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Insect cell cultures have been extensively utilised for means of production for heterologous proteins and biopesticides. Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) and Trichoplusia ni (High Five™) cell lines have been widely used for the production of recombinant proteins, thus metabolism of these cell lines have been investigated thoroughly over recent years. The Helicoverpa zea cell line has potential use for the production of a biopesticide, specifically the Helicoverpa armigera single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV). The growth, virus production, nutrient consumption and waste production of this cell line was investigated under serum-free culture conditions, using SF900II and a low cost medium prototype (LCM). The cell growth (growth rates and population doubling time) was comparable in SF900II and LCM, however, lower biomass and cell specific virus yields were obtained in LCM. H. zea cells showed a preference for asparagine over glutamine, similar to the High Five™ cells. Ammonia was accumulated to significantly high levels (16 mM) in SF900II, which is an asparagine and glutamine rich medium. However, given the absence of asparagine and glutamine in the medium (LCM), H. zea cells adapted and grew well in the absence of these substrates and no accumulation of ammonia was observed. The adverse effect of ammonia on H. zea cells is unknown since good production of biologically active HaSNPV was achieved in the presence of high ammonia levels. H. zea cells showed a preference for maltose even given an abundance supply of free glucose. Accumulation of lactate was observed in H. zea cell cultures. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Titanium dioxide (TiO2)reflects ultraviolet light, and so could beexpected to protect the occlusion bodies (OBs)of nucleopolyhedroviruses (NPVs) fromdegradation by sunlight. However, in thepresence of sunlight and water, TiO2catalyzes the formation of hydrogen peroxide,which can degrade OBs. We tested microfineTiO2 that had been photostabilized(particles were coated to prevent catalyticactivity), as a UV protectant for the OBs ofthe NPV of Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). Inthe absence of UV, activity of the OBs wasreduced by nonphotostabilized TiO2 but wasunaffected by photostabilized TiO2 or byzinc oxide (ZnO). None of these materialsinfluenced larval feeding rates. Undersimulated sunlight, photostabilizedTiO2 protected the OBs to a greater degreethan did ZnO. Photostabilized TiO2 wascompatible with a viral enhancer, thefluorescent brightener Blankophor HRS. Undersimulated sunlight, both materials increasedactivity of the OBs, relative to OBs withneither material, in a largely additive manner. In bioassays of foliage collected from fieldplots of lima bean plants sprayed with OBs withor without one or both of these materials,TiO2 increased persistence of the OBs, butBlankophor HRS had no significant effect.  相似文献   

The selective uptake of storage proteins by the fat body of the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea is mediated by a membrane-bound receptor protein. In this study, the major storage proteins of this insect species, arylphorin and very high density lipoprotein, were directly labeled with colloidal gold-particles of different size. After the fat body had been incubated with the labeled storage proteins, the distribution of these proteins was examined by electron microscopy. Both storage proteins were found at the extracellular side of coated pits and within coated vesicles. Moreover, fusion products of several coated vesicles such as endosomes and multivesicular bodies contained both proteins in their lumen. Ultimately, the proteins accumulated in electron-dense storage granules. Equal numbers of either storage protein were present in each organelle, supporting the notion that a single receptor mediates the uptake of both proteins. In contrast, only small numbers of gold-labeled immunoglobulin G molecules were found in the organelles, indicating that the protein uptake is specific for storage proteins. The results show that storage protein uptake in this lepidoteran species occurs in a process of receptor-mediated endocytosis that is similar to the well-established uptake of specific proteins into mammalian tissues.  相似文献   

We used single sensillum recordings to define male Helicoverpa zea olfactory receptor neuron physiology followed by cobalt staining to trace the axons to destination glomeruli of the antennal lobe. Receptor neurons in type A sensilla that respond to the major pheromone component, (Z)-11-hexadecenal, projected axons to the cumulus of the macroglomerular complex (MGC). In approximately 40% of these sensilla a second receptor neuron was stained that projected consistently to a specific glomerulus residing in a previously unrecognized glomerular complex with six other glomeruli stationed immediately posterior to the MGC. Cobalt staining corroborated by calcium imaging showed that receptor neurons in type C sensilla sensitive to (Z)-9-hexadecenal projected to the dorsomedial posterior glomerulus of the MGC, whereas the co-compartmentalized antagonist-sensitive neurons projected to the dorsomedial anterior glomerulus. We also discovered that the olfactory receptor neurons in type B sensilla exhibit the same axonal projections as those in type C sensilla. Thus, it seems that type B sensilla are anatomically type C with regard to the projection destinations of the two receptor neurons, but physiologically one of the receptor neurons is now unresponsive to everything except (Z)-9-tetradecenal, and the other responds to none of the pheromone-related odorants tested.  相似文献   

Summary Production of sex pheromone in several species of moths has been shown to be under the control of a neuropeptide termed pheromone-biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide (PBAN). We have produced an antiserum to PBAN from Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and used it to investigate the distribution of immunoreactive peptide in the brain-suboesophageal ganglion complex and its associated neurohemal structures, and the segmental ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. Immunocytochemical methods reveal three clusters of cells along the ventral midline in the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG), one cluster each in the presumptive mandibular (4 cells), maxillary (12–14 cells), and labial neuromeres (4 cells). The proximal neurites of these cells are similar in their dorsal and lateral patterns of projection, indicating a serial homology among the three clusters. Members of the mandibular and maxillary clusters have axons projecting into the maxillary nerve, while two additional pairs of axons from the maxillary cluster project into the ventral nerve cord. Members of the labial cluster project to the retrocerebral complex (corpora cardiaca and cephalic aorta) via the nervus corpus cardiaci III (NCC III). The axons projecting into the ventral nerve cord appear to arborize principally in the dorsolateral region of each segmental ganglion; the terminal abdominal ganglion is distinct in containing an additional ventromedial arborization in the posterior third of the ganglion. Quantification of the extractable immunoreactive peptide in the retrocerebral complex by ELISA indicates that PBAN is gradually depleted during the scotophase, then restored to maximal levels in the photophase. Taken together, our findings provide anatomical evidence for both neurohormonal release of PBAN as well as axonal transport via the ventral nerve cord to release sites within the segmental ganglia.Abbreviations A aorta - Br-SOG brain-suboesophageal ganglion complex - CC corpus cardiacum - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PLI PBAN-like immunoreactivity - TAG terminal abdominal ganglion - VNC ventral nerve cord  相似文献   

Multiple parasitism of Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) had differential effects on the gregarious endoparasitoids Eucelatoria bryani and E. rubentis (Diptera: Tachinidae). Both species were able to survive in multiparasitized hosts. However while the survival of E. bryani was not affected by the presence of E. rubentis, E. rubentis survival was reduced when competing with 24-h older E. bryani. The presence of E. rubentis did not result in a decrease in the size of E. bryani except when E. rubentis was 24-h older than E. bryani. The presence of E. bryani tended to result in smaller E. rubentis. The presence of similarly aged heterospecific competitors often resulted in prolonged development time for both species. Naïve females did not alter oviposition between unparasitized and heterospecifically parasitized fifth-instar larvae of H. zea, either by ovipositing less frequently in parasitized hosts than unparasitized ones, or by reducing clutch size in parasitized hosts. These results indicate that in H. zea, E. bryani is a superior competitor compared with E. rubentis. These factors should be considered in evaluating the potential of E. bryani and E. rubentis as biological control agents of H. zea.  相似文献   

Novel trimethyl-branched alkanes which eluted with the monomethylalkanes were identified in the internal lipids of Helicoverpa zea but were not present in Heliothis virescens. Their structures were unique in that the first methyl branch occurred on carbon 2 and the 2nd and 3rd methyl branch points were separated by a single methylene. Novel trimethylalkanes identified from their chemical ionization and electron impact mass spectra were 2,18,20-trimethyltetratriacontane, 2,18,20-trimethylhexatriacontane, and 2,24,26-trimethyldotetracontane. Previous reports did not find these trimethylalkanes in the cuticular surface lipids of larvae, pupae or adults of either species. The internal pupal hydrocarbons of H. virescens and H. zea amounted to 123 μg and 304 μg per pupa, respectively. They consisted of n-alkanes (8 and 4%, respectively) and methyl-branched alkanes (88 and 94%, respectively). The n-alkanes ranged in chain length from approximately 21 to 35 carbons and the methyl-branched alkanes from approximately 26 to 55 carbons vs. methyl-branched alkanes from 28 to 37 carbons previously reported for hydrocarbons from the pupal cuticular surface. The major n-alkane was heptacosane (3.3 and 1.2%, respectively, in H. virescens and H. zea). The major methyl-branched alkanes in H. virescens were methylhentriacontane (15%), methyltritriacontane (12%) and dimethyltritriacontane (10%), and in H. zea were methylnonacosane (17%), dimethylnonacosane (9%) and methylhentriacontane (20%). Except for the novel trimethylalkanes, the methylalkane branch points were predominantly on odd-numbered carbons as has been reported for these and other species.  相似文献   

When presented with two nutritionally incomplete diets, one lacking only the protein (casein) and the other lacking only the digestible carbohydrate (sucrose), last instar larvae of Heliothis zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) switched between the diets frequently. The ratio (casein:sucrose) of time they spent on the two diets was about 83:17. As the stadium proceeded, the relative time they spent on the sucrose diet increased. Control larvae, offered two identical, nutritionally complete diets, seldom switched between them.
Résumé Récemment nous avions montré que les chenilles du dernier stade d'H. zea (Boddie) (Lep.: Noctuidae) composaient elles-mêmes leurs repas à partir de 2 cubes d'aliments, l'un carencé en protéine (caséine), l'autre en carbohydrate assimilable (sucrose). Dans cette nouvelle étude, les témoins ont reçu deux cubes nutritivement complets et les lots expérimentaux (en auto-complexification) deux cubes nutritivement incomplets, l'un carencé en caséine, l'autre en sucrose. Les chenilles ont traversé 3 étapes pendant ce dernier stade; une phase initiale de perturbations durant laquelle elles ne mangeaient presque pas, mais changeaient souvent de cube, une phase d'installation pendant laquelle elles consommainet d'une façon plus ou moins continue; et une phase de prénymphose pendant laquelle elles vagabondaient. La phase perturbée était moins longue chez les témoins, mais les deux lots présentaient le même comportement pendant cette phase: changeant de cube jusqu' à neuf fois par heure. Dès que la prise d'aliment a commencé dans la phase installée, les témoins changeaient de cube au hasard, tandis que les chenilles en expérience en changeaient relativement plus, passant 17% de leur temps sur le sucrose et 83% sur la caséine. Les comportements étaient identiques chez les deux lots pendant la phase de prénymphose. L'autocomplexification correspond à un comportement particulier pendant le dernier stade: l'alimentation sur caséine domine tôt, elle tend ensuite à rester constante tandis que l'alimentation sur caséine est maximale vers la fin du stade. Notre hypothèse est que l'auto-complexification est gouvernée par des feedbacks physiologiques internes déterminant la prise d'aliments, et que la chenille peut apprendre à associer un goût à un contenu nutritif.

Flight-tunnel experiments were conducted using Helicoverpa zea males to determine whether or not (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol (Z11-16:OH), a compound emitted by another heliothine moth species, Heliothis subflexa, is a behavioral antagonist when admixed with the two-component pheromone blend of H. zea. Males were less likely to fly upwind all the way to the source when 0.3% Z11-16:OH was present in the blend. Even 0.1% Z11-16:OH caused differences in the flight behavior of H. zea males; they steered more off the windline than males responding to the pheromone blend alone, resulting in more oblique track angles. Thus Z11-16:OH appears to act antagonistically, along with another compound, (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol acetate (Z11-16:Ac), when it is added to the H. zea pheromone blend.  相似文献   

Transmission plays a central role in the ecology of baculoviruses and the population dynamics of their hosts. Here, we report on the horizontal and vertical transmission dynamics of wild-type Helicoverpa armigera single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV-WT) and a genetically modified variant (HaSNPV-AaIT) with enhanced speed of action through the expression of an insect-selective scorpion toxin (AaIT). In caged field plots, horizontal transmission of both HaSNPV variants was greatest when inoculated 3rd instar larvae were used as infectors, transmission was intermediate with 2nd instar infectors and lowest with 1st instar infectors. Transmission was greater at a higher density of infectors (1 per plant) than at a lower density (1 per 4 plants); however, the transmission coefficient (number of new infections per initial infector) was lower at the higher density of infectors than at the lower density. HaSNPV-AaIT exhibited a significantly lower rate of transmission than HaSNPV-WT in the field cages. This was also the case in open field experiments. In the laboratory, the vertical transmission of HaSNPV-AaIT from infected females to offspring of 16.7+/-2.1% was significantly lower than that of HaSNPV-WT (30.9+/-2.9%). Likewise, in the field, vertical transmission of HaSNPV-AaIT (8.4+/-1.1%) was significantly lower than that of HaSNPV-WT (12.6+/-2.0%). The results indicate that the recombinant virus will be transmitted at lower rates in H. armigera populations than the wild-type virus. This may potentially affect negatively its long-term efficacy as compared to wild-type virus, but contributing positively to its biosafety.  相似文献   

Neonate larvae of the noctuid moth Spodoptera exigua were susceptible to an infection by Helicoverpa armigera single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV). Biological activity (LD(50),ST(50)) of the virus was considerably reduced as compared to its activity in the homologous host, H. armigera. Pathogenesis was studied using a recombinant HaSNPV carrying a green fluorescent protein gene, which induces fluorescence in infected cells to mark infection. In larvae of H. armigera, fluorescence was pronounced in the fat body after 2.9 days post infection and could also be detected in several other tissues. In contrast, fluorescence was not observed in tissues of S. exigua until 9 days post infection and was restricted almost exclusively to cells of the ganglia. Examination of serial sections of wildtype HaSNPV-infected S. exigua-larvae revealed a similar pattern of tissue tropism. Apparently, HaSNPV does not undergo the usual steps in host invasion and infection in this insect species, but targets specifically to nervous tissue.  相似文献   

Although the first two instars tend to eat the silks, last instar larvae of the corn earworm, Heliothis zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), prefer to feed on the kernels rather than on the other components of the maize ear. They feed preferentially on the germ of the kernel, but when offered whole kernels also eat some of the endosperm. Larvae that eat cut portions of the kernels that include all of the germ and some endosperm utilize their food for growth more efficiently than do larvae that eat portions of the kernel that include only endosperm. Adults that ate germ portions or endosperm portions of the kernel as larvae do not differ significantly in longevity, number of days on which they oviposit, number of eggs laid per day or the percentage of the eggs that hatched. We suggest that the larvae use self-selection to increase their intake of germ, thus increasing utilization efficiency and decreasing the amount of food that they must eat. When they feed on plants (other than maize) with small fruits, this probably increases their ability to compete for food when it is scarce and minimizes exposure to predation by decreasing the number of foraging trips and the distance that they must travel in search of food.
Résumé Bien que les deux premiers stades larvaires d'H. zea (Lepid.: Noctuidae) tendent à consommer les soies, les trois derniers stades préfèrent les grains aux autres parties de l'épi de maïs. La chenille du dernier stade consomme de préférence le germe du grain, mais quand on lui offre l'ensemble du grain, elle consomme aussi une partie de l'albumen. Les chenilles qui coupent des morceaux du grain comprenant la totalité du germe et une fraction d'albumen ont une alimentation permettant une croissance plus efficace que les chenilles qui consomment des portions de grain ne contenant que de l'albumen. Ainsi, les chenilles qui mangent des fractions de germe ont besoin de consommer moins, pour atteindre le même poids que les chenilles qui consomment des morceaux d'albumen. Les longévités, les nombres de jours de ponte, les fécondités quotidiennes et les fertilités des oeufs sont les mêmes pour les papillons provenant des chenilles ayant consomme des morceaux de germe ou des morceaux d'albumien. L'albumen seul est un aliment suboptimal, et H. zea pourrait théoriquement améliorer ultérieurement son régime en mangeant plus de germes. Nous estimons que ceci ne serait pas rentable puisque la durée des stades devrait être prolongée et que la manutention et les rejets d'albumen devraient être accrus. H. zea se serait adapté à une solution de compromis pour l'optimalisation du régime alimentaire. Il réduit le temps de récolte et perd en efficacité en consommant de l'albumin suboptimal; mais il regagne autant que possible en efficacité en mangenat le germe de pratiquement tous les grains attaqués. Cette augmentation de l'efficacité diminue la quantité d'aliments qui doit être ingéré, et fournit un potentiel adaptatif quand les chenilles consomment des plantes (autres que le maïs) avec des petits fruits. L'exposition à la prédation est réduite, puisque la distance parcourue pour la recherche des fruits est diminuée.

Last instar larvae of the corn earworm, Heliothis zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), require lipid and certain vitamins in their diet in order to complete larval development. When experimental larvae were offered two nutritionally incomplete diets, each lacking a different one of the requirements, they invariably ate from both diets, self-selecting a mixture that was nutritionally superior to either diet alone.
Résumé Les chenilles de dernier stade d' H. zea (Boddie) (Lep.:Noctuidae) ont besoin de lipides et de certaines vitamines dans leur régime alimentaire, probablement parce qu'elles n'en contiennent pas assez provenant des stades précédents. Quand deux régimes incomplete ont été fournis aux chenilles (chacun privé différemment de l'un de ces consituants: lipide, chlorure de choline ou un ensemble de vitamines), elles ont consommé systématiquement des deux régimes et autosélectionné un aliment de qualité supèrieure à celle de chaque régime séparément. D'un autre côté, les chenilles témoins à qui on a offert deux régimes identiques et nutritionnellement complets, ont choisi apparemment leur aliment au hasard, et presque la moitié d'entre elles ont consommé exclusivement on presque exclusivement l'un des régimes, tandis que l'autre moitié a choise exclusivement or presque exclusivement l'autre.

The role of juvenile hormone (JH) esterase (JHE) and epoxide hydrolase (EH) in reproduction of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa zea, was investigated. Peak emergence of male and female bollworm adults occurred early in the scotophase. Female adults were added to males in a 1:2 ratio, respectively, at the beginning of the first photophase after emergence (d0). The highest oviposition rates for mated females were noted on d 2-4. The in vitro JH III esterase and JH III EH activity was measured in whole body homogenates of virgin and mated females from d0 to d8 post-emergence. Maximal JHE activity for virgin females occurred on d2 (1.09+/-0.14(+/-1 SEM) nmol of JH III degraded/min/mg protein), which was approximately twice that of mated females on the same day. The same results were observed for EH where the activity peaked on d2 at 0.053+/-0.003 as compared to 0.033+/-0.003 nmol of JH III degraded/min/mg protein, respectively. By d4, both JHE and JH EH activities declined significantly in virgin and mated females and were the same through d7. The developmental changes and effects of mating on JH degradation were similar when measured per insect. The highest levels of JHE and JH EH activity/min/mg protein in d2 virgin and mated females was found in ovaries followed by the carcass and then haemolymph; no EH activity was found in haemolymph as expected. For ovary, the JHE and JH EH activity was highest in virgin compared to mated females. The role of both enzymes in the regulation of reproduction is discussed.  相似文献   

To assess the diversity and relationships of baculoviruses found in insects of the heliothine pest complex, a PCR-based method was used to classify 90 samples of nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV; Baculoviridae: Alphabaculovirus) obtained worldwide from larvae of Heliothis virescens, Helicoverpa zea, and Helicoverpa armigera. Partial nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of three highly conserved genes (lef-8, lef-9, and polh) indicated that 67 of these samples contained isolates of the H. zea-H. armigera single nucleopolyhedrovirus (Hz/HaSNPV) species group. Eighteen of the samples contained isolates of a multiple NPV from H. armigera, HearMNPV, and five of the samples contained isolates of Autographa californica MNPV (AcMNPV). Sequencing and analysis of an additional seven loci (orf5/orf5b, hr3-orf62, orf26, orf79, orf124/orf117a, orf42, and a part of the region between hr2 and hr3) in the Hz/HearSNPV isolates further classified these viruses into two groups of HearSNPV variants mostly from India and China and a third group of HzSNPV variants. Some of the samples contained isolates of more than one virus. In bioassays of a selection of isolates against H. zea, the commercially available Gemstar® isolate of HzSNPV killed larvae faster than most other Hz/HaSNPV and HearMNPV isolates. Gemstar® and two HearMNPV isolates exhibited significantly higher LC50s than the Hz/HearSNPV isolates tested. This study expands significantly on what we know about the variation of heliothine NPV populations, provides novel information on the distinct groups in which these NPVs occur, and contributes to the knowledge required for improvement of heliothine baculoviruses as biological control agents.  相似文献   

Several carbohydrates were tested for their ability to stimulate last instar Heliothis zea larvae to bite and, as a measure of nutritional value, for their ability to prolong the lives of H. zea larvae in the absence of a protein. Sucrose, fructose and glucose strongly stimulated biting. Maltose and sorbose were weakly stimulating, and mannitol, rhamnose, galactose, and lactose did not stimulate biting at the concentrations tested. Sucrose, fructose, mannitol, maltose, glucose, galactose, corn starch, and lactose all prolonged life, but larval longevity varied among these carbohydrates. Rhamnose did not prolong life, nor did sorbose, which was slightly toxic. When fructose, glucose, or mannitol replaced sucrose in a nutritionally complete defined diet containing protein, utilization efficiencies were minimally affected. When sorbose was substituted for sucrose, it did not cause mortality, but it did depress the efficiency of utilization significantly below that of a control diet that lacked any carbohydrate except cellulose powder.
Résumé L'étude a porté sur l'apitude de plusieurs carbohydrates à stimuler les morsures des chenilles du dernier stade de H. zea et à prolonger leur vie, (mesure de la valeur nutritive), en absence de protéines. Sucrose, fructose et glucose stimulent fortement les morsures. Maltose et sorbose ont été faiblement stimulants, et rhamnose, galactose, lactose et mannitol n'ont pas stimulé aux concentrations examinées. Sucrose, fructose, mannitol, maltose, glucose, galactose, amidon de maïs et lactose ont tous prolongé la vie, mais d'une façon différente suivant les carbohydrates.La rhamnose n'a pas prolongé la vie, tout comme le sorbose, qui s'est révélé légèrement toxique. Quand le fructose, le glucose ou le mannitol ont remplacé le sucrose dans un régime complètement défini contenant des protéines, la perturbation de l'efficacité d'utilisation a été minimale, mais la substitution du sorbose par le sucrose, bien qu'elle n'ait pas provoqué de mortalité, a donné une efficacité d'utilisation significativement plus faible qu'un témoin négatif ayant perdu tous les carbohydrates, à l'exception de poudre de cellulose.

Soil-to-plant abiotic transport of a recombinant nucleopolyhedrovirus (HzSNPV.LqhIT2) was studied to quantify the proportion of different concentrations of soil virus transported to specific parts of cotton plants under controlled greenhouse conditions; these results were related to transport in the field where wind, rain, and soil type were not controlled. Under conducive precipitation conditions in the greenhouse, the estimated number of viral occlusion bodies (OB) transported ranged from 7 OB (to the top third of the plant, 40–60 cm above the soil, at the low virus concentration, 250 OB/g soil) to 629 OB (to the bottom third of the plant, 0–20 cm, at the high virus concentration, 12,500 OB/g soil). Under conducive wind conditions in the greenhouse, the estimated number of OB transported ranged from 8 OB (to the top third of the plant at the low concentration) to 94 OB (to the bottom third of the plant at the high concentration). The overall proportion of OB transported from soil to plant was greatest, ranging from 2.1–6.2  ×  10−6, from the lowest soil concentration to the lowest 40 cm of the plant. Only 5 × 10−8 of the soil OB were transported from the high-concentration soil to a height of 40–60 cm on the plants. In the field experiment, the estimated number of OB on each cotton plant depended on the concentration of OB in soil in June and July, but this effect was no longer significant in August. There were significantly more OB on the lower third of plants than on the top third in July, but not in June or August. Significantly more OB were detected on cotton leaves than on buds or squares in July, and there were more OB on leaves than on buds, squares, bracts, or bolls in August. The amount of HzSNPV.LqhIT2 naturally transported from soil to cotton plants was sufficient to infect 6–11% (low to high soil concentration) of first instar Heliothis virescens (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in June, 2–6% in July, and 1–3% in August. These results fill gaps in understanding NPV epizootiology that are important to biological control and risk assessment.  相似文献   

Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) cultivars vary widely in their growth habit and seed size. Preliminary experiments indicated that a large-seeded pole cultivar (King of the Garden) formed many more nodules than a small-seeded bush cultivar (Henderson). The relative importance of seed size and shoot mass in determining nodule number and mass was assessed in five lima bean cultivars differing in seed size and growth habit. Between cultivars, significant positive correlations between initial seed mass, plant weight and nodule number and mass were observed during the first four weeks after planting. Comparisons within cultivars indicated a strong correlation between nodule mass and shoot dry weight. The influence of plant morphology on nodule formation and mass was secondary to the effects of seed and shoot mass. As plants matured, the increase in nodule mass paralleled the increase in plant mass, while nodule number was relatively stable after day 18. These results suggest that the highly regulated process of nodule formation was under the influence of seed derived factors, while the continued accumulation of nodule tissue was related to shoot growth.  相似文献   

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