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Matrix vesicles (MV) are microstructures localized to the extracellular matrix of developing hard tissues that induce mineral formation. MV proteins are not well characterized, and little is known of how they interact with the surrounding matrix. However, recent electron microscopic studies indicate that MV interact with matrix proteins in growth plate cartilage. In the studies now reported, procedures developed for dissecting various components from isolated MV led to the discovery that two major vesicle proteins (38 and 46 kDa) are readily released from MV by low ionic strength solutions. These low ionic strength-soluble proteins (LISSP) were shown to be major fragments of the link protein (LP) and hyaluronic acid-binding region (HABR) of matrix proteoglycans: they react immunologically with highly specific monoclonal antibodies to LP and HABR, and the NH2-terminal sequence of the 38-kDa LISSP is essentially identical to residues 40-78 of chicken cartilage LP and that the 46-kDa LISSP represents HABR. Release of both LISSP is enhanced by hyaluronidase treatment, indicating anchorage by a hyaluronate-mediated mechanism. Both LP and HABR are firmly attached to MV in either isotonic or hypertonic solutions. In contrast, our other studies show that dissociation of type II collagen from MV occurs only with hypertonic salts which do not release the LISSP. Thus, strong interactions occur under physiological conditions between MV and both the proteoglycans and collagens, but these take place by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Human skin fibroblasts were cultivated within the three-dimensional space of polymerized alginate and collagen, respectively. The in vitro synthesis of collagens and proteoglycans was measured during the first 3 days of culture, and the deposition as well as the ultrastructural organization of newly synthesized extracellular matrix components were examined by electron microscopy. The amount of collagens and proteoglycans synthesized by fibroblasts, embedded in calcium alginate gels as well as in collagen lattices, was lowered as compared to monolayer cultures. Furthermore, it was found that collagen synthesis was reduced to a greater extent in alginate gels than in collagen lattices. On the contrary, total proteoglycan biosynthesis was similarly reduced either in alginate gels or in collagen lattices. At the end of a 3-day-culture period, filamentous material as well as cross-striated banded structures were found extracellularly in the alginate gel. According to their periodicity, their banding pattern, their association with polyanionic matrix components and their sensitivity towards glycosaminoglycan-degrading enzymes we could distinguish (1) sheets of amorphous non-banded material consisting of irregularly arranged filaments and containing dermatan sulfate-rich proteoglycans (type I structures), (2) sheets of long-spacing fibrils consisting of parallel orientated filaments and containing chondroitin sulfate-rich proteoglycans (= zebra bodies; type II structures), and (3) fibrillar structures with a complex banding pattern different from that of native collagen fibrils (type III structures). In fibroblasts cultured in collagen lattices, we only sporadically found depositions which are identified as type I structures. Using indirect immunoelectron microscopy and monospecific polyclonal antibodies, we localized type VI collagen in type I structures and type II structures. Type III structures can be identified as type I collagen derived as becomes obvious by comparison with segment long spacing crystallites of type I collagen.  相似文献   

Stromal-epithelial interactions regulate mammary gland development and are critical for the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. The extracellular matrix, which is a proteinaceous component of the stroma, regulates mammary epithelial growth, survival, migration and differentiation through a repertoire of transmembrane receptors, of which integrins are the best characterized. Integrins modulate cell fate by reciprocally transducing biochemical and biophysical cues between the cell and the extracellular matrix, facilitating processes such as embryonic branching morphogenesis and lactation in the mammary gland. During breast development and cancer progression, the extracellular matrix is dynamically altered such that its composition, turnover, processing and orientation change dramatically. These modifications influence mammary epithelial cell shape, and modulate growth factor and hormonal responses to regulate processes including branching morphogenesis and alveolar differentiation. Malignant transformation of the breast is also associated with significant matrix remodeling and a progressive stiffening of the stroma that can enhance mammary epithelial cell growth, perturb breast tissue organization, and promote cell invasion and survival. In this review, we discuss the role of stromal-epithelial interactions in normal and malignant mammary epithelial cell behavior. We specifically focus on how dynamic modulation of the biochemical and biophysical properties of the extracellular matrix elicit a dialogue with the mammary epithelium through transmembrane integrin receptors to influence tissue morphogenesis, homeostasis and malignant transformation.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) is angiogenic in vivo. In vitro, endothelial cell proliferation is inhibited by TGF-beta. We have correlated this inhibitory effect with an increase in cellular fibronectin synthesis and deposition in a two-dimensional culture system using specific matrix coatings. The inhibitory effect was mimicked by addition of soluble fibronectin to cultures. In contrast, TGF-beta was found to elicit the formation of tube-like structures (mimicking angiogenesis) when microvascular endothelial cells were grown in three-dimensional collagen gels. In this culture system TGF-beta elicited rapid extensive formation of complex, branching, tube-like structures, while cell proliferation was not inhibited. These data confirm and support the hypothesis that TGF-beta is angiogenic and may exert some of its effects through modulation of matrix synthesis and are consistent with the hypothesis that the organization of the extracellular environment influences cellular responses to this "panregulin."  相似文献   

We report the effect of Fab' (anti-60k) to a 60,000 mol wt gelatin binding domain of fibronectin (1981, J. Biol. Chem. 256:5583) on diploid fibroblast (IMR-90) extracellular fibronectin and collagen organization. Anti-60k Fab' did not inhibit IMR-90 attachment or proliferation in fibronectin-depleted medium. Fibroblasts cultured with preimmune Fab' deposited a dense extracellular network of fibronectin and collagen detectable by immunofluorescence, while anti-60k Fab' prevented extracellular collagen and fibronectin fibril deposition. Matrix fibronectin and collagen deposition remained decreased in cultures containing anti-60k Fab' until cells became bilayered or more dense, when fibronectin and collagen began to appear in lower cell layers. Anti-60k Fab' added to confluent cultures 24 h before fixation and staining had no effect on matrix fibronectin or collagen, so anti- 60k Fab' did not simply block immunostaining. Confluent cultures grown in anti-60k Fab' and labeled for 24 h with [3H]proline incorporated identical amounts of [3H]proline and [3H]hydroxyproline, but [3H]hydroxyproline deposition in the cell layer was significantly decreased by anti-60k Fab' (P less than 0.01). Extracellular matrix collagen does not appear to form a scaffold for fibronectin deposition, as neither gelatin nor a gelatin-binding fragment of plasma fibronectin inhibited deposition of matrix fibronectin. Our results suggest that interstitial collagens and fibronectin interact to form a fibrillar component of the extracellular matrix, and that fibronectin is required for normal collagen organization and deposition by fibroblasts in vitro. Domain-specific antibodies to fibronectin are powerful tools to study the biological role of fibronectin in extracellular matrix organization and other processes.  相似文献   

The dynamic mechanical properties of lung tissue and its contents of collagen and elastic fibers were studied in strips prepared from mice instilled intratracheally with saline (C) or silica [15 (S15) and 30 days (S30) after instillation]. Resistance, elastance, and hysteresivity were studied during oscillations at different frequencies on S15 and S30. Elastance increased from C to silica groups but was similar between S15 and S30. Resistance was augmented from C to S15 and S30 and was greater in S30 than in S15 at higher frequencies. Hysteresivity was higher in S30 than in C and S15. Silica groups presented a greater amount of collagen than did C. Elastic fiber content increased progressively along time. This increment was related to the higher amount of oxytalan fibers at 15 and 30 days, whereas elaunin and fully developed elastic fibers were augmented only at 30 days. Silicosis led not only to pulmonary fibrosis but also to fibroelastosis, thus assigning a major role to the elastic system in the silicotic lung.  相似文献   

Matrix orientation plays a crucial role in determining the severity of scar tissue after dermal wounding. We present a model framework which allows us to examine the interaction of many of the factors involved in orientation and alignment. Within this framework, cells are considered as discrete objects, while the matrix is modelled as a continuum. Using numerical simulations, we investigate the effect on alignment of changing cell properties and of varying cell interactions with collagen and fibrin.  相似文献   

The small leucine-rich proteoglycan decorin has been demonstrated to be a key regulator of collagen fibrillogenesis; decorin deficiencies lead to irregularly shaped collagen fibrils and weakened material behavior in postnatal murine connective tissues. In an in vitro investigation of the contributions of decorin to tissue organization and material behavior, model tissues were engineered by seeding embryonic fibroblasts, harvested from 12.5-13.5 days gestational aged decorin null (Dcn(-/-)) or wild-type mice, within type I collagen gels. The resulting three-dimensional collagen matrices were cultured for 4 weeks under static tension. The collagen matrices seeded with Dcn(-/-) cells exhibited greater contraction, cell density, ultimate tensile strength, and elastic modulus than those seeded with wild-type cells. Ultrastructurally, the matrices seeded with Dcn(-/-) cells contained a greater density of collagen. The decorin-null tissues contained more biglycan than control tissues, suggesting that this related proteoglycan compensated for the absence of decorin. The effect of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), which is normally sequestered by decorin, was also investigated in this study. The addition of TGF-beta1 to the matrices seeded with wild-type cells improved their contraction and mechanical strength, whereas blocking TGF-beta1 in the Dcn(-/-) cell-seeded matrices significantly reduced the collagen gel contraction. These results indicate that the inhibitory interaction between decorin and TGF-beta1 significantly influenced the matrix organization and material behavior of these in vitro model tissues.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering of heart valves utilizes biodegradable or metabolizable scaffolds for remodeling by seeded autologous cells. The aim of this study was to determine and compare extracellular matrix (ECM) formations, cellular phenotypes and cell location of native and tissue engineered (TE) valve leaflets. Ovine carotid arteries, ovine and porcine hearts were obtained from slaughterhouses. Cells were isolated from carotid arteries and dissected ovine, porcine and TE leaflets. TE constructs were fabricated from decellularized porcine pulmonary valves, seeded ovine arterial cells and subsequent 16 days dynamic in vitro culture using a pulsatile bioreactor. Native and TE valves were studied by histology (hematoxylin-eosin, resorcin-fuchsin, Movat pentachrome), NIR femtosecond multiphoton laser scanning microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Cells of native and TE tissues were identified and localized by immunohistochemistry. Arterial, valvular and re-isolated TE-construct cells were processed for immunocytochemistry and Western blotting. ECM analysis and SEM revealed characteristical and comparable structures in native and TE leaflets. Most cells in native leaflets stained strongly positive for vimentin. Cells positive to alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA), myosin and calponin were only found at the ventricular (inflow) side of ovine aortic and porcine pulmonary valve leaflets. Cells from TE constructs had a strong expression of vimentin, alpha-SMA, myosin, calponin and h-caldesmon throughout the entire leaflet. Comparable ECM formation and endothelial cell lining of native and TE leaflets could be demonstrated. However, immunostaining revealed significant differences between valvular cell phenotypes of native and TE leaflets. These results may be essential for further cardiovascular tissue engineering efforts.  相似文献   

ECM is composed of different collagenous and non-collagenous proteins. Collagen nanofibers play a dominant role in maintaining the biological and structural integrity of various tissues and organs, including bone, skin, tendon, blood vessels, and cartilage. Artificial collagen nanofibers are increasingly significant in numerous tissue engineering applications and seem to be ideal scaffolds for cell growth and proliferation. The modern tissue engineering task is to develop three-dimensional scaffolds of appropriate biological and biomechanical properties, at the same time mimicking the natural extracellular matrix and promoting tissue regeneration. Furthermore, it should be biodegradable, bioresorbable and non-inflammatory, should provide sufficient nutrient supply and have appropriate viscoelasticity and strength. Attributed to collagen features mentioned above, collagen fibers represent an obvious appropriate material for tissue engineering scaffolds. The aim of this minireview is, besides encapsulation of the basic biochemical and biophysical properties of collagen, to summarize the most promising modern methods and technologies for production of collagen nanofibers and scaffolds for artificial tissue development.  相似文献   

Differentiation and growth of swine subcutaneous adipose tissue was assessed by chemical analysis of tissue components, cell size measurements of isolated adipocytes, and light and electron microscopic observations. At birth all adipocytes were multilocular (contained multiple small lipid droplets), but by day 3 postpartum, many were already differentiated to the unilocular state (one major, central lipid droplet). Microscopic observations of fixed tissue, cell size determinations on isolated adipocytes, and chemical analysis of tissue composition indicated a marked increase in adipocyte size accompanied by an increase in the size of the central lipid droplet with age. Small cells were observed at all ages (in both fixed tissue and isolated cell preparations), yielding biphasic size distributions. Although the adipocyte stem cell was not discerned, an early stage in differentiation, designated an adipoblast, was observed.  相似文献   

Annexins II, V, and VI are major components of matrix vesicles (MV), i.e. particles that have the critical role of initiating the mineralization process in skeletal tissues. Furthermore, types II and X collagen are associated with MV, and these interactions mediated by annexin V stimulate Ca(2+) uptake and mineralization of MV. However, the exact roles of annexin II, V, and VI and the interaction between annexin V and types II and X collagen in MV function and initiation of mineralization are not well understood. In this study, we demonstrate that annexin II, V, or VI mediate Ca(2+) influx into phosphatidylserine (PS)-enriched liposomes, liposomes containing lipids extracted from authentic MV, and intact authentic MV. The annexin Ca(2+) channel blocker, K-201, not only inhibited Ca(2+) influx into fura-2-loaded PS-enriched liposomes mediated by annexin II, V, or VI, but also inhibited Ca(2+) uptake by authentic MV. Types II and X collagen only bound to liposomes in the presence of annexin V but not in the presence of annexin II or VI. Binding of these collagens to annexin V stimulated its Ca(2+) channel activities, leading to an increased Ca(2+) influx into the liposomes. These findings indicate that the formation of annexin II, V, and VI Ca(2+) channels in MV together with stimulation of annexin V channel activity by collagen (types II and X) binding can explain how MV are able to rapidly take up Ca(2+) and initiate the formation of the first crystal phase.  相似文献   

Matrix vesicles are lipid bilayer-enclosed structures that initiate extracellular mineral formation. Little attention has been given to how newly formed mineral interacts with the lipid constituents and then emerges from the lumen. To explore whether specific lipids bind to the incipient mineral and if breakdown of the membrane is involved, we analyzed changes in lipid composition and extractability during vesicle-induced calcification. Isolated matrix vesicles were incubated in synthetic cartilage lymph to induce mineral formation. At various times, samples of the lipids were taken for analysis, extracted both before and after demineralization to remove deposited mineral. Phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol both rapidly disappeared from extracts made before decalcification, indicating rapid degradation. However, extracts made after demineralization revealed that phosphatidylserine had become complexed with newly forming mineral. Concomitantly, its levels actually increased, apparently by base-exchange with phosphatidylethanolamine. Though partially complexed with the mineral, phosphatidylinositol was nevertheless rapidly broken down. Sphingomyelin and phosphatidylethanolamine also underwent rapid breakdown, but phosphatidylcholine was degraded more slowly, all accompanied by a buildup of free fatty acids. The data indicate that phosphatidylserine forms complexes that accompany mineral formation, while degradation of other membrane phospholipids apparently enables egress of crystalline mineral from the vesicle lumen.  相似文献   

The goal of our research is to understand reciprocal relationships between cell function and tissue organization. We studied the regulation of fibroblast activity in an in vitro culture model that recapitulates in continuous fashion the cycle of events occurring during connective tissue repair. We present evidence that concomitant with spatial reorganization of the extracellular matrix, there was a dramatic decline in extracellular matrix synthesis and cell proliferation. Therefore, spatial reorganization was a crucial turning point for fibroblast activity. Factors that regulated the timing of spatial reorganization included serum, transforming growth factor beta, and fibronectin. By accelerating spatial reorganization of the cultures, transforming growth factor beta led to a relative decrease in cell proliferation and extracellular matrix synthesis. By retarding spatial reorganization of the cultures, fibronectin led to a relative increase in cell proliferation and extracellular matrix synthesis. The results indicate that spatial information in the three-dimensional cell-matrix interaction permits higher order, tissue-level regulation of fibroblast function.  相似文献   

Homeostasis of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of tissues is regulated by controlling deposition and degradation of ECM proteins. The breakdown of ECM is essential in blastocyst implantation and embryonic development, tissue morphogenesis, menstrual shedding, bone formation, tissue resorption after delivery, and tumor growth and invasion. TGF-beta family members are one of the classes of proteins that actively participate in the homeostasis of ECM. Here, we report on the effect of lefty, a novel member of the TGF-beta family, on the homeostasis of extracellular matrix in a fibrosarcoma model. Fibroblastic cells forced to express lefty by retroviral transduction lost their ability to deposit collagen in vivo. This event was associated with down-regulation of the steady-state level of connective tissue growth factor that induces collagen type I mRNA. In addition, lefty transduction significantly decreased collagen type I mRNA expression and simultaneously increased collagenolytic, gelatinolytic, elastolytic, and caseinolytic activities in vivo by the transduced fibroblasts. These findings provide a new insight on the actions of lefty and suggest that this cytokine plays an active role in remodeling of the extracellular matrix in vivo.  相似文献   

The development of the next generation of biomaterials for restoration of tissues and organs (i.e., tissue engineering) requires a better understanding of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and its interaction with cells. Extracellular matrix is a macromolecular assembly of natural biopolymers including collagens, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), proteoglycans (PGs), and glycoproteins. Interestingly, several ECM components have the ability to form three-dimensional (3D), supramolecular matrices (scaffolds) in vitro by a process of self-directed polymerization, "self-assembly". It has been shown previously that 3D matrices with distinct architectural and biological properties can be formed from either purified type I collagen or a complex mixture of interstitial ECM components derived from intestinal submucosa. Unfortunately, many of the imaging and analysis techniques available to study these matrices either are unable to provide insight into 3D preparations or demand efforts that are often prohibitory to observations of living, dynamic systems. This is the first report on the use of reflection imaging at rapid time intervals combined with laser-scanning confocal microscopy for analysis of structural properties and kinetics of collagen and ECM assembly in 3D. We compared time-lapse confocal reflection microscopy (TL-CRM) with a well-established spectrophotometric method for determining the self-assembly properties of both purified type I collagen and soluble interstitial ECM. While both TL-CRM and spectrophotometric techniques provided insight into the kinetics of the polymerization process, only TL-CRM allowed qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the structural parameters (e.g., fibril diameter) and 3D organization (e.g., fibril density) of component fibrils over time. Matrices formed from the complex mixture of soluble interstitial ECM components showed an increased rate of assembly, decreased opacity, decreased fibril diameter, and increased fibril density compared to that of purified type I collagen. These results suggested that the PG/GAG components of soluble interstitial ECM were affecting the polymerization of the component collagens. Therefore, the effects of purified and complex mixtures of PG/GAG components on the assembly properties of type I collagen and interstitial ECM were evaluated. The data confirmed that the presence of PG/GAG components altered the kinetics and the 3D fibril morphology of assembled matrices. In summary, TL-CRM was demonstrated to be a new and useful technique for analysis of the 3D assembly properties of collagen and other natural biopolymers which requires no specimen fixation and/or staining.Copyright 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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