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In-canopy mixing ratio gradients and above-canopy fluxes of several volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured using a commercial proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer (PTR-MS) in a European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest in Denmark. Fluxes of methanol were bidirectional: Emission occurred during both day and night with highest fluxes (0.2 mg C m−2 h−1) during a warm period; deposition occurred dominantly at daytime. Confirming previous branch-level measurements on beech, the forest’s monoterpene emissions (0–0.5 mg C m−2 h−1), and in-canopy mixing ratios showed a diurnal cycle consistent with light-dependent emissions; a result contrasting temperature-only driven emissions of most conifer species. Also emitted was acetone, but only at ambient temperatures exceeding 20°C. Slow deposition dominated at lower temperatures. Our in-canopy gradient measurements contrast with earlier results from tropical and pine forest ecosystems in that they did not show this beech ecosystem to be a strong sink for oxygenated VOCs (OVOCs). Instead, their gradients were flat and only small deposition velocities (<0.2 cm s−1) were observed to the onsite soil. However, as methanol soil uptake was consistent and possibly related to soil moisture, more measurements are needed to evaluate its soil sink strength. In turn, as canopy scale fluxes are net fluxes with stomatal emissions from photosynthesizing leaves potentially affecting non-stomatal oxygenated VOC uptake, only independent, controlled laboratory experiments may be successful in separating gross fluxes.  相似文献   

We used canopy fogging to study the high (20–26 m), intermediate (13–19 m) and low (5–6 m) strata in three European beech patches (Fagus sylvatica) in nine months (2005–2007) and estimate species richness and diversity of arboreal spiders. Eight species (10%) were previously unseen in European beech trees, and one of these is likely a new species. Moreover, two species are on the Bavarian red list. Our results revealed that the high stratum of the old-growth trees provided unique resources and possessed the greatest diversity and evenness, whereas intermediate and low strata had high similarity in respect to diversity, dominance, species, and family composition. Since the majority of beech forests consists of mature and young trees in Central Europe, and old-growth forests are rarely preserved, we recommend young beech be used in a sampling protocol for rapid biodiversity assessment. However, adding samples from the two higher strata to the lowest stratum (55 species), almost doubled the estimated species richness (102 species). This suggests that the lower stratum alone does not represent a true image of the total canopy fauna inventory in this, and likely other, beech stands. To complete this comprehensive inventory in European beeches, the Chao1 predicted that additional sampling would be needed in the highest stratum, where there is a high probability to find previously undetected species in a next survey. Our study clearly shows that neglecting the crowns of the largest, tallest trees risks underestimating the overall spider diversity in Central European forests.  相似文献   

The wind profile in the IBP beech stand and the vertical temperature distribution in the same beech stand and in a neighbouring clearing were investigated. In addition the temperature and humidity conditions in the trunk space of the beech stand and in the clearing were compared. The precipitation components were investigated during two periods.
Because of the topography and the small extent of the wood the wind profile depends strongly on the wind direction. Maximum temperatures were found to occur in the upper part of the canopy during in-leaf periods. During leafless periods the temperature distribution indicates the presence of two distinct levels of energy exchange, Advection of airmasses from the adjoining bay strongly influences the climate of the wood. Because of the density of trees and the narrow fanshaped canopies, yearly throughfalls amount to 55–60% of the total precipitation, while stemflows amount to as much as 12%.  相似文献   

Soil obtained from a beech forest formed significant amounts of acetate when incubated in a bicarbonate-buffered, mineral salt solution under anaerobic conditions at both 5 and 20 degrees C (21 and 38 g of acetate per kg [dry weight] of soil, respectively). At 20 degrees C, following an 18-day lag period, rates of 0.07 mmol of acetate synthesized per g (dry weight) of soil per day were observed. Acetate was not subject to immediate turnover; methane and hydrogen were not formed during the time intervals (5 degrees C, 335 days; 20 degrees C, 95 days) evaluated. The synthesis of acetate from endogenous materials was coincident with acetogenic potentials, i.e., the capacity to catalyze the H(2)-dependent synthesis of acetate. Hydrogen consumption was not directed towards the synthesis of methane. Collectively, these results suggest that acetogenesis may be an underlying microbial activity of this forest soil.  相似文献   

We investigated microfungal assemblages on leaf litter within a subalpine forest in central Japan and their variation with season, litter depth, and litter species. Microfungal assemblages were compared for Abies needles and Betula leaf litter collected from litter and fermentation layers of the forest floor during the growing season in spring, summer, and autumn. A total of 35 and 42 species were isolated from Abies needles and Betula leaf litter, respectively. The observed variation in microfungal assemblages was primarily attributable to seasonal differences. The frequencies of Trichoderma viride, Volutella ciliata, Mucor sp., and Umbelopsis ramanniana increased in summer, leading to a high degree of similarity of microfungal assemblages in different litter depths and litter species. Microfungal assemblages on Abies needles in spring and autumn and those on Betula leaves in spring were characterized by Trichoderma viride, V. ciliata, Thysanophora penicillioides, Trichoderma polysporum, and (or) Mortierella alpina. Microfungal assemblages on Betula leaves in autumn were characterized by the absence of these species and the occurrence of Cladosporium cladosporioides. The results were discussed with an emphasis on the role of microfungi in decomposition processes and the impact on fungi of predicted future increases in global temperature.  相似文献   

Lawesson  Jonas E. 《Plant Ecology》2000,151(2):199-221
In this study, the first comprehensive multivariate statistical analysis of Danish native forest vegetation, based on 1768 sample plots, is presented. Data were composed of data from literature sources and newly collected data. A series of cluster analyses resulted in 24 forest community types, grouped in beech (Fagus sylvatica), oak (Quercus robur-Q. petraea), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), alder-ash (Alnus-Fraxinus) and lime (Tilia cordata, T. platyphyllos) types, in addition to mixed forest communities with several co-dominant tree species. The described communities are provisionally arranged syntaxonomically, when possible, according to the international phytosociological system. The distribution of ecological indicator values of pH, soil moisture and nitrogen is gradual in relation to the perceived plant communities. Many forest types, such as beech and oak dominated types, obtain indicated values for pH that span most of the indicated gradient. It is suggested that natural Danish forests probably would be composed of a multitude of canopy forming tree species. The present stands with one or a few tree species forming the canopy is the result of long anthropogenic influence and selective logging.  相似文献   

Loss-on-ignition and carbon content in a beech forest soil profile   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of loss-on-ignition (LOI) and carbon content (C-content) in estimating soil organic matter is examined. To evaluate the assumptions behind the use of these methods, the conversion factor (LOI/C-content) is examined as a function of depth and spatial variability.
Due to increasing variability with depth no general relationship between LOI and C-content can be established for horizons below 60 cm. For horizons above 60 cm it is demonstrated, that more than one conversion factor is needed.
The application of a regression equation to correct for inorganic losses is shown to be problematical. This is due to the variability in inorganic losses and the varying C-content of the organic matter.  相似文献   

Forest successional trajectories covering the last 2000 yr from a mixed deciduous forest in Denmark show a gradual shift in dominance from Tilia cordata to Fagus sylvatica and a recent increase in total forest basal area since direct management ceased in 1948. The successions are reconstructed by combining a fifty-year record of direct tree observations with local pollen diagrams from Draved Forest, Denmark. Five of the seven successions record a heathland phase of Viking Age dating from 830 AD. The anthropogenic influence is considerable throughout the period of study even though Draved contains some of the most pristine forest stands in Denmark. Anthropogenic influence including felling masks the underlying natural dynamics, with the least disturbed sites showing the smallest compositional change. Some effects of former management, such as loss of Tilia cordata dominance, are irreversible. Artificial disturbance, particularly drainage, has accelerated and amplified the shift towards Fagus dominance that would have occurred on a smaller scale and at a slower rate in the absence of human intervention.  相似文献   

Fungal species richness and abundance were compared in leaf litter of two tree species,Guarea guidonia andManilkara bidentata, in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. Four litter samples yielded a total of 3337 isolates, ranging from 591 to 1259 isolates/sample. The number of species/sample ranged from 134 to 228. Many uncommon litter hyphomycetes were recovered as well as coelomycetes, sterile strains, endophytes, and phytopathogens. Species-abundance distributions revealed a typical pattern of a few abundant species and a high proportion of rare species. Similarities in fungal species composition were not correlated with host species or with the site. Replicate samples examined by the moist chamber technique yielded a total of 24 species among the four litter samples. The particle filtration method indicated that leaves ofG. guidonia were more species-rich, while moist chambers indicated leaves ofM. bidentata were more species-rich. The moist chamber technique underestimated the number and species of viable fungi.  相似文献   

This study uses data from forty-nine 20 m × 20 m permanent plots measured in 1976, 1982, 1989 and 1997-2002 in Wakatipu Forest, western Otago. We relate changes in red (Nothofagus fusca), silver (Nothofagus menziesii) and mountain beech (Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides) forest vegetation to the presence of fallow deer (Dama dama). Vegetation composition is likely to have been altered prior to plot establishment, and results show that there was little change in vegetation composition during the study. There are some signs of fallow deer reducing silver beech seedling abundance at some plots, but most beech stands appear to be in the late phase of development and undergoing self thinning, so are probably not immediately vulnerable to suppression of canopy regeneration. In the future, widespread disturbance is likely to release plants in the understorey from competition for light and nutrients, and at that stage fallow deer browsing of beech species may be able to alter successional pathways more than has occurred over the past two decades. Seedling and sapling density of the palatable Griselinia littoralis (broadleaf) was probably insufficient to ensure successful regeneration. Comparisons of seedling densities with other mixed beech forests throughout New Zealand suggest that fallow deer density will need to be nearly zero in Wakatipu Forest before regeneration of all palatable subcanopy hardwood species is assured.  相似文献   

Dispersal of adult Trichoptera at a Danish forest brook   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
  • 1 The dispersal of adult Trichoptera at the small Danish forest brook, Stamperenden, was studied from 10 May to 6 October 1990 using Malaise traps placed across the brook, parallel to the brook at distances of 2, 20 and 40m, and perpendicular to it at a distance of 1–3m.
  • 2 Of the total of 4175 specimens caught, lotic species breeding in Stamperenden accounted for 95.6%. The dominant species were Agapetus fuscipes, Lype reducta, Plectrocnemia conspersa, Potamophylax nigricornis and Silo pallipes.
  • 3 The sex ratios in the catches of most species were uneven. Agapetus fuscipes males were in excess, probably because males fly more frequently than females.
  • 4 The dominant species flew predominantly above the surface of the brook. Whereas both sexes of A. fuscipes, L. reducta and S. pallipes were rarely found even as little as 20–40m from the brook, the dispersal range of P. conspersa was much wider.
  • 5 The implications of low dispersal for the biological recovery of damaged but subsequently restored streams and stream catchments are discussed. It is concluded that complete biological recovery may be a process requiring decades unless the original aquatic fauna is re-established artificially.

Fragmentation of natural habitats has become one of the main causes of the loss of biodiversity. To assess the effects of forest fragmentation on wood-inhabiting fungal community in a beech-dominated landscape, 15 differently shaped beech forest fragments were examined in northern Spain. This work covers all the wood-inhabiting macromycetes, including Basidiomycota and Ascomycota. A modelling approach was used to examine the predictability of the fungal community in a fragmented beech forest landscape. In the beech forest patches, a large proportion of edge, low tree densities and low levels of variety of woody debris caused a decrease of wood-inhabiting fungal richness. The fungal community composition proved complex to model due to its specific traits: it is made up of many species, most of which are rare, and each fungal group responds differently to environmental variables. Nevertheless, the dead wood availability and the exposure to light significantly affected the fungal community composition.  相似文献   

Seasonal net carbon dioxide exchange of a beech forest with the atmosphere   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The seasonal carbon dioxide exchange of a beech forest of Central Italy was studied by means of the eddy covariance technique. Additional measurements of biomass respiration with cuvettes and relationship of carbon dioxide exchanges with temperature and light were used to interpolate missing data during the dormant and part of the growing season. The net ecosystem production of the forest equals 472 g C m?2 y?1 while the gross ecosystem production 1016 g C m?2 y?1 and respiration 544 g C m?2 y?1. These estimates are compared with the net primary production determined by direct biomass sampling which amounts to 802 g C m?2 y?1.  相似文献   

丹麦森林土壤反硝化作用的动力学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本项研究将乙炔和氯霉素抑制技术结合起来 ,对丹麦一森林土壤的反硝化作用进行了研究 ,并考察温度对其还原酶活性的影响 .反硝化还原酶活性和合成过程受O2 的抑制 ,厌氧培养时 ,需要一定时间消耗系统中残余的O2 来解除这种抑制作用 .在无抗生素抑制蛋白质合成时 ,硝酸还原酶只有少量合成 ,而N2 O还原酶却显著地诱导产生 .这一结果对土壤吸收N2 O能力的研究具有重要意义 .在各处理下 ,系统中未发生亚硝酸盐的明显积累 ,表明亚硝酸还原酶活性大于硝酸还原酶 .外加葡萄糖加速了反硝化作用 ,并能促进酶的合成和消除还原过程中的电子竞争 .供试土壤表现出很强的厌氧呼吸作用 ,并受外加C源的促进 .反硝化作用的活化能低于土壤厌氧呼吸的活化能 ,因此反硝化作用的Q1 0值较低 ,CO2 和N2 O的产生比例随温度升高而加大 .  相似文献   

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