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A self-administered questionary (the General Health Questionnaire) aimed at detecting current psychiatric disturbance was given to 553 consecutive attenders to a general practitioner''s surgery. A sample of 200 of these patients was given an independent assessment of their mental state by a psychiatrist using a standardized psychiatric interview. Over 90% of the patients were correctly classified as “well” or “ill” by the questionary, and the correlation between questionary score and the clinical assessment of severity of disturbance was found to be +0·80.The “conspicuous psychiatric morbidity” of a suburban general practice assessed by a general practitioner who was himself a psychiatrist and validated against independent psychiatric assessment was found to be 20%. “Hidden psychiatric morbidity” was found to account for one-third of all disturbed patients. These patients were similar to patients with “conspicuous illnesses” in terms both of degree of disturbance and the course of their illnesses at six-month follow-up, but were distinguished by their attitude to their illness and by usually presenting a physical symptom to the general practitioner.When 87 patients who had been assessed as psychiatric cases at the index consultation were called back for follow-up six months later, two-thirds of them were functioning in the normal range. Frequency of attendance at the surgery in the six months following index consultation was found to have only a modest relationship to severity of psychiatric disturbance.It is argued that minor affective illnesses and physical complaints often accompany each other and usually have a good prognosis.  相似文献   

The complexities and interferences in the doctor-patient relationship during the treatment of the compensably-injured workman create an unusually high incidence of delayed recovery, complications, and permanent disability. Many persons, once injured, never return to economic self-sufficiency. Among the factors that may have a bearing in producing this situation are: The psychological context of the injury itself; the personality of the patient; the “reverse incentive” created by reward for illness; third-party interference from attorneys, insurance claims adjusters, and union representatives; consequent hostility of the patient toward a doctor he usually has not chosen; and, too often, hostility of the physician toward his patient. Iatrogenic complications may also be present when ill-advised surgical procedures are used in the presence of psychological complications.To improve the situation the adversary system should be removed and outside interferences in treatment should be reduced. Physicians treating patients in such circumstances should learn more about psychiatric diagnosis and management. They should give more attention to remotivation and rehabilitation.  相似文献   

A geriatric department is described where turnover has more than kept pace with demand over a period of 17 years. The department provides two basic services—a hospital service to the pensionable population in the community, and support to other hospital departments that care for the elderly.Community emphasis is on a high turnover of patients, enabling early contract and treatment. Over the years a fall in the proportion of “chronic” to “acute” beds has occurred and this has been achieved by having the majority of beds in the general hospital, where it is possible to provide a comprehensive medical service. The hospital role has been to prevent overloading acute resources with potential long-stay cases, and this has been possible without compromising our community obligations.  相似文献   

Diagnosing the causative agent of febrile illness in resource-limited countries is a challenge in part due to lack of adequate diagnostic infrastructure to confirm cause of infection. Most febrile illnesses (>60%) are non-malarial, with a significant proportion being zoonotic and likely from animal origins. To better characterize the pathways for zoonotic disease transmission and control in vulnerable communities, adequate information on the communities’ experiences and lexicon describing fever, and their understanding and perceptions of risk pathways is required. We undertook an ethnographic study to understand behaviors, exposures, and attitudes toward fever at the community level. Our hope is to better elucidate areas of priority surveillance and diagnostic investment. A focused ethnography consisting of participant observation, informal conversations, 4 barazas (community meetings), and formal ethnographic interviews (13 Focus group discussions and 17 Key informant interviews) was conducted between April and November 2015 in Kasese and Hoima Districts in Uganda. Perception of illness and associated risk factors was heavily influenced by the predominant livelihood activity of the community. The term “fever” referred to multiple temperature elevating disease processes, recognized as distinct pathological occurrences. However, malaria was the illness often cited, treated, or diagnosed both at the health facilities and through self-diagnosis and treatment. As expected, fever is as an important health challenge affecting all ages. Recognition of malarial fever was consistent with a biomedical model of disease while non-malarial fevers were interpreted mainly through ethno etiological models of explanation. These models are currently being used to inform education and prevention strategies and treatment regimens toward the goal of improving patients’ outcomes and confidence in the health system. Development of treatment algorithms that consider social, cultural, and economic contexts, especially where human-animal interaction is prevalent, should factor animal exposure and zoonotic illnesses as important differentials.  相似文献   

A properly functioning general-practitioner hospital with good facilities including visiting consultants can greatly lighten the work load of the district general hospital. A general-practitioner hospital is described, run entirely by general practitioners, which cares for over 70% of the inpatients of a group practice. It deals with 98% of all who attend casualty, and carries out almost all of its x-ray work. Its facilities reduce the estimated demand for outpatient appointments at the district general hospital by almost half.The social advantages of a general-practitioner hospital are obvious, and there may be economic advantages as well. Moreover, such a hospital increases the attractiveness of general practice and improves its quality. It is suggested that the general-practitioner hospital is good for the patient, the community, and the doctor—and even the Treasury. There is room for many more.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare direct and indirect costs of day and inpatient treatment of acute psychiatric illness. DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial with outcome and costs assessed over 12 months after the date of admission. SETTING: Teaching hospital in an inner city area. SUBJECTS: 179 patients with acute psychiatric illness referred for admission who were suitable for random allocation to day hospital or inpatient treatment. 77 (43%) patients had schizophrenia. INTERVENTIONS: Routine inpatient or day hospital treatment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Direct and indirect costs over 12 months, clinical symptoms, social functioning, and burden on relatives over the follow up period. RESULTS: Clinical and social outcomes were similar at 12 months, except that inpatients improved significantly faster than day patients and burden on relatives was significantly less in the day hospital group at one year. Median direct costs to the hospital were 1923 pounds (95% confidence interval 750 pounds to 3174 pounds) per patient less for day hospital treatment than inpatient treatment. Indirect costs were greater for day patients; when these were included, overall day hospital treatment was 2165 pounds cheaper than inpatient treatment (95% confidence interval of median difference 737 pounds to 3593 pounds). Including costs to informants when appropriate meant that day hospital treatment was 1994 pounds per patient cheaper (95% confidence interval 600 pounds to 3543 pounds). CONCLUSIONS: Day patient treatment is cheaper for the 30-40% of potential admissions that can be treated in this way. Carers of day hospital patients may bear additional costs. Carers of all patients with acute psychiatric illness are often themselves severely distressed at the time of admission, but day hospital treatment leads to less burden on carers in the long term.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare the burden on relatives and outcome of people treated for severe acute psychiatric illness by a community service and a traditional hospital based service. DESIGN--Follow up of patients aged 16-65 who required admission to hospital or home treatment for psychiatric illness during January 1990 to February 1991. SETTING--Two Birmingham electoral wards, Sparkbrook and Small Heath; Sparkbrook has a community based service and Small Heath a traditional hospital based service. SUBJECTS--69 patients from Sparkbrook and 55 from Small Health. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Scores on present state examination, social behaviour assessment schedule, and general health questionnaire. RESULTS--24 (35%) of Sparkbrook patients received some treatment in hospital during the initial episodes. Relatives of Sparkbrook patients were less distressed by their burden at the initial assessment than relatives of Small Health patients (mean score 0.11 v 0.29, p < 0.01). Relatives were also more satisfied with the support they received and the treatment received by patients. More patients from Sparkbrook than Small Health were in contact with a psychiatrist (81% (95% confidence interval 71% to 91%) v 62% (44% to 68%)) and community nurse (56% (44% to 68%) v 14% (13% to 24%)) one year after the initial episode. Sparkbrook patients spent significantly fewer days in hospital during the initial episode (8 days v 59 days) and the first year (20.6 v 67.9 days). CONCLUSION--The community based service is as effective as the hospital based service and is preferred by relatives. It is more effective in keeping people in long term contact with psychiatrists.  相似文献   

G. D. Hart 《CMAJ》1967,97(1):39-40
To an increasing degree the psychiatrist is oriented to the community and general hospital either as consultant, therapist, or collaborator in overall patient management. In these new roles, he becomes a more comprehensive physician and also conveys psychiatric insights to his colleagues.Psychological factors and the patient''s personality “style” influence the development and course of every disease, complicating diagnosis and effective treatment. It is a basic requirement that a good working alliance be established between patient and physician. This is assisted by comprehensive history taking, which clarifies the lifesetting in which the illness began, the patient''s personality and his habitual reactions of emotional regression under stress. It will also point up errors introduced by the patient, omissions, and distortions in offering the subjective data which the physician must evaluate.Seven major personality types and appropriate physician responses are outlined: the dependent demanding oral patient, the orderly controlled obsessive, the dramatic seductive hysteric, the long-suffering masochist, the querulous paranoid, the overbearing narcissist and the aloof withdrawn schizoid.The non-psychiatrist can resolve complex and puzzling medical problems if he has an increased awareness of how emotional forces complicate illness and if he can exploit comprehensive history taking to the full.  相似文献   

An “integration conference” has been devised to bring about an integrated approach by the whole staff of a hospital to the whole patient in his whole environment. The aspects of the environment which the conference served to integrate included the family, the hospital, and all its disciplines, and the community and all its available resources. The conference was found to be of value to the patient, his parents, the interns and residents, the specialties in the hospital, the hospital as a whole and the community.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess the proportion of acutely ill psychiatric patients who can be treated in a day hospital and compare the outcome of day patient and inpatient treatment. DESIGN--Prospective randomised controlled trial of day patient versus inpatient treatment after exclusion of patients precluded by severity of illness or other factors from being treated as day patients. All three groups assessed at three and 12 months. SETTING--Teaching hospital serving small socially deprived inner city area. Day hospital designed to take acute admissions because of few beds. PATIENTS--175 Patients were considered, of whom 73 could not be allocated. Of the remaining 102 patients, 51 were allocated to each treatment setting but only 89 became established in treatment--namely, 41 day patients and 48 inpatients. 73 Of these 89 patients were reassessed at three months and 70 at one year. INTERVENTIONS--Standard day patient and inpatient treatment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Discharge from hospital and return to previous level of social functioning; reduction of psychiatric symptoms, abnormal behaviour, and burden on relatives. RESULTS--33 Of 48 inpatients were discharged at three months compared with 17 of 41 day patients. But at one year 9 of 48 inpatients and three of 41 day patients were in hospital. 18 Of 35 day patients and 16 of 39 inpatients were at their previous level of social functioning at one year. The only significant difference at three months was a greater improvement in social role performance in the inpatients. At one year there was no significant difference between day patients and inpatients in present state examination summary scores and social role performance, burden, or behaviour. CONCLUSIONS--Roughly 40% of all acutely ill patients presenting for admission to a psychiatric unit may be treated satisfactorily in a well staffed day hospital. The outcome of treatment is similar to that of inpatient care but might possibly reduce readmissions. The hospital costs seem to be similar but further research is required to assess the costs in terms of extra demands on relatives, general practitioners, and other community resources.  相似文献   

The nation''s Number One health problem, mental illness, compels careful reevaluation of past and current methods of attack. It also invites consideration of the ways and means of integrating preventive measures that emphasize the conservation of mental health with prophylactic efforts that stress the avoidance of mental illnesses.A review of the development of both local and statewide mental health programs in California reveals that three fundamentally different approaches have been used: (1) The traditional approach which confines itself to the protection of society from the “insane” by the state, and to the treatment of those who are not legally insane through “private enterprise”; (2) the public health approach which seeks to minimize the causes and/or spread of selected types of psychiatric disorder regarded as mass phenomena; and (3) the sociological approach which stresses the importance of social factors both in the causation and in the rehabilitation of those mental conditions that are considered to be symptomatic of a “sick” society.An approach that combines the theoretical and practical implications of all three viewpoints offers some new solutions to the problems of (1) fitting mental health programs to populations; (2) financing; and (3) balancing preventive and clinical services.Mental illness is not a single disease-entity but a long list of distinctly different conditions. The causes and manifestations are multiple. Biological, psychological and social components in either mental health or mental illness cannot be dissociated in any attempt to understand and deal with so wide a range of illnesses and states of comparative health. Therefore, many professions and multiple public and private agencies are involved in planning, developing and administering a mental health program.  相似文献   

The same extensive range of general hospital facilities should be allocated to emergency psychiatric illness as are available for other medical conditions. During the study herein reported, for every three medical consultations in the emergency ward of a large general hospital, two psychiatric consultations were requested. Over a two-year period when 24-hour coverage by psychiatric consultants was instituted, such assessments increased from 148 to 340 (during the first four months of each year); the increase in police referrals was outstanding, rising from 16 to 105. The general wards of the hospital assumed greater responsibility for further medical treatment, while committal to the mental hospital declined. Many more psychiatric patients could have been treated in the general hospital if facilities had been available. The development of an emergency psychiatric service is not an easy process and co-ordination with other psychiatric resources is required. Residents in training face situations in the emergency ward which are not encountered in any other aspect of their clinical experience.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of all emergency calls made in one year, “out of hours,” to local authority mental health social workers as part of a comprehensive psychiatric service in an urban community. Of 212 calls received, more related to men than women, and in both sexes the peak age group was 40 to 49 years; 72% of referrals were in the psychosis or personality disorder diagnostic groups. A minority of cases referred had symptoms of only recent onset, and 70% of all calls related to patients previously known to the local services.  相似文献   

M. A. Baltzan 《CMAJ》1972,106(3):249-256
The volume of medical services delivered within hospital emergency departments in the City of Saskatoon is increasing rapidly. These probably are not “new” medical services but rather represent a transfer of “old” services to the emergency departments from other sites where they were previously rendered. The visit to the emergency department is initiated more often by the patient than the doctor and once there the patient is treated in a relatively short period of time. The illnesses so managed do not have a diagnostic, therapeutic or prognostic uniformity but rather are characterized by their acute and totally unexpected onset. This acute and non-programmable nature of the illness makes it difficult to deliver the service in a physician''s office where the appointment system prevails and efficiently deals with the great majority of his patients. Data to determine whether or not this is a desirable development have not yet been obtained but it is clear that in its present usage the emergency department must be thought of as a facility which not only provides exceptional diagnostic and therapeutic equipment but as one which also provides a treatment facility without prior appointment available at any hour of the day or night.  相似文献   

C. R. Scriver  J. L. Neal  R. Saginur  A. Clow 《CMAJ》1973,108(9):1111-1115
A sample of 12,801 admissions to a pediatric hospital was surveyed in 1969-70 to determine the prevalence of disease which could be classified as “genetic” in origin or related to “congenital malformation”.“Genetic” admissions accounted for 11.1% of the total while 18.5% were for congenital malformations; about 2% (unknown group) were probably genetic. Therefore about one third of all admissions represent the effect of abnormal gene-environment interrelations at some point in the development or life of the patient.The “genetic” patient is admitted more often to a medical service while the patient with congenital malformation usually goes to a surgical service; the former stays 7.3 days and the latter 8.6 days. A disproportionate number of patients staying longer than 10 days were found in the group with congenital malformations. Seventy percent of the patients with multiple admissions (3.2% of all admissions) have genetic illness or congenital malformation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the factors influencing the successful outcome of community treatment for severe acute psychiatric illnesses that are traditionally treated in hospital. DESIGN--All patients from a single electoral ward who were either admitted to hospital or treated at home over a two year period (1 October 1987 to 30 September 1989) were included in the study and their case notes audited. The second year of the study is reported. SETTING--Electoral ward of Sparkbrook, Birmingham. SUBJECTS--99 Patients aged 16-65 with severe acute psychiatric illness. RESULTS--65 Patients were managed by home treatment alone; 34 required admission to hospital. The location of treatment was significantly (all p less than 0.05) influenced by social characteristics of the patients (marital state, age (in men), ethnicity, and living alone) and by characteristics of the referral (occurring out of hours; assessment taking place at hospital or police station). DSM-III-R diagnosis was more weakly associated with outcome. Violence during the episode was significantly related to admission, although deliberate self harm was not. CONCLUSIONS--Home treatment is feasible for most patients with acute psychiatric illness. A 24 hour on call assessment service increases the likelihood of success because admission is determined more strongly by social characteristics of the patient and the referral than by illness factors. Admission will still be required for some patients. A locally based mental health resource centre, a 24 hour on call service, an open referral system, and an active follow up policy increase the effectiveness of a home treatment service.  相似文献   

We conducted a qualitative study in the Emergency Departments (EDs) of four hospitals in order to investigate the perceived scope and causes of ‘diagnostic overshadowing’ – the misattribution of physical symptoms to mental illness – and other challenges involved in the diagnostic process of people with mental illness who present in EDs with physical symptoms. Eighteen doctors and twenty-one nurses working in EDs and psychiatric liaisons teams in four general hospitals in the UK were interviewed. Interviewees were asked about cases in which mental illness interfered with diagnosis of physical problems and about other aspects of the diagnostic process. Interviews were transcribed and analysed thematically. Interviewees reported various scenarios in which mental illness or factors related to it led to misdiagnosis or delayed treatment with various degrees of seriousness. Direct factors which may lead to misattribution in this regard are complex presentations or aspects related to poor communication or challenging behaviour of the patient. Background factors are the crowded nature of the ED environment, time pressures and targets and stigmatising attitudes held by a minority of staff. The existence of psychiatric liaison team covering the ED twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, can help reduce the risk of misdiagnosis of people with mental illness who present with physical symptoms. However, procedures used by emergency and psychiatric liaison staff require fuller operationalization to reduce disagreement over where responsibilities lie.  相似文献   

M. Albert Menzies 《CMAJ》1965,93(14):743-747
Various forms of collaboration between the disciplines of public health and psychiatry are briefly reviewed and the 25-year-old mental health program of the Vancouver Health Department is described. The public health nurse has prime responsibility in all children with emotional disorders. She is supported by a psychiatric team which provides active treatment and educational and consultative help for the nurse and the school. During the year 1963, six social workers had 2357 contacts with nurses and school personnel but only 1049 treatment interviews. Of 401 children referred to the psychiatric team, 138 received active clinic treatment, 141 remained under supervision by the public health nurse, and 122 were referred elsewhere. In addition, 1330 children were identified as “mental hygiene cases” in the caseload of the 170 public health nurses in the community. By close co-ordination, the public health nurse and the psychiatric team can enhance each other''s contributions to community mental health.  相似文献   

The mechanism of injury to the back should be obtained with the utmost accuracy and set down in the history as a separate paragraph under that heading. This is usually best obtained by questioning and requestioning the patient during the course of the examination. A history of any previous back affections should also be obtained at the first visit.The detailed examination of the back is not complete without a general physical examination.X-ray studies should be done immediately in all cases in which the injury has been caused by direct violence or forceful indirect violence (as in “jackknife” injury).Terms such as “disc disease,” “ruptured intervertebral disc” and various others that convey a similar meaning should not be used as the initial diagnosis and should be withheld until such a diagnosis is definitely established.The plan of treatment may include a period in hospital or of rest at home, or it may be carried out with the patient ambulatory. Corsets and braces should be prescribed only when they are to serve a definite function and the same can be said of physiotherapy.  相似文献   

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