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Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus chicks require ample invertebrates for growth and feather development. Early successional or resprouting vegetation provides invertebrates for chicks but may not provide other resources such as roosting and loafing cover that is typically provided by later successional stages. Thus, management for bobwhites provides multiple seral stages in close proximity but the effects of landscape interspersion have not been tested for bobwhite broods. During a 2-year study, we explored the effects of landscape complementation and food availability on growth and survival of bobwhite chicks. We found growth of chicks to be negatively related to home range size which was negatively correlated to the amount of area burned. We also found survival of chicks to be positively related to the amount of burned area (i.e., foraging area) within brood home ranges. To maximize the growth and survival of bobwhite chicks, it would be necessary to increase access to foraging areas while decreasing the size of brood home ranges. Access to foraging areas can be created through frequent prescribed fire at small spatial scales.  相似文献   

Density dependence influences northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) reproduction and overwinter mortality. However, the functional forms of these density-dependent relationships or the factors that influence them during the annual life cycle events of this bird are not clear. We used a systems analysis approach with a compartment model based on difference equations (Δt = 3 months) for bobwhites in South Texas to simulate population behavior using 16 different functional forms of density-dependent production and overwinter mortality. During the reproductive season, a weak linear density-dependent relationship resulted in the longest population persistence (up to 100.0 yr), whereas a reverse-sigmoid density-dependent relationship had the worst population persistence (2.5–3.5 yr). Regarding overwinter mortality, a sigmoid or weak linear density-dependent relationship and a weak linear or no density-dependent reproduction relationship had the longest population persistence (87.5–100.0 yr). Weak linear density-dependent reproduction with either sigmoid or weak linear overwinter mortality produced stable fall population trends. Our results indicated that density dependence may have a greater influence on overwinter survival of bobwhites than previously thought. Inclusion of density-dependent functional relationships that represent both density-dependent reproduction and overwinter mortality, were critical for our simulation model to function properly. Therefore, integrating density-dependent relationships for both reproductive and overwinter periods of the annual cycle of bobwhite life history events is essential for conducting realistic bobwhite population simulation analyses that can be used to test different management scenarios in an integrated and interdisciplinary manner. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Reproductive success is a critical component of individual fitness, and also an important determinant of growth rates of populations characterized by early maturity and high fecundity. We used radiotelemetry data collected during 2003–2008 to estimate reproductive parameters in a declining northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) population in South Florida, and to test hypotheses regarding factors influencing these parameters. The overall clutch size was 12.10 ± 0.22, but females laid more eggs in their first clutch (12.43 ± 0.24) than in subsequent clutches (10.19 ± 0.53) within a nesting season. Daily nest survival was higher for first (0.966 ± 0.003) than subsequent nests (0.936 ± 0.011). Hatchability (proportion of laid eggs that hatched conditional upon nest survival to hatching) was 0.853 ± 0.008, but was higher for nests incubated by females (0.873 ± 0.009) than those incubated by males (0.798 ± 0.018). The proportion of individuals attempting a second nest was 0.112 ± 0.024 and 0.281 ± 0.040 when the first nest was successful and failed, respectively. Hatchability was lower when the nesting habitat was burned the previous winter. We found no evidence that food strip density (a management practice to provide supplemental food) influenced any of the reproductive parameters. Mean summer temperature affected hatchability, nest survival, and proportion of nests incubated by males. Overall, the reproductive output in our study population was lower than that reported for most other bobwhite populations, indicating that low reproductive performance may have contributed to bobwhite population declines in our study site. These results suggest that current management practices, particularly those related to habitat and harvest management, need careful evaluation.  相似文献   

We collected 153 northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) over a 10-mo period from Tall Timbers Research Station near Tallahassee, Florida, USA. Five species of gastrointestinal helminths were encountered commonly (greater than 30% prevalence): Cyrnea colini, Raillietina cesticillus, R. colinia, Heterakis isolonche, and Trichostrongylus tenuis. Other helminths included Brachylaima sp., Rhabdometra odiosa, Mediorhynchus papillosis, Cheilospirura spinosa, Dispharynx nasuta, Gongylonema ingluvicola, and Tetrameres pattersoni. During the intervening 15 yr since the last year-round study of this population of birds, C. spinosa and T. pattersoni have declined markedly, and Strongyloides sp. probably has become extinct locally. Prevalence and intensity seem more likely to fluctuate in parasite species that have complex life cycles.  相似文献   

Over the past 40 years, Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations have declined range-wide. The Mid-Atlantic once held the highest densities in the country and now shows some of the worst declines. Although population parameters have been quantified throughout most of the bobwhite range, Mid-Atlantic populations have been largely unstudied. To better quantify the dynamics of this declining system, we sought to not only gather annual data on home range, movement, and habitat selection, but also examine how some of these metrics might impact survival. We captured and radio-tracked 154 bobwhites between May 2006 and April 2008 on a 125 km2 area of Cumberland County, New Jersey, USA. Seasonal daily movement ranged from 146 m to 158 m but several extreme movements were notable. Across seasons, grassland habitat was used in greater proportion to its availability, shrub-scrub and agriculture habitats were used equally with their availability and forests and other habitats were used less than their availability. Differences in second-order selection occurred between seasons with lower use of shrub-scrub and forest habitats and higher use of other habitat in breeding seasons. Pooled breeding season survival was 0.343, nonbreeding season survival was 0.183, and annual survival was 0.063. Although mortality was dominated by avian predators, house cat mortalities were noteworthy. Cox proportional hazard analysis revealed that risk of breeding season mortality risk was increased by longer daily movement, lower grassland use, and higher forest and other use. During the nonbreeding season, risk of mortality increased with shorter daily movement and proximity to occupied buildings and barns. This information could inform management decisions in the greater Mid-Atlantic as well as other areas of their range where they exist at very low abundances. © 2010 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Nest predation is thought to be one of the major factors limiting northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations. We examined the relative impact of altering nest-predation rate, nesting habitat, and weather (i.e., temp and precipitation) on northern bobwhite population dynamics in a hypothetical 15,000-ha subtropical-rangeland ecosystem in south Texas using a simulation model. The systems model consisted of a 3-stage (i.e., eggs, juv, and ad) bobwhite population with dynamics influenced by variables affecting production, recruitment, nest predation, and mortality. We based model parameters on data collected from a 3-yr nest-predator study employing infrared-camera technology, from ongoing field research using a radio-marked population of wild bobwhites, and from the literature. The baseline simulated bobwhite population dynamics corresponded closely to empirical data, with no difference between medians of simulated (n = 30 yr) and observed bobwhite age ratios over a 28-yr period. Similarly, a time-series comparison of simulated and observed age ratios showed most (89%) observed values fell within the 5th and 95th percentiles of the simulated data over the 28-yr period. We created simulated population scenarios representing 1) baseline historical conditions, 2) predator control, 3) low precipitation, 4) low precipitation with predator control, 5) high temperature, 6) high temperature with predator control, 7) reduced nest-clump availability, and 8) reduced nest-clump availability with predator control that resulted in considerably different median bobwhite densities over 10 yr. For example, under simulated predator control, populations increased by about 55% from the baseline scenario, whereas under simulated reduced nest-clump availability, populations decreased by about 75% from the baseline scenario. Comparisons of time-series for each scenario showed that reduced nest-clump availability, low precipitation, and high temperature reduced bobwhite densities to a larger degree compared to a natural nest predation rate. Reduced nest-clump availability resulted in the most substantial decline of simulated bobwhite densities. Simulations suggested that management efforts should focus on maintaining adequate nest-clump availability and then possibly consider nest predator control as a secondary priority. © 2010 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

Continual population declines in northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) have prompted the use of population restoration techniques in conjunction with habitat management to restore their populations. We tested the site familiarity hypothesis to determine if translocation to new environments affected offspring survival and growth rates of bobwhites. We used bobwhites from north Florida and translocated them to a study site in Brunswick County, North Carolina, USA, and monitored birds during April−October 2016 and April−October 2017. We used the corral capture method and modified-suture technique to capture and radio-tag chicks to evaluate offspring growth and survival rates of resident and translocated bobwhites. Offspring survival varied by year and age. We did not find any difference in offspring survival rates of resident and translocated individuals, lending no support to the site familiarity hypothesis with regards to survival. Offspring of resident bobwhites did not grow at a faster rate than offspring of translocated bobwhites, indicating a lack of support for the site familiarity hypothesis in terms of physiological development. Survival, however, is a more important metric for determining post-translocation population dynamics, and our results indicated that translocated bobwhites can reproduce and raise offspring similar to resident counterparts, but both had low survival. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Bicosoeca accreta sp. nov. is described by light and electron microscopy. This species is so far unique in the genus in accreting extraneous fragments of mainly inorganic material on the outside of its amorphous undifferentiated lorica.  相似文献   

Range-wide declines in northern bobwhite populations (Colinus virginianus) have been attributed to concomitant loss of breeding habitat. Bobwhite management efforts to restore this habitat resource can be informed by empirical studies of associations between breeding success and multi-scale habitat attributes. We compared bobwhite nest success in 2 southern Iowa landscapes as a function of microhabitat and landscape composition. Lake Sugema Fish and Wildlife Area (LSWA) was managed to promote bobwhite recruitment, and Harrisburg Township (HT) was an adjacent landscape dominated by private agricultural production. Survival rate modeling based on telemetry data provided evidence for age-specific daily nest survival rate. Daily survival rates decreased as nest age increased, but the decline was more severe at HT. Nest survival at LSWA (S = 0.495, SE = 0.103) was nearly twice that on HT (S = 0.277, SE = 0.072). We found no evidence that habitat composition or spatial attributes within 210 m of a nest site significantly influenced nest success. Forb canopy at the nest site had a positive influence on nest success at HT but not at LSWA. We suggest nesting habitat with greater forb canopy cover will increase the opportunity for nesting success in landscapes with limited nesting habitat. © 2010 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Predicting species presence requires knowledge of detection of individuals, scale of model variables, model selection uncertainty, and spatial autocorrelation. Our objective was to incorporate recent modeling advances to predict potential habitat occupancy of northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). From 15 May–15 August 2008 and 2009, we conducted repeat-visit surveys at 360 sites within Delaware to sample presence of bobwhite. We randomly selected half the data to model scale-dependent relationships of bobwhite presence with metrics of landscape- and site-scale habitat composition and configuration. The final averaged habitat-occupancy model fit the remainder testing dataset with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve value of 0.62. At the site scale, bobwhite presence was negatively related to interspersion and juxtaposition of early successional habitat (ESH; grassland and shrubland), ESH to forest edge density, and agriculture to forest edge density, though relative effect sizes were weak to moderate after accounting for model selection uncertainty. At the landscape scale, bobwhite presence was negatively related to patch cohesion of human development within 2.5 km and positively related to patch cohesion of ESH within 2.0 km, with both variables exerting strong effects. Bobwhite presence was also weakly and positively related to percentage of shrubland habitat within 1.0 km of the sampling point. We applied our habitat occupancy model to map the predicted presence of breeding bobwhite within the Delmarva Peninsula, USA. The modeling results and distribution map will provide guidance to State and Federal private land management programs in the Mid-Atlantic to identify where habitat management efforts will be most effective. Our methodology can also serve as a basis for future habitat modeling of bobwhite and other grassland–shrubland species across their range. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Disparate resource use originating from phenology of biotic resources, abiotic conditions, and life cycles of exploiting organisms underscores the importance of research across time and space to guide management practices. Our goal was to evaluate resource use of northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; bobwhite) at two spatial scales and across three age classes, from hatching through a period of the postjuvenile molt. Our study was conducted at Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL, USA—situated in a landscape subjected to small scale (<20 ha) prescribed fires on a 2‐year fire rotation. We predicted prescribed fire, disking, and supplemental feeding would dictate resource use, but effects would depend on time since fire, brood age, and time of day. We predicted vegetation and temperature would govern roost use by broods, but these effects would also depend on age. We radio‐tracked 62 broods 21–35 times / week during May–October 2018 and 2019. Broods were less likely to use areas with large proportions of hardwood drains but favored sites with greater proportions of burned uplands, regardless of the time of day. Broods were less likely to use areas at greater distances from supplemental feed; this relationship had no interaction with age but was stronger later in the nesting season (>July 15). Broods were more likely to use areas with greater proportions of fallow fields during the day than for roosting. Broods used roosts with more woody cover and visual obscurity than at available sites. Roosts consisted of less grass and bare ground. However, these effects interacted with age; broods used sparser cover at older ages. Neonate broods were more likely to use cooler roosts with greater thermal stability, but this effect was reversed for juveniles. Broods may alter resource use with changes in vulnerabilities to threats such as thermal risks and predation.  相似文献   

A recent record cold spell in southern Florida (2–11 January 2010) provided an opportunity to evaluate responses of an established population of Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus) to a prolonged period of unusually cold weather. We observed behavior, characterized thermal biology, determined fate of radio-telemetered (n = 10) and non-telemetered (n = 104) Burmese pythons, and analyzed habitat and environmental conditions experienced by pythons during and after a historic cold spell. Telemetered pythons had been implanted with radio-transmitters and temperature-recording data loggers prior to the cold snap. Only one of 10 telemetered pythons survived the cold snap, whereas 59 of 99 (60%) non-telemetered pythons for which we determined fate survived. Body temperatures of eight dead telemetered pythons fluctuated regularly prior to 9 January 2010, then declined substantially during the cold period (9–11 January) and exhibited no further evidence of active thermoregulation indicating they were likely dead. Unusually cold temperatures in January 2010 were clearly associated with mortality of Burmese pythons in the Everglades. Some radio-telemetered pythons appeared to exhibit maladaptive behavior during the cold spell, including attempting to bask instead of retreating to sheltered refugia. We discuss implications of our findings for persistence and spread of introduced Burmese pythons in the United States and for maximizing their rate of removal.  相似文献   

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