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Small molecule metabolites play important roles in regulating protein functions, which are acted through either covalent non-enzymatic post-translational modifications or non-covalent binding interactions. Chemical proteomic strategies can help delineate global landscapes of cellular protein–metabolite interactions and provide molecular insights about their mechanisms of action. In this review, we summarized the recent progress in developments and applications of chemoproteomic strategies to profile protein–metabolite interactions.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) in all the molecular aspects that take place both inside and outside cells. However, determining experimentally the structure and affinity of PPIs is expensive and time consuming. Therefore, the development of computational tools, as a complement to experimental methods, is fundamental. Here, we present a computational suite: MODPIN, to model and predict the changes of binding affinity of PPIs. In this approach we use homology modeling to derive the structures of PPIs and score them using state‐of‐the‐art scoring functions. We explore the conformational space of PPIs by generating not a single structural model but a collection of structural models with different conformations based on several templates. We apply the approach to predict the changes in free energy upon mutations and splicing variants of large datasets of PPIs to statistically quantify the quality and accuracy of the predictions. As an example, we use MODPIN to study the effect of mutations in the interaction between colicin endonuclease 9 and colicin endonuclease 2 immune protein from Escherichia coli. Finally, we have compared our results with other state‐of‐art methods.  相似文献   

Various studies suggest that the hydrophobic effect plays a major role in driving the folding of proteins. In the past, however, it has been challenging to translate this understanding into a predictive, quantitative theory of how the full pattern of sequence hydrophobicity in a protein shapes functionally important features of its tertiary structure. Here, we extend and apply such a phenomenological theory of the sequence‐structure relationship in globular protein domains, which had previously been applied to the study of allosteric motion. In an effort to optimize parameters for the model, we first analyze the patterns of backbone burial found in single‐domain crystal structures, and discover that classic hydrophobicity scales derived from bulk physicochemical properties of amino acids are already nearly optimal for prediction of burial using the model. Subsequently, we apply the model to studying structural fluctuations in proteins and establish a means of identifying ligand‐binding and protein–protein interaction sites using this approach.  相似文献   

Linkers or spacers are short amino acid sequences created in nature to separate multiple domains in a single protein. Most of them are rigid and function to prohibit unwanted interactions between the discrete domains. However, Gly‐rich linkers are flexible, connecting various domains in a single protein without interfering with the function of each domain. The advent of recombinant DNA technology made it possible to fuse two interacting partners with the introduction of artificial linkers. Often, independent proteins may not exist as stable or structured proteins until they interact with their binding partner, following which they gain stability and the essential structural elements. Gly‐rich linkers have been proven useful for these types of unstable interactions, particularly where the interaction is weak and transient, by creating a covalent link between the proteins to form a stable protein–protein complex. Gly‐rich linkers are also employed to form stable covalently linked dimers, and to connect two independent domains that create a ligand‐binding site or recognition sequence. The lengths of linkers vary from 2 to 31 amino acids, optimized for each condition so that the linker does not impose any constraints on the conformation or interactions of the linked partners. Various structures of covalently linked protein complexes have been described using X‐ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance and cryo‐electron microscopy techniques. In this review, we evaluate several structural studies where linkers have been used to improve protein quality, to produce stable protein–protein complexes, and to obtain protein dimers.  相似文献   

Huang SY  Zou X 《Proteins》2007,66(2):399-421
One approach to incorporate protein flexibility in molecular docking is the use of an ensemble consisting of multiple protein structures. Sequentially docking each ligand into a large number of protein structures is computationally too expensive to allow large-scale database screening. It is challenging to achieve a good balance between docking accuracy and computational efficiency. In this work, we have developed a fast, novel docking algorithm utilizing multiple protein structures, referred to as ensemble docking, to account for protein structural variations. The algorithm can simultaneously dock a ligand into an ensemble of protein structures and automatically select an optimal protein structure that best fits the ligand by optimizing both ligand coordinates and the conformational variable m, where m represents the m-th structure in the protein ensemble. The docking algorithm was validated on 10 protein ensembles containing 105 crystal structures and 87 ligands in terms of binding mode and energy score predictions. A success rate of 93% was obtained with the criterion of root-mean-square deviation <2.5 A if the top five orientations for each ligand were considered, comparable to that of sequential docking in which scores for individual docking are merged into one list by re-ranking, and significantly better than that of single rigid-receptor docking (75% on average). Similar trends were also observed in binding score predictions and enrichment tests of virtual database screening. The ensemble docking algorithm is computationally efficient, with a computational time comparable to that for docking a ligand into a single protein structure. In contrast, the computational time for the sequential docking method increases linearly with the number of protein structures in the ensemble. The algorithm was further evaluated using a more realistic ensemble in which the corresponding bound protein structures of inhibitors were excluded. The results show that ensemble docking successfully predicts the binding modes of the inhibitors, and discriminates the inhibitors from a set of noninhibitors with similar chemical properties. Although multiple experimental structures were used in the present work, our algorithm can be easily applied to multiple protein conformations generated by computational methods, and helps improve the efficiency of other existing multiple protein structure(MPS)-based methods to accommodate protein flexibility.  相似文献   

The causal relationship between protein structural change and ligand binding was classified and annotated for 839 nonredundant pairs of crystal structures in the Protein Data Bank—one with and the other without a bound low-molecular-weight ligand molecule. Protein structural changes were first classified into either domain or local motions depending on the size of the moving protein segments. Whether the protein motion was coupled with ligand binding was then evaluated based on the location of the ligand binding site and by application of the linear response theory of protein structural change. Protein motions coupled with ligand binding were further classified into either closure or opening motions. This classification revealed the following: (i) domain motions coupled with ligand binding are dominated by closure motions, which can be described by the linear response theory; (ii) local motions frequently accompany order-disorder or α-helix-coil conformational transitions; and (iii) transferase activity (Enzyme Commission   number 2) is the predominant function among coupled domain closure motions. This could be explained by the closure motion acting to insulate the reaction site of these enzymes from environmental water.  相似文献   

Pulsed-field gradient (PFG) diffusion NMR spectroscopy studies were conducted with several helix-loop-helix regulatory Ca(2+)-binding proteins to characterize the conformational changes associated with Ca(2+)-saturation and/or binding targets. The calmodulin (CaM) system was used as a basis for evaluation, with similar hydrodynamic radii (R(h)) obtained for apo- and Ca(2+)-CaM, consistent with previously reported R(h) data. In addition, conformational changes associated with CaM binding to target peptides from myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), phosphodiesterase (PDE), and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) were accurately determined compared with small-angle X-ray scattering results. Both sets of data demonstrate the well-established collapse of the extended Ca(2+)-CaM molecule into a globular complex upon peptide binding. The R(h) of CaM complexes with target peptides from CaM-dependent protein kinase I (CaMKI) and an N-terminal portion of the SIV peptide (SIV-N), as well as the anticancer drug cisplatin were also determined. The CaMKI complex demonstrates a collapse analogous to that observed for MLCK, PDE, and SIV, while the SIV-N shows only a partial collapse. Interestingly, the covalent CaM-cisplatin complex shows a near complete collapse, not expected from previous studies. The method was extended to related calcium binding proteins to show that the R(h) of calcium and integrin binding protein (CIB), calbrain, and the calcium-binding region from soybean calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) decrease on Ca(2+)-binding to various extents. Heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy suggests that for CIB and calbrain this is likely because of shifting the equilibrium from unfolded to folded conformations, with calbrain forming a dimer structure. These results demonstrate the utility of PFG-diffusion NMR to rapidly and accurately screen for molecular size changes on protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions for this class of proteins.  相似文献   

Sherman DB  Zhang S  Pitner JB  Tropsha A 《Proteins》2004,56(4):828-838
Many proteins change their conformation upon ligand binding. For instance, bacterial periplasmic binding proteins (bPBPs), which transport nutrients into the cytoplasm, generally consist of two globular domains connected by strands, forming a hinge. During ligand binding, hinge motion changes the conformation from the open to the closed form. Both forms can be crystallized without a ligand, suggesting that the energy difference between them is small. We applied Simplicial Neighborhood Analysis of Protein Packing (SNAPP) as a method to evaluate the relative stability of open and closed forms in bPBPs. Using united residue representation of amino acids, SNAPP performs Delaunay tessellation of the protein, producing an aggregate of space-filling, irregular tetrahedra with nearest neighbor residues at the vertices. The SNAPP statistical scoring function is derived from log-likelihood scores for all possible quadruplet compositions of amino acids found in a representative subset of the Protein Data Bank, and the sum of the scores for a given protein provides the total SNAPP score. Results of scoring for bPBPs suggest that in most cases, the unliganded form is more stable than the liganded form, and this conclusion is corroborated by similar observations of other proteins undergoing conformation changes upon binding their ligands. The results of these studies suggest that the SNAPP method can be used to predict the relative stability of accessible protein conformations. Furthermore, the SNAPP method allows delineation of the role of individual residues in protein stabilization, thereby providing new testable hypotheses for rational site-directed mutagenesis in the context of protein engineering.  相似文献   

In addition to the well‐known Ca2+ sensor calmodulin, plants possess many calmodulin‐like proteins (CMLs) that are predicted to have specific roles in the cell. Herein, we described the biochemical and biophysical characterization of recombinant Arabidopsis thaliana CML14. We applied isothermal titration calorimetry to analyze the energetics of Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding to CML14, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, together with intrinsic and ANS‐based fluorescence, to evaluate the structural effects of metal binding and metal‐induced conformational changes. Furthermore, differential scanning calorimetry and limited proteolysis were used to characterize protein thermal and local stability. Our data demonstrate that CML14 binds one Ca2+ ion with micromolar affinity (Kd ~ 12 µM) and the presence of 10 mM Mg2+ decreases the Ca2+ affinity by ~5‐fold. Although binding of Ca2+ to CML14 increases protein stability, it does not result in a more hydrophobic protein surface and does not induce the large conformational rearrangement typical of Ca2+ sensors, but causes only localized structural changes in the unique functional EF‐hand. Our data, together with a molecular modelling prediction, provide interesting insights into the biochemical properties of Arabidopsis CML14 and may be useful to direct additional studies aimed at understanding its physiological role.  相似文献   

Sen S  Peters JW 《Proteins》2006,62(2):450-460
The nitrogenase Fe protein is a key component of the biochemical machinery responsible for the process of biological nitrogen fixation. The Fe protein is a member of a class of nucleotide-binding proteins that couple the binding and hydrolysis of nucleoside triphosphates to conformational changes. The nucleotide-dependent conformational changes modulate the formation of a macromolecular complex, and some members of the class include Galpha, EF-Tu, and myosin. The members of this class are highly interesting model systems for the analysis of aspects of thermal adaptability, since their mechanisms involve protein conformational change and protein-protein interactions. In this study, we have used our extensive knowledge of the structure of the Azotobacter vinelandii nitrogenase Fe protein in multiple structural conformations, and standard homology modeling approaches have been used to generate reliable models of the Fe protein from thermophilic Methanobacter thermoautotrophicus in the analogous structural conformations. The resulting structural comparison reveals that thermal adaptation of the M. thermoautotrophicus Fe protein is conferred by a number of factors, including increased structural rigidity that results from various structural changes within the protein interior. The analysis of hypothetical docking models and nitrogenase complex structures provides insights into the thermal adaptation of the protein-protein interactions that support macromolecular complex formation and catalysis at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

The repertoire of naturally occurring protein structures is usually characterised in structural terms at the domain level by their constituent folds. As structure is acknowledged to be an important stepping stone to the understanding of protein function, an appreciation of how individual domain interactions are built to form complete, functional protein structures is essential. A comprehensive study of protein domain interactions has been undertaken, covering all those observed in known structures, as well as those predicted to occur in 46 completed genome sequences from all three domains of life. In particular, we examine the promiscuity of protein domains characterised by SCOP superfamilies in terms of their interacting partners, the surface they use to form these interactions, and the relative orientations of their domain partners. Protein domains are shown to display a variety of behaviours, ranging from high promiscuity to absolute monogamy of domain surface employed, with both multiple and single domain partners. In addition, the conservation of sequence and volume at domain interface surfaces is observed to be significantly higher than at accessible surface in general, acting as a powerful potential predictor for domain interactions. We also examine the separation of interacting domains in protein sequence, showing that standard thresholds of 30 amino acid residues lead to a significant false positive rate, and an even more significant false negative rate of approximately 40%. These data suggest that there may be many more than the 2000 domain--domain interactions that have not yet been observed structurally, and we provide a top 30 hit-list of putative domain interactions which should be targeted.  相似文献   

For consideration of their conformations and interactions, carbohydrate chains can conveniently be divided into 3 classes on the basis of their covalent structure; namely periodic (a), interrupted periodic (b), and aperiodic (c) types. In aqueous solution carbohydrate chains often exist as highly disordered random coils. Under appropriate conditions, however, polysaccharides of types (a) and (b) can adopt a variety of ordered conformations. Physical methods, and in particular optical rotation, circular dichroism, and nuclear magnetic resonance, provide sensitive probes for the study of the mechanism and specificity of these disorder-order transitions in aqueous solution. Intermolecular interactions between such polysaccharide chains arise from co-operative associations of long structurally regular regions which adopt the ordered conformations. For acidic polysaccharides these cooperative associations may involve alignment of extended ribbons with cations sandwhiched between them. In other systems the interactions involve double belices which may then aggregate further, and geometric “matching” of different polysaccharide chains can also occur. These ordered, associated regions are generally terminated by deviations from structural regularity or by “kinks” which prevent complete aggregation of the molecules. The complex carbohydrate chains which occur at the periphery of animal cells have very different, aperiodic structures and although their conformations are as yet poorly understood, preliminary indications are considered.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP activates protein kinase A by binding to an inhibitory regulatory (R) subunit and releasing inhibition of the catalytic (C) subunit. Even though crystal structures of regulatory and catalytic subunits have been solved, the precise molecular mechanism by which cyclic AMP activates the kinase remains unknown. The dynamic properties of the cAMP binding domain in the absence of cAMP or C-subunit are also unknown. Here we report molecular-dynamics simulations and mutational studies of the RIalpha R-subunit that identify the C-helix as a highly dynamic switch which relays cAMP binding to the helical C-subunit binding regions. Furthermore, we identify an important salt bridge which links cAMP binding directly to the C-helix that is necessary for normal activation. Additional mutations show that a hydrophobic "hinge" region is not as critical for the cross-talk in PKA as it is in the homologous EPAC protein, illustrating how cAMP can control diverse functions using the evolutionarily conserved cAMP-binding domains.  相似文献   

Aldose reductase is a promising target for the treatment of diabetic complications, and as such, has become the focus of various drug design projects. As revealed by a survey of available crystal structures, the protein shows pronounced induced-fit effects upon ligand binding. Although helping to explain the enzyme's substrate promiscuity, phenomena of this kind are still responsible for significant complications in structure-based design efforts directed to aldose reductase. Accordingly, a deeper understanding of the principles governing conformational alterations in this enzyme would be of utmost practical importance. As a first step in addressing this issue, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been carried out. The ultrahigh resolution crystal structure of aldose reductase complexed with inhibitor IDD594 served as ideal starting point for a set of different simulations of nanosecond time scale: the native complexed state with bound inhibitor, the uncomplexed state (after removal of the inhibitor) at standard temperature, and the uncomplexed state at elevated temperature. The reference simulation of the complex exhibits extraordinary stability of the overall fold, whereas two distinct conformational substates are found for the binding-site region. In contrast, already at standard temperature pronounced changes are observed in the binding region during the simulation of the uncomplexed state. Leu300, for example, closes the access to the pocket opened by IDD594. On the other hand, conformations around the catalytic site are highly conserved, with the His110-Tyr48-NADP+ orientation being stabilized by a water molecule. Detailed analysis of the trajectories allows to reveal a set of distinct conformational substates that may prove useful as alternative structural templates in virtual screening for new aldose reductase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Herein, the interaction of iron nanoparticle (Fe-NP) with cytochrome c (Cyt c) was investigated, and a range of techniques such as dynamic light scattering (DLS), zeta potential measurements, static and synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy, near and far circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, and ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) spectroscopy were used to analyze the interaction between Cyt c and Fe-NP. DLS and zeta potential measurements showed that the values of hydrodynamic radius and charge distribution of Fe-NP are 83.95 ± 3.7 nm and 4.5 ± .8 mV, respectively. The fluorescence spectroscopy results demonstrated that the binding of Fe-NP with Cyt c is mediated by hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions. Also Fe-NP induced conformational changes in Cyt c and reduced the melting temperature value of Cyt c from 79.18 to 71.33°C. CD experiments of interaction between Fe-NP and Cyt c revealed that the secondary structure of Cyt c with the dominant α-helix structures remained unchanged whereas the tertiary structure and heme position of Cyt c are subjected to remarkable changes. Absorption spectroscopy at 695 nm revealed that Fe-NP considerably disrupt the Fe…S(Met80) bond. In addition, the UV–vis experiment showed the peroxidase-like activity of Cyt c upon interaction with Fe-NP. Hence, the data indicate the Fe-NP results in unfolding of Cyt c and subsequent peroxidase-like activity of denatured species. It was concluded that a comprehensive study of the interaction of Fe-NP with biological system is a crucial step for their potential application as intracellular delivery carriers and medicinal agents.  相似文献   

Coagulation factor IX-binding protein, isolated from Trimeresurus flavoviridis (IX-bp), is a C-type lectin-like protein. It is an anticoagulant consisting of homologous subunits, A and B. Each subunit has a Ca(2+)-binding site with a unique affinity (K(d) values of 14muM and 130muM at pH 7.5). These binding characteristics are pH-dependent and, under acidic conditions, the Ca(2+) binding of the low-affinity site was reduced considerably. In order to identify which site has high affinity and to investigate the pH-dependent Ca(2+) release mechanism, we have determined the crystal structures of IX-bp at pH 6.5 and pH 4.6 (apo form), and compared the Ca(2+)-binding sites with each other and with those of the solved structures under alkaline conditions; pH 7.8 and pH 8.0 (complexed form). At pH 6.5, Glu43 in the Ca(2+)-binding site of subunit A displayed two conformations. One (minor) is that in the alkaline state, and the other (major) is that at pH 4.6. However, the corresponding Gln43 residue of subunit B is in only a single conformation, which is almost identical with that in the alkaline state. At pH 4.6, Glu43 of subunit A adopts a conformation similar to that of the major conformer observed at pH 6.5, while Gln43 of subunit B assumes a new conformation, and both Ca(2+) positions are occupied by water molecules. These results showed that Glu43 of subunit A is much more sensitive to protonation than Gln43 of subunit B, and the conformational change of Glu43 occurs around pH6.5, which may correspond to the step of Ca(2+) release.  相似文献   

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