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The subjects who underwent diagnostic coronarography and detailed examination included 274 patients with lesions in the left coronary artery and its branches and 50 subjects without pathological changes in the coronary arteries or left ventricle. The authors also examined 149 patients with unchanged coronary arteries (67 with small vessel disease 42 with cardiomyopathy of various etiology; and 40 with other pathologies, such as the WPW syndrome, arterial hypertension, aortic stenosis, etc.). In addition to routine retrograde left heart catheterization and recording of the hemodynamic parameters demonstrated by ventriculography, the coronary blood flow was measured in all patients. Its normalized (specific) values are a basis for the coronary blood flow quantification in normal subjects, patients with the coronary heart disease (with insufficient oxygen supply to the myocardium), and those with cardiomyopathy of various genesis (when the myocardial oxygen demand increases together with the left ventricular myocardium mass).  相似文献   

Imbalances in the concentrations of trace metals have become an increasingly recognized source of infirmity worldwide particularly in the development of ischemia heart disease (IHD). Present study is intended to analyze the concentrations of Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, Sr, and Zn in the blood and scalp hair of the patients and counterpart controls by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after wet-acid digestion. On the average, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, K, Li, Mn, Na, and Pb revealed significantly elevated concentrations in the blood of the patients compared with the controls (p < 0.05), whereas mean levels of Ca, Cd, Fe, K, Li, Pb, and Sr in the scalp hair were significantly higher in the patients than the controls (p < 0.05). Most of the metals exhibited noticeable disparities in their concentrations based on gender, abode, dietary/smoking habits, and occupations of both donor groups. The correlation study and multivariate statistical analyses revealed some significantly divergent associations and apportionment of the metals in both donor groups. Overall, comparative variations of the metal contents in blood/scalp hair of the patients were significantly different than the controls; thus, evaluation of trace metals status may be indicative of pathological disorders, such as IHD.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system during sleep in health and disease. The examination included 396 subjects: 29 healthy subjects and 367 patients with ischemic heart disease, of whom 149 had left-ventricular failure and 214 hypertension. Sleep quality and the presence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome were evaluated by polysomnography; the character of autonomic regulation of cardiac rhythm and hemodynamics was determined by computerized testing during night sleep and an active orthostatic test immediately before and after sleep. The results permitted the authors to conclude that autonomic regulation may be restored to various degrees in health and disease, depending on the pathology level. The sleep quality influenced the restoration of hemodynamics more than that of the cardiac rhythm, mainly when obstructive sleep apnea syndrome was present.  相似文献   

目的:通过研究帕金森病和正常外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)的蛋白质组差异,初步探讨外周免疫系统与帕金森病的病理联系.方法:用固相pH梯度双向凝胶电泳分离人帕金森病和正常单个核细胞总蛋白质,考马斯亮蓝染色,PDQuest 2-DE软件分析,对部分差异蛋白质点进行基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)测定其胶内酶解后的肽质指纹图谱,用Mascot查询系统查询SWISS-PROT数据库.结果:获得了分辨率和重复性均较好的双向电泳考染图谱,对其中的21个差异蛋白质点分别进行肽质指纹分析,经数据库查询,初步鉴定为一些与蛋白降解、抗氧化应激、信号转导、细胞骨架、细胞周期调控等有关的蛋白质.结论:建立了帕金森病PBMC的双向凝胶电泳图谱,提示帕金森病和正常的PBMC的蛋白质表达具有差异.  相似文献   

The value of the oral triolein-I131 “tolerance” test in the study of patients with coronary heart disease was assessed. Thirtynine patients were divided into three groups: those with clinical evidence of coronary heart disease, those with increased risk, and those with no increased risk of coronary heart disease. The variability of the results precluded differentiation between the groups on the basis of this test. A minority of the patients with coronary heart disease showed strikingly elevated blood levels of lipid-bound radioactivity following the oral ingestion of triolein-I131. It was concluded that this test is of no use in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease but may identify those patients with coronary heart disease who dispose of orally ingested fat in a grossly abnormal fashion.  相似文献   

Noninvasive ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring is a developing method in clinical practice. Its interpretation needs reference standards stratified by age and gender. This study addresses ambulatory BP monitoring in elderly people with the purpose of quantifying the discrete and periodic variability of BP pattern over a 24-h period. The ABPM was performed in 92 clinically healthy subjects (45 men and 47 women) ranging in age from 76 to 102 years. The results refer to the time-qualified mean values with their dispersion, to the circadian rhythm with its parameters, and to the daily baric impact (BI) with its variability. The conclusion is drawn that BP preserves its nychtohemeral variability and circadian rhythmicity despite old age. The daily BP mean level and BI in older people in good health are comparable with those of young subjects, suggesting that humans surviving into old age are characterized by a eugenic control of their pressure regimen.  相似文献   

Noninvasive ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring is a developing method in clinical practice. Its interpretation needs reference standards stratified by age and gender. This study addresses ambulatory BP monitoring in elderly people with the purpose of quantifying the discrete and periodic variability of BP pattern over a 24-h period. The ABPM was performed in 92 clinically healthy subjects (45 men and 47 women) ranging in age from 76 to 102 years. The results refer to the time-qualified mean values with their dispersion, to the circadian rhythm with its parameters, and to the daily baric impact (BI) with its variability. The conclusion is drawn that BP preserves its nychtohemeral variability and circadian rhythmicity despite old age. The daily BP mean level and BI in older people in good health are comparable with those of young subjects, suggesting that humans surviving into old age are characterized by a eugenic control of their pressure regimen.  相似文献   

Cortisol and melatonin have well known circadian rhythms, coupled to the solar day. Melatonin has been shown to serve as an endogenuous “Zeitgeber” (time giver) and is secreted by the human pineal gland throughout the night but not during the day. Patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) have significant depressed nocturnal melatonin secretion compared to healthy individuals (Brugger et al., 1995). In addition to our previous study we measured serum concentrations of cortisol to evaluate whether the circadian rhythm of cortisol secretion is also different in patients with CHD. Blood was collected by venous puncture at 0200 and at 1400, serum separated and kept frozen at -20°C until analysis. Cortisol and melatonin were measured with a commercially available radioimmunoassay according to the instructions of the manufacturer. Nineteen patients with angiographically documented CHD (mean age 53 years) participated in this study. As control group served 12 adults without any signs of CHD. Melatonin serum concentrations (median; mean ± SD) at night were significantly depressed in patients with coronary heart disease (7.8; 8.6 ± 3.3 pg/ml) in comparison to the control group (38.0; 45.4 ± 24.1 pg/ml) p &lt; 0.01. Melatonin in the afternoon was not detectable in either of the groups. Cortisol values at night were significantly raised in patients with coronary heart disease (6.0; 7.2 ± 3.7 µg/dl) in comparison to the control group (2.7; 3.8 ± 2.9 µg/dl) p &lt; 0.05. Cortisol levels in the afternoon were also elevated in patients with CHD (8.9; 9.5 ± 3.8 µg/dl) but there was no significant difference compared to controls (6.8; 6.9 ± 4.5 µg/dl). The results of the present study indicate that patients with coronary heart disease have atypical secretory patterns of nocturnal cortisol and melatonin secretion.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1-5):117-127
The anti-oxidant phenotype was determined in red blood cell haemolysates of 62 healthy elderly persons (Mean age: 56) and a number of male silicosis patients (Mean age: 65,n = 19). Moreover, analysis of watersoluble fluorescent substances in plasma, recently introduced as a new test for in vivo lipidperoxida-tion, was included. Within the control group results were analyzed on the effect of smoking (no effect), use of medication (lowered GSH-content) or gender (no differences apart from haemoglobine content). No simple relationship between any pair of the measured parameters in erythrocytes was present. When comparing the male control persons with the silicosis group a significantly higher red blood cell GSH-level was observed in the latter. Moreover, some factors of the anti-oxidant system are strongly correlated in the diseased, but not in the healthy subjects.  相似文献   

The anti-oxidant phenotype was determined in red blood cell haemolysates of 62 healthy elderly persons (Mean age: 56) and a number of male silicosis patients (Mean age: 65,n = 19). Moreover, analysis of watersoluble fluorescent substances in plasma, recently introduced as a new test for in vivo lipidperoxida-tion, was included. Within the control group results were analyzed on the effect of smoking (no effect), use of medication (lowered GSH-content) or gender (no differences apart from haemoglobine content). No simple relationship between any pair of the measured parameters in erythrocytes was present. When comparing the male control persons with the silicosis group a significantly higher red blood cell GSH-level was observed in the latter. Moreover, some factors of the anti-oxidant system are strongly correlated in the diseased, but not in the healthy subjects.  相似文献   

目的:探讨冠心病患者静息心率与血小板活性的相关研究。方法:选择2013年1月至2014年9月于我院住院患者474例,按静息心率快慢分为三组,心率70 bmp为第一组(Q1)150例,心率位于70~85 bmp为第二组(Q2)265例,心率85 bmp为第三组(Q3)59例,三组患者均于病情稳定时行血栓弹力图(TEG)中MA值检测,同时随访3个月,观察和比较三组患者MA值变化及预后。结果:三组患者MA值分别为61.16±7.29 mm、62.02±7.46 mm、65.32±6.56 mm,第三组患者MA值与第一组或第二组患者MA值比较差异均存在统计学意义(P0.05),通过血栓弹力图检测三组经花生四烯酸(AA)途径的血小板抑制率和经二磷酸腺苷(ADP)途径的血小板抑制率发现,静息心率高低与抗血小板药物作用疗效无相关关系(P0.05)。随访3个月,三组患者心绞痛、再住院、脑血管病及死亡的总发生率分别为28%、28.68%、40.67%。结论:冠心病患者静息心率越快,MA值越大即血小板活性越高,静息心率的高低与抗血小板药物作用疗效无关。  相似文献   



Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is sensitive to early atherosclerotic changes such as positive remodeling in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). We assessed prevalence, quality, and extent of coronary atherosclerosis in a group of healthy subjects compared to patients with confirmed CAD.


Twenty-two patients with confirmed CAD (15M, 7F, mean age 60.4±10.4 years) and 26 healthy subjects without history of CAD (11M, 15F, mean age 56.1±4.4 years) underwent MRI of the right coronary artery (RCA) and vessel wall (MR-CVW) on a clinical 1.5T MR-scanner. Wall thickness measurements of both groups were compared.

Principal Findings

Stenoses of the RCA (both < and ≥50% on CAG) were present in all patients. In 21/22 patients, stenoses detected at MRI corresponded to stenoses detected with conventional angiography. In 19/26 asymptomatic subjects, there was visible luminal narrowing in the MR luminography images. Fourteen of these subjects demonstrated corresponding increase in vessel wall thickness. In 4/26 asymptomatic subjects, vessel wall thickening without luminal narrowing was present. Maximum and mean wall thicknesses in patients were significantly higher (2.16 vs 1.92 mm, and 1.38 vs 1.22 mm, both p<0.05).


In this cohort of middle-aged individuals, both patients with stable angina and angiographically proven coronary artery disease, as well as age-matched asymptomatic subjects. exhibited coronary vessel wall thickening detectable with MR coronary vessel wall imaging. Maximum and mean wall thicknesses were significantly higher in patients. The vast majority of asymptomatic subjects had either positive remodeling without luminal narrowing, or non-significant stenosis.

Trial registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00456950  相似文献   

ABO blood groups were determined in 404 patients who had cardiac surgery for heart disease; 136 of these patients had rheumatic valvular heart disease and 268 had congenital heart disease. The incidence of each ABO blood group was compared to a control series of 2171 patients by means of the ϰ2 test. There was no statistical difference in the incidence of ABO blood group when patients with congenital and rheumatic valvular heart disease were compared with the control group.  相似文献   

降低血粘度对慢性肺心病急性加重期疗效的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张威  姜琳  祖静  周烁 《蛇志》2007,19(1):28-29
目的探讨血栓通降低血粘度对慢性肺心病急性加重期疗效的影响。方法将113例慢性肺心病急性加重期患者随机分为两组,观察组63例,对照组50例,两组病例均采取常规治疗(包括抗感染、改善通气、持续低流量吸氧、纠正心衰等),观察组同时应用血栓通注射液350mg加入生理盐水250ml中静滴,每日1次,15天为1疗程。两组病例治疗前、后分别检查血常规、血液流变学、血气分析和凝血常规4项。结果治疗前两组血液流变学数据无显著差异(P>0.05),治疗后观察组的血液流变学数据明显下降,组间差异非常显著(P<0.01)。组内比较观察组治疗后PaO2升高非常显著(P<0.01),PaCO2显著下降(P<0.05);对照组治疗后PaO2显著升高(P<0.05),PaCO2显著下降(P<0.05)。结论血栓通在降低血粘度,改善血液流变学的同时,使慢性肺心病急性加重期患者的低氧血症和高碳酸血症也得到显著纠正。  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested an association of hyperhomocysteinemia-induced vascular pathology with enhanced apoptotic potential of endothelial progenitor cells in patients with coronary heart disease. Our results indicate that 500 μmol/L homocysteine induced endothelial progenitor cell apoptosis and activation of caspase-3, both of which were abolished by 100 μmol/L and 200 μmol/L salubrinal, an agent that prevents endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis. The addition of 500 μmol/L homocysteine caused a release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores, and enhanced phosphor-eukaryotic initiation factor 2α phosphorylation at Ser51 and the expression of a glucose-regulated protein of 78 kDa and a C/EBP homologous protein independently of extracellular Ca2+. These effects of homocysteine on endothelial progenitor cells were significantly greater in patients with coronary heart disease than in healthy donors. These findings suggest that homocysteine induces endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated activation of caspase-3 in endothelial progenitor cells, an event that is enhanced in patients with coronary heart disease. Furthermore, enhanced endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated activation of caspase-3 in endothelial progenitor cells might be involved in hyperhomocysteinemia-associated vascular pathology.  相似文献   

目的:观察磺达肝癸钠应用于冠心病急性冠脉综合征合并肾功能不全患者抗凝治疗的疗效及安全性。方法:216例急性冠脉综合征患者分为肾功能正常组及肾功能不全组,皮下注射磺达肝癸钠2.5毫克,一日一次,连用8天,比较两组治疗9天内主要不良心脏事件(MACE)及出血并发症的发生率和30天及180天的随访情况。结果:治疗9天内及随访30天、180天期间,两组患者主要不良心脏事件发生率无统计学差异(P0.05),治疗及随访期间两组均未出现严重出血及中度出血,肾功能不全组轻微出血8例,肾功能正常组轻微出血5例,两组间比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:磺达肝癸钠对于冠心病合并肾功能不全患者的抗凝治疗是一种安全有效的药物。  相似文献   

Chronobiological analysis of the circadian variations of heart rate, ventricular and atrial ectopies, was carried out on 11 patients with previous myocardial infarction matched with 11 controls. Individual circadian rhythms in heart rate were seen in all the control subjects but only in 6 patients with previous myocardial infarction. The behaviour of the individual circadian rhythms of premature beats was not significantly different between the two groups. A significant group rhythm in ectopies was not demonstrated, nevertheless a trend to higher frequency of arrhythmias during the activity span was detected. These results do not allow to postulate a circadian pattern of arrhythmias common to all the subjects examined. Therefore, the individual circadian behaviour of premature atrial and ventricular beats should be recognized for monitoring antiarrhythmic therapy. A significant group rhythm in heart rate was demonstrated for the two populations studied and linear discriminant analysis showed that the amplitude of this rhythm was significantly lower in patients than in controls. Possibly, myocardial infarction may affect the sinus node function producing a “flattened” range of heart rates during the 24 hours.  相似文献   

目的:观察老年冠心病伴高脂血症患者应用瑞舒伐他汀治疗后的血脂及高敏C反应蛋白变化。方法:随机将2012年7月~2013年6月在本院治疗的68例冠心病合并高脂血症患者分为两组,对照组采用常规治疗方法治疗,在对照组的基础上,治疗组给予瑞舒伐他汀,治疗周期均为2个月,观察两组治疗前后的血脂及高敏C反应蛋白水平的变化,并统计治疗期间两组不良反应发生情况。结果:两组治疗前的TC、TG、LDL.C、HDL.C差异不显著,P〉0.05;而治疗后,两组的TC、TG、LDL—C水平均出现下降,HDL-C水平上升趋势,但观察组治疗后的TC、TG、LDL-C水平均明显低于对照组的(P〈0.05),观察组治疗后的HDL—C水平均明显高于对照组的(P〈0.05)。治疗组治疗前的hs.CRP为(3.86±1.12)mg/L,对照组治疗前的hs—CRP为(3.82±0.84)mgm,两组差异不显著(P〉0.05),治疗后,两组的hs-CRP均出现下降,治疗组的hs—CRP为(2.57±0.66)mg/L,对照组的hs—CRP为(3.23±0.66)mg/L,两组差异显著(P〈0.05)。两组治疗后均出现轻微的不良反应症状,治疗组不良反应发生率为8.82%,对照组不良反应发生率为23.53%,两组差异不显著(x2=0.497,P=0.780〉0.05)。结论:瑞舒伐他汀能有效地改善冠心病合并高脂血症的血脂,降低高敏C反应蛋白,值得在冠心病合并高脂血症临床治疗中更广泛地应用。  相似文献   

Paul-émile Roy 《CMAJ》1979,121(12):1598-1599

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