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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) elicits a strong immune response, which leads to the release of inflammatory cytokines. Increased cytokine production has been shown to impair insulin-mediated glucose disposal. LPS can alter other factors, such as muscle blood flow and insulin signaling in the myocyte, that can influence glucose disposal. We hypothesize that LPS induced impairments in cardiovascular function contribute to the associated impairments in insulin action in vivo. Male wild-type C57BL/6J mice had a catheter implanted in the jugular vein for infusions and the carotid artery for sampling 5 days prior to the hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. Mice were treated with vehicle, low- (1 ug/gBW) or high-dose (10 ug/gBW) LPS 4 hours prior to the clamp. Muscle glucose uptake (MGU) was assessed using [2-(14)C] deoxyglucose. While both low- and high-dose LPS inhibited insulin-stimulated MGU compared to vehicle-treated mice, the impairment was more significant with the high-dose treatment (~25% in soleus and ~70% in both gastrocnemius and vastus lateralis). Interestingly, insulin signaling through the PI3-kinase pathway in the muscle was not affected by this treatment suggesting that the decrease in MGU is not directly due to impairments in muscle insulin action. Echocardiography demonstrated that high-dose LPS treatment significantly decreased stroke volume (~30%), heart rate (~35%), and cardiac output (~50%). These observations were not seen with vehicle or low-dose LPS treatment. High-dose LPS treatment also significantly decreased muscle blood flow (~70%) and whole body oxygen consumption (~50%). Thus, in vivo acute endotoxemia does not impair insulin signaling through the PI3-kinase pathway in skeletal muscle and decreased tissue blood flow likely plays a central role in the impairment of glucose uptake in the muscle.  相似文献   

Exercise and insulin increase muscle glucose uptake by different mechanisms and also increase capillary recruitment, which is proposed to facilitate access for hormones and nutrients. The genetically obese Zucker rat shows impaired insulin- but not contraction-mediated glucose uptake in muscle. Recently, we have shown the genetically obese Zucker rats to have impaired insulin-mediated capillary recruitment and proposed that this contributes to the insulin resistance of muscle in vivo. Because this might imply a general loss of recruitable capillaries, we now assess responses to contraction in muscles of 18 +/- 3-wk-old lean and obese Zucker rats in vivo. Field stimulation (2 Hz, 0.1 ms) was conducted for 1 h on one leg of anesthetized instrumented rats, and measurements were made of femoral blood flow (FBF), heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), hindleg metabolism of 1-methylxanthine (a measure of capillary recruitment), hindleg glucose uptake (HGU), and lower leg muscle glucose uptake by 2-deoxyglucose (R'g). Lean animals (311 +/- 9 g) developed tension at 219 +/- 27 g/g muscle with no change in BP but with significant increases in HR, FBF, HGU, 1-MX metabolism, and R'g (P < 0.05), compared with nonstimulated control leans. Obese animals (469 +/- 7 g) developed tension at 265 +/- 31 g/g muscle with no change in HR or BP but with significant increases in FBF, HGU, 1-MX metabolism, and R'g (P < 0.05) compared with nonstimulated control obese rats. Muscle contraction of lean animals led to a greater increase in lower leg R'g, similar responses in HGU and 1-MX, and a smaller increase in FBF than in obese animals. A tight correlation between FBF and capillary recruitment was noted for all data (P < 0.001). It is concluded that contraction-mediated muscle capillary recruitment and glucose uptake are essentially normal in the obese Zucker rat and that control of FBF and capillary recruitment in exercise is closely linked.  相似文献   

Oral contraceptive steroids, norethynodrel and mestranol, were fed to 11-wk-old female Sprague-Dawley rats, in combination and in quantities proportional to those used by women for contraceptive purposes. Three experiments were performed. The first experiment, demonstrated that 10 wk of treatment, impaired the animal's glucose tolerance, but not its insulin response to glucose. The second experiment demonstrated that 6 wk of steroid feeding, decreased the in vivo conversion of blood U-14C-labeled glucose into adipose tissue fatty acids and into diaphragm glycogen, although the effect on the diaphragm was not statistically significant. In the third experiment, it was found that the uptake of 2-deoxyglucose-1-14C by the adipose tissue removed from rats after 6 wk of treatment, was not different from that of control tissue, but the uptake by the hemidiaphragms was slightly lower.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1994,55(16):PL301-PL305
Glucose facilitated diffusion into cells depends on concentration gradients between intracellular and extracellular spaces and can be modified by several factors such as insulin and contractions. Calmodulin participates in the insulin induced recruitment of vesicles containing glucose transporter molecules and its inhibition by trifluoperazine blocks insulin increases in glucose uptake. In the present study we tested if calmodulin inhibition with trifluoperazine blocks hindlimb muscle glucose uptake increase induced by contractions. Trifluoperazine does not inhibit exercise induced increases in glucose uptake; therefore, the mechanisms by which insulin and functional activity increase glucose uptake are different.  相似文献   

We investigated glucose uptake in the non-cyclically perfused rat hindlimb in response to continuous infusion (CI) or bolus injection (BI) of insulin. Ten mM glucose was infused at 3 ml/min, venous glucose was monitored at two minute intervals, and glucose uptake was calculated on the basis of arteriovenous-difference and expressed as micron/min/100 g body wt. Insulin BI given every ten minutes equaled the amount of insulin given by CI for ten minutes. Insulin doses of 1500, 3000, 6000, and 45,000 microU/30 min showed no significant difference between the two modes of delivery in either onset of stimulation or maximal stimulation of glucose uptake. At the lowest insulin dose tested (1500 microU/30 min) neither BI nor CI stimulated glucose uptake above the control of 1.849 micron/min/100 g. A dose response curve for glucose uptake was obtained using insulin boluses ranging from 2000 to 20,000 microU. Insulin uptake by the muscle was always greater when insulin was administered CI. Net disappearance of immunoreactive insulin over the entire 30 minutes of perfusion was 29.4 +/- 2.6% for CI but only 7.1 +/- 1.6% for BI. Thus in the perfused rat hindlimb, stimulation of glucose uptake in skeletal muscle is comparable with BI and CI delivery of insulin but insulin uptake by the muscle is several-fold greater with CI delivery.  相似文献   

In obese patients with type 2 diabetes, insulin delivery to and insulin-dependent glucose uptake by skeletal muscle are delayed and impaired. The mechanisms underlying the delay and impairment are unclear. We demonstrate that impaired insulin signaling in endothelial cells, due to reduced Irs2 expression and insulin-induced eNOS phosphorylation, causes attenuation of insulin-induced capillary recruitment and insulin delivery, which in turn reduces glucose uptake by skeletal muscle. Moreover, restoration of insulin-induced eNOS phosphorylation in endothelial cells completely reverses the reduction in capillary recruitment and insulin delivery in tissue-specific knockout mice lacking Irs2 in endothelial cells and fed a high-fat diet. As a result, glucose uptake by skeletal muscle is restored in these mice. Taken together, our results show that insulin signaling in endothelial cells plays a pivotal role in the regulation of glucose uptake by skeletal muscle. Furthermore, improving endothelial insulin signaling may serve as a therapeutic strategy for ameliorating skeletal muscle insulin resistance.  相似文献   

The hypothesisof this investigation was that insulin and muscle contraction, byincreasing the rate of skeletal muscle glucose transport, would biascontrol so that glucose delivery to the sarcolemma (and t tubule) andphosphorylation of glucose intracellularly would exert more influenceover glucose uptake. Because of the substantial increases in blood flow(and hence glucose delivery) that accompany exercise, we predicted thatglucose phosphorylation would become more rate determining duringexercise. The transsarcolemmal glucose gradient (TSGG; the glucoseconcentration difference across the membrane) is inversely related tothe degree to which glucose transport determines the rate of glucoseuptake. The TSGG was determined by using isotopic methods in consciousrats during euglycemic hyperinsulinemia [Ins; 20 mU/(kg · min); n = 7], during treadmill exercise (Ex,n = 6), and in sedentary,saline-infused rats (Bas, n = 13).Rats received primed, constant intravenous infusions of trace3-O-[3H]methyl-D-glucoseand [U-14C]mannitol.Then2-deoxy-[3H]glucosewas infused for the calculation of a glucose metabolic index(Rg). At the end of experiments,rats were anesthetized, and soleus muscles were excised. Total soleusglucose concentration and the steady-state ratio of intracellular toextracellular3-O-[3H]methyl-D-glucose(which distributes on the basis of the TSGG) were used to calculateranges of possible glucose concentrations ([G]) at theinner and outer sarcolemmal surfaces([G]im and[G]om, respectively).Soleus Rg was increased in Ins andfurther increased in Ex. In Ins, total soleus glucose,[G]om, and the TSGGwere decreased compared with Bas, while[G]im remained near 0. In Ex, total soleus glucose and[G]im were increasedcompared with Bas, and there was not a decrease in[G]om as was observedin Ins. In addition, accumulation of intracellular free2-deoxy-[3H]glucoseoccurred in soleus in both Ex and Ins. Taken together, these dataindicate that, in Ex, glucose phosphorylation becomes an importantlimitation to soleus glucose uptake. In Ins, both glucose delivery andglucose phosphorylation influence the rate of soleus glucose uptakemore than under basal conditions.


Hind leg muscles of female rats (85-99 g) were unloaded by tail cast suspension for 6 days. In the fresh-frozen unloaded soleus, the significantly greater concentration of glycogen correlated with a lower activity ratio of glycogen phosphorylase (p less than 0.02). The activity ratio of glycogen synthase also was lower (p less than 0.001), possibly due to the higher concentration of glycogen. In isolated unloaded soleus, insulin (0.1 milliunit/ml) increased the oxidation of D-[U-14C]glucose, release of lactate and pyruvate, incorporation of D-[U-14C]glucose into glycogen, and the concentration of glucose 6-phosphate more (p less than 0.05) than in the weight-bearing soleus. At physiological doses of insulin, the percent of maximal uptake of 2-deoxy-D-[1,2-3H]glucose/muscle also was greater in the unloaded soleus. Unloading of the soleus increased by 50% the concentration of insulin receptors, due to no decrease in total receptor number during muscle atrophy. This increase may account for the greater response of glucose metabolism to insulin in this muscle. The extensor digitorum longus, which generally shows little response to unloading, displayed no differential response of glucose metabolism to insulin.  相似文献   

Hemorrhagic shock was produced by bleeding conscious rats to a mean arterial pressure of 40 mm Hg, which was maintained for 2 h. Basal glucose uptake by isolated soleus muscle from normal rats and rats subjected to hemorrhagic shock ('shock' muscles) increased with the increase ib medium glucose concentration. Uptake values were similar in both groups of muscles. This indicates that there were no alterations in the basal glucose carrier mechanism during shock. Whereas insulin (0.1 U/ml) stimulated glucose uptake in control muscles under aerobic as well as under anaerobic conditions, it had no stimulatory effect in 'shock' muscles under either environment. Maximal stimulation of glucose uptake in 'shock' muscles was observed at an insulin concentration of 0.2 U/ml. The ability of muscle to bind insulin was not altered during shock. The present experiments indicate that insulin responsiveness to tissues is altered in shock. This could be due to alterations in the insulin sensitivity of the glucose carrier mechanism during shock.  相似文献   

Contraction and insulin increase glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. While the insulin pathway, better characterized, requires activation of phosphoinositide 3‐kinase (PI3K) and atypical protein kinase (aPKC), muscle contraction seems to share insulin‐activated components to increase glucose uptake. This study aimed to investigate the interrelation between the pathway involved in glucose uptake evoked by insulin and muscle contraction. Isolated muscle of rats was treated with solvent (control), insulin, wortmannin (PI3K inhibitor) and the combination of insulin plus wortmannin. After treatment, muscles were electrically stimulated (contracted) or remained at rest. Glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) localization, glucose uptake and phospho‐aPKC (aPKC activated form) were assessed. Muscle contraction and insulin increased glucose uptake in all conditions when compared with controls not stimulating an effect that was accompanied by an increase in GLUT4 and of phospho‐aPKC at the muscle membrane. Contracted muscles treated with insulin did not show additive effects on glucose uptake or aPKC activity compared with the response when these stimuli were applied alone. Inhibition of PI3K blocked insulin effect on glucose uptake and aPKC but not in the contractile response. Thus, muscle contraction seems to stimulate aPKC and glucose uptake independently of PI3K. Therefore, aPKC may be a convergence point and a rate limit step in the pathway by which, insulin and contraction, increase glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1. The interaction of insulin and isometric exercise on glucose uptake by skeletal muscle was studied in the isolated perfused rat hindquarter. 2. Insulin, 10 m-i.u./ml, added to the perfusate, increased glucose uptake more than 10-fold, from 0.3-0.5 to 5.2-5.4 mumol/min per 30g of muscle in hindquarters of fed and 48h-starved rats respectively. In contrast, it did not stimulate glucose uptake in hindquarters from rats in diabetic ketoacidosis. 3. In the absence of added insulin, isometric exercise, induced by sciatic-nerve stimulation, increased glucose uptake to 4 and 3.4 mumol/min per 30g of muscle in fed and starved rats respectively. It had a similar effect in rats with moderately severe diabetes, but it did not increase glucose uptake in rats with diabetic ketoacidosis or in hindquarters of fed rats that had been "washed out" with an insulin-free perfusate. Insulin, at concentrations which did not stimulate glucose uptake in resting muscle, restored the stimulatory effect of exercise in these situations. 4. The stimulation of glucose uptake by exercise was independent of blood flow and the degree of tissue hypoxia; also it could not be reproduced by perfusing resting muscle with a medium previously used in an exercise experiment. 5. At rest glucose was not detectable in muscle cell water of fed and starved rats even when perfused with insulin. In the presence of insulin, a small accumulation of glucose, 0.25 mM, was noted in the muscle of ketoacidotic diabetic rats, suggesting inhibition of glucose phosphorylation, as well as of transport. 6. During exercise, the calculated intracellular concentration of glucose in the contracting muscle increased to 1.1-1.6mM in the fed, starved and moderately diabetic groups. Insulin significantly increased the already high rates of glucose uptake by the hindquarters of these animals but it did not alter the elevated intracellular concentration of glucose. 7. In severely diabetic rats, exercise did not cause glucose to accumulate in the cell in the absence of insulin. In the presence of insulin, it increased glucose uptake to 6.1 mumol/min per 30g of muscle and intracellular glucose to 0.72 mM. 8. The data indicate that the stimulatory effect of exercise on glucose uptake requires the presence of insulin. They suggest that in the absence of insulin, glucose uptake is not enhanced by exercise owing to inhibition of glucose transport into the cell.  相似文献   

Glucose transport activity was found to increase over 5 h in rat epitrochlearis muscle in response to a moderate concentration (50-100 microunits/ml) of insulin. This process was examined using 3-methylglucose. The increase in permeability to 3-methylglucose was 2- to 4-fold greater after 5 h than after 1 h in muscles incubated with 50 microunits/ml of insulin and 1 or 8 mM glucose. The increase in permeability to 3-methylglucose during the period between 1 and 5 h of exposure to 50 microunits/ml of insulin and 1 mM glucose was due to an increase in the apparent Vmax of sugar transport. There were two components to this activation of glucose transport. One, which was not influenced by inhibition of protein synthesis, resulted in activation of sugar transport to the same extent by 50 microunits/ml as by 20,000 microunits/ml of insulin; however, this activation took approximately 20 times longer with 50 microunits/ml insulin. The other, which was blocked by cycloheximide, resulted in a further activation of sugar transport to a level higher than that attained in response to 20,000 microunits/ml of insulin. Glucose had no effect on activation of sugar transport during the first hour, but a high concentration (20-36 mM) of glucose prevented the further activation of glucose transport during prolonged treatment with 50 microunits/ml of insulin. It appears from these results that prolonged exposure to a moderate concentration of insulin has previously unrecognized effects that include: a progressive activation of glucose transport over a long time that eventually results in as great a response as a "supramaximal" insulin concentration, and in the presence of low glucose concentration, further activation of glucose transport by an additional, protein synthesis-dependent mechanism. The results also show that a high concentration of glucose can, under some conditions, inhibit stimulation of its own transport.  相似文献   

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