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Granules from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket system treating a brewery wastewater that contained mainly ethanol, propionate, and acetate as carbon sources and sulfate (0.6 to 1.0 mM) were characterized for their physical and chemical properties, metabolic performance on various substrates, and microbial composition. Transmission electron microscopic examination showed that at least three types of microcolonies existed inside the granules. One type consisted of Methanothrix-like rods with low levels of Methanobacterium-like rods; two other types appeared to be associations between syntrophic-like acetogens and Methanobacterium-like organisms. The granules were observed to be have numerous vents or channels on the surface that extended into the interior portions of the granules that may be involved in release of gas formed within the granules. The maximum substrate conversion rates (millimoles per gram of volatile suspended solids per day) at 35 degrees C in the absence of sulfate were 45.1, 8.04, 4.14, and 5.75 for ethanol, acetate, propionate, and glucose, respectively. The maximum methane production rates (millimoles per gram of volatile suspended solids per day) from H2-CO2 and formate were essentially equal for intact granules (13.7 and 13.5) and for physically disrupted granules (42 and 37). During syntrophic ethanol conversion, both hydrogen and formate were formed by the granules. The concentrations of these two intermediates were maintained at a thermodynamic equilibrium, indicating that both are intermediate metabolites in degradation. Formate accumulated and was then consumed during methanogenesis from H2-CO2. Higher concentrations of formate accumulated in the absence of sulfate than in the presence of sulfate. The addition of sulfate (8 to 9 mM) increased the maximum substrate degradation rates for propionate and ethanol by 27 and 12%, respectively. In the presence of this level of sulfate, sulfate-reducing bacteria did not play a significant role in the metabolism of H2, formate, and acetate, but ethanol and propionate were converted via sulfate reduction by approximately 28 and 60%, respectively. In the presence of 2.0 mM molybdate, syntrophic propionate and ethanol conversion by the granules was inhibited by 97 and 29%, respectively. The data show that in this granular microbial consortium, methanogens and sulfate-reducing bacteria did not compete for common substrates. Syntrophic propionate and ethanol conversion was likely performed primarily by sulfate-reducing bacteria, while H2, formate, and acetate were consumed primarily by methanogens.  相似文献   

Microbial segregation was observed within granules from a laboratory scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) digester, using fluorescence and electron microscopy. A shift in distribution of methanogens occurred upon alteration of the feed flow rate.  相似文献   

Methanogenic granules from an anaerobic bioreactor that treated wastewater of a beer brewery consisted of different morphological types of granules. In this study, the microbial compositions of the different granules were analyzed by molecular microbiological techniques: cloning, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. We propose here that the different types of granules reflect the different stages in the life cycle of granules. Young granules were small, black, and compact and harbored active cells. Gray granules were the most abundant granules. These granules have a multilayer structure with channels and void areas. The core was composed of dead or starving cells with low activity. The brown granules, which were the largest granules, showed a loose and amorphous structure with big channels that resulted in fractured zones and corresponded to the older granules. Firmicutes (as determined by FISH) and Nitrospira and Deferribacteres (as determined by cloning and sequencing) were the predominant Bacteria. Remarkably, Firmicutes could not be detected in the brown granules. The methanogenic Archaea identified were Methanosaeta concilii (70 to 90% by FISH and cloning), Methanosarcina mazei, and Methanospirillum spp. The phenotypic appearance of the granules reflected the physiological condition of the granules. This may be valuable to easily select appropriate seed sludges to start up other reactors.  相似文献   

Summary Bacteria contribute to corrosion in various ways. Therefore the consumption of cathodic hydrogen as well as the sulfide production of sulfate-reducing bacteria may influence the anaerobic corrosion of iron. Also methanogenic bacteria are able to use elemental iron as a source of electrons for carbon dioxide reduction. We have studied both processes and have got evidence that cathodic depolarisation does not play a dominant role in methanogenic habitats.  相似文献   

This study presents the performance characteristics of a plug flow phase separated anaerobic granular bed baffled reactor (GRABBR) fed with brewery wastewater at various operating conditions. The reactor achieved chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal of 93-96% with high methane production when operated at organic loading rates (OLRs) of 2.16-13.38kg COD m(-3)d(-1). The reactor configuration and microbial environment encouraged the acidogenic dominant zone to produce intermediate products suitable for degradation in the predominantly methanogenic zone. Noticeable phase separation between acidogenesis and methanogenesis mainly occurred at high OLR, involving a greater number of compartments to contribute to wastewater treatment. The highly active nature and good settling characteristics of methanogenic granular sludge offered high biomass retention and enhanced methanogenic activities within the system. The granular structure in the acidogenic dominant zone of the GRABBR was susceptible to disintegration and flotation. Methanogenic granular sludge was a multi-layered structure with Methanosaeta-like organisms dominant in the core.  相似文献   

A kinetic model for the anaerobic filter (AF) that takes into account the mass fractions of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) (f(SRB)) and methanogenic bacteria (MB) (f(MB)) and an inhibiting effect of H(2)S on bacterial groups is proposed. When the acetate-fed AFs were maintained at the low organic loading rate of 2.5kg COD/m(3)d, variations of the influent COD/SO(4)(2-) ratio (0.5-3.0) does not materially affect the acetate removal efficiency (all varying between 98.1% and 99.7%). With an increase in influent COD/SO(4)(2-) ratio, both the biofilm thickness and the specific substrate utilization rate decreased slightly but f(SRB) decreased markedly. The estimated results of f(SRB) and f(MB) showed that SRB out-competed MB for bacterial growth if the influent COD/SO(4)(2-) ratio was maintained at less than 1.3, whereas MB out-competed SRB for bacterial growth if the influent COD/SO(4)(2-) ratio was maintained at greater than 2.0. The specific substrate utilization rate of SRB (0.19-0.24mg acetate/mg VSSd) was lower than that of MB (0.31-0.59mg acetate/mg VSSd). The estimated kinetic parameters disclosed that the affinity of acetate to MB was higher and unionized H(2)S imposed a greater inhibiting effect on MB. The model simulation results (acetate and sulfate removal) agreed well with the experimental results.  相似文献   

In humans, CH4 is produced in the colon by methanogenic archaea and is detected in breath samples from approximately 50% of healthy adults, identified as CH4-excretors. Methanogenesis and sulfate reduction have been described as two mutually exclusive processes, potentially regulated by sulfate availability. To determine whether microbial population balances reflected these apparently co-regulated activities, we compared sulfate-reducing bacteria, methanogenic archaea, sulfate and sulfide concentrations in faeces of 10 CH4-excretors (CH4+) and 9 non-CH4-excretors (CH4-). The mean +/- SE of the logarithm of methanogenic archaea per gram wet weight were 9.0 +/- 0.2 and 4.0 +/- 0.7 for CH4+ and CH4-, respectively (P < 0.001). Sulfate-reducing bacterial counts were 6.5 +/- 0.1 and 7.3 +/- 0.2, respectively (P < 0.001). Fecal sulfate and sulfide concentrations did not differ between groups. These results suggest that a competitive interrelation between methanogenic archaea and sulfate-reducing bacteria occurs in the human colon. However, it does not lead to a complete exclusion of the two populations.  相似文献   

The formation of anaerobic granular sludge on a sulfate-containing waste-water was studied in up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors. Three systems were examined: a sulfidogenic system, a methanogenic system and a mixed sulfidogenic/methanogenic system. No significant granulation was observed in the sulfidogenic system. For the methanogenic and the mixed methanogenic/sulfidogenic system granulation proceeded well, and no significant difference in the granule diameter could be detected. In the three systems studied, different types of sludge developed. A (mainly) methanogenic granular sludge was developed in the methanogenic system, a (more) sulfate-reducing granular sludge was developed in the mixed methanogenic/sulfidogenic system, and a flocculant sulfate-reducing sludge was developed in the sulfidogenic system. Correspondence to: A Visser  相似文献   

This paper reports on the adhesion of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and methanogenic archaea on polyurethane foam (PU), vegetal carbon (VC), low-density polyethylene (PE) and alumina-based ceramics (CE). Anaerobic differential reactors fed with a sulfate-rich synthetic wastewater were used to evaluate the formation of a biofilm. The PU presented the highest specific biomass concentration throughout the experiment, achieving 872 mg TVS/g support, while 84 mg TVS/g support was the maximum value obtained for the other materials. FISH results showed that bacterial cells rather than archaeal cells were predominant on the biofilms. These cells, detected with EUB338 probe, accounted for 76.2% (+/-1.6%), 79.7% (+/-1.3%), 84.4% (+/-1.4%) and 60.2% (+/-1.0%) in PU, VC, PE and CE, respectively, of the 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained cells. From these percentages, 44.8% (+/-2.1%), 55.4% (+/-1.2%), 32.7% (+/-1.4%) and 18.1% (+/-1.1%), respectively, represented the SRB group. Archaeal cells, detected with ARC915 probe, accounted for 33.1% (+/-1.6%), 25.4% (+/-1.3%), 22.6% (+/-1.1%) and 41.9% (+/-1.0%) in PU, VC, PE and CE, respectively, of the DAPI-stained cells. Sulfate reduction efficiencies of 39% and 45% and mean chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies of 86% and 90% were achieved for PU and VC, respectively. The other two supports, PE and CE, provided mean COD removal efficiencies of 84% and 86%, respectively. However, no sulfate reduction was observed with these supports.  相似文献   

Abstract The metabolism of methanol by acidogenic bacteria ( Butyribacterium methylotrophicum, Sporomusa ovata and Acetobacterium woodii ) was studied in pure culture and in defined mixed cultures with sulfate-reducing bacteria ( Desulfovibrio vulgaris ) or methanogenic bacteria ( Methanobrevibacter arboriphilus strain AZ). In the mixed cultures, less acids (acetate and/or butyrate) were formed per unit methanol converted than in pure cultures. In these mixed cultures, a significant production of sulfide or methane was observed despite the inability of the sulfate reducer and the methanogen to use methanol as an energy substrate. These results are explained in terms of interspecies hydrogen transfer between the acidogens (converting part of the methanol to 1 CO2 and 3 H2) and the Desulfovibrio or Methanobrevibacter species. The bioenergetic aspects of this process and its ecological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Using molecular techniques and microsensors for H(2)S and CH(4), we studied the population structure of and the activity distribution in anaerobic aggregates. The aggregates originated from three different types of reactors: a methanogenic reactor, a methanogenic-sulfidogenic reactor, and a sulfidogenic reactor. Microsensor measurements in methanogenic-sulfidogenic aggregates revealed that the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (2 to 3 mmol of S(2-) m(-3) s(-1) or 2 x 10(-9) mmol s(-1) per aggregate) was located in a surface layer of 50 to 100 microm thick. The sulfidogenic aggregates contained a wider sulfate-reducing zone (the first 200 to 300 microm from the aggregate surface) with a higher activity (1 to 6 mmol of S(2-) m(-3) s(-1) or 7 x 10(-9) mol s(-1) per aggregate). The methanogenic aggregates did not show significant sulfate-reducing activity. Methanogenic activity in the methanogenic-sulfidogenic aggregates (1 to 2 mmol of CH(4) m(-3) s(-1) or 10(-9) mmol s(-1) per aggregate) and the methanogenic aggregates (2 to 4 mmol of CH(4) m(-3) s(-1) or 5 x 10(-9) mmol s(-1) per aggregate) was located more inward, starting at ca. 100 microm from the aggregate surface. The methanogenic activity was not affected by 10 mM sulfate during a 1-day incubation. The sulfidogenic and methanogenic activities were independent of the type of electron donor (acetate, propionate, ethanol, or H(2)), but the substrates were metabolized in different zones. The localization of the populations corresponded to the microsensor data. A distinct layered structure was found in the methanogenic-sulfidogenic aggregates, with sulfate-reducing bacteria in the outer 50 to 100 microm, methanogens in the inner part, and Eubacteria spp. (partly syntrophic bacteria) filling the gap between sulfate-reducing and methanogenic bacteria. In methanogenic aggregates, few sulfate-reducing bacteria were detected, while methanogens were found in the core. In the sulfidogenic aggregates, sulfate-reducing bacteria were present in the outer 300 microm, and methanogens were distributed over the inner part in clusters with syntrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

Abstract Sulfate-reducing bacteria were enumerated in soils and water samples from Senegal ricefields using lactate and sulfate as substrates. When rice plants were severely injured by sulfides, maximum densities ranged from 107 to 109 bacteria g−1 of dry spermosphere or rhizosphere soil. Seven non-sporulating, mesophilic strains were isolated. The strains had motile curved cells and stained Gram-negative. Lactate, pyruvate, H2+ CO2, malate, fumarate, or ethanol could serve as electron donors. Organic acids were incompletely oxidized to acetate. Alcohols were degraded to the corresponding fatty acids. Sulfate, sulfite, or thiosulfate could serve as electron acceptors and were reduced to sulfide. Vitamins, yeast extract, Biotrypcase, or additional NaCl were not required for growth. On the basis of morphological and physiological properties, and the G + C mol % of the DNA, six isolates were identified as Desulfovibrio vulgaris and one as Desulfovibrio desulfuricans . The comparison of their main physiological properties with the physico-chemical properties of sampling sites indicated that they were better adapted to conditions prevailing in the rice rhizosphere than to those prevailing in the bulk of soil.  相似文献   

Methanogenic archaea are reported as very sensitive to lipids and long chain fatty acids (LCFA). Therefore, in conventional anaerobic processes, methane recovery during LCFA-rich wastewater treatment is usually low. By applying a start-up strategy, based on a sequence of step feeding and reaction cycles, an oleate-rich wastewater was efficiently treated at an organic loading rate of 21 kg COD m?3 day?1 (50 % as oleate), showing a methane recovery of 72 %. In the present work, the archaeal community developed in that reactor is investigated using a 16S rRNA gene approach. This is the first time that methanogens present in a bioreactor converting efficiently high loads of LCFA to methane are monitored. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiling showed that major changes on the archaeal community took place during the bioreactor start-up, where phases of continuous feeding were alternated with batch phases. After the start-up, a stable archaeal community (similarity higher than 84 %) was observed and maintained throughout the continuous operation. This community exhibited high LCFA tolerance and high acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic activity. Cloning and sequencing results showed that Methanobacterium- and Methanosaeta-like microorganisms prevailed in the system and were able to tolerate and endure during prolonged exposure to high LCFA loads, despite the previously reported LCFA sensitivity of methanogens.  相似文献   

Two types of methanogenic granules capable of high chemical oxygen demand removal rates were developed in laboratory-scale upflow reactors at 35° C. One granule type (R-granules) had a rod-type Methanothrix-like species as the predominant species whereas the other (F-granules) had a filament-type M. soehngenii-like acetate-utilizer as the predominant species. These two types of granules were compared in terms of operational performance, physical-chemical characteristics and microbial population. The R-granules had a higher density [65–70 vs 39–43 g suspended solids (SS)/l], specific gravity (1.03 vs 1.01) and specific volumetric methane production rate (180 vs 120 l CH4/l granules per day) than the F-granules. Acetate, propionate and butyrate degraders in both types of granules had similar specific growth rates. The most probable number enumeration indicated that both types of granule had the same population levels (cells/g SS) in terms of methanogens (H2-CO2-, formate- and acetate-utilizing) and syntrophic acetogens. Hydrolytic-fermentative bacteria were present in greater number in the F-granules than in the R-granules. The R-granules had a higher cell density than the F-granules. The differences in operational performance were due mainly to their different microbial composition, especially the predominant acetate-utilizing methanogens in the granules. The long-filamentous M. soehngenii-like rods in the F-granules appeared to be responsible for their lower density and large-sized granules. Correspondence to: J. G. Zeikus  相似文献   

The biology of methanogenic bacteria.   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  

Genome complexity of methanogenic bacteria.   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The genome complexities of different methanogenic bacteria were investigated by using an optical method to study renaturation kinetics of single-stranded DNA. The observed genome sizes ranged from 1.0 X 10(9) to 1.8 X 10(9) daltons, which is a typical range for procaryotic cells. Melting profiles of the DNA of three methanogenic species from different families show fractions which have a higher A . T content than the average DNA of that species.  相似文献   

Methylated sulfur compounds such as dimethylsulfoniopropionate, dimethylsulfide, methanethiol, and other methylated sulfur compounds can act as sources of carbon and energy for the growth under anoxic conditions of a number of sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic archaea. We summarise the range of degradative reactions that do or might occur in such organisms, and present thermodynamic data for these processes. These data enable estimates of the feasibility of the reactions as growth-supporting systems, and of the possible maximum growth yields of the bacteria and archaea catalysing them. We compare our new estimates with the few data that are currently available from the literature, and show that some published growth-yield assessments need reevaluation.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in aerobic wastewater biofilms grown on rotating disk reactors was investigated by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. To correlate the vertical distribution of SRB populations with their activity, the microprofiles of O(2), H(2)S, NO(2)(-), NO(3)(-), NH(4)(+), and pH were measured with microelectrodes. In addition, a cross-evaluation of the FISH and microelectrode analyses was performed by comparing them with culture-based approaches and biogeochemical measurements. In situ hybridization revealed that a relatively high abundance of the probe SRB385-stained cells (approximately 10(9) to 10(10) cells per cm(3) of biofilm) were evenly distributed throughout the biofilm, even in the oxic surface. The probe SRB660-stained Desulfobulbus spp. were found to be numerically important members of SRB populations (approximately 10(8) to 10(9) cells per cm(3)). The result of microelectrode measurements showed that a high sulfate-reducing activity was found in a narrow anaerobic zone located about 150 to 300 microm below the biofilm surface and above which an intensive sulfide oxidation zone was found. The biogeochemical measurements showed that elemental sulfur (S(0)) was an important intermediate of the sulfide reoxidation in such thin wastewater biofilms (approximately 1,500 microm), which accounted for about 75% of the total S pool in the biofilm. The contribution of an internal Fe-sulfur cycle to the overall sulfur cycle in aerobic wastewater biofilms was insignificant (less than 1%) due to the relatively high sulfate reduction rate.  相似文献   

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