase LynB (K(i) 4 ± 1 μM). The inhibition mechanism was interrogated using a combination of structural, biophysical, and kinetic methods, which suggest the compound inhibits Syk by reinforcing the natural regulatory interactions between the SH2 and kinase domains. This novel mode of inhibition provides a new opportunity to improve the selectivity profile of Syk inhibitors for the development of safer drug candidates.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions play crucial roles in biological processes. Experimental methods have been developed to survey the proteome for interacting partners and some computational approaches have been developed to extend the impact of these experimental methods. Computational methods are routinely applied to newly discovered genes to infer protein function and plausible protein-protein interactions. Here, we develop and extend a quantitative method that identifies interacting proteins based upon the correlated behavior of the evolutionary histories of protein ligands and their receptors. We have studied six families of ligand-receptor pairs including: the syntaxin/Unc-18 family, the GPCR/G-alpha's, the TGF-beta/TGF-beta receptor system, the immunity/colicin domain collection from bacteria, the chemokine/chemokine receptors, and the VEGF/VEGF receptor family. For correlation scores above a defined threshold, we were able to find an average of 79% of all known binding partners. We then applied this method to find plausible binding partners for proteins with uncharacterized binding specificities in the syntaxin/Unc-18 protein and TGF-beta/TGF-beta receptor families. Analysis of the results shows that co-evolutionary analysis of interacting protein families can reduce the search space for identifying binding partners by not only finding binding partners for uncharacterized proteins but also recognizing potentially new binding partners for previously characterized proteins. We believe that correlated evolutionary histories provide a route to exploit the wealth of whole genome sequences and recent systematic proteomic results to extend the impact of these studies and focus experimental efforts to categorize physiologically or pathologically relevant protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Yeast cleavage factor I (CF I) is an essential complex of five proteins that binds signal sequences at the 3' end of yeast mRNA. CF I is required for correct positioning of a larger protein complex, CPF, which contains the catalytic subunits executing mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation. CF I is composed of two parts, CF IA and Hrp1. The CF IA has only four subunits, Rna14, Rna15, Pcf11, and Clp1, but the structural organization has not been fully established. Using biochemical and biophysical methods, we demonstrate that CF IA can be reconstituted from bacterially expressed proteins and that it has 2:2:1:1 stoichiometry of its four proteins, respectively. We also describe mutations that disrupt the dimer interface of Rna14 while preserving the other subunit interactions. On the basis of our results and existing interaction data, we present a topological model for heterohexameric CF IA and its association with RNA and Hrp1.  相似文献   

The stoichiometry of Gag protein in HIV-1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The major structural components of HIV-1 are encoded as a single polyprotein, Gag, which is sufficient for virus particle assembly. Initially, Gag forms an approximately spherical shell underlying the membrane of the immature particle. After proteolytic maturation of Gag, the capsid (CA) domain of Gag reforms into a conical shell enclosing the RNA genome. This mature shell contains 1,000-1,500 CA proteins assembled into a hexameric lattice with a spacing of 10 nm. By contrast, little is known about the structure of the immature virus. We used cryo-EM and scanning transmission EM to determine that an average (145 nm diameter) complete immature HIV particle contains approximately 5,000 structural (Gag) proteins, more than twice the number from previous estimates. In the immature virus, Gag forms a hexameric lattice with a spacing of 8.0 nm. Thus, less than half of the CA proteins form the mature core.  相似文献   

Protein arginine methylation is a PTM catalyzed by an evolutionarily conserved family of enzymes called protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs), with PRMT1 being the most conserved member of this enzyme family. This modification has emerged to be an important regulator of protein functions. To better understand the role of PRMTs in cellular pathways and functions, we have carried out a proteomic profiling experiment to comprehensively identify the physical interactors of Hmt1, the budding yeast homolog for human PRMT1. Using a dual‐enzymatic digestion linear trap quadrupole/Orbitrap proteomic strategy, we identified a total of 108 proteins that specifically copurify with Hmt1 by tandem affinity purification. A reverse coimmunoprecipitation experiment was used to confirm Hmt1's physical association with Bre5, Mtr4, Snf2, Sum1, and Ssd1, five proteins that were identified as Hmt1‐specific interactors in multiple biological replicates. To determine whether the identified Hmt1‐interactors had the potential to act as an Hmt1 substrate, we used published bioinformatics algorithms that predict the presence and location of potential methylarginines for each identified interactor. One of the top hits from this analysis, Snf2, was experimentally confirmed as a robust substrate of Hmt1 in vitro. Overall, our data provide a feasible proteomic approach that aid in the better understanding of PRMT1's roles within a cell.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The mitotic kinases, Cdk1, Aurora A/B, and Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) have been characterized extensively to further understanding of mitotic mechanisms and as potential targets for cancer therapy. Cdk1 and Aurora kinase studies have been facilitated by small-molecule inhibitors, but few if any potent Plk1 inhibitors have been identified. RESULTS: We describe the cellular effects of a novel compound, BI 2536, a potent and selective inhibitor of Plk1. The fact that BI 2536 blocks Plk1 activity fully and instantaneously enabled us to study controversial and unknown functions of Plk1. Cells treated with BI 2536 are delayed in prophase but eventually import Cdk1-cyclin B into the nucleus, enter prometaphase, and degrade cyclin A, although BI 2536 prevents degradation of the APC/C inhibitor Emi1. BI 2536-treated cells lack prophase microtubule asters and thus polymerize mitotic microtubules only after nuclear-envelope breakdown and form monopolar spindles that do not stably attach to kinetochores. Mad2 accumulates at kinetochores, and cells arrest with an activated spindle-assembly checkpoint. BI 2536 prevents Plk1's enrichment at kinetochores and centrosomes, and when added to metaphase cells, it induces detachment of microtubules from kinetochores and leads to spindle collapse. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that Plk1's accumulation at centrosomes and kinetochores depends on its own activity and that this activity is required for maintaining centrosome and kinetochore function. Our data also show that Plk1 is not required for prophase entry, but delays transition to prometaphase, and that Emi1 destruction in prometaphase is not essential for APC/C-mediated cyclin A degradation.  相似文献   



Adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) is a pre-invasive lesion in the lung and a subtype of lung adenocarcinoma. The patients with AIS can be cured by resecting the lesion completely. In contrast, the patients with invasive lung adenocarcinoma have very poor 5-year survival rate. AIS can develop into invasive lung adenocarcinoma. The investigation and comparison of AIS and invasive lung adenocarcinoma at the genomic level can deepen our understanding of the mechanisms underlying lung cancer development.


In this study, we identified 61 lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) invasive-specific differentially expressed genes, including nine long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) based on RNA sequencing techniques (RNA-seq) data from normal, AIS, and invasive tissue samples. These genes displayed concordant differential expression (DE) patterns in the independent stage III LUAD tissues obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) RNA-seq dataset. For individual invasive-specific genes, we constructed subnetworks using the Genetic Algorithm (GA) based on protein-protein interactions, protein-DNA interactions and lncRNA regulations. A total of 19 core subnetworks that consisted of invasive-specific genes and at least one putative lung cancer driver gene were identified by our study. Functional analysis of the core subnetworks revealed their enrichment in known pathways and biological progresses responsible for tumor growth and invasion, including the VEGF signaling pathway and the negative regulation of cell growth.


Our comparison analysis of invasive cases, normal and AIS uncovered critical genes that involved in the LUAD invasion progression. Furthermore, the GA-based network method revealed gene clusters that may function in the pathways contributing to tumor invasion. The interactions between differentially expressed genes and putative driver genes identified through the network analysis can offer new targets for preventing the cancer invasion and potentially increase the survival rate for cancer patients.

We report on a genomic and functional analysis of a novel marine siphovirus, the Vibrio phage SIO-2. This phage is lytic for related Vibrio species of great ecological interest including the broadly antagonistic bacterium Vibrio sp. SWAT3 as well as notable members of the Harveyi clade (V.harveyi ATTC BAA-1116 and V.campbellii ATCC 25920). Vibrio phage SIO-2 has a circularly permuted genome of 80598 bp, which displays unusual features. This genome is larger than that of most known siphoviruses and only 38 of the 116 predicted proteins had homologues in databases. Another divergence is manifest by the origin of core genes, most of which share robust similarities with unrelated viruses and bacteria spanning a wide range of phyla. These core genes are arranged in the same order as in most bacteriophages but they are unusually interspaced at two places with insertions of DNA comprising a high density of uncharacterized genes. The acquisition of these DNA inserts is associated with morphological variation of SIO-2 capsid, which assembles as a large (80 nm) shell with a novel T=12 symmetry. These atypical structural features confer on SIO-2 a remarkable stability to a variety of physical, chemical and environmental factors. Given this high level of functional and genomic novelty, SIO-2 emerges as a model of considerable interest in ecological and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(16):3103-3125
Although it is relatively unexplored, accumulating data highlight the importance of tripartite crosstalk between nucleotide excision repair (NER), DNA replication, and recombination in the maintenance of genome stability; however, elucidating the underlying mechanisms remains challenging. While Escherichia coli uvrA and uvrB can fully complement polAΔ cells in DNA replication, uvrC attenuates this alternative DNA replication pathway, but the exact mechanism by which uvrC suppresses DNA replication is unknown. Furthermore, the identity of bona fide canonical and non-canonical substrates for UvrCs are undefined. Here, we reveal that Mycobacterium tuberculosis UvrC (MtUvrC) strongly binds to, and robustly cleaves, key intermediates of DNA replication/recombination as compared with the model NER substrates. Notably, inactivation of MtUvrC ATPase activity significantly attenuated its endonuclease activity, thus suggesting a causal link between these two functions. We built an in silico model of the interaction of MtUvrC with the Holliday junction (HJ), using a combination of homology modeling, molecular docking, and molecular dynamic simulations. The model predicted residues that were potentially involved in HJ binding. Six of these residues were mutated either singly or in pairs, and the resulting MtUvrC variants were purified and characterized. Among them, residues Glu595 and Arg597 in the helix-hairpin-helix motif were found to be crucial for the interaction between MtUvrC and HJ; consequently, mutations in these residues, or inhibition of ATP hydrolysis, strongly abrogated its DNA-binding and endonuclease activities. Viewed together, these findings expand the substrate specificity landscape of UvrCs and provide crucial mechanistic insights into the interplay between NER and DNA replication/recombination.  相似文献   

The cytidine deaminase hAPOBEC3G is an antiviral human factor that counteracts the replication of HIV-1 in absence of the Vif protein. hAPOBEC3G is packaged into virus particles and lethally hypermutates HIV-1. In this work, we examine the mechanisms governing hAPOBEC3G packaging. By GST pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays, we show that hAPOBEC3G binds to HIV-1 Pr55 Gag and its NC domain and to the RT and IN domains contained in Pr160 Gag-Pol. We demonstrate that the expression of HIV-1 Gag is sufficient to induce the packaging of hAPOBEC3G into Gag particles. Gag-Pol polypeptides containing RT and IN domains, as well as HIV-1 genomic RNA, seem not to be necessary for hAPOBEC3G packaging. Lastly, we show that hAPOBEC3G and its murine ortholog are packaged into HIV-1 and MLV Gag particles. We conclude that the Gag polypeptides from distant retroviruses have conserved domains allowing the packaging of the host antiviral factor APOBEC3G.  相似文献   

The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase composed of approximately 13 distinct subunits required for progression through meiosis, mitosis, and the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Despite its central role in these processes, information concerning its composition and structure is limited. Here, we determined the structure of yeast APC/C by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Docking of tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing subunits indicates that they likely form a scaffold-like outer shell, mediating assembly of the complex and providing potential binding sites for regulators and substrates. Quantitative determination of subunit stoichiometry indicates multiple copies of specific subunits, consistent with a total APC/C mass of approximately 1.7 MDa. Moreover, yeast APC/C forms both monomeric and dimeric species. Dimeric APC/C is a more active E3 ligase than the monomer, with greatly enhanced processivity. Our data suggest that multimerisation and/or the presence of multiple active sites facilitates the APC/C's ability to elongate polyubiquitin chains.  相似文献   

All eukaryotic cells require efficient trafficking of metabolites between the mitochondria and the rest of the cell. This exchange is carried out by the dominant protein in the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM), the Voltage Dependent Anion Channel (VDAC), which serves as the primary pathway for the exchange of ions and metabolites between the cytoplasm and the intermembrane space of the mitochondria. Additionally, VDAC provides a scaffold for the binding of modulator proteins to the mitochondria and has been implicated in mitochondriadependent cell death. We recently determined the structure of the murine VDAC1 (mVDAC1) at 2.3Å resolution crystallized in a native-like bilayer environment. The high-resolution structure provided concise structural details about the voltage-sensing N-terminal domain and catalyzed new hypotheses regarding the gating mechanisms for metabolites and ions that transit the OMM. In this study, the crystal packing of mVDAC1 is analyzed revealing a strong antiparallel dimer that further assemble as hexamers mimicking the native oligomeric packing observed in EM and AFM images of the OMM. Oligomerization has been shown to be important for VDAC regulation and function, and mVDAC1 crystal packing in a lipidic medium reveals insights on how oligomerization is accomplished using protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions. Furthermore, orientation of VDAC in the OMM remains uncertain due to inconsistencies in antibody labeling studies. The physiological implications of a novel antiparallel arrangement are addressed that may clarify these conflicting biochemical data.  相似文献   

Pyruvate carboxylase (PC) is a conserved multifunctional enzyme linked to important metabolic diseases. PC homotetramer is arranged in two layers with two opposing monomers per layer. Cryo-EM explores the conformational variability of PC in the presence of different substrates. The results demonstrate that the biotin-carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) domain localizes near the biotin carboxylase (BC) domain of its own monomer and travels to the carboxyltransferase (CT) domain of the opposite monomer. All density maps show noticeable conformational differences between layers, mainly for the BCCP and BC domains. This asymmetry may be indicative of a coordination mechanism where monomers from different layers catalyze the BC and CT reactions consecutively. A conformational change of the PC tetramerization (PT) domain suggests a new functional role in communication. A long-range communication pathway between subunits in different layers, via interacting PT-PT and BC-BC domains, may be responsible for the cooperativity of PC from Staphylococcus aureus.  相似文献   

Examination of Paleozoic charophyte fructifications using microscopy and high-resolution x-ray synchrotron microtomography has revealed that most of them have a utricle that forms a supplementary calcified cover around the gyrogonite. All Paleozoic families with utricles have been assigned to the Sycidiales. We consider the Moellerinaceae to occupy a central position in the phylogeny of the Charophyta. From these, one group of descendants constitutes the gyrogonites inside the utricles of the Sycidiales; a second descendant goup is thought to be the utricle-free ancestors of the Charales prior to inversion of spiralization and reduction in cell number. The Sycidiales have a multilayered wall and an internal vesicle, but their families are distinguished by diversity in orientation of external cells, complexity of the utricle wall, and in presence or absence of antheridia. The solidly packed structure of the utricle is believed to be an organ protecting the zygote against dessication. We interpret the morphological similarities between Paleozoic Sycidiales and Mesozoic Clavatoraceae, both with a utricle, as homoplasous rather than expressing a true phylogenetic relationship. We confirm that some umbellids might correspond to utricles of charophytes.  相似文献   

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