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Accurate knowledge of placental lactogen localization is fundamental to any hypothesis of its synthesis and secretion. We used locally generated monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies from three separate sources to localize ovine placental lactogen immunoreactivity on light and electron microscope Lowicryl K4M sections of ovine placentomes of 97-145 days of gestation, using immunogold techniques. All antibodies demonstrated that immunoreactivity was exclusively localized in the trophoectoderm binucleate cell Golgi body and granules and in granules in the syncytium derived from binucleate cell migration. No evidence was found to support a recent claim that monoclonal antibodies to oPL that were produced in Canada indicated a predominant localization of ovine placental lactogen to uninucleate trophectodermal cells.  相似文献   

Reflection contrast microscopy (RCM) of ultrathin sections was recently introduced as a sensitive technique for visualization with enhanced definition in immunogold histochemistry. Experience of using RCM as a major tool in immunocytochemical research in different fields is summarized, e.g. oncology, nephrology and embryology. The sensitive visualization of immunocytochemical labels, gold particles or peroxidase-diaminobenzidine deposits in or on ultrathin sections, by RCM instead of electron microscopy is demonstrated. RCM of ultrathin sections is an adequate light microscopical alternative for immunoelectron microscopy, since an overview of both label and tissue is obtained with a high image definition and high contrast of label. In the studies presented, RCM is shown to provide a better gradation in staining intensity and staining pattern than other light microscopical methods. Moreover, a precise localization of multiple labels is obtained with this method. Besides the applications shown, ultrathin section visualization by RCM is very useful for correlative light- and electron microscopical studies of fine structures. Commercially available fluorescence microscopes can be adapted for proper RCM functioning; an adaptation scheme and list of microscopes tested is provided.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were used to investigate the immunochemistry of human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (acetylcholine acetylhydrolase, EC A series of experiments on the sedimentation velocity and Stokes radius of acetylcholinesterase and its immune complexes indicated that each antibody recognized a single high-affinity binding site (epitope) on the monomeric enzyme. Further analysis suggested that the antibody-binding sites were replicated on multimeric enzyme forms but were subject to steric hindrance between nearby IgG molecules or adjacent enzyme subunits. The cellular localization of the epitopes was studied by measuring the binding of monoclonal antibodies to the cholinesterase of intact erythrocytes. The results implied that most of the epitopes are exposed to the external media. However, one antibody failed to bind to intact cells, despite a relatively high affinity for detergent-solubilized antigen, possibly because its epitope is buried in the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The extent of immunological cross-reactivity between hemopexins of four species (rat, human, rabbit and chicken) was assessed with four affinity purified polyclonal antibodies and three monoclonal antibodies using RIA, Western blotting and rocket immunoelectrophoresis. Neither the two monoclonal antibodies to rabbit hemopexin (Rb3D11 and Rb3H9), the monoclonal antibody (R4B3) to rat hemopexin nor any of the polyclonal antibodies showed shared antigenic determinants between avian and mammalian hemopexins as judged by RIA or rocket immunoelectrophoresis. Western blotting with polyclonal antibodies revealed some reactivity raising the possibility of a few shared, though distantly related, epitopes. Polyclonal antibodies, raised to the mammalian hemopexins cross-reacted to variable extents with the respective antigens by RIA, results paralleled by data obtained by Western blotting. Anti-rat monoclonal antibodies reacted only with rat hemopexin in Western blots and minimally with rabbit hemopexin in RIA. The anti-rabbit monoclonal antibodies recognized two distinct epitopes one of which is shared with human hemopexin and presumably highly conserved.  相似文献   

The effects of pH, ionic strength, anion species, and antibody concentration on the adsorption equilibrium between immobilized antibodies and antigens were studied by use of anti-BSA, anti-HSA, anti-BlgG, and monoclonal anti-HSA coupled to Sepharose 4B. The polyclonal antibodies possessed average binding affinities of the order of 10(8)M(-1), and the heterogeneity was accounted for by assuming a normal distribution of the free energy of antibody-antigen combination. The monoclonal antibody, on the other hand, showed a homogeneous affinity of the Langmuir type. Bound antigens could be eluted by lowering pH or adding a chaotropic anion, and their purity was very high. The antibody ligand was sufficiently stable for repeated use.  相似文献   

We used monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to examine the antigenic specificity and biologic function of several Chlamydia trachomatis antigens. Thirteen distinct MAbs to eight C. trachomatis antigens were produced. Six MAbs reacted with unique epitopes on the major outer membrane protein (MOMP) and two of these had neutralizing activity. MAbs were produced to each of the chlamydial antigens with molecular masses of 10, 29, 32, 57, 60, 70, and 75 kilodaltons (kDa). These MAbs showed species and genus specificity in an immunoblot assay. None of the MAbs had neutralizing activity. The epitopes recognized on MOMP, 29-, and 10-kDa (presumably lipopolysaccharide) antigens were surface exposed. MAbs to the 75-kDa, 57-kDa, and MOMP antigens were used for immunoaffinity purification of these antigens to produce monospecific antisera in mice. With polyclonal sera, we found that the 75-kDa antigen was also immunoaccessible and that antibody to MOMP and 75-kDa antigens neutralized C. trachomatis infectivity. We conclude that, in addition to MOMP and lipopolysaccharide, antigens with molecular masses of 75 and 29 kDa are surface exposed. Antibodies to MOMP and 75-kDa antigens can neutralize the organism in vitro.  相似文献   

Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies were raised against the nitrosating enzyme previously isolated and purified from a denitrifying bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Using the polyclonal antibodies, a preliminary ELISA test was set up which allowed the detection of the nitrosating enzyme in 2 ml urine samples with a minimal total bacteria count of greater than or equal to 10(5) cells/ml. The use of such a rapid immunological screening test in clinical settings should ascertain whether individual subjects at higher risk for cancer of the stomach or bladder harbour more nitrosation-proficient microorganisms in their microflora. The availability of monoclonal antibodies provides a tool for studying the mechanisms of bacteria-mediated nitrosamine formation from precursor amines.  相似文献   

A cytochemical technique for the ultrastructural localization of unique nuclear antigens is reported. Using a post-embedding indirect immunogold labeling procedure, nuclear antigens in electron-dense regions of the nucleus are localized with a minimum of nonspecific staining. Using this technique and indirect immunofluorescence, a panel of antinuclear monoclonal antibodies is shown to recognize preferentially cell cycle-dependent nuclear substructures. The antigenic domains recognized include specific regions in condensed chromatin, interchromatin granules, euchromatin, and chromosomes. The specificity of antigen recognition is demonstrated with qualitative and quantitative immunogold electron microscopy and immunoblot analysis. These results reveal the existence of previously undefined supramolecular organization within the nucleus and demonstrate the utility of the immunogold procedure when monoclonal antibodies are used.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were produced following immunization of mice with either [Leu5]enkephalin-bovine serum albumin or [Met5]enkephalin-keyhold limpet hemocyanin conjugates. Two monoclonal antibodies coded NOC1 and NOC2, respectively, were derived. These monoclonal antibodies did not discriminate between Leu- and Met-enkephalin in either radioimmunoassay or immunocytochemistry. NOC1 was characterized in detail. In radioimmunoassay NOC1 displayed about 40% crossreactivity with C-terminal extended Met-enkephalin hexapeptides and 7% with the extended heptapeptide (-Arg-Phe-OH), but did not recognize other endogenous peptides. In immunocytochemistry the NOC1 and NOC2 recognized all well-established "enkephalin immunoreactive sites," but they did not bind to areas known to contain beta-endorphin or high levels of pro-enkephalin. NOC1 was shown to be a suitable tool to demonstrate enkephalin immunoreactive sites by radioimmunocytochemistry utilizing both internally and externally labeled monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were produced to whole cells of heat-treated Escherichia coli. Balb/c mice were immunized with a pool of five strains of heat-treated E. coli, and the resulting hybridomas were screened by indirect immunoassay. E. coli strains other than those used for immunization were used for screening to detect hybridomas producing antibody that reacted with a large number of E. coli strains. Of 864 hybridomas, 32 reacted strongly with either two or all three of the strains used for screening; 15 were successfully cloned. Antibody from hybridoma 6H2 reacted with 35 of 68 (51%) E. coli; of 13 non-E. coli tested, only Enterobacter agglomerans was weakly positive. Hybridoma 9B12 antibody reacted with all six E. coli tested. Hybridoma 9B12, however, stopped producing antibody. Five hybridomas produced antibody which reacted with a majority of the bacteria tested whereas antibodies from two other hybridomas reacted with several E. coli and non-E. coli. Polyclonal antibodies produced to two strains of E. coli varied in the numbers of E. coli with which they reacted; both antisera cross-reacted with several non-E. coli.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were produced to whole cells of heat-treated Escherichia coli. Balb/c mice were immunized with a pool of five strains of heat-treated E. coli , and the resulting hybridomas were screened by indirect immunoassay. E. coli strains other than those used for immunization were used for screening to detect hybridomas producing antibody that reacted with a large number of E. coli strains. Of 864 hybridomas, 32 reacted strongly with either two or all three of the strains used for screening; 15 were successfully cloned. Antibody from hybridoma 6H2 reacted with 35 of 68 (51%) E. coli ; of 13 non- E. coli tested, only Enterobacter agglomerans was weakly positive. Hybridoma 9B12 antibody reacted with all six E. coli tested. Hybridoma 9B12, however, stopped producing antibody. Five hybridomas produced antibody which reacted with a majority of the bacteria tested whereas antibodies from two other hybridomas reacted with several E. coli and non- E. coli. Polyclonal antibodies produced to two strains of E. coli varied in the numbers of E. coli with which they reacted; both antisera cross-reacted with several non- E. coli.  相似文献   

We have developed TransChromo (TC) technology, which enables the introduction of megabase-sized segments of DNA into cells. We have used this approach to derive mice that carry megabases of human DNA by the use of a human chromosome fragment (HCF) as a vector. TC technology has been applied to the construction of the TC Mouse,trade mark which incorporates entire human immunoglobulin (hIg) loci. TC Mouse expresses a fully diverse repertoire of hIgs, including all the subclasses of IgGs (IgG1-G4). Immunization of the TC Mouse with various human antigens produced antibody responses comprised of human antibodies. Furthermore, it was possible to obtain hybridoma clones expressing fully human antibodies specific for the target human antigen. However, because of the instability of the Igkappa locus-bearing HCF2, the efficiency of hybridoma production was less than one-tenth of that observed in normal mice. An instant solution to this problem was to cross-breed the Kirin TC Mouse carrying the HCF14, which was stable in mouse cells, with the Medarex YAC-transgenic mouse carrying about 50% of the hIgVkappa gene segments as a region that is stably integrated into the mouse genome. The resulting mouse, dubbed the KM Mouse, performed as well as normal mice with regard to immune responsiveness and efficiency of hybridoma production. Another application of TC technology is the production of polyclonal antibodies in large animals such as chickens and cows. To test the efficacy of human polyclonal antibodies derived from TC animals, feasibility studies were performed using antisera and purified gamma-globulin from TC mice immunized with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), or Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV). The TC mouse-derived antisera and gamma-globulin showed a much higher titer and efficacy in terms of the neutralizing activity of the pathogens in vitro and in vivo than either human serum or gamma-globulin prepared from human blood.  相似文献   

Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies are often used in regulatory testing of biologicals (vaccines and related products). One of the most common applications for antibody-based immunoassays is as a batch release test. Batch release tests, whether they measure serological responses to vaccination or they quantify individual antigens by in vitro methods, must provide an acceptable estimate of potency of an individual batch of vaccine. Thus, due consideration must be given to the type of antibody used or quantified in such assays. Differences in specificity and avidity may affect the utility of an assay as an indicator of potency; case examples are given to illustrate these concepts. Concerns associated with antigen quantification assays (e.g., reagent denaturation upon binding to solid substrates, and interference from nontarget antigens or additives in a complex vaccine) are also discussed. International efforts to harmonize test methods in recent years have increased the importance of establishing standardized antibodies. Sources of such antibodies and issues associated with the ongoing availability of antibody supplies are described.  相似文献   

Antibodies are valuable tools in the laboratory and clinic. Antibodies include those secreted by a single clone of B lymphocytes, termed monoclonal antibodies, and those produced by a mixture of various B lymphocyte clones, termed polyclonal antibodies. Both products have become essential instruments in fundamental immunological research, immunohistochemistry, diagnostic testing, and vaccine quality control. Antibody production requires a substantial number of animals, and the animals are subjected to a number of invasive procedures such as antigen injection and blood collection. However, by carefully designing an immunization protocol and by optimizing the immunization response, it is possible to minimize animals' pain and distress while obtaining optimal immune responses. In this article, the critical steps in the production of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies are described, specifically including selection of the animal species and its age, injection protocol, and ascites tapping. Recommendations are provided for optimizing the immunization response.  相似文献   

An immunoelectron microscopic study was performed to determine the distribution of antigenic components on particles of Chlamydia psittaci and infected cells using a number of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Of three anti-lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antibodies (4D5, A2 and 4G5), two antibodies (4D5 and A2) reacted with the surface of reticulate bodies (RBs) but not with that of elementary bodies (EBs). The other antibody (4G5) reacted with both EBs and RBs. Examination of infected cells in thin sections revealed that 4D5 and A2 combined with the membranes of both EBs and RBs. These results indicate that each LPS epitope localized at a different position in the chlamydial membrane. Most MAbs directed to protein antigens reacted on the surface of both EBs and RBs though 3E9 specific for the 90 kDa and 50 kDa protein components combined with RBs only.  相似文献   

Specific populations of hepatic sinusoidal cells were stained with monoclonal antibodies that recognize monocytes/macrophages (ED1), tissue macrophages (Kupffer cells) (ED2), MHC class II (Ia) antigen (MRC OX6), and dendritic cells/γ,δ T-cells (MRC OX62) and analyzed by light and electron microscopy. The majority of ED1+ and/or ED2+ cells were localized to the hepatic parenchyma, whereas OX6+ and/or OX62+ cells were more densely distributed within Glisson’s sheath than in the hepatic parenchyma. Double-immunoperoxidase staining of normal liver for ED1, ED2, and OX6 identified dendritic cells (DC) of two different phenotypes, ED1+ED2OX6+ and ED1ED2OX6+. DC can be classified into three different types based on ultrastructural characteristics. The first type (type I) is characterized by one or more long cytoplasmic processes and a well-developed lysosomal system. The second type (type II) has an inconspicuous lysosomal system, abundant hyaloplasm, and characteristic short cytoplasmic processes. The third type (type I–II) has cytologic features intermediate between those of type I and type II DC. At the electron-microscopic level, these three cell types are found in the sinusoidal lumen, whereas the majority of type II DC are located in the space of Disse and Glisson’s sheath. Furthermore, some OX6-labeled elongated DC appeared to traverse the lumen of sinusoids through endothelial pores to enter the space of Disse. One hour after intravenous injection of latex particles (0.81 μm in diameter), numerous latex-laden dendritic cells (ED1+OX6+, type I and type I–II) were detected in the lumen of hepatic sinusoids, but not in the space of Disse or Glisson’s sheath. These findings suggest that normal rat liver contains resident dendritic cells which downregulate phagocytic activity and mature into potent accessory cells during migration from the portal vein toward the central vein. These DC then traverse the sinusoidal lumen to the hepatic lymph system via the space of Disse. Received: 8 May 1998 / Accepted: 15 June 1998  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies directed against Uukuniemi virus glycoproteins G1 and G2 in combination with polyclonal antibodies against the nucleoprotein (N) were used to study the maturation of the virus in Golgi complexes of infected chicken embryo fibroblasts and BHK cells. Of 25 monoclonal antibodies obtained, 10 were shown to be G1 specific and 15 were shown to be G2 specific by immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation. In double-staining experiments, some of the monoclonal antibodies gave similar distributions of fluorescence as compared with the staining obtained from polyclonal rabbit anti-G1-G2 antibodies. Others, however, preferentially stained either the glycoproteins in the Golgi complex or those at the cell surface. This may indicate that the glycoproteins underwent conformational changes during their transport. Uukuniemi virus infection resulted in the vacuolization of the membranes of Golgi complexes where the maturation of the virus was taking place. Double-staining experiments with monoclonal antibodies which preferentially stained the Golgi-associated viral glycoproteins and with anti-N polyclonal rabbit antiserum showed a correlation between the progressive vacuolization of the Golgi complex and the accumulation of viral nucleoprotein in the Golgi region, suggesting that a morphological alteration of the Golgi complex may be a prerequisite for intracellular maturation of the virus. Treatment of Uukuniemi virus-infected cells with tunicamycin, a drug which inhibits N-linked glycosylation, resulted in the accumulation of both glycoproteins at an intracellular location, apparently representing the endoplasmic reticulum. Double-staining experiments showed a parallel accumulation of nucleoprotein at these sites, indicating that local accumulation of glycoproteins is required for nucleoprotein binding to intracellular membranes.  相似文献   

Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies against rat liver nuclear lamins have been used to evaluate the immunological cross-reactivity of lamins with a given antibody in a variety of animal and plant cells. The results indicated that lamins of all vertebrate cells but not invertebrate cells share at least one antigenic determinant, resulting in immunological cross-reaction with polyclonal antisera to lamina from rat liver. The range of cross-reaction with monoclonal antibody to rat lamins includes all mammalian cells tested but we observed no reaction with other vertebrate and invertebrate cells. Thus, by means of immunological cross-reaction a less stringently conserved pattern is observed for lamins than, for example, cytoskeletal proteins. We have also investigated the fate of the nuclear lamins during meiosis in testes and ovaries of the mouse. Lamins are absent from male meiotic cells and during oogenesis in meiotic prophases.  相似文献   

Y. Shimazaki  L. H. Pratt 《Planta》1985,164(3):333-344
While two monoclonal antibodies directed to phytochrome from etiolated oat (Avena sativa L.) shoots can precipitate up to about 30% of the photoreversible phytochrome isolated from green oat shoots, most precipitate little or none at all. These results are consistent with a report by J.G. Tokuhisa and P.H. Quail (1983, Plant Physiol. 72, Suppl., 85), according to which polyclonal rabbit antibodies directed to phytochrome from etiolated oat shoots bind only a small fraction of the phytochrome obtained from green oat shoots. The immunoprecipitation data reported here indicate that essentially all phytochrome isolated from green oat shoots is distinct from that obtained from etiolated oat shoots. The data indicate further that phytochrome from green oat shoots might itself be composed of two or more immunochemically distinct populations, each of which is distinct from phytochrome from etiolated shoots. Phytochrome isolated from light-grown, but norflurazon-bleached oat shoots is like that isolated from green oat shoots. When light-grown, green oat seedlings are kept in darkness for 48 h, however, much, if not all, of the phytochrome that reaccumulates is like that from etiolated oat shoots. Neither modification during purification from green oat shoots of phytochrome like that from etiolated oat shoots, nor non-specific interference by substances in extracts of green oat shoots, can explain the inability of antibodies to recognize phytochrome isolated from green oat shoots. Immunopurified polyclonal rabbit antibodies to phytochrome from etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L.). shoots precipitate more than 95% of the photoreversible phytochrome obtained from etiolated pea shoots, while no more than 75% of the pigment is precipitated when phytochrome is isolated from green pea shoots. These data indicate in preliminary fashion that an immunochemically unique pool of phytochrome might also be present in extracts of green pea shoots.Abbreviation ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - mU milliunit - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome  相似文献   

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