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Nuclear Distribution in Conidia of Neurospora Heterokaryons   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Atwood KC  Mukai F 《Genetics》1955,40(4):438-443

Genetic Control of Nuclear Selection in Neurospora Heterokaryons   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
T. H. Pittenger  T. G. Brawner 《Genetics》1961,46(12):1645-1663

It was shown that the duration of stay of macrophages in the peritoneal cavity of mice and method of their isolation did not affect markedly their capacity for resumption of DNA synthesis in heterokaryons. This means that mouse macrophage undergo such changes during differentiation that reactivation of DNA synthesis in their nuclei is only possible after interaction of telomeres with telomerase, since it was already shown that telomerase was involved in reactivation of DNA synthesis in the macrophage nuclei. The results of experiments did not reveal differences in the length of telomeres in mouse macrophages and other somatic cells. This could depend on the significant length of mouse telomeres and, as a result, their shortening, sufficient for the inhibition of proliferation, is beyond the limits of sensitivity of the current methods. It is also possible that changes in DNA properties in the macrophages occurring during their differentiation depend on changes in the conformation of the telomere complex in these cells. Testing of this suggestion is relevant with respect to recent data that cell hybridization, specifically in the form of heterokaryons, may be essential in realization of the therapeutic effect caused by the introduction of cells during cell therapy.  相似文献   

E. G. Barry 《Genetics》1992,132(2):403-412
Chromosome rearrangement In(IL;IR)T(IL;IIIR)SLm-1, has a pericentric inversion in linkage group I associated with a reciprocal translocation between I and III. The rearrangement was identified cytologically in pairing with normal sequence chromosomes at pachynema. Rearrangement breakpoints were mapped genetically in IL, IR and IIIR by crosses with normal sequence strains and in crosses with an inversion that partially overlaps the SLm-1 inversion. When rearrangement SLm-1 is crossed to parents with normal sequence chromosomes, one class among the progeny has a small chromosome deficiency and large duplication. The ascospores containing this deficiency/duplication die either before germination or just after, when growth commences. Germ tubes of the deficiency/duplication progeny, which start to grow then stop, resemble the aborted growth of auxotrophic mutants germinated on minimal medium. Efforts to correct the deficiency with nutritional supplements were not successful. However, the defective class can be rescued by fusing the germinating hyphae of the deficiency ascospore with a complementary auxotrophic mutant to form a heterokaryon. A deficiency/duplication nucleus that is rescued in a heterokaryon can serve as a fertilizing nucleus in crosses with a normal sequence parent. One half of their progeny have the normal chromosome sequence and one half have the chromosome deficiency syndrome and die at germination.  相似文献   

Mitosis in Vegetative Nuclei of Neurospora Crassa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Somers CE  Wagner RP  Hsu TC 《Genetics》1960,45(6):801-810

Action of a Transposable Element in Coding Sequence Fusions   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
J. A. Shapiro  D. Leach 《Genetics》1990,126(2):293-299
The original Casadaban technique for isolating fused cistrons encoding hybrid beta-galactosidase proteins used a Mucts62 prophage to align the upstream coding sequence and lacZ prior to selection. Kinetic analysis of araB-lacZ fusion colony emergence indicated that the required DNA rearrangements were regulated and responsive to conditions on selection plates. This has been cited as an example of "directed mutation." Here we show genetically that the MuA and integration host factor (IHF) transposition functions are involved in the formation of hybrid araB-lacZ cistrons and propose a molecular model for how fusions can form from the initial strand-transfer complex. These results confirm earlier indications of direct Mu involvement in the fusion process. The proposed model explains how rearranged Mu sequences come to be found as interdomain linkers in certain hybrid cistrons and indicates that the fusion process involves a spatially and temporally coordinated sequence of biochemical reactions.  相似文献   

In heterokaryons, DNA synthesis is reactivated in macrophage nuclei only in the case of fusion with immortal cells. Assuming that telomerase is responsible for reactivation, the effect of its inhibitor azidothymidine (AZT) was studied in heterokaryons of mouse resident peritoneal macrophages and immortal 3T3 Swiss cells. AZT suppressed reactivation of DNA synthesis in macrophage nuclei and had no effect on DNA synthesis in 3T3 Swiss cell nuclei, suggesting that telomere structure is impaired in normal mouse macrophages.  相似文献   

Several studies have suggested that P elements have rapidly spread through natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster within the last four decades. This observation, together with the observation that P elements are absent in the other species of the melanogaster subgroup, has lead to the suggestion that P elements may have entered the D. melanogaster genome by horizontal transmission from some more distantly related species. In an effort to identify the potential donor in the horizontal transfer event, we have undertaken an extensive survey of the genus Drosophila using Southern blot analysis. The results showed that P-homologous sequences are essentially confined to the subgenus Sophophora. The strongest P hybridization occurs in species from the closely related willistoni group. A wild-derived strain of D. willistoni was subsequently selected for a more comprehensive molecular examination. As part of the analysis, a complete P element was cloned and sequenced from this line. Its nucleotide sequence was found to be identical to the D. melanogaster canonical P, with the exception of a single base substitution at position 32. When the cloned element was injected into D. melanogaster embryos, it was able to both promote transposition of a coinjected marked transposon and induce singed-weak mutability, thus demonstrating its ability to function as an autonomous element. The results of this study suggest that D. willistoni may have served as the donor species in the horizontal transfer of P elements to D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Not only are transposable elements profuse in the bacterial endosymbiont of maize weevils, but we found that their quantities also vary ~10-fold among individual weevils. Because multicopy elements can facilitate homologous recombination, this insertion sequence (IS) load variability suggests that these essentially asexual bacteria may exhibit substantial intraspecific genomic variation.  相似文献   

The evolutionary dynamics of transposable element (TE) insertions have been of continued interest since TE activity has important implications for genome evolution and adaptation. Here, we infer the transposition dynamics of TEs by comparing their abundance in natural D. melanogaster and D. simulans populations. Sequencing pools of more than 550 South African flies to at least 320-fold coverage, we determined the genome wide TE insertion frequencies in both species. We suggest that the predominance of low frequency insertions in the two species (>80% of the insertions have a frequency <0.2) is probably due to a high activity of more than 58 families in both species. We provide evidence for 50% of the TE families having temporally heterogenous transposition rates with different TE families being affected in the two species. While in D. melanogaster retrotransposons were more active, DNA transposons showed higher activity levels in D. simulans. Moreover, we suggest that LTR insertions are mostly of recent origin in both species, while DNA and non-LTR insertions are older and more frequently vertically transmitted since the split of D. melanogaster and D. simulans. We propose that the high TE activity is of recent origin in both species and a consequence of the demographic history, with habitat expansion triggering a period of rapid evolution.  相似文献   

J. Cormack  P. A. Peterson 《Genetics》1994,136(3):1151-1156
The En/Spm transposable element system in maize includes the functional element, En/Spm and the receptor element I/dSpm. An En receptor has been found that shows En-induced breakage. This En-responsive receptor (designated 1836518) is located on the short arm of chromosome 9, proximal to Wx. In the presence of En, markers distal to the receptor show a loss of gene expression. Kernels heterozygous for aleurone and endosperm marker genes have a variegated appearance. The hypothesis is advanced that this variegation represents a physical loss of the chromosome segments carrying the genes distal to the receptor position. It is the first case of an En-controlled breakage event.  相似文献   

Evolution of the Transposable Element Mariner in Drosophila Species   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
K. Maruyama  D. L. Hartl 《Genetics》1991,128(2):319-329
The distribution of the transposable element mariner was examined in the genus Drosophila. Among the eight species comprising the melanogaster species subgroup, the element is present in D. mauritiana, D. simulans, D. sechellia, D. yakuba and D. teissieri, but it is absent in D. melanogaster, D. erecta and D. orena. Multiple copies of mariner were sequenced from each species in which the element occurs. The inferred phylogeny of the elements and the pattern of divergence were examined in order to evaluate whether horizontal transfer among species or stochastic loss could better account for the discontinuous distribution of the element among the species. The data suggest that the element was present in the ancestral species before the melanogaster subgroup diverged and was lost in the lineage leading to D. melanogaster and the lineage leading to D. erecta and D. orena. This inference is consistent with the finding that mariner also occurs in members of several other species subgroups within the overall melanogaster species group. Within the melanogaster species subgroup, the average divergence of mariner copies between species was lower than the coding region of the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene. However, the divergence of mariner elements within species was as great as that observed for Adh. We conclude that the relative sequence homogeneity of mariner elements within species is more likely a result of rapid amplification of a few ancestral elements than of concerted evolution. The mariner element may also have had unequal mutation rates in different lineages.  相似文献   

Population studies of the distribution of transposable elements (TEs) on the chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster have suggested that their copy number increase due to transposition is balanced by some form of natural selection. Theory suggests that, as a consequence of deleterious ectopic meiotic exchange between TEs, selection can favor genomes with lower TE copy numbers. This predicts that TEs should be less deleterious, and hence more abundant, in chromosomal regions in which recombination is reduced. To test this, we surveyed the abundance and locations of 10 families of TEs in recombination-suppressing chromosomal inversions from a natural population. The sample of 49 chromosomes included multiple independent isolates of seven different inversions and a corresponding set of standard chromosomes. For all 10 TE families pooled, copy numbers were significantly higher overall within low frequency inversions than within corresponding regions of standard chromosomes. TEs occupied chromosomal sites at significantly higher frequencies within the In(3R)M0 and In(3R)K inversions than within the corresponding regions of standard 3R chromosomes. These results are consistent with the predictions of the ectopic exchange model.  相似文献   

G. Bryan  D. Garza    D. Hartl 《Genetics》1990,125(1):103-114
The transposable element mariner is active in both germline and somatic cells of Drosophila mauritiana. Activity of the element is greatly enhanced in the presence of Mos1, a genetic factor identified as an autonomous copy of mariner. A strain of D. mauritiana containing Mos1 and other copies of mariner was used to initiate a screen for visible mutations. More than 20 mutations were obtained, including alleles of white, yellow and vermilion. Six alleles were characterized at the molecular level, and all were found to contain a mariner element inserted into the affected gene. Four insertions into the white locus were sequenced to determine the exact site of insertion of mariner. There appears to be little sequence specificity requirement for mariner insertion, other than an absolute requirement for the dinucleotide TA, which is duplicated upon insertion. Sequences of phenotypically wild-type germline and somatic revertants obtained from various white alleles, including the previously isolated wpch allele, were obtained using the polymerase chain reaction. Mariner excision is imprecise in both germline and soma, and the most frequent excision events are the same in the two tissues. Mutant derivatives of wpch were also studied, and were found to exhibit a wide range of molecular structures and phenotypes.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that Om mutability in Drosophila ananassae (involving spontaneous mutation at 20 loci, resulting in semidominant, nonpleiotropic eye morphology defects) was due to insertion of a transposable element, tom. One particularly unstable X-linked Om allele produced several derivatives, one of which has a more extreme Om phenotype and was accompanied by a singed bristle mutant, sn 9g. DNA probes from the sn locus of D. melanogaster were used to clone the homologous region of D. ananassae. Analysis of sn9g DNA detected a 6.5-kb insert. Genomic Southern blotting and in situ hybridization techniques showed that this insert is repetitive and dispersed. The existence of the tom element is supported by genetic mapping that established homology between the 6.5-kb sn9g insert and Om mutants at the four X-linked loci tested.  相似文献   

We used confocal microscopy to evaluate nuclear dynamics in mature, growing hyphae of Neurospora crassa whose nuclei expressed histone H1-tagged green fluorescent protein (GFP). In addition to the H1-GFP wild-type (WT) strain, we examined nuclear displacement (passive transport) in four mutants deficient in microtubule-related motor proteins (ro-1, ro-3, kin-1, and a ro-1 kin-1 double mutant). We also treated the WT strain with benomyl and cytochalasin A to disrupt microtubules and actin microfilaments, respectively. We found that the degree of nuclear displacement in the subapical regions of all strains correlated with hyphal elongation rate. The WT strain and that the ro-1 kin-1 double mutant showed the highest correlation between nuclear movement and hyphal elongation. Although most nuclei seemed to move forward passively, presumably carried by the cytoplasmic bulk flow, a small proportion of the movement detected was either retrograde or accelerated anterograde. The absence of a specific microtubule motor in the mutants ro-1, ro-3, or kin-1 did not prevent the anterograde and retrograde migration of nuclei; however, in the ro-1 kin-1 double mutant retrograde migration was absent. In the WT strain, almost all nuclei were elongated, whereas in all other strains a majority of nuclei were nearly spherical. With only one exception, a sizable exclusion zone was maintained between the apex and the leading nucleus. The ro-1 mutant showed the largest nucleus exclusion zone; only the treatment with cytochalasin A abolished the exclusion zone. In conclusion, the movement and distribution of nuclei in mature hyphae appear to be determined by a combination of forces, with cytoplasmic bulk flow being a major determinant. Motor proteins probably play an active role in powering the retrograde or accelerated anterograde migrations of nuclei and may also contribute to passive anterograde displacement by binding nuclei to microtubules.Organelle movement and positioning are important aspects of cell growth and differentiation (19, 20, 27, 35). Movement and positioning of nuclei are especially important because of their implications in mitotic divisions during hyphal growth and asexual sporulation (conidiation), as well as fertilization events leading to meiosis and ascospore formation during sexual development (1, 3, 33). In yeast, nuclei move comparatively short distances (20, 32), whereas in filamentous fungi nuclei are typically transported over long distances within hyphae (1, 34, 35).Movement of nuclei in fungal cells may be either an active or a passive process. Early studies of filamentous fungi showed nuclei uniformly distributed along the entire hypha; they appeared to move with the growing hyphal apex, keeping a more or less constant distance from the cell tip. Such evidence pointed to passive displacement of nuclei by cytoplasmic bulk flow (10-12, 24), a role confirmed in our recent study on the dynamics of the microtubular cytoskeleton (28) and supported by studies with injected lipid droplets (17). Upon the discovery of motor proteins and their role in nuclear migration and positioning in filamentous fungi, attention was primarily focused on the participation of motors in nuclear events, including the movement of nuclei during hyphal extension (15, 25, 26, 29, 37), while the role of cytoplasmic bulk flow was largely discounted or disregarded.Whereas much effort has been directed toward the characterization of the components involved in motor-driven nuclear transport, the relative importance of passive nuclear propulsion has remained an open question. For the purpose of distinguishing clearly between active migration and passive displacement, we will consider “migration” to mean an active, motor-dependent process, while “displacement” will refer to passive transport of nuclei within the hypha. “Movement” refers either to active or passive transport of nuclei through hyphae. Here, we used strains of Neurospora crassa whose nuclei were tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) to examine the dynamics and distribution of nuclei in growing hyphae. In addition to evaluating nuclear movement in a wild-type (WT) strain, we examined the dynamics of nuclear movement in mutants defective in microtubule-related motor proteins: a ro-1 mutant for its deficiency in the heavy chain of dynein, a ro-3 mutant deficient in the dynactin p150glued subunit, a kin-1 mutant deficient in conventional kinesin, and a ro-1 kin-1 a dynein-kinesin double mutant. We also tested the effect of drugs that inhibit specifically microtubules and actin microfilaments. Our study demonstrates that passive displacement plays a major role in nuclear dynamics in growing hyphae of N. crassa.  相似文献   

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