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Twelve responder-stimulator combinations of mouse B10.W strains identical at K, D, and class II loci were tested for the generation of cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL). No primary CTL could be obtained in any of the combinations but in nine combinations CTL were generated after priming in vivo. Six of these CTL are described. They define five antigenic determinants expressed exclusively in a small group of B10.W lines. The determinants appear to be part of the same system that resembles the Qa system originally defined in classic inbred strains. This resemblance rests on the observation that in vivo priming is necessary for the generation of the CTL, and that the CTL are not restricted in their reactivity by known H-2 loci. At least some of the determinants, however, appear to be controlled by a locus (or loci) associated with the K-rather than the D-end of the H-2 complex. Furthermore, some of the CTL directed against these Qa-like determinants cross-react with a molecule controlled by the K locus.  相似文献   

Sixteen B10.W congenic lines carrying wild derived H-2 haplotypes on C57BL/10Sn or B10 background were typed by the allogeneic cell-mediated lymphocytotoxicity (CML) assay; in addition, selected lines were also typed by the TNP-CML assay and by skin grafting. The analysis revealed similarity or identity of two strain pairs: SNA57 (H-2w21) ssems to carry a similar haplotype as B10.SM (H-2v), and STA10 and STA12 seem to share the same H-2K and H-2D alleles. All other B10.W strains were different from each other and from B10 congenic lines carrying inbred-derived H-2 haplotypes. These results agree with the results of the serologic typing with two exceptions: the KPA42, KPA132, and SNA57 lines, which were serologically indistinguishable from each other and from B10.SM, were distinguished by histogenetic typing. The presence among wild mice of a haplotype (H-2u21) that appears to be very similar to a haplotype (H-2v) carried by an inbred strain (B10.SM) has some interesting implications for considerations of H-2 gene mutability. The finding that haplotypes derived from different localities are different provides further evidence that the H-2 polymorphism is extensive, indeed.  相似文献   

Cell-cell adhesion is crucial not only for mechanical adhesion but also for tissue morphogenesis. Protein 4.1B, a member of the protein 4.1 family named from an erythrocyte membrane protein, is a potential organizer of an adherens system. In adult mouse seminiferous tubules, protein 4.1B localized in the basal compartment, especially in the attaching region of spermatogonia and Sertoli cells. Protein 4.1B localization and appearance were not different in each spermatogenic stage. Developmentally, protein 4.1B was not detected at postnatal day 3 (P3), was diffusely localized at P15, and was found in the basal compartment during the third week. By double staining for protein 4.1B and F-actin, their localizations were shown to be different, indicating that protein 4.1B was localized in a region lower than the basal ectoplasmic specialization that formed the Sertoli-Sertoli junction. By electron microscopy, immunoreactive products were seen mainly on the membranes of Sertoli cells. In the W/W(v) mutant mouse, the seminiferous epithelium had few germ cells. Protein 4.1B and beta-catenin were not detected, although the basal ectoplasmic specialization was retained. These results indicate that protein 4.1B may be related to the adhesion between Sertoli cells and germ cells, especially the spermatogonium.  相似文献   


Analysis of mouse Tcr genes has previously defined at least five different Tcra-V haplotypes among inbred strains of mice. For mice of the Tcra-V b haplotype, including C57BL/10 (B10), T-cell expression of the Tcra-V11 gene subfamily can be detected with a monoclonal antibody, 1.F2. In the course of further characterizing the specificity of 1.F2, we found that it fails to recognize Tcra-V11-expressing T-cell hybrids derived from the B10 congenic strain, B10.A(18R)/SgIcr. Moreover, staining analysis indicated that the Va11 epitope recognized by 1.F2 is not expressed by peripheral T cells from several different B10.A(18R) colonies with the exception of that at the Research Institute of Scripps Clinic. Nucleotide sequences were determined for cDNA representing rearranged Tcra-V11 genes from two independent, B10.A(18R)/SgIcr derived T-cell hybrids. The two Tcra-V11 gene segments were identical and the predicted amino acid sequence differed by at least five residues from Tcra-V11 sequences previously obtained from B10.A mice. Southern blot analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) associated with Tcra-V11, as well as Tcra-V 1 , subfamily genes revealed that the B10.A(18R) mouse has inherited Tcra-V a alleles rather than the expected Tcra-V b alleles from the B10 strain. RFLP analysis of the Rib-1 locus, located in close proximity to the Tcra locus on chromosome 14, showed that B10.A(18R) carries the Rib-1 b allele from B10. These results indicate that the B10.A(18R) mouse has inherited a recombinant chromosome 14 with a recombination event having occured between the Rib-1 locus and the Tcra-V a gene subfamilies examined. Inheritance of Tcra-V a alleles in B10.A(18R) probably originated from strain 129/J which breeding records show was used in the first cross with B10.A in the production of B10.A(18R) and which we found exhibits Tcra-V11 a RFLPs.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers M55634 and M55635. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: P. B. Nakajima.  相似文献   

W.O. & F.B.B     

Prolactin influences autoimmune disease activity in the female B/W mouse   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Prolactin, an anterior pituitary hormone, stimulates humoral and cell-mediated immunity. This study investigated effects of manipulating prolactin levels in the autoimmune B/W mouse model of SLE. A group of B/W females was treated with daily injections of the prolactin-suppressing drug, bromocriptine. These mice had delayed elevation of anti-DNA antibodies and serum IgG; longevity was increased compared to control mice. Functioning syngeneic pituitary glands, implanted under the renal capsule, produced prolonged hyperprolactinemia in a separate group of female B/W mice. Hyperprolactinemic animals were characterized by premature albuminuria, elevated circulating gp70IC and IgG, and accelerated mortality. Analyses of thymic and splenic lymphocytes revealed no differences in lymphocyte subpopulations in mice with altered prolactin levels. This is the first report to substantiate an immunomodulatory role for prolactin in B/W mice. Further evaluation of this model may identify specific means of intervening clinically with immunosuppressive hormone-modulating therapy in SLE.  相似文献   

Recent data suggest that HLA-B locus alleles can evolve quickly in native South American populations. To investigate further this phenomenon of new HLA-B variants among Amerindians, we studied samples from another South American tribe, the Cayapa from Ecuador. We selected individuals for HLA-B molecular typing based upon their HLA class II typing results. Three new variants of HLA-B39 and one new variant of HLA-B15 were found in the Cayapa: HLA-B *3905, HLA-B*3906, HLA-B*3907, and HLA-B *1522. A total of thirteen new HLA-B alleles have now been found in the four South American tribes studied. Each of these four tribes studied, including the Cayapa, had novel alleles that were not found in any of the other tribes, suggesting that many of these new HLA-B alleles may have evolved since the Paleo-Indians originally populated South America. Each of these 13 new alleles contained predicted amino acid replacements that were located in the peptide binding site. These amino acid replacements may affect the sequence motif of the bound peptides, suggesting that these new alleles have been maintained by selection. New allelic variants have been found for all common HLA-B locus antigenic groups present in South American tribes with the exception of B48. In spite of its high frequency in South American tribes, no evidence for variants of B48 has been found in all the Amerindians studied, suggesting that B48 may have unique characteristics among the B locus alleles.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers U14756 (HLA-B *1522), U15683 (HLA-B *3905), U15639 (HLA-B *3906), and U15640 (HLA-B *3907)The names listed for these sequences were officially assigned by the WHO nomenclature Committee in September 1994, B *3905, and November 1994, B *1522, B*3906, and B *3907. This follows the agreed policy that, subject to the conditions stated in the most recent Nomenclature Report (Bodmer et al. 1994), names will be assigned to the new sequences as they are identified. Lists of such new names will be published in the following WHO Nomenclature Report.  相似文献   

Four major genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), with the dominant alleles designated Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1, Vrn-D1, and Vrn4, are known to have large effects on the vernalization response, but the effects on cold hardiness are ambiguous. Near-isogenic experimental lines (NILs) in a Triple Dirk (TD) genetic background with different vernalization alleles were evaluated for cold hardiness. Although TD is homozygous dominant for Vrn-A1 (formerly Vrn1) and Vrn-B1 (formerly Vrn2), four of the lines are each homozygous dominant for a different vernalization gene, and one line is homozygous recessive for all four vernalization genes. Following establishment, the plants were initially acclimated for 6 weeks in a growth chamber and then stressed in a low temperature freezer from which they were removed over a range of temperatures as the chamber temperature was lowered 1.3°C h–1. Temperatures resulting in no regrowth from 50% of the plants (LT50) were determined by estimating the inflection point of the sigmoidal response curve by nonlinear regression. The LT50 values were –6.7°C for cv. TD, –6.6°C for the Vrn-A1 and Vrn4 lines, –8.1°C for the Vrn-D1 (formerly Vrn3) line, –9.4°C for the Vrn-B1 line, and –11.7°C for the homozygous recessive winter line. The LT50 of the true winter line was significantly lower than those of all the other lines. Significant differences were also observed between some, but not all, of the lines possessing dominant vernalization alleles. The presence of dominant vernalization alleles at one of the four loci studied significantly reduced cold hardiness following acclimation.  相似文献   

Bufalin, which is one of prominent components of Chinese toad venom, was found to decrease the rate of cell proliferation of mouse melanoma clone B16-F10 cells and a concomitant stimulation of expression of its melanotic phenotype. The effect of bufalin on melanogenesis included stimulation of tyrosinase activity and increase of cellular melanin content. These effects became apparent after 48 hr exposure to 10(-4) M bufalin and increased thereafter. Other cardiotonic steroids, such as cinobufagin and ouabain, at the concentration of 10(-4) M for 6 days, also showed the stimulatory effect on melanin synthesis of B16-F10 cells, but not digitoxigenin.  相似文献   

Many spontaneous, chemical-induced, and radiation-induced dominant white spotting (W) and steel (Sl) mutations have been identified in the mouse. W and Sl mutations have similar phenotypic effects including deficiencies in pigment cells, germ cells, and blood cells, Numerous studies have suggested that W acts within the affected cell while Sl instead exerts its effects in the extracellular environment. Recent findings demonstrating that W encodes the c-kit proto-oncogene, a tyrosine kinase membrane receptor, have suggested that Sl encodes a ligand for c-kit. In the accompanying article we report the identification and purification of mast cell growth factor (MGF), a c-kit ligand. Here we describe the cloning of sequences encoding MGF. Furthermore, we show that Mgf maps near Sl in the distal region of mouse chromosome 10 and is deleted in a number of Sl alleles. These findings strongly support the notion that Sl encodes the mast cell growth factor.  相似文献   

Classic studies on C57BL-derived mouse strains showed that they were resistant to mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) infection. Although one form of resistance mapped to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus, at least one other, unknown gene was implicated in this resistance. We show here that B10.BR mice, which are derived from C57BL mice but have the same MHC locus (H-2k) as susceptible C3H/HeN mice, are resistant to MMTV, and show a lack of virus spread in their lymphoid compartments but not their mammary epithelial cells. Although in vivo virus superantigen (Sag)-mediated activation of T cells was similar in C3H/HeN and B10.BR mice, T cell-dependent B-cell and dendritic cell activation was diminished in the latter. Ex vivo, B10.BR T cells showed a diminished capacity to proliferate in response to the MMTV Sag. The genetic segregation of the resistance phenotype indicated that it maps to a single allele. These data highlight the role of Sag-dependent T-cell responses in MMTV infection and point to a novel mechanism for the resistance of mice to retroviral infection that could lead to a better understanding of the interplay between hosts and pathogens.  相似文献   

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