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We examined whether predator interference could prevent effective conservation biological control of Delia spp. flies, important pests of cole crops, by an assemblage of carabid and staphylinid beetles. In laboratory feeding trials we found that the smaller (<1 cm) beetle species common at our site readily ate dipteran eggs, while the most common large carabid species, Pterostichus melanarius, rarely did. However, P. melanarius did eat several of the smaller beetle species. We conducted two field experiments where we manipulated immigration rates of the ground predator guild and then measured predation on fly eggs. Predation rates were consistently higher in cages where predators were added at ambient densities, compared to cages where ground predators were removed. However, in the second field experiment, when we quadrupled predator immigration rates neither beetle activity-density nor predation rate increased. High immigration rate plots had a higher proportion of P. melanarius in the predator community, compared to plots with beetles added at ambient densities, suggesting that P. melanarius was reducing activity-densities of the smaller beetles, perhaps through intraguild predation. Thus, tactics to improve the biological control of Delia spp. by conserving generalist predators, such as providing in- or extra-field refuges, could be thwarted if the primary predators of fly eggs, small carabids and staphylinids, are the targets of intraguild predation by also-conserved larger predators.  相似文献   

The commonness of omnivory in natural communities is puzzling, because simple dynamic models of tri-trophic systems with omnivory are prone to species extinction. In particular, the intermediate consumer is frequently excluded by the omnivore at high levels of enrichment. It has been suggested that adaptive foraging by the omnivore may facilitate coexistence, because the intermediate consumer should persist more easily if it is occasionally dropped from the omnivore's diet. We explore theoretically how species permanence in tri-trophic systems is affected if the omnivore forages adaptively according to the "diet rule", i.e., feeds on the less profitable of its two prey species only if the more profitable one is sufficiently rare. We show that, compared to systems where omnivory is fixed, adaptive omnivory may indeed facilitate 3-species persistence. Counter to intuition, however, facilitation of 3-species coexistence requires that the intermediate consumer is a more profitable prey than the basal resource. Consequently, adaptive omnivory does not facilitate persistence of the intermediate consumer but enlarges the persistence region of the omnivore towards parameter space where a fixed omnivore would be excluded by the intermediate consumer. Overall, the positive effect of adaptive omnivory on 3-species persistence is, however, small. Generally, whether omnivory is fixed or adaptive, 3-species permanence is most likely when profitability (=conversion efficiency into omnivores) is low for basal resources and high for intermediate consumers.  相似文献   

The use of plant-feeding predators for biological pest control has traditionally been neglected, mainly due to the risk of them feeding on crop plants and causing economically significant damage. Yet, these predators offer advantages for biological pest control. They are mostly generalist predators that have an impact on several crop pests. They may also be able to establish on crops early in the growing season, when pests colonize them, and can remain on the target crop when prey is scarce. Therefore, management programs must seek to minimize risks while maximizing benefits. In vegetable crops, most of the literature on zoophytophagous predators has focused on four species: Dicyphus tamaninii, Dicyphus hesperus, Macrolophus pygmaeus and Nesidiocoris tenuis (Heteroptera, Miridae). The capacity of these species to produce crop damage in tomatoes varies. This damage has been related to relative predator-to-prey abundance, with damage increasing at high predator abundances and low prey densities. In this review, we analyze the use of these species in biological control programs and the associated benefits and risks. The differences in the damage caused by the four predatory species examined could not be attributed to either stylet morphology or saliva composition. However, feeding on specific plant structures where they may find the resources required for their development is what probably determines feeding damage. Understanding when and why these predators increase their feeding on plants or on certain plant parts is of crucial importance for integrating them in biological control programs.  相似文献   

M. D. Moran  L. E. Hurd 《Oecologia》1994,98(3-4):269-273
We investigated the short-term response of an arthropod assemblage to elevated generalist predator densities by introducing Chinese mantids (Tenodera sinensis) to field plots in a replicated, controlled experiment. Abundances of carnivorous arthropods were reduced by mantids to a greater extent than herbivores, and cursorial spiders emigrated from treatment plots in greater numbers than from controls. Initially, this emigration consisted only of small spiders that were demonstrated in the laboratory to be prey for mantids. Thus, the initial response of an arthropod assemblage to increased predators, densities was increased interactions among predators, which caused decline in predator population densities in a shorter time than competition for prey would require. Predator avoidance behavior must be considered together with intraguild predation and competition when interpreting the outcome of predator manipulations. Shortterm experiments may be more valuable than longer term studies in detecting this effect.  相似文献   

The success of combined release of the predatory mitesPhytoseiulus persimilis and Neoseiulus californicus insuppression of spider mites may be related to the effects of the interactionsbetween the two predators on their population dynamics. We studied populationgrowth and persistence of the specialist P. persimilis andthe generalist N. californicus reared singly versus rearedin combination after simultaneous and successive predator introductions ondetached bean leaf arenas with abundant prey, Tetranychusurticae, and with diminishing prey. When reared singly with abundantprey, either predator population persisted at high densities to the end of theexperiment. In every predator combination system with abundant prey and variousinitial predator:predator ratios N. californicus displacedP. persimilis. When held singly with diminishing prey, thepopulation of P. persimilis grew initially faster than thepopulation of N. californicus but both species reachedsimilar population peaks. Irrespective whether reared singly or in combination,N. californicus persisted three to five times longer afterprey depletion than did P. persimilis. Regarding thecrucial interactions in the predator combination systems, we conclude thatintraguild predation was a stronger force than food competition and finallyresulted in the displacement of P. persimilis. Previousstudies showed that intraguild predation between the specialist P.persimilis and the generalist N. californicusisstrongly asymmetric favoring the generalist. We discuss the implications ofpotential interactions between P. persimilis andN. californicus to biological control of spider mites.  相似文献   

Natural enemies that control pests usually allow farmers to avoid, or reduce, the use of pesticides. However, modern farming practices, that maximize yields, are resulting in loss of biodiversity, particularly prey diversity. Does this matter? Pests continue to thrive, and without alternative prey the predators should, perforce, concentrate their attentions upon the pests.We showed that a diverse diet significantly enhances predator fecundity and survival. Experiments were conducted using common generalist predators found in arable fields in Europe, the carabid beetle Pterostichus melanarius (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and the linyphiid spider Erigone atra (Araneae: Linyphiidae). We tested the hypothesis that mixed species diets were optimal, compared with restricted diets, with respect to parameters such as predator weights, egg weights, numbers of eggs laid, egg development times, egg hatching rates and predator survival. In carabids, an exclusive earthworm diet was as good as mixed diets containing earthworms for egg production and hatching, but less good than such mixed diets for increase in beetle mass and sustained egg laying. For spiders, aphids alone (Sitobion avenae) or with the Collembola Folsomia candida, drastically reduced survival. Aphids plus the Collembola Isotoma anglicana improved survival but only aphids with a mixed Collembola diet maximized numbers of hatching eggs.Predators offered only pests (slugs or aphids) had lowest growth rates and fecundity. We therefore demonstrated that conservation of a diversity of prey species within farmland, allowing predators to exploit a diverse diet, is essential if predators are to continue to thrive in crops and regulate agricultural pests.  相似文献   

The presence of generalist predators is known to have important ecological impacts in several fields. They have wide applicability in the field of biological control. However, their role in the spatial distribution of predator and prey populations is still not clear. In this paper, the spatial dynamics of a predator–prey system is investigated by considering two different types of generalist predators. In one case, it is considered that the predator population has an additional food source and can survive in the absence of the prey population. In the other case, the predator population is involved in intraguild predation, i.e., the source of the additional food of the predator coincides with the food source of the prey population and thus both prey and predator populations compete for the same resource. The conditions for linear stability and Turing instability are analyzed for both the cases. In the presence of generalist predators, the system shows different pattern formations and spatiotemporal chaos which has important implications for ecosystem functioning not only in terms of their predictability, but also in influencing species persistence and ecosystem stability in response to abrupt environmental changes. This study establishes the importance of the consideration of spatial dynamics while determining optimal strategies for biological control through generalist predators.  相似文献   

Spiders are dominant terrestrial predators that consume a large variety of prey and engage in intraguild predation. Although the feeding habits of certain species are well known, the trophic structure of spider assemblages still needs to be investigated. Stable isotope analysis enables characterisation of trophic relationships between organisms because it tracks the energy flow in food webs and indicates the average number of trophic transfers between a given species and the base of the web, thus being a useful tool to estimate the magnitude of intraguild predation in food webs. Using this technique, we studied the trophic groups of spiders and their links within the arthropod food web of a Mediterranean organic citrus grove. We assessed the trophic positions of the 25 most common spider species relative to other arthropod predators and potential prey in the four seasons of the year, both in the canopy and on the ground. The analyses showed great seasonal variation in the isotopic signatures of some arthropod species, as well as the existence of various trophic groups and a wide range of trophic levels among spiders, even in species belonging to the same family. Differences in δ15N between spiders and the most abundant prey in the grove usually spanned two trophic levels or more. Our findings provide field evidence of widespread intraguild predation in the food web and caution against using spider families or guilds instead of individual species when studying spider trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Previous studies of communities implicate many potential mechanisms that can create alternate stable states. These include density-dependent foraging behavior, size refuges reached by early colonists, environmental feedback following disturbance, and different initial densities of intraguild predators. Previous work shows that alternate states of varying stability can occur in food webs containing the intraguild predators Blepharisma americanum and Tetrahymena vorax. Differences in colonization history could create the alternate states, consisting of dominance by either Blepharisma or Tetrahymena, but it was unclear whether results depended on effects of initial density or only on changes in the resource base. We manipulated initial densities of both species to determine if density effects alone could create alternate stable states. Convergence of these communities over time indicated that differences in initial density did not create alternate stable states. By default, other factors influenced by colonization history, such as resource availability, may produce alternate states. Models of alternate stable-state phenomena should incorporate differences in resource availability in addition to direct competitive and predatory interactions to provide a more complete depiction of the causes of differences in community composition in otherwise similar habitats.  相似文献   

  1. Large carnivores play critical roles in terrestrial ecosystems but have suffered dramatic range contractions over the past two centuries. Developing an accurate understanding of large carnivore diets is an important first step towards an improved understanding of their ecological roles and addressing the conservation challenges faced by these species.
  2. The puma is one of seven large felid species in the world and the only one native to the non‐tropical regions of the New World. We conducted a meta‐analysis of puma diets across the species’ range in the Americas and assessed the impact of varying environmental conditions, niche roles, and human activity on puma diets. Pumas displayed remarkable dietary flexibility, consuming at least 232 different prey species, including one Critically Endangered and five Endangered species.
  3. Our meta‐analysis found clear patterns in puma diets with changing habitat and environmental conditions. Pumas consumed more larger‐bodied prey species with increasing distance from the equator, but consumption of medium‐sized species showed the opposite trend.
  4. Puma diets varied with their realized niche; however, contrary to our expectations, puma consumption of large species did not change with their trophic position, and pumas consumed more small prey and birds as apex predators. Consumption of domestic species was negatively correlated with consumption of medium‐sized wild species, a finding which underscores the importance of maintaining intact native prey assemblages.
  5. The tremendous dietary flexibility displayed by pumas represents both an opportunity and a challenge for understanding the puma’s role in ecosystems and for the species’ management and conservation. Future studies should explore the linkages between availability and selection of primary and other wild prey, and consequent impacts on predation of domestic species, in order to guide conservation actions and reduce conflict between pumas and people.

Omnivorous plant-feeding predators have been predicted to both increase and decrease prey consumption on resistant host-plants because of behavioral shifts in food preferences and direct ingestion of phytotoxins, respectively. To help resolve this debate, we reviewed the published literature on plant defense-heteropteran interactions using both vote-counting and meta-analytical approaches. The Heteroptera are ideal for this analysis because as a group they are broadly omnivorous, critical in the biocontrol of crop pests, and frequently come in contact with plants varying in quality. We identified 37 studies that matched our search criteria, involving at least 16 species of Heteroptera. Overall, plant resistance lowered the abundance of heteropterans in the field, but had virtually no impact on their performance when reared in the lab (aside from a significant, albeit minor, increase in development time). Prey consumption was strongly affected by plant resistance; however, the outcome was extremely variable with near equal evidence for increasing (22 cases) vs. decreasing (21 cases) predation on resistant host-plants. Thus, prey consumption is far more variable across plant-types differing in quality when compared with either abundance or performance. Heteropteran family and developmental stage (adult vs. nymph) were poor predictors of the outcome for prey suppression. Our results indicate that the feeding ecology of omnivorous heteropterans is highly contingent on plant defense expression, more so than other ecologically-relevant traits, but the factors mediating behavioral shifts in prey consumption remain elusive.  相似文献   

The loss and fragmentation of habitat has negative effects on populations of large carnivores, but ecological corridors that allow dispersal of individuals among habitat remnants mitigate these effects. Our objectives were to identify 1) priority areas for the conservation of three species of large carnivores in northern Mexico, 2) the corridors that can maintain connectivity between them, and 3) pinch points signifying habitat loss that threatens connectivity. We generated species distribution models using MaxEnt and GLM to obtain a consensus model for each species. We applied an inverse function to the probability gradient of the consensus models to calculate the resistance and identify the corridors between priority areas. With Linkage Mapper software, we generated the corridors, calculated their centrality and that of the priority areas, and identified the areas where the corridors are narrower (i.e., pinch points). Finally, we identified the main anthropic fragmentation elements in the most important corridors. We identified 6 priority areas for jaguar, 20 for puma and 21 for black bear, with 5 corridors for jaguar, 22 for puma and 29 for black bear. The pinch points were produced by agricultural fields, human settlements, roads, or combinations of these factors. Depending on the element of fragmentation in each corridor, we propose specific strategies at the pinch points, e.g., applying restoration programs, including wildlife crossings to mitigate road killed cases, promoting payment programs for environmental services or compensation in cases of conflict, to increase the support of local inhabitants for conservation.  相似文献   

The combined release of species of generalist predators can enhance multiple pest control when the predators feed on different prey, but, in theory, predators may be excluded through predation on each other. This study evaluated the co-occurrence of the generalist predators Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur and Orius laevigatus (Fieber) and their control of two pests in a sweet pepper crop. Both predators consume pollen and nectar in sweet pepper flowers, prey on thrips and aphids, and O. laevigatus is an intraguild predator of M. pygmaeus. Observations in a commercial sweet pepper crop in a greenhouse with low densities of pests showed that the two predator species coexisted for 8 months. Moreover, their distributions in flowers suggested that they were neither attracted to each other, nor avoided or excluded each other. A greenhouse experiment showed that the predators together clearly controlled thrips and aphids better than each of them separately. Thrips control was significantly better in the presence of O. laevigatus and aphid control was significantly better in the presence of M. pygmaeus. Hence, combined inoculative releases of M. pygmaeus and O. laevigatus seem to be a good solution for controlling both thrips and aphids in greenhouse-grown sweet pepper. The predators are able to persist in one crop for a sufficiently long period and they complement each other in the control of both pests. This study also provides further evidence that intraguild predation does not necessarily have negative effects on biological control.  相似文献   

The role of natural enemy guilds in Aphis glycines suppression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Generalist natural enemy guilds are increasingly recognized as important sources of mortality for invasive agricultural pests. However, the net contribution of different species to pest suppression is conditioned by their biology and interspecific interactions. The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is widely attacked by generalist predators, but the relative impacts of different natural enemy guilds remains poorly understood. Moreover, low levels of A. glycines parasitism suggest that resident parasitoids may be limited through intraguild predation. During 2004 and 2005, we conducted field experiments to test the impact of different guilds of natural enemies on A. glycines. We contrasted aphid abundance on field cages with ambient levels of small predators (primarily Orius insidiosus) and parasitoids (primarily Braconidae), sham cages and open controls exposed to large predators (primarily coccinellids), and cages excluding all natural enemies. We observed strong aphid suppression (86- to 36-fold reduction) in treatments exposed to coccinellids, but only minor reduction due to small predators and parasitoids, with aphids reaching rapidly economic injury levels when coccinellids were excluded. Three species of resident parasitoids were found attacking A. glycines at very low levels (<1% parasitism), with no evidence that intraguild predation by coccinellids attenuated parasitoid impacts. At the plant level, coccinellid impacts resulted in a trophic cascade that restored soybean biomass and yield, whereas small natural enemies provided only minor protection against yield loss. Our results indicate that within the assemblage of A. glycines natural enemies in Michigan, coccinellids are critical to maintain aphids below economic injury levels.  相似文献   

The strength of biotic interactions is generally thought to increase toward the equator, but support for this hypothesis is contradictory. We explored whether predator attacks on artificial prey of eight different colors vary among climates and whether this variation affects the detection of latitudinal patterns in predation. Bird attack rates negatively correlated with model luminance in cold and temperate environments, but not in tropical environments. Bird predation on black and on white (extremes in luminance) models demonstrated different latitudinal patterns, presumably due to differences in prey conspicuousness between habitats with different light regimes. When attacks on models of all colors were combined, arthropod predation decreased, whereas bird predation increased with increasing latitude. We conclude that selection for prey coloration may vary geographically and according to predator identity, and that the importance of different predators may show contrasting patterns, thus weakening the overall latitudinal trend in top‐down control of herbivorous insects.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to evaluate potential impacts of generalist predators on the biological control of Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Homoptera: Psylloidea), a pest of eucalyptus trees in California, and its introduced parasitoid Psyllaephagus bliteus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Based on the results of the monitoring populations of G. brimblecombei and their natural enemies in inland and coastal California in the field, P. bliteus or Anthocoris nemoralis (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), alone or both species together were released into cages with G. brimblecombei to simulate predatory interference on the introduced parasitoid in the laboratory. Although coastal sites had higher densities of natural enemies as were percent parasitism and predation, the mean number of G. brimblecombei did not vary between inland and coastal sites. P. bliteus or A. nemoralis significantly reduced the psyllid densities in cages. However, when both species were together, the presence of A. nemoralis increased the parasitoid mortality relative to the mortality observed in the parasitoid-alone treatment. Moreover, the increase in parasitoid mortality was followed by the decrease in mortality of the psyllids. The current study also indicated that predation risk of parasitized hosts varies depending on the developmental stages of the psyllids.  相似文献   

Several methods have been published to estimate per capita predation rates from molecular gut content analysis relying on intuitive understanding of predation, but none have been formally derived. We provide a theoretical framework for estimating predation rates to identify an accurate method and lay bare its assumptions. Per capita predation can be estimated by multiplying the prey decay rate and the prey quantity in the predators. This assumes that variation in per capita predation rate is approximately normally distributed, prey decay occurs exponentially, and predation is in steady state. We described several ways to estimate steady state predation, including using only qualitative presence-absence data to estimate the decay rate and in addition, we provided a method for estimating per capita predation rate when predation is not in steady state. We used previously published data on aphid consumption by a ladybird beetle in a feeding trial to calculate the predation rate and compare published methods with this theoretically derived method. The estimated predation rate (3.29 ± 0.27 aphids/h) using our derived method was not significantly different from the actual predation rate, 3.11 aphids/h. In contrast, previously published methods were less accurate, underestimating the predation rate (0.33 ± 0.02 to 1.66 ± 0.8 aphids/h) or overestimating it (3.64 ± 0.30 aphids/h). In summary, we provide methods to estimate predation rates even when variation in predation rates is not exactly normally distributed and not in steady state and demonstrate that the prey decay rate, and not the prey detection period, is required.  相似文献   

L. E. Hurd 《Oecologia》1988,76(4):549-552
Summary Two sympatric, congeneric mantid species, Tenodera sinensis (Saussure) and t. angustipennis (Saussure) exhibit intrinsically different temporal patterns of egg hatch in the spring. Tenodera sinensis hatches first, and begins to enter second instar by the time T. angustipennis starts to hatch. As a result, there is asynchrony in developmental times such that several different instars may be present during the first crucial month of life when mantid population densities are high and prey availability is low. The body length ratio of larger to smaller nymphs is most commonly 1.37, in favor of T. sinensis. This character divergence suggests allochronic niche separation which may alleviate competition for prey. However this same ratio appears to be the threshold for both interspecific predation and cannibalism among these bitrophic generalist predators. Therefore T. sinensis, which is nearly always larger, may have a selective advantage by utilizing its smaller congener and later-hatching conspecifics as prey in a food limited environment.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms that result in the success of introduced species will contribute to predicting future invasions and managing invaded systems. We examined interactions between larvae of two predatory ladybird species recently introduced to North America, Coccinella septempunctata (CS) and Harmonia axyridis (HA), and two indigenous ladybirds, Coccinella transversoguttata (CT) and Hippodamia convergens (HC). By pairing young and old larvae in the laboratory at low and high levels of aphid availability, we assessed the degree of asymmetry in intraguild predation (IGP), the strength of competitive effects on growth and development of larvae escaping predation, and the nature of attack and escape behavior among the species. Interactions were generally asymmetric, with larvae of introduced species acting most frequently as intraguild predators and larvae of indigenous species serving most frequently as intraguild prey (the two Coccinella spp., however, preyed on each other at similar rates). Because they were especially aggressive and because other larvae were least successful in escaping their attacks, larvae of HA had stronger negative effects on larvae of the two indigenous species than did larvae of CS. Such negative effects, expressed most strongly when aphid availability was low, were especially adverse for the smaller of the two indigenous species, HC. In general, older larvae interacted with each other more strongly than young larvae did, and older larvae had especially strong negative effects on young larvae when interactions occurred between age classes. Our results suggest that HA more than CS may represent a threat to indigenous ladybirds as an intraguild predator, and that IGP in turn may play a stronger role for HA than for C. septempunctata in promoting the successful invasion of North America.  相似文献   

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