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Expression of the cop operon which effects copper homeostasis in Enterococcus hirae is controlled by the copper responsive repressor CopY. Purified Zn(II)CopY binds to a synthetic cop promoter fragment in vitro. Here we show that the 8 kDa protein CopZ acts as a copper chaperone by specifically delivering copper(I) to Zn(II)CopY and releasing CopY from the DNA. As shown by gel filtration and luminescence spectroscopy, two copper(I) are thereby quantitatively transferred from Cu(I)CopZ to Zn(II)CopY, with displacement of the zinc(II) and transfer of copper from a non-luminescent, exposed, binding site in CopZ to a luminescent, solvent shielded, binding site in CopY.  相似文献   

A recently discovered family of proteins that function as copper chaperones route copper to proteins that either require it for their function or are involved in its transport. In Enterococcus hirae the copper chaperone function is performed by the 8-kDa protein CopZ. This paper describes the NMR structure of apo-CopZ, obtained using uniformly (15)N-labeled CopZ overexpressed in Escherichia coli and NMR studies of the impact of Cu(I) binding on the CopZ structure. The protein has a betaalphabetabetaalphabeta fold, where the four beta-strands form an antiparallel twisted beta-sheet, and the two helices are located on the same side of the beta-sheet. A sequence motif GMXCXXC in the loop between the first beta-strand and the first alpha-helix contains the primary ligands, which bind copper(I). Binding of copper(I) caused major structural changes in this molecular region, as manifested by the fact that most NMR signals of the loop and the N-terminal part of the first helix were broadened beyond detection. This effect was strictly localized, because the remainder of the apo-CopZ structure was maintained after addition of Cu(I). NMR relaxation data showed a decreased correlation time of overall molecular tumbling for Cu(I)-CopZ when compared with apo-CopZ, indicating aggregation of Cu(I)-CopZ. The structure of CopZ is the first three-dimensional structure of a cupro-protein for which the metal ion is an exchangeable substrate rather than an integral part of the structure. Implications of the present structural work for the in vivo function of CopZ are discussed, whereby it is of special interest that the distribution of charged residues on the CopZ surface is highly uneven and suggests preferred recognition sites for other proteins that might be involved in copper transfer.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of copper-thiolate clusters in the regulation of copper metabolism the formation chemistry of these clusters in proteins is not well understood. The number of Cu(I) ions that can be incorporated within a given molecule and their coordination number varies. CopY is a repressor protein from Enterococcus hirae which utilises a copper-thiolate cluster in the regulation of the copper homeostasis genes. Physical, biological assays of purified native reconstituted apoCopY suggest that the formation of a Zn(II)-protein prior to Cu(I) incorporation is necessary to achieve the native Cu(I)-S cluster. In this protein the Zn(II) is readily displaced by the Cu(I). CopY proteins with homologous metal binding motifs are being used to investigate cluster formation stabilisation.  相似文献   

A novel SmtB/ArsR family metalloregulator, denoted BxmR, has been identified and characterized from the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria brevis. Genetic and biochemical evidence reveals that BxmR represses the expression of both bxa1, encoding a CPx-ATPase metal transporter, as well as a divergently transcribed operon encoding bxmR and bmtA, a heavy metal sequestering metallothionein. Derepression of the expression of all three genes is mediated by both monovalent (Ag(I) and Cu(I)) and divalent (Zn(II) and Cd(II)) heavy metal ions, a novel property among SmtB/ArsR metal sensors. Electrophoretic gel mobility shift experiments reveal that apoBxmR forms multiple resolvable complexes with oligonucleotides containing a single 12-2-12 inverted repeat derived from one of the two operator/promoter regions with similar apparent affinities. Preincubation with either monovalent or divalent metal ions induces disassembly of both the BxmR-bxa1 and BxmR-bxmR/bmtA operator/promoter complexes. Interestingly, the temporal regulation of expression of bxa1 and bmtA mRNAs is different in O. brevis with bxa1 induced first upon heavy metal treatment, followed by bmtA/bxmR. A dynamic interplay among Bxa1, BmtA, and BxmR is proposed that maintains metal homeostasis in O. brevis by balancing the relative rates of metal storage and efflux of multiple heavy metal ions.  相似文献   

The GGGTH sequence has been proposed to be the minimal sequence involved in the binding of a fifth Cu(II) ion in addition to the octarepeat region of the prion protein (PrP) which binds four Cu(II) ions. Coordination of Cu(II) by the N- and C-protected Ac-GGGTH-NH(2) pentapeptide (P(5)) was investigated by using potentiometric titration, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, UV-vis spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry experiments. Four different Cu(II) complexes were identified and characterized as a function of pH. The Cu(II) binding mode switches from NO(3) to N(4) for pH values ranging from 6.0 to 10.0. Quasi-reversible reduction of the [Cu(II)(P(5))H(-2)] complex formed at pH 6.7 occurs at E (1/2)=0.04 V versus Ag/AgCl, whereas reversible oxidation of the [Cu(II)(P(5))H(-3)](-) complex formed at pH 10.0 occurs at E (1/2)=0.66 V versus Ag/AgCl. Comparison of our EPR data with those of the rSHaPrP(90-231) (Burns et al. in Biochemistry 42:6794-6803, 2003) strongly suggests an N(3)O binding mode at physiological pH for the fifth Cu(II) site in the protein.  相似文献   

The syntheses of three new compartmental ligands are reported. Each ligand shows two 1,4,7-triazaheptane (dien) moieties separated by different rigid aromatic groups. The dien unit is linked to the spacer through its central N-atom, while each aromatic moiety contains two hydroxyl-phenolic functions. The synthetic aspects involved in attaching two dien subunits to an aromatic group containing two hydroxyl functions were explored. Each ligand synthesized can coordinate two metal ions positioned far from each other; the single dinuclear units will be useful as building blocks in new supramolecular aggregates. The basicity and binding properties of one of the synthesized ligands (3,3′-bis[N,N-bis(2-aminoethyl)aminomethyl]-4,4′-dihydroxybiphenyl (L2)) were potentiometrically studied in aqueous solution. L2 was found to behave as a diprotic acid and as a pentaprotic base under the experimental conditions used. L2 forms stable mononuclear and dinuclear complexes with Cu(II) and Zn(II) ions; the mononuclear species show a tendency to dimerize, while the dinuclear ones are predominant in the presence of two equivalents of M(II) ions in solution.Both protonation and the presence of Zn(II) strongly affect the fluorescence emission properties of L2, which can be used as a new chemosensor for H+ and Zn(II) ions. L2 exhibits pH-dependent fluorescence and the emission due to the different protonation of L2 and can be ascribed, above all, to the degree of protonation of the 4,4′-biphenol unit; thus, L2 is more emitting at acidic pH values where the aromatic unit is fully protonated. On the contrary, the Zn-dinuclear species are more emitting from neutral to alkaline pH values exhibiting a CHEF effect which reaches its maximum values (seven times those of the free ligand) at pH 9 with the [Zn2H−2L2]2+ species, thus highlighting the sensing properties of this new chemosensor towards Zn(II).  相似文献   

Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) studies of Cu(II) (oxidized), Cu(I) (reduced), Ni(II) and Co(II) stellacyanin from Rhus vernicifera are reported. For Cu(II) stellacyanin, the coordination by three close ligands, viz. 2 N and 1 S, with the presence of smaller shells pointing to imidazole coordination, indicates similarities with the coordination in other so-called type 1 or 'blue'-copper proteins. Upon reduction, slightly longer ligand distances and an additional sulphur ligand are found. Ni(II) and Co(II) stellacyanin resemble Cu(I) and Cu(II) stellacyanin, respectively, in ligand distances, but have a tendency for three rather than two N (or O) ligands in the first shell. The results are compared with the three-dimensional model derived from 1H-NMR relaxation measurements for Co(II) stellacyanin, and are consistent with the proposal that apart from the three close ligands found in all blue-copper proteins, a sulphur from a disulphide bridge and the amide oxygen from an asparagine residue come to within coordinating distance of the metal in stellacyanin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent studies have identified the human copper chaperone CCS as the presumed factor responsible for copper incorporation into superoxide dismutase (SOD). A lack of knowledge of the chaperone's three-dimensional structure has prevented understanding of how the copper might be transferred. RESULTS: The three-dimensional structure of CCS was homology modelled using the periplasmic protein from the bacterial mercury-detoxification system and the structure of one subunit of the human SOD dimeric enzyme as templates. On the basis of the three-dimensional model, a mechanism for the transfer of copper from CCS to SOD is proposed that accounts for electrostatic acceptor recognition, copper storage and copper-transfer properties. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed model identifies a path for copper transfer based on the presence of different metal sites characterized by sulphur ligands. Such a model permits the development of strategies able to interfere with copper incorporation in SOD, providing a possible way to prevent or arrest degeneration in the fatal motor neuron disorder amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.  相似文献   

Ash MR  Chong LX  Maher MJ  Hinds MG  Xiao Z  Wedd AG 《Biochemistry》2011,50(43):9237-9247
The bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 is resistant to high environmental concentrations of many metal ions. Upon copper challenge, it upregulates the periplasmic protein CopK (8.3 kDa). The function of CopK in the copper resistance response is ill-defined, but CopK demonstrates an intriguing cooperativity: occupation of a high-affinity Cu(I) binding site generates a high-affinity Cu(II) binding site, and the high-affinity Cu(II) binding enhances Cu(I) binding. Native CopK and targeted variants were examined by chromatographic, spectroscopic, and X-ray crystallographic probes. Structures of two distinct forms of Cu(I)Cu(II)-CopK were defined, and structural changes associated with occupation of the Cu(II) site were demonstrated. In solution, monomeric Cu(I)Cu(II)-CopK features the previously elucidated Cu(I) site in Cu(I)-CopK, formed from four S(δ) atoms of Met28, -38, -44, and -54 (site 4S). Binding of Cu(I) to apo-CopK induces a conformational change that releases the C-terminal β-strand from the β-sandwich structure. In turn, this allows His70 and N-terminal residues to form a large loop that includes the Cu(II) binding site. In crystals, a polymeric form of Cu(I)Cu(II)-CopK displays a Cu(I) site defined by the S(δ) atoms of Met26, -38, and -54 (site 3S) and an exogenous ligand (modeled as H(2)O) and a Cu(II) site that bridges dimeric CopK molecules. The 3S Cu(I) binding mode observed in crystals was demonstrated in solution in protein variant M44L where site 4S is disabled. The intriguing copper binding chemistry of CopK provides molecular insight into Cu(I) transfer processes. The adaptable nature of the Cu(I) coordination sphere in methionine-rich clusters allows copper to be relayed between clusters during transport across membranes in molecular pumps such as CusA and Ctr1.  相似文献   

2,6-Dimethyl-4-phenylpyridine-3,5-dicarboxylic acid (H2mppdc, H2L) is firstly employed in coordination chemistry. Two metal-organic coordination polymers with a general formula of M2L2(4,4′-bpy)x(H2O)4−2x (M = Zn or Co, x = 1 or 2) are assembled from H2L, 4,4′-bipyridine, zinc and cobalt salt under hydrothermal conditions, and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses. Of the crystal structures of title compounds, L ligands, limited in the environment from 4,4′-bipyridine, array in head-to-head and head-to-tail modes which are corresponding to the 1D (1) and 3D (2) polymeric structures, respectively. Interesting disorders occur in the crystal lattice of compound 1. And compound 2 has a 3D 42 · 610 · 83 topology. Solid-state H2L and 1 have expected photoluminescence at room temperature.  相似文献   

CopZ, an Atx1-like copper chaperone from the bacterium Bacillus subtilis, functions as part of a complex cellular machinery for Cu(I) trafficking and detoxification, in which it interacts specifically with the transmembrane Cu(I)-transporter CopA. Here we demonstrate that the cysteine residues of the MXCXXC Cu(I)-binding motif of CopZ have low proton affinities, with both exhibiting pK(a) values of 6 or below. Chelator competition experiments demonstrated that the protein binds Cu(I) with extremely high affinity, with a small but significant pH-dependence over the range pH 6.5-8.0. From these data, a pH-corrected formation constant, beta(2)= approximately 6 x 10(22) M(-2), was determined. Rapid exchange of Cu(I) between CopZ and the Cu(I)-chelator BCS (bathocuproine disulfonate) indicated that the mechanism of exchange does not involve simple dissociation of Cu(I) from CopZ (or BCS), but instead proceeds via the formation of a transient Cu(I)-mediated protein-chelator complex. Such a mechanism has similarities to the Cu(I)-exchange pathway that occurs between components of copper-trafficking pathways.  相似文献   

Copper chaperones are copper-binding proteins that directly insert copper into specific targets, preventing the accumulation of free copper ions that can be toxic to the cell. Despite considerable advances in the understanding of copper transfer from copper chaperones to their target, to date, there is no information regarding how the activity of these proteins is regulated in higher eukaryotes. The insertion of copper into the antioxidant enzyme Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) depends on the copper chaperone for SOD1 (CCS). We have recently reported that CCS protein is increased in tissues of rats fed copper-deficient diets suggesting that copper may regulate CCS expression. Here we show that whereas copper deficiency increased CCS protein in rats, mRNA level was unaffected. Rodent and human cell lines cultured in the presence of the specific copper chelator 2,3,2-tetraamine displayed a dose-dependent increase in CCS protein that could be reversed with the addition of copper but not iron or zinc to the cells. Switching cells from copper-deficient to copper-rich medium promoted the rapid degradation of CCS, which could be blocked by the proteosome inhibitors MG132 and lactacystin but not a cysteine protease inhibitor or inhibitors of the lysosomal degradation pathway. In addition, CCS degradation was slower in copper-deficient cells than in cells cultured in copper-rich medium. Together, these data show that copper regulates CCS expression by modulating its degradation by the 26 S proteosome and suggest a novel role for CCS in prioritizing the utilization of copper when it is scarce.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal reactions between H4ODPA (2,2′,3,3′-oxydiphthalic acid) and metal ion salts of Ba2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Gd3+ afford four novel coordination polymers [Ba(H2ODPA)(H2O)4] · H2O (1), [Cu2(ODPA)(H2O)3] · H2O (2), Zn2(ODPA)(H2O)2 (3) and [Gd(HODPA)(H2O)3.5] · H2O (4), accordingly. These polymers show great differences in regard to their structures and properties originated from the variation of size and coordination geometry of the metal ions. Compound 1 presents puckered achiral layer structure with (4.82) topology with helices, 2 has a 63 topology with copper tetramer as SBUs, 3 has chiral layer with two kinds of helices built up from Zn-binuclear “paddle-wheel” like SBUs, and 4 features a simple 1D helix with opposite chirality. Compound 3 shows obvious fluorescent emissions upon excitation. Compound 2 shows ferromagnetic interactions between CuII centers bridged by carboxylate groups, whereas compound 4 presents weak ferromagnetic interaction between GdIII ions.  相似文献   

Al(III) toxicity in living organisms is based on competition with other metal cations. Mg(II) is one of the most affected cations, since the size similarity dominates over the charge identity. The slow ligand exchange rates for Al(III) render the ion useless as a metal ion at the active sites of enzymes and provide a mechanism by which Al(III) inhibits Mg(II) dependent biochemical processes. Al(III) cation interactions with relevant bioligands have been studied in a protein-model environment in gas and aqueous phases using density functional theory methods. The protein model consists of the metal cation bound to two chosen bioligands (functional groups of the amino acid side chains, one of them being always an acetate) and water molecules interacting with the cation to complete its first coordination shell. Analogous Mg(II) complexes are calculated and compared with the Al(III) ones. Formation energies of the complexes are calculated in both phases and magnesium/aluminum exchange energies evaluated. The effect of different dielectric media is also analyzed. The presence of an acetate ligand in the binding site is found to promote both, complex formation and metal exchange reactions. In addition, buried binding sites (with low dielectric constant) of the protein favor metal exchange, whereas fully solvated environments of high dielectric constant require the presence of two anionic ligands for metal exchange to occur.  相似文献   

Gene 32 protein (g32P), the replication accessory single-stranded nucleic acid binding protein from bacteriophage T4, contains 1 mol of Zn(II)/mol of protein. Zinc coordination provides structural stability to the DNA-binding core domain of the molecule, termed g32P-(A+B) (residues 22-253). Optical absorption studies with the Co(II)-substituted protein and 113Cd NMR spectroscopy of 113Cd(II)-substituted g32P-(A+B) show that the metal coordination sphere in g32P is characterized by approximately tetrahedral ligand symmetry and ligation by the Cys-S- atoms of Cys77, Cys87, and Cys90. These studies predicted the involvement of a fourth protein-derived non-thiol ligand to complete the tetrahedral complex, postulated to be His81 on the basis of primary structure prediction and modeling [Giedroc, D.P., Johnson, B.A., Armitage, I.M., & Coleman, J.E. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 2410-2418]. To test this model, we have employed site-directed mutagenesis to substitute each of the two histidine residues in g32P (His64 and His81), accompanied by purification and structural characterization of these single-site mutant proteins. We show that g32P's containing any of three substitutions at residue 64 (H64Q, H64N, and H64L) are isolated from Escherichia coli in a Zn(II)-free form [less than or equal to 0.03 g.atom Zn(II)]. All derivatives show extremely weak affinity for the ssDNA homopolymer poly(dT). All are characterized by a far-UV-CD spectrum reduced in negative intensity relative to the wild-type protein. These structural features parallel those found for the known metal ligand mutant Cys87----Ser87 (C87S) g32P. In contrast, g32P-(A+B) containing a substitution of His81 with glutamine (H81Q), alanine (H81A) or cysteine (H81C), contains stoichiometric Zn(II) as isolated and binds to polynucleotides with an affinity comparable to the wild-type g32P-(A+B). Spin-echo 1H NMR spectra recorded for wild-type and H81Q g32P-(A+B) as a function of pH allow the assignment of His81 ring proteins to delta = 6.81 and 6.57 ppm, respectively, at pH 7.8, corresponding to the C and D histidyl protons of 1H-His-g32P-(A+B) [Pan, T., Giedroc, D.P., & Coleman, J.E. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 8828-8832]. These resonances shift downfield as the pH is reduced from 7.8 to 6.6 without metal dissociation, a result incompatible with His81 donating a ligand to the Zn(II) in wild-type g32P. Likewise, Cys81 in Zn(II) H81C g32P is readily reactive with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid), unlike metal ligands Cys77, Cys87, and Cys90.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Although metal ions can promote amyloid formation from many proteins, their effects on the formation of amyloid from transthyretin have not been previously studied. We therefore screened the effects of Cu(II), Zn(II), Al(III), and Fe(III) on amyloid formation from wild-type (WT) transthyretin as well as its V30M, L55P, and T119M mutants. Cu(II) and Zn(II) promoted amyloid formation from the L55P mutant of transthyretin at pH 6.5 but had little effect on amyloid formation from the other forms of the protein. Zn(II) promoted L55P amyloid formation at pH 7.4 but Cu(II) inhibited it. Cu(II) gave dose-dependent quenching of the tryptophan fluorescence of transthyretin and the fluorescence of 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate bound to it. Zn(II) gave dose-dependent quenching of the tryptophan but not the 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate fluorescence. Apparent dissociation constants for Cu(II) and Zn(II) binding at pH 7.4 of approximately 10 nM and approximately 1 microM (approximately 0.4 microM and approximately 5 microM at pH 6.5), respectively, were obtained from the quenching data. Zn(II) enhanced urea-mediated the dissociation of the L55P but not the WT transthyretin tetramer. Cu(II), depending on its concentration, either had no effect or stabilized the WT tetramer but could enhance urea-mediated dissociation of L55P.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1987,136(2):107-110
The leukocyte-induced oxidative cleavage of yeast Cu(I)-thionein was examined. Oxidation was followed by the progressive decline of the specific Cotton bands attributed to the Cu(I)-thiolate chromophores between 400 and 270 nm. Despite many potent and competitive copper binding sites certainly present in leukocytes, the reconstitution of apo-Cu2Zn2-superoxide dismutase was expected due to its higher thermodynamic stability. Both enzymic activity measurements and characteristic Cu(II) EPR properties of Cu2Zn2-superoxide dismutase supported a successful reconstitution. The most favoured pathway for releasing Cu(II) from Cu-thionein was suggested to be an enzyme- controlled oxidation.  相似文献   

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