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Electrical activity at motor nerve terminals of the mouse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Extracellular recording of the electrical activity of mammalian end-plate made it possible to distinguish three different parts on the presynaptic terminal. Bath or ionophoretic application of ionic channel blockers induced specific alterations of electric signals which revealed the localization of classical ionic channels. 2. Sodium channels are restricted to a small area, sharply located after the end of the last myelinated segment and potassium channels are distributed over the rest of the terminal branches. 3. The first direct evidence of the presence of calcium channels at the terminal part of the motor endings was obtained, when potassium channel activity was suppressed. They occupy the same region as potassium channels. 4. Finally, the differential distribution of ionic channels over the terminal and the time-course of calcium current are discussed in relation to transmitter release.  相似文献   

Presynaptic nerve terminals contain a great number ofsynaptic vesicles filled with neurotransmitter. The transmission of information in synapses is mediated by release of transmitter from vesicles: exocytosis, after their fusion with presynaptic membrane. At the functioning synapses, the continuous recycling of synaptic vesicles occurs (vesicle cycle), which provides multiple reuse of vesicular membrane material during synaptic activity. Vesicle cycle consists of large number of steps, including vesicle fusion--exocytosis, formation of new vesicles--endocytosis, vesicle sorting, filling of vesicles with transmitter, intraterminal vesicle transport driving the vesicles to different vesicle pools and preparing to next exocytic event. At this paper, I presented the latest literature and our data regarding the steps and mechanisms of vesicle cycle at synapses. Special attention was paid to neuromuscular synapse as the most thoroughly investigated and as my favorite preparation.  相似文献   

Using electrophysiology and fluorescence microscopy with dye FM 1-43, a comparative study of peculiarities of neurotransmitter secretion, synaptic vesicle exo-endocytosis and recycling has been carried out in nerve terminals (NT) of the skin-sternal muscle of the frog Rana ridibunda and of the white mouse diaphragm muscle during a long-term high-frequency stimulation (20 imp/s). The obtained data have allowed identifying three synaptic vesicle pools and two recycling ways in the motor NT. In the frog NT, the long-term high-frequency stimulation induced consecutive expenditure of the pool ready to release, the mobilizational, and reserve vesicle pools. The exocytosis rate exceeded markedly the endocytosis rate; the slow synaptic vesicle recycling with replenishment of the reserve pool was predominant. In the mouse NT, only the vesicles of the ready to release and the mobilizational pools, which are replenished predominantly by fast recycling, were exocytosed. The exo- and endocytosis occurred practically in parallel, while vesicles of the reserve pool did not participate in the neurotransmitter secretion. It is suggested that evolution of the motor NT from the poikilothermal to homoiothermal animals went by the way of a decrease of the vesicle pool size, the more economic expenditure and the more effective reuse of synaptic vesicles owing to the high rates of endocytosis and recycling. These peculiarities can provide in NT of homoiothermal animals a long maintenance of neurotransmitter secretion at the steady and sufficiently high level to preserve reliability of synaptic transmission in the process of the high-frequency activity.  相似文献   

Summary Motor nerve terminals on white and intermediate muscle fibers of the Atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa, L.) contain translucent synpatic vesicles and about 1–2% dense-core vesicles. Terminals on red muscle fibers contain up to 40% dense-core vesicles with diameter 800–1100 Å. Examinations for formaldehyde-induced fluorescence indicate yellow fluorescence (5-HT ?) apparently corresponding with terminal axons on red muscle fibers in craniovelar muscles. Possibly red muscle fibers of Myxine receive monoaminergic innervation.The author is indebted to Dr. Finn Walvig, Biological station, University of Oslo, Drøbak, for supply of hagfishes.  相似文献   

Myosin molecular motor dysfunction in dystrophic mouse diaphragm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cross-bridge properties and myosin heavy chain (MHC) compositionwere investigated in isolated diaphragm from 6-mo-old control (n = 12) andmdx(n = 12) mice. Compared with control,peak tetanic tension fell by 50% inmdx mice(P < 0.001). The total number ofcross bridges per square millimeter(×109), the elementaryforce per cross bridge, and the peak mechanical efficiency were lowerin mdx than in control mice (eachP < 0.001). The duration of thecycle and the rate constant for cross-bridge detachment weresignificantly lower in mdx than incontrol mice. In the overall population, there was a linearrelationship between peak tetanic tension and either total number ofcross bridges per square millimeter or elementary force per crossbridge (r = 0.996 andr = 0.667, respectively, eachP < 0.001). Themdx mice presented a higher proportionof type IIA MHC (P < 0.001) thancontrol mice and a reduction in type IIX MHC(P < 0.001) and slowmyosin isoforms (P < 0.01) comparedwith control mice. We concluded that, inmdx mice, impaired diaphragm strengthwas associated with qualitative and quantitative changes in myosin molecular motors. It is proposed that reduced force generated per crossbridge contributed to diaphragm weakness inmdx mice.


A light microscopy morphometric study was performed in singly innervated synaptic areas of the triangularis sterni muscle of the normal adult Swiss mouse. Investigating mechanisms of the motor nerve growth control, we tested the hypothesis that significant differences in the nerve terminal branching pattern can be detected between different populations of nerve endings classified according to their arborization complexity or size. The main observations of this morphometric study are first, that the mean segment length of the terminal arborization between branch points behaves as an independent variable from the remaining parameters; the mean value of this parameter did not change in nerve endings of differing size and complexity. Secondly, the increase in size of the nerve endings is accompanied by a significant reduction in the mean length of the distal free-end segments. Results are discussed in the context of the possible regulatory mechanisms governing nerve terminal growth and remodelling.  相似文献   

The experiments were perfomed on transvcrsus abdominis muscle of Elaphe dione by subendothelial recording. The results indicate that in snake motor nerve endings there exist four types of K* channels, i.e. voltage-dependent fast and slow K channels, Ca2 -activated K channel and ATP-sensitive K channel, (i) The typical wave form of snake terminal current was the double-peaked negativity in standard solution. The first peak was at-tributed to Na influx (INa) in nodes of Ranvier. The second one was blocked by 3, 4-aminopyridine (3, 4-DAP) or te-traethylammonium (TEA), which corresponded to fast K outward current (IKF) through the fast K* channels in terminal part, (ii) After IKF as well as the slow K current (IKS) were blocked by 3, 4-DAP, the TEA-sensitive Ca2 -dependent K current (IK(Ca)) passing through Ca2 -activated K channel was revealed, whose amplitude depended on [K ]and [Ca2 ] It was blocked by Ba2 , Cd2 or Co2 . (iii) IK.F and IK(Ca) were blocked by TEA, while IK.S was retained. It  相似文献   

The antagonism between botulinum toxin and calcium in motor nerve terminals   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The effects of tetraethylammonium and manganese, which modify calcium entry into motor nerve terminals, have been studied during advanced stages of botulinum paralysis. Evidence has been obtained that the voltage-activated calcium current in the nerve endings is not significantly reduced by botulinum toxin. The depression of transmitter release that the toxin produces must arise at a later stage, at an intracellular site of the release mechanism.  相似文献   

Nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) has been used to stain motor nerve terminals and unmyelinated axons in vertebrate skeletal muscle, but undesirable background connective tissue coloration resulted. This procedure was improved by separation of the tetrazolium salt's binding from its subsequent reduction. By uncoupling the binding and reduction steps it was possible (1) to improve nerve terminal staining by using tetranitroblue tetrazolium (TNBT), (2) to counterstain and postfix in osmium tetroxide and (3) to enhance the overall tissue preservation. The separate binding and reduction procedure is compatible with postsynaptic acetylcholinesterase staining. Experimentally manipulated and diseased preparations can be successfully stained, and the requirements for optimal staining in each case are described.  相似文献   

Mitochondria contribute to neuronal function not only via their ability to generate ATP, but also via their ability to buffer large Ca2+ loads. This review summarizes evidence that mitochondrial Ca2+ sequestration is especially important for sustaining the function of vertebrate motor nerve terminals during repetitive stimulation. Motor terminal mitochondria can sequester large amounts of Ca2+ because they have mechanisms for limiting both the mitochondrial depolarization and the increase in matrix free [Ca2+] associated with Ca2+ influx. In mice expressing mutations of human superoxide dismutase −1 (SOD1) that cause some cases of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fALS), motor terminals degenerate well before the death of motor neuron cell bodies. This review presents evidence for early and progressive mitochondrial dysfunction in motor terminals of mutant SOD1 mice (G93A, G85R). This dysfunction would impair mitochondrial ability to sequester stimulation-associated Ca2+ loads, and thus likely contributes to the early degeneration of motor terminals.  相似文献   

Summary— Small and short-lasting physiologic variations in the locomotor activity of normal adult rats can induce remodelling in the motor nerve endings of the fast extensor digitorum longus muscle. The specificity and relative importance of the different plastic adaptations occurring in the presynaptic axonal tree have been studied, in silver impregnated nerve endings, by using an automatic image analysis treatment of the nerve terminals' geometric properties and a discriminant analysis of the morphometric parameters. Changes observed, like selective length variations in certain terminal segments and positional rearrangements, agree with a mechanism of neural connectivity regulation in the adult that arises as a consequence of normal neuromuscular activity.  相似文献   

The fluorophore FM1-43 appears to stain membranes of recycled synaptic vesicles. We used FM1-43 to study mechanisms of synaptic vesicle clustering and mobilization in living frog motor nerve terminals. FM1- 43 staining of these terminals produces a linear series of fluorescent spots, each spot marking the cluster of several hundred synaptic vesicles at an active zone. Most agents we tested did not affect staining, but the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid (OA) disrupted the fluorescent spots, causing dye to spread throughout the terminal. Consistent with this, electron microscopy showed that vesicle clusters were disrupted by OA treatment. However, dye did not spread passively to a uniform spatial distribution. Instead, time lapse movies showed clear evidence of active dye movements, as if synaptic vesicles were being swept along by an active translocation mechanism. Large dye accumulations sometimes occurred at sites of Schwann cell nuclei. These effects of OA were not significantly affected by pretreatment with colchicine or cytochalasin D. Electrophysiological recordings showed that OA treatment reduced the amount of acetylcholine released in response to nerve stimulation. The results suggest that an increased level of protein phosphorylation induced by OA treatment mobilizes synaptic vesicles and unmasks a powerful vesicle translocation mechanism, which may function normally to distribute synaptic vesicles between active zones.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural observations made in the study of the frog neuromuscular junction (NMJ) almost three decades ago showed that synaptic vesicle cycling functions through a slow pathway, requiring the use of clathrin-coated vesicles and an endosomal compartment. Simultaneously, a conceptually simpler model emerged, postulating rapid retrieval of vesicle membrane through a mechanism similar to a reversal of vesicle fusion. With the advent of fluorescence imaging which allows the investigator to monitor recycling in living nerve-muscle preparations, new data appeared which reconcile at least in part the two models, indicating that both may be important at this synapse. Two different synaptic vesicle pools can be defined, a readily releasable pool (RRP), consisting of quanta that are immediately available for release, and a reserve pool (RP) that is exocytosed only after prolonged stimulation. Vesicles in the RRP recycle through a fast endocytic pathway, which does not rely on an endosomal compartment, while vesicles in the RP cycle more slowly through formation of infoldings and endosomes and their subsequent severance into vesicles. The two pools mix slowly, and their recycling may be regulated by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

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