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The population dynamics that enable a small number of regulatory T (T(R)) cells to control the immune responses to foreign Ags by the much larger conventional T cell subset were investigated. During the primary immune response, the expansion and contraction of conventional and T(R) cells occurred in synchrony. Importantly, the relative accumulation of T(R) cells at peak response significantly exceeded that of conventional T cells, reflecting extensive cell division within the T(R) cell pool. Transfer of a polyclonal T(R) cell population before immunization antagonized both polyclonal and TCR transgenic responses, whereas blocking T(R) cell function enhanced those responses. These results define an inverse quantitative relationship between T(R) and conventional T cells that controls the magnitude of the primary immune response. The high frequency of dividing T(R) cells suggests degenerate TCR specificity enabling activation by a broad spectrum of Ags.  相似文献   

The primary immune response to the Thy-1.2 antigen was measured by the plaque assay, detecting cells (PFC) producing antibodies lytic for thymocytes carrying this antigen. On the basis of statistically significant differences in response, the inbred strains studied could be classified as low (producing fewer than 103 PFC/spleen) or high (producing more than 103 PFC/spleen) responders. The data collected from these inbred strains and segregating generations were consistent with the concept that the primary immune response to the Thy-1.2 antigen is under genetic control. This control appeared to be exerted primarily by alleles at a locus linked to theH-2 complex but involvement of alleles at other loci could not be ruled out. Contrary to the commonly described experimental models, the high responsiveness to the Thy-1.2 antigen in some strain combinations seemed to be a recessive rather than a codominant trait.  相似文献   

Among the differences observed between the various high (H) and low (L) antibody responder lines of mice resulting from distinct bidirectional selective breedings, one of the most puzzling is the variation in the multispecific effect, i. e., in the modification of antibody responses to antigens unrelated to those used during the selection. The best examples are the H and L lines of selection IV, selected on the basis of responses to somatic antigen of Salmonella which do not differ in their antibody responses to sheep erythrocytes (SE). However, a wide range of variability is observed in the responses of (HIV x LIV)F2 hybrids to this antigen, and it was therefore hypothesized that distinct groups of genes might regulate antibody responses to SE and the somatic antigen. Indeed, a new selection (IV-A) for anti-SE responsiveness started from these (HIV x LIV)F2 successfully produced a high and a low anti-SE responder line. The results of selection IV-A and the variance analysis of (HIV-A × LIV-A)F2 hybrids are reported. They are roughly similar to those in selection I, also carried out for anti-SE responsiveness. In vivo attempts to identify the major regulatory mechanism which contributes to the interline difference indicate that the efficiency of macrophage accessory function has been modified in selection IV-A, as was observed in selection I, whereas this function did not differ in Hév and Lév lines. Probably in relation to the involvement of macrophage function there is a notable increase of the multispecific effect in selection IV-A when compared with selection IV. The results of selection IV-A demonstrate that responsiveness to heterologous erythrocytes and to somatic antigen of Salmonella are under separate polygenic control operating through distinct regulatory mechanisms. The choice of the selection antigen and immunization procedure is of major importance for defining the gene interaction operating in each selective breeding experiment and the extent of its multispecific effect.Abbreviations used in this paper f. ag. S. flagellar antigen of Salmonella - H high responder line (roman numeral is the selection number) - h2 heritability - HE human erythrocytes - HoGG horse gamma globulin - L low responder line (roman numeral is the selection number) - PE pigeon erythrocytes - R response to selection - RGG rabbit gamma globulin - S selection differential - s. ag. S. somatic antigen of Salmonella - SE sheep erythrocytes  相似文献   

Summary Antibody responses of inbred strains of mice to staphylococcal nuclease were studied by isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gels followed by in situ labeling of focused antibodies with radioactive antigen. All A/J mice examined produced antinuclease antibodies of limited heterogeneity, and although there was individual variation in the focusing patterns observed, a characteristic spectrotype produced by all of the animals could be discerned. In order to determine the possible relationship between this characteristic spectrotype and the cross-reactive idiotypes of A/J antinuclease antibodies previously described (7), focused antibodies were also examined with a radioactively labeled pig anti-(A/J antinuclease) anti-idiotypic antibody preparation. Using this reagent, similar spectrotypes to those observed for antigen binding were seen in all of the individual A/J sera, suggesting that cross-reactive idiotype expression is a reflection of the characteristic spectrotypes observed. The same labeled anti-idiotypic reagent revealed characteristic but different spectrotypes when used to develop focused antinuclease antibodies from individual mice of other strains, suggesting that the use of similar variable region structures may be a common feature of the antinuclease response in mice of different allotypes. These studies thus provide a structural basis for the genetics of idiotype expression defined previously by serologic analysis.  相似文献   

In the chicken MHC there exist two regions, designated F and G, which were separated by crossing-over. The F region contains genes controlling all functions characteristic of the MHC. So far only one gene has been assigned to the G region and it is responsible for the presence of an RBC antigen. When cross immunizing animals of the congenic lines CB and CC with erythrocytes, we have found that both F- and G-specific antibodies were produced. By using the recombinant haplotypes B R1 and B R2 we were able to dissociate the F from the G antigen and immunize with them separately. It was found that production of F antibodies required the copresence of the G antigen, whereas G antibodies were formed regardless of the presence or absence of the F-region antigen. It could be demonstrated that a prerequisite of the role of the G antigen with respect to the F antigen was the localization of both antigens on the same erythrocyte. Possible mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are discussed.Abbreviations used in this paper MHC major histocompatibility complex - RBC red blood cells - PBL peripheral blood lymphocytes - GVH graft-versus-host - MLR mixed lymphocyte reaction - i.v. intravenous - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - ME mercaptoethanol  相似文献   

(1) Inbred strains of mice when immunized withp-aminobenzoic acid and sulphanilic acid bound by diazo-linkage to the same protein carrier molecule (bovine gamma globulin) differ in their ability to respond by antibody formation. The strains A and CBA/J form only low levels of antibodies to the haptens after immunization; in strains ScSN and B10.LP the same high titers of antibodies to both haptens were found under these conditions. The strain B10.D2 forms antibodies well to sulphanilic acid, antip-aminobenzoic acid antibodies are formed only in very low quantity. (2) Individual mice of an inbred strain form a homogeneous population in respect of their capability or inability to form a particular antihapten antibody. The individual titers in a given inbred strain vary only slightly. On the contrary the noninbred strain H shows great variability both in quantity and quality of the immune response to the haptens. (3) The crossing of good and poor anti-hapten antibody producing strains shows in F1; F2 and B1 generation, that the ability to produce antibodies againstp-aminobenzoic and sulphanilic acid depends on the genotype of a given individual. The ability to respond is transmitted to the offspring as a dominant trait. (4) There is no difference in the response to the haptens between males and females of the same strain. (5) The antibodies to the haptens in different strains of mice differ in the ratio of 2-mercaptoethanol sensitive and 2-mercaptoethanol resistant antibody. Dedicated to Academician Ivan Málek on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

(I) The influence of the dose of antigen on the amount of antibodies produced was studied in two inbred strains of mice that were different with respect to the ability to produce antibodies top-aminobenzoic acid, i.e. well responding strain B10.LP and poorly responding CBA/J strain. Similar dependence between the dose of antigen and the antibody titre was demonstrated in both strains. (2) It was found that the type of reaction to the antigenic determinant (i.e. hapten) appeared to be a constant property of the inbred strain and that it did not change during the long period of the immunological maturity of the organism. (3) Antibodies of 19S type (2-mercaptoethanol sensitive) were formed in sera of both inbred strains, particularly in strain B10.LP, even after the third adjuvant immunization. Antibodies of 7S type appeared to be partially 2-mercaptoethanol sensitive, however, the major part was resistant to this agent. No 7S, 2-mercaptoethanol resistant antibodies were found in sera of the poorly responding strain CBA/J.  相似文献   

The participation of cells from bone marrow and thymus in the antibody response to haptens was studied in two inbred strains of mice: poorly (CBA/J) and well (B10.LP) responding to immunization. The cell transfer experiments showed that the genetic regulation of the antihapten response under study, was bound directly to lymphatic cells of the immune system. For transfer of the good response it was essential that the thymus and bone marrow cell mixture contained bone marrow cells from well responding donors. Furthermore, the effect of endotoxin on antibody formation was studied in both well and poorly responding strains. It was found that endotoxin enhanced the antibody formation in both strains similarly so that the finεl differences between the levels of antibodies formed in both strains remained unchang d. Finally, it was demonstrated that endotoxin played the most important role in the primary stimulation, where the highest increase of the antibody response was obtained.  相似文献   

The immune response to a thymus-dependent antigen was depressed in vivo and in vitro in spleen cells from mice injected with LPS i.p. a few days before challenge with the antigen. Spleen cells from LPS-injected mice could, however, respond with increase DNA synthesis after activation with polyclonal B and T cell activators in vitro. The LPS-activated spleen cells could actively suppress normal cells in their response to the antigen sheep red blood cells. The suppressor cells contained in the LPS-activated spleens were most likely B lymphocytes, and the possible mechanism for their inhibitory function is discussed.  相似文献   

Antigen persists for months or even years in lymphoid tissues of immune animals and this antigen is believed to participate in the induction and maintenance of B-cell memory as well as in the maintenance of serum antibody levels. In the present report we describe the phenomenon of antigen localization and long-term retention on mouse follicular dendritic cells (FDCs). The antigens used were injected in the hind footpads of immune mice and the popliteal lymph nodes were the lymphoid organs generally studied. In addition to presenting the morphological features of mouse FDCs, we report the results of a study of the mechanism of antigen migration from the site of initial localization in the lymph node subcapsular sinus to the regions of follicular retention in the cortex. The migration was followed by light and electron microscopy. The results support the concepts that immune complexes are trapped in the subcapsular sinus and are transported by a group of nonphagocytic cells to follicular regions. The mechanism of transport may involve either migration of pre-FDCs with a concomitant maturation into FDCs, or cell-to-cell transport utilizing dendritic cell processes and membrane fluidity; or a combination of the two mechanisms may be in operation.  相似文献   

The regulation of immune responses to gastrically administered TI antigens has been investigated, and the characterization of a regulatory cell population has been performed. Intragastric administration of TNP-haptenated homologous erythrocytes (TNP-MRBC) induced splenic IgM anti-TNP PFC responses in LPS nonresponsive C3H/HeJ mice that were higher than those in LPS-responsive C3H/HeN mice and similar to those noted in athymic (nu/nu) C3H/HeN animals. The simultaneous intragastric administration of LPS with TNP-MRBC augmented immune responses in a manner similar to that previously reported for parenterally administered LPS and antigen. Further, LPS-induced augmentation of TNP-MRBC responses was greater in athymic mice. These findings were substantiated using in vitro spleen cultures. Intragastric challenge with a 2nd TI antigen, TNP-LPS, induced approximately 8-fold higher splenic anti-TNP PFC responses in athymic C3H/HeN mice compared with those in euthymic littermates. By admixture of B and T cell populations, it was demonstrated that the host responsiveness to TNP-LPS was negatively regulated by suppressor cells. Suppressive activity resided in a Thy 1.2-bearing, irradiation-resistant, nylon wool-nonadherent cell population. These cells could be demonstrated in spleen and Peyer's patches from young or old LPS-responsive C3H/HeN mice, but not in tissues from LPS nonresponsive C3H/HeJ mice. The specificity of the regulator cells was not limited to TNP-LPS responses, since immune responsiveness to another TI antigen, TNP-dextran, was also under the control of this cell population. These studies confirm the TI nature of TNP-MRBC and indicate that immune responses to gastrically administered antigens such as TNP-LPS, TNP-dextran, and possibly TNP-MRBC are negatively regulated by a suppressor T cell population. A role for endogenous LPS in the generation of regulator cells and the effect of these cells on host responses to gut-derived antigens is discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic control of the murine immune response to cholera toxin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This study was undertaken to determine whether previously noted differences in the immune response of inbred strains of mice to cholera toxin (CT) might be under immune response gene control. A series of inbred, congenic, and intra-H-2I region recombinant mouse strains were tested for responsiveness to CT after i.p. immunization with 0.1 micrograms CT in alum. Samples of plasma were collected at intervals before and after priming and boosting. IgG and IgA anti-CT were measured by ELISA. In three different sets of congenic strains, the level of IgG anti-CT clearly depended on the H-2 haplotype of the strain rather than on any background or Igh genes. Strains with the H-2b and H-2q haplotypes were high responders, and strains with the H-2k, H-2s and H-2d haplotypes were low responders. Within the H-2 complex, the IgG anti-CT response was mapped to the I-A subregion with the use of congenic intra-H-2I region recombinant strains. In contrast to these results with IgG anti-CT, plasma IgA anti-CT levels were uniformly low and indeterminate. We conclude that the murine IgG anti-CT response is controlled by a locus within the I-A subregion of H-2--a remarkable finding, considering the known abilities of this toxin to bind to and to directly stimulate lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Abstract The variability of predominant Mycoplasma bovis surface antigens in the presence of specific immune pressure was analyzed in an in vitro assay to determine if M. bovis could escape immune destruction. We have shown that serum antibodies from immunized or experimentally infected calves and monoclonal antibodies which specifically react with previously characterized or as yet undefined major M. bovis membrane surface proteins cause repression of expression or shortening of the target protein, or induce switching to expression of an antigenically distinct variant protein. We have further demonstrated that removal of the inducing antibody results in reversion to the original phenotype. These results suggest that the level of expression and the length of M. bovis surface antigens in the host is modulated by cognate antibodies. According to the surface antigenic variation systems, random selection of preexisting variants resistant to antibody-mediated inhibition or direct regulation of gene expression may be means by which this organism evades host immune defences.  相似文献   

Antigen injection into mice induces a rapid increase in blood levels of gonadotropins. Suppression of these hormonal changes by a combination of drugs acting on the neuroendocrine regulation as well as on cell membrane receptors results in a blockade of antibody synthesis and specific “tolerance.” In addition, remarkable suppression of transplantation immunity is achieved.  相似文献   

A mathematical expression of the accumulation of the plasma cells in the spleen of CBA mice immunized intraperitoneally is presented. The dependence of the plasma cell reaction in the spleen on the kinetics of antigen concentration in the blood was confirmed. For the transition from antigen to plasma cells, index A was proposed. The mean values of index A were used for comparison of the calculated and experimental values of the plasma cell reaction and the recorded differences were not great. In a similar way, index A was used for prediction of plasma cell accumulation in the spleen of animals, immunized with a mixture of two soluble antigens — capsular antigen ofPasteurella pestis and complete antigen ofFrancisella tularensis. The calculated values of plasma cell reaction corresponded to experimental values.  相似文献   

The conveyer hypothesis is based on the fact that because of clone predetermination, antibody production takes place in an organism without the presence of antigen as a result of natural cell differentiation. Soluble antigen is an analogue of a specific mitogen which gives rise to reproduction mainly of cells carrying on their surface the immunoglobulin receptors to the given antigen. The mathematical model of the conveyer hypothesis takes into account the initial conditions, among them the background level of antibody-producing cells before injection of a soluble antigen, migration of precursor cells in the draining lymphoid organ, and the rate of precursor differentiation, including the rate of the change of the immunoglobulin receptor number on the cell surface. Changes of antigen concentration in blood determine the intensity of precursor proliferation. Comparison of real experiments (intraperitoneal injection of capsular antigen ofPasteurella pestis into inbred mice) with calculations done on the basis of the developed mathematical model shows a definite qualitative resemblance with the kinetics of antibody-producing cells and free antibodies as well as with the decrease of free antigen concentration in blood. In spite of some differences between model experiments and real experiments the conveyer hypothesis and its mathematical model appear suitable for describing the primary immune response of mice immunized with low doses of capsular antigen ofPasteurella pestis.  相似文献   

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