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Cell-free protein synthesis is suitable for stable-isotope labeling of proteins for NMR analysis. The Escherichia coli cell-free system containing potassium acetate for efficient translation (KOAc system) is usually used for stable-isotope labeling, although it is less productive than other systems. A system containing a high concentration of potassium l-glutamate (l-Glu system), instead of potassium acetate, is highly productive, but cannot be used for stable-isotope labeling of Glu residues. In this study, we have developed a new cell-free system that uses potassium d-glutamate (d-Glu system). The productivity of the d-Glu system is approximately twice that of the KOAc system. The cross peak intensities in the 1H–15N HSQC spectrum of the uniformly stable-isotope labeled Ras protein, prepared with the d-Glu system, were similar to those obtained with the KOAc system, except that the Asp intensities were much higher for the protein produced with the d-Glu system. These results indicate that the d-Glu system is a highly productive cell-free system that is especially useful for stable-isotope labeling of proteins. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

For high-throughput protein structural analyses, it is indispensable to develop a reliable protein overexpression system. Although many protein overexpression systems, such as ones utilizing E. coli cells, have been developed, a lot of proteins functioning in solution still were synthesized as insoluble forms. Recently, a novel wheat germ cell-free protein synthesis system was developed, and many of such proteins were synthesized as soluble forms. This means that the applicability of this protein synthesis method to determination of the functional structures of soluble proteins. In our previous work, we synthesized (15)N-labeled proteins with this wheat germ cell-free system, and confirmed this applicability on the basis of the strong similarity between the (1)H-(15)N HSQC spectra for native proteins and the corresponding ones for synthesized ones.In this study, we developed a convenient and reliable method for amino acid selective assignment in (1)H-(15)N HSQC spectra of proteins, using several inhibitors for transaminases and glutamine synthase in the process of protein synthesis. Amino acid selective assignment in (1)H-(15)N HSQC spectra is a powerful means to monitor the features of proteins, such as folding, intermolecular interactions and so on. This is also the first direct experimental evidence of the presence of active transaminases and glutamine synthase in wheat germ extracts.  相似文献   

Although fluorescent dyes, such as fluorescein derivatives, have bulky and complex structures, nonnatural amino acids carrying these fluorescein derivatives are acceptable by the Escherichia coli ribosome and are useful for the cotranslational fluorescent labeling of cell-free synthesized proteins. Surprisingly, the incorporation efficiency of nonnatural amino acids carrying fluorescein derivatives into translated proteins depends on the source of the translational machinery used in cell-free protein synthesis. That is, whereas the E. coli ribosome efficiently supported the incorporation of nonnatural amino acids carrying fluorescein derivatives into a protein structure, no detectable fluorescent signal was observed from the protein expressed in the eukaryotic cell-free protein synthesis system performed in the presence of fluorescein-conjugated aminoacylated transfer RNA (tRNA).  相似文献   

During recent years, the targets of protein structure analysis using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy have become larger and more complicated. As a result, a complete and precise stable isotope labeling technique has been desired. A cell-free protein synthesis system is appropriate for this purpose. In the current study, we achieved precise and complete 15N and 2H labeling using an Escherichia coli cell extract-based cell-free protein synthesis system by controlling the metabolic reactions in the system with their chemical inhibitors. The addition of aminooxyacetate, d-malate, l-methionine sulfoximine, S-methyl-l-cysteine sulfoximine, 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine, and 5-diazo-4-oxo-l-norvaline was quite effective for precise amino acid-selective 15N labeling even for aspartic acid, asparagine, glutamic acid, and glutamine, which generally suffer from severe isotope scrambling and dilution when using the conventional cell-free system. For 2H labeling, the back-protonation of the Hα and Hβ positions, which commonly occurred in the conventional system, was dramatically suppressed by simply adding aminooxyacetate and d-malate to the cell-free system except for the Hα positions in methionine and cysteine.  相似文献   

To establish a simple and sensitive method to detect protein N-myristoylation, the usefulness of a newly developed cell-free protein synthesis system derived from insect cells for detecting protein N-myristoylation by in vitro metabolic labeling was examined. The results showed that in vitro translation of cDNA coding for N-myristoylated protein in the presence of [(3)H]myristic acid followed by SDS-PAGE and fluorography is a useful method for rapid detection of protein N-myristoylation. Differential labeling of N-myristoylated model proteins with [(3)H]leucine, [(3)H]myristic acid, and [(35)S]methionine revealed that the removal of the initiating Met during the N-myristoylation reaction could be detected using this system. Analysis of the N-myristoylation of a series of model proteins with mutated N-myristoylation motifs revealed that the amino acid sequence requirements for the N-myristoylation reaction in this system are quite similar to those observed in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate system. N-myristoylation of tBid (a posttranslationally N-myristoylated cytotoxic protein that could not be expressed in transfected cells) was successfully detected in this assay system. Thus, metabolic labeling in an insect cell-free protein synthesis system is an effective strategy to detect co- and posttranslational protein N-myristoylation irrespective of the cytotoxicity of the protein.  相似文献   

Multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction phasing is especially useful for high-throughput structure determinations. Selenomethionine substituted proteins are commonly used for this purpose. However, the cytotoxicity of selenomethionine drastically reduces the efficiency of its incorporation in in vivo expression systems. In the present study, an improved E. coli cell-free protein synthesis system was used to incorporate selenomethionine into a protein, so that highly efficient incorporation could be achieved. A milligram quantity of selenomethionine-containing Ras was obtained using the cell-free system with dialysis. The mass spectrometry analysis showed that more than 95% of the methionine residues were substituted with selenomethionine. The crystal of this protein grew under the same conditions and had the same unit cell constants as those of the native Ras protein. The three-dimensional structure of this protein, determined by multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction phasing, was almost the same as that of the Ras protein prepared by in vivo expression. Therefore, the cell-free synthesis system could become a powerful protein expression method for high-throughput structure determinations by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

无细胞蛋白合成体系实现胰岛素原可溶性表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胰岛素原(Proinsulin,Pins)是胰岛素的合成前体。在大肠杆菌表达系统中,其一般以包涵体的形式存在,需要经过变性复性等后续加工过程才能得到有活性的胰岛素。而无细胞蛋白合成体系(Cell-free protein synthesis,CFPS)作为一种新型体外蛋白合成手段,突破了细胞的生理限制,已成功应用于多种重组蛋白药物的生产。为了探索胰岛素合成的新方法以满足其在新型给药途径研发中的需求,本研究运用CFPS体系进行胰岛素原的可溶性表达。通过将胰岛素原与荧光蛋白进行融合来增加其可溶性,成功在CFPS体系中表达了胰岛素原融合蛋白。最后使用Western blotting对融合红色荧光蛋白的胰岛素原(Pins-mCherry)进行鉴定,利用酶标仪对融合绿色荧光蛋白的胰岛素原(Pins-eGFP)在上清中的表达进行定量分析,结果表明Pins-eGFP部分可溶,其表达量为(12.28±3.45)μg/m L。本研究首次实现了融合胰岛素原在CFPS系统中的可溶性表达,其融合荧光蛋白的策略显著提升了胰岛素原的可溶性,该结果为探究胰岛素合成新方法及开发基于CFPS系统的新型胰岛素给药途径奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cell-free systems based on wheat germ and Spodoptera frugiperda insect cells were equipped with an orthogonal amber suppressor tRNA–synthetase pair to synthesize proteins with a site-specifically incorporated p-azido-l-phenylalanine residue in order to provide their chemoselective fluorescence labeling with azide-reactive dyes by Staudinger ligation. The specificity of incorporation and bioorthogonality of labeling within complex reaction mixtures was shown by means of translation and fluorescence detection of two model proteins: β-glucuronidase and erythropoietin. The latter contained the azido amino acid in proximity to a signal peptide for membrane translocation into endogenous microsomal vesicles of the insect cell-based system. The results indicate a stoichiometric incorporation of the azido amino acid at the desired position within the proteins. Moreover, the compatibility of cotranslational protein translocation, including glycosylation and amber suppression-based incorporation of p-azido-l-phenylalanine within a cell-free system, is demonstrated. The presented approach should be particularly useful for providing eukaryotic and membrane-associated proteins for investigation by fluorescence-based techniques.  相似文献   

Cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) is an established method for rapid recombinant protein production. Advantages like short synthesis times and an open reaction environment make CFPS a desirable platform for new and difficult-to-express products. Most recently, interest has grown in using the technology to make larger amounts of material. This has been driven through a variety of reasons from making site specific antibody drug conjugates, to emergency response, to the safe manufacture of toxic biological products. We therefore need robust methods to determine the appropriate reaction conditions for product expression in CFPS. Here we propose a process development strategy for Escherichia coli lysate-based CFPS reactions that can be completed in as little as 48 hr. We observed the most dramatic increases in titer were due to the E. coli strain for the cell extract. Therefore, we recommend identifying a high-producing cell extract for the product of interest as a first step. Next, we manipulated the plasmid concentration, amount of extract, temperature, concentrated reaction mix pH levels, and length of reaction. The influence of these process parameters on titer was evaluated through multivariate data analysis. The process parameters with the highest impact on titer were subsequently included in a design of experiments to determine the conditions that increased titer the most in the design space. This proposed process development strategy resulted in superfolder green fluorescent protein titers of 0.686 g/L, a 38% improvement on the standard operating conditions, and hepatitis B core antigen titers of 0.386 g/L, a 190% improvement.  相似文献   

We describe a simple experimental approach for the rapid determination of protein global folds. This strategy utilizes site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) in combination with isotope enrichment to determine long-range distance restraints between amide protons and the unpaired electron of a nitroxide spin label using the paramagnetic effect on relaxation rates. The precision and accuracy of calculating a protein global fold from only paramagnetic effects have been demonstrated on barnase, a well-characterized protein. Two monocysteine derivatives of barnase, (H102C) and (H102A/Q15C), were 15N enriched, and the paramagnetic nitroxide spin label, MTSSL, attached to the single Cys residue of each. Measurement of amide 1H longitudinal relaxation times, in both the oxidized and reduced states, allowed the determination of the paramagnetic contribution to the relaxation processes. Correlation times were obtained from the frequency dependence of these relaxation processes at 800, 600, and 500 MHz. Distances in the range of 8 to 35 A were calculated from the magnitude of the paramagnetic contribution to the relaxation processes and individual amide 1H correlation times. Distance restraints from the nitroxide spin to amide protons were used as restraints in structure calculations. Using nitroxide to amide 1H distances as long-range restraints and known secondary structure restraints, barnase global folds were calculated having backbone RMSDs <3 A from the crystal structure. This approach makes it possible to rapidly obtain the overall topology of a protein using a limited number of paramagnetic distance restraints.  相似文献   

Summary All the backbone 1H and 15N magnetic resonances (except for Pro residues) of the GDP-bound form of a truncated human c-Ha-ras proto-oncogene product (171 amino acid residues, the Ras protein) were assigned by 15N-edited two-dimensional NMR experiments on selectively 15N-labeled Ras proteins in combination with three-dimensional NMR experiments on the uniformly 15N-labeled protein. The sequence-specific assignments were made on the basis of the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) connectivities of amide protons with preceding amide and/or Cprotons. In addition to sequential NOEs, vicinal spin coupling constants for amide protons and C protons and deuterium exchange rates of amide protons were used to characterize the secondary structure of the GDP-bound Ras protein; six strands and five helices were identified and the topology of these elements was determined. The secondary structure of the Ras protein in solution was mainly consistent with that in crystal as determined by X-ray analyses. The deuterium exchange rates of amide protons were examined to elucidate the dynamic properties of the secondary structure elements of the Ras protein in solution. In solution, the -sheet structure in the Ras protein is rigid, while the second helix (A66-R73) is much more flexible, and the first and fifth helices (S17-124 and V152-L171) are more rigid than other helices. Secondary structure elements at or near the ends of the effector-region loop were found to be much more flexible in solution than in the crystalline state.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) can accelerate expression and high-throughput analysis of complex proteins with functionally relevant post-translational modifications (PTMs). However, low yields and difficulties scaling such systems have prevented their widespread adoption in protein research and manufacturing. Here, we provide detailed demonstrations for the capabilities of a CFPS system derived from Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 cell culture (BY-2 lysate; BYL). BYL is able to express diverse, functional proteins at high yields in 48 h, complete with native disulfide bonds and N-glycosylation. An optimized version of the technology is commercialized as ALiCE® and advances in scaling of BYL production methodologies now allow scaling of eukaryotic CFPS reactions. We show linear, lossless scale-up of batch mode protein expression from 100 µL microtiter plates to 10 and 100 mL volumes in Erlenmeyer flasks, culminating in preliminary data from a litre-scale reaction in a rocking-type bioreactor. Together, scaling across a 20,000x range is achieved without impacting product yields. Production of multimeric virus-like particles from the BYL cytosolic fraction were then shown, followed by functional expression of multiple classes of complex, difficult-to-express proteins using the native microsomes of the BYL CFPS. Specifically: a dimeric enzyme; a monoclonal antibody; the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain; a human growth factor; and a G protein-coupled receptor membrane protein. Functional binding and activity are demonstrated, together with in-depth PTM characterization of purified proteins through disulfide bond and N-glycan analysis. Taken together, BYL is a promising end-to-end R&D to manufacturing platform with the potential to significantly reduce the time-to-market for high value proteins and biologics.  相似文献   

Export of protein into the periplasm of Escherichia coli via the general secretory system is achieved by action of a ternary complex comprising the polypeptide ligand, the chaperone SecB and SecA, a peripheral component of the membrane translocon, which is itself an ATPase. The unfolded ligand is captured initially by SecB and must be transferred to SecA and subsequently through the membrane translocon into the periplasm. We have taken the first steps in the elucidation of the mechanism of this dynamic transfer by determining the interface of interaction between SecB and SecA. Site-directed spin labeling and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy were combined to identify which of the residues on SecB showed changes in spectral line shape upon addition of SecA. In all, 43% of the surface of SecB was covered by the 41 positions examined. A model of docking between SecB and SecA is proposed based on the pattern of amino acid residues on SecB shown to make contacts when in complex with SecA. This model in combination with previously published biochemical data provides insight into the transfer of the unfolded polypeptide from the chaperone SecB to SecA.  相似文献   


Cell-free protein production offers a versatile alternative to complement in vivo expression systems. However, usage of prokaryotic cell-free systems often leads to non-functional proteins. We modified a previously designed cell-free system based on the protozoan Leishmania tarentolae, a parasite of the Moorish gecko Tarentola mauritanica, together with a species-independent translational sequences-based plasmid to produce human membrane proteins in 2 hours reaction time. We successfully established all four commonly used expression modes for cell-free synthesis of membrane proteins with a human organic anion transporter, SLC17A3, as a model membrane protein: (i) As precipitates without the addition of any hydrophobic environment, (ii) in the presence of detergents, (iii) with the addition of liposomes, and (iv) supplemented with nanodiscs. We utilized this adapted system to synthesize 22 human solute carriers from 20 different families. Our results demonstrate the capability of the Leishmania tarentolae cell-free system for the production of a huge variety of human solute carriers in the precipitate mode. Furthermore, purified SLC17A3 shows the formation of an oligomeric state.  相似文献   

Cell-free translation systems generally utilize high-energy phosphate compounds to regenerate the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) necessary to drive protein synthesis. This hampers the widespread use and practical implementation of this technology in a batch format due to expensive reagent costs; the accumulation of inhibitory byproducts, such as phosphate; and pH change. To address these problems, a cell-free protein synthesis system has been engineered that is capable of using pyruvate as an energy source to produce high yields of protein. The "Cytomim" system, synthesizes chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) for up to 6 h in a batch reaction to yield 700 microg/mL of protein. By more closely replicating the physiological conditions of the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli, the Cytomim system provides a stable energy supply for protein expression without phosphate accumulation, pH change, exogenous enzyme addition, or the need for expensive high-energy phosphate compounds.  相似文献   

Cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) has recently undergone a resurgence partly due to the proliferation of synthetic biology. The variety of hosts used for cell-free extract production has increased, which harnesses the diversity of cellular biosynthetic, protein folding, and posttranslational modification capabilities available. Here we describe a CFPS platform derived from Pichia pastoris, a popular recombinant protein expression host both in academia and the biopharmaceutical industry. A novel ribosome biosensor was developed to optimize the cell extract harvest time. Using this biosensor, we identified a potential bottleneck in ribosome content. Therefore, we undertook strain engineering to overexpress global regulators of ribosome biogenesis to increase in vitro protein production. CFPS extracts from the strain overexpressing FHL1 had a three-fold increase in recombinant protein yield compared with those from the wild-type X33 strain. Furthermore, our novel CFPS platform can produce complex therapeutic proteins, as exemplified by the production of human serum albumin to a final yield of 48.1 μg ml −1. Therefore, this study not only adds to the growing number of CFPS systems from diverse organisms but also provides a blueprint for rapidly engineering new strains with increased productivity in vitro that could be applied to other organisms.  相似文献   

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