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The responses of Tetranychus urticae Koch from Australian cotton to chlorfenapyr has been monitored since the 1997–1998 growing season. Resistance was first detected in the 2001–2002 season and then increased quickly in both level and proportion of resistant strains detected. In response, the resistance management strategy for chlorfenapyr use in cotton was altered and now recommends a further restriction of use from two to one spray per season. There was no evidence of negative cross-resistance to the pyrethroid bifenthrin, but chlorfenapyr was associated with an undefined negative cross-resistance.  相似文献   

The spider mites belonging to the genus Stigmaeopsis constructextremely dense oval woven roofs (web-nests) over depressionson the lower surface of host leaves and are known to have akind of sociality. The four species that occur on bamboo plantsin Japan show different nest areas. The nest area of Stigmaeopsislongus is the largest, followed by that of S. celarius, S. takahashii,and S. saharai in decreasing order. Smaller nests effectivelyprevent adults of several predator mite species from intruding.We hypothesized that variation in nest size reflects differentanti-intruder adaptations of this mite group in relation totheir sociality. The larger nest makers may adopt an alternativeanti-intruder strategy, namely, counterattack by a large group,so as to compensate for the disadvantage of large nests. S.longus and S. celarius adults effectively defended their largenests against potential predators, and the effects of nest defenseincreased with the number of individuals in a nest. S. takahashiiand S. saharai revealed no counterattack effect. Counterattackabilities that increase with the adult density, and thus, socialitymay compensate for the vulnerability of larger nests.  相似文献   

Bt棉田边缘杂草带对棉田内叶螨发生的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2003~2004年,在冀南棉区系统研究了棉田边缘杂草带对棉田内叶螨发生的影响。试验设3个处理:转Bt基因棉化防田(使用杀螨剂控制棉叶螨且保留棉田边缘杂草)、转Bt基因棉对照田(保留棉田边缘杂草)和转Bt基因棉除草田(去除棉田边缘杂草)。结果表明,2003年6月28日~8月7日,处理间的叶螨发生量和有螨株率差异明显。2003年叶螨发生高峰期(7月28日),对照田的百株平均螨量达834头,分别是化防田、除草田的9.4倍和11.5倍;对照田的有螨株率的峰值为34.7%,分别高于化防田和除草田6.4%和12%;棉叶螨的总计值,对照田分别是化防田和除草田的5.8倍和5.5倍。2004年7月10日~8月29日,对照田的百株螨量和有螨株率明显高于除草田和化防田。2004年叶螨发生高峰期(8月10日),对照田的百株平均螨量达1 222头,分别是化防田、除草田的4.3倍和23.4倍;对照田的有螨株率的峰值达100%,分别比除草田和化防田多75%和87%;棉叶螨的总计值,对照田分别是化防田和除草田的4.9和9.7倍。两年中,除草田和化防田的百株螨量和有螨株率峰值出现日期有所不同。对照田内,棉田边缘杂草至所调查的棉株距离同螨害指数呈显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)的负相关。本研究表明,去除棉田边缘杂草的棉田,叶螨发生始期较晚且发生量较少;棉田边缘杂草到取样点的距离与棉叶螨的为害程度呈直线负相关,距离越近,叶螨的发生为害越重。  相似文献   

Bifenthrin (Talstar®) was registered at the beginning of the 1993/94 season for control of Helicoverpa spp. and Tetranychus urticae in Australian cotton. Resistance was monitored in T. urticae following registration but despite the implementation of resistance management, resistance evolved in the 1996/97 cotton-growing season after only four seasons use. During the following three seasons resistance increased progressively both in level (from 1.2- to 109-fold at LC50) and abundance (from 20 to 90% strains) and was linked to field control failures. The evolution of resistance has now reduced the reliability of bifenthrin for T. urticae control in Australian cotton. The impact of bifenthrin resistance in T. urticae and its continued management in Australian cotton is discussed.  相似文献   

Preadult rearing conditions affected the behavior of dicofol-resistant two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae). Resistant spider mites reared on dicofol-treated leaves initiated a significantly greater number of feeding bouts on dicofol-treated leaves than did genetically identical spider mites reared on residue-free leaves. Therefore the prior exposure of resistant spider mites resulted in induced feeding preferences that could exacerbate the potential outcome of the resistance by resulting in greater amounts of feeding by resistant individuals on dicofol-treated areas. Since resistant individuals that had not experienced dicofol in their lifetime did not display this feeding preference, avoidance of this phenomenon of induced feeding preference may be an undescribed value of rotations of pesticides.  相似文献   

Causes of spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) population resurgences consequent upon exposure to synthetic pyrethroid (SP) treatments are reviewed. Resurgences may be seen as soon as 1 week, or even as late as a whole season, post-treatment. Synthetic pyrethroids vary in their adverse effects on spider mites, and also differ in their ability to invoke resurgences of different spidermite species on diverse plants. These pesticides are lethal as well as repellent to phytoseiids and other predators that prey on spider mites, may inhibit fungi which attack the latter, and affect phytophagous competitors. Spider mites are likewise repelled by SPs, thus becoming more evenlydistributed and less web-restricted, with a resultant increase in fecundity. Spider-mite development is shortened due to SPs and the sex ratio becomes more female-biased; onset of winter diapause also seems to be delayed. Synthetic pyrethroids appear to sensitize to spider-mite infestation plants which have not hitherto been attacked. Some SP effects (whether on spider mites, natural enemies or competitors) appear to be direct, whereas others may be mediated through the host plants. The effect of SPs on the other Acari is variable within the Prostigmata and Astigmata. Most Mesostigmata and Metastigmata (ticks) are very sensitive, whilst the Cryptostigmata (Oribatei) appear to be insensitive. Synthetic pyrethroids-induced resurgences of Homoptera are comparatively reviewed, with the conclusion that some of the phenomena may be similar to those observed in spider mites. Various resurgence models are discussed, as well as the three main causes of variation (SPs, spider-mite species, host plants) in the observed phenomena. The need for more rigorous and carefully controlled experimentation is emphasized.  相似文献   

捕食螨在我国农林害螨生物防治中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
捕食螨是农林生产中极具价值的生防作用物。文章对捕食螨在我国农林害螨生物防治中的应用作一综述,内容包括:与释放应用相关的研究(引进与风险评估,饲养、贮存与运输,食性与释放,捕食与繁殖,定殖与扩散,外界影响因子)、几种主要捕食螨(智利小植绥螨Phytoseiulus persimilis、西方盲走螨Typhlodromus occidentalis、伪钝绥螨Amblyseius fallacis、胡瓜钝绥螨A.cucumeris)的应用、释放应用前景与展望等,旨在提高我国的捕食螨研究与应用水平。  相似文献   

Predator–predator, predator–prey, and prey–prey associations among nine species of mites were studied in a plot of 100 Red Delicious apple (Malus pumila Miller) trees from 1990 to 1997. In 1990, seven-year-old trees were inoculated with Panonychus ulmi (Koch), Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) or both, and sprayed with azinphosmethyl (alone or plus endosulfan), or nothing. The species Zetzellia mali (Ewing) (Acari: Stigmaeidae), Amblyseius andersoni Chant (Acari: Phytoseiidae), Eotetranychus sp., Bryobia rubrioculus (Scheuten) (Acari: Tetranychidae), and Aculus schlechtendali Nalepa (Acari: Eriophyidae) were already present or immigrated into plots, and Galendromus occidentalis (Nesbitt) and Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten (Acari: Phytoseiidae) were introduced. Yule's V association index was used to measure positive, neutral, or negative interspecific associations for each species pair, because of its robustness with spatially autocorrelated data. We found that pesticide and release treatments did not greatly affect the association results, but there were strong seasonal differences. Predator–predator associations were the strongest and most consistent, showing negative associations in the early and mid seasons, and neutral ones in late season. Negative associations of T. pyri with other predators were the strongest, which is consistent with evidence that this mite can detect other predators on a leaf. Predator–prey seasonal associations were mixed, with some positive and others negative, with most significant associations occurring in the mid season. One prey–prey interaction was positive, again in mid season, most likely because of similar habitat preferences.  相似文献   

A new species of spider mite, Tetranychus bunda sp. n., is described and illustrated from Australia. It was found damaging the foliage of Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. (Fabaceae) in Darwin, Northern Territory. In addition, the geographical range of Tetranychus fijiensis Hirst is extended to include Australia. This species was found in the Northern Territory feeding on frangipani ( Plumeria sp., Apocynaceae), betel palm ( Areca catechu L., Arecaceae) and Macarthur feather palm ( Ptychosperma macarthurii [H. Wendl. ex Veitch] (H. Wendl. ex Hook. f., Arecaceae)). Details of the biology of T. bunda sp. n. and T. fijiensis are given. A key to the major groups of Tetranychus Dufour of the world, based on females, is presented and species known to occur in Australia are outlined.  相似文献   

Cotton plants that had been damaged by spider mites (Tetranychus spp.) or by mechanical abrasion at the cotyledon stage were less likely to develop infestations of spider mites compared to controls early in the season. These are the first field results to demonstrate that induced resistance can reduce pest populations in an agricultural system. Differences in mite populations early in the season caused by induced resistance did not translate into differences in plant growth or cotton yield at harvest.
Vérification au champ de la résistance du coton induite par les acariens
Résumé Les plants de coton qui ont été endommagées, au stade cotylédons, par des acariens ou par une abrasion mécanique, ont moins de chance que les témoins, de présenter ultérieurement des dégats dus aux acariens. C'est la première fois que des résultats montrent qu'une résistance induite peut réduire les populations dans un agrosystème. Les différences ultérieures dans les populations d'acariens, ne transparaissent pas au niveau de la croissance du coton ou de la production au moment de la récolte.

Functional responses of deutonymphs of the predatory mite,Allothrombium pulvinum Ewing, on eggs and adult females of two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch, were determined in the laboratory. Predation experiments were conducted on lima bean leaf discs over a 24-h period at 25±2°C, 30–50% RH and 24L: 0D photoperiod. Prey densities ranged from 10 to 120T. urticae eggs per disc or 2 to 32 adult females per disc.Allothrombium pulvinum deutonymphs were more effective againstT. urticae eggs than its adult females. The role ofA. pulvinum deutonymphs in integrated and biological pest control is discussed.  相似文献   

A strain (WA) of Tetranychus urticae Koch was collected from apples in Western Australia following a reported field-control failure of tebufenpyrad. The WA strain had been exposed to five tebufenpyrad applications over four seasons. The tebufenpyrad resistance in the WA strain was confirmed at 63.29× which is the first reported instance of tebufenpyrad resistance in T. urticae. The tebufenpyrad resistance in T. urticae conferred a >210× cross-resistance to pryidaben, a 24.60× cross-resistance to fenpyroximate and a 2.20× cross-resistance to chlorfenapyr.Exp Appl Acarol 22: 633–641 © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

In a vineyard having three varieties of grape (Merlot, Trebbiano and Garganega) differently colonized by two phytoseiid species,Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten andAmblyseius andersoni (Chant), the dynamics of mite populations were monitored over 5 years (1989–1993) in order to study their colonization, interspecific competition and the control of spider mites, i.e.Panonychus ulmi (Koch). These aspects were also investigated by releasingT. pyri, A. andersoni andAmblyseius aberrans (Oudemans) on some of the above varieties. In most of the experimental years (1989–1992), selective pesticides were used in order to allow a successful release of phytoseiids, in particularA. aberrans. The use of non-selective insecticides was re-established during 1993 in order to test its effect on the new mite communities originating from 1989 onwards. In the first years of the experiments an apparent relationship between grape variety and phytoseiid species was observed: in the control plots,A. andersoni occurred on Merlot whereT. pyri was rare, while the latter species was largely dominant overA. andersoni on Trebbiano and Garganega.Panonychus ulmi populations reached moderate levels only on Merlot and in the first part of experiments. The variety-phytoseiid species relationship was temporary as, at the end of experiments,T. pyri was completely dominant on all varieties. This new situation started when prey occurrence and interspecific competition decreased in importance. The moderate success of theT. pyri release on Merlot contrasts with the results of previous experiments. Two factors could be involved in this phenomenon: low interspecific competition by phytoseiids and predation by macropredators.Amblyseius aberrans was able to displaceA. andersoni andT. pyri on grape varieties where the two species were more abundant and reached higher population densities on varieties with pubescent leaf undersurfaces. In the first experimental year, spider mite densities were reduced more effectively inA. aberrans release plots than in the control or inT. pyri release plots. One year later,P. ulmi reached lower levels in the release treatments than in the control.Typhlodromus pyri andA. aberrans persisted in conditions of prey scarcity. The high competitivity ofA. aberrans over the remaining two phytoseiid species constitutes a major factor in selecting predatory species for inoculative releases in vineyards.  相似文献   

Damage caused by two‐spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) at harvest to yield, quality (measured in percentage α‐acids content) and cone infestation was assessed on hop cvs Hallertauer Magnum, Hallertauer Tradition and Perle. Acaricide‐untreated hop plants with known levels of T. urticae infestation were compared with neighbouring acaricide‐treated plants. Although in 24 of the 36 experimental harvests the untreated hop plants had spider mite infestations of > 100 mites leaf?1, yields and α‐acids content from the untreated plants were significantly lower than the treated plants in only four instances. However, although mite infestation of cones from untreated hops were significantly higher than acaricide‐treated plants in 27 of the 36 cases, in only one instance did that cause economic loss. Spider mite infestation levels of c. 90 mites leaf?1 are tolerable at harvest time with little or no risk of causing economic loss to hop growers.  相似文献   

The response of the predatory mite Amblyseius longispinosus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) to the webnest of the spider mite nanjingensis (Acari: Tetranychidae) was examined using two-choice tests in the laboratory. A. longispinosus females were found significantly more often on leaves with webnests than on leaves without webnests and were often observed searching under the webbing. Because spider mites and their eggs were removed from the webnests before experiments, predators responded to stimuli associated with webbing, mite feeding damage and other residues in the webnests.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions 88 azuki bean and three rice bean accessions were evaluated with a leaf-disc technique to select for those which expressed an antibiotic response to the TSSM ovipositional rate. Nine of the most promising accessions determined in the screening and Erimo, a commercial cultivar used as a control, were re-evaluated to determine the ovipositional rate and fecundity. Statistically significant differences between accessions were found: some of the accessions exhibited a reduced TSSM ovipositional rate and fecundity when compared with the susceptible control. The accessions ADZU279 and ADZU514 from Japan and ADZU577 from Ivory Coast demonstrated strong inhibition to TSSM fecundity. These three accessions may possess inherent potential in a breeding programme designed to enhance resistance to T. urticae.  相似文献   

DNA sequence data were used to examine phylogenetic relationships between six species of economically important Tetranychidae mites:Eotetranychus carpini (Oudemans),E. pruni (Reck),Tetranychus pacificus McGregor,T. mcdanieli McGregor,T. turkestani Ugarov & Nikolski andT. urticae Koch. With primers directed toward conserved elements flanking the target region, the Polymerase Chain Reaction was used to amplify the ITS2 spacer of the ribosomal DNA molecule. The nucleotide sequence of a 300-bp fragment of the ITS2 was determined by direct sequencing and nucleotide divergence used for intra-generic comparison in mites. The resulting phylogenetic tree expressing interspecific relationships in genusTetranychus agrees with morphological data. The study demonstrates the usefulness of the approach in the assessment of the systematics and evolution of the group.  相似文献   

The genetic variation in phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) was studied in red-pigmented Japanese spider mites of the genus Tetranychus by means of poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis. The analysis revealed (1) that Tetranychus kanzawai possesses five and three alleles for PGI and MDH, respectively and that PGI allele frequencies clearly differ between the Hokkaido and the Honshu populations (2) that Tetranychus urticae and Tetranychus pueraricola, two closely related species, have different alleles for PGI and (3) that two populations of Tetranychus piercei, a species which had only been found on the islands of Okinawa, were obtained from Honshu and that the PGI locus is fixed for different alleles in the two populations. The two enzyme systems are apparently useful not only for discrimination of spider mite species but also for the detection of intraspecific variation. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

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