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Background and Aims

Leaf hydraulic properties are strongly linked with transpiration and photosynthesis in many species. However, it is not known if gas exchange and hydraulics will have co-ordinated responses to climate change. The objective of this study was to investigate the responses of leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) in Glycine max (soybean) to growth at elevated [CO2] and increased temperature compared with the responses of leaf gas exchange and leaf water status.


Two controlled-environment growth chamber experiments were conducted with soybean to measure Kleaf, stomatal conductance (gs) and photosynthesis (A) during growth at elevated [CO2] and temperature relative to ambient levels. These results were validated with field experiments on soybean grown under free-air elevated [CO2] (FACE) and canopy warming.

Key results

In chamber studies, Kleaf did not acclimate to growth at elevated [CO2], even though stomatal conductance decreased and photosynthesis increased. Growth at elevated temperature also did not affect Kleaf, although gs and A showed significant but inconsistent decreases. The lack of response of Kleaf to growth at increased [CO2] and temperature in chamber-grown plants was confirmed with field-grown soybean at a FACE facility.


Leaf hydraulic and leaf gas exchange responses to these two climate change factors were not strongly linked in soybean, although gs responded to [CO2] and increased temperature as previously reported. This differential behaviour could lead to an imbalance between hydraulic supply and transpiration demand under extreme environmental conditions likely to become more common as global climate continues to change.  相似文献   

Regulation of transport of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC)in response to CO2 concentration in the external medium hasbeen compared in two closely-related green algae, Chlorellaellipsoidea and Chlorella saccharophila. C. ellipsoidea, whengrown in high CO2, had reduced activities of both CO2 and transport and DIC transport activitieswere increased after the cells had acclimated to air. However,high CO2-grown C. saccharophila had a comparable level of photosyntheticaffinity for DIC to that of air-grown C. ellipsoidea and thiswas accompanied by a capacity to accumulate high internal concentrationsof DIC. The high photosynthetic affinity and the high intracellularDIC accumulation did not change in cells grown in air exceptthat the occurrence of external carbonic anhydrase (CA) in air-grownC. saccharophila stimulated the intracellular DIC accumulationin the absence of added CA. These data indicate that activeDIC transport is constitutively expressed in C. saccharophila,presumably because this alga is insensitive to the repressiveeffect of high CO2 on DIC transport. This strongly supportsthe existence of a direct sensing mechanism for external CO2in Chlorella species, but also indicates that external CA isregulated independently of DIC transport in Chlorella species. Key words: Carbonic anhydrase, Chlorella, CO2-insensitive, DIC transport, wild type  相似文献   

* Flowering is a critical stage in plant life cycles, and changes might alter processes at the species, community and ecosystem levels. Therefore, likely flowering-time responses to global change drivers are needed for predictions of global change impacts on natural and managed ecosystems. * Here, the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) (550 micromol mol(-1)) and warming (+2 masculineC) is reported on flowering times in a native, species-rich, temperate grassland in Tasmania, Australia in both 2004 and 2005. * Elevated [CO2] did not affect average time of first flowering in either year, only affecting three out of 23 species. Warming reduced time to first flowering by an average of 19.1 d in 2004, acting on most species, but did not significantly alter flowering time in 2005, which might be related to the timing of rainfall. Elevated [CO2] and warming treatments did not interact on flowering time. * These results show elevated [CO2] did not alter average flowering time or duration in this grassland; neither did it alter the response to warming. Therefore, flowering phenology appears insensitive to increasing [CO2] in this ecosystem, although the response to warming varies between years but can be strong.  相似文献   


Birch (Betula pendula Roth.) seedlings were kept for two growing seasons under ambient (~350 µmol mol-1) and elevated (~700 µmol mol-1) [CO2]. The present study was designed to examine the effects of [CO2] and pot size on growth and carbon allocation under conditions of non-limiting water and nutrient supply, in order to separate the effects of source-sink interaction from the effects of nutrient deficiency. The manipulation of the source-sink relations had a strong influence on the growth response to elevated [CO2]. When the rooting volume was inadequate, it resulted in a source-sink imbalance which constrained growth under elevated [CO2]. When root exploration was unconstrained, total dry mass was significantly increased (by about 24%) under elevated [CO2]. However, the allometric relationships in allocation pattern and in morphogenetic development were not affected by either [CO2] or pot treatments when the saplings were of the same size. Thus, by constraining dry mass production, small sinks affected the magnitude of the growth responses to elevated [CO2], but did not affect the plant allocation pattern and allometric relationships when nutrient supply was non-limiting. However, by slowing down growth, sink restrictions counteract the speed-up of ontogeny which is the main effect of elevated [CO2] on tree growth.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric concentrations of CO2 (Ca) can reduce stomatal conductance and transpiration rate in trees, but the magnitude of this effect varies considerably among experiments. The theory of optimal stomatal behaviour predicts that the ratio of photosynthesis to transpiration (instantaneous transpiration efficiency, ITE) should increase in proportion to Ca. We hypothesized that plants regulate stomatal conductance optimally in response to rising Ca. We tested this hypothesis with data from young Eucalyptus saligna Sm. trees grown in 12 climate‐controlled whole‐tree chambers for 2 years at ambient and elevated Ca. Elevated Ca was ambient + 240 ppm, 60% higher than ambient Ca. Leaf‐scale gas exchange was measured throughout the second year of the study and leaf‐scale ITE increased by 60% under elevated Ca, as predicted. Values of leaf‐scale ITE depended strongly on vapour pressure deficit (D) in both CO2 treatments. Whole‐canopy CO2 and H2O fluxes were also monitored continuously for each chamber throughout the second year. There were small differences in D between Ca treatments, which had important effects on values of canopy‐scale ITE. However, when Ca treatments were compared at the same D, canopy‐scale ITE was consistently increased by 60%, again as predicted. Importantly, leaf and canopy‐scale ITE were not significantly different, indicating that ITE was not scale‐dependent. Observed changes in transpiration rate could be explained on the basis that ITE increased in proportion to Ca. The effect of elevated Ca on photosynthesis increased with rising D. At high D, Ca had a large effect on photosynthesis and a small effect on transpiration rate. At low D, in contrast, there was a small effect of Ca on photosynthesis, but a much larger effect on transpiration rate. If shown to be a general response, the proportionality of ITE with Ca will allow us to predict the effects of Ca on transpiration rate.  相似文献   

Saplings of four clones of Sitka spruce and cherry were grown for three and two growing seasons, respectively, in open top chambers at two CO2 concentrations (≈ 350 and ≈ 700 μmol mol–1) to determine whether the increase in total biomass brought about by enhanced [CO2] is a result of a transient or persistent effect in nonlimiting conditions. Classical growth analysis was applied to both species and mean current relative growth rate of total dry mass (RT) and leaf dry mass (RL), and period relative growth rate of total dry mass ( ) and leaf dry mass ( ) were calculated. Sitka spruce saplings and cherry seedlings showed a positive growth response to elevated [CO2], and at the end of the experiments both species were ≈ 40% larger in elevated [CO2] than in ambient [CO2]. As a result, the period mean and were significantly higher in elevated [CO2]. The differences in plant dry mass at the end of the experiments were a consequence of the more rapid growth in the early phase of exposure to elevated [CO2]. After this initial phase mean RT and RL were similar or even lower in elevated [CO2] than in ambient [CO2]. NAR of both species was much higher in elevated [CO2], whereas both LAR, SLA, and LMR showed the opposite trend. The higher LAR and SLA of plants in ambient [CO2] contributed to a compensation by which they maintained RT similar to that of elevated [CO2] saplings despite lower NAR and photosynthetic rate. However, when the same size the trees were similar amongst the [CO2] treatments, indicating that one of the main effect of elevated [CO2] on tree growth is to speed-up early development in all aspects.  相似文献   

Aims: The direct effects of atmospheric and climatic change factors—atmospheric[CO2], air temperature and changes in precipitation—canshape plant community composition and alter ecosystem function.It is essential to understand how these factors interact tomake better predictions about how ecosystems may respond tochange. We investigated the direct and interactive effects of[CO2], warming and altered soil moisture in open-top chambers(OTCs) enclosing a constructed old-field community to test howthese factors shape plant communities. Materials and methods: The experimental facility in Oak Ridge, TN, USA, made use of4-m diameter OTCs and rain shelters to manipulate [CO2] (ambient,ambient + 300 ppm), air temperature (ambient, ambient + 3.5°C)and soil moisture (wet, dry). The plant communities within thechambers comprised seven common old-field species, includinggrasses, forbs and legumes. We tracked foliar cover for eachspecies and calculated community richness, evenness and diversityfrom 2003 to 2005. Important findings: This work resulted in three main findings: (1) warming had species-specificeffects on foliar cover that varied through time and were alteredby soil moisture treatments; (2) [CO2] had little effect onindividual species or the community; (3) diversity, evennessand richness were influenced most by soil moisture, primarilyreflecting the response of one dominant species. We concludethat individualistic species responses to atmospheric and climaticchange can alter community composition and that plant populationsand communities should be considered as part of analyses ofterrestrial ecosystem response to climate change. However, predictionof plant community responses may be difficult given interactionsbetween factors and changes in response through time.  相似文献   

Accurately predicting plant function and global biogeochemical cycles later in this century will be complicated if stomatal conductance (g(s)) acclimates to growth at elevated [CO(2)], in the sense of a long-term alteration of the response of g(s) to [CO(2)], humidity (h) and/or photosynthetic rate (A). If so, photosynthetic and stomatal models will require parameterization at each growth [CO(2)] of interest. Photosynthetic acclimation to long-term growth at elevated [CO(2)] occurs frequently. Acclimation of g(s) has rarely been examined, even though stomatal density commonly changes with growth [CO(2)]. Soybean was grown under field conditions at ambient [CO(2)] (378 micromol mol(-1)) and elevated [CO(2)] (552 micromol mol(-1)) using free-air [CO(2)] enrichment (FACE). This study tested for stomatal acclimation by parameterizing and validating the widely used Ball et al. model (1987, Progress in Photosynthesis Research, vol IV, 221-224) with measurements of leaf gas exchange. The dependence of g(s) on A, h and [CO(2)] at the leaf surface was unaltered by long-term growth at elevated [CO(2)]. This suggests that the commonly observed decrease in g(s) under elevated [CO(2)] is due entirely to the direct instantaneous effect of [CO(2)] on g(s) and that there is no longer-term acclimation of g(s) independent of photosynthetic acclimation. The model accurately predicted g(s) for soybean growing under ambient and elevated [CO(2)] in the field. Model parameters under ambient and elevated [CO(2)] were indistinguishable, demonstrating that stomatal function under ambient and elevated [CO(2)] could be modelled without the need for parameterization at each growth [CO(2)].  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric [CO2] and associated climate change are expected to modify primary productivity across a range of ecosystems globally. Increasing aridity is predicted to reduce grassland productivity, although rising [CO2] and associated increases in plant water use efficiency may partially offset the effect of drying on growth. Difficulties arise in predicting the direction and magnitude of future changes in ecosystem productivity, due to limited field experimentation investigating climate and CO2 interactions. We use repeat near‐surface digital photography to quantify the effects of water availability and experimentally manipulated elevated [CO2] (eCO2) on understorey live foliage cover and biomass over three growing seasons in a temperate grassy woodland in south‐eastern Australia. We hypothesised that (i) understorey herbaceous productivity is dependent upon soil water availability, and (ii) that eCO2 will increase productivity, with greatest stimulation occurring under conditions of low water availability. Soil volumetric water content (VWC) determined foliage cover and growth rates over the length of the growing season (August to March), with low VWC (<0.1 mm?3) reducing productivity. However, eCO2 did not increase herbaceous cover and biomass over the duration of the experiment, or mitigate the effects of low water availability on understorey growth rates and cover. Our findings suggest that projected increases in aridity in temperate woodlands are likely to lead to reduced understorey productivity, with little scope for eCO2 to offset these changes.  相似文献   

Sandra Díaz 《Plant and Soil》1995,187(2):309-320
This review examines the effects of elevated [CO2] on plant symbioses with mycorrhizal fungi and root nodule bacteria, with emphasis on community and ecosystem processes. The effects of elevated [CO2] on the relationships between single plant species and root symbionts are considered first. There is some evidence that plant infection by and/or biomass of root symbionts are stimulated by elevated [CO2], but growth enhancement of the host seemingly depends on its degree of dependence on symbiosis and on soil nutrient availability. Second, the effects of elevated [CO2] on the relationships between plant multispecies assemblages and soil, and likely impacts on above-ground and belowground diversity, are analysed. Experimental and modelling work have suggested the existence of complex feedbacks in the responses of plants and the rhizosphere to CO2 enrichment. By modifying C inputs from plants to soil, elevated [CO2] may affect the biomass, the infectivity, and the species/isolate composition of root symbionts. This has the potential to alter community structure and ecosystem functioning. Finally, the incorporation of type and degree of symbiotic dependence into the definition of plant functional types, and into experimental work within the context of global change research, are discussed. More experimental work on the effects of elevated [CO2] at the community/ecosystem level, explicitly considering the role of root symbioses, is urgently needed.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 (eCO2) generally promotes increased grain yield (GY) and decreased grain protein concentration (GPC), but the extent to which these effects depend on the magnitude of fertilization remains unclear. We collected data on the eCO2 responses of GY, GPC and grain protein yield and their relationships with nitrogen (N) application rates across experimental data covering 11 field grown wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars studied in eight countries on four continents. The eCO2‐induced stimulation of GY increased with N application rates up to ~200 kg/ha. At higher N application, stimulation of GY by eCO2 stagnated or even declined. This was valid both when the yield stimulation was expressed as the total effect and using per ppm CO2 scaling. GPC was decreased by on average 7% under eCO2 and the magnitude of this effect did not depend on N application rate. The net effect of responses on GY and protein concentration was that eCO2 typically increased and decreased grain protein yield at N application rates below and above ~100 kg/ha respectively. We conclude that a negative effect on wheat GPC seems inevitable under eCO2 and that substantial N application rates may be required to sustain wheat protein yields in a world with rising CO2.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - Oil and gas exploration has resulted in over 300,000&nbsp;km of linear disturbances, known as seismic lines, throughout boreal peatlands across Canada. Sites...  相似文献   

Seedling structure influences tree structure and function, ultimately determining the potential productivity of trees and their competitiveness for resources. We investigated changes in shoot structure for seedlings of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir) grown under climate change scenarios of ambient or elevated CO2 (+180 mol mol–1) plus ambient or elevated temperature (+3.5°C), for 4 years in outdoor, sunlit chambers. Mass allocation and allometry were measured for buds, leaves, branches, and stems, and anatomy was evaluated for leaves and stems. Seedlings became more xeromorphic with elevated temperature: allocation of total mass to branches over stems and leaves increased, sapwood area to height ratio increased, number of growing points relative to seedling size increased, and stem and branch length and mass decreased for sections initiated during the three full CO2 and temperature seasons. Neither stem nor leaf anatomy was affected by elevated temperature. Elevated CO2 increased specific mass of leaves, but had few other effects on mass allocation, allometry, or anatomy for any shoot organ. There were no CO2 × temperature interactions for any important parameter. Thus, under realistic simulated field environmental conditions representative for in at least some P. menziesii forests (i.e., OR, USA, forests with limited soil nitrogen and summer soil moisture), elevated temperature, but not elevated CO2, may affect seedling shoot structure and, hence, function.  相似文献   

Background and aims: High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs CRP) has emerged as an inflammatory biomarker to predict metabolic syndrome. Here, we investigate the association of hs CRP with metabolic variables and determine the risks for elevated hs CRP levels in healthy Singaporean adults.

Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 225 participants (104 men). The levels of hs CRP and fasting lipid parameters were analyzed by COBAS. Body composition was determined with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

Results: Twenty-one (9?%) participants had elevated hs CRP levels (>3?mg/mL). The levels of hs CRP had significant correlations (p?<0.05) with obesity and metabolic variables among women. Stepwise multivariate regression analysis identified FM (%) (accounted for 22.5% of the variability in hs CRP levels) as a major determinant of hs CRP levels. On multivariate regression, FM (%) was the independent determinant of intermediate and elevated hs CRP in women after adjustment for the potential confounders.

Conclusions: Obesity may play a direct role in the elevated hs CRP levels in women, but not men living in Singapore. This is probably due to different body composition or different effects of sex hormones on adipose tissue between men and women.  相似文献   

The evidence for the contribution of soil warming to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations and carbon stocks of temperate forest ecosystems is equivocal. Here, we use data from a beech/oak forest on concentrations and stable isotope ratios of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), phosphate buffer-extractable organic carbon, soil organic carbon (SOC), respiration and microbial gross assimilation of N to show that respired soil carbon originated from DOC. However, the respiration was not dependent on the DOC concentration but exceeded the daily DOC pool three to four times, suggesting that DOC was turned over several times per day. A mass flow model helped to calculate that a maximum of 40% of the daily DOC production was derived from SOC and to demonstrate that degradation of SOC is limiting respiration of DOC. The carbon flow model on SOC, DOC, microbial C mobilization/immobilization and respiration is linked by temperature-dependent microbial and enzyme activity to global warming effects of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

We studied the responses of an aquatic microcosm in two different eutrophic conditions to elevated atmospheric CO2concentration. We used microcosms, consisting of Escherichia coli(bacteria), Tetrahymena thermophila(protozoa) and Euglena gracilis(algae), in salt solution with 50 and 500 mg l–1of proteose peptone (eutrophic and hypereutrophic conditions, respectively) under ambient and elevated CO2(1550±100 l l–1) conditions. The density of E. gracilisincreased significantly under elevated CO2in both eutrophic and hypereutrophic microcosms. In the eutrophic microcosm, the other elements were not affected by elevated CO2. In the hypereutrophic microcosm, however, the concentrations of ammonium and phosphate decreased significantly under elevated CO2. Furthermore, the density of T. thermophilawas maintained in higher level than that in the microcosm with ambient CO2and the density of E. coliwas decreased by CO2enrichment. Calculating the carbon biomasses of T. thermophilaand E. colifrom their densities, the changes in their biomasses by CO2enrichment were little as compared with large increase of E. graciliscarbon biomass converted from chlorophyll a. From the responses to elevated CO2in the subsystems of the hypereutrophic microcosm consisting of either one or two species, the increase of E. graciliswas a direct effect of elevated CO2, whereas the changes in the density of E. coliand T. thermophilaand the decreases in the concentration of ammonium and phosphate are considered to be indirect effects rather than direct effects of elevated CO2. The indirect effects of elevated CO2were prominent in the hypereutrophic microcosm.  相似文献   

Temperate and boreal forest ecosystems contain a large part of the carbon stored on land, in the form of both biomass and soil organic matter. Increasing atmospheric [CO2], increasing temperature, elevated nitrogen deposition and intensified management will change this C store. Well documented single-factor responses of net primary production are: higher photosynthetic rate (the main [CO2] response); increasing length of growing season (the main temperature response); and higher leaf-area index (the main N deposition and partly [CO2] response). Soil organic matter will increase with increasing litter input, although priming may decrease the soil C stock initially, but litter quality effects should be minimal (response to [CO2], N deposition, and temperature); will decrease because of increasing temperature; and will increase because of retardation of decomposition with N deposition, although the rate of decomposition of high-quality litter can be increased and that of low-quality litter decreased. Single-factor responses can be misleading because of interactions between factors, in particular those between N and other factors, and indirect effects such as increased N availability from temperature-induced decomposition. In the long term the strength of feedbacks, for example the increasing demand for N from increased growth, will dominate over short-term responses to single factors. However, management has considerable potential for controlling the C store.  相似文献   

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