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We have characterized an immunosuppressive parvovirus related to the minute virus of mice (MVM). The parvovirus, MVM(i), grew efficiently on the murine lymphoma cell line EL-4 and not on the A-9 strain of L-cells which is a host for the prototype MVM. MVM(i) was immunosuppressive for allogeneic mixed leukocyte cultures, inhibiting the generation of cytolytic T lymphocytes. MVM had no effect on mixed leukocyte cultures. MVM and MVM(i) particles were similar in buoyant density, sedimentation rate, appearance in the electron microscope, and polypeptide composition. We present restriction enzyme maps of the DNAs of MVM and MVM(i) which show that they are closely related. Out of 109 restriction endonuclease cleavage sites (representing together about 10% of the nucleotide sequence), 86 sites were shared by MVM and MVM(i), whereas 22 sites were absent from one of the two viruses. MVM(i) DNA had an apparent deletion of about 60 nucleotides relative to MVM, located near the 5' terminus of viral DNA.  相似文献   

The in vivo myelosuppressive capacity of strain i of the parovirus minute virus of mice (MVMi) was investigated in newborn BALB/c mice inoculated with a lethal intranasal dose. MVMi infection reached maximum levels of DNA synthesis and infectious titers in lymphohemopoietic organs at 4 to 6 days postinoculation and was restricted by an early neutralizing humoral immune response. After viral control (by 10 days postinoculation), a significant decrease in femoral and splenic cellularity, as well as in granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming unit and erythroid burst-forming unit hemopoietic progenitors, was observed in most inoculated animals. This delayed myeloid depression, although it may be not a major cause of the lethality of the infection, implies indirect pathogenic mechanisms induced by MVMi infection in a susceptible host.  相似文献   

The sequence of molecular clones of the genome of MVM(i), a lymphotropic variant of minute virus of mice, was determined and compared with that of MVM(p), the fibrotropic prototype strain. At the nucleotide level there are 163 base changes: 129 transitions and 34 transversions. Most nucleotide changes are silent, with only 27 amino acids changes predicted, of which 22 are conservative. Notable differences between the MVM(i) and MVM(p) genomes which may account for the cell specificities of these viruses occur within the 3' nontranslated regions. The differences discussed include the absence of a 65-base-pair direct in MVM(i), the presence of only two polyadenylation sites in MVM(i) compared with four in MVM(p), and sequences that bear a resemblance to enhancer sequences. Also included in this paper is an important correction to the MVM(p) sequence (C.R. Astell, M. Thomson, M. Merchlinsky, and D. C. Ward, Nucleic Acids Res. 11:999-1018, 1983).  相似文献   

Parvoviruses remain one of the most common viral infections seen in laboratory mouse colonies. The purpose of this study was to develop an antemortem polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to detect mice infected with mouse parvovirus-1 (MPV) and mice minute virus (MMV) using faecal samples. The MMV PCR assay consistently detected as few as 100 plasmid copies of MMV in faecal samples, while the MPV PCR assay detected as few as 10 plasmid copies of MPV. Faecal pellets from infected mice held at room temperature from 1 to 7 days tested positive by MMV and MPV PCR, respectively. This demonstrates that parvovirus DNA is stable in faecal samples kept at room temperature. PCR assays were also used to follow the length of MMV and MPV shedding in faeces from SENCAR mice, which were endemically infected with multiple agents. MMV faecal shedding was detected in 60-70% of the mice 5-7 weeks old, and by 13 weeks of age, faecal samples from all mice were negative for MMV. MPV faecal shedding was detected in 90-100% of the mice 5-11 weeks old; however, by 19 weeks of age, faecal samples from all mice were negative for MPV. These findings confirm that faecal shedding occurs for a limited time and suggest that 5-9-week-old mice are the most appropriate age group in endemically infected mice for faecal testing by MMV and MPV PCR.  相似文献   

Minute virus of mice (MVM) nucleoprotein complexes were leached from infected cell nuclei in the presence of a hypotonic buffer. Detailed biochemical analyses performed on the extracted complexes revealed nucleoprotein complexes sedimenting together with virions at 110S and defective particles sedimenting at 50S. In contrast to the virions, the nucleoprotein complexes were found to be sensitive to treatment with DNase, Sarkosyl, and heparin. They were found to be composed of replicative forms of MVM DNA and cellular histones. After extensive micrococcal nuclease digestion performed on purified nucleoprotein complexes, a viral nucleosomes core containing a DNA segment of about 140 base pairs in length was identified. These complexes when visualized by electron microscopy revealed the existence of beaded structures (minichromosomes) having 26 and 52 beads per monomer and dimer molecules, respectively. We suggest that the organization of the intracellular viral DNA in a minichromosome structure is an essential step in the virus growth cycle.  相似文献   

The rates of assembly of the three classes of particles of minute virus of mice were examined in synchronized rat brain cells by a combination of electron microscopy and biochemical techniques. We observed a burst of virus assembly beginning about 8 h after the end of cellular S phase. Labeled thymidine incorporated into the 1.46 g/cm3 class of full virus particles was transferred almost quantitatively to the 1.42 g/cm3 class. The 1.46 g/cm3 virus appeared to be an immediate precursor to the 1.42 g/cm3 class. Conversion of the 1.46 density virus to the 1.42 density particles was observed at the time of virus assembly. The processing was rapid and occurred primarily in the nucleus. Infected cells did not contain significant pools of viral DNA in a form that could be encapsulated in the absence of DNA synthesis. The role of the empty virus capsids in the assembly process is discussed.  相似文献   

Newly replicated DNA of the autonomous parvovirus minute virus of mice was pulse-labeled with 32PO4 during the time of maximal viral DNA replication in highly synchronized A9 cells. The subsequent processing of viral DNA-protein complexes was monitored during a chase period with no label. Several distinct classes of duplex replicative-form and progeny single-stranded DNA molecules were characterized and found to accumulate at different times during infection. Analysis of the terminal structures associated with these various forms provided new insights into the mechanism by which viral DNA replicates and, in particular, suggested that interstrand ligation occurs during this process.  相似文献   

The early interactions between parvoviruses and host cells have not been extensively described previously. In this study we have characterized some aspects of viral binding to the cell surface and demonstrated the existence of specific cellular receptor sites for minute virus of mice (MVM) on two murine cell lines that are permissive for viral growth. The interaction had a pH optimum of 7.0 to 7.2, and both the rate and extent of the reactions were slightly affected by temperature. Mouse A-9 cells (L-cell derivative) had approximately 5 X 10(5) specific MVM binding sites per cell, and Friend erythroleukemia cells had 1.5 X 10(5) MVM sites per cell. In contrast, the nonpermissive mouse lymphoid cell line L1210 lacked specific viral receptors. Also, cloned lines of A-9 cells resistant to viral infection have been isolated. One of these lines lacked the "specific" virus attachment sites but exhibited low levels of nonsaturable virus binding. Based on these examples, infectivity is correlated with the presence of specific viral receptors on the cell surface.  相似文献   

The linear single-stranded DNA genome of minute virus of mice, an autonomous parvovirus, was cloned in duplex form into the bacterial plasmid pBR322. The recombinant clones of minute virus of mice were infectious when transfected into monolayers of human 324K cells and produced virus plaques with an efficiency of about 6% that obtained with duplex replicative-form DNA purified from cells infected with minute virus of mice. Southern blot analysis of transfected cells indicated that the cloned minute virus of mice genome requires both termini to be intact for excision and replication as a linear duplex molecule.  相似文献   

Inhibition of T cell-mediated cytotoxicity by anti-inflammatory steroids   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have tested the capacity of glucocorticoids to modulate the effector function of splenic cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) obtained after i.p. immunization with allogeneic cells. Although acute exposure to glucocorticoids did not inhibit the activity of freshly obtained splenic CTL, preincubation of these CTL for several hours with subnanomolar concentrations of several different glucocorticoids caused marked inhibition. The relative inhibitory potency of the steroids tested correlated with their reported activity both in glucocorticoid receptor binding assays and in assays of anti-inflammatory potency in man. The inhibitory effects of low concentrations (10(-10) M to 10(-9) M) of dexamethasone were reversed by human or mouse interleukin 2 (IL 2)-containing supernatants, but were not reversed by IL 1-containing supernatants. The inhibitory effects of higher concentrations (10(-8) M to 10(-7) M) of dexamethasone could not be reversed even by very high doses of mouse IL 2. In contrast to previous reports of minimal direct glucocorticoid effects on CTL activity, the present results suggest that after preincubation, splenic CTL from in vivo-immune mice are sensitive to inhibition by glucocorticoids, and that the glucocorticoids may act both indirectly (on IL 2 production) and directly on the CTL.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms responsible for random integration and gene targeting by recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors are largely unknown, and whether vectors derived from autonomous parvoviruses transduce cells by similar pathways has not been investigated. In this report, we constructed vectors based on the autonomous parvovirus minute virus of mice (MVM) that were designed to introduce a neomycin resistance expression cassette (neo) into the X-linked human hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) locus. High-titer, replication-incompetent MVM vector stocks were generated with a two-plasmid transfection system that preserved the wild-type characteristic of packaging only one DNA strand. Vectors with inserts in the forward or reverse orientations packaged noncoding or coding strands, respectively. In human HT-1080 cells, MVM vector random integration frequencies (neo(+) colonies) were comparable to those obtained with AAV vectors, and no difference was observed for noncoding and coding strands. HPRT gene-targeting frequencies (HPRT mutant colonies) were lower with MVM vectors, and the noncoding strand frequency was threefold greater than that of the coding strand. Random integration and gene-targeting events were confirmed by Southern blot analysis of G418- and 6-thioguanine (6TG)-resistant clones. In separate experiments, correction of an alkaline phosphatase (AP) gene by gene targeting was nine times more effective with a coding strand vector. The data suggest that single-stranded parvoviral vector genomes are substrates for gene targeting and possibly for random integration as well.  相似文献   

Minute virus of mice NS1 protein is a multifunctional phosphoprotein endowed with a variety of enzymatic and regulatory activities necessary for progeny virus particle production. To regulate all of its different functions in the course of a viral infection, NS1 has been proposed to be modulated by posttranslational modifications, in particular, phosphorylation. Indeed, it was shown that the NS1 phosphorylation pattern is altered during the infectious cycle and that the biochemical profile of the protein is dependent on the phosphorylation state of the polypeptide. Moreover, in vitro approaches have identified members of the protein kinase C (PKC) family, in particular, atypical PKC, as regulators of viral DNA replication through the phosphorylation of NS1 residues T435 and S473, thereby activating the protein for DNA unwinding activities. In order to substantiate these findings in vivo, we produced NS1 in the presence of a dominant-negative PKClambda mutant and characterized the purified protein in vitro. The NS1 protein produced under these conditions was found to be only partially phosphorylated and as a consequence to be deficient for viral DNA replication. However, it could be rescued for this viral function by treatment with recombinant activated PKClambda. Our data clearly demonstrate that NS1 is a target for PKClambda phosphorylation in vivo and that this modification is essential for the helicase activity of the viral polypeptide. In addition, the phosphorylation of NS1 at residues T435 and S473 appeared to occur mainly in the nucleus, providing further evidence for the involvement of PKClambda which, unlike PKCzeta, accumulates in the nuclear compartment of infected cells.  相似文献   

During DNA replication, the hairpin telomeres of Minute Virus of Mice (MVM) are extended and copied to create imperfectly palindromic duplex junction sequences that bridge adjacent genomes in concatameric replicative-form DNA. These are resolved by the viral initiator protein, NS1, but mechanisms employed at the two telomeres differ. Left-end:left-end junctions are resolved asymmetrically at a single site, OriLTC, by NS1 acting in concert with a host factor, parvovirus initiation factor (PIF). Replication segregates doublet and triplet sequences, initially present as unpaired nucleotides in the bubble region of the left-end hairpin stem, to either side of the junction. These act as spacers between the NS1 and PIF binding sites, and their asymmetric distribution sets up active (OriLTC) and inactive (OriLGAA) forms of OriL. We used a reverse genetic approach to disrupt this asymmetry and found that neither opposing doublets nor triplets in the hairpin bubble were tolerated. Viable mutants were isolated at low frequency and found to contain second-site mutations that either restored the asymmetry or crippled one PIF binding site. These mutations either inactivated the inboard or activated the outboard form of OriL, a polarity that strongly suggests that, in the genus Parvovirus, an active inboard OriL is lethal.  相似文献   

The promoter of the thyroid hormone receptor alpha gene (c-erbA-1) is activated by the nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) of parvovirus minute virus of mice (prototype strain [MVMp]) in ras-transformed FREJ4 cells that are permissive for lytic MVMp replication. This stimulation may be related to the sensitivity of host cells to MVMp, as it does not take place in parental FR3T3 cells, which are resistant to the parvovirus killing effect. The analysis of a series of deletion and point mutants of the c-erbA-1 promoter led to the identification of an upstream region that is necessary for NS1-driven transactivation. This sequence harbors a putative hormone-responsive element and is sufficient to render a minimal promoter NS1 inducible in FREJ4 but not in FR3T3 cells, and it is involved in distinct interactions with proteins from the respective cell lines. The NS1-responsive element of the c-erbA-1 promoter bears no homology with sequences that were previously reported to be necessary for NS1 DNA binding and transactivation. Altogether, our data point to a novel, cell-specific mechanism of promoter activation by NS1.  相似文献   

The capsids of minute virus of mice (MVM) consist of two closely related proteins, VP1 and VP2. We inactivated the VP1 gene in an infectious clone of MVM DNA by frameshift mutation. After transfection of mutated DNA, capsids consisting of VP2 only were made. They can package negative-strand DNA, and they specifically bind MVM 3'-terminal hairpin DNA.  相似文献   

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