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The restricted perennial diploid herb,Villarsia lasiosperma, of southwestern Western Australia has distylous flowers with dimorphism in style and stamen length, stigma morphology, and pollen size. In order to assess the presence and nature of an incompatibility system in this species, a crossing program was carried out using 17 plants grown from seeds collected in two field populations. Pollen stainabilities of these plants mostly exceeded 95%. Mean seed-set of Longs following intermorph pollinations was c. 24 seeds per pollination and for Shorts was c. 16 seeds per pollination. Approximately three-quarters of the Longs and Shorts produced no seeds after self-pollination; the remainder produced very few seeds following such pollinations. No Shorts produced seeds after intramorph cross-pollinations. However, about half the Longs exhibited various levels of weakened intramorph incompatibility, with mean seed-sets following intramorph cross-pollinations up to half the mean seed-sets following intermorph pollinations. In the behavior of Longs, the incompatibility system ofV. lasiosperma differs from the idealized distylous breeding system, but resembles that of a purported close relative,V. exaltata of eastern and southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of five species and two interspecific hybrids ofTrillium from eastern Asia have been examined with scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy. All species from eastern Asia, excludingT. govanianum, are characterized by inaperturate pollen and an unstratified and granulated exine structure. Pollen of the Himalayan species,T. govanianum, is, however, monocolpate and intectate. The palynological evidence suggests that the Asiatic species, excludingT. govanianum, are closely related to each other and toT. erectum in North America, andT. govanianum is independent of the other species in the genus.  相似文献   

Light and SEM observations on the pollen ofDyerophytum africanum andD. indicum have revealed marked differences in exine features. These distylous species also have dimorphic pollen. In the short-styled individuals of both species, the sexine and nexine are of equal thickness, and the clava-like sexinous processes are short without marked projections. In the long-styled individuals, the sexine is thicker than the nexine, the clavae are higher than broad with an apical spinule. Pollen size and apertures are identical in both morphs. — Palynological evidence is presented for relationships betweenDyerophytum andCeratostigma, Plumbago andAegialitis. Moreover, the genusDyerophytum exhibits pollen morphological similarities with some species ofLinum (Linaceae).  相似文献   

The Western Australian annual of restricted distribution,Villarsia congestiflora, has distylous flowers and pollen-size heteromorphism. Results of a crossing program indicate that this species is strongly self-incompatible, that crosses among individuals of the same morph produce little or no seed, and that intermorph crosses produce copious seed. The species shares a number of morphological and ecological traits withV. capitata, another distylous, self-incompatible annual species of Western Australia with a greater area of distribution. Artificial hybrids between the two, however, showed reduced pollen stainability. Both species combine a number of specialized morphological features with a breeding system that is primitive for the familyMenyanthaceae.  相似文献   

Distyly is a plant breeding system in which two self-incompatible, but cross-compatible, floral morphs occur within populations. The morphs differ in having a reciprocal arrangement of styles and anthers. Little or nothing is known of the proteins involved in self-incompatibility for any distylous species. Here we show that a 35 kDa putative polygalacturonase is specific to the transmitting tissue of short-styled plants of five species in series Turnera. The polygalacturonase was not detected in styles of long-styled plants, or in styles of five homostylous self-compatible species in this series of the genus. It is also absent from two X-ray generated mutants and a spontaneous somatic homostylous mutant that arose on a short-styled plant and whose style does possess this polygalacturonase. Three more distantly related species in the Turneraceae were investigated. Turnera weddelliana (series Salicifoliae) does possess the polygalacturonase; however, T. diffusa (series Microphyllae), and Piriqueta caroliniana, showed no evidence of possessing this polygalacturonase using immunocytochemistry. Polygalacturonase assays revealed activity in styles of long- and short-styled plants, but showed no activity of the 35 kDa style polygalacturonase. The distribution of pectins in styles and pollen tubes revealed no difference between the long- and short-styled morphs. Methyl-esterified pectins occur throughout the style tissues, except in the transmitting tissue. The transmitting tissue possesses unesterified pectins that could provide a substrate for polygalacturonase activity. We propose that the style polygalacturonase might act in a complementary manner, allowing pollen of long-styled plants to grow through short styles or, alternatively, oligogalacturonide products of polygalacturonase activity might play a role in signalling compatible responses.  相似文献   

The hypothesis ofHenriques andFernandes that several Iberian species ofNarcissus (Amaryllidaceae) are tristylous is reconsidered. Contrary to the opinion ofBateman and most subsequent authors, we believe that the available evidence indicates that some populations ofN. triandrus andN. fernandesii, at least, are tristylous; other populations ofN. triandrus are distylous.Hugonia cf.penicillanthemum (Linaceae) from new Caledonia is distylous, but it remains possible that other species ofHugonia are tristylous. The disputed occurrence of heterostyly in S. African species ofBauhinia (Leguminosae),Cleome (Capparaceae) andAneilema (Commelinaceae), and inAgelaea (Connaraceae) is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The family Ericaceae is considered to be mostly hermaphroditic and only in a few cases unisexual or dioecious. Five Argentinian species (Gaultheria antarctica Hook, f., G. caespitosa P. et E., G. phillyreaefolia (Pers.) Sleumer, G. tenuifolia (Phil.) Sleumer and Pernettya insana (Molina) Gunckel), previously described as hermaphroditic, were found by us to have two types of flowers: female and male. Female flowers have both a rudimentary androecium with stamens, in which the anthers are small, collapsed and without pollen grains or are reduced to filaments only, and a perfect gynoecium with well-developed ovules filling the carpel locules. The stigma is expanded and of the wet, papillate type, with copious to slight secretion. The stigma protrudes above the anthers. Male flowers have a well-developed androecium included within the corolla and a reduced gynoecium. Anthers are as long as the filaments, except in G. caespitosa. Pollen is shed as tetrads which are 100% viable. Ovule development ranges from total absence, passing through aborted ovules of various sizes to apparently normal ones. Stigmata are neither expanded nor papillate, except in Pernettya insana. Only in two species do the style and stigma extend beyond the level of the anthers. Heterostyly does not occur in any of the five species studied. Functional dioecy thus characterizes the five species considered and is reported for the first time in the genus Gaultheria.  相似文献   

The main goals of the present paper were to investigate the floral biology and the breeding system of Melochia tomentosa in a semi-arid region in Brazil, comparing the role of Apis mellifera with other native pollinators, and to discuss the importance of this plant species as a floral resource for the local fauna in maintaining different guilds of specialized pollinators in the Caatinga. M. tomentosa is very common in Caatinga areas and blooms year-round with two flowering peaks, one in the wet and another in the dry period. The pink, bright-colored flowers are distylous and both morphs are homogamous. The trichomatic nectary is located on the inner surface of the connate sepals, and the nectar (ca. 7 μl) is accumulated in the space between the corolla and the calyx. Nectar sugar concentration reaches an average of 28%. The results of controlled pollination experiments show that M. tomentosa is self-incompatible. Pollen viability varies from 94% to 98%. In spite of being visited by several pollen vectors, flower attributes of M. tomentosa point to melittophily, and A. mellifera was the most frequent visitor and the principal pollinator. Although honeybees are exotic, severely competing with native pollinators, they are important together with other native bees, like Centris and Xylocopa species, for the fruit set of M. tomentosa. This species represents a keystone floral resource favoring the maintenance of many species of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds through the year in this deciduous tropical dry forest.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean distylousLinum suffruticosum has dimorphic pollen. That from short-styled plants has sub-monomorphic surface excrescences with minute papillae; that from long-styled plants has strongly dimorphic excrescences with conspicuous papillae. The differences are much like those described in species of other sections of the genus. Pollen of the related homostylousL. tenuifolium has monomorphic pollen. It combines characteristics of bothL. suffruticosum types but resembles that of the long-styled plants somewhat more closely. Ribbonlike styles of long-styled plants ofL. suffruticosum provide another feature which seems to be controlled by the S supergene thought to be associated with distylic incompatibility. The pollen ofL. suffruticosum andL. tenuifolium is very similar to that of some species of sectionLinastrum and would support their placement in that section.  相似文献   

Hedyotis salzmannii (Rubiaceae) is distylous. Experimental pollination revealed that both morphs are self-compatible. However, the thrum morph proved to be more self-compatible. Hand cross-pollination between different plants of the same floral form produced less seed-sets per pollination than hand cross-pollination between pin and thrum or thrum and pin pollination. Two species ofHymenoptera, oneApidae and oneHalictidae, and two species ofDiptera (Syrphidae) were observed as pollinators.  相似文献   

Distyly inLinum tenuifolium L. is associated with a high degree of self-incompatibility. Breakdown in this system has occurred without the morphological rearrangement expected as the result of cross-over within the distyly supergene. Pollen-flow in both distylous and monomorphic populations is leptokurtic. A high proportion of intra-flower pollination occurs. Pollen production per ovule is reduced in the self-compatible race. Mean seed-set is increased. Individuals of the self-compatible race produce less vegetative growth and require a shorter time to reach reproductive maturity under cultivation. Increased fecundity appears to provide the selective advantage promoting the breakdown of self-incompatibility in this species. This is achieved through a massive shift of resources toward female reproductive function in plants of the monomorphic race. Subsequent colonization by this race has led to its increased distribution in C. & S. Europe.  相似文献   

The pollen of 32 species of Lysipomia was examined by light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. Two pollen types occur in the genus: 3-colporate and 6-colporate. The 3-colporate condition occurs in only two species, L. laciniata and L. pumila. The remaining 30 species are 6-colporate, a condition known from only one other genus in the Campanulaceae. Surface sculpturing among the species is uniformly striate. Pollen shape was highly variable within a single individual in comparisons of pollen gathered from herbarium specimens, FAA preserved material collected in the field, and fresh pollen from cultivated individuals grown from seed. Shape may change from oblate spheroidal to subprolate as a result of drying time and temperature, and should not be used as a morphological character in systematic studies if infraspecific variation is seen. When fresh or preserved pollen is not available, rehydrated pollen should be compared to reduce the possibility of inadvertent artifact production confounding the analysis of morphological data.  相似文献   

Self-pollination conditions have been recorded frequently in local populations of the genus Epipactis, and structural modifications have sometimes been reported, supporting taxonomic recognition of new species. As part of a survey of gynostemium micromorphology of Italian Epipactis populations, we studied an Apennine population of Epipactis microphylla (Ehrh.) Sw. a species listed as autogamous but with residual allogamous characters. In this population we observed the tendency to perform pre-anthesis cleistogamy. However, self-pollination was not a consequence of modification in column morphology. Cryptic pollen germination occurred in anther thecae or in the clinandrium, bypassing any contact with the receptive stigma. Pollen germination started from the distal pool of the pollinium, close to the rostellum-viscidium, suggesting that the rostellum-viscidium may have a function in promoting pollen-tube growth. Germinated pollen was exposed at the anthesis.  相似文献   

Surveys of oceanic island floras have shown that heterostyly is usually absent in such regions, probably because this floral polymorphism is often associated with a self-incompatibility system. In this context we describe the floral biology of three species ofErythroxylum on La Réunion island and examine the compatibility relationships of one of these species,E. laurifolium. All three species are distylous but differ in relative stigma-anther separation in the different morphs. In general, short-styled flowers have greater stigma-anther separation than long-styled flowers, which are often homostylous in appearance. This lack of stigma-anther separation in long-styled flowers is due to style twisting which improves reciprocity at the high organ level. The reduced stigma-anther separation does not appear to be associated with the evolution of selfing asErythroxylum laurifolium shows heteromorphic self-incompatibility. The presence of heteromorphic incompatibility in a group of species that have colonized an oceanic island is discussed.  相似文献   

Stigma morphology was examined with the SEM in 14 of the 16 species ofVillarsia. In nine of the ten distylous species studied, stigmas of the floral morphs were strongly dimorphic in length, shape, configuration of the receptive surface, and in the size and density of their papillae. Thrum stigmas ofVillarsia, in contrast to those of most other distylous species, are not simply smaller versions of the conspecific pin stigmas, but generally exhibit an array of morph-specific characters. Thrum stigma lobes may be broader than those of pins, they may have undulate margins, lobes subdivided into secondary lobes, papillae more extensively distributed than in pins, and various combinations of these traits occur. The traits that distinguish thrum from pin stigmas achieve an increase in the receptive area and may enhance more efficient pollen capture by the shorter and less accessible thrum stigmas. The morphogenesis of the stigma shape dimorphism appears to involve processes more complex than inhibition of elongation in thrum styles. InVillarsia, the stigma dimorphisms are species-specific. No correlations were found between morphologies of the stigma and the different breeding systems in distylous species. Stigmas of the four non-heterostylous species examined resemble the thrum stigma type found in most distylousVillarsia species.  相似文献   

Small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences of all species of the basidiomycetous anamorphic yeast genusTrichosporon were determined, and phylogenetic trees were constructed by the neighbor-joining and maximum likelihood methods. The sequence data showed that, with the exception ofT. pullulans, the genus is monophyletic, although its members have two different major ubiquinones, Q9 and Q10. The genus can be divided phylogenetically into three major clusters. Species with Q10 as the major ubiquinone constitute a single cluster, while those with Q9 form two clusters.Trichosporon pullulans was phylogenetically distinct from other taxa of the genus. It is located in a cluster containingCystofilobasidium capitatum, Mrakía frigida, Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous and three species ofUdeniomyces. This result sugests thatT. pullulans does not belong to the genusTrichosporon.  相似文献   

The correlation between pollen-ovule (P/O) ratio and breeding system has generally been analysed with respect either to pollination efficiency, or in terms of sex allocation theory. Pollen/ovule ratios were measured in nine species of Araceae belonging to two genera with bisexual flowers (Anaphyllopsis, Monstera) and three genera with unisexual flowers (Dieffenbachia, Philodendron, Montrichardia). The family Araceae with its unique inflorescence morphology allows the analysis of variations of the P/O ratio with respect to two basal morpho-functional pollination units: the flower or the inflorescence. We found a relationship between the value of the P/O ratio and the breeding system that is partially different from Cruden's results (1977). Some facultative xenogamous species have a higher P/O than the obligatory xenogamous species. A link was found between the P/O and the type of inflorescence, the floral cycle, and the mode of growth.  相似文献   

The nuclear ITS region of 19 species of Alnus was amplified and sequenced. The inferred molecular phylogeny shows that all species of the genus Alnus form a monophyletic group close to Betula and that the fundamental dichotomy within the genus lies between the subgenera Alnaster and Gymnothyrsus, sensu Murai (1964). The subgenus Alnaster appears to be basal in the genus, based on archaism of morphological features, and branching close to the root of the trees due to low ITS divergence from genus Betula. The monophyly of the section Clethropsis is not supported by the present data: Alnus nepalensis is positioned in the subgenus Gymnothyrsus, away from A. nitida and A. maritima. Surprisingly, A. formosana sect. Japonicae is closely tied to A. maritima sect. Clethropsis, with which it shares few morphological traits, and is separate from A. japonica sect. Japonicae with which it shares many traits. An increase in substitution rate is noted in the group comprising A. formosana, A. maritima and A. nitida relative to the rest of the genus, which appears to have had, on the average, a very slow mutation rate. Alnus glutinosa, the designated type for the genus, appears to be representative of the genus both for morphological characters and evolutionary rate. North-East Asia is comforted in its position of origin of the genus since not only does it have the highest number of species and representatives in all deep branching lineages, there are also fewer transcontinental migrations when a North-East Asian ancestor is postulated than when a North American ancestor is postulated.  相似文献   

Reciprocal herkogamy is known to promote intermorph-pollination in distylous species, which are generally self- and intramorph-incompatible. Legitimate crossing rates are also influenced by pollinator foraging strategy, which determines most of the pollen flow in natural populations. This study reports on the floral morphology, compatibility relations and pollination biology of Psychotria nuda (Cham. and Schltdl.) Wawra in the Atlantic rain forest, southeastern Brazil, based on floral measurements, hand-pollination experiments and focal observation of floral visitors. It was found that P. nuda does not present an exactly reciprocal herkogamy, however, this morphological trait in P. nuda is as good as in most of Rubiaceae. Reproductive experiments showed compatibility relations similar to those frequently observed in distylous species. The hummingbirds Ramphodon naevius and females of Thalurania glaucopis were the main pollinators of P. nuda, presenting the traplining foraging strategy, which seems to maximize intermorph crosses in P. nuda flowers. These hummingbirds pollinated P. nuda flowers sequentially throughout the flowering period.  相似文献   

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