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C. elegans is renowned for its invariant embryogenesis and functions as a major paradigm for a mode of development coupled to an invariant lineage. Recent work, however, suggests that the embryogenesis of the nematode is much more flexible than anticipated. The invariant premorphogenetic stage is formed from variable earlier stages through a sorting of cells. Cells do not act as individuals but already early in embryogenesis a regionalization of the embryo occurs. Cells are diversified by a binary specification of 'abstract' blastomere (regional) identities. The determination of tissues may thus be a very late event. It appears that C. elegans, although assigning cell fates in an invariant lineage pattern, uses the same strategies and mechanisms for embryogenesis as organisms with variable lineages.  相似文献   

Within the mammalian class, formation of the blastocyst is morphologically highly conserved among different species. The molecular and cellular events during preimplantation embryo development have been studied extensively in the mouse as model organism, because multiple genetically defined strains and a plethora of reverse genetics tools are available to dissect specific gene functions and regulatory networks. However, major differences in preimplantation developmental kinetics, implantation, and placentation exist among mammalians, and recent studies in species other than mouse showed, that even regulatory mechanisms of the first lineage differentiation events and maintenance of pluripotency are not always conserved. Here, we focus on the first and the second lineage segregation in mouse and bovine embryos, when the first differentiated cell types emerge. We outline their common features and differences in the regulation of these essential events during embryonic development with a glance at further species. In addition, we show how new reverse genetics strategies aid the study of regulatory circuits in embryos of domestic species, enhancing our overall understanding of mammalian preimplantation development.  相似文献   

George L. W. Perry  Finnbar Lee 《Oikos》2019,128(9):1277-1286
Metapopulation persistence depends on connectivity between habitat patches. While emphasis has been placed on the spatial dynamics of connectivity, much less has been placed on its short‐term temporal dynamics. In many terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, however, transient (short‐term) changes in connectivity occur as habitat patches are connected and disconnected due, for example, to climatic or hydrological variability. We evaluated the implications of transient connectivity using a network‐based metapopulation model and a series of scenarios representing temporal changes in connectivity. The transient loss of connectivity can influence metapopulation persistence, and more strongly autocorrelated temporal dynamics affect metapopulation persistence more severely. Given that many ecosystems experience short‐term and temporary loss of habitat connectivity, it is important that these dynamics are adequately represented in metapopulation models; failing to do so may yield overly optimistic‐estimates of metapopulation persistence in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

The dependence of phospholipase C activity on the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was studied in intact liver cells treated with the Ca2+-mobilizing hormone vasopressin, or not so treated. Phospholipase C (PLC) activity was estimated from the formation of [3H]inositol trisphosphate (InsP3) and the degradation of [3H]phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdInsP2). The [Ca2+]i of the cells was clamped from 29 to 1130 nM by quin2 loading. This wide concentration range was obtained by loading the hepatocytes with a high concentration of the Ca2+ indicator in low-Ca2+ medium or by using the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin in medium containing Ca2+. In resting cells, in which [Ca2+]i was 193 nM, treatment with 0.1 microM-vasopressin which stimulates liver PLC maximally, tripled InsP3 content and raised [Ca2+]i to 2 microM within 15 s. Lowering [Ca2+]i partially decreased cell InsP3 content as well as the ability of vasopressin to stimulate InsP3 formation maximally. At 29 nM, the lowest Ca2+ concentration obtained in isolated liver cells, basal InsP3 content was 64% of that measured in control cells. Addition of vasopressin no longer affected [Ca2+]i, but significantly increased InsP3 by 200%, although less than in the controls (300%). The maintenance of the greater part of the PLC response at constant [Ca2+]i indicated that, in the liver, InsP3 formation does not result from an increase in [Ca2+]i. The effects of lowering [Ca2+]i were reversible. When low cell [Ca2+]i was restored to a normal value, resting InsP3 content and the ability of vasopressin to stimulate InsP3 formation maximally by 300% were also restored. Raising [Ca2+]i from 193 to 1130 nM had little effect on the InsP3 content or the vasopressin-mediated increase in InsP3. In agreement with the stimulation of PLC activity by vasopressin, cell [3H]PtdInsP2 and total PtdInsP2 were degraded by application of this hormone for 15 s. In contrast, when [Ca2+]i was lowered to 29 nM, basal [3H]PtdInsP2 and total PtdInsP2 were increased by about 30%, [3H]PtdInsP2 was further increased by vasopressin, but total PtdInsP2 was not changed. These results show that, in intact hepatocytes, PLC is little affected by [Ca2+]i concentrations above 193 nM, but is partially dependent on Ca2+ below that value. They suggest that, in addition to activating PLC activity, vasopressin might stimulate PtdInsP2 synthesis, presumably via phosphatidylinositol-phosphate kinase, and that this pathway might predominate in cells with low [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

DNA in living cells is constantly subjected to different chemical and physical factors of the environment and to cell metabolites. Some changes altering DNA structure occur spontaneously. This raises the potential danger of harmful mutations that could be transmitted to offspring. To avoid the danger of mutations and changing genetic information, a cell is capable to switch on multiple mechanisms of DNA repair that remove damage and restore native structure. In many cases, removal of the same damage may involve several alternative pathways; this is very important for DNA repair under the most unfavorable conditions. This review summarizes data about all known mechanisms of eukaryotic DNA repair including excision repair (base excision repair and nucleotide excision repair), mismatch repair, repair of double-strand breaks, and cross-link repair. Special attention is given to the regulation of excision repair by different proteins—proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), p53, and proteasome. The review also highlights problem of bypassing irremovable lesions in DNA.Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 70, No. 3, 2005, pp. 341–359.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Sharova.  相似文献   

Core temperature (tympanic and rectal temperatures) is lowered for several hours under diurnal bright light exposure and its evening fall is inhibited under evening bright light exposure. Melatonin may be involved in the behavior of these core temperatures. Diurnal bright light exposure for several hours may make dressing behavior and thermal sensibility in the evening cold slower and dull, compared with diurnal dim light exposure. On the contrary, evening bright light exposure for several hours may make the dressing behavior and thermal sensibility in the evening cold quicker and sharper, compared with evening dim light exposure. The underlying physiological mechanisms for these findings are that the thermoregulatory set-point would be reduced more markedly in the evening under the influence of higher elevation of melatonin under the diurnal bright light exposure, and its evening decline would be inhibited by suppression of the nocturnal rise of melatonin under evening bright light exposure.  相似文献   

Selection of a cost effective method of prophylaxis against infection for patients undergoing total joint replacement was shown to depend on the number of arthroplasties performed each year at individual hospitals. When 100 arthroplasties were performed each year the prophylactic use of systemic antibiotics minimised the total costs of the department—that is, the combined costs of prophylaxis and reoperation for deep sepsis. Some departments also used local antibiotic prophylaxis in the form of polymethylmethacrylate cement impregnated with gentamicin or a combination of systemic and local prophylaxis at almost as low a total cost and with comparable effect.Selection of a method of prophylaxis should not be determined solely on the basis of reducing costs. When a value was assigned to the effects of loss of health an economic optimum was established that allowed selection of a more costly method of prophylaxis together with further reductions in the incidence of infection and the need for reoperation.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the developmental program of embryogenesis relies on epigenetic mechanisms. However, a mechanistic link between epigenetic marks and cell fate decisions had not been established so far. In a recent article, Torres-Padilla and colleagues show that epigenetic information and, more precisely, histone arginine methylation mediated by CARM1 could contribute to cell fate decisions in the mouse 4-cell-stage embryo. It provides the first indications that global epigenetic information influences allocation of pluripotent cells toward the first cell lineages.  相似文献   

How does Legionella pneumophila exit the host cell?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In recent years, tremendous progress has been made in unraveling the elegant mechanisms by which intracellular pathogens invade host cells and establish intracellular infections. By contrast, our knowledge of the mechanisms of host cell cytolysis and the egress of intracellular pathogens is still in its infancy. Temporal pore-formation-mediated lysis of the host and exit by Legionella pneumophila and Leishmania could provide a new model of egress for other intracellular pathogens, many of which exhibit pore-forming or cytolysin activity  相似文献   

Myosin II plays important roles in cell division, cell migration, and morphogenesis. It is not evenly distributed within a cel but localized in restricted regions such as at the furrow region of dividing cells and at the rear region of migrating cells. At these regions, myosin produces power for cells to divide to produce two daughter cells and power to promote the rear contraction of cells that propels cell migration on the basis of a mechanochemical energy transduction. In this review, I will focus on the mechanisms used to localize myosin II molecules in specific subcellular regions. Recipient of the Botanical Society Award of Young Scientists, 1995  相似文献   

Microtubules play a central role in centering the nucleus or mitotic in eukaryotic cells. However, despite common use of microtubules for centering, physical mechanisms can vary greatly, and depend on cell size and cell type. In the small fission yeast cells, the nucleus can be centered by pushing forces that are generated when growing microtubules hit the cell boundary. This mechanism may not be possible in larger cells, because the compressive force that microtubules can sustain are limited by buckling, so maximal force decreases with microtubule length. In a well-studied intermediate sized cell, the C. elegans fertilized egg, centrosomes are centered by cortex-attached motors that pull on microtubules. This mechanism is widely assumed to be general for larger cells. However, re-evaluation of classic experiments in a very large cell, the fertilized amphibian egg, argues against such generality. In these large eggs, movement of asters away from a part of the cell boundary that they are touching cannot be mediated by cortical pulling, because the astral microtubules are too short to reach the opposite cell boundary. A century ago, Herlant and Brachet discovered that multiple asters within a single egg center relative to the cell boundary, but also relative to each other. Here, we summarize current understanding of microtubule organization during the first cell cycle in a fertilized Xenopus egg, discuss how microtubule asters move towards the center of this very large cell, and how multiple asters shape and position themselves relative to each other.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of lineage choice represent a challenging problem in developmental biology. Recent studies have shown that different T-cell receptor signals can affect CD4 or CD8 lineage choice. Thus, all the ingredients for instructive mechanisms of lineage fate are in place but other mechanisms cannot be completely ruled out.  相似文献   

How does a bacterium grow during its cell cycle?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rod-shaped bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis appear to extend continuously in length between divisions. However, the kinetics of growth of the individual cell in the steady state is still unknown. A brief, critical account of the main approaches used to determine the pattern of surface extension is given. In general, these approaches are of three types. Firstly, attempts have been made to relate average cell size to growth rate of the culture and to determine possible stages in the cell cycle at which the rate of length extension might change. Secondly, comparisons have been made between the measured length distribution of cells and theoretical distributions, based on three primary hypotheses (linear, bilinear and exponential growth). Thirdly, the principle of Collins and Richmond, involving the calculation of growth rate from the length distributions of extant, separating and new-born cells, is described. It is emphasized that there is a strong element of variation in size at different stages of the cell cycle. This variation imposes severe limitations on models which utilize only average cellular dimensions. We conclude that the Collins-Richmond principle affords the most powerful approach to the analysis of bacterial growth kinetics. However, we propose that the method be modified to permit calculation of separate rates of growth of cells between discernible events in the cell cycle, as well as simply between birth and division.  相似文献   

In multicellular organisms, most cells are confined to a particular tissue. However, some cells invade organs during normal development and in diseases (e.g., angiogenesis and cancer). Recent studies reveal a fascinating step-by-step process in which specific vulval cells induce and attract a single gonadal cell to invade an epithelial tubular organ in order to connect the uterus to the vulva in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Boron (B) is an essential micronutrient for vascular plants. Boron plays a structural role in cell walls through binding to pectic polysaccharides. It still remains unclear how B deficiency, and hence probably alterations in cell wall structure, leads to various metabolic disorders and cell death. To understand the process, we analyzed the physiological changes in suspension- cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) BY-2 cells under B deficiency. The results indicated that the cells deprived of B did not undergo a typical programmed cell death process. Oxidative damage was proven to be the direct and major cause of cell death. We discuss possible mechanisms for the generation and accumulation of reactive oxygen species under B deprivation.Key words: boron deficiency, cell death, cell wall, oxidative damage, pectic polysaccharides, rhamnogalacturonan II, tobaccoBoron (B) deficiency is the most widespread micronutrient deficiency around the world and causes large losses in crop production both quantitatively and qualitatively.1 Boron deficiency affects vegetative and reproductive growth of plants resulting in inhibition of cell expansion, death of meristem and reduced fertility.2Plants contain B both in a water-soluble and insoluble form. In intact plants, the amount of water-soluble B fluctuates with the quantity of B supplied, while insoluble B does not.3 The appearance of B deficiency symptoms coincides with the decrease of water-insoluble B, from which it is concluded that the insoluble B is the functional form while the soluble B represents the surplus. We found at least 98% of the insoluble B in tobacco cells bound to the cell wall,4 and identified their molecular entity as the borate diester with rhamnogalacturonan II (RG-II) regions of pectic polysaccharides.5 The diester crosslinks pectic polysaccharides to form a network and thereby contributes to construction of a supramolecular cell wall structure.6 Mutant plants with altered RG-II structures are dwarf and sterile, indicating that the B-RG-II complex is essential for normal plant growth and development.7 Increasing evidence indicates that B is also essential for animals.8 The requirement for B in organisms lacking cell walls implies that B may also have additional roles in plants. To date, however, no molecule other than apiosyl residues in pectic polysaccharides has been demonstrated to form a borate ester which could be stable enough under physiological conditions. Thus it is reasonable to consider that B functions primarily, if not exclusively, as a structural component of the cell wall, and B deficiency symptoms arise from disturbance of the cell wall structure. How, then, does the disturbed cell wall structure lead to the damage and cell death that are observed under B deficiency? To understand the linkage, we have analyzed physiological changes of suspension-cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) BY-2 cells under B deficiency.When cells at the log phase of growth were transferred to B-free media, cell death was detectable as early as 12 h after the treatment. As cell walls play pivotal roles in plant development and growth, we assumed that the B deprivation, which probably causes aberrant cell wall structure, might induce programmed cell death (PCD) as an active response to eliminate damaged cells. Then we examined if the known biochemical hallmark of PCD could be observed in cells deprived of B (hereafter referred to as -B cells). However, internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, decrease in antioxidant content and antioxidant enzyme expression,9 or protection from death by cycloheximide, were not detected in these cells, suggesting that the cell death is necrosis. We found oxidative damage to be the direct and major cause of cell death, because -B cells contained more reactive oxygen species (ROS) than control cells, and because cell death was effectively suppressed by supplementing the media with lipophilic antioxidants. The deprivation treatment did not induce an oxidative burst, as the extracellular H2O2 concentration was not significantly different between -B and control cells at all time points examined. Resupply of B immediately suppressed cell death. Collectively, these results suggest that low but persistent ROS production occurred under the -B condition.In the study described above, we demonstrated that B deprivation, and hence probably a defective cell wall structure, leads to oxidative damage. How and why B deprivation induces ROS overproduction remains to be clarified. We hypothesize that ROS are originally produced as a signal for disturbance of the cell wall structure, and build up to a toxic level unless B is resupplied and the cell wall structure is restored. It has been reported that the mechanical strength of the squash root cell wall decreases within minutes after B deprivation.10,11 The mechanical change could be brought about by insufficient crosslinking of pectic polysaccharides at RG-II regions, as the B-RG-II complex significantly contributes to the wall tensile strength.12 If the cell wall becomes weaker and less resistant to turgor, then the plasma membrane would stretch. The change may lead to opening of mechanosensitive channels13 and generation of signals for the altered cell wall structure. To test this hypothesis, we are now analyzing the immediate and early responses of tobacco BY-2 cells to B deprivation, and preliminary results do indicate the involvement of Ca2+ influx in the responses. Identification of the mechanism by which cells sense the external B status will greatly contribute to our understanding of the cell wall-symplast interaction in plants.14  相似文献   

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