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The 5' splice site sequences of 3294 introns from various organisms (1-672) were analyzed in order to determine the rules governing evolution of this sequence, which may shed light on the mechanism of cleavage at the exon-intron junction. The data indicate that, currently, in all organisms, a common sequence 1GUAAG6U and its derivatives are used as well as an additional sequence and its derivatives, which differ in metazoa (G/1GUgAG6U), lower eucaryotes (1GUAxG6U) and higher plants (AG/1GU3A). They all partly resemble the prototype sequence AG/1GUAAG6U whose 8 contigous nucleotides are complementary to the nucleotides 4-11 of U1RNA, which are perfectly conserved in the course of phylogenetic evolution. Detailed examination of the data shows that U1RNA can recognize different parts of 5' splice sites. As a rule, either prototype nucleotides at position -2 and -1 or at positions 4, 5 or 6 or at positions 3-4 are dispensable provided that the stability of the U1RNA-5' splice site hybrid is conserved. On the basis of frequency of sequences, the optimal size of the hybridizable region is 5-7 nucleotides. Thus, the cleavage at the exon-intron junction seems to imply, first, that the 5' splice site is recognized by U1RNA according to a "variable geometry" program; second, that the precise cleavage site is determined by the conserved sequence of U1RNA since it occurs exactly opposite to the junction between nucleotides C9 and C10 of U1RNA. The variable geometry of the U1RNA-5' splice site association provides flexibility to the system and allows diversification in the course of phylogenetic evolution.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidences indicate that U1 and U2 snRNPs become interacting during pre-mRNA splicing. Here we present data showing that an U1-U2 snRNPs interaction can be mediated by an RNA only containing the consensus 5' splice site of all of the sequences characteristic of pre-mRNAs. Using monospecific antibodies (anti-(U1) RNP and anti-(U2) RNP), we have found that a tripartite complex comprising U1 and U2 snRNPs is immunoprecipitated in the presence of a consensus 5' splice site containing RNA, either from a crude extract or from an artificial mixture enriched in U1 and U2 snRNPs. This complex does not appear in the presence of an RNA lacking the sequence complementary to the 5' terminus of U1 snRNA. Moreover, RNAse T1 protection coupled to immunoprecipitation experiments have demonstrated that only the 5' end sequence of U1 snRNA contacts the consensus 5' splice site containing RNA, arguing that U2 snRNP binding in the tripartite complex is mediated by U1 snRNP.  相似文献   

Recognition of the 5' splice site is an important step in mRNA splicing. To examine whether U1 approaches the 5' splice site as a solitary snRNP or as part of a multi-snRNP complex, we used a simplified in vitro system in which a short RNA containing the 5' splice site sequence served as a substrate in a binding reaction. This system allowed us to study the interactions of the snRNPs with the 5' splice site without the effect of other cis-regulatory elements of precursor mRNA. We found that in HeLa cell nuclear extracts, five spliceosomal snRNPs form a complex that specifically binds the 5' splice site through base pairing with the 5' end of U1. This system can accommodate RNA-RNA rearrangements in which U5 replaces U1 binding to the 5' splice site, a process that occurs naturally during the splicing reaction. The complex in which U1 and the 5' splice site are base paired sediments in the 200S fraction of a glycerol gradient together with all five spliceosomal snRNPs. This fraction is functional in mRNA spliceosome assembly when supplemented with soluble nuclear proteins. The results argue that U1 can bind the 5' splice site in a mammalian preassembled penta-snRNP complex.  相似文献   

Specific recognition of the 5' splice site (5'SS) by the spliceosome components was studied using a simple in vitro system in which a short 5'SS RNA oligonucleotide specifically induces the assembly of snRNP particles into spliceosome-like complexes and actively participates in a trans-splicing reaction. Short-range cross-liking demonstrates that a U5 snRNP protein component, p220 (the human analogue of the yeast Prp8) specifically interacts with the invariant GU dinucleotide at the 5' end of the intron. The GU:p220 interaction can be detected in the functional splicing complex B. Although p220 has been known to contact several nucleotides around the 5' splice junction, the p220:GU dinucleotide interaction described here is remarkably specific. Consistent with the high conservation of the GU, even minor modifications of this element affect recognition of the 5'SS RNA by p220. Substitution of uridine at the GU with base analogues containing a large methyl or iodo group, but not a smaller flouro group at base position 5, interferes with association of 5'SS RNA with snRNP complexes and their functional participation in splicing.  相似文献   

The YAG/ consensus sequence at the 3' end of introns (the slash indicates the location of the 3' splice site) is essential for catalysis of the second step of pre-mRNA splicing. Little is known about the interactions formed by these three nucleotides in the spliceosome. Although previous observations have suggested that the G of the YAG/ interacts with the first nucleotide of the /GUA consensus sequence at the 5' end of the intron, additional interactions have not been identified. Here we report several striking genetic interactions between A+3 of the 5' /GUA with Y-3 of the 3' YAG/ and G50 of the highly conserved ACAGAG motif in U6 snRNA. Two mutations in U6 G50 of the ACAGAG can weakly suppress two mutations in A+3 of the 5' /GUA. This suppression is significantly enhanced upon the inclusion of a specific mutation Y-3 in the 3' YAG/. RNA analysis confirmed that the severe splicing defect observed in A+3 and Y-3 double mutants can be rescued to near wild-type levels by the mutations in U6 G50. The contributions of each mutation to the genetic interaction and the strong position specificity of suppression, combined with previous findings, support a model in which the 5' /GUA and the GAG of U6 function in binding the 3' YAG/ during the second catalytic step.  相似文献   

The first AG dinucleotide downstream from the branchpoint sequence (BPS) is chosen as the 3'' splice site during catalytic step II of the splicing reaction. The mechanism and factors involved in selection of this AG are not known. Early in mammalian spliceosome assembly, U2AF65 binds to the pyrimidine tract between the BPS and AG. Here we show that U2AF65 crosslinking is replaced by crosslinking of three proteins of 110, 116 and 220 kDa prior to catalytic step II, and we provide evidence that all three proteins are components of U5 snRNP. These proteins interact with pre-mRNA in the region spanning from immediately downstream of U2 snRNP''s binding site at the BPS to just beyond the 3'' splice site. We also demonstrate that there are strict constraints on both the sequence and the distance between the BPS and AG for catalytic step II. Together, these observations suggest that U5 snRNP is positioned on the 3'' splice site by an interaction (direct or indirect) with U2 snRNP bound at the BPS and by a direct interaction with the pyrimidine tract. The functional AG for catalytic step II may be specified, in turn, by its location with respect to the U5 snRNP binding site.  相似文献   

The U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U1 snRNP) binds to the pre-mRNA 5' splice site (ss) at early stages of spliceosome assembly. Recruitment of U1 to a class of weak 5' ss is promoted by binding of the protein TIA-1 to uridine-rich sequences immediately downstream from the 5' ss. Here we describe a molecular dissection of the activities of TIA-1. RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) 2 and 3 are necessary and sufficient for binding to the pre-mRNA. The non- consensus RRM1 and the C-terminal glutamine-rich (Q) domain are required for association with U1 snRNP and to facilitate its recruitment to 5' ss. Co-precipitation experiments revealed a specific and direct interaction involving the N-terminal region of the U1 protein U1-C and the Q-rich domain of TIA-1, an interaction enhanced by RRM1. The results argue that binding of TIA-1 in the vicinity of a 5' ss helps to stabilize U1 snRNP recruitment, at least in part, via a direct interaction with U1-C, thus providing one molecular mechanism for the function of this splicing regulator.  相似文献   

E C Scharl  J A Steitz 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(10):2432-2440
Two conserved elements direct the 3' end processing of histone messenger RNA: a stem-loop structure immediately upstream of the site of cleavage and the histone downstream element (HDE), located 12-19 nucleotides downstream of the stem-loop in the premessenger RNA. We studied the role of these two elements by systematically inserting up to 10 C residues between them in the mouse H2A-614 histone pre-mRNA. 3' End mapping of RNAs processed in vitro demonstrated that as the HDE is move downstream, the site of cleavage correspondingly moves 3'. In addition, the efficiency of processing declines. In the wild-type substrate, cleavage occurs 3' of an A residue; modest increases in the efficiency of processing of the insertion mutants were observed when an A residue was placed at the new cleavage site. The results of psoralen cross-linking studies and immunoprecipitations using anti-trimethylguanosine antibodies indicated that the decreased processing efficiency of the insertion mutants is not due to impaired binding of the U7 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP). We conclude that the mammalian U7 snRNP acts as a molecular ruler, targeting enzymatic components of cleave histone pre-mRNAs a fixed distance from its binding site, the HDE.  相似文献   

To identify splicing factors in proximity of the 5' splice site (5'SS), we followed a crosslinking profile of site-specifically modified, photoreactive RNA substrates. Upon U4/U5/U6 snRNP addition, the 5'SS RNA crosslinks in an ATP-dependent manner to U6 snRNA, an unidentified protein p27, and the 100-kDa U5 snRNP protein, a human ortholog of an ATPase/RNA helicase yPrp28p. The 5'SS:hPrp28p crosslink maps to the highly conserved TAT motif in proximity of the ATP-binding site in hPrp28p. We propose that hPrp28p acts as a helicase to unwind the 5'SS:U1 snRNA duplex, and at the same time as a 5'SS translocase, which, upon NTP-dependent conformational change, positions the 5'SS for pairing with U6 snRNA within the spliceosome. This repositioning of the 5'SS takes place regardless of whether the 5'SS is originally duplexed with U1 snRNA.  相似文献   

Combinations of different mutations within the 5' splice region of the rabbit beta-globin large intron were analyzed for their effect on in vitro splicing. Based upon the complementarity of the 5' splice region to the 5' terminal region of the U1 snRNA, the exact location of the 5' cleavage site of different mutants could be predicted and was experimentally confirmed. These findings add further strong support to the hypothesis (1) that the exact location of the 5' cleavage site in pre-mRNA splicing of higher eukaryotes is determined by the overall 5' splice region via the complementarity to the 5' end of the U1 snRNA, and not by the strongly conserved GU dinucleotide.  相似文献   

Two protected derivatives of the ribonucleoside inosine have been prepared to serve as building blocks for phosphoramidite-based synthesis of RNA. Two different synthetic routes address the unusual solubility characteristics of inosine and its derivatives. The final products of the different synthetic pathways, 5'-O-(dimethoxytrityl)-2'-O-(t-butyldimethylsiyl) inosine 3'-O-(beta-cyanoethyldiisopropylamino) phosphoramidite 5a, and O6-p-nitrophenylethyl-5'-O-(dimethoxytrityl)-2'-O-(t-butyldimethylsilyl) inosine 3'-O-(methyldiisopropylamino) phosphoramidite 5b, were chemically incorporated into short oligoribonucleotides which also contained the four standard ribonucleoside bases. The oligomers were chosen to study base-specific interactions between an RNA substrate and an RNA enzyme derived from the Group I Tetrahymena self-splicing intron. The oligomers were shown to be biochemically competent using a trans cleavage assay with the modified Tetrahymena intron. The results confirm the dependence of the catalytic activity on a wobble base pair, rather than a Watson-Crick base pair, in the helix at the 5'-splice site. Furthermore, comparison of guanosine and inosine in a wobble base pair allows one to assess the importance of the guanine 2-amino group for biological activity. The preparation of the inosine phosphoramidites adds to the repertoire of base analogues available for the study of RNA catalysis and RNA-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Association of U2 snRNP with the pre-mRNA branch region is the first ATP-dependent step in spliceosome assembly. The basis of this energy dependence is not known. Previously, we identified minimal intron-derived substrates that form complexes with U2 independent of ATP. Here, we identify the intron region linked to the ATP dependence of this step by comparing these substrates to longer RNAs that recapitulate the ATP requirement. This region needed to impose ATP dependence lies immediately 5' to the branch site. Sequences ranging from 6 to 14 nt yield a near linear inhibitory effect on efficiency of complex formation with U2 snRNP, with 18 nt yielding near maximal ATP dependence. This region is not protected prior to U2 addition, and RNase H targeting of the region within nuclear extract converts an ATP-dependent substrate into an ATP-independent one. Within this region, there is no sequence specificity linked with the ATP requirement, as neither a specific sequence is needed, nor even nucleobases. These data and the results of other modifications suggest models in which the 18-nt region is a target for interactions with U2 snRNP in an ATP-bound or -activated conformation.  相似文献   

Trans-splicing requires that 5' and 3' splice sites be independently recognized. Here, we have used mutational analyses and a sensitive nuclease protection assay to determine the mechanism of trans-3' splice site recognition in vitro. Efficient recognition of the 3' splice site is dependent upon both the sequence of the 3' splice site itself and enhancer elements located in the 3' exon. We show that the presence of three distinct classes of enhancers results in increased binding of U2 snRNP to the branchpoint region. Several lines of evidence strongly suggest that the increased binding of U2 snRNP is mediated by U2AF. These results expand the roles of enhancers in constitutive splicing and provide direct support for the recruitment model of enhancer function.  相似文献   

R K Alvi  M Lund    R T Okeefe 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》2001,7(7):1013-1023
Pre-messenger RNA splicing is a two-step process by which introns are removed and exons joined together. In yeast, the U5 snRNA loop 1 interacts with the 5' exon before the first step of splicing and with the 5' and 3' exons before the second step. In vitro studies revealed that yeast U5 loop 1 is not required for the first step of splicing but is essential for holding the 5' and 3' exons for ligation during the second step. It is critical, therefore, that loop 1 contacts the 5' exon before the first step of splicing to hold this exon following cleavage from the pre-mRNA. At present it is not known how U5 loop 1 is positioned on the 5' exon prior to the first step of splicing. To address this question, we have used site-specific photoactivated crosslinking in yeast spliceosomes to investigate the interaction of U5 loop 1 with the pre-mRNA prior to the first step of splicing. We have found that the highly conserved uridines in loop 1 make ATP-dependent contacts with an approximately 8-nt region at the 5' splice site that includes the invariant GU. These interactions are dependent on functional U2 and U6 snRNAs. Our results support a model where U5 snRNA loop 1 interacts with the 5' exon in two steps during its targeting to the 5' splice site.  相似文献   

Expression of the recombinant human U1-70K protein in COS cells resulted in its rapid transport to the nucleus, even when binding to U1 RNA was debilitated. Deletion analysis of the U1-70K protein revealed the existence of two segments of the protein which were independently capable of nuclear localization. One nuclear localization signal (NLS) was mapped within the U1 RNA-binding domain and consists of two typically separated but interdependent elements. The major element of this NLS resides in structural loop 5 between the beta 4 strand and the alpha 2 helix of the folded RNA recognition motif. The C-terminal half of the U1-70K protein which was capable of nuclear entry contains two arginine-rich regions, which suggests the existence of a second NLS. Site-directed mutagenesis of the RNA recognition motif NLS demonstrated that the U1-70K protein can be transported independently of U1 RNA and that its association with the U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle can occur in the nucleus.  相似文献   

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