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Unlike many plants reported in the literature, lupins do notexcrete OH- in amounts equivalent to the net excess of inorganicanion uptake over inorganic cation uptake. To investigate themechanisms involved in the maintenance of charge balance, nutrientuptake and organic anion accumulation of lupins and peas suppliedwith a range of NO-3 concentrations, were compared. Lupins absorbed less NO-3 than peas on a dry weight basis, whichlargely accounted for the smaller excess of anion uptake overcation uptake in lupins than in peas at the same NO-3 supply.When anion uptake exceeded cation uptake, peas excreted an equivalentcharge of OH-, whereas lupins excreted much smaller amountsof OH- than the excess of anion over cation uptake. It was calculatedthat lupins excreted significant amounts of organic anions whenanion uptake exceeded cation uptake, whereas organic anion excretionfrom peas was negligible, regardless of their NO-3 supply andcation-anion balance. In this study, organic anion excretion was measured from lupinroots grown in near-sterile conditions while supplied with NO-3at 0, 500 and 2000 µM. Although complete sterility wasnot achieved, there was close agreement between the organicanion excreted and the excess anion over cation uptake.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Lupinus angustifolius L., Pisum sativum L., organic acid, nutrient uptake  相似文献   

The two varieties of the take-all fungus, Ophiobolus graminisand 0. graminis var. Avenae, show a differential reaction tosap extracted from oats; the type variety, which is incapableof causing a lasting infection of oats in vivo, is inhibitedby the sap in vitro, whereas var. Avenae, pathogenic to oats,can grow in the sap. The inhibitory action of the sap is notdue to a lack of food material required by the fungus, but toa specific substance or toxin. The method used for assayingtoxicity is described. The toxin is thermostable, moderately stable on storage, virtuallyinsoluble in non-polar solvents, and soluble in acetone, water,and methanol. Methanol extraction of the ether-washed residueof the filtrate from boiled sap from oat leaves results in asemi-purified substance which, when added to 2 per cent. Yeastrelsolution, reduces growth of 0. graminis to half that of thecontrol at a concentration of to 10 p.p.m. The inhibitor is produced in considerable quantity in the leavesand stems of oats and in smaller quantity in the roots. It appearsto accumulate mainly during the period of active growth andto be less active, or present in smaller concentration, in adultplants. It can be detected in the seminal roots throughout theirexistence, although during the first 3 weeks of growth 0. graminiscan invade the cells of the cortex. It is present in greaterquantity in the crown roots, which are never penetrated. A similar inhibitor of 0. graminis can be extracted from Arrhenatherumelatius, but not from other grasses which, both in the fieldand in pot experiments, appear to be equally resistant.  相似文献   

The distribution in oat seedlings of an inhibitor of fungalgrowth and respiration is described. The inhibitors from rootsand leaves differ in that that from roots has a bright bluefluorescence under ultra-violet light, while in other respectsthey behave similarly; it is suggested that they differ in structureof a part of the molecule not concerned in the biological activity.The inhibitor is present in high concentration in the meristemsof roots and leaves, one root tip extracted in 2 ml. water beingsufficient to reduce growth of O. graminis to 50 per cent. ofthe control; yield from other parts of the seedling is muchless. A quick assay technique based on growth-rate of myceliumis described, also a method for direct identification of inhibitoryzones on chromatograms which avoids the necessity for elution.  相似文献   

Alternatives to hypochlorous acid and fungicides are needed for treatment of fruit and fruit-handling facilities. Chlorine dioxide was evaluated and found effective against common postharvest decay fungi and against filamentous fungi occurring on fruit packinghouse surfaces. In vitro tests with conidial or sporangiospore suspensions of Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium expansum, Mucor piriformis, and Cryptosporiopsis perennans demonstrated >99% spore mortality within 1 min when the fungi were exposed to aqueous chlorine dioxide at 3 or 5 μg · ml-1. Longer exposure times were necessary to achieve similar spore mortalities with 1 μg · ml-1. Of the fungi tested, B. cinerea and P. expansum were the least sensitive to ClO2. In comparison with the number recovered from untreated control areas, the number of filamentous fungi recovered was significantly lower in swipe tests from hard surfaces such as belts and pads in a commercial apple and pear packinghouse after treatment of surfaces with a 14.0- to 18.0-μg · ml-1 ClO2 foam formulation. Chlorine dioxide has desirable properties as a sanitizing agent for postharvest decay management when residues of postharvest fungicides are not desired or allowed.  相似文献   

Five soybean cultivars (Braxton, Gordon, Jeff, Bragg, and Wright) resistant to Meloidogyne incognita (Mi) and three susceptible cultivars (Coker 156, GaSoy 17, and Coker 237) were grown at two locations for four seasons in microplots with increasing initial soil population densities (Pi) of Mi. The resistant cultivars and Coker 156 yielded better than GaSoy 17 and Coker 237 at all Pi. Yield response was dependent on environmental conditions and at one location was stimulated on Braxton, Gordon, Jeff, and Bragg by low Pi. Although Mi reproduced well on all cultivars, the pattern of reproduction differed. Population densities of Mi leveled off after 90 days on GaSoy 17 and Coker 237 but were still increasing after 120 days on the resistant cultivars; population densities were lower on resistant than on the susceptible cultivars. The population density of Mi on Coker 156 after 120 days was intermediate between those on the other susceptible and on the resistant cultivars. Mi population densities followed the same pattern under varying environmental conditions.  相似文献   

扩繁条件对两种AMF菌剂接种势的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
温室盆栽试验,分别以4种宿主植物和6种基质对两种AMF菌剂AM-1(Glomus intraradices)和AM-2(Glomus spp.)进行了扩繁研究。通过计算菌剂接种势,评价不同扩繁条件下获得菌剂的质量。结果表明,白三叶草和烟草可以作为两种菌剂良好的扩繁宿主,得到菌剂的接种势最高,玉米和高粱次之。当以白三叶草为宿主时,单一蛭石可以作为两种菌剂良好的扩繁基质,得到菌剂的接种势最高,珍珠岩次之,其它基质较差,基质中草炭的含量会影响菌剂扩繁效果。  相似文献   

Reestablishing native perennial plants and reducing invasive species are pivotal for many ecological restoration projects. The interactions among plant species, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and soil P availability may be critical determinants of the success of native and non‐native plants in restoration and species invasions. Here we assessed mycorrhizal responsiveness for three late‐successional and three early‐successional plant species native to Rocky Mountain National Park and for the non‐native Downy brome, cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) using field soil and commercial inoculum. Factorial greenhouse experiments were conducted to compare biomass of plant species with and without field soil and commercial inoculum treatments along a phosphorus (P) gradient, which ranged from ambient field levels to 12% of field levels, using dilutions of native soils. The two field soil inoculum treatments resulted in significant biomass differences for all species studied. Late‐successional species responded positively to field inoculum, whereas early‐successional species responded negatively. The two commercial inocula had low colonization rates (14 of 166 inoculated plants). The commercial inocula substrates had significant treatment effects on five of seven species included in the study in the apparent absence of mycorrhizal symbiosis. Soil P levels influenced mycorrhizal responsiveness in only one species, Smooth blue aster (Aster laevis L.). Our results show that, at least for the species studied here, locally collected field inoculum is the best choice for reestablishment of late‐successional native plant species.  相似文献   

A Phialophora sp. (isolate I-52), originally isolated from soil in a wheat field exhibiting suppression of take-all disease caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici , was tested under field conditions for its ability to suppress this disease in winter and spring wheat. I-52 was grown on a variety of autoclaved organic substrates, including oat, millet and canola seed. All of these gave significant disease control when added to the seed furrow with inoculum of the take-all fungus. W hole seed of I-52 substrate was as effective as particles < 0.5 mm in diameter. Placing I-52 in powdered form directly on to wheat seed was ineffective in controlling take-all. Rates as low as 2 g of I-52/3.3 m of row added with the seed provided some control of take-all, and nearly complete control in winter wheat was obtained using 15 g/3.3 m. The winter wheat host cultivar did not influence the degree of control of take-all by I-52.  相似文献   

Plants must be established quickly on replenished beaches in order to stabilize the sand and begin the dune-building process. The objective of this research was to determine whether inoculation of sea oats (Uniola paniculata L.) with bacteria (indigenous rhizosphere bacteria and N2 fixers) alone or in combination with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi would enhance plant growth in beach sand. At two fertilizer-N levels, Klebsiella pneumoniae and two Azospirillum spp. did not provide the plants with fixed atmospheric N; however, K. pneumoniae increased root and shoot growth. When a sparingly soluble P source (CaHPO4) was added to two sands, K. pneumoniae increased plant growth in sand with a high P content. The phosphorus content of shoots was not affected by bacterial inoculation, indicating that a mechanism other than bacterially enhanced P availability to plants was responsible for the growth increases. When sea oats were inoculated with either K. pneumoniae or Acaligenes denitrificans and a mixed Glomus inoculum, there was no consistent evidence of a synergistic effect on plant growth. Nonetheless, bacterial inoculation increased root colonization by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi when the fungal inoculum consisted of colonized roots but had no effect on colonization when the inoculum consisted of spores alone. K. pneumoniae was found to increase spore germination and hyphal growth of Glomus deserticola compared with the control. The use of bacterial inoculants to enhance establishment of pioneer dune plants warrants further study.  相似文献   

小麦,玉米轮作田蜘蛛群落结构及多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
一、研究方法本项工作于1988—1990年在青州市南郊农田进行。位于东经118°17′,北纬36°27′,年平均气温9℃,年降雨量860mm以上,无霜期180天左右。调查了不同作物类型的地块,包括玉米间作(大豆)田、净玉米田、有水浇条件的麦田、旱麦田和田埂杂草五种生境。其中小麦、玉米轮作田各3块,每块面积0.2ha以  相似文献   

Development of take-all disease, caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, on wheat, barley and rye, respectively, susceptible, moderately susceptible and resistant under field conditions, was evaluated by laboratory assays. The root system, which grew either in vermiculite in plastic tubes or polyethylene sleeves, or in a sand mix in plastic pots, was inculated, and lesion frequency and extension, both considered as resistance factors, were monitored. In assays in tubes and pots, both enabling multiple infection points, the infection scores of wheat, barley and rye on a scale of 0–5 were in decreasing order. In assays in sleeves, with a single point inoculation, lesion length on barley and rye was similar and less than thaton, wheat, but percentage of infected roots was markedly lower on rye than on barley. For large-scale screening programs we suggest to employ both the Tube Assay, which is reliable and easy to perform and the Slanted Sleeve Assay, which is more sensitive allowing detection of even a small degree of resistance. Selected accessions could be subsequently evaluated by the Pot Assay, under more natural conditions, and the resistance to take-all must eventually be verified under field conditions.  相似文献   

In vitro susceptibility testing of clinically important fungi becomes more and more essential due to the rising number of fungal infections in patients with impaired immune system. Existing standardized microbroth dilution methods for in vitro testing of molds (CLSI, EUCAST) are not intended for routine testing. These methods are very time-consuming and dependent on sporulating of hyphomycetes. In this multicentre study, a new (independent of sporulation) inoculum preparation method (containing a mixture of vegetative cells, hyphae, and conidia) was evaluated. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of amphotericin B, posaconazole, and voriconazole of 180 molds were determined with two different culture media (YST and RPMI 1640) according to the DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) microdilution assay. 24 and 48?h MIC of quality control strains, tested per each test run, prepared with the new inoculum method were in the range of DIN. YST and RPMI 1640 media showed similar MIC distributions for all molds tested. MIC readings at 48 versus 24?h yield 1 log2 higher MIC values and more than 90?% of the MICs read at 24 and 48?h were within ±2 log2 dilution. MIC end point reading (log2 MIC-RPMI 1640?log2 MIC-YST) of both media demonstrated a tendency to slightly lower MICs with RPMI 1640 medium. This study reports the results of a new, time–saving, and easy-to-perform method for inoculum preparation for routine susceptibility testing that can be applied for all types of spore-/non-spore and hyphae-forming fungi.  相似文献   

The uptake of nitrate by wildtype plants and chlorate-resistant mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. was studied by intermittent or continuous measurement of the nitrate concentration of the ambient solution. The uptake rate in the wildtype and the nitrate reductase-less mutant B 25 showed a dual-phase relation ship with concentration. Each phase showed Michaelis-Menten kinetics although multiphasic patterns within each phase could not be excluded. A dual-phase relationship was also found in the uptake mutant B I. Here, however, phase II did not follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics and uptake rate of nitrate in the phase II concentration range was considerably lower in the B 1 mutant than in the wildtype. It is concluded that the mutation in B I has disturbed phase II of the nitrate uptake, without affecting phase I, which leads to the suggestion that uptake of nitrate in Arabidopsis is mediated by at least two independent uptake mechanisms. The nitrate uptake rate showed an optimum at pH 8, and it was not stimulated by the presence of calcium. Ammonium had different effects on nitrate uptake: a direct effect, when it was present during the uptake of nitrate, resulting in a release of nitrate and a reduced rate of uptake, and an indirect inhibitory effect, possibly caused by assimilation products of ammonium, which is most pronounced after growth on ammonium as the sole nitrogen source or in long-lasting uptake experiments in the presence of ammonium. Chlorate also showed a multiple effect, an inhibiting one which proved to be competitive and, at very low concentrations of chlorate, a stimulating one. Evidence was obtained that chlorate and nitrate arc taken up by the same carrier.  相似文献   

A study of nitrate and chlorate uptake by Arabidopsis thaliana was made with a wildtype and two mutant types, both mutants having been selected by resistance to high chlorate concentrations. All plants were grown on a nutrient solution with nitrate and/or ammonium as the nitrogen source. Uptake was determined from depletion in the ambient solution. Nitrate and chlorate were able to induce their own uptake mechanisms. Plants grown on ammonium nitrate showed a higher subsequent uptake rate of nitrate and chlorate than plants grown on ammonium alone. Mutant B25, which has no nitrate reductase activity, showed higher rates of nitrate and chlorate uptake than the wildtype, when both types were grown on ammonium nitrate. Therefore, the uptake of nitrate is not dependent on the presence of nitrate reductase. Nitrate has a stimulating effect on nitrate and chlorate uptake, whereas some product of nitrate and ammonium assimilation inhibits uptake of both ions by negative feedback. Mutant B 1, which was supposed to have a low chlorate uptake rate, also has disturbed uptake characteristics for nitrate.  相似文献   

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