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Kinetic occlusion produces discontinuities in the optic flow field, whose perception requires the detection of an unexpected onset or offset of otherwise predictably moving or stationary contrast patches. Many cells in primate visual cortex are directionally selective for moving contrasts, and recent reports suggest that this selectivity arises through the inhibition of contrast signals moving in the cells’ null direction, as in the rabbit retina. This nulling inhibition circuit (Barlow-Levick) is here extended to also detect motion onsets and offsets. The selectivity of extended circuit units, measured as a peak evidence accumulation response to motion onset/offset compared to the peak response to constant motion, is analyzed as a function of stimulus speed. Model onset cells are quiet during constant motion, but model offset cells activate during constant motion at slow speeds. Consequently, model offset cell speed tuning is biased towards higher speeds than onset cell tuning, similarly to the speed tuning of cells in the middle temporal area when exposed to speed ramps. Given a population of neurons with different preferred speeds, this asymmetry addresses a behavioral paradox—why human subjects in a simple reaction time task respond more slowly to motion offsets than onsets for low speeds, even though monkey neuron firing rates react more quickly to the offset of a preferred stimulus than to its onset.  相似文献   

The mechanism of positional localization has recently been debated due to interest in the flash-lag effect, which occurs when a briefly flashed stationary stimulus is perceived to lag behind a spatially aligned moving stimulus. Here we report positional localization observed at motion offsets as well as at onsets. In the 'flash-lead' effect, a moving object is perceived to be behind a spatially concurrent stationary flash before the two disappear. With 'reverse-repmo', subjects mis-localize the final position of a moving bar in the direction opposite to the trajectory of motion. Finally, we demonstrate that simultaneous onset and offset effects lead to a perceived compression of visual space. By characterizing illusory effects observed at motion offsets as well as at onsets, we provide evidence that the perceived position of a moving object is the result of an averaging process over a short time period, weighted towards the most recent positions. Our account explains a variety of motion illusions, including the compression of moving shapes when viewed through apertures.  相似文献   

Reviews on the visual system generally praise its amazing performance. Here we deal with its biggest weakness: sluggishness. Inherent delays lead to mislocalization when things move or, more generally, when things change. Errors in time translate into spatial errors when we pursue a moving object, when we try to localize a target that appears just before a gaze shift, or when we compare the position of a flashed target with the instantaneous position of a continuously moving one (or one that appears to be moving even though no change occurs in the retinal image). Studying such diverse errors might rekindle our thinking about how the brain copes with real-time changes in the world.  相似文献   

Lu  Junshi  Luo  Lu  Wang  Qian  Fang  Fang  Chen  Nihong 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2021,64(1):144-151
The recall of learned temporal sequences by a visual cue is an important form of experience-based neural plasticity. Here we observed such reactivation in awake human visual cortex using intracranial recording. After repeated exposure to a moving dot, a flash of the dot was able to trigger neural reactivation in the downstream receptive field along the motion path. This effect was observed only when the cue appeared near the receptive field. The estimated traveling speed was faster compared to the activation induced by the real motion. We suggest a range-limited, time-compressed reactivation as a result of repeated visual exposure in awake human visual cortex.  相似文献   

Recent imaging studies have reported directional motion biases in human visual cortex when perceiving moving random dot patterns. It has been hypothesized that these biases occur as a result of the integration of motion detector activation along the path of motion in visual cortex. In this study we investigate the nature of such motion integration with functional MRI (fMRI) using different motion stimuli. Three types of moving random dot stimuli were presented, showing either coherent motion, motion with spatial decorrelations or motion with temporal decorrelations. The results from the coherent motion stimulus reproduced the centripetal and centrifugal directional motion biases in V1, V2 and V3 as previously reported. The temporally decorrelated motion stimulus resulted in both centripetal and centrifugal biases similar to coherent motion. In contrast, the spatially decorrelated motion stimulus resulted in small directional motion biases that were only present in parts of visual cortex coding for higher eccentricities of the visual field. In combination with previous results, these findings indicate that biased motion responses in early visual cortical areas most likely depend on the spatial integration of a simultaneously activated motion detector chain.  相似文献   

(1) Motion onset and offset visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were recorded in normal human subjects using a unidimensional noise pattern moving at 1, 8 and 64°/s. The maximum N1-P1 amplitude of the motion onset response was obtained when using a fine noise pattern (maximum energy at 5.2 cpd) moving at 8°/s. (2) At a velocity of 8°/s, the motion onset response (fine pattern, 0.70 contrast) showed a morphology similar to the pattern disappearance response. Both at a lower (1°/s) and a higher velocity (64°/s) the N1-P1 amplitude of the motion onset complex was significantly reduced. The latency of the motion onset response (8°/s) and the pattern disappearance complex were significantly different. (3) The effect of lowering the spatial content of the noise pattern on the amplitude of the motion onset response was different for the 3 velocities tested: the largest effect was at the lower velocity of 1°/s; there was no similar effect on the pattern disappearance response. (4) With decreasing contrast, the N1-P1 amplitude of the motion onset response at 8°/s decreased, but this reduction in amplitude was much less than that of the disappearance response. The contrast dependency of the motion onset complex was identical for binocular and monocular recordings. (5) Increasing the motion duration or the duration of the interstimulus interval did not alter the general morphology of the motion response.  相似文献   

The path that our hand takes when moving from one position to another is often slightly curved. Part of this curvature is caused by perceptual errors. We examine here whether this is so for the influence that a surface's orientation has on the approaching hand's path. When moving our hand towards a point on a surface we tend to follow a path that makes the final approach more orthogonal to the surface at that point. Doing so makes us less sensitive to imperfections in controlling our movements. Here we show that this tendency is also present when moving towards a point along an edge of a drawing of an oriented bar. The influence of the bar's orientation is no smaller when people are explicitly asked to move as straight as possible, than when they are instructed to move as fast as possible. The bar's orientation also influences perceptual judgements of a straight path, but this influence is only as large as it is on the curvature of the hand's path for judgements of the direction from the hand's initial position to the target. We conclude that the influence of the bar's orientation on the curvature of the hand's path is caused by a misperception of the initial direction in which the hand has to move to reach the target.  相似文献   

Accurate location of the hip joint center is essential for computation of hip kinematics and kinetics as well as for determination of the moment arms of muscles crossing the hip. The functional method of hip joint center location involves fitting a pelvis-fixed sphere to the path traced by a thigh-fixed point while a subject performs hip motions; the center of this sphere is the hip joint center. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential accuracy of the functional method and the dependence of its accuracy on variations in its implementation and the amount of available hip motion. The motions of a mechanical linkage were studied to isolate the factors of interest, removing errors due to skin movement and the palpation of bony landmarks that are always present in human studies. It was found that reducing the range of hip motion from 30 degrees to 15 degrees did significantly increase hip joint center location errors, but that restricting motion to a single plane did not. The magnitudes of these errors, however, even in the least accurate cases, were smaller than those previously reported for either the functional method or other methods based on pelvis measurements of living subjects and cadaver specimens. Neither increasing the number of motion data observations nor analyzing the motion of a single thigh marker (rather than the centroid of multiple markers) was found to significantly increase error. The results of this study (1) imply that the limited range of motion that is often evident in subjects with hip pathology does not preclude accurate determination of the hip joint center when the functional method is used; and (2) provide guidelines for the use of the functional method in human subjects.  相似文献   

Mobility of the subtalar joint in the intact ankle complex   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A previous study by these authors showed that the calcaneus follows a unique path of unresisted coupled motion relative to the tibia during passive flexion and that most of this motion occurred at the ankle level. Subtalar motion in the intact ankle complex was observed only when perturbations from this path were induced by the application of force to the calcaneus. Relative motion of the bones of the ankle complex was tracked by stereophotogrammetry in seven specimens. Anatomical landmarks, reference frames and joint angles were defined by standard techniques. Sequential moments were applied to the calcaneus about the long axis of the tibia. Measured movements at subtalar level demonstrated plantarflexion coupled to supination and internal rotation (inversion) and dorsiflexion coupled to pronation and external rotation (eversion). These movements were resisted and were fully recovered when the external load was removed. Subtalar motion diminished as the ankle approached maximal dorsi- and plantarflexion. Two clearly distinguished mean axes of rotation were observed for inversion and eversion runs. The axes of inversion and eversion of the subtalar complex changed orientation along a preferred and repeatable path. The subtalar joint complex occupied only a single stable position in the unloaded state and with no range of unresisted motion. It is inferred that mobility was possible only by the stretching and lengthening of the ligaments and the indentation of the articular surfaces, requiring the application of loads. The subtalar joint complex behaves like a flexible structure.  相似文献   

The effects of random and nonrandom errors were analyzed. Four types of nonrandom errors were simulated and examined in detail: 1. misidentification of compounds; 2. unresolved components; 3. errors in the quantification of individual compounds; and 4. errors in the quantification of a series of analyses. These cases were compared using data from studies inJuniperus. Misidentification of 1 of 40 components had only a slight effect on the resulting classification even when that error accounted for 20% of the total character weights. Unresolved components also had only a slight effect. Nonrandom errors in the quantification of individual compounds (throughout a study) were shown to have no effect on the similarity measure used in this study. Errors in the quantification of a series of analyses (such as encountered in seasonal variations) appeared to be the most serious source of error and were shown to be of considerable importance in chemosystematic studies. Several preventative procedures are suggested.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a virtual model devoted to isokinetics and isometrics assessment of a human muscular group in the common joints, knee, ankle, hip, shoulder, cervical spine, etc. This virtual model with an analytical analysis followed by a numerical simulation is able to predict measurement errors of the joint torque due to offset of rotation centers between the body segment and the ergometer arm. As soon as offset is present, errors increase due to the influence of inertial effects, gravity effects, stiffness due to the limb strapping on the ergometer arm or Coulomb friction between limb and ergometer. The analytical model is written in terms of Lagrange formalism and the numerical model uses ADAMS software adapted to multi-body dynamics simulations. Results of models show a maximal relative error of 11%, for a 10% relative offset between the rotation centers. Inertial contributions are found to be negligible but gravity effects must be discussed in regard to the measured torque. Stiffness or friction effects may also increase the torque error; in particular when offset occurs, it is shown that errors due to friction have to be considered for all torque level while only stiffness effects have to be considered for torque less than 25Nm. This study also emphasizes the influence of the angular range of motion at a given angular position.  相似文献   

Reaching movements towards an object are continuously guided by visual information about the target and the arm. Such guidance increases precision and allows one to adjust the movement if the target unexpectedly moves. On-going arm movements are also influenced by motion in the surrounding. Fast responses to motion in the surrounding could help cope with moving obstacles and with the consequences of changes in one’s eye orientation and vantage point. To further evaluate how motion in the surrounding influences interceptive movements we asked subjects to tap a moving target when it reached a second, static target. We varied the direction and location of motion in the surrounding, as well as details of the stimuli that are known to influence eye movements. Subjects were most sensitive to motion in the background when such motion was near the targets. Whether or not the eyes were moving, and the direction of the background motion in relation to the direction in which the eyes were moving, had very little influence on the response to the background motion. We conclude that the responses to background motion are driven by motion near the target rather than by a global analysis of the optic flow and its relation with other information about self-motion.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo determine the incidence and clinical importance of errors in the preparation and administration of intravenous drugs and the stages of the process in which errors occur.DesignProspective ethnographic study using disguised observation.ParticipantsNurses who prepared and administered intravenous drugs.Setting10 wards in a teaching and non-teaching hospital in the United Kingdom.Results249 errors were identified. At least one error occurred in 212 out of 430 intravenous drug doses (49%, 95% confidence interval 45% to 54%). Three doses (1%) had potentially severe errors, 126 (29%) potentially moderate errors, and 83 (19%) potentially minor errors. Most errors occurred when giving bolus doses or making up drugs that required multiple step preparation.ConclusionsThe rate of intravenous drug errors was high. Although most errors would cause only short term adverse effects, a few could have been serious. A combination of reducing the amount of preparation on the ward, training, and technology to administer slow bolus doses would probably have the greatest effect on error rates.

What is already known on this topic

Errors in preparing and administering intravenous drugs can cause considerable harm to patientsReduction of drug errors is a government health target in the United Kingdom and the United States

What this study adds

Errors occurred in about half of the intravenous drug doses observedErrors were potentially harmful in about a third of casesThe most common errors were giving bolus doses too quickly and mistakes in preparing drugs that required multiple steps  相似文献   

We examined Type I error rates of Felsenstein's (1985; Am. Nat. 125:1-15) comparative method of phylogenetically independent contrasts when branch lengths are in error and the model of evolution is not Brownian motion. We used seven evolutionary models, six of which depart strongly from Brownian motion, to simulate the evolution of two continuously valued characters along two different phylogenies (15 and 49 species). First, we examined the performance of independent contrasts when branch lengths are distorted systematically, for example, by taking the square root of each branch segment. These distortions often caused inflated Type I error rates, but performance was almost always restored when branch length transformations were used. Next, we investigated effects of random errors in branch lengths. After the data were simulated, we added errors to the branch lengths and then used the altered phylogenies to estimate character correlations. Errors in the branches could be of two types: fixed, where branch lengths are either shortened or lengthened by a fixed fraction; or variable, where the error is a normal variate with mean zero and the variance is scaled to the length of the branch (so that expected error relative to branch length is constant for the whole tree). Thus, the error added is unrelated to the microevolutionary model. Without branch length checks and transformations, independent contrasts tended to yield extremely inflated and highly variable Type I error rates. Type I error rates were reduced, however, when branch lengths were checked and transformed as proposed by Garland et al. (1992; Syst. Biol. 41:18-32), and almost never exceeded twice the nominal P-value at alpha = 0.05. Our results also indicate that, if branch length transformations are applied, then the appropriate degrees of freedom for testing the significance of a correlation coefficient should, in general, be reduced to account for estimation of the best branch length transformation. These results extend those reported in Díaz-Uriarte and Garland (1996; Syst. Biol. 45:27-47), and show that, even with errors in branch lengths and evolutionary models different from Brownian motion, independent contrasts are a robust method for testing hypotheses of correlated evolution.  相似文献   

In motor tasks, errors between planned and actual movements generally result in adaptive changes which reduce the occurrence of similar errors in the future. It has commonly been assumed that the motor adaptation arising from an error occurring on a particular movement is specifically associated with the motion that was planned. Here we show that this is not the case. Instead, we demonstrate the binding of the adaptation arising from an error on a particular trial to the motion experienced on that same trial. The formation of this association means that future movements planned to resemble the motion experienced on a given trial benefit maximally from the adaptation arising from it. This reflects the idea that actual rather than planned motions are assigned 'credit' for motor errors because, in a computational sense, the maximal adaptive response would be associated with the condition credited with the error. We studied this process by examining the patterns of generalization associated with motor adaptation to novel dynamic environments during reaching arm movements in humans. We found that these patterns consistently matched those predicted by adaptation associated with the actual rather than the planned motion, with maximal generalization observed where actual motions were clustered. We followed up these findings by showing that a novel training procedure designed to leverage this newfound understanding of the binding of learning to action, can improve adaptation rates by greater than 50%. Our results provide a mechanistic framework for understanding the effects of partial assistance and error augmentation during neurologic rehabilitation, and they suggest ways to optimize their use.  相似文献   

Self-motion, steering, and obstacle avoidance during navigation in the real world require humans to travel along curved paths. Many perceptual models have been proposed that focus on heading, which specifies the direction of travel along straight paths, but not on path curvature, which humans accurately perceive and is critical to everyday locomotion. In primates, including humans, dorsal medial superior temporal area (MSTd) has been implicated in heading perception. However, the majority of MSTd neurons respond optimally to spiral patterns, rather than to the radial expansion patterns associated with heading. No existing theory of curved path perception explains the neural mechanisms by which humans accurately assess path and no functional role for spiral-tuned cells has yet been proposed. Here we present a computational model that demonstrates how the continuum of observed cells (radial to circular) in MSTd can simultaneously code curvature and heading across the neural population. Curvature is encoded through the spirality of the most active cell, and heading is encoded through the visuotopic location of the center of the most active cell''s receptive field. Model curvature and heading errors fit those made by humans. Our model challenges the view that the function of MSTd is heading estimation, based on our analysis we claim that it is primarily concerned with trajectory estimation and the simultaneous representation of both curvature and heading. In our model, temporal dynamics afford time-history in the neural representation of optic flow, which may modulate its structure. This has far-reaching implications for the interpretation of studies that assume that optic flow is, and should be, represented as an instantaneous vector field. Our results suggest that spiral motion patterns that emerge in spatio-temporal optic flow are essential for guiding self-motion along complex trajectories, and that cells in MSTd are specifically tuned to extract complex trajectory estimation from flow.  相似文献   

Error propagation from prime variables into specific rates and metabolic fluxes was quantified for high‐concentration CHO cell perfusion cultivation. Prime variable errors were first determined from repeated measurements and ranged from 4.8 to 12.2%. Errors in nutrient uptake and metabolite/product formation rates for 5–15% error in prime variables ranged from 8–22%. The specific growth rate, however, was characterized by higher uncertainty as 15% errors in the bioreactor and harvest cell concentration resulted in 37.8% error. Metabolic fluxes were estimated for 12 experimental conditions, each of 10 day duration, during 120‐day perfusion cultivation and were used to determine error propagation from specific rates into metabolic fluxes. Errors of the greater metabolic fluxes (those related to glycolysis, lactate production, TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation) were similar in magnitude to those of the related greater specific rates (glucose, lactate, oxygen and CO2 rates) and were insensitive to errors of the lesser specific rates (amino acid catabolism and biosynthesis rates). Errors of the lesser metabolic fluxes (those related to amino acid metabolism), however, were extremely sensitive to errors of the greater specific rates to the extent that they were no longer representative of cellular metabolism and were much less affected by errors in the lesser specific rates. We show that the relationship between specific rate and metabolic flux error could be accurately described by normalized sensitivity coefficients, which were readily calculated once metabolic fluxes were estimated. Their ease of calculation, along with their ability to accurately describe the specific rate‐metabolic flux error relationship, makes them a necessary component of metabolic flux analysis. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Screw displacement axes (SDAs) have been employed to describe joint kinematics in biomechanical studies. Previous reports have investigated the accuracy of SDAs combining various motion analysis techniques and smoothing procedures. To our knowledge, no study has assessed SDA accuracy describing the relative movement between adjacent bodies with an electromagnetic tracking system. This is important, since in relative motion, neither body is fixed and consequently sensitivity to potential measurement errors from both bodies may be significant. Therefore, this study assessed the accuracy of SDAs for describing relative motion between two moving bodies. We analyzed numerical simulated data, and physical experimental data recorded using a precision jig and electromagnetic tracking device. The numerical simulations demonstrated SDA position accuracy (p=0.04) was superior for single compared to relative body motion, whereas orientation accuracy (p=0.2) was similar. Experimental data showed data-filtering (Butterworth filter) improved SDA position and orientation accuracies for rotation magnitudes smaller or equal to 5.0 degrees, with no effect at larger rotation magnitudes (p<0.05). This suggests that in absence of a filter, SDAs should only be calculated at rotations of greater than 5.0 degrees. For rotation magnitudes of 0.5 degrees (5.0 degrees ) about the SDA, SDA position and orientation error measurements determined from filtered experimental data were 3.75+/-0.30 mm (3.31+/-0.21 mm), and 1.10+/-0.04 degrees (1.04+/-0.03 degrees ), respectively. Experimental accuracy values describing the translation along and rotation about the SDA, were 0.06+/-0.00 mm and 0.09+/-0.01 degrees, respectively. These small errors establish the capability of SDAs to detect small translations, and rotations. In conclusion, application of SDAs should be a useful tool for describing relative motion in joint kinematic studies.  相似文献   

Genotyping errors: causes, consequences and solutions   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Although genotyping errors affect most data and can markedly influence the biological conclusions of a study, they are too often neglected. Errors have various causes, but their occurrence and effect can be limited by considering these causes in the production and analysis of the data. Procedures that have been developed for dealing with errors in linkage studies, forensic analyses and non-invasive genotyping should be applied more broadly to any genetic study. We propose a protocol for estimating error rates and recommend that these measures be systemically reported to attest the reliability of published genotyping studies.  相似文献   

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