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四种景天属植物对锌吸收和累积差异的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用营养液培养试验 ,比较研究了 4种景天属植物对Zn的吸收、积累和运输特性。结果表明 ,东南景天(SedumalfrediiHance)耐Zn毒的能力远强于珠芽景天 (S .sarmentosumBunge)、凹叶景天 (S .bulbiferumMakino)和垂盆草 (S .emarginatumMigo) ,其地上部和根系的干物质产量随着Zn浓度的增加而逐渐减少 ;当浓度≤ 40mg·L-1时 ,东南景天的地上部和根系的干物质产量均随Zn浓度的增加而增加 ,其地上部Zn含量、积累量及其Zn运输速率均显著高于珠芽景天、凹叶景天和垂盆草 ;当Zn浓度低于 80mg·L-1时 ,东南景天地上部Zn含量随着营养液中Zn浓度的增加而增加 ,在 80mg·L-1浓度 ,其地上部Zn含量高达 19.0 9mg·g-1。东南景天的地上部Zn含量 /根系Zn含量的比值大于 1,而株芽景天、凹叶景天和垂盆草的地上部Zn含量 /根系Zn含量比值小于 1。东南景天是在我国首次发现的具有生物量大、生长速率快的一种新的Zn超积累植物  相似文献   

 植物长期生长在重金属污染的生境中,逐渐进化成不同的生态型。通过调查中国东南部古老Pb/zn矿和非矿山生境中的植物种群,发现生长在古老Pb/Zn矿的东南景天(Sedum alfredii Hance)是一种新的Zn超积累植物。在自然和控制条件下,古老Pb/Zn矿生态型比非矿山生态型植株的茎粗、叶片大、植株高。在矿山土壤Zn有效含量为105.5~325.4mg·kg-1时,矿山生态型东南景天植株地上部Zn含量为4134~5000mg·kg-1;当营养液中Zn浓度为1223.6μmol时,其Zn含量高达2%。在相同Zn浓度下,矿山生态型地上部Zn含量比非矿山生态型高30倍左右。两种生态型体内Zn分布也不同,古老铅锌矿山生态型的不同器官中Zn含量以茎>叶片>根系,而非矿山生态型则以根系>茎>叶片。古老铅锌矿山生态型地上部积累的Zn占植株总积累量的90%以上,其中叶片和茎分别占41.66%±5.46%和54.75%±5.87%;非矿山生态型各器官中积累的Zn远远低于古老铅锌矿山生态型,各器官中积累的Zn以茎>根系>叶片。本研究表明,这两种生态型东南景天的发现,为今后探讨植物耐高Zn胁迫和超积累Zn的微进化过程提供了非常有价值的材料,也为Zn污染土壤的植物修复提供了一种很有潜力的候选材料。  相似文献   

植物长期生长在重金属污染的生境中,逐渐进化成不同的生态型.通过调查中国东南部古老Pb/Zn矿和非矿山生境中的植物种群,发现生长在古老Pb/Zn矿的东南景天(Sedum alfredii Hance)是一种新的Zn超积累植物.在自然和控制条件下,古老Pb/Zn矿生态型比非矿山生态型植株的茎粗、叶片大、植株高.在矿山土壤Zn有效含量为105.5~325.4 mg·kg-1时,矿山生态型东南景天植株地上部Zn含量为4134~5000 mg·  相似文献   

东南景天(Sedum alfredii Hance)已被鉴定为一种中国原生的新的锌超积累植物。 本文主要研究了锌(Zn)、镉(Cd)复合处理水平对东南景天的生长及其对锌、镉的吸收积累特性的影响。 结果表明,在Zn/Cd复合水平为500/100 祄ol/L时,植物生长最佳。Zn/Cd在东南景天叶片、茎部和根系中含量随着Zn/Cd处理水平的提高而增高。在Zn/Cd 复合水平为50/400 祄ol/L时茎叶中Cd含量达最高,其中叶片Cd含量达12.1 g/kg;在Zn/Cd 复合水平为1 000/50 祄ol/L时茎叶中Zn含量达最高, 其中茎中Zn含量达 23.2 g/kg。 植株各部位Cd含量的分布为:叶片>茎>>根系,而Zn在体内的分布为: 茎>叶片>>根系。 Zn、Cd在地上部和根部的积累量也随着处理水平的提高而增加,分别在Zn/Cd复合水平为250/400和500/100 祄ol/L下达高峰值。 东南景天地上部积累最高Zn和Cd的量分别达11和5 g/plant, 其比根系的积累量分别大10和25余倍。 Zn、Cd对东南景天的生长、吸收积累的相互作用依赖于Zn/Cd复合水平和植物部位。 在适宜Zn/Cd 处理水平范围内,Zn和Cd的吸收和积累具有相互促进作用。 高Zn或高Cd处理均抑制了植物对Zn和Cd的吸收和积累。 本研究结果表明,东南景天不仅具有忍耐高Zn/Cd复合污染,而且具有超量积累Zn和Cd的特异能力。 它为进一步研究植物Zn、Cd  相似文献   

Sedum alfredii Hance has been identified as a new Zn-hyperaccumulator native to China. In this study, responses and metal accumulation of S. alfredii were examined under Zn/Cd complex polluted conditions. The results showed that optimal growth of S. alfredii in terms of the maximum dry matter yield was observed at Zn/Cd complex level of 500/100 祄ol/L. Plant cadmium (Cd) or zinc (Zn) concentrations increased with increasing Cd or Zn supply. During the 20 d treatment, the highest Cd concentration in the leaves reached 12.1 g/kg at Zn /Cd level of 50/400 祄ol/L and that of Zn in the stems was 23.2 g/kg at Zn/Cd level of 1 000/50 祄ol/L. The distribution of Cd in different plant parts decreased in the order: leaf > stem≥ root, whereas that of Zn was: stem > leaf ≥ root. The accumulation of Cd and Zn in the shoots and roots of S. afredii increased with the increasing of Zn/Cd supply levels, peaked at Zn/Cd levels of 250/400 and 500/100 祄ol/L, respectively. The highest Cd and Zn uptake by the shoots was approximately 5 and 11 mg/plant, and was over 20 and 10 times higher than those in the roots, respectively. Zn supply at levels ≤ 500 祄ol/L increased plant Cd concentrations, whereas high Zn supply decreased root Cd but did not affect leaf Cd concentrations in S. alfredii. Low Cd supply increased Zn concentration in the leaves, but Cd supply higher than 50 祄ol/L considerably reduced root Zn concentrations, especially at low Zn level. These results indicate that S. alfredii can tolerate high Zn/Cd complex levels and has an extraordinary ability to hyperaccumulate not only Zn but also Cd. It could provide a new valuable plant material for understanding the mechanisms responsible for co-hyperaccumulation of Zn and Cd as well as for phytoremediation of the Cd/Zn complex polluted soils.  相似文献   

在室内培养条件下,以灯心草、茭白和美人蕉3种湿地植物为材料,研究了湿地植物对锌的吸收分配能力与根表铁氧化物胶膜之间的关系.结果表明:(1)3种湿地植物积累锌的总量大小顺序为:茭白>美人蕉>灯心草,茭白积累锌的总量是灯心草的1.79倍;它们根表铁氧化物胶膜含量表现为灯心草>茭白>美人蕉,且其间存在显著差异(P<0.05).(2)锌在湿地植物中分配比例表现为;根中锌量>地上部分锌量>根表铁氧化物胶膜上吸附锌量;锌主要积累在湿地植物根中,地上部分和根表铁氧化物胶膜上吸附的锌量无显著差异.(3)湿地植物根表铁氧化物胶膜上吸附锌的数量与湿地植物地下部分锌含量呈极显著正相关(r=0.983 5**),增加根表铁氧化物胶膜上锌的数量就能明显提高地下部分锌含量;每千克土壤加入1 g FeSO4后,3种湿地植物积累锌的总量平均增加了21%.可见,湿地植物根表铁氧化物胶膜对锌的吸附也是湿地植物固定或积累锌的重要途径之一.  相似文献   

铝超积累植物和铝排斥植物吸收和累积铝的机理   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
谢正苗  黄铭洪  叶志鸿 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1653-1659
研究了香港茶园天然生态系统中铝超积累植物和铝排斥植物包括茶树(Camellia sinensis L.)、多花野牡丹(Melastoma affine L.)、假苹婆(Sterculia lanceolata L.)、大罗伞紫金牛(Ardisia crenata L.)、相思树(Acacia formosa L.)和红楠(Machilus thunbergii Machilus thunbergii L.)对铝吸收和累积的机理。6种植物新鲜根和茎的pH值变化范围为3-6,不同部位全铝含量变化幅度为13-12810mg/kg(干重,下同)。新鲜植物组织的pH值是控制植物对铝吸收、转运和累积的最重要的因素。植物中的铝浓度随其pH值降低而显著增加。供试6种植物可分为两组:一组是铝排斥植物,其pH值大约6,叶中含铝量范围为17-151mg/kg,包括假苹婆、大罗伞紫金牛、相思树和红楠;另一组是铝超积累植物,其pH值为3和4.5,叶中含铝量范围为7820-12810mg/kg,包括茶树和多花野牡丹。铝超积累植物新鲜根中水溶性铝与全铝的比例(0.11-0.88)高于铝排斥植物根中的比例(0.04-0.07)。相同趋势可见于茎和叶中,特别在多花野牡丹茎叶中。结果表明:新鲜根、茎和叶中水溶性铝与全铝的比例高可以增加植物从土壤-植物系统中铝的迁移速率,导致较高的铝吸收累积。根际和非根际土壤的pH值有显著差异。通常,象多花野牡丹一样的铝超积累植物,其组织pH值低,降低了根限pH,使土壤中铝更容易吸收。铝排斥植物增根际土壤的pH值,以避免根对铝的高量吸收。  相似文献   

超积累生态型东南景天吸收锌的特性   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
采用水培和盆栽方法研究超积累生态型东南景天吸收锌的特征。在水培条件下,1μmol·L-1Zn处理,根系Zn含量随着处理时间的增加而缓慢增加,叶片和茎Zn含量在处理2d后达到最大值,随着培养时间的延长,其含量略有下降。500μmol·L-1Zn处理水平下,叶片和茎Zn含量随着处理时间的增加而增加,处理16d后基本上达到稳定,根系Zn含量在0~16d增加缓慢,但处理16d后急剧上升。当溶液Zn浓度为1~500μmol·L-1,叶片和茎Zn含量随营养液中Zn浓度的增加而增加,而根系Zn含量增加缓慢;当溶液Zn≥1000μmol·L-1时,叶片和茎Zn含量急剧下降,而根系Zn含量迅速增加。盆栽条件下,当土壤Zn含量较低时时,土壤Zn促进东南景天的生长。5月13日和7月21日收获的植株地上部的干物质量分别在400mg·kg-1(0.71g盆-1)和800mg·kg-1(1.45g盆-1)处理达到最大值。但当土壤Zn添加量≥1600mg·kg-1时,植物的生长受到抑制。随着土壤中Zn添加量的增加,东南景天地上部Zn浓度变化趋势基本上与其生物量的变化一致。5月13日收获时,当土壤Zn添加量≤1600mg·kg-1,地上部Zn含量随着土壤Zn浓度的增加而增加,在1600mg·kg-1处理达到最大值,约为17000mg·kg-1(DW)。7月21日收获的结果显示,当土壤Zn添加量≤800mg·kg-1,地上部Zn含量随着土壤Zn浓度的增加而增加,最大值为29000mg·kg-1(DW);但当土壤Zn添加量≥1200mg·kg-1时,地上部Zn含量反而随着土壤Zn含量的增加而显著降低。  相似文献   

外源钙离子对东南景天生长及锌积累的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用水培试验,研究了外源添加不同浓度钙离子(Ca2+)对两种生态型东南景天生物量、根系形态及体内锌、钙、硫含量的影响.结果表明:随着外源Ca2+浓度的上升,两种生态型东南景天的干物质量均增加,且超积累生态型地上部增加显著(P<0.05);超积累生态型根长和根表面积增加,而非超积累生态型降低;超积累生态型根、茎、叶锌含量随着外源Ca2+浓度的增加而上升,但各处理间差异不显著(P>0.05),非超积累生态型地上部锌含量显著降低(P<0.05).非超积累生态型根、茎、叶钙含量与外源Ca2+浓度呈显著正相关(P<0.05),超积累生态型根系硫含量与外源Ca2+浓度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01).外源Ca2+对超积累生态型东南景天锌吸收及积累有促进作用,而Ca2+浓度的升高抑制了非超积累生态型东南景天对锌的吸收.适当增加外源Ca2+可促进超积累生态型东南景天生长,改善其锌积累能力.  相似文献   

以来自铜矿区(CS)和非矿区(UCS)两个海州香薷种群为对象,通过室内水培实验,分析了两种群幼苗在铜及营养缺失胁迫下植物生长、铜富集及矿质营养含量的差异.结果显示,铜、低营养胁迫及其相互作用对非矿区种群生长具有明显的抑制作用,而对矿区种群的影响则远比非矿区种群小,且较低铜浓度(25μmol/L Cu)明显促进了矿区种群的生长;从耐性指数结果看,矿区种群铜耐性指数和营养胁迫耐性指数均高于非矿区种群.这表明矿区种群不仅进化为铜耐受种群,同时也进化成营养胁迫耐受种群.低营养胁迫明显促进了植物对铜的吸收和运转,如在低营养胁迫和25 μmol/L Cu复合处理下,矿区种群根铜含量约为单一铜处理的25倍,非矿区种群是单一铜处理5倍多.低营养胁迫和过量铜显著减少了非矿区种群矿质营养元素如P,Mg,K和Mn的吸收积累,而矿区种群则仍然能保持相对稳定;在铜和营养缺失复合作用下,两个种群矿质营养除Ca和部分Fe外,均显著减少,但矿区种群减少程度明显比非矿区种群小.这些结果表明,矿区种群在胁迫条件下具有保持营养相对稳定和平衡的能力,这种能力使其能在高铜污染和营养缺乏的土壤中正常生长和定居.  相似文献   

Root morphology and Zn2 uptake kinetics of the hyperaccumulating ecotype (HE) and nonhyperaccumulating ecotype (NHE) of Sedum alfredii Hance were investigated using hydroponic methods and the radiotracer flux technique. The results indicate that root length, root surface area, and root volume of NHE decreased significantly with increasing Zn2 concentration in growth media, whereas the root growth of HE was not adversely affected, and was even promoted, by 500 μmol/L Zn2 . The concentrations of Zn2 in both ecotypes of S. alfredii were positively correlated with root length, root surface area and root volumes, but no such correlation was found for root diameter. The uptake kinetics for 65Zn2 in roots of both ecotypes of S. alfredii were characterized by a rapid linear phase during the first 6 h and a slower linear phase during the subsequent period of investigation. The concentration-dependent uptake kinetics of the two ecotypes of S. alfredii could be characterized by the Michaelis-Menten equation, with the Vmax for 65Zn2 influx being threefold greater in HE compared with NHE, indicating that enhanced absorption into the root was one of the mechanisms involved in Zn hyperaccumulation. A significantly larger Vmax value suggested that there was a higher density of Zn transporters per unit membrane area in HE roots.  相似文献   

Root morphology and Zn^2+ uptake kinetics of the hyperaccumulating ecotype (HE) and nonhyperaccumulating ecotype (NHE) of Sedum alfredii Hance were investigated using hydroponic methods and the radiotracer flux technique. The results indicate that root length, root surface area, and root volume of NHE decreased significantly with increasing Zn^2+ concentration in growth media, whereas the root growth of HE was not adversely affected, and was even promoted, by 500μmol/L Zn^2+. The concentrations of Zn^2+ in both ecotypes of S. alfredii were positively correlated with root length, root surface area and root volumes, but no such correlation was found for root diameter. The uptake kinetics for ^65Zn^2+ in roots of both ecotypes of S. alfredii were characterized by a rapid linear phase during the first 6 h and a slower linear phase during the subsequent period of investigation. The concentration-dependent uptake kinetics of the two ecotypes of S. alfredii could be characterized by the Michaelis-Menten equation, with the Vmax for ^65Zn^2+ influx being threefold greater in HE compared with NHE, indicating that enhanced absorption into the root was one of the mechanisms involved in Zn hyperaccumulation. A significantly larger Vmax value suggested that there was a higher density of Zn transporters per unit membrane area in HE roots.  相似文献   

Sedum alfredii Hance is a newly reported zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) hyperaccumulator native to China. In this study,four populations of S. alfredii were collected from Yejiwei (YJW), Jinchuantang (JCT) and Qiaokou (QK) lead (Pb)/Zn mines located in Hunan Province as well as Quzhou (QZ) Pb/Zn mine located in Zhejiang Province for exploring the intraspecies difference of this plant in metal accumulation. Although they grew in the Pb/Zn spoils with relatively similar levels of Zn,Cd and Pb, remarkable differences among the four populations in tissue heavy metal concentrations were observed. The shoot Zn concentration of QZ population (11 116 mg/kg) was highest and nearly five times higher than that of the JCT population (1930 mg/kg). Furthermore, the shoot Cd concentration observed in the QZ population (1 090 mg/kg) was also highest and 144 times higher than that found in the JCT population (7.5 mg/kg). As for Pb concentrations In the shoot of different populations, a fourfold difference between the highest and the lowest was also found. Such difference on metal accumulation was opulation-specific and may be significantly explained by differences in the soil properties such as pH, organic matter (OM), and electrical conductivity (EC). Taking biomass and metal concentration in plants into consideration, the QZ, YJW and QK populations may have high potential for Zn phytoremediation, the QZ population may have the highest potential in Cd phytoremediation, and the QK population may be the most useful in Pb phytoremediation.  相似文献   

Sedum alfredii Hance has been identified as a Zn-hyperaccumulating plant species native to China. The characteristics of Zn uptake and accumulation in the hyperaccumulating ecotype (HE) and non-hyperaccumulating ecotype (NHE) of S. alfredii were investigated under nutrient solution and soil culture conditions. The growth of HE was normal up to 1000 μM Zn in nutrient solution, and 1600 mg Zn kg−1 soil in a Zn-amended soil. Growth of the NHE was inhibited at Zn levels ≥250 μM in nutrient solution. Zinc concentrations in the leaves and stems increased with increasing Zn supply levels, peaking at 500 and 250 μM Zn in nutrient solution for the HE and the NHE, respectively, and then gradually decreased or leveled off with further increase in solution Zn. Minimal increases in root Zn were noted at Zn levels up to 50 μM; root Zn sharply increased at higher Zn supply. The maximum Zn concentration in the shoots of the HE reached 20,000 and 29,000 mg kg−1 in the nutrient solution and soil experiments, respectively, approximately 20 times greater than those of the NHE. Root Zn concentrations were higher in the NHE than in the HE when plants were grown at Zn levels ≥50 μM. The time-course of Zn uptake and accumulation exhibited a hyperbolic saturation curve: a rapid linear increase during the first 6 days in the long-term and 60 min in the short-term studies; followed by a slower increase or leveling off with time. More than 80% of Zn accumulated in the shoots of the HE at half time (day 16) of the long-term uptake in 500 μM Zn, and also at half time (120 min) of the short-term uptake in 10 μM 65Zn2+. These results indicate that Zn uptake and accumulation in the shoots of S. alfredii exhibited a down-regulation by internal Zn accumulated in roots or leaves under both nutrient solution and soil conditions. An altered Zn transport system and increased metal sequestration capacity in the shoot tissues, especially in the stems, may be the factors that allow increased Zn accumulation in the hyperaccumulating ecotype of S. alfredii. Section Editor: F. J. Zhao  相似文献   

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