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Because of some catastrophic events which occurred in Mexico during the 1980 decade, the utilization of "tepescohuite" bark against skin wounds and burns was popularized. The media manipulated the lack of available information about its medical properties and gave erroneous information to the society propagating a lot of myths. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to determine its taxonomic identity and to study the distribution, bark and wood anatomy of this species, and to determine its actual and historic uses, and the compilation of the information about bark pharmacology and toxicity. Its taxonomic identity is established as Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir. (Fabaceae-Mimosoideae). It blooms and fructifies from November to June, occurring in Mexico (the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas), Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil, at altitudes of 0-1110 (-1520) m. In Mexico, it is found in dry forests, thorny thickets, Pinus and Pinus-Quercus forests, and in M. tenuiflora pure thickets, along roads and in resting or abandoned culture lands. This species has an aggregate distribution in the forests and a uniform one in the thickets. It presents a mean density of 9 individuals per m2, with 0.45 of frequency per quadrat and 1.69 m2 of mean coverture, and it has a wide range of tolerance to climatic and edaphic factors, confirming their invasive character. Regionally, the wood is used as fuel and fence construction, and against skin wounds and burns (bark tea, powder and/or ointment), and diverse products, such as shampoos, creams, capsules, soaps, etc., are commercialized. The bark is wrinkled, reddish-brown to grey, fibrous texture, 0.5-1.5 mm thick, resinous and with an astringent odor and flavor, and with a great quantity of tannins. The wood presents extremely short vessel elements, with alternate areolate punctuations, and simple perforated plates, vasicentric axial parenchima, confluent stripes, uniseriated rays, extremely short, fine and very short libriform fibres. The bark contains tannins, saponins, an alkaloide fraction, lipids, phytosterols, glucosides, xylose, rhamnose, arabinose, lupeol, methoxychalcones, and kukulkanins.  相似文献   



Human centromere regions are characterized by the presence of alpha-satellite DNA, replication late in S phase and a heterochromatic appearance. Recent models propose that the centromere is organized into conserved chromatin domains in which chromatin containing CenH3 (centromere-specific H3 variant) at the functional centromere (kinetochore) forms within regions of heterochromatin. To address these models, we assayed formation of heterochromatin and euchromatin on de novo human artificial chromosomes containing alpha-satellite DNA. We also examined the relationship between chromatin composition and replication timing of artificial chromosomes.


Heterochromatin factors (histone H3 lysine 9 methylation and HP1α) were enriched on artificial chromosomes estimated to be larger than 3 Mb in size but depleted on those smaller than 3 Mb. All artificial chromosomes assembled markers of euchromatin (histone H3 lysine 4 methylation), which may partly reflect marker-gene expression. Replication timing studies revealed that the replication timing of artificial chromosomes was heterogeneous. Heterochromatin-depleted artificial chromosomes replicated in early S phase whereas heterochromatin-enriched artificial chromosomes replicated in mid to late S phase.


Centromere regions on human artificial chromosomes and host chromosomes have similar amounts of CenH3 but exhibit highly varying degrees of heterochromatin, suggesting that only a small amount of heterochromatin may be required for centromere function. The formation of euchromatin on all artificial chromosomes demonstrates that they can provide a chromosome context suitable for gene expression. The earlier replication of the heterochromatin-depleted artificial chromosomes suggests that replication late in S phase is not a requirement for centromere function.

Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) has a small genome (2C = 1.90 pg of DNA) packaged in 2n = 2x = 24 small acrocentric to metacentric chromosomes. Like the chromosomes of other members of the family Solanaceae, tomato chromosomes have pericentromeric heterochromatin. To determine the fraction of the tomato genome found in euchromatin versus heterochromatin, we stained pachytene chromosomes from primary microsporocytes with Feulgen and analyzed them by densitometry and image analysis. In association with previously published synaptonemal complex karyotype data for tomato, our results indicate that 77% of the tomato microsporocyte genome is located in heterochromatin and 23% is found in euchromatin. If heterochromatin is assumed to contain few active genes, then the functional genes of the tomato must be concentrated in an effective genome of only 0.22 pg of DNA (1C = 0.95 pg x 0.23 = 0.22 pg). The physical segregation of euchromatin and heterochromatin in tomato chromosomes coupled with the small effective genome size suggests that tomato may be a more useful subject for chromosome walking and gene mapping studies than would be predicted based on its genome size alone. Key words : tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, genome size, heterochromatin, euchromatin, pachytene chromosomes, synaptonemal complex.  相似文献   

A new species of Mimosa section Mimosa, Mimosa eurystegia, which is apparently endemic to Paraná in southern Brazil, is described and illustrated. This species is distinguished by plurinerved leaflets and papyraceous, plurinerved, orbicular, amplexicaul stipules. Morphological distinctiveness of this new Mimosa and its relationships with allied species are discussed. Phenological, geographical and ecological data are presented, in addition to a key to the species of Mimosa subser. Sparsae.  相似文献   

The number of B chromosomes in the Chiangmai strain of Drosophila nasuta albomicana varies from one to eight. They are C-band and Ag-As positive, but G-band negative. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

An analysis of the pattern of association of acrocentric chromosomes with nonacrocentric chromosomes in human lymphocyte metaphases was performed. This pattern in nonrandom with respect to chromosome length and intrachromosomal distribution. There is a general preference for the centric regions, most pronounced at the proximal segments of the long arms of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16, which is interpreted to reflect heterochromatin attraction during interphase. Comparison of the association patterns of homologous chromosome 1's differing with regard to the size of their heterochromatic regions corroborates this interpretation. The possible significance of heterochromatin attraction for the formation of spontaneous and induced chromosome anomalies is discused.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of the newly discovered South American marsupial frogGastrotheca pseustes were analyzed by conventional methods and by various banding techniques. This species is characterized by XY/XX sex chromosomes and the existence of two different morphs of Y chromosomes. Whereas in type A males the XYA chromosomes are still homomorphic, in type B males the YB chromosome displays a large heterochromatic region at the long arm telomere which is absent in the X. In male meiosis, the homomorphic XYA chromosomes exhibit the same pairing configuration as the autosomal bivalents. On the other hand, the heteromorphic XYB chromosomes form a sex bivalent by pairing their short arm telomeres in a characteristic end-to-end arrangement. Analysis of the karyotypes by C-banding and DNA base pair-specific fluorochromes reveals enormous interindividual size variability of the autosomal heterochromatin.  相似文献   

In the hemipteroid insects of the suborder Sternorrhyncha, B chromosomes are relatively common in comparison with other suborders of Hemiptera. However, the occurrence of supernumerary chromosomes is restricted, in most cases, to several genera or closely related species. At least in some species of Psylloidea with the XY sex determination system, a mitotically stable B chromosome integrated into an achiasmatic segregation system with the X, and became fixed as a Y chromosome. In some Aphidoidea with a multiple X system of sex determination, B chromosomes appear to be in fact non-functional X chromosomes. Supernumerary chromosomes thus probably play an important role in the evolution of sex determination systems in Sternorrhyncha.  相似文献   

Using G bands, some homologies between the chromosomes of Cebus apella (CAP) and human chromosomes are difficult to establish. To solve this problem, we analyzed these homologies by fluorescence in situ hybridization using human whole chromosome probes (ZOO-FISH). The results indicated that 1) the human probe for chromosome 2 partially hybridizes with CAP chromosomes 13 and 5, 2) the human probe for chromosome 3 partially hybridizes with CAP chromosomes 18 and 20, 3) the human probe for chromosome 9 partially hybridizes with CAP chromosome 19, and 4) the human probe for chromosome 14 hybridizes with the p-terminal and q-terminal regions of CAP chromosome 6. However, none of the human probes employed hybridized with the heterochromatic regions of CAP chromosomes. For this reason, we characterized the heterochromatic regions of CAP chromosomes and of the chromosomes of Pan troglodytes (PTR), to allow comparison between CAP, PTR, and human chromosomes using in situ digestion of fixed chromosomes with the restriction enzymes AluI, HaeIII, and RsaI and by fluorescent staining with DA/DAPI. The results show that 1) centromeric heterochromatin is heterogeneous in the three species studied and 2) noncentromeric heterochromatin is homogeneous within each of the three species, but is different for each species. Thus, centromeric heterochromatin undergoes a higher degree of variability than noncentromeric heterochromatin.  相似文献   

The pairing behavior of the sex chromosomes in male and female individuals representing seven species of Peromyscus was analyzed by electron microscopy of silver-stained zygotene and pachytene configurations. Six species possess submetacentric or metacentric X chromosomes with heterochromatic short arms. Sex-chromosome pairing in these species is initiated during early pachynema at an interstitial position on the X and Y axes. Homologous synapsis then progresses in a unidirectional fashion towards the telomeres of the X short arm and the corresponding arm of the heterochromatic Y chromosome. The distinctive pattern of synaptic initiation allowed a late-synapsing bivalent in fetal oocytes to be tentatively identified as that of the X chromosomes. In contrast to the other species, Peromyscus megalops possesses an acrocentric X chromosome and a very small Y chromosome. Sex-chromosome pairing in this species is initiated at the proximal telomeric region during late zygonema, and then proceeds interstitially towards the distal end of the Y chromosome. These observations suggest that the presence of X short-arm heterochromatin and corresponding Y heterochromatin interferes with late-zygotene alignment of the pairing initiation sites, thereby delaying XY synaptic initiation until early pachynema. The pairing initiation sites are conserved in the vicinity of the X and Y centromeres in Peromyscus, and consequently the addition of heterochromatin during sex-chromosome evolution essentially displaces these sites to an interstitial position.  相似文献   

The present study provides specific cytogenetic information on prometaphase chromosomes of the alpaca (Lama pacos, fam. Camelidae, 2n = 74) that forms a basis for future work on karyotype standardization and gene mapping of the species, as well as for comparative studies and future genetic improvement programs within the family Camelidae. Based on the centromeric index (CI) measurements, alpaca chromosomes have been classified into four groups: group A, subtelocentrics, from pair 1 to 10; group B, telocentrics, from pair 11 to 20; group C, submetacentrics, from pair 21 to 29; group D, metacentrics, from pair 30 to 36 plus sex chromosomes. For each chromosome pair, the following data are provided: relative chromosome length, centromeric index, conventional Giemsa staining, sequential QFQ/C-banding, GTG- and RBG-banding patterns with corresponding ideograms, RBA-banding and sequential RBA/silver staining for NOR localization. The overall number of RBG-bands revealed was 391. Nucleolus organizer-bearing chromosomes were identified as pairs 6, 28, 31, 32, 33 and 34. Comparative ZOO-FISH analysis with camel (Camelus dromedarius) X and Y painting probes was also carried out to validate X-Y chromosome identification of alpaca and to confirm close homologies between the sex chromosomes of these two species.  相似文献   

The ZW sex chromosomes of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla, and the American eel, A. rostrata, were examined with C-band and fluorescent staining to demonstrate the C-band heterochromatin. The W as well as Z chromosomes in both species are C-band negative except for a small amount of C-band heterochromatin in the centromeric region, in contrast to the W or Y elements of most other vertebrates. No fluorescing W-associated body is evident either in interphase nuclei or in metaphase plates. The ZW chromosomes of the two species have substantially similar size, morphology, and patterns of C-band heterochromatin. Karyologic and evolutionary implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin is characteristically the last portion of the genome to be replicated. In polytene cells, heterochromatic sequences are underreplicated because S phase ends before replication of heterochromatin is completed. Truncated heterochromatic DNAs have been identified in polytene cells of Drosophila and may be the discontinuous molecules that form between fully replicated euchromatic and underreplicated heterochromatic regions of the chromosome. In this report, we characterize the temporal pattern of heterochromatic DNA truncation during development of polytene cells. Underreplication occurred during the first polytene S phase, yet DNA truncation, which was found within heterochromatic sequences of all four Drosophila chromosomes, did not occur until the second polytene S phase. DNA truncation was correlated with underreplication, since increasing the replication of satellite sequences with the cycE(1672) mutation caused decreased production of truncated DNAs. Finally, truncation of heterochromatic DNAs was neither quantitatively nor qualitatively affected by modifiers of position effect variegation including the Y chromosome, Su(var)205(2), parental origin, or temperature. We propose that heterochromatic satellite sequences present a barrier to DNA replication and that replication forks that transiently stall at such barriers in late S phase of diploid cells are left unresolved in the shortened S phase of polytene cells. DNA truncation then occurs in the second polytene S phase, when new replication forks extend to the position of forks left unresolved in the first polytene S phase.  相似文献   

Syrian hamster constitutive heterochromatin was analyzed for C-band distribution and for BrU late-replication pattern. Characteristic for this species is relatively large amounts of sex-chromosome and autosomal heterochromatin. The distribution of constitutive heterochromatin was determined. The long term of the X chromosome, the whole Y, the short arms of 8 autosomal pairs, the long arm of the smallest metacentric pair, and the centromeric regions of 12 pairs stained intensely dark on C-band preparations. In contrast to the heterochromatin in the centromeric regions, the autosomal short-arm heterochromatin has an increased susceptibility to the denaturation process, as indicated by prolonged exposure to NaOH or Ba(OH)2. Such further exposure to denaturing agents results in an intense dark stain only on the sex-chromosome heterochromatin and centromeric regions of the autosomes. The BrdU late-replication pattern demonstrated that the late-replicating regions correspond to C-bands. Centromeric regions replicate late in the S phase; however, no centromeric region is among the latest replicating segments of the complement. Centromeric and noncentromeric heterochromatin are two distinct categories of constitutive heterochromatin.  相似文献   

The relationships between Dactylorhiza romana and D. saccifera from southern Italy were analysed. These two species, both with 2 n = 2 x = 40 chromosomes and belonging to different sections of the genus, were distinguishable on the basis of karyotype structure and heterochromatin amounts and distribution. Their C-banded karyotypes differed considerably. D. saccifera showed most chromosomes with banded regions in the short arms, whereas in D. romana the bands were located mostly at telomeric regions of longer arms. Several individuals of D. romana had one or two very large heterochromatic supernumerary chromosomes. Based on evidence resulting from karyotype structure and heterochromatin distribution in the two species and on the genetic distances derived from the comparison of ITS sequences, it is suggested that D. romana represents a primitive form with respect to D. saccifera and is a possible intermediate step in the evolution of the genus Dactylorhiza from the 42-chromosome Orchis group. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 138 , 85–91.  相似文献   

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