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Identification of the gene encoding Marek''s disease herpesvirus A antigen.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
The gene encoding the glycoprotein Marek's disease herpesvirus A antigen (MDHV-A) precursor polypeptide pr47 was delineated by using Northern blot (RNA blot) analysis and hybrid selection of its mRNA with cloned MDHV DNA, cell-free translation of the mRNA, and immunoprecipitation of the polypeptide. The resulting piece of DNA with strongly positive hybrid selection results was a 2.2-kilobase-pair (kbp) PvuII-EcoRI restriction fragment localized to the center of the 18.3-kbp MDHV BamHI B fragment of the total virus genome. The localization was specific since no other small restriction subfragment of the larger BamHI B fragment was able to hybrid select significant MDHV-A mRNA and the gene mapped only in the BamHI B fragment of the total virus genome. Northern blot analysis confirmed the localization of the MDHV-A gene on the 2.2-kbp fragment and detected its mRNA as a 1.8-kilobase species, a size consistent with encoding a 47-kilodalton polypeptide. This is the first report of an MDHV gene being mapped to the MDHV viral genome. This opens the way for the use of recombinant DNA technology to study the nature of the gene encoding a secreted virus-specific glycoprotein that could possibly be involved in immunoprevention, immunosuppression, or immunoevasion, immune phenomena known or speculated to be involved in this oncogenic herpesvirus system.  相似文献   

Map location of the thymidine kinase gene of bovine herpesvirus 1.   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Bovine herpesvirus 1 has been reported to contain a thymidine kinase (tk) gene which is nonessential for virus replication. We have isolated a thymidine kinase-negative mutant of the virus and localized the mutation by marker rescue experiments to a 1.1-kilobase BglII-SalI fragment which maps at 0.47 to 0.48 on the bovine herpesvirus 1 genomic map. A thymidine kinase-negative bovine cell line isolated in our laboratory was used in these studies.  相似文献   

K Ikuta  S Ueda  S Kato    K Hirai 《Journal of virology》1984,49(3):1014-1017
By use of monoclonal antibodies cross-reactive with Marek's disease virus and herpesvirus of turkeys, three glycoproteins (for Marek's disease virus, gp115/110, gp63, and gp50; for herpesvirus of turkeys, gp115, gp62 and gp52) related to virus neutralization were identified. Immunization of chickens or rabbits with these glycoproteins purified by affinity chromatography resulted in production of neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

Fowlpox virus (FPV) recombinants expressing the glycoprotein B and the phosphorylated protein (pp38) of the GA strain of Marek's disease virus (MDV) were assayed for their ability to protect chickens against challenge with virulent MDV. The recombinant FPV expressing the glycoprotein B gene elicited neutralizing antibodies against MDV, significantly reduced the level of cell-associated viremia, and, similar to the conventional herpesvirus of turkeys, protected chickens against challenge with the GA strain and the highly virulent RB1B and Md5 strains of MDV. The recombinant FPV expressing the pp38 gene failed to either elicit neutralizing antibodies against MDV or protect the vaccinated chickens against challenge with MDV.  相似文献   

I Sithole  L F Lee    L F Velicer 《Journal of virology》1988,62(11):4270-4279
The Marek's disease herpesvirus B antigen (MDHV-B) complex was previously immunologically identified and molecularly characterized as a set of three glycoproteins designated gp100, gp60, and gp49 on the basis of apparent molecular weight and immunoprecipitation with both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. Immunoprecipitation analysis, previously with polyclonal and more recently with monoclonal antibodies, of infected cell lysates labeled with [35S]methionine in the presence of tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-linked glycosylation, revealed two putative precursor molecules of 88,000 daltons (pr88) and 44,000 daltons (pr44). High-resolution pulse-chase studies revealed that gp100 was a glycosylated intermediate which was processed to yield gp60 and gp49. This cleavage was inhibited by monensin, an inhibitor of glycoprotein processing. Endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidases F and H (endo-F, endo-H) reduced gp100 to pr88, indicating that the latter is an intermediate in the biosynthetic pathway. These same enzymes reduced gp49, and to a lesser extent gp60, to pr44, suggesting that pr44 is their polypeptide backbone. Significant support for this concept is the fact that the same monoclonal antibody recognized all three molecules, gp60, gp49, and pr44. In the presence of monensin, terminal addition of complex sugars was also prevented, since gp60 was replaced by a slightly faster migrating component which was insensitive to both endo-F and endo-H. Cell-free translation of infected-cell mRNA, followed by immunoprecipitation analysis with either polyclonal or monoclonal antibody, resulted in detection of a putative unglycosylated precursor polypeptide of 44,000 daltons. Since pr88 was not the initial precursor polypeptide of the MDHV-B complex, its existence may have resulted from dimerization of pr44. Again, detection of both pr88 and pr44 with the same monoclonal antibody is consistent with this interpretation. These collective data obtained from the cell-free and in vivo studies with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies reactive with MDHV-B are consistent with the concept that pr44, the initial gene product, dimerizes to form pr88 and demonstrate that pr88 is actually a processing intermediate glycosylated to gp100, another processing intermediate, which is then processed to gp60 and gp49.  相似文献   

A bovine herpesvirus 1 variant (mar6) containing a mutation in a viral glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 130,000 (g130) was isolated by selecting for resistance to a neutralizing monoclonal antibody (130-6) directed against g130. Mar6 was completely resistant to neutralization by monoclonal antibody 130-6 in the presence and absence of complement, but was neutralized by polyvalent immune sera. The mar6 mutant synthesized and processed g130, but produced plaques which failed to react with monoclonal antibody 130-6 in an in situ immunoassay (black plaque). However, monoclonal antibody 130-6 was capable of binding and immunoprecipitating g130 from infected-cell extracts produced by lysis of mar6-infected cells with nonionic detergents. The mutation in mar6 was mapped by marker rescue with cloned bovine herpesvirus 1 restriction enzyme fragments to a 3.8-kilobase fragment at approximate map units 0.405 to 0.432. In addition, it was found that a DNA probe containing the glycoprotein B gene of herpes simplex type 1 hybridized uniquely to the same 3.8-kilobase fragment which was shown by marker rescue to contain the mutation site in the gene for bovine herpesvirus 1 g130.  相似文献   

Sera from chickens naturally infected with Marek's disease herpesvirus (MDHV) form preciptin lines with at least two immunologically distinct soluble antigens designated MDHV-A and MDHV-B. Partial purification and characterization of the glycoprotein MDHV-A antigen was previously reported. MDHV-B was found predominantly in the sonically treated extracts of infected cells, in contrast to the predominantly extracellular MDHV-A. Analysis of these extracts from [14C]glucosamine-labeled cells by immunodiffusion with chicken anti MDHV-B serum negative for MDHV-A followed by autoradiography confirmed that MDHV-B was a common antigen between MDHV and herpesvirus of turkeys and revealed that it was also a glycoprotein. Because of their glycoprotein nature, both MDHV-A and MDHV-B bound to concanavalin A affinity chromatography columns and could then be eluted by alpha-methyl-D-mannoside and recovered for further analysis. Concanavalin A affinity chromatography was an excellent technique for initial purification of MDHV-A and MDHV-B, since approximately 5- and 15- fold purification, respectively, was achieved in a single simple step. MDHV-B was resistant to trypsin under conditions where MDHV-A was sensitive, but was similar to MDHV-A in resistance to pH 2.0 and to 1.0 or 2.0 M urea and 0.05% Brij 35. Partially purified MDHV-B was analyzed by sucrose gradient sedimentation, isoelectric focusing, and gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 in the presence of 1.0 or 2.0 M urea and 0.05% Brij 35 to purify the antigen and to determine its physical and chemical properties in comparison with those already reported for MDHV-A. MDHV-B had a much lower isoelectric point in pH 4,54, a higher sedimentation coefficient of 4.4S, and a greater molecular weight of 58,250. These data indicate that MDHV-B is physically distinct from MDHV-A antigen, although the size difference is not sufficient to allow for effective separation. In contrast, the isoelectric point difference of greater than 2 pH units makes isoelectric focusing an effective means of purifying the antigens free of one another. The four-step purification procedure achieved greater than 200-fold purification of MDHV-B. Immunization of rabbits with this highly purified antigen results in the preparation of antisera that appeared monospecific for MDHV-B in immunodiffusion.  相似文献   

Some regions of the genomes of human B-lymphotrophic virus (HBLV), also designated as human herpesvirus 6, and Marek's disease virus were found to hybridize to each other under moderate to stringent conditions, scoring from 10 to 30% base-pair mismatch. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that a 6-base-pair repetitive sequence, GGGTTA (DR2), present in the IRS-IRL junction region of the Marek's disease virus genome, was also reiterated in the HBLV genome. The function(s) of such a sequence is unknown, but this is the first report of homology between HBLV and a nonhuman herpesvirus.  相似文献   

The 57,000- to 65,000-dalton (Da) Marek's disease herpesvirus A (MDHV-A) antigen glycoprotein (gp57-65) has a 47,000-Da unglycosylated precursor polypeptide (pr47), as determined by immunological detection after cell-free translation of infected-cell mRNA. Cleavage of its signal peptide yielded a 44,000-Da precursor polypeptide molecule (pr44), detected both in vivo after tunicamycin inhibition of glycosylation and in vitro after dog pancreas microsome processing of pr47. High-resolution pulse-chase studies showed that pr44 was quickly glycosylated (within 1 min) to nearly full size, a rapid processing time consistent with a cotranslational mode of glycosylation. This major glycosylation intermediate was further modified 6 to 30 min postsynthesis (including the addition of sialic acid), and mature MDHV-A was secreted 30 to 120 min postsynthesis. Limited apparent secretion of pr44 occurred only in the first minute postsynthesis, in contrast to the later secretion of most of the MDHV-A polypeptide as the fully glycosylated form described above. In addition, in the presence of tunicamycin a small fraction of the newly synthesized MDHV-A protein appeared as a secreted, partially glycosylated, heterogeneously sized precursor larger than pr44. pr44 constituted the major fraction of the new MDHV-A made in the presence of the inhibitor but the precursor was smaller than mature MDHV-A. These data indicate that there is a minor glycosylation pathway not sensitive to tunicamycin and that "normal" glycosylation is not necessary for secretion. Collectively, the data demonstrate that the rapid release of most of the fully glycosylated form of MHDV-A from the cell shortly after synthesis is true secretion in a well-regulated and precisely programmed way and not the result of cell death and disruption.  相似文献   

The relation between the passage level of Marek's disease virus, C2 strain, and of herpesvirus of turkey (HVT), O1 strain, in cell culture and the level of the serological response of chickens to these viruses was examined. In both cases the immune response of chickens to these viruses decreased with increase in the number of in vitro passages of virus. Virus was not recovered from chickens inoculated with HVT highly passaged in vitro, which had become a high producer of cell-free virus in vitro, and grew equally well at 37 C and 41 C.  相似文献   

Hypervariable regions in the putative glycoprotein of hepatitis C virus.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
A comparison of the sequences of the putative glycoprotein region in three independent cDNA clones of hepatitis C virus and of sequences of four other clones revealed extensive genetic variation clustered and interspersed with highly conserved amino acid sequences. We obtained evidence for two hypervariable regions in the putative envelope glycoprotein, one region was assumed to be a potential antigenic site, as deduced from the hydrophilicity and analyses of secondary structures. These observations suggest the existence of a large pool of antigenic variants of hepatitis C virus, in Japan.  相似文献   

A gene in equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1, equine abortion virus) homologous to the glycoprotein H gene of herpes simplex virus (HSV) was identified and characterised by its nucleotide and derived amino acid sequence. The EHV-1 gH gene is located at 0.47-0.49 map units and contains an open reading frame capable of specifying a polypeptide of 848 amino acids, including N- and C-terminal hydrophobic domains consistent with signal and membrane anchor regions respectively, and 11 potential sites for N-glycosylation. Alignment of the amino acid sequence with those published for HSV gH, varicella zoster virus gpIII, Epstein Barr virus gp85 and human cytomegalovirus p86 shows similarity of the EHV gene with the 2 other alpha-herpesviruses over most of the polypeptide, but only the C-terminal half could be aligned for all 5 viruses. The identical positioning of 6 cysteine residues and a number of highly conserved amino acid motifs supports a common evolutionary origin of this gene and is consistent with its role as an essential glycoprotein of the herpesvirus family. An origin of replication is predicted to occur at approximately 300 nucleotides downstream of the EHV-1 gH coding region, on the basis of similarity to other herpesvirus origins.  相似文献   



Mammalian sex-chromosomes originated from a pair of autosomes. A step-wise cessation of recombination is necessary for the proper maintenance of sex-determination and, consequently, generates a four strata structure on the X chromosome. Each stratum shows a specific per-site nucleotide sequence difference (p-distance) between the X and Y chromosomes, depending on the time of recombination arrest. Stratum 4 covers the distal half of the human X chromosome short arm and the p-distance of the stratum is ~10%, on average. However, a 100-kb region, which includes KALX and VCX, in the middle of stratum 4 shows a significantly lower p-distance (1-5%), suggesting frequent sequence exchanges or gene conversions between the X and Y chromosomes in humans. To examine the evolutionary mechanism for this low p-distance region, sequences of a corresponding region including KALX/Y from seven species of non-human primates were analyzed.  相似文献   

L T Wen  A Tanaka    M Nonoyama 《Journal of virology》1988,62(10):3764-3771
A new Marek's disease virus (MDV) nuclear antigen (MDNA) was identified in two MDV-transformed T-lymphoblastoid cell lines, MKT-1 and MSB-1, derived from chickens bearing tumors induced by MDV. This MDNA was not detected in MSB-1 cells maintained in iododeoxyuridine, which activates the latent MDV genome. Moreover, it was not found in chicken embryo fibroblasts undergoing productive and cytolytic infection with MDV. Expression of MDNA is not related to strain pathogenicity in chickens, because chicken embryo fibroblasts productively infected with the pathogenic RBIB strain or the nonpathogenic CV-1 strain of MDV did not express this antigen. DNA-protein immunoprecipitation studies revealed that MDNA bound to two sites in the 190,00-base-pair (bp) MDV genome. One of these loci identified by MDNA obtained from MKT-1 and MSB-1 cells corresponded to a 476-bp segment within the short unique region of BamHI-A MDV DNA. A second locus located in a 280-bp segment within the short inverted repeat region of BamHI-A was also identified by MDNA from MSB-1 cells but not by MDNA obtained from MKT-1 cells. Analyses of the nucleotide sequence by DNase digestion showed that MDNA protected a 60-bp segment spanning a 22-bp palindromic sequence of the short unique region and a 103-bp sequence encompassing a 32-bp palindrome in the short inverted repeat region of BamHI-A MDV DNA.  相似文献   

Marek's disease virus (MDV) showed only 0.3-0.6% homology in DNA sequence with herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT) at Tm-24.4 degrees C in spite of its antigenic similarity to the latter. Southern blot hybridization under stringent conditions showed that the homology between MDV and HVT is located in the restricted portion of these viral genomes. At Tm-49.6 degrees C, which permits the detection of homology with one base mismatch in three between the MDV and HVT DNAs, sequences with weak homology were found to be distributed over most of these viral genomes. No homology was detected between Epstein-Barr virus and either MDV or HVT DNA.  相似文献   

So far, vaccination experiments against feline immunodeficiency virus have used in vitro-grown virus to challenge the vaccinated hosts. In this study, cats were vaccinated with fixed feline immunodeficiency virus-infected cells and challenged with plasma obtained from cats infected with the homologous virus diluted to contain 10 cat 50% infectious doses. As judged by virus culture, PCRs, and serological analyses performed over an 18-month period after the challenge, all of the vaccinated cats were clearly protected. Interestingly, prior to challenge most vaccines lacked antibodies capable of neutralizing a fresh isolate of the homologous virus.  相似文献   

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