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Photosynthesis-nitrogen relations in Amazonian tree species   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The relationships between leaf nitrogen (N), specific leaf area (SLA) (an inverse index of leaf thickness or density), and photosynthetic capacity (Amax) were studied in 23 Amazonian tree species to characterize scaling in these properties among natural populations of leaves of different ages and light microenvironments, and to examine how variation within species in N and SLA can influence the expression of the Amax-to-N relationship on mass versus area bases. The slope of the Amax-N relationship, change in A per change in N (mol CO2 gN-1 s-1), was consistently greater, by as much as 300%, when both measures were expressed on mass rather than area bases. The x-intercept of this relationship (N-compensation point) was generally positive on a mass but not an area basis. In this paper we address the causes and implications of such differences. Significant linear relationships (p<0.05) between mass-based leaf N (Nmass) and SLA were observed in 12 species and all 23 regressions had positive slopes. In 13 species, mass-based Amax (Amass) was positively related (p<0.05) with SLA. These patterns reflect the concurrent decline in Nmass and SLA with increasing leaf age. Significant (p<0.05) relationships between area-based leaf N (Narea) and SLA were observed in 18 species. In this case, all relationships had negative slopes. Taken collectively, and consistent in all species, as SLA decreased (leaves become thicker) across increasing leaf age and light gradients, Nmass also decreased, but proportionally more slowly, such that Narea increased. Due to the linear dependence of Amass on Nmass and a negative 4-intercept, thicker leaves (low SLA) therefore tend, on average, to have lower Nmass and Amass but higher Narea than thinner leaves. This tendency towards decreasing Amass with increasing Narea, resulting in a lower slope of the Amax-N relationship on an area than mass basis in 16 of 17 species where both were significant. For the sole species exception (higher area than mass-based slope) variation in Narea was related to variation in Nmass and not in SLA, and thus, these data are also consistent with this explanation. The relations between N, SLA and Amax explain how the rate of change in Amax per change in N can vary three-fold depending on whether a mass or area mode of expression is used.  相似文献   

The effect of N supply on shoot and leaf lifespan was investigated in established stands of four herbaceous Carex species which differed in maximum dry matter production. These species were, in rank order of increasing maximum dry matter production (per unit ground area): Carex diandraC. rostrata. The observed patterns of shoot and leaf turnover were compared with data on leaf characteristics and nitrogen use efficiency indices of these species. There was no consistent difference in shoot production (number of shoots produced per unit ground area) between species with low production and those with high production: Carex diandra (low production) and C. lasiocarpa (high production) had high shoot production, while shoot production in c. rostrata (low production) and C. acutiformis (high production) was much lower. The rank order of the mean lifespan of shoots was: C. diandra. Thus, the lifespan of shoots increased with increasing maximum dry matter production of these Carex species. In all species, increased N supply led to a significant reduction in shoot lifespan. The reduction of shoot lifespans in response to enhanced N supply will result in increased nutrient turnover rates in these species. There was no consistent difference in the number of leaves produced per shoot between low-production and high-production species. C. diandra and C. lasiocarpa had relatively low leaf production, while C. rostrata and C. acutiformis had relatively high leaf production per shoot. Thus, this pattern is opposite to the pattern in shoot production. The rank order of the mean lifespan of leaves was: C. diandra. This implies that the high-production species had longer mean leaf lifespans than the low-production species. Mean leaf lifespan was not significantly affected by enhanced N supply, except in C. diandra, where leaf lifespan decreased in response to enhanced N supply. Shoot lifespans did not show any significant relation with the specific leaf area (SLA, leaf area per unit leaf mass) or the leaf area ratio (LAR, leaf area per unit plant mass) of the species under study. There was, however, a negative relation (r 2=0.71) with the nitrogen concentration in the leaves. Shoot lifespans were positively related (r 2=0.79) with whole-plant nitrogen use efficiency (NUE, dry matter production per unit N-loss) and with the mean residence time of nitrogen (MRT, the average time-span during which a unit of nitrogen is present in the plant) (r 2=0.78), but not with the nitrogen productivity (A, annual dry matter production per unit N in the plant). Leaf lifespan was positively related with the mean residence time of nitrogen in the plants (r 2–0.70). For all the other parameters, there were no significant relations with leaf lifespan. From these results we conclude that: (1) at the stand level, shoot and leaf lifespans are positively related with maximum dry matter production; and (2) shoot and leaf lifespan are important determinants of whole-plant nitrogen economy.  相似文献   

Based on prior evidence of coordinated multiple leaf trait scaling, we hypothesized that variation among species in leaf dark respiration rate (R d) should scale with variation in traits such as leaf nitrogen (N), leaf life-span, specific leaf area (SLA), and net photosynthetic capacity (A max). However, it is not known whether such scaling, if it exists, is similar among disparate biomes and plant functional types. We tested this idea by examining the interspecific relationships between R d measured at a standard temperature and leaf life-span, N, SLA and A max for 69 species from four functional groups (forbs, broad-leafed trees and shrubs, and needle-leafed conifers) in six biomes traversing the Americas: alpine tundra/subalpine forest, Colorado; cold temperate forest/grassland, Wisconsin; cool temperate forest, North Carolina; desert/shrubland, New Mexico; subtropical forest, South Carolina; and tropical rain forest, Amazonas, Venezuela. Area-based R d was positively related to area-based leaf N within functional groups and for all species pooled, but not when comparing among species within any site. At all sites, mass-based R d (R d-mass) decreased sharply with increasing leaf life-span and was positively related to SLA and mass-based A max and leaf N (leaf N mass). These intra-biome relationships were similar in shape and slope among sites, where in each case we compared species belonging to different plant functional groups. Significant R d-massN mass relationships were observed in all functional groups (pooled across sites), but the relationships differed, with higher R d at any given leaf N in functional groups (such as forbs) with higher SLA and shorter leaf life-span. Regardless of biome or functional group, R d-mass was well predicted by all combinations of leaf life-span, N mass and/or SLA (r 2≥ 0.79, P < 0.0001). At any given SLA, R d-mass rises with increasing N mass and/or decreasing leaf life-span; and at any level of N mass, R d-mass rises with increasing SLA and/or decreasing leaf life-span. The relationships between R d and leaf traits observed in this study support the idea of a global set of predictable interrelationships between key leaf morphological, chemical and metabolic traits. Received: 23 May 1997 / Accepted: 16 December 1997  相似文献   

Summary Leaf longevity in 29 herbaceous plant species of Central Europe was studied by inspecting tagged leaves at weekly intervals. About half of the species are elements of the lowland meadow flora, the other half comprises a representative sample of species from the highest sites where vascular plants grow in the Alps. Shaded and water-stressed sites were avoided. Overall mean leaf longevity did not differ significantly between sites and amounted to 71±5 days at low and 68±4 days at high altitude. Leaf life spans ranged (with no clear altitudinal trend) from 41 to 95 days. Low-altitude forbs and grasses produced several leaf cohorts during their growth period, while most alpine species produced only one. Correlations were found between leaf duration and percent nitrogen content and carbon-cost/carbon-gain ratios, but not with leaf dry mass per unit leaf area and photosynthetic capacity alone. As leaf life spans increase, more C tends to be invested per unit CO2 uptake and less N is invested per unit invested C. Thus, mass relationships rather than area relationships seem to be linked to leaf life span in these species, suggesting that leaf duration is associated with properties other than the efficiency of light utilization (e.g. mechanical strength, herbivory or pathogen resistance). It seems that the explanations of leaf duration that have been developed for evergreen/deciduous plants and for plants along steep light gradients do not apply to the variable life spans in leaves of perennial herbaceous plants of open habitats.  相似文献   

Factors that contribute to interspecific variation in photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE, the ratio of CO2 assimilation rate to leaf organic nitrogen content) were investigated, comparing ten dicotyledonous species that differ inherently in specific leaf area (SLA, leaf area:leaf dry mass). Plants were grown hydroponically in controlled environment cabinets at two irradiances (200 and 1000 μmol m–2 s–1). CO2 and irradiance response curves of photosynthesis were measured followed by analysis of the chlorophyll, Rubisco, nitrate and total nitrogen contents of the leaves. At both irradiances, SLA ranged more than twofold across species. High-SLA species had higher in situ rates of photosynthesis per unit leaf mass, but similar rates on an area basis. The organic N content per unit leaf area was lower for the high-SLA species and consequently PNUE at ambient light conditions (PNUEamb) was higher in those plants. Differences were somewhat smaller, but still present, when PNUE was determined at saturating irradiances (PNUEmax). An assessment was made of the relative importance of the various factors that underlay interspecific variation in PNUE. For plants grown under low irradiance, PNUEamb of high-SLA species was higher primarily due to their lower N content per unit leaf area. Low-SLA species clearly had an overinvestment in photosynthetic N under these conditions. In addition, high SLA-species allocated a larger fraction of organic nitrogen to thylakoids and Rubisco, which further increased PNUEamb. High-SLA species grown under high irradiance showed higher PNUEamb mainly due to a higher Rubisco specific activity. Other factors that contributed were again their lower contents of Norg per unit leaf area and a higher fraction of photosynthetic N in electron transport and Rubisco. For PNUEmax, differences between species in organic leaf nitrogen content per se were no longer important and higher PNUEmax of the high SLA species was due to a higher fraction of N in␣photosynthetic compounds (for low-light plants) and a higher Rubisco specific activity (for high-light grown plants). Received: 11 October 1997 / Accepted: 9 April 1998  相似文献   

Plant species with a high leaf life span (LLS) commonly have a low specific leaf area (SLA), leaf nitrogen per unit mass (N), and phosphorous concentration (P), whereas species with low LLS have a high SLA, N and P. However, LLS tends to be longer in species growing in low-nutrient soils and, therefore, differences in LLS and other leaf traits may not be consistent with a plant classification according to leaf habit. Here we investigated whether leaf habit is consistent with leaf economic spectrum trade-offs in cerrado (a Neotropical savanna) woody species. We analyzed the SLA, N and P of 125 woody species with a distinct leaf habit (deciduous, semideciduous, brevideciduous or evergreen). We also gathered data on the LLS (33 species), maximum net photosynthesis per leaf area (Aarea, 56 species) and per leaf mass (Amass, 31 species), comprising the most extensive database analyzed so far for the cerrado. Differences among leaf habit groups were tested using generalized linear mixed models and ANOVA. We did not find differences in SLA and N among species with a distinct leaf habit, but deciduous species had a higher leaf P concentration than evergreens. Species did not differ in LLS and Amass, but Aarea varied among groups. Semideciduous species had higher Aarea values than deciduous and brevideciduous species, but all other groups had similar Aarea values. Because of the small difference in the LLS, SLA, leaf N, leaf P and maximum net photosynthesis, we argue that deciduous, brevideciduous, semideciduous and evergreen species may not constitute different functional groups in cerrado woody species.  相似文献   

Feng YL  Fu GL  Zheng YL 《Planta》2008,228(3):383-390
Comparisons between invasive and native species may not characterize the traits of invasive species, as native species might be invasive elsewhere if they were introduced. In this study, invasive Oxalis corymbosa and Peperomia pellucida were compared with their respective noninvasive alien congeners. We hypothesized that the invasive species have higher specific leaf (SLA) than their respective noninvasive alien congeners, and analyzed the physiological and ecological consequences of the higher SLA. Higher SLA was indeed the most important trait for the two invaders, which was associated with their lower leaf construction cost, higher nitrogen (N) allocation to photosynthesis and photosynthetic N use efficiency (PNUE). The higher N allocation to photosynthesis of the invaders in turn increased their PNUE, N content in photosynthesis, biochemical capacity for photosynthesis, and therefore light-saturated photosynthetic rate. The above resource capture-, use- and growth-related traits may facilitate the two invaders' invasion, while further comparative studies on a wider range of invasive and noninvasive congeners are needed to understand the generality of this pattern and to fully assess the competitive advantages afforded by these traits.  相似文献   

Measurements of photosynthesis at saturating irradiance and CO2 partial pressure, A max, “adjusted” normalised difference vegetation index, R aNDVI, and photochemical reflectance index, R PRI, were made on trees sampled along a soil chronosequence to investigate the relationship between carbon uptake and ecosystem development in relation to nutrient availability. Measurements were made on the three most dominant species at six sites along the sequence in South Westland, New Zealand with soil age ranging from <6 to 120,000 years resulting from the retreat of the Franz Josef glacier. The decrease in soil phosphorus availability with increasing soil age and high soil nitrogen availability at the two youngest sites, due to the presence of a nitrogen-fixing species, provided marked differences in nutrient availability. Mean A max was high at the two youngest sites, then decreased markedly with increasing site age. Analysis of the data for individual species within sites revealed separation of groups of species in the response of A max to N m and P m, suggesting complex interactions between the two nutrients. There were strong linear relationships for leaf-level R aNDVI and R PRI with A max, at high irradiance, showing that measurements of reflectance indices can be used to estimate A max for foliage with a range in morphology and nutrient concentrations. Notwithstanding the change in species composition from angiosperms to conifers with increasing site age, the presence of nitrogen-fixing species, the variability in foliage morphology from flat leaves to imbricate scales and a wide range in foliar nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, there were strong positive linear relationships between site average A max and foliage nitrogen, N m, and phosphorus, P m, concentrations on a foliage mass basis. The results provide insights to interpret the regulation of photosynthesis across natural ecosystems with marked gradients in nitrogen and phosphorus availability.  相似文献   

We examined leaf dynamics and leaf age gradients of photosynthetic capacity and nitrogen concentration in seedlings of the tropical pioneer tree, Heliocarpus appendiculatus, grown in a factorial design under controlled conditions with two levels each of nutrients, ambient light (light levels incident above the canopy), and self-shading (the gradient of light levels from upper to lower leaves on the shoot). Correlations among these parameters were examined in order to determine the influence of self-shading, and the regulation of standing leaf numbers, on leaf longevity and its association with leaf photosynthetic capacity. Leaf longevity and the number of leaves on the main shoot were both reduced in high light, while in the low light environment, they were reduced in the steeper self-shading gradient. In high nutrients, leaf longevity was reduced whereas leaf number increased. Leaf initiation rates were higher in the high nutrient treatment but were not influenced by either light treatment. Maximum-light saturated photosynthetic rate, on an area basis, was greater in the high light and nutrient treatments, while the decline in photosynthetic capacity in realtion to leaf position on the shoot was more rapid in high light and in low nutrients. Leaf longevity was negatively correlated among treatments with initial photosynthetic capacity. The leaf position at which photosynthetic capacity was predicted to reach zero was positively correlated with the number of leaves on the shoot, supporting the hypothesis that leaf numbers are regulated by patterns of self-shading. The negative association of longevity and initial photosynthetic capacity apparently arises from different associations among gradients of photosynthetic capacity, leaf numbers and leaf initiation rates in relation to light and nutrient availability. The simultaneous consideration of age and position of leaves illuminates the role of self-shading as an important factor influencing leaf senescence and canopy structure and dynamics.  相似文献   

In this study, we hypothesized that invasive species may allocate a higher fraction of leaf nitrogen (N) to photosynthesis than phylogenetically related native species. To test this hypothesis, we determined N allocation and other ecophysiological traits of three invasive species in comparison with their respective native congeners by measuring response curves of photosynthesis to intercellular CO2 concentration. The invasive species of Peperomia and Piper indeed allocated a higher fraction of leaf N to photosynthesis and were more efficient in photosynthetic N (N P) partitioning than their native congeners. The two invasive species partitioned a higher fraction of N P to carboxylation and showed a higher use efficiency of N P, while their native congeners partitioned a higher fraction of N P to light-harvesting components. The higher N allocation to photosynthesis and the higher N P partitioning to carboxylation in the two invaders were associated with their higher specific leaf area. Nitrogen allocation and partitioning were the most important factors in explaining the differences in light-saturated photosynthetic rate and photosynthetic N use efficiency (PNUE) between the two invasive species and their native congeners. The differences in N allocation-related variables between the invasive and native species of Amaranthus could not be evaluated in this study due to the method. Except PNUE, resource capture- and use-related traits were not always higher in all three invasive species compared to their native congeners, indicating that different invasive species may have different syndrome of traits associated with its invasiveness.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify functional correlates of seedling leaf nutrient content among woody species and to characterise functional species groups with respect to leaf nutrient attributes. Seedlings of 81 woody species from the temperate zone of western Europe were grown in a standard laboratory environment with standard, near-optimal nutrient availability. Weight-based leaf N content (Nwght) was positively correlated with mean relative growth rate (RGR), but the correlation with mean RGR was tighter when leaf N was expressed on a whole-plant weight basis: leaf nitrogen weight ratio (LNWR). Area-based leaf N content (Narea) was not associated with mean RGR, but was closely correlated with the quotient of saturated leaf weight and leaf area. Weight-based leaf K content (Kwght) was a close correlate of the saturated/dry weight ratio of the foliage. Within the lower range, Kwght corresponded with growth-related nutrient attributes, but higher values appeared to indicate succulence or remobilisable stored water. Functional groups of species and genera could be distinguished with respect to seedling leaf nutrient attributes. Deciduous woody climbers and scramblers had consistently higher leaf Nwght, LNWR and (apparently) leaf Kwght than other deciduous species or genera, and shrubs had higher values than trees. These differences seemed due partly to variation in specific leaf area. Evergreens had consistently higher leaf Narea than deciduous plants, but there were no significant differences in weight-based leaf nutrient attributes between these two groups, possibly because of `luxury nutrient consumption' by the slow-growing evergreens. Another functional group was that of the nitrogen-fixing species, which had consistently high innate leaf Nwght compared to non-N-fixers. The ecological significance of the leaf nutrient attributes in this study is discussed by comparing the seedling data with those from field-collected material, and by brief reference to the natural habitats of the species. Received: 22 September 1996 / Accepted: 1 March 1997  相似文献   

We investigated interspecific variation in leaf lifespan (persistence) and consequent differences in leaf biochemistry, anatomy, morphology, patterns of whole-tree carbon allocation and stand productivity. We tested the hypothesis that a species with short-lived foliage, Pinus radiata D. Don (mean leaf lifespan 2.5 years), grows faster than P. pinaster Ait., a species with more persistent foliage (leaf lifespan 5.6 years), and that the faster growth rate of P. radiata is associated with a greater allocation of nitrogen and carbon to photosynthetic tissues across a range of scales. In fully sunlit foliage, the proportion of leaf N in the major photosynthetic enzyme Rubisco (ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase) was greater in P. radiata than in P. pinaster, and, in mid-canopy foliage, the proportion of leaf N in thylakoid proteins was greater in P. radiata. A lesser proportion of needle cross-sectional area was occupied by structural tissue in P. radiata compared to P. pinaster. Foliage mass in stands of P. radiata was 9.7 t ha–1 compared with 18.2 t ha–1 in P. pinaster while leaf area index of both species was similar at 4.6 m2 m–2, owing to the compensating effect of differences in specific leaf area. Hence trade-offs between persistence and productivity were apparent as interspecific differences in patterns of whole-tree carbon allocation, needle morphology, anatomy and biochemistry. However, these interspecific differences did not translate into differences at the stand scale since rates of biomass accumulation were similar in both species (P. radiata 6.9±0.9 kg year–1 tree–1; P. pinaster 7.4±0.9 kg year–1 tree–1). The similarities in performance at larger scales suggest that leaf area index (and radiation interception) determines growth and productivity. Received: 13 July 1999 / Accepted: 31 January 2000  相似文献   

Leaf size and leaf display of thirty-eight tropical tree species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Poorter L  Rozendaal DM 《Oecologia》2008,158(1):35-46
Trees forage for light through optimal leaf display. Effective leaf display is determined by metamer traits (i.e., the internode, petiole, and corresponding leaf), and thus these traits strongly co-determine carbon gain and as a result competitive advantage in a light-limited environment. We examined 11 metamer traits of sun and shade trees of 38 coexisting moist forest tree species and determined the relative strengths of intra- and interspecific variation. Species-specific metamer traits were related to two variables that represent important life history variation; the regeneration light requirements and average leaf size of the species. Metamer traits varied strongly across species and, in contrast to our expectation, showed only modest changes in response to light. Intra- and interspecific responses to light were only congruent for a third of the traits evaluated. Four traits, amongst which leaf size, specific leaf area (SLA), and leaf area ratio at the metamer level (LAR) showed even opposite intra- and interspecific responses to light. Strikingly, these are classic traits that are thought to be of paramount importance for plant performance but that have completely different consequences within and across species. Sun trees of a given species had small leaves to reduce the heat load, but light-demanding species had large leaves compared to shade-tolerants, probably to outcompete their neighbors. Shade trees of a given species had a high SLA and LAR to capture more light in a light-limited environment, whereas shade-tolerant species have well-protected leaves with a low SLA compared to light-demanding species, probably to deter herbivores and enhance leaf lifespan. There was a leaf-size-mediated trade-off between biomechanical and hydraulic safety, and the efficiency with which species can space their leaves and forage for light. Unexpectedly, metamer traits were more closely linked to leaf size than to regeneration light requirements, probably because leaf-size-related biomechanical and vascular constraints limit the trait combinations that are physically possible. This suggests that the leaf size spectrum overrules more subtle variation caused by the leaf economics spectrum, and that leaf size represents a more important strategy axis than previously thought. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Oikawa S  Hikosaka K  Hirose T 《Oecologia》2005,143(4):517-526
We studied leaf area and nitrogen dynamics in the canopy of stands of an annual herb Xanthium canadense, grown at a high (HN)- and a low-nitorgen (LN) availability. Standing leaf area increased continuously through the vegetative growth period in the LN stand, or leveled off in the later stage in the HN stand. When scaled against standing leaf area, both production and loss rates of leaf area increased but with different patterns: the production rate was retarded, while the loss rate was accelerated, implying an upper limit of standing leaf area of the canopy. The rate of leaf-area production was higher in the HN than in the LN stand, which was caused by the higher rate of leaf production per standing leaf area as well as the greater standing leaf area in the HN stand. Although the rate of leaf-area loss was higher in the HN than in the LN stand, it was not significantly different between the two stands when compared at a common standing leaf area, suggesting involvement of light climate in determination of the leaf-loss rate. On the other hand, the rate of leaf-area loss was positively correlated with nitrogen demand for leaf area development across the two stands, suggesting that leaf loss was caused by retranslocation of nitrogen for construction of new leaves. A simple simulation model of leaf and nitrogen dynamics in the canopy showed that, at steady state, where the rate of leaf-area loss becomes equal to the production rate, the standing leaf area was still greater in the HN than in the LN stand. Similarly, when the uptake and loss of nitrogen are equilibrated, the standing nitrogen was greater in the HN than in the LN stand. These results suggest that leaf-area production is strongly controlled by nitrogen availability, while both nitrogen and light climate determine leaf-loss rates in the canopy.  相似文献   

Summary Which factors cause fast-growing plant species to achieve a higher relative growth rate than slow-growing ones? To answer this question 24 wild species were grown from seed in a growth chamber under conditions of optimal nutrient supply and a growth analysis was carried out. Mean relative growth rate, corrected for possible ontogenetic drift, ranged from 113 to 356 mg g–1 day–1. Net assimilation rate, the increase in plant dry weight per unit leaf area and unit time, varied two-fold between species but no correlation with relative growth rate was found. The correlation between leaf area ratio, the ratio between total leaf area and total plant weight, and relative growth rate was very high. This positive correlation was mainly due to the specific leaf area, the ratio between leaf area and leaf weight, and to a lesser extent caused by the leaf weight ratio, the fraction of plant biomass allocated to the leaves. Differences in relative growth rate under conditions of optimum nutrient supply were correlated with the soil fertility in the natural habitat of these species. It is postulated that natural selection in a nutrient-rich environment has favoured species with a high specific leaf area and a high leaf weight ratio, and consequently a high leaf area ratio, whereas selection in nutrient-poor habitats has led to species with an inherently low specific leaf area and a higher fraction of root mass, and thus a low leaf area ratio.  相似文献   

Here, we tested hypothesized relationships among leaf and fine root traits of grass, forb, legume, and woody plant species of a savannah community. CO2 exchange rates, structural traits, chemistry, and longevity were measured in tissues of 39 species grown in long-term monocultures. Across species, respiration rates of leaves and fine roots exhibited a common regression relationship with tissue nitrogen (N) concentration, although legumes had lower rates at comparable N concentrations. Respiration rates and N concentration declined with increasing longevity of leaves and roots. Species rankings of leaf and fine-root N and longevity were correlated, but not specific leaf area and specific root length. The C3 and C4 grasses had lower N concentrations than forbs and legumes, but higher photosynthesis rates across a similar range of leaf N. Despite contrasting photosynthetic pathways and N2-fixing ability among these species, concordance in above- and below-ground traits was evident in comparable rankings in leaf and root longevity, N and respiration rates, which is evidence of a common leaf and root trait syndrome linking traits to effects on plant and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

江西九连山常绿阔叶林主要树种叶建成消耗的比较   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
叶建成消耗(或叶构建消耗)是指构建单位质量(面积)叶片所需要的葡萄糖当量,是植物碳收获过程中必要的成本投资.反映植物在叶片水平上的能量和碳分配策略。基于热值、灰份含量、叶氮含量和比叶面积的测定,估算了江西九连山常绿阔叶林16个主要树种的叶建成消耗,分析比较了不同树种、不同叶寿命、比叶面积和冠层不同部位对叶建成消耗的影响。结果表明,热值组分的变化对单位质量叶建成消耗的影响最大;树种间单位质量叶建成消耗的差异不大(变化率仅3%~6%),但其单位面积叶建成消耗则存在显著差异(变化率达27%~28%);热值和单位质量叶建成消耗与比叶面积密切相关,而比叶面积随取样高度呈显著的降低趋势,最终导致热值及单位质量和单位面积的叶建成消耗均随取样高度呈显著的增加趋势。研究结果指出:(1)较高的叶建成消耗是由于植物叶片内含有较高能量投资的化学组分;(2)叶建成消耗和比叶面积随取样高度的变化综合反映了植物对光照和水分资源垂直梯度变化的可塑性适应。  相似文献   

The frequency distribution of diameter (x) in foliage shoot segments, ø(x), was examined in 18 branches at different height levels of three trees in a 25-yr-old sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantation. The ø-x relationships were approximated by power-form equations, in which the exponent differed among the branches from ?0.6 to ?4.2. Leaf area (S B) and leaf weight (W B) of a branch were estimated on the basis of the ø-x relationship, and the dependency of specific leaf area (SLA 0) and density (ρ 0) of a foliage shoot segment on itsx. SLA B value of a branch defined byS B/W B ranged from 27 to 80 cm2 g. d.w.?1 according to the exponent in the function of ø(x). Total leaf area (u) and leaf weight (wl) of a tree were estimated by summation ofS B andW B for seven sample trees. TheSLA T value of a tree defined byu/wl ranged from 65 to 76 cm2 g d.w.?1 and increased with stem diameter at clear length (D B). By use of the allometric equations betweenu andD B,LAI of the plot was estimated to be 17.3 ha ha?1 (half of the total surface area of needles). By a process similar to that used for calculatingLAI, the amount of woody tissues included in sugi foliage was evaluated to be about 10% of the stand foliage biomass.  相似文献   

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