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Trace element budget in an African savannah ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The concentration of selected trace elements (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Se, and Zn) were analysed in soils, grass, bush, and tree samples from the Mole National Park, Ghana. The distribution of the essential nutrients: cobalt, copper, manganese, and selenium is controlled by bedrock geology, whereas iron, molybdenum, and zinc distribution is controlled by soil and hydrological processes. In the soils, iron, manganese, and cobalt are largely fixed in the mineral fraction while most of the copper, molybdenum, and selenium in the soils can be extracted by disodium ethylenediaminetetracetate. Copper, cobalt, and manganese appear to be preferentially concentrated in grass species while molybdenum and selenium are concentrated in browse plants. Variations in uptake exist between wet and dry seasons with all trace elements studied, except iron and manganese, showing a marked increased availability in the wet season and increased concentration in the residual fraction of the mineral and organic soils in the dry season. In the dry season the plant concentration of molybdenum and selenium decreased while copper and zine showed increased concentrations and this may be related to a lower pH of the groundwaters at this time. A budget of metal input and output in the ecosystem at Mole has been computed. From this potential dietary deficiencies in cobalt can be observed, however for other metals soil and plant concentrations are sufficient to prevent straightforward deficiencies while the concentrations of molybdenum and selenium are sufficiently low to be considered safe.  相似文献   


In many areas in Africa, seasonal movements of migratory ungulates are restricted and their population numbers decline, for example in the Tarangire region, Tanzania. Here, agriculture restricts migration of ungulates to their wet season ranges. We investigated whether low forage quality or supply are possible causes of population decline of wildebeest and zebra when access to these wet season ranges is restricted and migratory herds have to reside in the dry season range year-round. We simulated grazing through a clipping experiment in the dry season range during the wet season. Clipping negatively affected forage supply and had a positive effect on forage quality by increasing proportions of live and leaf biomass as well as nutrient concentrations in the leaves. However, increase in forage quality in the dry season range due to grazing was not as such that requirements of wildebeest during the wet season, when females are lactating, could be met. We conclude that low forage quality in the dry season range during the wet season could cause the decrease in migratory ungulate populations in the Tarangire region. With this study, the necessity of protecting wet season ranges from expanding human activities to safeguard migratory systems is supported.  相似文献   

Hunting for willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) is a popular recreational activity in Norway, but studies of the hunters are limited. While large game management in Norway is based on sound models and research, management of small game hunters and hunting have not been subject to the same rigour. Compared to the extensive body of knowledge about ptarmigan behaviour and habitat preferences, the knowledge base on ptarmigan hunters is very limited. We surveyed the habitat preferences of 3,056 hunters to identify preferred landscape categories using pictures covering a range of landscape types. We also examined to which extent residence types and forms of hunting were related to habitat preferences. Through factor analysis, we identified three categories of hunting habitat; mountain forest, low alpine and high alpine. Mode of hunting is more important than residence status in terms of preferred habitat. Hunters using dogs preferred mountain forest and low alpine habitats more than hunters without dogs. Hunters without dogs had a higher preference than dog hunters for high alpine habitats. Hunters with mixed modes of hunting have wider habitat preferences. Residence status only affects the perception of the mountain forest habitat. The results may have implications for management as land use and place-based meanings are currently changing in many natural and rural landscapes, and hunting needs to be integrated with other recreational uses.  相似文献   

Studying the effects of prey distribution on predator behavior is complex in systems where there are multiple prey species. The role of prey density in predator behavior is rarely studied in closed ecosystems of one predator species and one prey species, despite these being an ideal opportunity to test these hypotheses. In this study, we investigate the effect of prey density on the foraging behavior of a predatory species in an isolated Antarctic ecosystem of effectively a single predatory species and a single prey species. We use resource selection models to compare prey density in areas utilized by predators (obtained from fine‐scale GPS telemetry data) to prey density at randomly generated points (pseudoabsences) throughout the available area. We demonstrate that prey density of breeding Antarctic petrels (Thalassoica antarctica) is negatively associated with the probability of habitat use in its only predator, the south polar skua (Catharacta maccormicki). Skuas are less likely to utilize habitats with higher petrel densities, reducing predation in these areas, but these effects are present during chick rearing only and not during incubation. We suggest that this might be caused by successful group defense strategies employed by petrel chicks, primarily spitting oil at predators.  相似文献   

Dejean A 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e19837
I studied the predatory behavior of Platythyrea conradti, an arboreal ponerine ant, whereas most species in this subfamily are ground-dwelling. The workers, which hunt solitarily only around dusk, are able to capture a wide range of prey, including termites and agile, nocturnal insects as well as diurnal insects that are inactive at that moment of the Nyctemeron, resting on tree branches or under leaves. Prey are captured very rapidly, and the antennal palpation used by ground-dwelling ponerine species is reduced to a simple contact; stinging occurs immediately thereafter. The venom has an instant, violent effect as even large prey (up to 30 times the weight of a worker) never struggled after being stung. Only small prey are not stung. Workers retrieve their prey, even large items, singly. To capture termite workers and soldiers defending their nest entrances, ant workers crouch and fold their antennae backward. In their role as guards, the termites face the crouching ants and end up by rolling onto their backs, their legs batting the air. This is likely due to volatile secretions produced by the ants' mandibular gland. The same behavior is used against competing ants, including territorially-dominant arboreal species that retreat further and further away, so that the P. conradti finally drive them from large, sugary food sources.  相似文献   

In savannah ecosystems, termites drive key ecosystem processes, such as primary production through creation of patchiness in soil nutrients availability around their nests. In this study, we evaluated the role of termites in altering the soil seed bank size, an important ecosystem component that has often been overlooked in previous work. Data on above ground vegetation and soil seed bank samples were collected from four microhabitats, that is, the wooded mound, unwooded mound, tree sub‐canopy and the open grassland matrix in a protected game reserve in south‐central Zimbabwe. The seedling emergence method was then used to identify species present in the soil samples. One‐way analysis of variance followed by Tukey's multiple comparison tests was executed to test for significant differences in plant species richness among the four microhabitats. The results indicate that plant species richness was high on wooded termite mound but did not differ between the unwooded and the sub‐canopy microhabitats. The open grassland microhabitat had the lowest plant species richness. The influence of termites on the soil seed bank composition was also life form specific. The herb and woody life forms had significantly (α = 0.05) higher species richness in the soil seed bank at wooded and unwooded termite mounds when compared to the other two microhabitats. Overall, these results imply that termites alter the soil seed bank and the findings enhance our understanding of the significant role termites play in regulating processes in savannah ecosystem.  相似文献   

The savannah biome of sub-Saharan Africa harbours the highest diversity of ungulates (hoofed mammals) on Earth. In this review, we compile population genetic data from 19 codistributed ungulate taxa of the savannah biome and find striking concordance in the phylogeographic structuring of species. Data from across taxa reveal distinct regional lineages, which reflect the survival and divergence of populations in isolated savannah refugia during the climatic oscillations of the Pleistocene. Data from taxa across trophic levels suggest distinct savannah refugia were present in West, East, Southern and South-West Africa. Furthermore, differing Pleistocene evolutionary biogeographic scenarios are proposed for East and Southern Africa, supported by palaeoclimatic data and the fossil record. Environmental instability in East Africa facilitated several spatial and temporal refugia and is reflected in the high inter- and intraspecific diversity of the region. In contrast, phylogeographic data suggest a stable, long-standing savannah refuge in the south.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to guiding decisions about harvesting bushmeat often employ single-species population dynamic models, which require species- and location-specific data, are missing ecological processes such as multi-trophic interactions, cannot represent multi-species harvesting and cannot predict the broader ecosystem impacts of harvesting. In order to explore an alternative approach to devising sustainable harvesting strategies, we employ the Madingley general ecosystem model, which can simulate ecosystem dynamics in response to multi-species harvesting given nothing other than location-specific climate data. We used the model to examine yield, extinctions and broader ecosystem impacts, for a range of harvesting intensities of duiker-sized endothermic herbivores. Duiker antelope (such as Cephalophus callipygus and Cephalophus dorsalis) are the most heavily hunted species in sub-Saharan Africa, contributing 34–95% of all bushmeat in the Congo Basin. Across a range of harvesting rates, the Madingley model gave estimates for optimal harvesting rate, and extinction rate, that were qualitatively and quantitatively similar to the estimates from conventional single-species Beverton–Holt model. Predicted yields were somewhat greater (around five times, on average) for the Madingley model than the Beverton–Holt, which is partly attributable to the fact that the Madingley simulates multi-species harvesting from an initially pristine ecosystem. Also, the Madingley model predicted a background local extinction probability for the target species of at least 10%. At medium and high levels of harvesting of duiker-sized herbivores, the Madingley model predicted statistically significant, but moderate, reductions in the densities of the targeted functional group; increases in small-bodied herbivores; decreases in large-bodied carnivores; and minimal ecosystem-level impacts overall. The results illustrate how general ecosystem models such as the Madingley model could potentially be used more widely to help estimate sustainable harvesting rates, bushmeat yields and broader ecosystem impacts across different locations and target species.  相似文献   

African savannahs are among the few places on earth where diverse communities of mega- and meso-sized ungulate grazers dominate ecosystem functioning. Less conspicuous, but even more diverse, are the communities of herbivorous insects such as grasshoppers, which share the same food. Various studies investigated the community assembly of these groups separately, but it is poorly known how ungulate communities shape grasshopper communities. Here, we investigated how ungulate species of different body size alter grasshopper communities in a South African savannah. White rhino is the most abundant vertebrate herbivore in our study site. Other common mesoherbivores include buffalo, zebra and impala. We hypothesized that white rhinos would have greater impact than mesoherbivores on grasshopper communities. Using 10-year-old exclosures, at eight sites we compared the effects of ungulates on grasshopper communities in three nested treatments: (i) unfenced plots (‘control plots’) with all vertebrate herbivores present, (ii) plots with a low cable fence, excluding white rhino (‘megaherbivore exclosures’), and (iii) plots with tall fences, excluding all herbivores larger than rodents (‘complete ungulate exclosures’). In each plot, we collected data of vegetation structure, grass and grasshopper community composition. Complete ungulate exclosures contained 30 % taller vegetation than megaherbivore exclosures and they were dominated by different grass and grasshopper species. Grasshoppers in complete ungulate exclosures were on average 3.5 mm longer than grasshoppers in megaherbivore exclosures, possibly due to changes in plant communities or vegetation structure. We conclude that surprisingly, in this megaherbivore hotspot, mesoherbivores, instead of megaherbivores, most strongly affect grasshopper communities.  相似文献   

Prey preferences of the lion (Panthera leo)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Leopards Panthera pardus have a catholic diet and are generally thought to prey on medium-sized ungulates; however, knowledge on which species are actually preferred and avoided is lacking, along with an understanding of why such preferences arise. Twenty-nine published and four unpublished studies of leopard diet that had relative prey abundance estimates associated with them were analysed from 13 countries in 41 different spatial locations or temporal periods throughout the distribution of the leopard. A Jacobs' index value was calculated for each prey species in each study and the mean of these was then tested against a mean of 0 using t or sign tests for preference or avoidance. Leopards preferentially prey upon species within a weight range of 10–40 kg. Regression plots suggest that the most preferred mass of leopard prey is 25 kg, whereas the mean body mass of significantly preferred prey is 23 kg. Leopards prefer prey within this body mass range, which occur in small herds, in dense habitat and afford the hunter minimal risk of injury during capture. Consequently, impala, bushbuck and common duiker are significantly preferred, with chital likely to also be preferred with a larger sample size from Asian sites. Species outside the preferred weight range are generally avoided, as are species that are restricted to open vegetation or that have sufficient anti-predator strategies. The ratio of mean leopard body mass with that of their preferred prey is less than 1 and may be a reflection of their solitary hunting strategy. This model will allow us to predict the diet of leopards in areas where dietary information is lacking, also providing information to assist wildlife managers and conservation bodies on predator carrying capacity and predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   

A 'large infrequent disturbance' in an East African savanna   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is growing interest in large infrequent disturbances (LIDs), but by definition they occur rarely and long‐term data are needed in order to study their effects and frequency. Palaeoecological records have the potential to provide information on the effects and frequency of LIDs. By comparing recent sedimentary records with known historical data, the effects of LIDs on pollen, charcoal and sedimentary sequences can be assessed. In this study, a LID in East Africa is described, and its representation in the palaeoecological record is explored. Historical records show that there was severe drought and famine in East Africa at the end of the 19th century. Fossil pollen and charcoal records from this period show evidence of a disturbance event that occurred at approximately this time. Statistical comparison of pollen and charcoal data from before, during and after the disturbance event identified it as a LID. The data also suggest that an erosion event occurred part way through the drought, indicating that an environmental threshold was exceeded.  相似文献   

Trees critically affect the functioning of savanna ecosystems through their effects on nutrient cycling, water availability, and patterns of space use by wildlife. Therefore, whatever factors influence successful recruitment of tree seedlings are important filters controlling savanna ecosystem function. In African savannas, large mammals have been considered the most important agents of mortality for adult trees, but their impacts on tree seedlings are not well‐known. Similarly, the effects of rodents and invertebrates as seedling predators are largely unstudied in Africa. To assess the relative roles of large mammals, rodents, and invertebrates as predators of Acacia seedlings in an African savanna, we conducted two experiments in which we exposed Acacia drepanolobium seedlings to different guilds of herbivores. In the first experiment, seedlings exposed to rodent and invertebrate herbivores did not suffer greater damage than did seedlings exposed only to invertebrates, suggesting that invertebrates caused most of the damage to the seedlings. In the second experiment, 63% of seedlings exposed to all herbivores (large mammals, rodents, and invertebrates) suffered major damage or mortality in 14 days. Seedlings exposed to only rodents and invertebrates, however, suffered damage at a faster rate than did seedlings exposed to rodents, invertebrates, and large mammals, suggesting that small herbivores (rodents and invertebrates) might be compensating for the removal of large herbivores. Certain specific types of damage, such as cotyledon removal, were significantly more common in areas from which large mammals had been excluded, suggesting that the invertebrate herbivore community may differ between areas with and without large mammals. Overall, invertebrates caused the greatest damage to seedlings while rodents had relatively little effect and no seedlings were consumed or trampled by large mammals. Our results indicate that invertebrates can have a pronounced influence on seedling survival for a dominant savanna tree, which in turn may influence tree recruitment and ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Environmental factors influence phenotypes directly, as well as indirectly via trait correlations and interactions with other environmental variables. Using nine populations of the African cyprinid Barbus neumayeri, we employed path analysis to examine direct, indirect and total effects of two environmental variables, water flow (WF) and dissolved oxygen (DO), on several morphological traits. WF and DO directly influenced relative gill size, body shape and caudal fin shape in manners consistent with a priori predictions. Indirect effects also played an important role in the system: (1) strong, oppositely signed direct and indirect effects of WF on body shape resulted in a nonsignificant total effect; (2) DO had no direct effect on body shape, but a strong total effect via indirect effects on gill size; (3) WF indirectly influenced gill size via effects on DO. Only through examination of multiple environmental parameters and multiple traits can we hope to understand complex relationships between environment and phenotype.  相似文献   

We obtained fresh dung samples from 202 (133 mother-offspring pairs) savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana) in Samburu, Kenya, and genotyped them at 20 microsatellite loci to assess genotyping success and errors. A total of 98.6% consensus genotypes was successfully obtained, with allelic dropout and false allele rates at 1.6% (n = 46) and 0.9% (n = 37) of heterozygous and total consensus genotypes, respectively, and an overall genotyping error rate of 2.5% based on repeat typing. Mendelian analysis revealed consistent inheritance in all but 38 allelic pairs from mother-offspring, giving an average mismatch error rate of 2.06%, a possible result of null alleles, mutations, genotyping errors, or inaccuracy in maternity assignment. We detected no evidence for large allele dropout, stuttering, or scoring error in the dataset and significant Hardy-Weinberg deviations at only two loci due to heterozygosity deficiency. Across loci, null allele frequencies were low (range: 0.000-0.042) and below the 0.20 threshold that would significantly bias individual-based studies. The high genotyping success and low errors observed in this study demonstrate reliability of the method employed and underscore the application of simple pedigrees in noninvasive studies. Since none of the sires were included in this study, the error rates presented are just estimates.  相似文献   

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